The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, October 06, 1888, Image 2

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in iiuiui num. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO.. ST JULIAN STREET, N. E. CORNER MARKET SQUARE. Subscription Rates. One Year. . $125 Six Mouth*' 75 Three Montua 50 Remittances must be made by Postal Note Money Order. Registered Letter, or Express. J. H. DEVEAUX, Manager. Registered as Second-class matter at the Savannah Post Office. SATURDAY OCT. 6, 1888 REPUBLICAN NATIONaHiCKET. s-: ' - - - FOR PRESIDENT ! GEN. BENJAMIN HARRIbON, Os Indiana. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT I HON. LEVI P. MORTON, Os New York. FOB CONGRESS : REV. FLOYD SNELSON, Os Liberty County. IMPORTANT! Chairmen or Secretaries of Republican County Commit tee and officers of Republi can clubs in Georgia are re quested to send their names and address to John H. De veaus, Secretary State Com mittee, Savannah, Ga., with out delay. Republican pap ers in this State please copy. In Spaulding county, Bishop H. gM. Turner received several votes for Governor. $ In Boston, Mass.. 25,149 women have registered to vote at the coin ing municipal election. * - r Tub meetings of our friends will amount to nothing if they do not support the organ of their race. Actions speak louder than words, jig*. The colored man should remem ber that a great work is ahead of him, and if he ever reaches top-most round it must be by his own exer tion. Several colored men distributed the regular Democratic ticket around the polls in this city on Wednesday last. | Fie ! for shame on such men. IJ.. & * The town election which took Slace throughout Connecticut on londay last, showed considerable gains for the Republicans which is one of the best evidences of how the Nutmeg State will go next month. - The platform of the Republican party in opposition to “trusts” of any kind is heartily endorsed by the Tribune. Yes, friends, we are opposed to trusts; let it be for sub scription or job work. Pay cash is the best motto. Harrison and Morton will get ©early the whole of the German vote in Ohio. Os tbe nine German papers in that State supporting the Republican ticket six supported Cleveland four years ago. The German mugwumps no longer ad mire Cleveland, and the Old Raman does not prove as big an attraction in hiseown State as was axpected.— N.Y. Press. President Cleveland owes bis election in a large measure to Lis pretentions about being a Civil Services Reformer. His party has taken for its motto “A public office is a publie trust ” But never in tbe history of the country has there been a time when tba spirit of civil service reform was more tbourougb ly violated and outraged than dur ing tbe present campaign by the Democratic party. It is safe to say that every officeholder in the country has been or will b® solicit ed tor a campaign contribution. These solicitations are in tbe nature of peremptory demands. The vio tim is given to understand that ui>y less be subscribe* tbe amount; required bis place will be io danger, j WEDNESHA FS ELECTION. Georgia went through the farce of election on last Wednesday. The Republicans declined to put up candidates for Sta’e officers on ac count. principally of the impracti bility ot making a thorough canvass of the State in consequence of the terrorism which exists in verv many counties chief among which is Wilkes county the home of the late “Bob” Toombs, who has left the present generation of his county an example and heritage that will some day cause them to execrate his memory. In tact the time is rapid ly approaching when every honest Georgian will regret that Toombs did not climb the golden stairs when he expected t<» c II his roll ot .