The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, November 28, 1946, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY, NOy. "8 1946 *■ LOCALS Mrs- Bertha R'ckentoacker ot ^522 "Tuesday East (jordon sin et lelt night to spend week with her daughter, Doris, Who is matriculating at Pal- mcr Memorial Insttute, lia, N. C. On her return she will v sit her aunt at Fort Val- * cy ' * * * Alfred Anderson and Moses Jones of Atlanta are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller of E, Anderson street. * * » Mrs. Eugenia Myers and House Of inis BIG DOUBLE PROGRAM FIUDAV—SATURDAY NOV. 29—30 Hit No. 1 Buster Crabbe in ‘PRAIRIE RUSTLERS Added Serial—Comedy Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2, 3 2—B 1 G HIT S—2 Fast Furious Comedy Riot “LOLLYPOP” And a big cast of All-Colored Stars in “Lucky Gamblers” Hit No. 2 mTDEflTH CHALLENG. ,f | k.,1. »iss&$§y’‘ MORELAND imTSM! SSH YC&ySH© TAM’S CKAND&SR Comedy—Latest News Events WEDNESDAY ONE DAY ONLY, DEC BIG DOUBLE PROGRAM Hit No. 1 Roy Rogers in “SONG OF ARIZONA” Added Fun- With Smile” Til CHS AY ONLY, DEC 5TH N\ 1 . c\ 7 t J ' ^ NEW FACES New Acts—New Show In Person i - f Matinee 4:30 Nights 7 and 9 p. m. “HITS and BITS” 20 — People — 2d Music - Songs - Dances J! Gals! Gags! Guys - Fun! c Solid Hour of 3—Times—3 Daily On The Screen “DON’T GAMBLE WITH STRANGERS” A»3feHOllSE OF HITS! I daughter left Tuesday for • lnl ” wherc lllc y wiU L lin Myers ' | * * Mrs Lottic Maxwell formerly ol this city, but j of Detro't. is spending Thanksgiving vacation her parents, Rrv. and Mrs- W- Maxwell. Mrs. Warren return to’her home next __________ _ A S<iN Mr. and Mrs. Edward of 218 Fellwoo t Homes, i nounce the birth of an baby boy, Sunday, Nov. 24. Hit No. 2 ‘FLYING SEPENV Hit No. 2 “FREDDIE STEPS OUT” -!| - Wm j i J. i j j 11 i if j flj mK&i M 1 ■ JJ | j i ! PR j On October 27. the Stevens family of Daytona Beach. Fla., held a family reunion at their home, 72a Loom s avenue- Mr- and Mrs. Washington Stevens were blessed with 19 children, 14 of wh ch are now living. Their children came from various cities for this re¬ union. F ve sons ol Norwalk, Conn., and other points north, one son and two daughter.; irum .-.-avannah, Cm., one r / ■'V- 'mmmm iSSp THEATRE DIAL a 1720 FR1—-SAT- NOVEMBER 29—30 BIG DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Feature No. 1 Charles Starrett “OVERLAND TO DTABWOOD” , . ■ . . Pius ( 2 “Scarlet Hldi oipajtf” SATURDAY MORNING NOV. 30, J2 TO J P. M. ONLY Big- Kiddie Cartoon Show 8—All New ( artoons Each Week—8 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Dec. I. 2. 3 Van sings! TUG OF tOVg in TKCHK; COLOR ", C ■J.,. CECIL CECIL KELLAWAY KELl Cerici Ramirez • Ben Blue U-G-M Adopted ETHEt by SMITH Dorothy al Kingsley ll<« Organ From • the Screenplay “Libeled lady" by , Mavine Watkin*, Howard Emmett Roger* pnd George Oppenheimer. Si 'Ft SAL ADDED ATTRACTION! “WOOTHALE THRILLS" Latest News — House Tricks WED.—TUCKS. DECfl 1—5 BIG DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM jr Three with MARGARET O’BRIEN Added Feature SUNSET CARSON, Your Action Ace in “Sherif of Cimarron” Also Selected Short Subjects SAVANNAH TRIBUNK of Tampa, Fla-, four sons, one daughter of Daytona Beach, Fla. This uffa r was enjoyed im¬ mensely. Til is year marks their thirty-seventh year of happy marriage. Their children are as fol¬ low : Ondra, Uranevor, Dal¬ ton, Herman, Norris, Washing¬ ton, Jr., Caesar, -Ehrl, Jess e, DeWitt, Qdson, Tharon, Mrs. Mareline! Mrs. Merle Downing, ss Dessie Stevens. Feature No. 2 ( hosier Morris Nancy Kellv “TORNADO” BIRTHDAY PARTY On Thursday, November 14, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Joyce enterta ned their charm- n J ttlc