The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, July 14, 1888, Image 2

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mmirn oil TBUSHBD EVERY SATURDAY, BY ME TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO.. ST- JULIAN STREET, N. E. CORNER MARKET SQUARE. Subscription Rates. 1,1 Sne Year..... H 25 scslx Moutbr 7S KJwee Montua W UatjUjmitt-nnees must be made by Postal Note ;re j>n«y Order. Registered Letter, or Express. gwH. H. DEVEAUX, Manager. o ' Srs as Meconu-clamh matter at Ln s'* Savannah Post Office. »»kTURDAT JULY 14, 1888 national ticket. r)w FOR PRESIDENT ! EN. BE NJA M [ N IIA R RISON, Os Indiana. rat iveft tiSS FOR VICE-PRESIDENT : ginj HON. LEVI P. MOUTON, Os New York. ' ■ ■■■ ■ *■! - --■—— T—ST— ■— -—1 Rev. E. T. Fleming is the R-epnb toil can candidate for Congress from ule ie dutiiet °* Georgia,; i» e ? ’ The idea of 11. 11. R* Burchard d eclaring for Cleveland is enough >ngr> puralize the wave of the red han hoi ana. ’J 4 The National Press Convention ’ r ieo)ored) will meet in Nashville, rktft 12 tn. ful The Democrats of Augusta. Ga.. S’ o ’ fits developed into two faction*; of which is known as the ■‘ills »r) ing ring rulers”, and the other is ith mown as the “roaring ram rackers-” s« E ■ ' — »m Hon. W. A. Pledger is making teni splendid canva-s as the Republi tan candidate tor the Legislature rom Clarke county. May success muttend your efforts Colonel, jg I 1 mi Rum, Romanism, Rebellion Bur ad »hard has declared himself for Cleveland and Thurman. Cleve and would show good horse sense ch >y vetoing the declaration, n —: 4 —■— m The president of the Catholic •of Total Abstinence Society William ■ lt ’ Sefterman, a life long Democrat ol an av * es county, Indiana, has declaim . u-d for Harrison and the Repnbli jhpan party. pußy ■" * r>i?t Twenty-five years ago the col d’-prod people were chattels bought "Dind sold on the market. Now it is tlipsseited that they own in the ag ; ftrregnte $12,000,000 worth of props ,a brty. These facts simply show that jjho race is moving onward. The Republic m National Com elnittvb met in New York on Wed ■Aie.'day last and elected Senator M ’4S. Quay of Pennsylvania, chairman, v >hd Hou J. S, Fnrsett of New Y>»tk A resolution was adopt - jtsd endorsing the Republican League '’yirgunizatioii, aibl one for the organ of women’s Republican □Clubs to support I lie National tick get. The following executive com wnittee was appointed: M. H. De •Young of California. Samuel FeSs- Jenden of Connecticut, George A. upavis of Illinois, John New of itliidiannpolis, J. S. Clarkson of lowa ?jW. C. Goodloe of Kentucky, J. Sal anc fl ester, Haynes of Maine, Gar eiett A. Hobart of New Jersey, and nJ. A. Conger of Ohio. a „ ‘‘On the Republican side, the campaign I?this year is to be run upoh elevated, open )*and level ground. Il is to be a battle for principles, fought out boldly with ithft weapons of fact and reason. This is the JiruAmethod and will command respect even Vwhefe it fails to bring conviction. To the may well be left what never ttoporery satisfaction the indulgence 4 in pefljpnliuea may afford.