The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, November 17, 1888, Image 2

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in imimmsm. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO.. ST- JULIAN STREET, N. E. CORNER MARKET SQUARE. Subscription Rates. JneYear 1125 Six Moutbr 75 Three Montuo 50 Remittances must ba made by Postal Note Money Order, Registered Letter, djr Express. J. H, DEVEAUX, Manager. RKGTSTHRED ah SECOND-CDAS3 MATTER AT the Savannah Post Office. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17,1888. THE VERDWT OF THE PEOPLE The campaign is over. The ver dict of sixty millions have been reg i»tered. The policy of this govern maut upon the tariff for the next four years has been settled. Protec tion for American industries, living wages for the poor man and wage earners of:bis great nation has been .irrevocably settled. And more. „ the American versus the un-Ameri can idea has been proclaimed from Delaware to California and from Maine to the remotest shores of the Rio Grande ‘That these inseparable ligaments of State form and du compose one grand and concentrat ed republic and the people thereof from one united nation: That fraud and intimidation in any one member of this union of States is a sin against and a standing menace of harm and injustice to each and all of the others, forming cemented union of States. That each Ameri can voter of 21 years of age is enti tled to one vote and that vote should be honestly counted. That the men who braved theiß lives in behalf ol this nation, and that this govern ment of the people, for the people, and by the people, should be pre served to them free, are entitled to the ever living gratitude of this nation and themselves and the wid ows of the slain to a pension com porting with tha dignity of this DAtion. To this verdict Republicans, Proh’bitionists, and young men of the Democratic pnJty with their faces turned towards the future and not look towards the past have con tributed: Such an overwhelming verdict, of the people, and that too unquestioned has not been recorded for twenty years. In a republic like ours where the vote of rhe ma jority is the rule of the land it be comes all of us irrespective ol pat ties to bow with gentle submission to the will of the people. Let those of us who have been victori ous bear our victory with becoming composure and dignity, and those whose misfortune it was to be among those defeated, see to it that they examine into those mra-uiet and those policies which conspiied to make victoiy possible to the end that whatever policy founded m right and in justice that shad mak. this nation great and powerful, bi.ail be adopted and tenaciously clung to by all free and patriotic Americans. Il' • . , s There can bo no “monkeyi ng’ f with the count this time. 3. ti j ■ XI /■ / “The oolored’men will walk twenty miles « in the rain, to vote and some white men won*t go a hundred yards to vote.”—Darien Gazette. Still the poor Negro has no op portunity for a fair vote, and an honest count. Vide; The last elec iion in Mclntosh county. The Republican campaign of 1888 was conducted without a seri ous mistake. The National Com mittee earned the gratitude of Republicans all over the country for its vigilance and sagacity. Senator Gorman haa remarked : “President Cleveland is a mail with out an imagination.” There are periods in a map’s life when even the pleasures of the imagination are painfal. and matter of-fact resigna tion is the most comforting virtro. The friends of Col. A. E. Buck in Georgia will present his name to the President for appointment as Postmaster Genoral of the United; States. Col. Buck posses rare nd-, ministration abilities and no better mam could be selected for the place. He i® one of the staunchest Repub- ■ licans in the South and we hope Southern Republicans will give him their united support. Thr campaign is over and the cause of Protection to American Industry has triumphed. The re sult should give sincere gratification to every lover of this republic It proves that the majority of the American