The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, October 20, 1888, Image 2

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hi immi num. PUBLISHED EVERY~SATURDAY, BY THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. ST- JULIAN STREET, N. E. CORNER MARKET SQUARE. Subscription Rates. One Year 1125 Six Mouth? 75 Three Montua 50 Remittances must be made by Postal Note Money Order, Registered Letter, or Express. J. H. DEVEAUX, Manager. RKGISTRRKD AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT the Savannah Post Office. ’SATURDAY OCT. 20, 1888 FOR PRESIDENT I GEN. BENJAMIN HARRISON, Os Indiana. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT I HON. LEVI P. MORTON, Os New York. For congress : REV. FLOYD SNELSON, Os Liberty County. With this issue the Tribune corn mences upon another year of its labor in tLe good work of battling for the elevation of the colored race. It will continue to defend the rights of the race, and strike out for principle no matter who in s hurt by the blows. 'The Tribune has every reason to be proud ol the support given by its friends both advertisers and subscribers, and it will continue to subserve their in terests. Every colored num and woman should now subscribe for the Tribcne the organ of the race Rev. W. Ross, a prominent divine ■ of Jacksonville, Flo , died in that city from yellow fever Sunday Octo ber 7th The reverend was an estimable citizen and a devoted ■ Christian He leave* many friends tJ to mourn bis loss. The Columbus Messenger is the only colored newspaper in the United States published semi Weekly i Messrs, Harvey and McDnffee are j the proprietors and certainly de- I serve great credit for their enter ic prise and energy. We wish the Messenger long life and prosperity. ■ | Rev. Sam. Small the evangelist I Jwho was defeated at the la-t elec- Etion in the Atlanta district foi BiState Senator, refers to his den o- ■ 'cratic opponents as “godless and | ghoulish scoundrels and villians I whom it would be base flattery to |- call dogs.” Our reverend friend I cLould know what he is talking I about; he was a member of that I party a few years ago. ■ Lewis Edwards a colored bov II about 19 years of age who was I charged with the alleged crime of I killing R. J. Smith (white) a hotel |l 'keeper at Jet up some months ago I and who was tried and afterward g granted a new' trial which he ,vas I awaiting, was taken from the jail of I Jesup on Monday night last by an I armed mob of forty men, and rid- I died with ballets; and thus the I po >r Negro is treated to another | dose of Democratic justice (?) » A few Democrats especially those ■ of a liberal persuasion think it is S strange that colored men do not | flock to their party. With what ■ consistency can an honest, upright 9 and conscientious Negro become a p Democrat. Why they have not certainly forgotten that it is the 1 party of which the late Justice Taney was a prominent member and one of its bold exponents and who j declared in the highest court of the land that the “Negro had no rights that white men was bound to respect.” No the Negro is not wanted in that party as a member. If he can be used as a voter by .them, he is tickled lik- a man and brother. Colored voters are not invited to join the Democratic par ty; they are asked only to vote the Ticket. Ihe Democratic ranks have no place for the Negr<4 and it be is lucked after the election is wer, he (deserves it. The Independent of this city in an editorial on Friday last on the subject of more school facilities for colorod children, utter some impor tant facts whiah we are, on account of the importance of the matter, constrained to re publish for the benefit of a few who should be ac quainted with the facts in the case. "The school facilities for colored children are -o inaduquate that