—Cm, Times M Star. 4 And couched among the “prin *ciples will be the demand for a free P ballot and a fair count in certain g States, sooner the Democracy of the s South comes to that con fusion, the f more prosperous will our portion of * the country be. I | As indicating the certainty of I Democracy’s downfall this year the r following excerpt from the Inter I Ocean will be read with consider i able interest: i “Cleveland can not ls» elected without the | electoral vote of New York, Harris n can. t The other time doubtfm States, N< w Jersey t Indiara and Connecticut, combined mijrht! j go Democratic and still hot elect Cleveland ' f and Thurman without New York, w'.ii^ 1 ,i without th -latter State II irri-on and Mor- i cin win wi h Indian i and eitlnr N w ■ha. i Jersey or Connecticut. These being the facts in the case the Democrats can not af ford to admit any doubt as to their ability to carry New York. But no amount of ante election boasting can stand in the way of sue cess at the poll. That State now has -nbstan tially the same election laws as Illinois. Our reform system wae borrowed from the statute books of New Yoik. Tammany fine worker* can dot defeat the will of the ma jority bv tampering with the returns in New York City, as has been often done, most notoriously twenty years ago. The total vote of the State, outside the great metropo lis, will be nearly a million, and the indi cations now are that the Republicans will come down to Harlem bridge with a majori ty too large to be overcome by the slum vote of the Democracy. COL. BUCK SA YS THERE IS NO DECEIT ION. ATLANTA Ga- July 9, 1888. Prof. R 11. WntGHT, Dear Sir.’ —I dis tributed tickets at Chicago as directed «-v a ' vote of the delegation formarly had, I know of no deception practiced on tne by any one in this matter. I obeyed the instruction of the delegation simply. , Very Tru y Yours, A. E BUCK. It - will be seen from the above note from Col. Buck, that Rev. W.J. White is the only one who ku iws of deception. Col. Buck says that he only followed the vote of the dele gation whose majority said that Messrs. Wright mid Noah John-on 1 were the tegular delegates and en titled to the delegates tickets. 'This oiigiit to settle the matter. 11. R. Wright. Rooms Republican State Central Committee, Atlanta, Ga.. Ju'y 7th-, 1888, To the members of the State Central Committee ' — In pursuance of a resolution of the Ktv public in "tate Convintion held io Atlanta on the 1811 day of Apiil last, I li-r. hycall a nieel.i.g of the Republican state Central Committee of this Slate lu ui«.ei in Atlanta on Thursday the 26th day of Julv instant at 2 o’clock p, tn to determine upon a Repub lican electoral ticket and to take such action as to a general ticket o • Stat a U< use officers as may tie deemed best for the interest of the party. It is important that every member of the committee be present. A. E. Buck Chairman Rep. State Cen. Com. Lumber City, Ga., July 2, ’BB. Mr. Editor; Dear Sir;— 1 have taken pleasure i t reading your paper lor several months, 1 find great virtue in it. Our town is in a prosperous condition. In the right view going South, stands sev enty or seventv-five brick pillars for a two-story building which will be fini-hed next fall; on the right side going North, stands a two-story building owned by Mr. (I. Alien; next a fine drug store, between these two buildings stands a fine firsti-class barber shop owned by Mr. 11. B. Ham ons, the champion barber on the U T.V. & G.R.R., he stands as one of the best among the barbers. On last Sunday evening Mr. 11, I>. and Ins new wile. Mrs. Hammons took a walk ea-twaid of the town going to the Octnnlgee river. Mrs. Hammon- a tew tears ago took a trip to the State of Vir ginia, wheie she spent several months, andon he." return bi<k she met Mr. Hammons a bather in her town. Mr. Hammons -s a member of a missionary Baptist eiiu ch tn the lower part of Georgia. The leading men of our county will sup pot t Harrison and Morton. R< spectlnily, 1. H. Copeland. CORRESPONDENCE. Jesup, Ga., July 9, ’BB. To The Tribune ; —There was a grand Sabbath School