-laves on Bunker Hhl. The present con stitution made by Mr. Toombs and paid for by him is now bearing the fruit he promised, i. t. that it would place the Negro .vheie he Would never be heard from. Tbe Negro cannot be beard from and a large percentage of whites are rapidly becoming mt re creatures and slaves at the mercy of a dictatorial clique, the same element that help d io carry out Mr. Tooiub's netariou* plan. The Republicans hive made an earnest effort to el< ct th< ir candi dates t-r (he Legislature i even section of the State, but if is w-li known that in certain comities hav ing laige Republican majorities ti o will ot the people will not be return ed er even asccrtr.ined. In Chatham county for instance the R<-publicans have a majority of voters if they had hi opportunity to vote. But aside from the unconsti tutional registration law for tbe c >Uiity, the outrages of having but one voting preci ct at ‘the court house for ten thousand voters ami that situated about midway be tween the’eastern > nd western lines about eight hundred yard.- from the northern line and tlie county con tabling four hundred ami twenty squares miles, opp’-rates so as to make it impoi-sibie for the Republi atis to succeed as nearly on< -third of their voters would lime to travel from four to twenty miles to vote, thereby entailing con-id'rible ex pense besides losing fom on- to two days labor. It is a rmm-trous outrage and does not exist in an\ other county in the whole United States or in any other civilize* country in the world. HOW THURMAN LOVES THE NEGRO. “Shall we nuke i Mexico of the and that gave birth to Wai-hington and Jefferson, to Marion and Rut edge, to Jackson and Clay? Shall we make the descendants of the men of 75 slaves ot slaves—never to be treed from thraldom except through an ordeal of anarchy? Shall we blindly and stop illy, for the gratification of revenge or prolon gation ot the power of a party, eutail such calamities upon < ur e »iu mou country? I trust not, 1 believe not —for I have not yet lost my an cent confidence in the integrity and wisdom of the people. Just as firmly as I believe that the Negro race is not capable of self-government—and in the lighi of science, history and experience I certainly do believe that—just so firmly do I believe that the whitt race is thus capable, and it this be so 1 can not expect it to sin rend -i its power or share it with tho-e whom God, for His own wi-c pur poses, has made inferior ad inc pable.”—A. G. Thurin >n in hi speech at Waverlv, Onio, August 5,1867 CORRESPONDENCE. Lumber City, Ga., Oct. 2. ’BB Mr. Editor; Dear Sit: —You will please allow me space in your wor thy.paper to ruake mention of a few brief remarks concerning the clos ing of our school on the 28. of las mouth which was as highly appre ciated. E, B. Barco our worthy teacher deserves much credit tor the interest which he has shown during his examinations on the 28 ult. We regret to see him leave our community, hut as he ha- re solved to return back to th • uni versity. we bid him God Bpe«d. P. E. Patterson is winding up ln ba!l of vain in our midst. do regret very much to Me|«o oi'inv worthy men leaving our efmmuuitv at one time. I>nt they mußt go. R Bp‘‘< tlullv, E. T. .'HEFIALL, The Democratic press are making many extracts from Cleveland’s messages and letter as mottoes for campaign banners, but we have not noticed that any of them have com plimented “the Old Ro nan” once. Now it would make a telling and taking motto for n banner to place over the stand where colored De mocratic orators hold forth —that quaint expression of Old Bandana — “The Negro is a prolific animal —In ter Ocean. ADVICE TO MOTHERS- Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by asick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, sendat once and get a bottle of .Mrs Winslow’s Sooth ing Syrup for Children Teething Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it It cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums reduces inflammation, and gives tone and en ergy to the .whole system-.