The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, September 01, 1888, Image 2

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tss snoHs warn. “pUHLJHHED EVERY HATURD.YY, BY ' THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO.. ! ST JULIAN STREET,' 1 N. K. CORNER MARKET SQUARE. >• t..- —— —-■ —-■ ■■■ •*■***• l ■— ' Subscription Rates. < >ne Year . ri 25 Six Moutbr 75 1 Three Month* 50 Remittai.ces must be Mote Money Older, Registered Letter, or Express. J. H. DEVEAUX, Manager. registered as SKCOND-CLASB matter at the Savannah Post Office. SATURDAY SEPT. I,’ 1888, '-* - T - , REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. | FOR PRESIDENT : GEN. BENJAMIN HARRISON Os Indiana. FOR VIOE—PRESIDENT : HON. LEVI P. MORTON, Os New York. « He is all right. In union there is strength. ; Support the Tribune the organ of your party. ThE first Congressional district Repudlicane are doing tbeir duty manfully, • • Chairman Pleasant will soon have speakers iu every county in the district, Every Republican const be oi duty from now until the 7th day o November next. Rev. Thos. Screen of Macon is the probable Republican candidate for the Legislature from Bibb coun ty- Georgia’s new capitol will be completed, and ready to be turner over to the State uuthonties about the Ist January. The Tribune is the only Republi can paper in South East, Georgia, and should receive the cordial sup port of all friends. The Republicans of Chatham county should have a rousing ratifi cation meeting What says the chairman of our county committee? The nominations made by the recent Congressional and county ’ conventions held in this city, seem ed to have met the hearty appro val of all Republicans. ; Until the voice ot every citizen in the land can be fairly heard and >f his vote fairly counted, the work of the Republican party will not be finished.—National Leader. The selection of Capt. L. M. Pleasant as chairman of the Con gressional committee of the first district is a just . tribute to that gentleman worth as a leader iu pol j itics. : * Lectured Crawford has been re I nominated by the Republicans of ! Mclntosh county for the Legislature It is said that Hercules Wilson | will run as an independent candi i date. | Hon. Fred Douglas will be the I orator on the occasion of the unveil I ing of the monument to Crispus At ' tucks now in course of erection in • the city of Boston, and will be com I pleted in about SO days. ' Alexander Atkinson, Esq., has I been nominated by the Republicans J of Glynn county for the Legislature | There being three Democrats in ’ the field, Mr. Atkinson’s prospect I for being elected seems good. L It wou’d not bo out of the way if I Senator Chandler would send bis [’committee down in Georgia. It I might strengthen his statement that tin «ome portion of the South “the |Negro has no lights that white I men are bound to respect .” The Republicans of Spaulding | county have refused to longer sup -3 port any independent Democrats laud has placed in nomination for |tbe Legislature Luke Evm g, Esq.l |Another weeing will' be held on! |.tliC Bth September to nominate a I camlid ite for Senator. NOT TRUE. An ordinary looking white man made the assertion Friday evening on the streetcar, that the -‘Negroes were praying for the.yellow favor to reach Savannah.” Why any man with any degree of intelligence should make such abase and malicious assertion, we are at a- loss to understand. The fact proves to the contrary that no possible means could exist for any one to offer up such prayers. The interest of the colored man in the health and prosperity of onr city is identical with any "other class When business is prosperous they certainly get a portion of the labor when business is prostrated—which would be the case if the fever reaches this city —they will suffer the consequences as equally as any other class of our citizens. Com mon sense along with self-perserva tion would dictate that they could offer up no such wishes. The Tri bune as the organ of the colored race denounces in emphatic terms the falsity of of all such statements. We also believe that the good and well thinking class of our