Newspaper Page Text
Hite .Cuuumnnli evibunc.
Published by the Tarrorrn PubhaMac Oo.)
J. H. DEYEAUZL Mamao*» >
Sew York, Indiana and Con
necticut Claimed by the
Janies Gordon Bennett, ot the New
York Herald, Concedes that Gen.
Harrison is Elected.
At midnight on Tuesday the following
dispatch was received from the New Y< rk
Herald office: “At the hour of going to
presswith our first edition the probabili
ties indicate the election of Gen. Harrison
to the presidency. This opinion is based
upon dispatches received from all the
states in the Union, and which may be
divided as follows:
Alabama 101 Colorado 3
Arkansas 7 Illinois 22
Connecticut.... 6 lowa 13
Delaware 3 Kansas 9
Florida 4 Maine 6
Georgia 12 Massachusetts... 14
Kentucky 13 Michigan 13
Louisiana 8 Minnesota 7
Maryland 8 Nebraska 5
Mississippi 9 New Hampshire. 4
Missouri 16 New York 36
New Jersey 9 Ohio 23
North Carolina.. lljOiegon 3
South Carolina.. 91 Pennsylvania ... 30 ,
Tennessee 12 Rhode Island... 4
Texas 13 Vermont 4
Virginia 12 Wisconsin 11
West Virginia... 6 |
Total 207
Total 168
California 8
Nevada 3
Indiana 15
Total 26
Total vote in electoral college, 401;
necessary to elect, 201. Conceding the
votes of Connecticut and New Jersey to
Mr. Cleveland, and regarding Indiana, i
California and Nevada as doubtful, Gen. j
Harrison has a majority in the electoral \
college. The figures show the election '
of David B. Hill as Governor, and of
Hugh J. Grant as Mayor. Mr. Hill has
made a strong canvass. The nomination :
of Mr. Hewett had the effect which his
supporters principally intended, nameb :i
the defeat of Mr. Cleveland by the di-!
vision of the Democratic forces in New '
York. The political lesson of the elec-I
tion is that the national supremacy of j
the Democratic party has been sacrificed
to the ambition of David B. Hill and j
Abram S. Hewitt, and the fact which the !
Democrats throughout the country should '
lay to heart that, in this game of politics,
the possession of the imperial patronage
of New York City is of far more impor
tance than the Government of the Union.
James Gordon Bennett.”
$ The returns received up to midnight
from 114 towns, show a Republican gain j
of 1,324 over the vote of 1884. The |
same ratio of gain in the remaining towns j
will give the state to Harrison by about |
456. Republicans elect three congress- I
men, and probably four. The legislature
is Republican by a large majority. Cleve
land, received in New Haven a majori- i
ty of ab >ut 3,000. L. D. Morris,Democrat
for Governor, will run ahead of his ticket
by 1,000 votes. Wilcox, Democrat, for
Congressman, was scratched to a great
extent, and his election is in doubt. Wil
ddiara E. Simonds, Republican, is elected
Coftglfssman. One hundred and
thirty-nVe towns including New Haven
and Hartford, Bridgeport, Waterbury, I
Meridan, New Britain, New London
and Norwich give Harrison a gain of
» 185. The Republicans gain one con- '
gressman in the state and both houses of i
the legislature.
The election passed off quietly
throughout the state. A very light vote
was polled. In the second Congressional
District, indications point to the election
of Coleman, Republican, by a small ma- !
joritv, and Democrats in other districts.
If Coleman is elected, it will be a Re
publican gain of one Congressman. New
Orleans complete, except three precincts, !
give Cleveland 13,824; Harrison 7,372. j
In the second Congressional District, j
Elliott goes outirf the cits with *>,**’>o
majority. J attjul returns from parishes
ieny electiuu of Elliott. i
Our latest estimate gives New York to
j Harrison by from 5,000, to 8,000. —J. A.
Cockrell. [Mr. Cockrell is managing ed
itor of ths BwW.] Harrison's plurality
| in New York state is eight or ten thou
, sand,and he is undoubtedly elected. —The
Sun. The Times says indications are that
corrected returns from the interior may
yet give the state to Cleveland. The
Tribune claims the Congress Repub
lican by twenty-five majority.