upwards of six hun dred pupils were turned away, as no provis ions could be made for their ed ication This is deplorably bad, but it can be“easily remedied. If the board of education are desirou* of furnishing facilities for the col ored school children it could readily rent the building on the southwest corner of Gwinuett and Montgomery streets, the Odd Fellows building on Duffy and Burrough streets, the hall on Montgomery street near Gaston street and several large houses in the eastern section of the city. They could be advantageously used until th« new building on East Broad street shall have been erected If anv class of people in Savannah needs the refining influences of education, the col ored children are the ones. They are anx ious to learn, and that fact is capable of de monstration bv the numbers who apply for admins.on to the schools. The should be amply provided with ac commodations, inasmuch as they are in the first place enti’le-i to it ar,d again they are dtp orably ii Detd of them. The more ed ucation they r.c ive the better they become, They grow up with i loader views and be come better ciliz ns. If there be an indif-i ferenee to their appeals for educationa facilities, they will naurally grow up in ignorance ******* Education is the only thing that will make them belli, wet! and women and as it is their constitutional right to have equal ad vantages with other race- and classes, they should have it and enjoy it.” THEY GUT IT. Capt. L M. Pleas inf. chair man of district ani county R'pnt>licn executive committee "pm-lishc card in du Savannah Pribuni-; .de nouncing Lemuel VV’ade and Unas. 11. Ebbs lor distributi'ig tickets gotten up in a special way by de mocrats to deceive Negro voters. These mcudiave heretofore been ptommenl in race am! party affairs I tit in lending themselves to such low tricks they earn for themselves lite scorn of honest men, and Chair man Pleasant seems determined i>> see that they get it. —People’s Choice, Macon. I HE eleettion for President and Vice President of the United .'nates will take place on Tuesday November 6th, and every Republi can who is desirous to see Harrison and Morion elected, should pav his poll tax. 'l'll3 office is DOW open whereby each one can qualify himselt. There ia no registry m this election. Pay your tax and vote for Hardison and Morton and S nelson. The Iri'h World speaking of Lev; P. Morton the Republican candidate t‘>r Vice President savs: "His ginerosity to Ireland, in sending to that country during it- great famine a -hip load of provisions from New York, will never be forgotten by the Irishmen of America.’ 8 Laying of Zion Saptist Church Corner Stone at Mari etta Ga. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 13, 1888. Editor Tribune:—On i'utsdin the 9rh instant, Corbin Lodge <>f Marietta, Ga., acting under the Granr 1 Master’s dispensation and as sisted bv cr Itsnieii from from At lanta Lodges, laid the corner stone et Zion Baptist church at the Gem City, and of which Rev. Bro. Smith is pastor. T). G. M.. C. M. Man ning G. M.; F G. 24.. J. I) Camp bell D. G. M.; G. S , F H. Crmnblv R. w. g. S. W ; D. 1). G. M. R A. Hall, Jr. R. W G. J. W • Bro. A. Tolliver R W. G, S ; D. D. G. M. W. H. Tillman F. A. At 2:30 p.m. the prosevssion was formed ar Mas onic hall, and under the A wmih brass band proceeded to thechnrch a large brick structure oi architeci ual design, where about one thous and people had assembled to wit ness the laying of thi first corner stone of a Colored church in the city of Marietta. The stone was laid by the craft, and a collection amount ing to abont s2<l (1(1 was taken up. Brother I H. Cnunblv then read a paper on the antiquity and relation of the craft to good government and society. The ceremonies hav ing been completed the or’ft re turned to the hall. At 