people are determined that henceforth American ideas and principles shall prevail on this soil It shows that foreign theories and foreign influences cannot eway the minds of Americans from the path pointed out by duty and patriotism and cf enlightened self interest. The statement made in the dailies of this city about a collision between the white and colored citi zens of Beanfort, S. C. has pioved to be a hoax. Capt. 8. W. McKinley, the Re publican candidate for Congress in the First S. 0, district will contest the seat of his opponent, Mr. Dib ble. Hon. W. W. Frazier has been elected Solicitor General of the eastern judical circuit. Mclntosh. Ga., Nov. 14, ’BB. Editor Tribune I must ex press my congratulation upon tie victory of ti e Republican party in electing Harrison and Morton to the Presidency and Vice-Presiden cy of these United States. It I was defeated as a candidate in the 2rd Senatorial district, though lean not sav that niv defeat is due to fairness and I hope the Congressional dis trict chairman will call the mem bers of the district committee to gether for consultation that steps may be taken in regards to tax paying. W. EL Styles. ADVICE TO MOTHERS Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by asick child suilering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, sendat once and get a bottle of Mrs Winslow’s Sooth ing Syrup for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately Depend upon it. mothers, there is no mistake about it It cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums reduces inflammation, and gives tone and en ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physcians in the United Statees, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. OF THE A. F. &, A. M, OF THE STATE OF GA OFFICE OF GRAND MASTER Columbus, Ga. , Nov. 5, A. D. 1888 To the Masters, Wardens and Mem bers of Subordinate Lodges, A, F. & A. M.‘State of Georgia ; Brethren: The next session of the Most Worshipful Union. Grand Lodge of A. F. and A Masons for the State of Georgia, will convene in the city of Columbus, Ga , on the 18th day of De cember, 1888, with Bradwell Lodge, at 10o’clock a. in ,on the above date You are therefore directed that you be represented in person, or proxie,at the above mentioned communication You will render your regular Lodge report to the Grand Secretary on or before the 18th day of December, by mail or through- your chosen representative. Each Lodge is hereby required to pay 12’< centson each and every member of your Lodge as one hall of (lie annual tax Arrangements has this day been < fleeted for reduct d rat< s for all officers and representatives in attendance at this Grano Session Eacit uiticer and repre sentative will j.'v full fare at his station to Columbus. This certificate will then he coun tersigned by the Grand secretary after adjourn ment of the Grand Lodge, and when so coun tersigned will constitute an order upon the ticket Agent at Columbus, for one ticket from Columbus to the starting point at ' 3 tare The attention ofthe craft of Georgia is es pecially invited to the very important busi ness which will of necessity come before the ornnd Session in December next for legisla tion ,to wit: It will be the duty of the Craft in Grrnd Ses sion to establish a Code of for its luture Government, and as t lie character of our state organization must and will be adjudged by those persons, and matters which represent and exemplyfy it, it is there eminently necessary thateach Lodge should be well represented Tne Union effected by us on the26th and 27th days of June last, lias met the undivided ap proval ofthe Sisterhood of Grand Bodies, and with whom we have fraternal recognition, the Craft or Georgia therefore occupies no mean position in the fraternal world, for which we have reason to rejoice. All Committees appointed at the Union Con vention, June last, and in tlie proceedings for 1888, will each through their chairman render during the session a full report of the work as signed them. District DeputyJGrand Masters will;forward|a full report of