The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, September 29, 1888, Image 2

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HI liWIIIE Tllffllj T’UBLISHED EVERYsaturdaY , by THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., ST- JULIAN STREET, N. E. CORNER MARKET SQUARE. Subscription Rates. )nii Year. . $1 25 Six 75 Three Moatus 50 Remittances nnist, be made by Postal Note Money Order, Registered Letter, or Express. J. H. DEVEAUX, Manager. Registered as Second-class matter at ,«• Tub Savannah Post Office. SATURDAY SEPT. 29, 1888 REPIBJCAN WIONAL TICKET e FOB PRESIDENT I GEN. BENJAMIN HARRISON. Os Indiana. FOB VICE-PRESIDENT : HON. LEVI P. MORTON, Os New York. FoR congress : REV. FLOYD SNELSON, Os Liberty County. % e FOR THE LEGISLATURE : CAPT. L. M. PLEASANT, PROF, S, B. MORSE, JUDGE W H. MATTHEWS. IMPORTANT! Chairmen or Secretaries of Republican County Commit tee and officers of Republi can clubs in Georgia are re quested to send their names and address to John H. De * veaux, Secretary State Com mittee, Savannah, Ga., with out delay. Republican pap ers in this State please copy. Mr. I. J. White is the Republican nominee for the Legislature in Pierce county. W, A. Alston, Esq., have been nominated by the Republicans of Wayne county for, the Legislature Unless we unite <ve can accomp lish no good as a race. Let us drop bo much sentimentality and do some thing practicable. It costs money to run the Tribune and our friends «hould at least sub scribe for the paper and send the money for it before sending m» I ng , letters for publication, puffing them selves aad their friends. It is rumored that the Rt-pnbli r cans of Burke county Lave divided themselves into prohibition and anti prohibition parties, and Lave nom inated a legislative ticket. We it— gret to hear this, and if it is true, will certainly bring defeat to our friends. “Grave complaints were made from several reliable sources with reference to the manner in which rations are being issued, and nour ishment supplied to the sick among the colored people,” at the meeting of the colored auxiliary bureau at Jacksonville on Tuesday last, and the executive committee was re quested to look into the matter im mediately. The disfranchisement of a single legal elector by fraud or intimida tion is a crime too grave to be re- I garded lightly. The right of every qualified elector to cast one tree bal lot and to have it honestly counted must not be questioned. Every con stitutional power should be used to make this right secure and punish frauds upon the ballot.— Gen. Har rison’s Letter. Gen. Harrison has, since his nom ination. made speeches enough n fill an 8-mo volume of 600 pages, and still the crowds are flocking to Indianapolis, and are growing morel enthusiastic every day. Nothing like it has ever before been wit net* i ed. It Harrison’s votes were all al lowed to be cast and honestly <'ouu ted in all the Mates ol he Union, 1 he would be elected President by a larger popular majority than was ever ciut ior a Piesidemial caudi date. ; j THE ELECTION WEDNESDAY The election for Governor, State officers and members of the General Assembly of Georgia will take place on Wednesday next, 3rd, instant. The Republican State Central Com mittee decided not to put up candi dates for State officers. The only ticket the party will have will be that for members of the Legislature The Republicans owe it to them selves to rally to tbe polls on elec tion day and support their candi dates by their votes. If they ever intend to become a factor in local polities, and have any respect shown them as a power in politics in the future they must be united in show ing their streangth on Wednesday next at the court house. LOOK OUT FOR THEM. Look out for a deluge of Demo cratic falsehoods about, the Repub lican candidates, fro now until ti e close of (he campaign; Gen. Hat* risen and Mr. Morton ate gentle men of unblemished reputation it; public and private life. But that does’ut exempt them from the vile attack of the c ampaign liar. Just now ti e old falsehoods i>at Gen. Harrison said “One dollar a day is enough for any woi kmau,” and that strikers ‘ should be forced to work at the point, of the bayonet” have started afresh. The Indianapolis Sentinel, the Democratic paper . which originated the lies wa- forced to retract them, yet here they are ’ doing duty again. But they' will prove boomorangs to those who use . them, The people are not to be I ( leluded by any such stale and ex ploded