The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, November 10, 1888, Image 2

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jie smmi nimi I "PUBLISHED EV ERY SATURDA yTby' f THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING Cih ST JULIAN STREET, I N. E. CORNER MARKET SQUARE. Subscription Rates. I Jne Year |l 25 1 Six Mout.hv 75 j Three Montuo 50 f Remittances must be made by Postal Note (Money Order, Registered Letter, or Express. J. H. DEVEAUX, Manager. I Reoistkreo as Second-class matter at |the Savannah Post Office. [BATURDA x NOVEMBER 10/1888. | (Harrison & Morton k i SWEEPS THE COUNTRY. I I MH ■ b'Free Trade and v; Fraud Set Back. ,r it » The Party of Freedom and Protection once more at the Helm. i t II The great battle of the ballots ,’jlfas been fought and victory, full and re und sweeping, has been won by the edftepublicans. The solid south is • oroken by the capture of West Vir ginia by the Republicans. It has c Jbeen an election unprecedented in ,It be history of American politics on count of the issues involved, the ojchief one being the question of the The party also placed itself r '{Squarely on the issue as declared by Chicago convention of a free , ballot and an honest count in the It has wi n fairly on the joined and we will uo\, look new era in American politics.l ftTbe administration of General liar-I acison will have the confidence »nd ‘Respect entire country, and predict under the wise adjust " Dpnt of the tariff by the friends of ( ’ g t<6tection, the advent of prosperous ck®es in the country by a just recog ao /on of its needs and requirements. is the corrected list of States which declared in favor OJ f Harrison and Morton and the S ,:ause of Protection: HARRISON I CLEVELAND. ®Rlifornia 10 880riMt0...... 3] Arkansas 7 . ftdlana 15 Delaware 3 °owa.. 13 Florida 4 eCausas 9 Georgia ~... 12 taineL.... 6 Kentucky. 13 llfaasaehusett-s 14 Louisana s filhigan 13 Maryland S Clinnesota 7 Mississippi 9 Nebraska 5 Missouri 16 “ievada 3 New Jersev 9 slew Hampshire.... 4 North Carolina 11 lew York 36 South Carolina 9 itfhio 23 Tennessee 12 Oregon 3 Texas 13 S*enusylvanla 30 Virginia 11 Abode Island 4 Vermont 4 Total 102 . Ylseonsin 11 Vest Virginia 4 C Total 239 •a Turn the rascals out. > . e Liberty county went Republican tby 240 Majority. I Georgia has gone Democratic by about 25,000 majority. if „ r ~ T ; . With West Virginia Harrison is elected without New York. The party of freedom and equal jighta once more in power. * MeTfitonh count v gave a handsome •• r * majority for the republican ticket, 1 \ The Republicans lost Connecticut and New Jersey, but gained West Virginia from the solid south. J, G. Blaine and M. S. Quay have won impeaishable renown in the great campaign of 1888. The republicans throughout the btate have done well considering the many difficulties they labored under. Our friends while elated with joy over their succes should remember that “Discretion is the better part of valor.” Delaware elects a Republican Legislature which will ensure a Re publican Senator from that State for fmt time in its history. The Georgia Legislature convened on Wednesday in Atlanta. lion. F G.dußignon of Chatham was elected President of the Senate. THE RESULT. This is tl o Cleveland Democratic rooster that expected to crow after the election: ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Arc you disturbed at night, and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bot tle of Mus Winslow’s Sooth ing syrup for Children Teething J’s value is incalculable It will relieve the poor little suiferer