The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, July 07, 1888, Image 2

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p smsm nimi EVERY AiT' ItlMV.I.i if THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING Cl, * ST JULIAN STREET, < Ki K. CGKNEK MARKET SQUARE. J - - - 7" Subscription Rates. Iraprie Tear A... D 25 Mt/Slx Mouth >■ Three Monti.* ~ , » , <F Reudttnnces must, be tb.ule by 1 ostn. Anti ’ < trder, Kegl-derid letter, or Expreh-. 3 ]. H. DEVI’.' ' Bt . ■i -i i.ass matter at : f|THF. Savannah Post office. I ruiIDAY JULA 7, fj! Representative Randall, (Denaj “Ho is not bo sanguine of Clevo ijhmd’s rc-ele-.tion.” Straws tell u fwhich whv the wind blows. The “red bandanna” is too old t?ind feeble to pull heavy weights .ft-Tjko Grover, and dead weights like h Hhe Democracy, through the year. BEF t, U y An enthusastic mass meeting of was held in Augusta. HGa., on Monday last, to ratify the nominations of Harrison & Morton. LiWhen will Savannah hold theirs? The Republicans of Utica, N. Y .• Sei*lie borne of the late Senator Conk -1 fling who cast their votes in 1884 Wagttinst Mr. Blaine, have declared plttieir intention to support Harrison tifand Mortion. es" 1 The Republican Senate has agreed so reported to increase the ap ®3pr°priation for the Savannah river. JgWill the Democratic House agree, the question. HF* ts “If Hurriiton should be elected James G Ijrißlaine will bejnude Secretary of State.” — fcjg Darien Gazette. sq If the predictions of the Gazette ti is correct, then we are positive that H the right man will be in the right lllCe - Has the Negro any rights that alwhite men are bound to respect. If quthey have, let the jury commission li|erß answer by seeing that colored e d|men have their proper representa- Bjition on the grand and petit juries of ► lithe city and superior court, ill John Sherman fought a good twilight. Il is was an honest, manly, eftipen straightforward, courageous, canvass from beginning Jato end. We record this opinion and iditbese adjectives with sincere pleas- A Ore— N. Y. Sun. pF The Democratic press of the are seriously considering nutbe necessity of changing their tact t tics this campaign, and admits that djthey will not have the “walk over’’ ‘llfhat tliey’expected. They behooves h e |heir Democratic friends to get already for the tight. r isw. The ex-slave holders considered Mt a big thing thirty years ago to e^’ Te 0,10 °f dieir s ’ aVBH !l ’Ted ban jjudanna.” At the dictation of imper » dons Grover the whole Democratic ;o,r 3Hrty is given a red bandanna. It * too funny to see Democrats down h 0 South trying to waive that piece of ig.tag as an emblem of freedom and Topctory. uns Pt We have received a copy of Tii^ ev * J* ®hnms’ book, entitled nia The First Colored Baptist Church theb North America.” The history a lf the early struggles of the Bap •rel^t 8 * 8 given in detail and m a very I interesting manner. The book is a valuable contribution to the f Dice's history, and it should be in body’s library. Let the Negro stop “mouthing” Hyj much mid act like men. A noted laicatesman of this estate, in appeal ing to hie friends once remarked to 4 iat “the argument was exhausted, j rfp must stand by the arms. e lie ope the “argument is exhausted’ atb our race. Let them demand >S ( ' r rights of fair play and equal e ajstice with all men before the law. p 1 Lm The Athens Evening Graphic ro has been lynched.” 1 es, many cailegroes have been lynched, and if x me Negroes would only for a moment 4 his rights as a man, this flatter of lynching would become Wiprocal. Then there might be 1S "fi end to these dammable proceed elaiigs. wo lunjTHE speech of the chairman of the ‘“Jepubltean National convention, on c his seat, w is an able effort, □gb nejiig the m >ny • fleet;ve remark', was the tpllowing: “I don’t “’now M ho the convention will nuta ted, j inate, but it will be a man in whom i commerce has confidence, and for i whom labor will be enthusiastic,” < And such a man is Gen. Ben Har- : rison. BLAINE TO HARRISON Indianapolis, fnd., June 26. General Harrison last night re- , ceived the following from Mr. f Blaine: < Linlithgow, Scotland. .June 25. —To Gen- ( eral Harrison, Indianapolis.' 