The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, December 09, 1943, Image 1

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TEARS 0? CONTINUOUS PUBLIC SERVICE -V: lxh •JACKSON TEACHERS SUE FOR EQUAL PAY ASSN.'S pIGHT S U P- ■ >1I > j v irl rk Few Changes PORTED i:j PERCENT ' V BY MEMBERS In Local AME Pulpits Ignored > School Board DEATH CLAIMS CONFERENCE ENDED Previous Petition E. H. PINKNEY SUNDAY AFTERNOON of Teachers DX Jackscn, Tcnn. The Jack- son Colored Teachers’ A "®' 1 r tion, with IOC per cent of the teacher' s'gnirr '5 e com rlc tat has fi*eel sut in the faJera’ court lure nr.kinp' eoual srlo¬ ries white teachers and hack pay. Befeildents am the City C mrni v sicn and C. B. Ijams, superintendent of educa tion. The suit is in the court of United States District Judge Marion S. Boyd The teacher:; their tatorr.eys. clam that the poli¬ cy. custom, >r :upe h ,v which Negro teachers of the same qualifications and experi¬ ence, performing essentially the sam c duties as white teach ers, are paid a lower salary is a violation of the 14th Amend¬ ment to the Constitution, the Tennessee ’ Constitution and state and federal laws. The teachers are asking that this custom be forverer out- lawed and that a special mas- ter be appointed “to ascertain and report on the amount of back salary due to plaintiffs. or which plaintiffs would ham been paid were it not- the unconstitutional dis- crimination herein cmoplained of. Thirty five teachers signed the complaint alleging were victims of discrimination; “solely because of their racej complaint Seventy years of age, foster- lather of 13 children and for 25 years president of the Sa- lem National Farm Loan Asso ciation, an all Negro farmers’ organization—that is just .a small part of the record of Joe E. Frierson, Sumter county Ne- gro. Frierson is a real farmer, a philosopher and a man totally respected by both whites and Negroes. , He is the kind ol farmer who never comes to town u*nic 35 he he has ^something pbiloso- to sc I find has a phy of life that the harder a row is ti^ hoe the harder the REV. HOBBS CHARGES FRAUB IN ELECTION OF A: U. t. DEL EGATES Rev. C. P. Hotbs contested the election of. delegates to the # 5®^ a :i'raj > ferenee conference which in was the Geor hvld on We^,'day, v7:c • ground December of crianccus 1, 1913, practice and fraud. He charges two presiding ders and cne high pastor of being guilty of rewriting the ballots of the under men who had prepared them, according to their own conviction and Continued from Pag*fe 5 i tmianuati frihiite. Tlu Old Georgia AM3 con¬ ference which met at St. Phil¬ ip church came to a close Sun¬ day afternoon with the ng of the ministerial appoint- ments. as made by Bishop W. A. Fountain who presided over live sessions during the week. There'were tut few changes made in the appointments to the local pulpits. As* read the appointments were as fol- low’s; Savannah district ReV. J. L. Butler, presiding elder; St. Phil ip Monumental, Savannah, Rev W. C. Davis; St. James Station, Savannah, Fiev. C. K. Knight; St. Luke station, Savannah, Rev. H. b. Broomfield; Chapel, Savannah, Rev. A. Par ker; Halcyondale station, Rev . j. l. Sibert; Mobley Pond cuit, Milhaven, Rev. B. B. Swin son; Clyo circuit, Rev. H. E. Scott; Effingham circuit, Rev. B. W. Ward; Rincon circuit, Rev. G. H. Stokes; Brier Creek circuit, Sylvania, Rev. R. F. Millen; Guyton circuit, Rev. B. J- Sherrod; Pooler Circuit, Rev P- Mitchell; Mt. Zion Jerusa- 1cm Mission. Rev. J. S. Jenkins; St. Mary Mission, East Savan- nah, Rev. S. Simmons; Seaside Mission, Rev. c. Brown Chapel Mission, Rev. A. z - Brown, Evangelist, Revs. w. j Jackson, West F. Savannah Lanier, District- Rev. W. O. f. Sherman, presid ling elder; St. Philip, Savanna.: Rev. W. H. Murph; Bethel sta | tion, Savannah, Rev. F w Bag | by; Gaines Chapel station, vannah, Rev. J. p Lampkin w'. j Rocky Ford circuit Rev. jer, iMincey; Mt. Zion circuit, ! Rev. J. s. Edgefield' Circuit, Rev. J. w. White; Syi- I vania circuit. Rev. J. F. Duhart l Millen cirtuit, Rev. L. W Lane- Portal circuit. Rev. E. J. j Graymount circuit, Rev. E. J. , n cyson vm „. Statesboro circuit, „ Rev L a t nr: u : ,J. J!f Sl0n ■ J P r; P e n f V1S M ril S10n '"totion MisS f !?nv H H p,!Sr ’m : T hr ? !Fountain R P Ju T ia A ' 11101 1 RtV J , '. W I M 1 W ..... " n 7? , , C 1 Mission, ’ ij\.' p o ° enc j Thunder- ‘ ' ’ boU Ml ssion. . Rev. D. H. - ton; Hunter’s Mission, Rev. W. S. Jackson; Ferkins Mission ; ____ iConMnuetl (i uii on Pace ruftc .»• 3i f O. P.