immediately. Depend upon it. mothers, i here is no mistake about, it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softons the minis reduces inflammation, and gives tone and en ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow’S Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physeians in the United Statees, ami is for ' J” tiyall druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. -LA, .. ~rr~7U~ ~—-T^TSs-ssssaß''?.',""tv - -js... Bring your printing to the Tribune, Cheap Job Printing Office ULMEI i ’S LI VE iFZoRRECI’OIL This vegetable preparation is invalu able for the restoration of tone and strength to the system. For dyspepsia constipation and other ills, caused by disorded liver, it cannot be excelled Highest prizes awarded, and endorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer’s Liver Corrector and take no other. 81.01) a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B F ULMER, M. D. Pharmacist, Savannah, Ga, CHARLES BACKMAN? rZ / “ ■ « X-( V 2 Corner Congress &Bu!l Streets. iSecond Floor.) SA VAN NAII, GEORGIA. Telephone L';d! No. 100, answered da ; or night. Extracting Teeth One Dc<la each, extracting Teeth and Artificial Teeth a specialty. Fine quality of Tooth Powder and Tooth Brushes for sale. ERMS ('ASH. niiTß.»c.n iTnnxia KWi«n> (« > inaißar «i—r nrrn-wiii ia—M l , w n ■> CHAS KOLSWH HRO AGENTS FOR THE BERGNER & ENGEL BREWING COMPANIES. Lager, Beer, Ale & Porfer Which were awarded the highest awards at tiie Expositions of Paris and Philadelphia. AND AGENTS FOR Diehl & Lord s Pure ( ider. Jssteiai, Sabos, DfFICE AT Till IMGUTIIX U. draught, and to our DOIT LED HEER ' Families supplied with Bottled Porter Vie at fl 25 and Beer at $1 00 per dozen Dints’ Physicians recommend same io ladies in delicate health. 1 f>*l'llKE LUNCH dally every HATI'KD\Y NiGHr.-ijai hU W.ll. SCHSmNG DEALER IN to hUy taws lip etc., Cor. Liberty and Drayton Streets. Savann oK Ga. PUATT’d Am hai. Oil— Atfc-l and best CPMNOOONER 137 Broughton St. SUCCESSORS TO — B. F. McKENNA & CO. Specials For This Week Five cases white wool Blankets in all grades from the commonest gray to the finest Cala fornia. Specials F oh This VV eek Fifty bales Comforts best material and thoroughly quilted which prevents tlieni running into lumps price fromoo cts to 00 Specials For This Week Red, white, grey and blue twill Flannels plaid flannels, striped flannels, eiderdowns jersey flannels, opera flannels. Specials For This Week Three cases extra wide and extra heavy can ton flannels at 11 cents, cheap at 15 cents. Specials Bor This W eek Gentlemen’s all wool red and white under wear Ladies, Misses and Children’s all wool and merino underwear largest assortment in the State Specials For This V- eek Ladies black solid colored and balbriggan hose, Misses black an ! solid colored plain and ribbed hose. Gentlemen's solid color stripin and balbriggan half hose The quality, style and quantity ol these goods are unapproach able. GROHAN&DOOKBR HorrisoDjoyeiiCo. M M ra Rin II Extraordinary Low Prices. -BARGAINS- hi every Department Good Standard Calico at 3 cents a yard. New Fall Diess Gi.odsin all shades at 5c a yd 50 pieces double width Dress Goods at 6j- 4 els worth 121'a. We are how showing the largest, and most complete stock of Black and Colored Dress Goods ever shown in this city at prices lower than any other house in the trade 25 pieces lilac!: and colored Silks at6s, 75 and 85 worth 35. JI 00 and -$1.25 All wool Rod Flannel at 12J<$ a yard worth 20 Brown Canton Flannel at 6”% sold elsewhere at 8%. Immense Bargains in Towels and Table Linens 100 pairs White Wool Blankets at 75 worth $1 25. 