The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, December 12, 1946, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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llHTItSDAS, DEC 12, 1945 SECURITY NUMBERS Wi’n the Christmas holidays », many employers wf> be taking on extra help Martin J. John on, district manager of the Social Security Administration urges all em¬ ployers to be sure that they get a ft cord of the Social Security Account Number <■[ . a per , || son goes" the to fast work. cL.y The chat employer's employee reports to the Bureau of In¬ ternal Revenue cannot bt cleared, and the employees car not be credited with their earn¬ ings unless the employer doe report each i.i ployee’s wage with his name and Social Se¬ curity Number , There are over 85,000,000 So- cial Secuily . ..-counts already set' up by the Social Administrat on Any name any combine: on of name ; you can think of dumic.n- i many times'in the.-., re, ard; sad Mr. Johnson. There are mom 1,250,000 Smith. alone therti arc 13 different ways spelling that fumuy 11am 1 ■ 11 the< administration's i”ecords. Mr. Johnson urges employers taking on anyone without Social Security number to have that employ, no : > Uie Post Ofliee obtain appti- caVbn blank for a Social cur ly Number, and ubmit it immediately to the Soo al Se¬ curity office, 201 American building, Savannah mwm A, 'i ' • ft — THEATRE DIAL 3-1720 FRI.—SAT. DEC. 13—14 BIG DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Feature No. 1 Feature No. 2 Wild Bill Elliott Robert Lpwej-y “LAW COMES “THEY MADE TO TEXAS” ME A KILLER” Add d Thrills —‘‘Scarlet Horseman” SAT 'i.-U DEC. U. 12 TO 1 P. M. ONLY Big Kiddie Cartoon Show PI uto—(/ ! 1 —Popeye—Donalcl 1)uck © Sunday, tb.-iday. Tuesday, Dec. 15, 16, 17 2—BIG HITS FOR YOUR PLEASURE—2 HIT NO. 1 t K-S-Mi ** gi Lv IB? % t - in Ml ■ / TECHNICOLOR Hki m HIT NO. 2 STARK DRAMA! THRILLS! MYSTERY! “Murder In Harlem” WITH ALL STAR ALL COLORED CAST Plus Ne\vs—Cartoon—Novelty WED—THURS. DEC. IS— 19 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM K? CHARLES BOYER JENNIFER JONES in ERNST LUBITSCH’S ADDED FEATURE William Gargan — Pat O’Moore in “Rendezvous 24” LATEST WORLD NEWS Elect Officers Interesting Meeting lull Spirit. The annual meeting of Omar Temple No. 21. A E A. O N- M S. was held on the 8th The nobles turned out in un¬ usual number Statement of ihe year’s work and a summary of the f'nanc al condition of *he temple were given- The administration of Illustrious Potentate Donald Thomas was very helpful to the temple. The recent ceremonial was one of the best held. A spring and fall class was suggested. The following off cers were elected: R W. Gadsden, Illustrious Potentate, Robert Smith, unief Rabban. w M. McNeil. Asst. Rabban. g. q Blackshear. Recorder, Prank B. Walker. Asst. Re¬ corder- sol- C- Johnson, Treasurer. s Fuller, Oriental Guide. Geo. B Jones. H. P- & P Aberdeen Kennedy, 1st Cere- monial Master .J. W McGlockton. Second Ceremonial Master. Jesse A Brooks, Capt- of Guard. M. Coll or. Jr.. Marshal- Willie J. Fleming, Outer Guard. T!le ciiar table work of the temple was mentioned. This will be augmented during the holidays by remembering ones- MRS LILUIAN BUTLER, of Thundeibolt, who will be grad¬ uating from Boyce's Beauty School Sunday at the com¬ mencement exercises at the St. James AME church at 3 p m. Wimberly’« i A | *•* Recreation Parlor % B26-28 West Broad St. Is The Right Place To •i* Spend Your Recreation v Hours |* *$« *J« -J* ‘I* »J* *1* •!