white citizens will agree with us in nailing sueh base lies to the wall. ANOTHER OUTRAGE IN WILKES COUNTY. Miss Estella Jordon a very estim able young colored lady who was e,n gaged in teaching in Wilkes county was called out from her home about midnight by.a band of masked wiiite men and Was ordered to leave the county in 24 hours. The only fit fence seemed to have been commit! [ ed was that the young lady was teaching a colored school, Miss Jordon is about seventeen year of age, and is a graduate of the Atlan- ’ ta University, and those who are personally acquainted with her, say that she is as pure and virtuous ;<s any woman in Georgia. The col ored men of Wilkes should have come to the rescue of this lady and teach these ruffians a lesson that the white men of Wilkes would not have soon forgotten. NEGROES NOT WANTED AS JURORS, Eastman. pA,, Amr. 21 -Last wpok the jury commissioners of Dodge countv receiv ed a petition from colored citizens asking that some of their names be placed in the jury box- and in their revision the commis sioners put the names of ten Negroes in the grand jury box and forty-one in the petit jury box. This gave rise to much excite ment and last night at 11 or 12 o’clock forty or more armed masked- men demanded of the clerk of the superior court the jury Boxes jury list and jury book, and the boxes were broken and the strips containing the names with the list and were burned 500 or 600 yards from the court house, leaving the county without a jury. The above telegram to the Morn ing News of this city, speaks for itself. The city authorities iu conjunc with the sanitary board are using every effort to put the city in a safe and healthy condition. Every precaution necessary is used to guard againts the importation of ilie dreaded disease into our city. Al! classes of our citizens should vie with each other and assist th? authorities to avoid the great ealam ity that would befall us if the fever should reach our city. So far we are all right, but due diligence on each and every person in keeping their places in good and healthy order, will more fully assures of our perfect safety. The People’s Ouoice has been charged with opposing the reform association ofjMacon for a monied consideration, but the editor in its last issue come to the rescue by de nouncing the author as a “base and malicious liar” and challenges the proof of the assertion. The indications are that the Re publican party will carry New 1 ork, New Jersey. Connectiqut and Indiana by such majorities w ic'i will simply paralyze the Democrats; Lumber City, Ga.. Aug 31. ’BB I Mr. Editor; I) ar Sir:—You will please publish the pr iceedmgs of our Sunday school celebration which took place on list Saturday Mt. Calvary Sund ly school had her cele bration also on last Saturd tv. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Tue I children rehearsed their pieces, I read essays and dialogues intelli gently. Among the guests were Wise Hattie ?J seley Macon’s fairest buds, who causes the bov- to, grieve whenever she is absent from | the city; Miss Julia Patterson also> of Macon, young ladies are fair representatives of Macon. Miss Morsley is teaching in Mont gomery county at Me Arthur, about five miles from Lumber City. She reports a lively, school. This being my first attempt to write a letter to your paper, I will make it short. R. Baker. Lumbertom, N. C., Aug. 29, ’BB.I Had big revival meeting at Pekin Congregational church. Forty-six confessed Christ. .Sunday before last 39 united with the church, and I baptized I am now at Lumberton with Dr. Ruth erford, pastor of the Presbyterian church. 1 will preach every night this week and three “times next Sunday. The Republican party is working hard up here and hope to be successful. Many of the whites are strong Republicans. From here .1 expect to go to Wilmington. Hope all are well iu Savannah. SengstaCke. ADVICE TO MOTHERS Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth • ing Syrup for Children Teething its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately Dq.eud up nit, mothers, there is no mistake a',out it It cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulate.-1 lie stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens t he gums reduces inflammation, ami gives tone and en ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest ami best female nurses ami physcians in the United Statees, ami is for sale by all druggists throughout the world Price 25 cents a bottle. The Mast Worshipful ta Grand LODGE OF THE HATE OF GEORGIA Atlanta, Ga., Aug., 9, A. L, 5888. To the Masters and Wardens ' Subordinate Lodges JL F <f ril 3f., State of Georgia: • Brethren:—You are hereby di- ’ reefed to forward to the office of the Grand Secretary, 236 Wheat street. Atlanta, Ga.. $1.25 payment for your proportion of the printed pro ceedings of the M. W, U, G. L. held sn the'city of Savannah, Ga . June 26 and 27, A. L. 5888. Masters take due notice and b« goverped accordingly. W. E. Terry. M. W. G. M. Attest; F. H. Crcmbly. G. S. FRANK CITST F. JONFS AT STALL NO. 31, IN THE MARKET, Announces to his friends and the public that he keeps on ha»d a fresh supply <».' the Lest Beef, Veal and Mutton, also ali kinds of game when in season, and will be glad to wait on his customers as usual with politeness and promptness. Hi.- prices are reasonable and satisfaction i? guaranteed. Goods delivered if desired. DON'T FORGET, STALL NO, 81. Selling Out <—*—.Our Entire Stock of—*— StrawEits,liigH CsbjedPlagHits SLIPPERS, LOW QUARTERS BELOW FACTORY PRICES. Collat Bros. 149 Broughton Si. SA VANN MI, GA. The only cash shoe and hat house in the city. Chas. P. Rossignol, K. OF P. HALL, BARNARD & YCRK STS. Sods, Stety & Im lbw DEALER IN Old Bonks, Bibles, Religious ami Miscell aneous works in stock, or ordered up-m pav ment of small deposit- Don’t buy from the I Inst- llnieut Mmor B x>k Agent. If I can’t I sell you for cash a better class of goods than they, at a savit g of from 25 to 50 per cent, 1 will give them to you, Give me a trial.; Don’t forget ChasP.Rossignol, COR. BAKSA«U> s YORK STS MADAME SMITH. IE? id Star Muni ?dhr. Those who wish to consult her upon the affairs of life, in person or by mail, w ill re member to call at Marga r e t Street, two doors west of West Broad street. She has been practicing this business for fifty years. She reveals the deepest secrets; unveils the I future; gives successful ottery numbers, brings separated married couples and lovers : together; brings back absent friends and recreant lovers; and causes speedy and happy marriages. She has this gift from the I A mighty. She is aeknowedged by a! to be 'the QuvfEN ami Star Fortune Teller J without a Superior. P. B. GIBSON —Dealer in tiist ci ts- Family Groceries, — Tobacco, Cigars, Bacon, Flour, Sugar Coffe Tea, Lard, But ter, Cod Fish, Can Goods, Soap, Peas, Meal, Grits, Rice, Mackerel &c.. &c ask the patronage ofali friends and will deliver all goods if requested by the purchaser. COR, SIMS & WEST BOUNDARYS TS £ eevt.. xl all. Oa. ■ Li t - 5-. \ :i it A 1 •! - iSm R.B. REPPARD. 0. V. SNF.DEKER. YELLOW PINE LUMBEB FOB SALE AT tvholesale and retail. Planed or Rough. REPPARD & Co East Broad and Taylor streets, in 8 1 & W Ry. yard. >jOOJ&C .ATM? These Prices Smoked Shoulder, 6,.7and 8 cents. Smoked Hams, 6 7, and 8 cents. Sugars, 6, 71 and 8 cents. Flour, bbl. 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 5.00 and 5.50. Tobacco, lb. 18, 20, 25, 27 and 1-2, 30, 35 and 40 cents. All other goods in propor® tion Now is the time for cash customers M.J. DOYLE, revolutionized the worldldur- N V UfflTin?li! llS, . ln • h,st century. Not « t aif p a > tile wonders of in- ventive progress is a method and system of work that can be performed all over the country without seperating the work ers from their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do tiie work; either sex. young or old; no special ability required. Capital not needed: you are started free. Cut this out and return to us ami we will semi you free, something of great value ami importance to you, that will s,art x '-u iu ousi ne.