Again the presidency hangs on the slen
der thread of a few thousand votes in
i New York state. 'J he Democrats are
i confident in their claim that Cleveland's
majority will not be less than 5,000.
These are narrow margins, but they rep
resent the situation. New York gives
Cleveland 55,000 majority, and Brooklyn
adds 12,000, which, with Queens and
Kings counties’ majorities, gives Cleve
land not more than 70,000 south of the
Harlem. Blaine came to the Harlem
! with 62,000 majority. Garfield had 74,.
■ 000. If Harrison does not do better than
j Blaine, he loses; if he docs as well as
| GarOeld he wins. He has made strong
: and unexpected gains in some portions of
the interior of the state, but in others he
has fallen behind, and for this reason it
is hard to estimate the result in the coun
ties not yet heard from. It will take a
close count to decide the question. The
i plurality for Cleveland below the Har
lem river instead of the 80,000 or 85,000
confidently expected by Democrats, ap
pears to be only about 70,000. Outside
jof New York and Kings counties the
Republican gain have thus far been steady
with each additional report of the elec
tion distiicts. In New York and King's
counties the plurality for Cleveland, with
i King’s comple and New York nearly
' complete, appears to be not more than
(17,800, and four years ago the plurality
against Mr. Blaine in those counties was
58,793. The Democratic gain in these
counties is, therefore, only about 9,000,
but Republican gains of 5,482 have been
reported in precincts embracing tfbout
one-filth of the remainin'? vote of the
; state. The majority for Harrison in the
i state would exceed 17,000, but if the
gains on four-fifths yet unreport
ed of the vote outside of New
i York and Kings should be only
' double the gain on the one-fifth reported,
■ Harrison would still have a safe plurality.
The bureau of election in New York
City issued corrected complete figures on
the electoral ticket as follows: Harrison,
105,726; Cleveland, 162,981—Cleve
land’s majority, 57,255. 904 election
d strict.?, New York state outside of New
York and Kings county, give Cleveland
176,851; Harrison, 222,569; Fisk, 10,-
465. The same districts in ’B4 gave
Cleveland 163.457, Blaine, 198,552; St.
John 9,620. The very latest on Wed
nesday morning from Clark Howell, o f
the Atlanta Constitution says: “Harrison
has carried New York. He did it after
most of the city bulletin boards were
deserted, and the thousands of eager
spectators had gone home, satisfied of
Cleveland’s election. The late returns
from the interior of the state settle the
result and give the electoral vote of the
state to Harrison over a man, who, a few
years ago received in the state the larg
est majority ever given a candidate for
I governor in any state.”
New York’s majority is about 13,000
for Gen. Harrison.
Returns came very slowly. The dis
tricts unofficially heard from show Dem
ocratic gains in the colored counties,
i while the Republicans show gains in the
s same ratio in several of the white coun
j ties over the vote in 1884. Cleveland’s
i majority in Richmond city, is 1,942.
i Wise's majority for Congress is R 720”
Wise’s majority in this (the third) dis-
I trict is estimated at 1,000. The vole in
i the first congressional district is very
close, and the district is claimed by both
i lides.
There was a large vote polled. Harri
son run considerably ahead of the state
i ticket in Des Moines vicinity. The
I railroad men generally voted for Demo
: cratic railroad commissioners. Several
Democrats of the city were arrested for
distribution of suspicious ballots. The
I state Republican ticket is probably car
i lied by 15,000 to 20,000.
j Scattering returns from various parts
i of the state indicate that the state harf
! gone for Cleveland by about the same
majority as in 1884, about 17,000. In
j dications are that the Democrats are
' elected in all the districts except the
first, second and fifth, from which sulli-
I cient returns have not been received to
indicate the result.
I Ninety-three towns in the Mate gve
I Harrison 18,627; Cleveland 14,406. The
sanue towns in 1884 gave Blaine 15,904;
! Cleveland 13,801. . Net Republican gain
2,348. Burke, 1 W'r for
I Governor, wuxt \liit defeat by 2,000.