convention held at the Burbage and Lemon turpentine farm, eight miles from t’nis place, on.Siiiurday and Sund iy the 7th and Sth inst., and being Missionary ts the Baptist Sunday School work in this part of the State, 1 was invited to be present on this occasion and in pursuance of the call, 1 attended, anil address ed these good people in this far off but lively little settlement, on the Sabbath School work. Mhhv gath ered from all the neighborhood of ten miles aroun I to g iiu all the in formation possible and discuss the progress, power and future or the work. The meeting was exceeding ly interesting and profitable as well as successful, in connection with this, s>n Saturday there was a good game of base ball and’delicious bar becue which lent quite a feature of p'easure to the occasion. The Sab bath session was full of interesting items and at the close all rejoiced ioVer a tine gathering, j>l-a.<int time [and prufiitable session, The Bur i bage and Lemon firm is vrtycordi- l Ju many respec'e and assisted the, people in this there Sunday School rally most heartily, It is pleasing indeed to find that our southern white brother is growing more and more coYdial and that we are being recognized almost as a brother. Would that there were many more such firms. They were advised to subscribe for the Tribune, which they had never seen or heard of be fore. Yours Respectfully, W. H. Styles, ZJissionary of St. Joints Bap. Asa’n. A T LA ST The colored people have found a true f v -istoty of themselves. It is written by W. T. Alexander, of Philadelphia, and gives their history in this country as i well as their ancient and modern life in \ Africa. Don’t fail to look at the book when the agent conies around, and give I him your order, FRATVKLIbT JON IS | AT STALL NO. 31, IN THE MARKET, Announces to his friends and the public that he keeps on hat’d a fresh supply nt the best Beef, Veal and Mutton, ids > dl kinds of game when in season, and will be glad to wait on t-is customers as usual with politeness and promptness. Hi prices are reasonable and satisfaction is guaranteed. Go.uU delivered if doited DON'T FORGET, STALL NO. 31 ULMER’S LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable {reparation is inv-in able for the restoration of tone and strength to the system. For dyspep-ia coi’-tipau-m and other ills. cau*ed by disorded liver, it cannot be excelled Highest prizes nw-id d, and end-n'B d bv eminent medical men. Ask I >r Ul mers Liver Corrector and take t<o oilier. SI.OO a bottle. Freigh’ paid 10 any address. B F ULMER. M D. , Pharmacist, Savannah, G . ADVICE TO MOTHERS- Are von disturbed at niirht and broken of your rest by a sick child suUerins; and cryinsr witli pain ol -•utting U-etli? 11' so, send at once and get a bottleof .mrs. Winslow’s .SooTir ino syrui- for Childkkn Teething, its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sutlerer immediately Depend upon it, mot Ilers, t lie re is no mistake about it 11 e ores dysentery and diarrhoea regulatesthe stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums reduces inflammation, and gives tone amt en ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow’- Hoo rn IMi SYitui’ for Ch i i.orex Teeth t x<; is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of Hie oldest anil best female nurses mid physcians in the United siatees, amt Is for sail- by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. George Dieter Jr. —DEALER IN— Ch o ice G roceries. Wines, Liquors & Sugars, W \TERS ROAD A- BOLTON ST. MARTIN W. SULTER -Denier in- Choice Groceries, Liquors etc., 11 is removed to his new store o<>r. Price and Gord Hl Streets, Where lie will lie glad to see his old friends and the jiuultc geiu-raliv. New stock of goods <>u band. WAL S< HEUHNG DEALER IN Fin Family tain lip H:.,' Cor. Liberty and Drayton Street.