daughter, little Miss I ’. Elaine, with a birthday party at their residence, 2300 street. Little Miss Joyce, who was one year old, was the recip ont of many use- ful and beaut'ful gifts. The even'ng was spent in playing games, after whiich the little hostess and lier friends as¬ sembled in the dining room The table was decorated with a beautiful lace tablecloth wit! a lovely birthday cake in tlv center, having on it “Huppj B rfhday. Baby from Mothei and Dad” and a small candle ir the center- With much cere¬ mony the candle was lit anc after several attempts by 'tie' little hostess was blown 011 After singing Happy Birtlulaj a delicious repast was served It consisted of candy, peanuts ice cream and cake, which wa enjoyed by all. Besides the little hostess, u make the evening enjoyable were Betty Jeane Fountain Mary Alice Hartwell, Dori. Mike, Dorothy Lee Myers,, An Hall, Ardeil Ferguson Siiirley Ann Luther, Patrick; Luther, Beverly Spann, Bobb} ' A; n Thomas, Frankie Coleman Mar e Wilcox, Charlotte Wil cox, Miss Marion Milton, Mes- dames Rosa Slater, Louisi Spencer, and G. F’oster Young Charles Hartwell, Walter "Wil- cox, William Roper, Jr., Don aid Bland. Mrs. Joyce was assisted h serving by Mrs. Mildred Myers Mr:.. Alice Hartwell Mrs Juli£ Aust n, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Rosa Hawkins and Mrs. Cries tine B Tilson. MUTUAL BENEVOLENT . SOCIETY STORMS , TRIBUNE OIMCE By Samuel J. Brown . Jj'he members of the Mutua Benev lent Society paid a sur- prise veil to the office of Savannah Tribune on •the •nng of Wednesday, j 20, and took the office ; by storm 1 The information had j out that this elate marked anniversary of the birth of editor, Sol. C Johnson, realir, ng that Mr. Johnson i the oldest member (in point membership/ of the Society and has served the t:on with such efficiency ant loyalty throughout these years besides the inestimable and in. piration he has br*n t< its members, they decided upoi ih's method to “do honor” ti him, although in a rathe crude style. The members gathered in tin office of Dr J w Wilson, cleat and sent out scouts report the ex;xf location oi their intended “victim ” (•out. repcrled he was ng n a swivel chair a newspaper in a calm and rene manner. They then clos- cd in on tiie office and denly rushed in singing py Birthday to You ’ Mr. Johnson no doubt that an atomic bomb struck his office, so was the surprise- After the excitement commotion had subsided he hud an opportunity to gain his composure, lh • bers, by * one one, 1 heir congratulations to him on having reached another tone in his very useful career Finally he was presented a small token as a mamento ot the occasion. The touch was given when T. J. Hopkins brought in freshments and saw that one was served. Mr. Johnson related instances of interest that curred during his active day.-*;* with the Mutuals and express-* ed pleasure at being remem-X K j - Let.'.:. . he has been so long iden¬ MRS BROUN IS IMPROVED Mrs. Marie Brown of 1008 E street has been ill for months from an auto¬ accident. She is very improved and w slies to this method of express ng appreciation to the White Tent Number 171, also to Monroe Funeral Home for to me, also to my many friends and relatives for so many lovely cards and flowers. REV n il HERN FETED Rev. H W W iburn of Firs; Tabernacle Baptist enureh wa feted with a surprise birthday party Saturday light. Nov. 23 at the home of Deacon am Mrs- John Wise. The Rev Wil¬ burn came in at 10 o'clock ex¬ pecting to marry a couple 'and greeted by a host of mem¬ and friends sing ng "Hap¬ py Birthday, Dear Pastor.' When he had gotten over ho ■•m prise a spicy program was and dedicated to him Rev. yiMbum expressed him¬ self, stating how happy he