—C. f. give $100 TO ALTO T.B. CLUB I The Cperative Plasterers and j I cement Finishers, local No. 15. enjoyed a delightful smoker and interesting program program on Thanksgiving day. A large number was present and was favored with an inspiring ad¬ I dress “ jTJ by Edwin W. Burke, ex- alted ler 0 f Weldon lodge of E | ks ’ | A number of encouraging talks was made by several rep- 1 ntativ.v; cf the building rese traces unions, response to an appeal made by Financial Secretary j B Hardrick in the mectm-’ of nc vernier 27 for a contribu- tion’ t-> the Volunteer Tubercu doi^/wfs maiItd ihat ^tuution. V J 1 Dr. E. H. Pinkney, dean of Savannah physicians, was bur j Saturday morning from the chapel of Steele Undertakers. r C v. N. M. Clarke, pastor of Beth Eden Baptist church, and the Rev. Dickson, gclist, conducting the services. Dr. Pinkney died November 30 a t his home, 544 East Hall He had been in poor health ever since he collapsed on the street while viewing the parade of the last paper car- nival, but continued to prac- at his office up until ‘ cently. Dr. Finkney was a man unusual refinement. He was person doing the hoeing must work. jj e is a diversified Cotton and , tobacco , i are hls main cash crops but he raises a little bit of almost every- thing else. He boasts that he something to sell day in the year. Mr. Fierson takes great pride in the 13 children he adopted . seme of these were relatives and o.fnrs no Kin at all. He *—o o-ven tiioin education and three of the girls are now teaching school. one boy is m th- army. SALMON C AN N ERS BOAST "PACKED BY WHITE LABOR ” New York-A New York housewife «ho purchased a can of “Snow Cap Brand Puget Sound Sockeye Salmon’’ from GristcJc 3rcv., chain grocers h;-.e, was startled to find j label containing the “vacuum packed by white la- bcr." She told the grocer would purchase no more sal- m on with that abel, tore it off ■ and mailed it to the NAACP. Protest was registered by .(Continued on Page 3> SWOPPING 1 V , V WEEKS LEFT TO PlCW our CIGC.RS Fo«- -b’UOTTV j j | j __ _ Orisfm£&/s . THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE THURSDAY, DEC. 9, 1943 | j j 1 Bureau of Public Relations, U. 8. War Department r VAPIFS is the scene of this huge gathering of American troops and the edifice is the Cathedra! Bf b'ytd> o aint j uarius These warriors of Lieutenant General Mark W. Clark’s Fifth Army have pushes an th* Mri tom. (Photo by D. S. tom 1 Cornsl. Army Plays Florida Here Saturday AT THE MUNICIPAL STADIUM Big Crowd Expected At Game SPONSORED BY THE j COSMOPOLITES The strong Fort Benning Rockets football team will m- vade cdy p ' ay tbc bl " ■ liant Florida Lions Saturday, > Dec ’ ember at Grayson Mu ' nicipal stadium. Both teams have good lines and fast backfield men ’ The Fort Benning team has stars ; representng most of the out- standing Negro colleges in the country> incIuding Wilberforce, clark ’ Soutb Carolina, Moie- • house - Morris Brown and Talla dega ' These two t3ams are , being brought to the Clty f0r th *. en ' tertainment of Savannahians and surroundin B community. by the Cosmopolites Civic and Social club. The kick-off (Will 1 be at 3:30 p. m. 1 The Rockets come to , Savan nah fresh from a victory over |the Tusk-egee Tigers in Colum- bu s with a score of 19 to 12 . Prior to thi s g an *e the Tuske- team boasted of a record - f fix straight wins over some Q 1 0 j t j le na tion’s best teams. Tho game with F loriJa wit be the second between these | ; 'CoiiMnued on Page .1 ■ ! Kelly ^ Racial ^ C ^ ommittee 0 . . s Names Jones A Director 1 Sidney A. Jones. Jr., prc:...- nent Scu.hside atttrno”. w* chosen Wednesday as director (of Mayor b .ward J. Keuys Race P latic-ns co mmittce, it 'wa ( s learned by the Chicago Dc fender. i The choice is as yet unoffi- jcial and must be approved by Mayor Kelly on his return to , the city from Florida where he is vacationing. Jones was unanimously ap¬ proved for the $5,000 a year post by the ten-mar* commi- Two More Savannahians Die In Italian FREDERICK ALFRED , Jr. and ROBT. BRYANT Private Rsbt. L. Bryant cently According received to information here irom the re- j | War Department, two more faa- j vannahians have died in the Italian invasion by American j forces. They were Private 1 Robert L- Bryant and Private -rc-cierick Alfred, Jr. Word cf Private Bryant’s ieath was received during the latter part of November. He tee whose chairman is Edwin ’ B. Embree, , president . of .. the .. Ju lius Rosenwald fund. The new director is at pres- ent an attorney