-. Savannah’ Ga. Pratt’s Astral Oil—Safest and best BILLIARb~& POOL _ arlors. NO. 78J DECATUR ST. DOWN STAIRS 'Z? ZL orL ZST tL’ Gr *■ * . Fine cushioned tables of the most I costly and improved make. Cigars ' and Tobacco, Soda Water and Mox ie Beer. Give me a trial. STRANGERS WELCOME MILES IVOETIIY, Pro i let or, A. H. COOPER. h. N WALTON I*4 - I st it Ir’t’ llr 1 ffiljsiiW-' "■ '-is- *«!&&& Cooper & Walton, Custom M ide Clothing a Specialty. A full lim-->f I'-- ."i Mil l D->m-'*- c <;<>ivl* al- wm---n tin st <'lciiiil-g amt Repairing, Btmling huil 'm-<mi in. • -iv lunt. 197 C nigres, St., SAV ANN All, GA. MADAMfi SMITH, Ths mi Sim Forims Tsllsr. Those who wish to consult her upon the affairs of life, in person or by mail, will re member to call at Margaret Street, two doors west of West Broad street. Bhe has been practicing this business for fifty years. She reveals, the deepest secrets; unveils the future; gives successful ottery numbers, brings separated married couples and lovers together; brings back absent friends and reeieant lovers; and causes speedy and happy marriages. She has this gift from the Amlghty. She is acknowedged by a! to be | the Quekn and Star Fortune Teller j without a Superior. P. B. GIBSON, —Dealer in fiist das- Family Groceries, — Tobacco, Cigars, Bacon, Flour, Sugar Coffe I Tea, Lard. Butter, Cod Fish, Can Goods, Soap, Peas, Meal, Grits, Rice, Mackerel &c.. &c. ask the patronage ofali friends and will deliver ail goods if requested by the purchaser. COB. SIM S & WEST BOUNDARY'S TS. I Qa, A i i asWt ll i'. ■ i ■ V, R. B. REPI’ARD. C. V. SNEDEKER. : YELLOW PINE LUMBER f FOR SALE AT wholesale and retail, Planed or Rough, ; RBPPARD&Co East Broad and 'Taylor streets, in S F <fc W Ry. yard. iSKWaSBKT I.JI I LUI These Prices Smoked Shoulder,4, 5,6, 7 and 8 cents. Smoked Hams, 5, 6 7, and 8 cents. Sugars, 5,6, and 61-2 cents. Flour, bbl. 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00. Tobacco, lb. 18, 20,25, 27 and 1-2 and 30 cunts. Au other good.- in proper« tioi. Now is the time for ■ cash customers M.J. DOYLE. § ! Corner Congress &Bull Streets. .Second Floor.) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Telephone Call No. 100, answered da ; ior night. Extracting Teeth One DcJa i each, extiaciiug T- eth and Aitilicial T- eih a .-{- -salty. Fin- <|Uility of Tooth IP< wder and Tooth Brushes lor sale. GFTERMS cash. I’EXHAumniTALnT O'HE SCIENCE OF LIFE, the A great Medical Work of the ff age ou od Nervous andyj Physical Debility, Premature Milfcrwafeg*! Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untoldniiseri, sconse-iuent thereon, a-; pages Svo, 123 prescriptions for all <!!>ea>es. Cloth, full gilt, o«tly SI.OO, by ■*- mail, sealed, lllifftrative sample free to all young and middle aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jew elled Medal awarded to the author by the Na tl- ual Medical Association. Address P. O. box 1895. Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, grad uateof Han ard Medical College, 25 years’ practice In Boston, who may be consulted" confidentially. Si-ecialty, Diseases of Mau. Office N 0.4 DulfmchsL » r-sii- -r - . SRiASea wonders • xt-’ in ’> i-timls L’L’J,.: •.'..mi*, but are *i:rpa—. ■•..■■ ■■ Ji v, ' ! ' tlventi-’U t !.<•-' ' I (le in need of pr.-fltnble work tliatcan In-done Wh.le IB -eg at ;■ -ti-'idd nt ■ s. n.l tlleir vi | r . .. H . ■ttA t't-., I'.