The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, October 14, 1943, Page SIX, Image 6

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•J±J. K== CROSS ROAD NEWS By Miss Mt-cCleary Murant Mrs. E. G. Phillip. Mis. M. Scott, Mrs. M. A. McKenme the Sunday guests of Mr. Mrs. W. E. Scott. ReV. E. J. Junior and Prince and family visited t bedside of W E. Scott who at his home. Mrs. E. G. Phillips has ed to her home in Savun ter spending a week with rji' tives. T. J Scott of Savannah . his brother. W. E. Scott who ill. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Set t, Mi Lillie Gainey Rev. T. J. made a business trip to .Tesup Friday. W E- Scott. Mrs. J. H. Murant, and - ,i. Willie D. Jones, also /dliam were the Sunday ,/I'r. aiid Mrs. L. W. r. inf Mrs. Felton and uiuli -an were the Sunday at ts of her grand father, Mr. and Mrs. J. H- Murant. Mr. and Mrs. Joe 1 ave returned to their home in Dade City, Fla. Mrs. Simmons and child- n spent a month with her mn ents, while Mr. Simmons r mr. and spent a week to join th« e on their trip back home. Mi Simmons' sister accompanied them home. Mrs. W. G. McClain of Ciax- ton and Miss Dee Ola Jones re- turned home with her mother enter school in Dade City. Miss McClary Murant is sponci mg a few days at Manassas as the gi*°st of Mrs. Addle Me wMrs. Cleo Mo»n has returr, 1 to her home in Savannah after Spending a few months with her sister, Mrs Lela Mae Nelson Mrs. Lula Washington was the week end guosi of hei >-m • in Blackshear. Please get your news to mo reporter by Sunday night. Thank you. COBBTOWN By II W. McCray Piney Grove M. B. church |eld its regular services Sunday. Pastor Arvinger delivered a very inspiring message. Sgt. Eugene Parish of Fort Benning spent a ten day leav. visiting his sisters and other relatives. Pfe. J. W. Edenfield is visiting his parents Mr. and Mis. F. M. Edr ifield Cobbtown, Ga., and his in-laws and wife. Collins. CEAXTON NEWS By Freddie Rav Sunday was pastoral day at F. A. B. church. Pastor Lee preach- ed two excellent sermons. Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Clarence Johnson and Mrs. Louise Ken- nedy were the Sunday afternoon TS mm ponrof vfitncral h We Serve To Please Toland J. Edwards and Essie Monroe Edwards, Proprietors ONE OF THE SOUTH'S MOST PROGRESSIVE MORTICIANS OUR LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MORTUARY SERVICE IS UNEXCELLED Our Embalming by Only Licensed Embalmers Where The Best ol Embalming is Assured 611 West Broad St. Phones 2-410*—2-32H—9155 Amhvhnce Service Savannah, Ga. “WHEN BETTER SERVICE IS TO BE RENDERED, MONROE FUNERAL DIRECTORS WILL GIVE FT * We Have Chimes In Oar Hearses Played Only Upon Request <* "*■ ««• cl ’ i,rl ’ Lutl rr Hcrtdirk, formerly • this cjty but now of Guyton burled Mopday afternoon. Juanita Boyd's funeral ' j " h held j at ,, t Eureka F . rek Church, C hurch su by Re • • tlnn tmn met t at at ? inomas i™ Grove C A^ . ') 'raised ^ 'ding tot. lot i uoiiey uouev raised w. Jio.Gii. ' nfternoon^puests ‘ ‘ “ nf Mr.Tnd ‘ Eddie ' Wells. ^ R smith , Bl Williams, Elease Paeon and Mary Broadus motored to nah Sunday afternoon to tepd the fIoor show at West Palm Beach, Fla. E]dpr R B Brot)k jng q{ thp succimibed South Florida 'suddenly" his home here "a' on Saturday daughter and number of other relatives. oral services will be held Rpv' 1 Chapel a' AME Parev rihhs oastor ' mi tended . nri ” , by h many n „ n- prominent 0 n p n t d dignitaries R Bonner Funeral Home ( . ha| .. rp of arranse ments Famous'River ‘ Pilot