falsehoods, and will rebuke the falsifiers by supporting the Re publican ticket, —Troy Times. We lenrn from an official source that the committee to whom was delegated the power to put out a Senatorial ticket for this district, have decided, after consulting with a number of leading Republicans with a view to their candidacy, that there will be no party candi date for Senator. This leaves the track clear for Hon. F. G dußignon, our Solicitor General who lias made himself fa mous in that capacity by his courage and fearless enforcement of the law without regard to race or station in life. All law abiding men without reference to party have a high regard for Mr. bußigiion, and, while they do wot like to lose Ilia services because of the large number ot im portant criminal cases to be tried at the next term of co lit, can but feel that his promotion to a h'ghei place in the State has been justly earned and deserved. THE CAMPAIGN TEXT BOOK » The National Committee definite ly announce the publication within the next tew days of the Republi can Campaign Text Book. This work is the only official publication of tbe Committee, and has been in preparation for a number of weeks by Mr. Geo. Francis Dawson, who has compiled the most valuable work of this class from the Repub lican point of view that has ever beeu issued. It is anticipated that the chapter on Pensions will make very effective and striking campaign literature. The tariff is treated in full, and tbe speeches of tbe leaders of the Republican party, together with important additional matter, are given complete. In short the book embodies the expression of the nu nerous leaders of the Repub lican party on every question that will be made an issue during this campaign. This work, departing from the .custom hitheito in vogue, will be sold to the public, through the publis ers of the work, the Bren tanos of New \ ork, who will make tbs book accessible to the buying public through the thousands of book stores, stands and railroad trains through the country. The Brenlanos have arranged for an edition of 200,000 copies, and I th© interest attaching to the work and tile eagerness of the public to get it, is best attested by tho enor— I mous advance orders for the work. It is very likely that the sale will j oe such as to cause successive edit ions of the book to be printed. Tbe wprk will sell fcr fifty cents, and ap plications for tbe book or the sale thereof should be male ut once to ; the publishers. , Amelie Rives—Dion Bouolcault- No 23 of Collier’s Once a Week, published 29th of September, is a literary and artistic mar vel Never have so many stars appeared in the same firmament Never have so many living authors of highest celebrity been gather ed together in one number of one Journal, while the magnificent illustrations are on a par with the fascinating literature AMELIE RIVES (Chanler) contributes a weird, thrill ing and ehchaining poem, entitled, Asmodeus Dion Boucicault commences an Irish-Ameri can serial that is bound to cause a tremendous sensation The list of contents speaks for itself Amelie Rives, Poem “Asmodeus ” Illustrated by Sterner. Marion Harland, story “Dodder .” Illustrated by Steeple Davis Julian Hawthorne, Story,* 'Sally Kirk’s Easy Chair ” Ulustraten by Hal Hurst Benson J Loss!ng, “Ploneers t of Painting in America.’’ Portrait 1 Bill Nye,Story “Crononhotonthologas.” Illus trated by Zimmerman Dion Boucicault, Novel “Hy-Bras-Ayl; or the Nine Lives of Con O’Neil.” Illustrated by Mcllvain Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Poem“Couleur de Rose” Edgar Fawcett, “The Pathos of Growing Fat .” R K Munkittrick, Novelette, “Diary of a Giddy Girl ” Illustrated by Coultans James Whitcomb Riley, Poem, “Down Around the River” Joseph Howard, Jr., “Remlnisncences ’ Mary Kyle Dallas, “Woman’s World.” Maurice Thompson, Poem. “America ” Patience Stapleton, Story. “True to the Heart s Core.” Illustrated by Pelose. Charles Barnard, “Hosv to Make a Man of a bevy ” Minnie Irving, Poem “Heliotrope.” Continuation of serials "A’Masked Marriage, and "A Woman’s Mistake ” This wondrous number can be had for seven cents, and we would urge our readers to apply to their newsdealers without delay Collier’s Once a Week has taken a lead that, from all ac counts it means to keep such enterprise is a crenit to the country, and thoaroughly Ameri can. ADVICE TO MOTHERS- Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth ing Syrup for Children Teething Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately Depend upon it, mothers, t here is no mistake about, it It- cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums reduces inflammation, and gives tone and en ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow’" Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is th« prescription of one of the oldest and best female nursesand physcians in the United Statees, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. ULMER’S LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invalu able for the restoration of tone and strength to the system. For dyspepsia constipation and other ills, caused by disorded liver, it cannot be excelled Highest prizes awarded, and endorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer’s Liver Corrector and take no other. SI.OO a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B F. ULMER, M. D. Pharmacist, Savannah, Ga School Books, School Books. SCHOOL BAGS, BOOKS, SLATES, PENCILS, &C., &C, -AT LOWEST- New York Prices. WYLLY & CLARK Black-Smith Shop! REPAIRING AND NEW’ WAGONS AND BUGGIES, Made to order, Painted and Striped Cheap, also Horse-Shoeing, Done aS cheap and ns good As can be done in The City. GIVE ME A CALL AND KNOW FOR YOURSELF, G-EO. E’JZLL. Shell Road, East Side Bil bo Canal, Savannah Ga. BILOAiR© & POOL ir arlors. NO. 78i DECATUR ST. DOWN STAIRS Fine cushioned tables of tbe most costly and improved make. Cigars and Tobacco, Soda Water and Mox ie Beer, Give me a trial. strangers welcome MILES WORTHY, Proi let or. MONUMENTAL Corn She Iler The Safest, Surest, Quickest and best cure for Corns, Bunions And Warts, Shells off their further growth; stops all pain; gives no trouble; ensures com fort to the feet; makes walking easy. Don’t suffer anv longer from thesi painful excrescences, but remove them with Corn Shelter. Price Only 15 cents. For Sale by all Druggists FRAZER GREASE BEST IN THE WORLD. wearing qualltle* are unaiirt>aaM*d, actually oiuijuttiiff two of any finer brund. krw tr. >m Animal oil.. rr*<4ET THE GENUINE, volt SALE BY DEALERS uENERAI.LV F. C. Lambert, dentist. Cor. Houston and South Broad Street. Special attention given to children’s teeth. Irregularities corrected. Visits ■ made night or day. Teeth extracted with out pain; PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY. Whole or partial sets of beautiful ar tificial teeth, inserted on gold, platina, pure silver, or vulcanite rubber, warrant i ed equal to any work done. Embody ing the most modern and scientific im provements; which for beauty, durabili • ty and moderate charges cannot be sur . passed. Patronage respectfully solicited M. J. DOYLE, DEALER IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HAY, GRAIN, BRAN. CORN-EYES, ALSO LIQUORS, WINES. CIGARS, TOBACCO Together with a large varie ty of such other goods as are kept in first-class establish ments. We present special in ducements TO CASH custom ers. Ma J. DOZLE. MARKET SQUARE. MB tel , i fe it i R. B. REPPAR.D. C. V. SNEDEKER. YELIOW PINE LUMBER FOR SALE AT wholesale and retail. Planed or Rough. RSPPARD&Co East Broad and Tayior streets, in S F & W Ry. yard. Selling Out Our Entire •''tovk of~*— StrawHilSjUgMColoreiPluglats SLIPPERS, LOW QUARTERS &C., BELOW FACTORY PRICES. Collat Bros., 149 Broughton St. savannah, ga. The only cash shoe and hat house in the city. DR. S. C, PARSONS SaYS ilie people keep a com Ing to be examined five of charge at his office and drug store, corner Liberty and Montgom ery sireets for sk n. blood, livrr, lung and tnroat diseases, kidney complaint, female weakness, rheumatism, old sores; deformed limbs, sore‘ yes. fits. loss of manhood and all affections oft he body. As his vast experience as x doctor elitained in different countries and hospitals enables niin to detect disease where it would be overlooked by others. .Asa doctor for ladies he has no equal and cure the worst cases of diseasee of women. He also examines and treats the eye for all diseases and keeps a full line of spectacles eye glasses, etc. It is the headquarters of Dr S C Parson’s medicines, electric supporters, electric belts, electric lung protectors, electric hosiery, belts, trusses, splints, crutches; Indies’ doily or toilet belts, suspensories shoulder braces, pile trusses pile pipes, artificial limbs, and all sur gical appliances for deformities made to order, a full ine of drugs chemicas. herbs, roots and barks A. H. COOPER. H.N WALTON I _ Cooper & Walton, Custom M'i'ie Clothing h Specialty, j A full line of