1 congratu late you most heartily upon the work oi the National convention. Your candidacy will recall the triumphart enthusiasm and as- i i sure the victorious conclusion which follow- ( ed your grand-father’s nomination jn 1810. | Your election will Rea! our industrial inde pendence as the declaration of ’76, which bears the honored uame’ofyour great grand father, sealed our political independency. James G. Blaine. THE FUGITIVE IS FREE. Adam Morse is a free man. The decision of Judge Macdougall this morning finally defeats his per-ecutois. For the honour of our city and country no less than for the sake of the unfortunate fug itive we are glad that Morse will not be sur rendered to southern justice. The evidence innocence of everything but the guilt of striking the assailant of his own son Canadian law ought to protect no Ameri can wrongdoer from the consequences of his crime, But it should protect guiltless men like Morse from the law that is not justice, but a violent expression of the prejudices of a dominant race, The freedom that blesses all citizens of Canada* knows no clour line. It is the equal inheritance of all, and rye are glad th it the country that lias shielded so many of his race has been the secure ;retreat of Adam Morse. The foregoing is clipped from the Evening Telegram of Toronto, Gan adu. We will publish the full pro ceedings of the court in the Morse case in our next is-sue, Kev. W. R. Wilsoil, 8. D. Re signs the Pastorate of St. James Tabernacle. Mr. Editor; Please allow me spite in \otir valuable paper to slate to the public and my many friends, a few of my reasons and causes for resigning tlie pastorate ol St. Jamev Tabernacle. I resigned; First, Because my lam ily’s health has been greatly impar ed ever since we have been here, and is at times yet. Second; Be cause of a visible indifference of over two-thirds of the membership in regards to their own responsibil ities, &c. Third, Because I was virtually called a liar, in church, in the face of the congregation, on night of the 15th of May while giving charge to the Board on my •eave to Indiana and Ohio. 1 told them of some mistakes of the past years and of a few weeks ago which h id occurred by paying out the peo ple’s money without orders written, and signed; at this point I was inter rupted and insulted by parties whose hands then were in the lion’s mouth This insult I kept until 1 returned from Ohio. To settle the matter with me. 1 or they would have to go out of the church—which would have caused mure trouble among us on the part of our friends, for all of us have them; so 1 thought they could go to the right and I to the left, or they to the left and I to the right- gSome peoplo forget that ministers have rights and feelings that people ought to and are bound to respect; they are human like every bodv else. ‘‘Do unto others as ye would they do unto you.” ‘ With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” “Into whatsoever city or house you enter abide not there, go to the next, shak ing the dust of that city off’of your feet, &c.” I have more in reserve; lam full up to uiy neck. I thank you my triends all, for your aid and encouragements given me since here I have been in your midst; you shall always have a choice place in my heart. And regardless of what you have heard or may hear in reffereuce to my resignation. With these and other things that I have in resetve, are the cause of iny resignation. Yours. M. R. W ILBON. Li mber City, July 3rd, ’BB. Editor Tribune; Dear Sir:—We are having such beautiful success in our small town, until 1 am forced to mention it in your most worthy pa per Our public school begun la.-t Monday morning wi;h forty schol ars. Mr. E. B. Barco, <ur most w- r:hy teacher, reports that he has the best wishes of his fellow-teach ei . Mi. Haynes A len s.ivs hi i business is splendid. Mr. J. M. J Julies reports a tine trade in In.- Ihie of buaiues'. R:v. J. M. Junes, tUr [worthy pastor, oc. U( led h:- pulpit muimng at 11 u. m. and] again at 730 p. m.. He spoke log ically and eloquently, and is worthy | of having a large congregation at any time. Keapectfully, E. T. Sheftail. . ■ f ULMER’S LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invalu- ■ able for the restoration of tone and J strength to the system. For dyspepsia constipation and other ills, caused by disorded liver, it cannot be excelled ; 1 Highest prizes awarded, and endorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for I I mer’s Liver Corrector and take no j other. 