their business transaction to the Most vVorshipt'ul Grand Master, on or ;before the lOtli day of December 1888. The Worshipful Master. Wardens and Mem bers of the Subordinate L >dg<>s will take due and timely notice of the orders herein contain ed, and govern themselves accordingly. W. E. TERRY. M W G M. Attest; F. 11. CRUMBLY, R. W. G. S. Bring your printing to the Tribune, Cheap Job Printing Office. ULMER’S LIVER UOIIi:ECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invalu able for the restoration of tone and strength to the system. For dyspepsia constipation and other ills, caused by disorded liver, it cannot be excelled Highest prizes awarded, and endorsed by .inent medical men. Ask for Ul mer's Liver Corrector and take no other. 81.00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B ISULMER, M. 1). Pharmacist, Savannah, G CROHAN&DOOKER 037 St. —SUCCESSORS TO — B. F. McKENNA & CO. Specials For This Week Fivecases white wool Blankets In all grades from the commonest gray to the finest Cala fornia. Spehal3 For This Week Fifty bales Comforts best material and thoroughly quilted which prevents them running into lumps price from st> cts to $a 00 Specials For This Week Red, white, grey and blue twill Flannels plaid flannels, striped flannels, eiderdowns jersey flannels,opera flannels. Specials For This V> eek Three cases extra wide and extra heavy can ton flannels at 11 cents, cheap at 15 cents Specials For This W f.ek Gentlemen’s all wool red and white under wear. Ladies, Misses and Children’s all wool and merino underwear largest assortment in the State. Specials For This Week Ladies black solid colored and balbriggan hose, Misses black an ! solid colored plain and ribbed U'-se. Gentlemen’s Solid color mripe-i and balbriggan hall'hose 'file quality, style and quantity ol these goods are unapproach able. GROMS & DOURER Morrison,Foyes Co. ra FILL HI SOODS M Extraordinary Low Prices. -BARGAINS - In i vcrv Depart meet Good Standard Calico at 3 cents a yard New Fall Dress Goods in all shades at. 5c a yd 50 pieces double width Dress Goods at 6J4 cts worth 1 We are how showing the largest and mo a complete stock yf Black and Colored Dres.- Goods ever shown in this ciiy at prices lower than any other house in the trade 25 pieces Black and colored Silks at 65, 75 and 85 worth s 5. fl ou and $125 All wool Red Fl innel at 12VJ a yard worth 2o Brown i anton Flannel at 6\ sold elsewhere at BJ/3. . Immense ILrg ins in Towels and T-lio Linens 100 pairs White Wool Blankets at 75 worth $1 25. 75 heavy Comforts good patterns at 49 cents worth 75." AU Letter grades in the same pro portion. 20 doz ladies black braided Jerseys at 40 worth SI.OO 8u doz. ladies Kid Gloves scolloped edger'- shades, at 39 cents, good value for 7 > 50 doz t'orsets at 25cents, each worth 40. Grand bargains in Hosiery, Handkerchief.- and Gloves BOYS flilliilAG! BOYS CWTIIIM! 200 pairs Boys odd Pants at 25 cents a pal 1 and upwards 300 Boys Casslmere suits size 4 to 13 years at $1 25 a suit and upwards Before purchasing call and see us. Wear, showing more genuine bargains than nil ot- e: houses put together. v MM, FOli & Co. At D. Wt isbeiti's Ohl Stand. CH,IS KOLSHI'IiMIIO AGENTS FOR THE BERGNEKA ENG<d. BREWING COM PAN I i->. Lager, Beer, Ale & Por'er Which were awarded the highest awards i t the Expositions ot Paris and Philadelphia. AND AGENTS FOR Diehl & Lord’s J ure ( ider. taml S&lcafl, SGta, AND OFFICE AT Ibl iliiilLGiiTiiA -T. call special attention to our superior OLD SiO< K SLEaml POUTER, always on draught.and to our Pol’: LED 'U PR Families >U| plied with i:<-it!ed I’o-ter at $1 2> and Beer at $1 00 per (>, )ZPn pi nts I hysicians recommend same to ladies in □Pilehealth. 1 NCH didly every SaTl '«day CHARLES BACKMAN. Corner Congress A.Bii'l Ftreets. loecoud F ioor.) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Telephone Call No. 100, red da; or night. Ext re; inn Tee h One lb da each, extiiieti'ig Tieth and Aitificial Teeth a.