- Mr® - Wins low’s - Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nursesand physcians in the United Statees, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Amelie Rives. This gloriously gifted Southern girl contri butes a marvelous poem to No 23 of Col lier’s Once a W f.ek, entitled Asmodeus, It is absolutely liquid tire So startling, weird and wondrous a flower of geuius has not ap peared in this century wr-wnrew in imW4W»i ULMER’S LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invalu able for the restoration of tone and strength to the system. For dyspepsia cou-tipation nnd other ills, caused by di-orded liver, it cannot be excelled Highest prizes awarded, and endorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer’s Liver Corrector and take no other. §I.OO a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B F. ULMER, M. D. Phatmicist, Savannah, Gt School Books, School Books. SCHOOL BAGS, BOOKS, SLATER PENCILS, &C., &C., -AT LOWEST- New York Prices. WYLLY & CLARK Black-Smith Shop! REPAIRING AND NEW WAGONS AND BUGGIES, Made to order, Painted and Striped Cheap, also Horse-Shoeing, Done as cheap and ns good As can be done in The City. GIVE ME A CALL AND KNOW FOR YOURSELF, G-EO. EXTELL. Shell Road, East Side Bil bo Canal, Savannah Ga. BILOAR© & P®@L x arlors. —- NO. 78* DECATUR ST. DOWN STAIRS -nA. T Xj 2ST T C3-JK. Fine cu-hioned tables of tbe most costly and improved make. Cigars and Tobacco, Soda Water and Mox ie Beer. Give me a trial. strangers welcome MILES WORTHY, Prorietor. MONUMENTAL Corn Shelter The Safest, Surest. Quickest and best cure for Corns. Bunions And Warts, Shells off their further growth; stop*- all pain; gives no trouble; ensures com fort to the feet; makes walking easy. Don’t suffer any longer from these painful excrescences, but remove them with Corn Sheller. Price Only 15 cents. For Sale by all Druggists. CHARLES BACKMA N S " == s> * 3 Corner Congress ABull Streets. Second Floor.) SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. Telephone Call No. 100. answered da or night. Exrieting Teeth One each, extracting Teeth and Artificial Teeth a speeialtv. Fin* qutlitvaf T'»>th Powder and Tooth Brushes tor sale. CFTERMB cash. F. C. Lambert, DENTIST. Cor. Houston nnd South Broad Street. Special attention given to children’s tee’ll. Irregularities corrected. Visits made night or day. Teeth extracted with out pain. prosthetic dentistry. Whole or partial sets of beautiful ar tificial teeth, inserted on gold, platina, pure silver, or vulcanite rubber, warrant ed equal to any work done. Embody ing the most modern and scientific im provements; which for beauty, durabili ty and moderate charges cannot be sur passed. Patronage respectfully solicited M. J. DOYLE, _ -DEaLER in GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, HAY, GRAIN, BRAN. CORN-EYES, ALSO LIQUORS, WINES. CIGARS, TOBACCO Together with a large varie ty of such other goods as are kept in first-class establish ments. We PRESENT SPECIAL IN DUCEMENTS TO CASH CUSTOM ERS. I£. J. DOYLE. MARKEi SQUARE. i J wt tv -JI i R. B. REPPARD. 0. V. SNEDEKER. YELLOW PINE LUMBER FOR SALE AT wholesale and retail, Planed or Rough. REPPARD & Co East Broad and Taylor streets, tn S F & W Ry. yard. Selling Out —Onr Entire of—*— Ste Hits, Light Gohred Plug Hats SUPPERS, LOW QUARTERS &C., BELOW FACTORY PRICES. Collat Bros., 149 Brouubtoii SAVANNA 11. GA. The only cash shoe and hat house in the city. DR. S. C. PARSONS SaYS the people keep a com ing to be examined free of charge at hi«oflic«- and drug store, corner Liberty and Montgom ery streets for skm. blood, liver, lung and throat diseas's, kidney complaint, funale weakness, rheumatism, old sores; deformed limbs, sore • yes. rits, loss of manhood and all affections of the body. As his vsist- experlence as a doctor obtained in different countries and hospitals enables nim to detect disease where it would be overlooked by others. Asa doctor for ladies he has no equal anti cure the worst cases of diseasee of women. He also examines and treats the eye for all diseases and keeps n full line of spectacles eye glasses, etc 11 is the heftdquarters of Dr s (' Parson's medicines, electric supporters.electric belts, electric lung protectors, elctdric hosiery, belts, trusses, splints, crutches; ladies’ doily or toilet belts, suspensories shoulder braces, pile trusses pile pipes, artificial limbs, .-net nil sii’- gical appliances for deformities made to order a full ine of drugs cheniicns netbs, roots and barks A. H. COOPER. H. N W A LTON HU'' hal Uk Cooper & Walton Custom M»«ie Clothitiff n Speeiu A full lin© of Foreign nnti )>-itt>. .".. «:■»> |. wavs >ll blind I’!eitt>l'-g Hl|<! ;■ PPi Blmllug ami Seourl nt-. !