Fully 100,000 people were on the
streets of Indianapolis at night. Rumors
concerning state were eagerly sought
after, and every word was made the oc
’ c. sion of a of horn blowing,
yelling and scene< of the wildest demon
' stration, only equaled on receipt of news
of Haralson’s nomination. Telegrams
from '! erre Haute, Vincennes, Evansville
and New Albany told of rainy weather
and heavy voting in all these cities, with
’ a number of arrests, but no trouble. In
‘ noithern Indiana things were quiet, and
but few arrests are krrwn to have been
made. Local citizens arrested were car
ried before the United States commis
sioner and all gave bonds promptly. The
only persons that were incarcerated were
a number of tramps and haid looking
characters picked up early in the day who
were unable to give bail. Eighty pre
cincts in Indiana gives Harrison 8.860;
Cleveland, 7,791. The same precincts
in 1884 gave Blaine 8,330; Cleveland,
7.343. 220 precincts, Harrison, 29,748;
Cleveland, 24,493. The same precincts
in 1884 gave Blaine 27,888; Cleveland,
23,955. 100 precincts give Harrison
11,961; Cleveland, 9,966 —in 1884 they
gave Blaine 11,261; Cleveland, 9 558.
The following late dispatch from P. J.
Moran, of the Atlanta Constitution tells
the story: “The unfavorable news con
tinues to pour in, both from the state
and the country at large. The re
publican ratio of gain in Indiana thus far
will give them a net maiority of 5,000
votes. The vote in Marion, the county
in which Indianapolis is situated, has not
been counted at this hour. It is claimed,
however, that it votes against Harrison
and elects Bynum to Congress. Com
plaint by the leaders here is strong
against New York. They say that New
York insisted on the candidate and also
deprived Indiana of the second place,
and then bled the state for contributions
and finally failed to give its vote to
Cleveland. They claim that in the fu
ture New York should be put under pro
tection, nnd that future battles should be
fought on different lines. The Republi
cans are boisterous in saying that the
Solid South must be smashed. This
seems to be the great bugbear with the
Republicans. Chairman Hutson, the
Republican chairman, says: ‘We have
carried the state; we have got New York
and Indiana, and General Harrison will
be sworn in a? President on the 4th of
next March.’ To quote from all the lights
at hand, ‘the light has gone against us.”
The state will send a solid Democratic
delegation to Congress. The State Dem
ocratic Executive Committee have re
ceived information from different parts
of the state, indicating that all the dis
tricts have been carried by the Demo
crats. The list of representatives in the
next Congress will be as follows by dis
tricts: First district, R. 11. Clark;
second district, 11. A. Herbert; third
district, W. C. Oates; fourth district, S.
W. Turpin; fifth district, J. E. Cobbs;
sixth district, J. H. Bankhead ; seventh
district, W. 11. Forney; eighth district,
Joseph Wheeler. The closed; contest is
in the fourth district, where the Demo
cratic candidate is opposed by J. V. Mc-
Duffie, Republican, but unless all signs
fail, the Democrats have won the fight
there. Cleveland’s majority will be
about the same as in 1884.
Fifty-six precincts in Nebraska, out
side of Douglas county, gives Harrison
6,595, Cleveland 4,997. McShane, Dem
ocrat, for governor, run ahead of big
The election passed off quietly all
through the state. The fourth brigade
of state troops was under arms all day,
under the command of Adjutant-General
Bonham, in the expectation of their ser
vices being needed in the interior of the
state to preserve the peace and protect
the polls. A special train was kept at
the disposal of the state. Advices re
ceived indicate the election of a clean
democratic delegation to Congress. The
only doubtful district is the 7th, but
[ Elliott is very popular in Beaufort and
J Berkely. It is thought that Elliott will
i get from 500 to 1.000 plurality. The
i democratic county ticket in Berkley is
‘ elected by a handsome majority, and the
: latest advices indicate the election of the
I fusion county ticket in B aufort, as
I against the regular republican ticket.
■ Arlvices from C< lumbia say: “The vote
; in this sta'e was light, being about 60,-
■ 000. Thousands of negroes -went to the
i polls without registration tickets and
; could not vote. The returns at 10:00
I p. m. indicate a majority for Cleveland
’ of 35,000, and that McKinley and Miller,
J republicans, running in the first ami
l sevefirft districts in opposition to Dibble
I and Elliott, have been defeated. No
blued hed has been report'd.”
Indications arc Hat Fi; ley, Rcpubll
fari, in the 11th district is elected. Ail
Xbtr disttku look Democratic.