-}" eialtv Fin-qu lity of Tooth Pc.w 1-r and T •th Bru-'u» for gale. CFI’ERMS CASH. I’repnra'i n is made iti thn A Imams, ter InAtiiute to pri'pito -tudii ts for the normal couife. pltor M. J. Crawfoud Prert. * 1\ C. Lambert, dentist. Cor. Houston urn] South Broad Street. Special attention given to children’s teeth. Irregularities corrected. Visits made night or day. Teeth extracted wit fl out pain. PROSTHETIC dentistry. Whole or partial sets of beautiful ar tificial teeth, inserted on gold, platina, pure silver, or vulcanite rubber, warrant ed equal to any work done. Embody ing the most modern and scientific im provements; which for beauty, durabili ty and moderate charges cannot be sur passed. Patronage respectfully solicited M. J? DOYLE, DEALER IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HAY, GRAIN. BRAN. CORN-EYES, ALSO LIQUORS, WINES. CIGARS, TOBACCO Together with a large varie ty of such other goods as are kept in first-class establish ments. We present special in ducements TO CASH CUSTOM- M. J. BOYLE. MARK Hi SQUARE. si vW® pife I ® Hi I R. B. B.EPPARD. C. V. SNEDEKER. YELIOW PINE LUMBER FOR SALE AT wholesale and retail, Planed or Rough. RIiPPAWS&Ca Cor. Anderson Street anti S. F. & W Railway Crossing. Collat Bros. 149 iHioUGHTOxN Si. Tr E ONLY Suh h, Hal sid Trunk Hjhse —IN THIS CITY.— xYnd Bence They Sell ihe Cheapest —BOYS AND GIRLS— School Shoes, Solid SI.OO A beautiful selection in Lu’ie- Fme Shoes, all of which Wo dr. s. c. parsoks SaYS the people keep a com ing to be examined free of charge at his office and drug store, corner Liberty and Montgom ery streets for skoi, blood, livrr, lung and t hroat diseas-s, kidney complaint, female weakness, rheumatism, old sores; deformed limbs, sore eyes. rits. loss of manhood ami all affections of the body. As his vast experience as a doctor ebtained’in different countries anti hospitals enables nim to detect disease where it would he overlooked by others. Asa doctor for ladies lie lias no equal and cure the worst cases of diseasee of wonieu. JJe also examines and treats the eye for all diseases and keeps a full line of spectacles eye glasses, etc It is the headquarters of fir S. C Parson s medicines, electric sapporters, electric Hells, electric lung protectors, electric I o- erv. h- Its. trusses, -splints, crutches: ladles’<tol y,.- toilet bells, suspensori-s shoulder braces, pl trusses pile pipes, artftli i:-l limbs, and all sur gical appliances for deformities made to ord- r a f-:l in -of drugs clnmici.s ..erbs.roots and barks A. H. COOPER. H. N. WALTON o Cooper & Walton, Custom Male Clothing a Specialty. A full linn of Foreign and |him<«.’h- <• »>■!« ><!• waya «»n hfttjd <*h*ui}h»u mid lb i» ilrhitf. BiihLug and Heourlttg neatly done. 187 t ongres* St., SAVANNAH, GA. MADAME SMITH, The Qw mi SUi tans W. Those who wish to consult her upon the affairs of life, in person or by mail, will re in emb e r to call at Margaret Street, two doors west of West Broad street. She has been practicing this business for fifty years. She reveals the deepest secrets; unveils the future; gives successful ottery numbers, brings separated married couples and lovers together; brings back absent friends and recieant lovers; and causes speedy and I happy marriages. She has this gift from the Atnighty. she is acknoir edged by a’, to be the Queen and Stab Fortune Teller without a Superior. ,< COAST LINE Rail Road Cathedral Cemetery. Bona ven ture and Thunderbolt. SUNDAY SCHEDULE outward Inward? ~~ heave leave leave SAVANNAH. BONEVENTURE THUNDERBOLT. 8:00 A.M. 7:15 A M. 7:10 A. M? 9:35 “ 9;05 « 9:00 10:35 “ 10:05 “ 10:00 11:45 “ 11:05 “ 11:00 •- 2:15 P. M 12:40 P. M. 12:35 P M 3:00 “ 2:40 “ 2:35 “ 4:00 “ 3:30 *• 8:25 ‘ 5:90 “ 4:30 “ 4:25 6:00 •* 5:30 “ 5:25 “ 6:50 “ 6:30 “ 6:25 » R. E. COBB, Superintendent. MARTIN H. HELMKEN, DEALER IN FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, Wines, Liquors, CIGARS & TOBACCO, DRAYTON AND STATE tTS. SAVANNAH, GA. OSTYLES. THE Fall and Winter Seasonsiof 1888—89, find |,us as u-ual with an ext raordinarily large Stock of Gents Youths Boys and ChiL dren’s Suits Garments and Furnishings and as heretofore no house in the trade can offer the