730 p. ill the officers of C orbin Lodge Were installed and the craft and friei ds invited to partake of the refre-h - at the tihle. The ladies of the Gem city were out arrayed in their beautiful auturn nal co«!nines and fl iwer M . I'ne vh iting craft wag I. Fraternal! vto ure, ADVICE TO MOTHERS Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by 1 a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs Winslow’s Sooth ing syrup for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little, sufferer immediately Depend upon it, mothers, t here is no mistake about it It cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and en ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow’S Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physcians in the United Statees, and is for sale by all druggists throtuoiout the world. Price 23 cents a bottle. W P. H■ . >VardL SUCCESSOR TO W. M. DAVIDSON. wholesale dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines, and Liquors. A IVr Gibson’s XXX and A A A A, /Agent rot Whiskies, Shuflldt, Geneva. Holland Gin, Henry Clay Whiskey, Claret, Catawba, Blackberry Wines. Ginger, Cherry and Blackberry Brandies, Bass Ale and Guin ness’s Porter. OFFICE 158 & 160 Brvan St •» ULMER’S JAVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invalu able tor the restoration of tone and strength to the system. For dyspeu-ia em’-tipation and other ills, caused by disorded liver, it cannot be excelled Highest prizes awarded, and endorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer s Liver Corrector and take no other. 81.00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B F. ULMER, M 1). Pharmacist, Savannah, Qi Bhick-Smitii Shop! REPAIRING and new W.illoNS and BUGGIES, Made to order, Painb-<| and Striped Cheap, also Horse-Shoeing, Done aS cheap and as good As can .bo do,nt m The Ci tv. GIVE ME A CALL AND KNOW FOR YOUIiSELF. G-EO. E7TELL, Shell Road, East Side Bil bo Canal, Savannah Ga. BILLIARD & POOL arlors. NO. 781 DiCATUi. ST. DOWNSTAIRS Fine ciishioned latik-sof the nu»i costly and improved make. Cigars and Tobacco, Soda Water and Mox ie Boer. Give MR A TRIAL. STR aNG E RS WE L' () M E MILES WORTHY, Prorietor. FRANKLIN F. J< >N > : AT STALL NO. 31, IN THE MARKET, Announces to bin friends and the pu'.l: that he keeps on hand a fresh .suppir the best Beef, Ve.-tl and Mutton, also ~i kinds of game when in season, and «■/ be glad to wait on his customers as am with politeness and promptness. Lli prices are reasonable and satisfaction it guaranteed, Goods delivered if desired DON'T FORGET. STALL NO. 31 MONUMENTAL Corn Shelter The Safest, Surest. Quickest and best eure lor Corns. Bunions* \nd Warts Shells off their further growth; stop all pain; gives no trouble; ensures eon. fort tp the feet; makes walking easy Don’t suffer any longer from tbes. painful excrescences, but remove then with Corn Sheller. Price Only 15 cents. For Sal® by all Orugrgists CHARLES BACKMAN s__ ”'v\ ~ —— J ■•<%. • * ' * W -eV ™ « Wf "• ' B*sj zz.- Corner Congress <fcß.ul| Streets .Second Floor.) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Telephone Call No. 100, -m-w.-rml d or night. Extracting Tech One each, extracting Teeth and Artifi -a Teeth a specialty. Fine quality of To -t’ P wder and Tooth Brushes lor sa • QTTERMS CASH. WM. SCHEMING GEALEU IN Fiji Flail; M: :tc„ Cor. Liberty and Drayton Streets. Savannah Ga. Pratt’s Astral Oh. —Saf'e-t and best F. C. Lambert, DENTIST. Cor. Houston and South Broad Street. I Special attention given to children’s teeth. Irregularities corrected. Visits i made night or day. Teeth extracted with out pain. PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY. Whole or partial sets of beautiful ar tificial teeth, inserted on gold, platina, pure silver, or vulcanite rubber, warrant ed equal to any work done. Embody ing the most modern and scientific im provements; which for beauty, durabili ty and moderate charges cannot be sur passed. Patronage respectfully solicited M. J. DOYLE, DEALER IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HAY, GRAIN, BRAN. CORN-EYES, ALSO LIQUORS, WINES. CIGARS TOBACCO Together with a large varie ty of such other goods as are kept in first-class establish ments. We present special in ducements TO CASH CUSTOM ERS, M. J. DOTLE. MARKEi SQUARE. •JBiwp VwM I llihj JrA U- ‘ uip b* LWiUijftMh b>c'y. ®|| 1 ■.