81.00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B F ULMER, M. 1). Pharmacist, Savannah, G". ADVICE TO MOTHERS- Are you disturbed at night and broken of | your re'-t by asick child sullering and crying > with pain of cutting teeth? Tfso, sendatonce and iret a bottle of Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth ing Sykip eok Children Teething Its value Is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sullen r immediately Depend upon it, mothers, lliere is no mistake about it It cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums reduces intianiination, and gives tone and en ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow - Soothing Sykup for Children Teething is pl. as a.. tts > the taste, <i 11 ■I i . .. >. pre.-., >; pi.< e. Os one of the oldest and best female nurses mid physcians in the United Staiees, and is for sale by al! druggi’-ts throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. George Dieter Jr. —DEALEK IN- 671 o Ice G roceries, Wines, Liquors <<: Segars, W ATERS ROAD & BOLTON ST. MARTIN W. SULTER -Dealer in- CBoice Groceries, Liquors etc., Has removed to his new stur<- (\-r. Price and Gm'd ,n Streets. Win re he will be glad Io see h-ls >ld friemls and the public generally Xe" s'l’ck of irno.’s <l'l leu (I. WM. SCHEimNG DEALER IN Fiis My Gracsries w.. Cor. Liberty and Drayton S reel . Savannah, Ga. Pratt’s Astral Ou. —Safest ami best BILLIARD & POO L £i>X > loi > Sa~~ ~ ~~ NO. 78 r DECATUR ST. DOWN STAIRS T Li LT T LL., C - . Fine cushioned tables of the most costly and improved make. Cigars and Tobacco, Soda Water and Mox ie Beer. Give me a trial. STRANGERS WELCOME MILES WOBTHY, Pfot let or. A. H. COOPER. 11. N W r ALTON’ MA K Cooper & Walton, Custom Made Clothing a Specialty. A full line of Foreign and Domestic floods al ways on ha s J Cleaning and Repairing, Binding and Scouring neatly done. 197 Congress St., SAVANNxYH, GA. The Racket COd! —ST OHS. UNDER ODD FELLOWS HALL STREET NET SPOT CASH AGAINST CREDIT. We buy and sell foreash and sav. y ... erei - It lax of 25 to 50 per cent “QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS". “ONE PRICE ONLY.” Come and examine >ur prices in the follow ing linen an! see bow ur di w - « .<v. ■>, dollars. The oil, v .un . i:-- i . l • .-.i vhare alike in seen: r.j, th. ,-e low casi tlgu-r- s goods sr^no\ UM . SHOES Ha rs p < p,, gloves «... - J 'L ’' Mnd «e«cuiefs If ' Ui “""-UtE, ,ic , AC . GLMS ITlhhiliVu GiWiiS. MADAME SMITH, The isi Siir Muni Tsiicr. ■ Those who wish to consult her upon the affairs of life, in person or by mail, w ill re m ember to call at Margaret Street, :wo door- ves t ol West Broad street. She has been practicing this business for fifty years. Sue reveals the deepest secrets; unveils the future; gives successful ottery numbers, firings separated married couples and lovers together; brings back absent friends and reeieant lovers; and causes speedy and happy marriages. She has this gift from the A mighty. she is acknow edged by al to be the Queen and Star Fortune Teller ■v’tl.o'd ■: Superior, P. B. GIBSON, —Dealer in fiist clas- Family Groceries, — Tobacco, Cigars, Bacon, Flour, Sugar Coffe Tea, Lard, Butter, Cod Fish, Can Goods, Soap, Peas, Meal, Grits, Rice, Mackerel Ac.. 4c. ask the patronage ofall friends and will deliver all goods if requested by the purchaser. COli. bl MS & WEST BOUND ARYS TS Sa-vj: nneuh., Ga, I ■' 1 . r • t.! i Al I .. «•' ; . i ■ 1 • ■ ■ , v A. '<i7 1.1 - R.B. REI’PARD. C. V. SNEDEKER. YELLOW PINE LUMBER FOR AT irkolesale and retail, Planed or Rough. f?i-PPARD & Co East Broad and Taylor streets, in 8 F & AV Ry. yard. am a hsase trices Smoked Shoulder, 4,5, 6,7 and 8 cents. Smoked Hams, 5, 6 7, and 8 cents. Sugars, 5,6, and 61-2 cents. Flour, bbl, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00. Tobacco, lb. 18, 20, 25, 27 and 1-2 and 30 cents. All other goods in proper® tion Now is the time for cash customers M. J. DOYLE, CHARLES BACKMAN, lErWX .w ~ .■■ - < -...... jL. Corner Congress ABull Streets. (.Second Floor.) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ; Telephone Cali No. 100, answered da; or night. Extracting Teeth One ach, exuacting Teeth and Artificial . T< eth a specialty. Fine quality of Tooth Powder and Tooth Brushes for sale. CASH. EXHAUSTED VITALIT/ rrilE SCIENCE OF LIFE, the great -al Work of the akX. age uu Ma nil-- >d, Nervous and I'uysJcal 1> bility. Premature MJ JtfiL i*ja 5 DucUne, <f Youth, and Ln untold niis »ri<’SLon»e<iueut thereon, 3W pages Bvo, 125 2SK3(B|b»v j rescript!.