Dies w palm Beach Fla —Capt Goo Williams, pioneer Qf ^ rommunity and noted & dppp spa fishprman isnerman and ana con fldentee of numerous wintrr residents here for vears passed at his home 3rd strppt Thursday. arp dpvopd wjff , 2 daugh- .s numerous grand children id other relatives. Funeral , prvicps wU1 ^ hpld f rom Friendship Baptist church Mnnday ni?ht interment at |jjjj F j a Tbp j jj *.......... Funeral Home in charge of rangements. Mrs. Minnie H. Terrell companied by Miss B. J. left on Sunday via for New York and points east. Corp. Walter Campbell rd at Moody pjeld, Ga.. is ing liis furlough “........ with his tam- ily ‘ and friends Mias Olivia Speed ly identified with the young of thp community is here a j- Pdaya with her and brothers. ! Joseph Orr, former ian Ls much e i ate d in the pParancP 0 f The Tribune the newstand again after lap . sp of five years . Mrs. Cornelia E. proprietor of The News Stand who has been fined to bed for more than month has recovered ly to resume charge of her Hshment again. Her friends and acquaintances greeting her with much in her restoration to health. GLFNNVILLE. GA. By F. .1. Junior II. Hendrix of Collins was tv . t of Enoch Mosley. MrS ................, Bffrtha M '’1 *' V ' , ' iUe waH the guest of f Mr*. , f An ,ia 3 Banks ° f Jf>sl >P 8und * y . Wl, “* TlpP ‘ n ? ’ • was the guest of the Mo«ley f ily Saturday. Gainey . Mrs w . was guest of her son and Mr Sts. ' anrt Ardelia Mrs ’ W Chatam ; E ; Sc °f is sp ing some time with her ter and son In law in New at F. A. B. were very good. Rev. Junior ]j vpred ^ Wo sermons to ciative audiences. Six The to choir rehearsal on night, Oct. 21. PF.MBROKE GA.. NEW* 1 Sunday was pastoral day Mt. Moriah Baptist church E. A. Hagan, pastor. 1 Sunday was pastoral day 1 Jeiusalem Baptist Church, I N - C. Conner, pastor, soul stirring sermon. were wef e added added to to the the church church were baptized. L. M. and W. M. Golden were Idalned as deacons. • *69.65, and *4:10 were raised 1 Mrs. M. A. Treadaway for Georgia State College at Calvin Kelly of Savannah Mrs. ....... Mary ...... Treadaway of broke worshipped at Baptist church Sunday. Mrs - Theon Spencer of nah spent the week end with Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garrison. Fra nk Gordon and | Bretwon visited Mrs. Protwon Wednesday. Mrs - D - L - Bacon of s P p nt the week with her Mrs. Ellen Ivory and jRcv. Mrs. F Viola G. Geiger. Hagan of Hil1 spent Sunday wit ,h Mrs. Missouri Bing. I Mr - and Mrs. Bonnie Akins 1 Hinesville visitPd their Mrs. Francis Murry and Mrs. zie Lawrence. | Miss Mozelle H. Beatty Jersey City, after visiting parents, Mr. a nd Mrs. N. Beatty, has returned home. Airs, Mary Haymon of Fla.. Is spending her vacation with her mother father, Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Miss Jaunita Beatty, who been working at Camp is now at home with her She will enter a beauty school. Mrs. Betty Caraballs daughter Providenia have turned to her home in lyn. N. Y. after spending month’s vacation with mother and grand mother, Emma Shellman. THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE , Mrs. L. 15. Bryant of spent some time with hermother in Pembroke and sons and daughter in New York. She has returned to her home. Miss Theodosha Ruffins, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johnson, Miss Rnd ^ Carchol were the Sunday even- ** of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Garrlson Pvt. Earl D. Garrison of the U. g Army ^ rpppntly bppn trans ferrp(J ^ Camp Bpalp Cailf H e is 'the" .son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Garrison. * ^ Garrison who is also thp mn of Mr and Mrs . L H . Garrison, is stationed at Elcajon, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Kelly and uttle Betty Kpl , and Mlss Ver . 