‘i'XyX,. V/lil, ill • I I ■ 11|| i1 R. B. REPPARD. C. V. SNEDEKER. YELLOW PINE LUMBER FOR SALE AT wholesale and retail. Planed or Rough. RSPP&RU& Co E ist Broad ami Taylor streets, in S 1* & VV Ry. yard. Selling Out —-Our Entire stock of—*— Straw Hits, Plug Hals SUPPERS, LOW QUARTERS &£., BEI.oW FACTORY PRICES. Collat Bros., 149 B rontfhi <ui Si, SA VAN Na 11, GA. Ti c only ■ ash shoe ; *;.d hat h >!!'• in the city. DR. S. C- ; saY.s the people keen a coin ing to be examined fu r of ch-irge nt his- offic and drug store, .-onu r Liber 1 y Montgom ery streets for sk blood bv.r, lung and throat diseas s. kidney <-'-it plidnt. f malt weakness rheumatism. oh! -or.-- defot-ntod limbs, sore yes. tits, loss of mi'iihoud tot.’ al 1 affections of the body. As his vast experience us a doct.-t t-l-itained in difT.-rent coin tri. s am! hospitf Is <m::b!.-s mm to detect disease .\ h--o it would !»• ovcrlo.>ked l>v others. Asa .looter for Indi--• he pus no e.mal and cure the worst oases of (hseas. e of wotie n. He also examines and ircai-' the •■ye al! .1 Isens. s and keeps a full line of sir ouit-les- eye glasses, ete 11 ! s the heH‘lQnarters I I'r «. . Parson's medi -ines, oh- -t>-;c sopportei ~ .-h-otrie belts, electric lung pn.te, tors, l.'ct'-h- : i>. <>ry. b.-lts. trusses, spy Us. crutches; Jo 'i tofly ■>: toilet bei’s. sttspensori-s slionl !er ' races, pile •russes pile pipes. ar'ifleiM b'lV's, .■ I all sur gical appliances tor deformities m-i ; to order a foil lue of drugs chemicas i.eths. roots and barks A. H. COOPER. H.N " ALTON - j-jl H mM-I 1 ■ CAT tJI i; >Mr . ’ I V t- Cooper & Walton Cueto'i '1 b C'-’tl iiiu a Specialty. A full lltte of Foreign and Ismu'sHc Good* al was*‘hi l, un i <'leaning and R< p i!ring. Binding and ’Seiairing riettUy doiv ■ 197 Congres* st, savannah, ga. MADAME SMITH, Hu IM Mi Star tam Teller. Those who wish to consult her upon the affairs of life, in person or bv mail, will tp. member to call at Margaret Street two doors west of West Broad street. She has been practicing this business for flftv years She reveals the deepest secrets: unveils the future; gives successful otterv numbers brings separated married couples and lovers together; brings back absent friends and reci eant lovers; and causes speedy and M happy marriages. She has this gift from the A ral^ hty ' Bhe is by al to be the Queen and Star Fortune Teller without a Superior. COAST LINE Rail Road Cathedral Cemetery. Bonaven ture and Thunderbolt. SUNDAY SCHEDULE OUTWARD INWARD. “ LEAVE LEAVE I LEAVE SAVANNAH, boneventure. THUNDERBOLT. 8:00 A. M. 7:15 AM. 7:10 A. M. 9:35 “ 9;05 •• 9:00 10:35 “ 10:05 “ 10:00 “ 11:15 “ 11:05 “ h : qo <• 2:la P.M. 12:40 P. M 12:35 P M. 3:o*’ “ 2:40 “ 2:35 “ 4:00 “ 3:30 “ 3-25 < . 