-us for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, .jaiy SLUD, bj Uiftll, s< al. . 1. llluitratlve sample tree to all young 1.’..'. in! :dk> aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jew die 1 jledal aw arded to the author by the Na tl no! Medical AssocUtlou. Address P. O. box 1 host. >n. Mass.,or Dr. W. IL PARKER, grad uate . >f Harvard Medical College, 25 years’ practice in Button, who may be consulted confidentially. £;-■ -Uty,Diseases of iluu. oaiceNo.4Bulflucbst. I”——-- ■ iit-lffiT*'- *— ■ ■ 1 wonders exist in tbou-aini- - but nre surpa-M-a bv,;hv mar- ' 1 l? * invention Iho-e wi:,, ai<- in I" ed of pr dilable w ork font r.. U .„. « il-le iivil.g !,t home-.boil'll ntotii- .. ud a.ldri— t<> Hiili. ti a U<>., Portland, Maim , and i.i' ixi 1,-. f.i!i liipirrmit "ii li"w < i t . t .. ■. 1 :• ig , can «• iro from > > t<> p. r .a> no I 1 upwards v/heivx er 1 bey live, \hi a,, ,i'.u .1 < ill Hill lint li'jllll' d. Soil. .... I u.l, <Vi,lai iu a Single <145 ill l.lls .Vuld .til »i,. • W d. F. C. Lambert, DENTIST. Cor. Houston and South Broad St. - . \ Special attention given to children’s teeth. Irregularities corrected. Visits made night or day. Teeth extracted with out pain. PROSTHETIC DENTISYRy. Whole of partial sets of beautiful ar tificial teeth, inserted on gold, rlatina, pure silver, or vulcanite ru’ ber ■’■t >■ ■ ed equal to any work dou<*. iy ing the most modern and scientific in. ■ provements; which for beauty, durabili ty and moderate charges cannot be sur passed. Patronage respectfully solicit, d drTsTo. parsons' SaYS tin' pe< >!•' ;< a ing to be examined free of chai-ire o .< and drug store, corner Liberty ; M... ery streets for skm. Wood’ livi 1. lu:’g a.: t throat diseases, kidney compli ant, femaie weakness, rheumatism, old sores, deforimd limbs, sore eyes, tits, loss of manhood ai;.l .ill affections of the body. As his v.isi .siieiiee as a doctor ebtained in differ, id eoi .ti:. s 1; .1 hospitals enables Him to detect <1 <1 . < \ de:.' it would be overlooked by others. As a doctor for ladie- he has no equal and cure the worst eases of diseasee of women. He also examines and treais the eye for all diseases and keeps a full line of special.- eye glasses, etc. 11 is the hi of To u Parson's medicines, electric supporters,! L .-tr >, belts, electric lung protectors, electric hosiery, belts, trusses, splints, crutches: ladies’doil.s or toilet belts, suspensories shoulder bra«<. pi.': >, trusses pile pipes, artificial limbs, and all sur gical appliances for deformities made to ordei, a full ine of drugs ehemicas, herbs, roots and barks A Fair Trial. npUERE can be no excuse now upon the part of my people for net trad ing with me, fur I have removed to the corner of East Broad and Wheaton Sts; and keep on hand at all times, a full supply of choice Groceries, Liquors and Cigars. Come and see me if you only spend 5 cents. Y' urs, W. H MATTHEWS. COAST LINE Rail Read. Cathedral Cemeieiu. Eonaven ture and Thunderbolt. SUNDAY SCHEDULE oTTfWARDi INWARD. LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE SAVANNAH. BONEVENTURE THUNDERBOLT. 8:00 A, M 7:1,5 A M. 7:10 A. M. 9:35 “ 9:05 “ 9:00 10:35 “ 10:05 “ 10:00 “ 11:45 “ 11:05 “ l):00 “ 2:15 P. M 12:40 P.M. 12:35 P M. 3:00 “ 2:40 “ 2:35 “ 4:00 “ 3:30 “ 3:25 * 5:00 “ 4:30 “ 4:25 6:00 “ 5:30 *• 5:25 “ 6:50 “ 6:30 “ . 6:25 “ R. E. COBB, Superintendent, iwiwmr DEALER IN FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, Wines, Liquors CIGARS & TOBACCO, DRAYTON AND STATE STS. SAVANNAH, GA. PONGEE COATS —AND VESTS.— PONGEE HELMETS tai, ilput & iracta 1 km For Men and Boys, $4.75 Big Bargain for Boys THE KCKABOUT SUITS With extra pants and hat for $4.75 leads the town. 2500 PAIRS V FINE PANTS From $1,50 to 85 00. The biggest slaughter of this year. All fine stylish goods. We have too many and must —get rid of some.— WAITERS JACKETS AXD AFROIS. We are the leaders and will please every customer. B. H. Levy & Bro, 161 Congress St. I “monumental Corn Siu U-rr The Safest, Surest. Quickest :. .d be-t cure for Corns, Bunions And Warts, Shells ■ ir further I nil pain; _'v..s n • trouble; m *ui -coui fort to l! • bit; make* « Ikm-j ■ sy. Pou t -uffT aov ktifDi from 11 ■ ) Diiiif'i xeii'■v ic< ■ but ten. i. c.i with Corn Shr-ller Price Only I® cenfe. For Salt hy th Druggists-