75 heavy Comforts good patterns at-19 cents worth 75. All better grad. S in the same pro portion. 20 doz ladies black braided Jerseys at 40 worth SI.OO. 80 doz. ladies Kid Gloves scolloped edge all shades, at 39 cents, good value for 75. 50 doz, t'orsets at ‘.’s cents, each worth 40. Giand bargains in Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and Gloves „ IIUIS i'HriiilMll II»IS I’LIITIIIM!! 200 pairs Hoys odd Fants at 25 cents a pair and upwards 300 Boys Cassimere suits size 4 to 13 years at $1 25 a suit, and upwards Before purchasing call and see us. Wejire showing more genuine bargains than sill otaer 1 louses put together. MM', FOH & Co. At D Wfisbeins Old Stand. FH A N K lalN F. .TON.’ b AT STALL HO. 31, IN THE Announces to his friends ami the pu that he keeps on ham] n fresh stipi, » the beat Beef, Veal and Mutton, ! kinds of game when in scasou, ami ■ be glad to wait on ; is customers as u u.i with politeness and promptness. Hi prices are reasonable and satisfaction i eiiarnn’eed. Good - delivered if desired DON’T FORGET. IT ALL WO, 31 i — ' LJI ■! • 1 After Forty years’ 3 a/rvliVLuU/fl experience in tha B 8 *! gWLAISXaAhU.’jI preparation of more 1 tsJ ,han Ona Hundred « Thousand applications for patents in I SSI ffj United States and Foreign coun |lH trio*, the publishers of the Scientific ffloSua ■ American continue to act as eolicitorg □ f° r patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy- rights, etc., for the United State--, and to obtain patents in Canada, England, France, Germany, and all other countries. Their experi ence is uuequaled and their facilities wo unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free Patents obtained through Munn A Co. are noticed inthe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has the largest circulation and is the most influential newspaper of its Kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. This large andl splendidly illustrated newspaper is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, and is admitted to bo the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and otbor depart menu of industrial progress, pub lished in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and t .tie of every invention patented 2 ft .2J roe £* Tf’y.<our months for cue dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent write to Munn A Co., publishers of ScienUfic American, VI Broadway. New York. Handbook about pa leu U mailed tree, Hl>T IN THE Wilßi D. It, , v nu quallileu it.- un.uri t„. ~,,1., * tzum Animal off*. ssr<4KT'Tn>: GKM Al »• It KALK UY DKU.KIU, OE'kI.M.LY " F. C. Lambert, DENTIST. Cor. Houston und South Broad Street. Special attention given to children’s teeth. Irregularities corrected. Visits made night or day. Teeth extracted with ou* pain. PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY. Whole or partial sets of beautiful ar tificial teeth, inserted on gold, platina, pure silver, or vulcanite rubber, warrant ed equal to r>ny work done. Embody ing the most mod l rn and scientific im provements; which for beauty, durabili ty •md moderate charges cannot be sur passed. Patronage respectfully solicited M. J. DOYLE, —dealer in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HAY, GRAIN, BRAN. CORN-EYES, ALSO LIQUORS, WINES. CIGARS, TOBACCO Together with a large varie y of such other goods as are kept in first-dass es’ iblish ments. V/e PRESENT SPECIAL IN DUCEMENTS TO CASH CUSTOM- ERS. ea.SP sp saiga a ftJ • kL®/ tAs risa saaZ • MAR KE ■. RE. W' -- ■ -r-A It I II '■ ! I W