> d •>; •. l‘J7 Cwigres, St, SA VA NN Ail, <i A MADAME SMITH, Ths uh Sut Mas Tsllsr. Those who wish to consult her upon the affairs of life, in person or by mail, will re member to call at M a r'g are t Street two doors west of West Broad street. She has been practicing this business for fifty rears She reveals the deepest secrets; unveils the future; gives successful otterv numbers brings separated married couples and loveri together; brings back absent friends and recreant lovers; and causes speedv and happy marriages. She has this gift from the Amighty. She is acknowedged by al to be COAST LINE Rail Road. Cathedral Cemetery. Bona ven ture and Thunderbolt. SUNDAY SCHEDULE OUTWARD; LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE SAVANNAH, BONEVENTURE THUNDERBOLT. 8:00 A. M, 7:15 AM. 7:10 A. M 9:3-5 » 9;05 •• 9 -.00 “ 10:35 “ 10:05 “ 10-00 “ 11:15 “ 11:05 “ 2:15 P.M. 12:40 P. M. 12:35 P M 3:00 “ 2:40 “ 2 : 35 « 4:00 « 5:00 “ 4:30 “ 4 Jig 6:00 “ 5:30 “ 5-25 « 6:50 “ 6:30 “ R. E. COBB, Superintendent. mini j. mirar DEALER IN FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, Wines, Liquors, CIGARS & TOBACCO. DRAYTON AND STATE STS. SAVANNAH, GA. PONGEE COATS —AND VESTS.— PONGEE HELMETS FlaanEl, Alpaca & SKiwker Suits For Men and Boys, 84.75 Riff Barffain for Boys THE KICKABOUT SUITS W itli extra pants and hat for 84.75 leads the town. 2500 PA IRS? FINE PANTS From 8150 t> 85 00. The biggest slaughter of this year. Al! fine stylish goods. We have to- many and must —get rid ot some.— WAITERS JACKETS A.W APIIOXS. We are the leaders and will please every customer. B. H. Levy Si Bro, 161 Congress St. Chas. F. Rossignol, K. OF P. HALL, BAKNARD Y(-RK £TS. hk:, Slaton & too Depot. DEALER IN Old Books, Bibles, Religious and Miscell aneous works in stock, or ordered upon pay inent of small deposit- Don’t buy trom tbe ' nst’dlment Man or Book Agent. If I Can’t -ell you for ca*h a better ciase < f goods than they, at a savii g of from 25 to 50 per cent, I will give them to von. Give me a trial, ilon't forget Chas P.Rossignol,. COR BARNARD & YORK STS.: ’EXHWrEFVrfALiT? H'HE SCIENCE OF LIFE, the A great Medical Work of the Jb X. age on Manhood, Nervous and -A Physical Debility, Premature TB Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miserieseonsequent thereon, 300 pages Bvo, 125 prescriptions for all diseases Cloth, full gilt, only 31.00, by maU, sealed. Illustrative sample free to all young and middle age-1 men. Scud now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Na tional Medical Assoclullon. Address P. O. box 1895, Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, gmd uateof Harvard Medical College,2sycars'praci.ce In Boston, who may bo coasn'.to 1 cdnfidi ntlally. Specialty. TU-ensrs - f -■. (i-1.-- N-. 4 Pnl'.achst. I w “ cb llWfc keeper. Warranted. Heavy 1,14 Gol ’ Hunti nr Caaea. Elegant and Diagnlficank aytyWijOy j X, ■ Both ladiufl an« geuts’Blaea with vtorkd and caaea of equal va! ne. < > XIF FK B WON iu each locality can aecnre one . f tiUMplKy FHtE. How ia thia posalWaT answer—we want one par ’ aou in each locality, to keep ta Chair hornet,and thow to those who call. a. ofojj*- ▼al(table and very useful UOl MEHOLD .%.tfIFIJE Tbaae well as the watch,wea< n.i fn*.and after yo« liav« kept them in your home for IB mouths and shown warn to those who may have called,they become your own r It is possible to make this great offer, senciiug the HOLIIS COLI> w.lcband COMT V Mtuplo. fr 0.,.» the eamplee In any locality, always results In a large fcr us; after our samples have been in a locality (or a month or two ws uellily get fA>m tIOOO to S-000 h> f£o •urrounding country. This, the moel wonderful offer ever mada in order that our samples tuey b« at <»ej wb«r« they can be ee »n. ail over America. U rhe at raake>ttre of the chance. Reader It wLI bebai Ilyany troowo lor you to ebow tbs ..mplee io those who rosy call st and your reward will be most eatiafact >ry. A I* * <sl which to write us costs but» cent au i after you ku- * sU.w 4o not care to go further, why no barm »• done. But ft yoo uo send y<»ur addrsaa at once, can * * “J nest solid gold watches '.o the world and our »*'<• COSTLY SAwri r.s. Wspay oliesprres. AAdmsUlKk mmiUßl Moa •!>, ruu ILabD, MAJRB