* v v v "I* *1^ 15c-RECORDS 15c Y Y BUY NOW FOR HOI'DAYS 1 GOLDBERG AMUSEMENT COMPANY 400 Jefferson Street Savannah, Ga. ALL LATEST JUKE-BOX RECORDS SLIGHTLY USED *.'j FRIDAY—SATURDAY, DEC. 13—1-I 2—BIG FEATURE I K TURKS—2 - 1. a Wild Bill Elliott “INVISIBLE “California Gold INFORMER” HOUSE OF HITS Rush ,, ADDED ‘HOP IIARRIGAN’ Also ‘Daffy Duck Egghead’ Sunday, Monday, Tuesdav, December 15, 16, 17 When Ann's. Ot^/ , you'll "Oh hol/Q, OH, WHAT SHE le^ DID TO THE ‘XMAS IN | CONNECTICUT’ KID! i ANN \ y . 5 . AND DENNIS ■ | I ....... wm ■ X' ; illrl ..!. mil ’jt He's a weed in their garden of love! ALEXIS SMITH .Everybody’s girl friend i all at once! m JANE ° *>* They WYMAN She's a daygirl - OUYs playing for keeps! is Y *!1 WAY YO «'U warners'ncw OO for hit » A Wl'h VTAECM PiAT Rf CHA»l€S MOfPMArN «. CAf*4UViNt TtltNfr . aowtkshh.’ , S H?bp Kar h ' t ade Wl,h tune I he «- REGINALD GARDINER * peuuodibh C'AlQGUfc ev iUtuA PHILIP I >M0 6APIV PHILIP MUilC G EPSTEIN •* • 6ASIO on « rur /m _0NE MORE . TOMMROwj • ADDED “Crimson Ghost” Comedy—Latest News WEDNESDAY , DEC. 18 BIG DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Hit No. 1 Hit No. 2 THE KING COLE TRIO in THE CISCO KIDS in “BREAKFAST IN HOLLYWOOD” “SOUTH OF MONTEREY” THURSDAY ONLY, DECEMBER I9TH On Our Stage in Person 4:30, 7:00 and 0:00 P. M. 20 Hits -___I and Bits' THE BIG LAUGH PEOPLE & SCREAM SHOW 20 On The Screen THE SHADOW in “MISSING LADY” SAVANNAH TRIBUNE /ETAS' CHRISTMAS MUSICAL A SUCCESS The annual Christmas musi- cal sponsored by Alpha Theta Zeta chapter of Zeta Phi Beta sorority featuring the elcmen- tary Schools’ glee clubs, was warmly rece veil by a large and appreciative audience Sunday afternoon. Selections by the following schools were beaut fully ren¬ dered: West Broad, Mrs. M U Haynes, director, Mrs. Mildred Young, accompanist; West Sa- vannah, Mrs. A. R Wade, d - rector. Mrs. C W Williams, ac- companist; Harris, Soror O. B Dingle, d'rector; Maple. Soror M- Stripling, director; Mrs I B McCullough, accompan st; Florance. Soror N H. Walker, director, Mrs. N M- Hopkins accompanist Special numbers were pre¬ sented by M sses Eva O Blige and Rosemary Johnson of Cuy- ler Jr. high school. A liberal response was made to the appeal made by Soror , Golden in the interest of eyeglass project. Remarks were made by Rev- Murph, pastor of St. Philip church Betas’ final meeting for 1943 will be held on December 21 at „ o'clock at the home of Soror A. M. Stapling on West tory Dr ive- All sorors are v N ','" t JF 3 DR FRED L. BROWNLEE, head of the American Mission¬ ary Society, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this month Dr. Brownlee's book "New Day Ascending,” just off the press, tells the story of AMA's remarkable work in the founding of Negro schools and colleges during reconstruction days and its services as a force in the field of better race rcla- tions. <ANP 1 ur g ec j to be present and on time DRY CLEANING OVERCOATS — HATS SUITS — DRESSES 50 c LAMAS BROS. Cor, Drayton and Broughton Sts. PHONE 8900 We Call for ( nd Delltn ‘O11 The Corner” EAST SIDE j THEATRE t Phone 3-6092 " 1 Fri—Sat. Dee. 13—14 2 BIG FEATURES— 2 I Hit No- 1 X Sunset Carson in “CODE OF THE J PRAIRIE" Hit No 2 y James Mason in t "HOTEL RESERVE’’ i *ZORROS BLACK WHIP” X | On our stage, 4 30 & 8 p m. SATURDAY ONLY f AMATEUR SHOW i And CRAZY QUIZ * $50.00 in prizes each week 1 ANYBODY CAN WIN t T Sun., Mon., Dec. 15—10 T X i JttR i 1 * *i’| i «?ld» ANDREWS SISTERS '' ‘ !G-S. •!• JACK BENNY . Y JOtf. BROWN \ •!• EDDIE CANTOR v-.V Y KITfY JACK CARLISLE CARSON ' , ,||l SfU . X 5 ‘ Mr WW M ' * ’ OANE CLARK JOAN CRAW10RD 1 HELMUT DANTINE BETTE DAVIS * FAYE EMERSON VICTOR FPANCEN J 1 • y. juhn garitlid ’-Jr X t SYDNEY CREENSTRKT ♦ • ALAN HALE jh)L Lv f - PAUL HENREID rh\{ ■ ; ROBERT HUnON ’’ f JOAN LESLIE V"''?