v nh n ’ \ ; t i i M ,2'?' e-i■ R.B. REPPARD. C. V. SNEDEKEIt YELLOW PmiUMBEB FOR *ALE AT wJiolesale <-nd retail t Planed or Bough. REPPARO&OO Cor. Anderson Street S. F. & W Ra i v ;y Urossinii Collat Bros. 149 I!ROUGHTON Si. TKE C?’LY feb to, M id Tumi! —IN THIS CITY And IL-uc 1 T ev Sil ihe Cb mi pest- - B Y AND GIRLS— School Shoes, Yolid SI.OO A beautiful selection in Fue Shoes, al] of which Wu O-UABAWTHr. rm. S. O. PARSONS SaYS tlm people keep a com inrr to be examined free ot'eharaie at !ii« office anil ilr.itr store, corner Liberty and Montgom ery streets for sk ti. blood, livt r, lung and throat diseases, kidney complaint, f. male weakness, rheumatism, old sores; deformed limbs, sore ryes. tits, loss of matih<w>d anti all affections of the bodv. As h’s vast experience as .< doctor obtained in different '-omit! les and hospitals enables tiim to detect disease where it would be overlooked by others. Ass doctor for ladles he has no equal and cure the n >rst cases of disease.- of Women. ! [<• I'.’so .■ :■> CS ’ treat- The eve for all diseases and keeps a full line of specui-les eye ..’■ot-'.-t. It! •!< • hciv’-i’tar’ “r - ' k; <’ Bm-son's modi -iocs, electric s.ipnortets electric nelts, eieettie liin: uroteetors. elect ac I os’erv. li.d's, trusses, splints, erutehos; ladies’ >i'y or toilet bel's -uspens»■!■ s simnl.ier br: C‘s, pit truss, s pilo pipes, ar'ifi-i'd limbs, mid till s'ur gl' I top!:.' <• > for trinities made to epi er. a fol ine t.f dregs cheitdcas net bs, roots and barks A. II.COOPER. H. N WALTON WWW Cooper & Walton, Cus . M oie i'l'-teintr a >:>eui tfullimee. Foreign and Domestic Gooff. .1. Binding and HeAirlitg neatly d 'no. It Cohort >i.| B.\V.INVsAU, GA MADAME SMITH, heii id SUr Muiis Tiller. Those who wish to consult her upon the affairs of life, in person or by mail, will re member to call at Marga re t Street two doors west of West Broad street. She has been practicing this business for fifty years Site reveals the deepest secrets; unveils the future; gives successful otterv numbers brings separated married couples and lovers together; brings back absent friends and recreant lovers; and pauses speedy and bappy marriages. She has this gift from the Amighty. She is -acknon edged bj al to be the Queen and Staii Fortune* Teller without a Superior. COAST LiiME Raii lSoad Cathedral Cemetery. Bona ven tube and Thunderbolt. SUNDAY SCHEDULE outward inward. leave leave leave SAVANNAH.BONEVENTUKE THUNDERBOLT. 8:00 A, M. 7:15 A.M. 7:10 A. M. 9:35 “ 9:05 “ 9-00 10:35 “ 10:05 “ 10:00 '• 11:45 “ 11:05 “ n : oo 2:15 P. M 12:40 P M. 12:35 P M 3:01' “ 2:40 “ 2:33 “ 1:00 “ 3P9) " 3..25 i- 5:00 “ 4:30 •• 4 : 25 6:00 -‘ 5:30 “ 5:25 “ 6:50 “ 6:30 “ 6:25 R. E. COBB, Superintendent, wiw DEALER IN FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, Wines, Lsc?i§ors, CIGARS & TOBACCO, DRAYTON AND STATE 1 TS. SAVANNAH, GA. HYi w I I Llu. iHE Fall and Winter Seasons,of 1888 —89, i hmt (us as n-ual withan extraordinarily arge Stock of Gerds Yoiuh« Boys and ChiE dren’s Suits Garments and Furnishings and as hereiotoie no house in the trade can offer he substantial inducements that we can give, Q’- (T^ _r>ur Suits cover all the most attractive vci I Omaterials, elegantly made up and (trough our own Tailoring Department we give perfect custom fits witnout extra charge It is always to our interest to have each suit go out as a special advertisement in itself, f VCU nAT^“ we Enow that no Southern uvL’!' vn'uHonse can begin to shew as varied or handsome a line of Fashionable Overcoats in ell shades and weights,as we can . Our (Jvercoat Department this season is a special study in material ami fleet VlilhiF?