5:00 “ 4:30 •• 4:25 6:00 “ 5:30 " _ 5:25 6:50 “ 6:30 “ * 6:25 “ R. E. COBS, Superintendent. Mmiie. Min, DEALER IN FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, Wines, Liquors, CIGARS & TOBACCO. DRAYTON AND STATE STS. SAVANNAH. GA. iwmiEs. THE Fall and Winter SeasonsinT'lSSS— 89, find jjus as n-nal with an ext raordinarily 'arge Stock of Gents Yoiuh- Boys and Chil dren’s Suits Garments and Furnishings and •is heretofore no house in the trade'can offer the substantial inducements that we can give, Qi ITQ _Our Suits cover all the most attractive OJI I Omaterials, elegantly made up and through our own Tailoring Department we give perfect custom fits wifnout extra charge It is always to our interest to have each suit go out as a special advertisement in itself. CVi-HCn ATQ We know that no Southern vUnbuni oHouse can begin ’to show as varied or handsome a line of Fashionable Overcoats in all shades and weights as we can Our Overcoat Department this season is a special study in material and . fleet. CIIU |Cil|MDQ —Suc b as Hosiery, Neckwear 1 JIl rJlluio Flannel Silk and white sh.rts in great variety. UATQ - " e art ‘ so ' e Agents for AiiUA ILA I uKnox’s Fine and stylish Hats. 'lso, have a full line of the most correct shapes in Silk, .stiff and Soft Hats for Men and Boys. Q|’7CQ— There is no man or boy of whatever 'Z.L usito-. long, short, thick, thin or other wise we .an t fiit perfectly Those who hitherto have been unable to find’extrasizes in Heady made Clothing, cm get perfectly fitted by us and without extra cost. QTCPQ -Will be glad 10 know that our I Lil Jsucce-s the past, season with • 'lergj’inru’s Suiis lias encouraged us to en 'arge tins department, and give it more speci al attention. Their wants in every respect can now be fully and promptly supplied B. H. LEVY & BRO, 161 Congress St. Chas. P. RossignoZ K. OF P. HALL, BARNARD & YURK ' TS. Slitaify & Im Dipst. DEALER IN Old Bonks, Bibles, Religious art! Miscel ancons works in stock, o> ordered tp 11 pay bent of sr- 1 1 dt.p >-it D m’t buy ♦ m the -t 'l m n Mm or Book Agent. Iflcan’t -e.i you for.-. h a belter class <-fgoods than they, at a- ivu g~f frpm 25 to 50 per cent, I will giv- them to von. Give me a trial. o:.’t forget / Chas P.Rossignol, COR BAR NARD & YOR.. -'t S. EXHAUSTED VITAIITF mHE SCIENCE OF LIFE, the T great Medical Work of the age on Manhood, Nervous andwLxvv.. Physical Debility, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent ■. A thereon, 3(X) pa es Sv >, 125 prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, only Si.Of, by 1 w i UUf mall, sealed. Illustrative sample free to all young and middle aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Na tional Medical Association. Address P. O. box 1695, Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. 11. PARKER, grad uate of Harvard Medical College, 25 years’ in Boston, who may be consulted Specialty,Dl-e-sest f Man. Of'ce No.tßul.'lnchst. A ireeper. Warranted. H«ary ‘ Huattnr Caae*, r "/J magnificent. VA Bota ladiea and <ente alwe ’ 4 ■ w with work® and caaea of equal value O*E PEHSON i lu eacb can one . FREE. How U UiUpoeafbUF f IjNhiiAhyiißSflJEjF Weanewer—we want one per- I g on in each locality, V’ keep tn 1 to tboeo who call, a complete llneofonr UOUMKMOI.O KA.WLES. Amt>l«..» well •* *be .end fr®e.»ud .her fM E.v. k-vl tbem In your hr,me f-r e montas .nd .town ib»m to who nwy h»v« celled, they Ucomo your own property: tt u tewilble to m*ke thin ktw* t otter, «ndin< the SO LU* Coi n w.leb.ud cosrw M the»tk.wln«or the Mmrle. In »ny lx.iliy. ulw.y. rwuii. In • Ur<e tar .nw oar M*>pl«a ha-« been lu * lot .lily tor a monla or two in> anally s«l from •iouo : > li-OOU hi trad, from u>. nrrooudlus country. TUI., Ibe moil wonderful off,: rear known.» made In order that vur Mmrlea m«x be placed at oca where they c.n ba.eea, all over America. Write at once.a.4 ■B*ka>ure of Um ekanea. Howler It will be hardly any trouble lor you io show theeanudee to tb.we wr-»m.y call .tyoar boma and yvar rew.rd will be meal eatieuo-tory. X |.«ul arl<« wfckb Io wrtlo ut covin but 1 cunt an-’, afte’ 1 you ko«’W al!,lf you ao« earn la r> ftuxbwr, why Bobarm ’« *‘2 *‘‘*N aaud r« addrvM al one#, cmu rHI I oua o« R- SaM eel 14 sold w.waw tn the ervrld aaA oar larf. Hue el CQITII SAMrt-KS. Wepey .J.«P~a.'’.fiu.ew nlaaoa • oa,»« us, rutiiAk i>, tuira