I 1
In Southern Illinois it rained at sev- ;
eral points most of the day. All repor s
so far received, outside of Cook county,
show small Republican gains, which if
maintained, will give Harrison several
thousand gain over Blaine’s vote in 1884.
Palmer’s vote for governor is greater than
Cleveland’s at all points yet heard from.
If this ratio is maintained in the state,
Harrison's plurality will be about 25,000.
Present figures indicate the election ot
Fifer, Republican, for governor. by about
5,000 to 8,009 plurality, but this is un
It was roughly estimated, at St. Paul,
that when the polls closed, 6,000 to 9.000
St. Paul voters had failed to get their
ballots in, because of the heavy registra
tion, and slowness of the inspectors.
Great indignation is expressed, especially
by the Democrats, as a vote of the city
usually shows a Democratic majority.
The Republican state committee claims
state for Harrison by 2,500, Ninety■<
two precincts give Harrison 12,606;
Cleveland 10,346; Fisk 901.
The chairmen of both state committees
claim the state. The result in the state
will probably not be known for some
The returns came in slowly, but indi
cations point to a much smaller Demo
cratic vote than was anticipated.
The returns from the other statrs are
so meager and unsatisfactory, that news
will be deferred until a later hour.
One hundred and fifty towns give
Harrison 47,520, Cleveland 33,785, lisle
2,648. The same towns in 1884 gave
Blaine 38,426, Cleveland 28,778, Butler
6,561, St. John 2,861.
Returns show between 23,000 and
24,000 plurality for Harrison, a gain of j
4,000 over 1884.
A New York Tribune bulletin says ■
Rhode Island trees Republican by 4,000 1
plurality. The latest official returns ;
were: Harrison 21,968; Cleveland 17,-
496; Fisk 1,376.
Ninety-six precincts in Oregon out of i
496, outside of Portland, Harrison 2,767; 1
Cleveland 9,926; Fisk 730. The same
pr cincts in 1881 gave Blaine 10,110;
Cleveland 9,052.
Among the prominent citizens arrested
by United States deputy marshals in In- '
diauapolis, Ind., were A. B. Nordyke, !
D. W. Mormon and Barnard Rorrison,
composing the well known manufactur- j
ing firm of Nordyke, Mormon & Co. 'j
They were arrested for having scratched j
ballots in their hands which they were {
distributing. The charge was that they ’
were deceiving voters. They were at
once taken before the United States
commissioner, and at once released on !
their own recognizance. Harrison i
New, son of Colonel John New,
and one of the proprietors of the Journal, i
was arrested by a deputy United States >
marshal fc-r interfering with an officer. :
According to the best obtainable infor- ;
mation, the deputy marshal arresteel a !
negro, and New asked the deputy what
the charge against the man was, and the
officer is said to have replied: “None of
your business.” Whereupon Newsaid:
“I will make it my business,” and the
officer took him in. He was released by
the commissioner on bond, and at onc«
instituted suit against United Slates
Marshal Hawkins for $2,000 damages,
the papers being served on the murahal
at once.
P. J. Moran, the correspondent of the
Atlanta Constitution, telegraphed: “As
a piece of gossip picked up here to-night
I learned that the names of Hon. A. E.
Buck for postmaster-general and Mr. R.
T. Dow for postmaster at Atlanta has
been under favorable consideration of I
General Harrison if he should become i
The rain had ceased shorH« Indian- I
apolis, Ind., before two men weariu o fall
overcoats with collars turned up walked !
quietly along Seventh street and entered j
the polling place. They were Gen. Bar- i
risen and his son Russell. Tire distance
from their re.-idencc to the polling place
is some three and a half squares. The
chute being open when the general ar- |
rived, he walked up tirthe window and I
in the quietest possible manner handed i
in his ballot. As the inspector drop'K-d
the paper in the box he called out the
name "Benjamin Harrison,” and the |
clerk responded “Number 237,” signify- '
ing the number of ballots cast up to that i
time. As this piecinct only east 302
votes in 1881, anti 357,in 1880, it will be
seen that over two-tbkds of the vote wan
iu at half past |gn. Russt-ll Harri
son did not citizeu of Mon
tana. .MbM
111.25 Per Annum; 75 e»nts tor Bix Months;
4 50 cents Three Months; Single Copies
( 5 cents' -In Advsnoa.