Foreign an i Dom -:ic Goods nl -1 ways «-n han<l Cleaning and HepHirtng, Binding and Hcouring til done. 187 Uongrts, St., ‘ l VANN All, GA. MADAME SMITH, Those who wish to consult her upon tbe affairs of life, in person or bv mail, will re member to call at Margaret Street two doors west of West Broad street. She has been practicing this business for fifty vears She reveals the deepest, secrets; unveils the future; gives successful otterv numbers brings separated married couples and lovers together; brings back absent friends and recieant lovers; and causes-speedv and happy marriages. She has this gift from the Atmghty. She is acknowedged by a! to be the Queen and Star Fohtuse Teller without a Superior. COAST LINE Rail Road. Cathedral Cemetery. Bonaven ture and Thunderbolt. SUNDAY SCHEDULE OUTWARD INWARD. leave leave I leave SAVANNAH. BONEVENTURE! THUNDERBOLT. 8:00 A. M. 7:15 a M | ThT'aTmT"” 9:35 “ 9;05 “ 9;00 10:35 “ 10:05 “ 10:00 “ 11:45 “ 11:05 “ 11:00 “ 2:lo P.M. 12:40 P. M. 12:35 P M. 3:OC “ 2:40 “ 2:35 “ 4:00 “ 3:30 “ 3-25 ‘ 5:00 “ 4:30 •• 4:25 6:00 “ 5:30 “ 5:25 “ 6:50 “ 6:30 “ 6:25 “ R. E. COBB, Superintendent. huh i. DEiLER IN FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, Wines, CIGARS & TOBACCO. DRAYTON AND STATE t TS. SAVANNAH, GA. PONGEE COATS —AND VESTS.— PONGEE HELMETS Fbnsl, Ji Sswiichf JuiU For Men and Boys, $4.75 Big Bargain for Boys THE KICKABSUT SUITS With extra pants anti hat for $4.75 leads the tt>wn. 2500 PZ IRS£ F1 X E PA NTS From 81.50 to $5 00. The biggest slaughter <>t this yeai. AU fie stylish goods. We have to > many and rnu-t —get rid 'ol sortie WAITERS JACKETS Ull AI’HMS. We are the lenders and will please every customer. B. H. Levy Bro, 161 Congress St. Chas. P. Rossignol, K. OF P. HALL, BARNARD&Y( hr its. to, & Ims Jtjol. DEALER IN Old Books, Bibles, Religious and Miscel aneous works in stock, or ordered tip n par inent of small deposit- Don’t buy from the Installment Alan or Book Agent. If I can’t sell you for ca j h a better class of golds than they, at a savug of from 25 to 50 per cent, I will give them to you. Give me a trial. Don't forget ChasP.Rossignol, COR. BARNARD & YORK STS.' TXHAUSfEDITWIT rvHE SCIENCE OF LIFE, the great Medical Work of the If age oa Manhood, Nervous mid -‘-X Physical Debility, Premature ’s*’ 1 Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries .onsequent thereon, 300 pages Bvo, 125 proscriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, only SI.OO, bi mail, sealed. Illustrative sample tree to all young and middle nged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Na tional Medical Association. Address P. O. box 1595, Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKEB, grad uate of Harvard Medical College,2s jWrs’practice in Boston, who may bo consul ted confidentially. Specialty, Di. eases < f Mn i. Office No. 4 Bn’"’Wh st. « n k mim gold watch ■■■*■■ ■■ I ’ 111 ’»Gly. Best 8 H s|b k. fal w “ cn il LL Warranted. Heavy 1 Gold Hunting Caaoc £)] W\Y Elegant and magniffceit. *»*■■<■ $ \ w lL>tu ladieit’and with works and eaaea of equal value.O.\E PERSON I n each local It y can aecure one - •i, i u FKEE. Hu wis this poaadWaT f we answer—we want one per- 1 eon in each locality, to keep tn their homes.aud show to those who call, a complete line otour valuable and very useful HOUSEHOLD SA WLES. These samples,as well as the watch, we send free.and after yon have kept them in your borne for *5 months aud shown them to those who may hav* cal ltd,they become your own property: It Is possible to make this freat offer, sending the toOLilt GOLD watch and < OtoTY earn plea free, as the showing of tbe samples >n auy locality, always results tn a large trade for ns-after our samples have been In a locality fora month or two we usually g*t from SIOOO to in trade from the aurrouDdlng country. Thia, the most wonderful offer over known,is made in order that our samples may be placed at once Wbsrt they can he seen* all over America. Write at once, aud gnakMura »f the chance. Readerit will be hardly any trouble tor yon to show tbe samplea to those who may call at your home and your reward will most satisfactory. A postal card on which to write us coats bat 1 centand after youkuuw all,if yoa 4o not care to go further* why no harm la done. But if you do •end your address as uuce, you can secure >■ HI>1: ane of the tost solid gold watches In the world and our large Hue of COSILY MAMHLEto. Ws w all exprwM, freight, et& AddreaaUMU. IITIXWM A sll, rVkuLaMU, MaiMik