-s, which will brin o, youin more money right aw:<y than anything else in the world. Grand out tit free. Address True is Co.. Augusta, Maine. DR. S. O. PARSOiiF SaYS the people keep a com ing to be examined free of charge at his office and drug store, corner Liberty and Montgom ery str< us for skm, blood liver, lung and tnroat diseases, kidney complaint, female weakness, rheumatism, old sores; deformed nml><. sore • yes, ilts, loss of manltood and all affect ions of the body. As his vast experience as a doctor ebtained in different countries and hospitals enables him to detect disease where it would lie overlooked by others. Asa doctor for ladies he lias no equal and cure the worst cases of diseasee of women. He also examines and treats the eye for all diseases and keeps a full line of spectacles eye glass, s, etc It is the heal quarters of Dr SC Parson’s medicines, electric supporters, electric belts, eh cti'ic luti ' protector i, electric hosierv, belts, trusses, splints, crutches; ladies’ doily nr toilet belts, susj>eusori, s siioaider braces, pile trusses pile pipes, artificial limbs, and al’, sur gical appliances for deformities made to order, a full me of drags chemicas. herbs, roots aud barks A. H. COOPER. H. N WALTON I Cooper & Walton, ; Custom Made Clothing a Specialty. i A fu.l itne of Foreign and Domestic Goods al- i ways 'uliagd i ciuiirgami Repairing. Bim’.m . u.i Scourlug ueiuly done. ImComressS , SaYAMSAH, GA. F. C. Lambert, * DENTIST. Cor. Houston and South Broad Street. Special attention given to children’g teeth. Irregularities corrected. Visi's made night or day. Teeth extracted with out pain; PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY. Whole or partial sets of beautiful ar tificial teeth, inserted on gold, plat*ina, pure silver, or vulcanite rubber, warrant ed equal to any work done. • Embody ing the most modern and scientific im provements; which for beauty, durabili ty and moderate charges cannot be sur passed. Patronage respectfully solicited PRewarded are those who read K illH I, I 1 * 1 ' 8 and then act; they will find hon icßsSia jorable employment that will not t ake . them from their homes and families rhe profits are large and sure for every indus trious person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It is easy tor any one to make $5 and upwards per day, who is willing to. work. Either sex, young or old;capltal not needed: we start vou. Everything new No special ability required; you, reader, can do it as well as any one Write to us at once lor tnll particulars, which we, mail free. Address Stinson <& Co., Portland, Mt. Cathedral Cemetery. Bonaven ture and Thunderbolt. SUNDAY SCHEDULE OUTWARD! INWARD. * LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE SAVANNAH. BONEVENTURE THUNDERBOLT. 8:00 A, M. 7:15 A M 7:10 A. M? " 9:35 “ 9;05 “ 9:00 “ 10:35 “ 10:05 “ 10:00 “ 11:45 “ 11:05 “ 11:00 •• 2:15 P.M 12:40 P.M. 12:35 P M. tf:o<’ “ 2:10 “ 2:3.5 “ 4:00 “ 3:30 *• 3:25 * 5:00 “ 4:30 “ 4:25 6:00 “ 5:30 “ 5:25 “ 6:50 “ 6:30 “ 6:25 “ R. E. COBB, Superintendent. George Dieter Jr, -DEALER IN— Choice Groceries, Wines, Liquors & Segars, W <TERS ROAD & BOLTON ST. iwrmw DEALER IN FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, Wines, Liquors, CIGARS & TOBACCO, ' DRAYTON AND STATE STS. SAVANNAH, GA. PONGEE COATS —AND VESTS.— PONGEE HELMETS W, ilpm & SsEftathr ta For Men and Boys, $4.75 ( Big Bargain for Boys THE KICKABOUT SUITS With extra pants and hat for 84.75 leads the town. 2500 PAIRS "FINE PANTS ■ From $1,50 to $5 00. The biggest slaughter of this year. All fine stylish goods. We have too many and must —get rid of some.— WAITERS JACKETS AID APROAS. We are the leaders and will please eA 7 ery customer. B. H. Levy & Bra, Id Congress St. MONUMENTAL” CNjtei Shelter The Safest, Surest, Quickest and best cure for Corns, Bunions And Warts, Shells off their further growth; stops all pain; gives no trouble; ensures com fort to the feet; makes walking easy. Don’t suffer any longer from thesa S painful excrescences, but remove them with Corn Sh ■Her. , -.<3 Price Only cents. For Sale ’by ali ; BILLIARD & P 0 O L.J arlors. NO. 78i DI.CAT UR ST. DOWN STAIRS TZu ZST T G- . Fine cushion l <1 tnoles of the most costiv and improved nmke, ( igars and Tobacco. Sub Waler and \I ix ie Beer. Give me a trial. RANG ERS WE J J ’O M E MILES IFGltim Pt ot ietor.