— s oeh as Hosiery, Neckwear I ‘Ji’ivlDiilr 3UwUnderwcar, Flannel Silk and white -hirts in great variety. k'K’flY UATQ -^’e are s 9' e Agents tor m”’UA Un 1 OKnox’s Fine and stylish Hats Also, have ii full line of the most correct shapes in Silk, stiff' and Soft Hats for Men am; Boys. P ‘s'.„ o—'l'here is no man or boy of whatever O /. -Ahize, long, short, thick thin or othe.'- wise Tii-it we can I flit pcrfeeHy Tbi.s, who bifliei'to have been unable to tind extra sizes in • c;my made I’lothiug. e-m e'--t perfectlv fitted by us ami without extra cos;. be glad to know that our !VI . -’0 S Lllusuccess the past season with Giergy men’s Suits has encouraged us to en 'arge this department, and glv e it more speci al attention. Their wants in < very respect can now be follj’ and promptly supplied B.H.LEVY&BRO, 161 Con stress St. Chas. P. Rossignol, K. OF P. HALL, BARNARD & YCRK ETS. tt, tomiy & hn Bspst, DEALER IN Oi l Books, Bibles, Religions and Misce!- areou- works in stock, or ordered tipi n pav ment of imiii (feprwit,. Don’t buy from the I( “t illmi n Man i>■ B'M'k Agent. If I can’t ■ell you for c > h a better class of goods than they, at a savirg of from 2-5 to 50 per cent, I will give them to von. Give me a trial. 1 o ,’t forget Ohas P.Rossignol, COR BARNARD & YOR.C SIS IXHAUSfEDWTALi IT H’HE SCIENCE OF LIFE, the great Medical Work of the age on Manhood, Nervous and V; 7 Physical Debility, Premature -,A Decline, Errors of Youth, and theuntoldmisirit'soon.-eif.ient A thereon, 300 pages Bvo, 125 prescriptions for ail diseases./ Cloth, full gilt, only SI.OO, by mall, sealed. Illustrative sample free toaii young and middle aged men. Send now. The Gold mid Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by tl; Na tl nr.l Medical Association. Address I’. 0. box 1595, Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. 11. PAP.EER,-nd uate of Harvard Me ’deal College, 25 years’practice in Boston, who may be consulted confidentially. Speclalty.Dl eases of Ma 1. o.".’cpNo.4D:;l art, Br.n watch pi SiOOuu-fJ sat »orld^l’r r -| .Keeper. Warranted. Heavy |s>Ud Gold Hunting Case®. Elegant and magnificent. Both la Hee’and genl- elaa. with works and caeeg trf Uttlue.O.XE PErtSOX tch locality can aocure one EE. How Is thia tnawen—we want one per tu each locality, to keep In thatr homes,au.l show to th-co who cill, a eonujste Ulna i>: ar valuablo ani very useful UOV’NKUOLIa KAJIPsL*. These well as th. wateh.was ■ Hr - .an t after yoa ti*v» kept them in your home for • uvniba and •houn iimmu »o those who may have callsd.thcy twcoine your own lyej; n uI It la posall-la to maha thia great oiler, seeling the sidin COI.II watch amt «<»•» < * aamptea f . as the abowtngor the MtnphM in any locality, alu *yt re*ul: > tn ft hr.’ • w ua; after our M.niplce have heon 1h a !• ’j**'*? • r< *”■ tlla ,r try usually get from StttOO t - m tra ;* 'r-w- «*• aurioanJuig c. uulry. ThU, the uo*t w-n h*r’ai offer ever knoi-u.te Ride tn or-tar that our may »*• |»*a«»ar *»ro Where the> can I* •* < n. all over Amerk-a. Write al once, tnate’eur* < f therhanvv. Kea-U-rlt wlli UahhWU*'*’* •‘A+t far yon to al.ow lUei'am|4«i to lb««e* *•* . w.*jr vaJI al yoor home and your rrw«M ”• I moot oaUnftu’lory A| ■ ’tai car* « which to write ttlceaU t’Ut I cent at 1 afl-r ro«kn- w all.if yon «o not ear. to <o tu> iw, u by ».■ barm I. A •'.“V' »b‘ ” •sad jeur a-i lrsss al ««•, y.-ueaawn-or* teat Ss'llfi g.ll wuetws tn th" W-. (I.anj large It * <»wr(/« stavt l t. W pa, all s,t«M. fT.tgh. •t.k laasm m«a • cu, •«» rvßt l*w>, e