// i X JETER LORRlf t n "14 i! j , ' ^IRENE ’IRENE MANNING MANNING \ \ A. \\ , i ' JOAN McCRACKEN TA k) X A DOLORES MORGAN MORAN 3 1 k -pt DENNIS <> X Y ELEANOR REYNOLD^ PARKER Wfi JOYCE : ROY S. ROGERS^ TRtOCEfir ' T\f V MJM m »>■ t, TS Z. C COOOUS I SAKAtr t 2ACHARY SCOTT Mar ALEXIS SMI IH , BARBARA STANWYCK |'C A 1 1 JOSEPH SEIGETI DONALD WOODS JANE WYMAN l K j ! Y' IIMMY IIMMY fMIKAV DORSEY & t Hit HIS BANf) fUWh I *> CARMEN CAVALLAR0 4 ORH. GOLD! ft GATE 0UAR1E1 ROSARIO 4 £ \ ANI0NI0 SONS Of THE PIONEERS r ./• f1 ‘zfONGS' .p GaL<*Qe // '+ X a- .? Xi >iQinol Scraan Tioy by Delmar Dave* • Muj-cc Jum^ars Creo»«d and Directed by to ROY PRIM ,K Diraciad by DELMER DAVES ±\ •I* Also Serial Cometiv News t! X| —----- Tues. Only, Dec- 17th New Faces New Acts New Talent On Our Stage IN PERSON Matinee 4:30 Night 7 and 9 p. m. The Big Laugh and Scream Show A ‘Hits * Bits’ 20—PEOPLE—20 On The Screen “Radio Stars On Parade” Wed__Thurs. Dec. 18—-P! X 4- 2 HIT BIG HITS 2 ;j; NO. 1 Tim Holt in “Sagebrush Law” HIT NO. 2 “Escape In The Desert” ADDED Serial—Comedy X EXTRA ADDED % WEDNESDAY NIGHT £ Radio y Broadcast From Our Stage M ^ f 7:15 to 8:00 P. Presenting $ “HOLSUM TALENT | j SHOW” 5TH PRECINCT VOTERS MEET MON. NIGHT All voters of the 5th precinct of the first district and others who wish to be with us, are urged to meet at St. Thomas AME church. 48th and Bur¬ roughs streets, Monday night, December 16, at 8 o'clock Please come on time and bring your friends- Very Important. Dr M p Scssoms is chairman and Mrs Sadie Steele, secre¬ tary. Regardless of when the GI insurance ol a World War II veteran lapsed, until February i. 1947, his NSLI policy can be reinstated by paying two monthly premiums and signing a statement that his health is as good as it was at the time the pol'cy lapsed- VISIT THE UNION DRUG CO. 416 W. Broad. Cor- Benic.t J. E. Randall, Pharmacist Formerly at Park Ave. and W. Broad Phone 7310 NYLONS ARE PLENTIFUL AT The Vanity Shoppe Dunbar Theatre Bldg. Phone 3-9976 €AST BROAD STREET FRIDAY—SATURDAY DEC. 13—11 ON STAGE Harlem On Parade Complete New Show ON SCREEN Ray Corrigan Max Terhune IN Cowboy Comman¬ JANE WYATT LOWELL GILMORE ; dos” JULIE BISHOP PETER C00KS0N ABNER BIBERMhJ MltBURN STONE > ADDED “Smoky Joe” tartoon and The Phantom Chapter 19 Sunday, Monday, December 15—16 “IRISH EYES ARE SMILING ” With Dick Ilaymes — June Haver ADDED Ski Aces — Trap Happy TUESDAY, DEC. 17 ON STAGE “HARLEM ON PARADE” New Songs—New Dances—New Gags ON SCREEN “SMART GUY” with Jack LaRue—Frank Lattiniore ^ Also “THE RUMMY” WED.—THUKS DEC. IK—ID 2- DOUBLE FEATURES—2 Feature No. 1 Feature No. 2 “THE FATAL “IN THE MEAN¬ HOUR” TIME DARLING” With With Boris Karloff Jean Crain Marge Reynolds Frank Lattiniore ADDED ATTRACTION LOUIS JORDAN IN “TOOT TH AT TRUMPET’ ftuw m» birthday shower The Peaceful Zion Baptist church gave their pastor, Rev. J. W Overstreet, a surprise birthday shower Friday even¬ ing. He was the recipient ol a wide variety of useful items and a nice purse of money. A program with opening a»d closing prayer by Rev H Coop¬ er was rendered. INFORMATION WANTED— Anyone having information about the whereabouts of the. child or children of Winnie Cooper, deceased, who formerly lived at 518 Greene street, Sa¬ vannah. Ga., please eonununi- cate with inc. WILLIAM S. JACKSON. 719 1-2 West Broad Street. Savannah, Ga- Attorney for estate of Cuyler Brooks, deceased- < Adv.) If It’s Building or Repairing, Call Us L. G. GIBBS Building Contractor 403 W. 34th St. Phone 3-4658 We specialize in build¬ ing and repairing work with Blocks, Wood or Bricks.