for the U. S. Department oi imbor, wage and hour division. Previously he practiced law in state and county courts since hls graduation s an honor 't from N rthwestern ] rT „ - - 1 . :i» was th T ,: -oi Bor As n IT”. T T p was Hi., and t AMar Tniversi- -utstand- Notice To Soldiers Relatives ! If you wish llie picture ef your Min, brother or other rel¬ ative in the U. S. Armed for¬ ces published in The TTibune, send in his picture plus ($1.50) to cover the cost of cut. Photographs larger than tisxbla inches not accepted. Savannah Tribune 7 ELKS 10 HOLD LODGE o0 Idler beaten By Whites FOR REFUSING TAKE OFF UNIFORM Given 3 * Years In Mississippi Prison Washington, D C. The case of Pvt. Rieves Bell, who was beaten oy four white men in i Starksviile,’ Mississippi, because i he would not take off his um- j form, and who was sentenced ; to 3 1-2 years in the state pen-. I etentlary by a Mississippi court, lias been placed before ! Secreatry of War Stimson by the Washington Bureau of the ; NAACP. | Pvt. Bell, who was attached to a quartermaster battalion at Fort Myles Blandish, Massa¬ chusetts, was on furlough and was visiting his parents in i Starksviile. 1 The record shows that on his first evening in town he was standing on the street corner' chatting witli two colored igirls when four white men ’ passed by. One of them push \ j ed Pvt. Bell, but Bell said noth ing. A second push was given him and he was asked, “Where did you get that uniforii?" Bell replied that Uncle Sam had given him the uniform, whereupon he was told, “Take off that soldier suit." Natur¬ ally Bell refused and a scuffle ensued in which one of the white boys clkinis to have been cut by the soldier. , Bell was arrested and jailed, j j i MiUtary b° lic e entered into the case but did aot take Qel1 into , I ™ st ° dy - leaving him to the tender mercies ol the Starks- i j Vll 1 ' e vL auGl Bt ^ u itles ' “dmg I ' ' s ( ' (l ‘u» la ol- . ' was connected with a motor outfit and was killed in a ve¬ hicular accident in Italy on October 31. We was the son of Mrs. Katie Bryant of G 66 Yamacraw Village and had been in the army about eight months. He was 22 years old. Private Alfred's death was reported last week, the mes¬ sage received here simply stat¬ ing that in**Italy. he was ’ 7le"wa7 __ killed _____ in _ ac ^ tion the son of Fred Alfred, Sr., postman and stepson of Mrs. Mabel Robinson Alfred, pal of the Harris street school, I who reside at 627 West aath ! street. He was 23 years old. fContinued on Page SAVANNAH AREA MEN SERVING IN U. S. ARMED FORCES n.. - A; | i Garrob Btith, who was discharged from army ^ ^ Sgt. Stith was inducted last Octo- , ber and was st , ationed at Camp Maxie, Texas. He is expected dur i n g the early part of next wee k Private Aliha L. Joshua who .... | Many friends are making I pleasant for her while she is home on furlough visiting her ® mother, _ .. Mrs. Sarah Bacon of 3201 Steven street. AT ^LL PEOPLE'S NEW CENTURY ( futhw BAP. bap rut CHURCH mm C kristopher Rivers The ! Principal Speaker ___________ ' Christopb . ^ r ™ vers Weldon , Lodge of Elks and Elite Temple, daughters of Elks, will hold their annual memorial services Sunday afternoon 3:30 o'clock at All Peoples New Century Baptist church, Harmon and Joe Sts., Rev. E. N. Bunn, Ph. D., pas¬ tor. The program which will be¬ gin at eight o’clock will have as its principal speaker Chris¬ topher Rivers. The following is the program; - » Opening ceremonies, leg by Exalted Ruler Edwin W. Burke; introduction of master of cer¬ emonies, a. W. Cummings; re- marks, B. B. Goins, master- of ceremonies; solo, Mrs. A. B. Ed mondson; recitation, Thana- topsis, Earl Parks; duet, Mrs. Birdie Burk e and Mrs. Earnes- tine Taylor; eulogy, Ed. Green; s election, choir, All (Continued on page 8 ) Sgt. John W. Allen, Jr who May 3, 1941, and a German spy while at 1 Camp Hood, Texas. He is at Fort H uachuca, Ariz. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen, Sr. of 1911 avenue, wuiui x* iunrung, ine and hi: .band it of Mrs Beauiah 1 teming 235 Last Boundary . t who is with the „ tr U. S. „ in the South Pacific bat area. NUMBER 8 A-ic. uames vvuuams, son of Mrs. Martha Polite of Thun- » derbolt ’ Ga - wbo ^ statkmed at Columbia, S. C„ and says he is well plesed with army life and is getting along fine. pfc. John H. Wright, who u •“ cam P Cialboine, Louisiana, where he reports that he is doing line and get¬ ting along nicely. He is the sen of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright of Thunderbolt, £ta.