5 tr „.,— „u Mr apd Mrg> ' Arcbie Garrison of cj axton visi ted Mr and Mrs I. H. Haynes Sunday. Mrs. Rebecca Smokes and L. C- Shellman visited Mrs. Thelma Fields Sunday evening, 1 The many friends of Mrs. Jane Simmons are delighted to know is a^le to fee up again after 1 being ill for some time. Mrs. Celia Hines spent last week week visiting visiting her her sister, sister, Mrs. Mrs. Delia Martin and brother. Strickland at Flemming, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Garrison entertained Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor on Monday evening. fee cream and cake were served in honor of Mr. Taylor's birth- day. . Miss Irene Garrison spent the week pnd with her parents and , family, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Gar- rison. Mrs. Elizabeth Carter spent the week end with her children Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. She returned to her work Sun- day p. m. in Liberty where she is teaching. Mrs. L. H. Garrison, Mrs. Er- nest A. Taylor are delighted to I 'iat then .... ... brother, Isaiah T . . Gorham who has been serving in the armed forces for fourteen j months and was stationed i n Alaska has received his honor- abio discharge and is now at home with his wife and children in New York City. RffOniMJIII W irs. R. m M. « Spaulding • Mr. and Mrs- Robert Dunham of Savannah were home for a few days visiting their relatives Mrs. Lula Wiggins and Mrs. Em- ma P. Mack. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pink- ney. Mrs. Mamie Pinkney is spend- ing some time with her daugh- ters, Mrs. Maria Marton and Mrs. Verdell Jackson of Jackson- ville, Fla. Mrs. Victoria Dunham is in Jacksonville, Fla., visiting '<»n A! inson, who is. ill in the lospital. v'nT. M TKE V ri'"' UVV ' V ' WWV TO CORRESPONDENTS! Tribune must be written sr Th< ir ink, on one side of the paper,: and must be in the office by Tuesday morning 10 The Savannah Tribune ! DRY CLEANING OVERCOATS — HATS SUITS — DRESSES 50c LAMAS BROS. 44 Bull Street PHONE 89 W ' We Can fer and Deliver Moore’s Pharmacy 37th and Florence Sts. PHONE 9961 j | j Prescriptions Correctly Filled I James Merchant has returnee home after spending a few months in Miami Fla., with his daughters. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Spaulding, spent Saturday in Darien, vis it- : ing his brother who i.4 > > Marlon Spaulding. They were the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. -Lemon Williams, sister. shocked | . The community was to hear of the death of Willie Parl , n Oct. 1. He is the son , of Mrs. Rosa Parlin. Miss Odessa Daniels spent a few days with Mrs. Lula Ran- dolph in Brookman, daughters of Mrs. Demery. Rev. Wilcher, Mrs. Cookley, [Mrs. Haynes were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Massie Sunday. I Mrs. James Mack, Mrs. Daniel Spaulding Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mack are the parents of a fine baby girl. Sunday was a high day at the CME church. Rev. Wilcher de- livered a great sermon. Sev- eral persons were Present Horn out of town. At night • Welcher was accompanied y Wilson. Kjvas Rov Wilcher’s farewell sermon and communion communion was was served^. served. A n. to of $72.00 was raised. ’ EVLONlA NEWS By Mrs> Reva