substantial inducements that we can give, Our Suits cover allthemost attractive Old I Omaterials, elegantly made up and through our own Tailoring Department we give perfect custom fits witnout extra charge It is always to our interest to have each suit go out as a special advertisenient in itself. PiVCPPP ATC~ we ' !n °w that no southern U » L!'l> Un I u House can begin to show .as varied or handsome a line of Fashionable Overcoats in all shades and weights as we can Our Overcoat Department this season is a special study in material and effect C Sll M l' U I Al P s uc h as H osiery, N eck wear rU! i|“| ,TI.! -UuUnderwear, Flannel Silk and white .-h.rts in great variety l/KiOV LIATQ-We are (sole Agents for AIAuA lln I uKnox’s Fine and stylish Hats. Also, have a full line of the most correct shapes in Silk, .-still and Soft Hats for Men and Boys S!"7r(J— There is no man or boy of whatever iLt.U'ize, long, short, thick, thin or other wise that we can't flit perfectly Thost who tiithorto.'have been unable to flndfextra sizes in heady made Clothing, can get perfectly fitted by us and without extra cost. MIMIQTTQQ— "’’'’l be glad to know that onr IVlii'lO I LllOsuccess the past season with Clergymen’s Suits has encouraged us to enr 'arge this department, and give it more speci al attend ion. Their wants in every respect can now be fully and promptly supplied. B. H. LEVY & BRO, 161 Congress St. Chas. F. Rossignol, K. OF P. HALL, BARNARD & YORK hTS. Ms, Siatafy & Im Dspot. DEALER IN Old Books, Bibles, Religious and Miscel anemia works in stock, or ordered up n pay merit ol small deposit. D<>n't buy from the Installing Mm or Book Agent. If I can’t sell you fop c.i-11 a belter ci ass of goods than they, at a ,-avirg of front 25 to 50 per cent, I will give them to you. Give me a trial. Don’t forget Chas P.Rossignol, COR BARNARD & YORK STS EXHAUST ftTAUTF o'll2 SCIENCE OF LIFE, the I great Medical Work of the age on Manhood, Nervous and Physical D< bllity, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent thereon, 3<o pages Bv>, 125 prescriptions for all i.-.eases. / Cloth, full gilt, only SI.OO, mall, sealed. Illustrative sample free to all young and middle aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Modal awarded to the author by the Na tional Medical Association. Address P. O. box 11-95, Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, grad uateof Harvard Hodleal College, 25 years’practice in Boston, who may bo consulted confidentially, s ■ dpnol'-i'-v.Ti’ f” o. O*h- No. 4 Bulfliich TQR"* ,, <’<toi.nwATCH«E|k ® for 8 “1 O up -L II E«i wMch “““ W r^t l tim r 'l Hl Hunttag City- X J) Klegant ami maKnlflconu Both ladiea’aad *’ork« *D'l eaiwt of AMF equal value.ONE PEHNO.H in aach locality can aecnrr fr'ltKE. HuW is Hila L-' Weananrer—we waut onr par. I • wljjQfci'r r IF k- eoo in each locality, to keep la their homee,*” 4 • ilo,r lo call, a complete line of our valoaMaand vary useful IfOl bLHOLI) Thee« gawplee.aa wall aa tha watch,we eerwi frer.and afUr yoa Lave kep* il, ein lu your Lome for ft moutha and eltown toeta •oUtoee who may hava caHttd.ihay beoomo your owu pr oparty t It ia poeelhle to make thia gruat offer, aendln< the eoija 001-I* watch and COM I V aawplua frue. aa Dwebowlnffcf the samples Io any locality, always result* la a larg< trade for us; after our earn**!«• have bean h* a locality fur a month or taro ora oenally frt from SIOOO to *OUG lu trade Ihnu the aarroundina o-uulry. Thia. U*e moat wonderful offer tv* Loown.u made in order (hat onr Mmpiae may bu plar«d at Min* Where they can be earn, ail over America. Write at ottos, and mekejourn of (bechance. Header II will be har-lljr any trouble Im you to show (he aamplee Io lh«we who may coll at yuor homa ami yuttr taward will l«e meal aaMefactory A p>*aul oatd oa Which to write us c*ete boi I eent and erter you know aU,K you 4o uni ears so further, why do barm la done- Bui If you de •et.l year address al oauo, you eenaeeufa » Mf.r uue o’ toe Wet solid f< 4 wait Me In the w<»r| l ind.dir large Has of COftlTl-W HAWPItri, We pay ail asorcM, n-ji*at.