-r’laii M...ue, and r.c. v.-fr- t-.-.'l Cil--rtoutb>u l>-m eitli- r*. x ; , _ -..ti <mrn f - in S - ' . ■ |- . uy ~n,; opw urd-" herev-r t hey live, v>n ;)! <. -tnru-d pee, • nl'tlal n--t if itiir. I. --.n i.utt instie ox. f »|U lu it Single day ul I bls w utd AU sue- Cevtl. F. C, Lambert, DENTIST. Cor. Houston ond South Broad Street. Special attention given to children’s teeth. Irregularities corrected. Visits made night or day. Teeth extracted with out pain; PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY. Whole or partial sets of beautiful ar tificial teeth, inserted on gold, platina, pure silver, or vulcauite rubber, warrant ed equal to any work done. Embody ing the most modern and scientific im provements; which for beauty, durabili ty and moderate charges cannot be sur passed. Patronage-respectfully solicited DR. TS. C, PARSONS SaYs the- people keep a com ing to be examined free of charge at his office and drug store, corner Liberty anil Montgom ery streets for skm, blood, liver, king and throat diseases, kidney complaint, female weakness, rheumatism, old sores; deformed limbs, sore- yes, tits, loss of manhoiid and all affect ions of the body. As his vast experience as a doctor ebtained in difli-renl countries artd hospitals enables nim to detect disease where it would be overlooked by others. Asa doctor lor ladies he lias no equal and cure the worst eases of diseasee of women. He also examines and treats the eye for all diseases and keeps u full line of spectacles eye glasses, etc. It is the headquarters of Dr 8. C Parson's medicines, electric supporters.electric belts, electric lung protectors, electric hosiery, belts, trusses, splints, crutches: ladies’doily or toilet bells, suspensories shoulder braces, "pile trusses pile pipes, artificial limbs, and all sur gical appliances for deformities made to order, a full ine of drugs chemicas, Herbs, roots and barks A Fair Trial. rpiIERE can be no excuse now upou the part of my people for not trad ing with me, for I have removed to the corner of East Broad and Wheaton Sts; and keep on hand at all times, a full upply of choice Groceries, Liquorsand Cigars. Gome and see u.e if you only spend 5 cents. Y- urs, W H MATTHEWS. COAST LiHE Hoad. Cathedral Cemetery. Bonaven TUiIE AND ThUMiF.RBOLT. SEND AY SCI! E DTLE outward inward. ~~ LEAVE ■ LEAVE I LEAVE SAVAN NA H. ‘BONEVE NTU R F. THUNDERBOLT. 8:00 A. M 7:15 A M 7:10 A. M. 9:35 “ 9;05 “ 9:00 “ 10:35 “ 10:05 “ 10:00 “ 11:45 “ 11:05 “ 11:00 *• 2:15 P. M 12:40 P. M 12:35 P M. 3:OC “ 2:40 “ 2:3-5 4:00 “ 3:0 “ 3:25 ‘ 5:00 “ 4:30 “ 4:25 6:00 “ 5:30 “ 5:25 “ 6:50 “ ’ 6:30 “ 6:25 “ R. E. COBB, Superintendent. liHimraT DEALER IN FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, Wines, Liquors, CIGARS & TOBACCO. DRAYTON AND STATE : TS. •SAVANNAH, GA. PONGEE COATS AND VESTS.— PONGEE PELMETS Ihuid, Suits For Men and Boys, 51.75 Big Bargain for Boys THE KCKABCUT SUITS With extra pants and hat for $4.75 leads the town. 2500 PAIRS V Fl N E PANTS From 81.50 to 85 00. The biggest slaughter of this year. All fine stylish goods. We have to-> many and must —ger rid of some.— W.IITEHS J URIS AMI AI’IIOAS. We are the leaders and will please every customer. iB. H. Levy & Bro, 161 Congress St. MONUMENTAL I Corn ShHier . I'he Safest, Surest. Quickest aud best cure for Corns. Euni< n- And Warts, Shell- 'ft tl-eir further growtl-; >top’ nil pain; givesnotrouble; er.-ur< s com fort to the feet; make, wuiking easy, Ifou t suf! r anv h-ngi r from the?-- painful excrescences but remove them « it li Corn Sheller Price Only 15 cents. For Sak by sil Druggists