Moultrie , Mrs .' sallle Weldon has re j turned from Ade i where she ac < companied he rfather to th home Home of OX her nei brother uiuuia an an Uittuiiijf. dfamily. Mrs . Edna H ill has resigned from the Eulonia High School and has moved to Alm . ; service at Daniel Grove A. M. E church were excellent Sun- day Rev. J. W. Moultrie, pas- tor delivering the message and three members were added to the church. I Miss Emma Sharp spent the WPPk end with her sister, Mrs Minnie .......... Bryan —* ----- t. Mrs Rebecca Young of Sa vannah spent last week end W Rb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jen,kins. Friends of Sis. Dyer Edwards arp Rlad to know j nat she is jm _ proving . Mrs. Bertha Roberts is still on the sick list. ! Mrs- Ledia Pno1 ’ Mrs ' Marth a Williams and Sgt. John Stinge- ron who is homp on f ur i oug h, a u wprp t he dinner guests of Mrs. Viol a Richardson Mrs , Addle RilPy and three b ovs. Harie Lee Nathan. Pfe. Rufie Riley who is on leave and locfated at Hm Va are vis Ring their sister and aunt. Mrs. Mary Brown and Mrs Pntnic j en kins. - BUCK SWAMP NEWS Harry Kighrs funeral was conduc t ed Sunday at White Oak by the Rev. c. W. Whitten. He born at Valdosta during slavery and died Monday Oct. 4 A 1; : < E - S ’ - • • i •w . ■f: / v 111 mm CASABLANCA—Members Casablanca, North Africa, troops of United States armed Fla. Mrs. Bessie Rich rdson and Edward Kight, n; one sister, Mrs. Anna Wes- ey , Jacksonville Fla.; two broth- , 15 grand children and four t grands. Miss end Valada with Riley Mr. spent and Mrs. ^t.he Milton Massey. Mrs. Genevieve Oliver Mrs. A. Mrs. D. Johnson, Miss Riley. Riley, L. L. C. c. Clinch Clincn Mrs. Mrs. P e Mrs. L. Hunt, Miss W. L. Andrews and Mrs. P. W. Mas- motored to White Oak Sun- to attend Harry Kight’s fun- Mrs - f ladys Rlley s P ent thc Abra fJ end ^ am > n Walker, Jacksonvi Waynesville le Fla. spending a whde with lus sis- - Mrs - E - Murphy. Mrs - Evelyn Mack and daugh- ” f Atlanta are visiting her and sister-in-law, Mr. Mrs. B, Rooks. FREEDMAN GROVE By Mrs. C. Mullire Sunday was pastoral day h Hill BaDtist church The Rev. W. C. Shipman de¬ a soul stirring sermon to ] a rge audience. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. Mrs. B. Neeley, Miss Ethel Mae of Dorchester were the upsts of Mr and Mrs j B ' Npplpv Neeley nf of Fleming Flpmino . on nn Sunday. R „ ndav Cpl. Aurthur Flowers of Camo N. C„ were the week end of Miss Sarah J. Neely. Mrs. Queen B. Hicks of Bruns- w j c k was the guest of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker Sunday. Mrs. ma Alice ^ Hodges n of Bruns- Druil ,. was the Week end miest of her brother and sister-jo-law, Mr and Mrs Ruben S t PW art’, also her aunt, Mrs. Mary Wilson. Mrs Cora CamDbe il of Savan- nah is the house guest of he- daughter and son- in-law Mr and Mrs. Henry Mayes. She al so attended church at B^ach H ill on Sunday. Mrs. L. C. Wells, of Ebenezer Presbyterian Church wants to thank Mrs. Hattie Steward Jen kins of Beaufort, S. C., for *1.00 the rally for the church al- S0 wish t0 thank Mrs. E. O. Mitchell for her donation of $1 . 