was know that- his members were think ng about him on his He received man;, useful gilts- A dainty repas! was served. The birthday eak< vas beautifully decorated. Mrs ’ornclia Attest was tuustnvs ress. “On r I'he Corner” HAST SI Ills THEATRE Phone 3-6092 Fri—Sat. Nov. 20—3U* 2—BIG FEATURES—2 Hit No. 1 Johnny Mack Brown * “Raiders Of Border Hit No- 2 East Side Kids in “MR. WISE GUYS” , Also list Chapter M/ORROS BLACK WHIP" j On our stage, 4:30 & 8 p m. * SATURDAY ONLY X AMATEUR SHOW * And CRAZY QUIZ ‘t $50.00 in prizes each week ANYBODY CAN WIN •: 1. I. 1 ■ ■ — ■ —-------- v Sun. Mon. Dec. i, 2 .j. A Startling Dramatic Thunderbolt MAMIE SMITH Edna Mae Harris Alex Lovejoy in “MURDER ON LENOX AVE” ADDED Serial — Comedy News ... ===== *:• Tuesday Only, Dec. 3rd New Faces New Acts New Talent On Our Stage IN PERSON Matinee 4:30 Night 7 and 9 p. m. The Big Laugh and Scream Show ‘Hits * Hits’ 20--PEOPLE—20 On The Screen "PHANTOM OF CHINATOWN” Wed— Thurs. Dec. 3—4 2 BIG HITS 2 HIT NO. 1 Dennis Morgan Dane Clark Elenor Parker in “THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU” ? ADDED Serial —Comedy EXTRA ADDED WEDNESDAY NIGHT Radio Broadcast From Our Stage 7:15 to 8:00 P. M Presenting “HOLSUM TALENT SHOW” Over Station W- F- R- P- Join In Our W. exi, ±Jto..UCasl MARINES KE< EIVK CHARTER A charter was granted by the Marine corps League, Inc., to the Montflord Point Detach¬ ment of Savannah, Byron Mc- Iver, commandant. The char¬ ter was granted to the follow¬ ing ex-Marines: Byron Mrlver, Julius wil¬ liams, Samuel L White, Jr., Med Owens, Tommie Moore, James Long, Med D Wright, leo Mobley, Archie Jones, Eu¬ gene Alls, Leroy Wright, Rob¬ ert, Deloach, Robert Beard, jas. ; Jack. on. Paul Hubert, W 11 am fa iron, Eugene Morris, Wiliam ! Lackshear, William ! Young md Ervin Black. The Marine C rps League v'us founded in 1933 and was ncorporated by act of Congress ■n 1937- It was founded by (he -*********•:•***•:•**•:••:•****•, | | Wimberly’® f Recreation Parlor j*. 526-28 West Broad SI. j; £ Is Th»> Rigid Place To •• Spend Your Recreation •!* Hours :j: *’ * RECORDS BY LOUIS JORDAN AT The Vanity Shoppe Dunbar Theatre Bldg. Phone 3-9976 ( rt «AST BROAD STR€£T FRIDAY—SATURDAY NOV. 29—30 2 BIG HITS 2 flit No. I Basil Uathbuile tit “Terror By Knight” ALSO Cartoon and ( huptor 8—“The Phantom” Extra Added Attraction Beginning Saturday and Every < Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday “HARLEM ON PARADE” with Walter Nelson His Orchestra and All Star Stage Show ■ j with 8 of Uitrlem's liveliest Gals SONGS—J > AN(: ES—COMEDIANS Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Dec. 1, 2, 3 The great picture of the year, starring John Garfield, Lana Turner and Cecil Kellaway IN HELD OVER ! TuwGiiD 1 dm omtcTio by TAY CAPNETT % pporjur.ff. *v CAREY WILSON A story that will keep you on the edge of your seat WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY DEC. 1—5 ANOTHER DOUBLE FEATURE DAY FEATURE NO- 1 Maria Monlee Preston Foster In “TANGIER” ADDED rii ,nd G e<.t Alaskan Mystery PA31 Lt. Gen. John A. laj Jeune. Any person wno served in] the Marine Corps regardless of j t'me of service is eligible for ] membership, provided he or i she has an honorable discharge or is still in active service. Detachment meeting was < held Monday, Nov- 25, at Mc- Iver’s barber shop. A DAUGHTER Mr and Mrs- Dan Davis of Richard street. West Savan- nah, are the proud parents of a f ne baby girl, born last week- If It’s Building or Repairing, Call Us L. G. GIBBS Building Contractor 403 W. 34th St. Phone 3-4658 We specialize in build¬ ing and repairing w'ork with Blocks, Wood or Bricks. Hit No. 2 Tex Ritter in ‘Roiling Westward' FEATURE NO. 2 Jack Randall in ‘Across The Plains”