Acting Secretary of the Navy Har
mony has approved tlie findings and sen
tence of the court martial in the case, of
Lieut. Nelson T. Houston, who was found
guilty of scandalous conduct tending to
the destruction of good morals. His of
fence consisted in obtaining, by bribing
an employe, a copy of the questions to
be propounded to the torpedo class, of
which he was a member. The sentedCo
of the court is that Lieut. Houston b©
suspended from duty for three years on
half waiting orders pay, to retain his
I r.sent number in his grade nnd to be
publicly reprimanded by the Secretary
of the Navy.
A colored Catholic congress will meet
nt Washington, January 1, 1889. The
historic event indicated was proposed by
Daniel A. Rudd, of Cincinnati, Ohio,
edit< rof a Catholic paprr for colored
readers, and owned atm controlled by a
member of the Roman church. Cardi
nal Gibbons, of Baltimore, and Arch
bishop E der, of Cincinnati, and other
prelates, give the arrangements for tha
congress earnest encouragement, and tbs
Catholic press generally favors the as
sembling together of leading colored
people attached to their church. There
are b< licve'i to be about 200,000 colored
Catholics in the United States. In Tex
as, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, South.
Carolina, Kentucky, Missouri and Mary
land there are large numbers, and among
them some of the best and most influert
tial families of the race. The third plena
ry council of Baltimore, held in 1886,
gave great impetus to the njisssionary
work among the colored people of the
country by passing a decree that special
efforts should be made to educate and
convert the negroes of the United States,
and ordered that a collection be taken
up annually in all the churches of this
country, for that purpose. It further im
plored youngmen studying for the priest
. hood to give themselves to the work. As
1 a result, many institutions have been es
tablished all over the country. Friends
I of the congress think the ceremonial of
their church well adapted as a vehicle of
worship to the peculiarities of the negro
j temperament.
President Cleveland’s proclamation is
as follows: Constant thanksgiving and
gratitude are due from the American
people to Almighty God for His good
ness and mercy, which have followed
them since the day He made them a na
, tion nnd vouchsaf' d to them a free gov
! ernment. With loving kindness He has'y ltd us in the way of prosperity
and greatness. He has not visited witn
i swift punishment our shortcomings, but
with a gracious care He has warned us of
' our dependence upon His forbearance,
i snd has taught us that obedience to His
' holy law is the price of a continuance of
His precious gifts. In ncknowledgo
■ merit of all that God has done for us as s
nati'm, and to the end that on an ap
pointed day the unite;! prayers of ngrate
iui country may resell the throne of grace,
I, Grover Cleveland, President of the
United States, do hereby designate and
setup rt Thursday, the twenty-ninth day
of November, instant, as a day of thanks
giving and prayer, to be kept and ob
served thr ughout the land. On that day
let all our people suspend their ordinary '
work and occu; ation-, and in their ao
customed places of worship, with prayer'
and songs of praise, render thanks to
God for al His mercies, for the abundant
harvest which h ive awarded the toil of tire
husbandmin, during the year that has
passed a d the rich reward that has fol
lowed the labors of our people in their
shops ami their marts of trade nod traffic.
Let us give thanks for the peace and for
the social order and contentment within
our border, and for our advancement in
all that adds to national greatness. And
mindful of the afflictive dispensation
with which a portion of our land has
1 been visi’cd, let us, while we humble
1 ourselves before the power of God, ac
: knowledge his mercy in s tting the
bounds to the deadly march of pesti
lence, and let our hearts be chastened by
sympathy for our fellow countrymen who
have suffered and who mourn. And as
we return thanks fcr all the blessings,
which we have received from the hands
of < ur Heavenly Father, let us not forget
that He has enjoined upon us charity;
and on this day of Thanksgiving let u*
generously remember the poor and needy,
so tint our tribute of praise and grati
tude may be acceptable m the sight of
the Lord. Done at the city of W ash
ington, on the first day of’ November,
eighteen hundred and eighty eight, and
in the years of the independence ot the
United States, the one-hundred and
thirteenth. In witness whereof I have
hereunto signed my name and caused the
seal i f the United btatea to be affind.
Grover C'jfevehtnd. By the Presrdeat.
-i. 1. >
NO. 4