00 on thp anniversary . Mrs . is thp daushter ° f John Martin , f Savannah ^ and ^ M ., C ' week chlsholm , end , ° f the Lamb right sisters. BRUNSWICK NEWS Bv .1. E. Miller Little Randolph Hercules of 2527 Barton street, died at his home, October 6th. services were conducted Jordan Grove Baptist church October 8th, Rev. B ,F. Mann and Rev. John Fisher, officiat¬ ing: interment in Greenwood cemetery. Hall’s Funeral Home in charge, Mrs. Julia Green .president of the Zion Missionary, who has been spending a few days in New York city with relatives has returned. Rev. W. M. Mallard who was out of the city for a few days has returned. Rev. Clark who conducted the meeting at the Zion Baptist church last week delivered some splendid sermons and preached for the St. Paul Baptist church, last Sunday. Mrs. Massie Brook has moved to Jacksonville. Dea. Will Wright Is still on the sick list. The body of Mr. Cobb who Bureau of Public the House Committee of the during one ox many conferences on (Photo by U. S. Army an outstanding Missionary spoke a t Risley High school, the AME church and 1st A. B. Church'last Tuesday. Brunswick is proud of the church erected on the corner 0 f F and Cochran streets, Rev. j. L . Burney is pastor. > The Zion Baptist church worship with Bethel Baptist church on the 3rd Sunday at 3 p m m Rev. — N. T L. Lyde is pastor, . . . Friday night P. E. Rev. C. Hobbs held his last quarter the year at St. Paul AME church w hich ended on Sunday, the The presiding elder delivered two soul stirring sermons dur- lng the day. All reports dur- in gthe O ---- quarter ------ showed -------- a great o---- increase. The largest amount raised during the quarter was $90.90 by the leader Le Gray. The total amount raised during the day *126.25. Mrs. Evelyn Jau- don, reporter a nd Rev. I. J. John son, pastor. MFNDES NEWS By A. L. Howard Mrs. Willie Lee Rillon return- ed home last week after spend- ing a few days with her broth- pr and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs - Frank Geiger of Savannah, Ulysses Howard and Ramon Geiger are on the sick list. Mrs. Dessie Mae McArthur Catherine McArthur and Miss Emma D - Howard were Sunday afternoon guests of Eva Nell wowiCyetift. IS AS PRECIOUS AS LIFE ITSELF All we do is examine eyes and fit glasses—that’s all we do—but we do it right. DR. MAURICE CAMIN Eyesight Specialist Chatham Optical Service 112 Whitaker Street—Phone 3-3476 „ THANK YOU We know you appreciate the tremendous task confront¬ ing not only the Centra! of Georgia Railway but all the railroads in transporting the fighting forces of our na¬ tion. You, who have had to travel, know how this has resulted in crowded cars and some delays to our trains. You have been most considerate and helpful, and WE THANK YOU Your continued cooperation and friendwill always he appreciated. BUY CENTRAL OF GA. RAILWAY BUY WAR WAR BONDS Passenger Traffic Department STAMPS _ '■ - V THURSDAY. OCT 14 1913 U. S. W’ar Department Red Cress Service Club in plans for entertainment of Negro Corps). * ~ Mae Smith were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom M<?r Arthur. They were accompa- I ni ed back by Miss Catherine McArthur, Mrs Frances Williams has | returned home in Claxton af | ter spending a few weeks with her sislers> Mrs. Neomi Geiger . and M rs. Ruth 'Geiger and oth- 1 ers j Mrs Fannie Porter was the ' Sunda y guest of Mis Edna Bry- 1 ant - — —~ AfijJ wTTt TtllHff AcflAft 11 a JJg'Jgs use those in Bell-an Tablets. Tty Beu-»ns yours? 7Sf liz '' !lcld ' rellt « r ekly—yet are not a If ,r your tU very first “ ““ tet ^ re bottle to ^ ^ ............ ■ — ATTENTION LADIES ! Do you know that short, burnt hair can be grown out qquickly and easily by Savannah’s own PACE'S COCA-TAR and TAR OIL It also relieves dandruff and itchy scalpa, Try it, you’ll like it. Sold at MME. CARGO’S BEAUTH SHOP and BOEN’S PHARMACY Cor. Henry and W. Broad Only 35c. Wholesale prices for Beauty Shop Owners.