The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, July 03, 1947, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1947 ANOTHER WONDERFUL WEEK OF WONDERFUL ENTERTAINMENT j* ^ \ FRIDAY—SATURDAY, JULY 4—5 2 Terrific Pictures For Your Holiday Movies NO. 1 TRIPLE TROUBLE...ALL FEMALE -when a sagebrush trouble-shooter tangles with a pistol-packin’ Spitfire! IflllMM ■SA?Dtf| ."J» owiok k' k OL W tuW' tus “ tw n MtU ................... k* Dirsctad ky „. _ rtLLOWSjOWIN L MARIH Screen Pl«_by MICHAEL HfiGAM t PAUL P. fI* • ROBERT NO. 2 TRAZAN AND AMAZON ADDED HITS Cartoon and Chapter No. 9—“The Scarlet Horseman” Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, July ti, 7, 8 The Beautiful Technicolor Picture That Broke All House Records Wherever It Showed You’ll find Excitement... Adventure ... Thrills . .. Romance ... Spectacle .. ALSO A Special Added Attraction Louis Jordan in “Hepcat Serenade^” AND NEWS 4 DAYS STARTING WEDNESDAY, JULY 9TH The Picture You've Heard About The Picture You’ve Read About! The Picture You’ll Actually See With All Its Frankness That Has Aroused The Nation 5 " ... 1 1 up A> / ’<w£*JA $ P / t t / .-rraSlhk rZA. t ' ; ' - . S -T- v'/ : '■ ■ y ' i ' UYGS2fi»C PRCBliCHOLS ihraus'i the raaRa^eftte^t cY inis theatre presents a picture vitally important to the rising generation! ; It deals frankly with the stonccuTca *t'CIENC£S jt j subject rardy whisper! spoken af WEN I np^lfl above a ONLY at 2^7 p.m. DCCaS OPEN AT 1.30 - €.30 1 wtifcrii 7 LALE 1 c i; r AT t s 7 on 10 I ALL-STAR HOLLYWOOD CavI! i^V.V ★ STltGt . . 1 ^ \n PF.M OH THE JESSE OWENS Ie HSZg;*** LOCAL s Matthew S. Brown and 4s- ters, Misses Eva and Helen L. Brown, and grandmother, Mr Eva Robinson, all of 925 W. Victory Drive, left Tuesday night of this week on' an ex- tended vacation,, motor in- Durham, N. C., where they v ill spend a few days with Ur r mother, Mrs. Helen Lee Hr after which they will pro to New York city to be ’..<<■ 'guests of their brother, Ciu topher F. Brown, Jr. They wo, also visit points in New Je .-y 'and Connecticut. ...» Lic. W- Robinson and I !•.. R. Davis left Sunday fur A. - lanta, where they will an .1 the School of Religion ol Mo , house College. En route ui ,\ lantq, they will visit friend, and relatives in Macon an ! ' other points. Mrs. Maggie Slocum, who \va. called here to b’c with her i - ter, Mrs. Josephine Sai . who was very ill, taut is now much improved, hips ret:, > to her home in New York . i » Little Miss Marguerite v . the daughter ol Mrs. Ciio or, left Monday for Cl : j mer where vacation she will spend iting the vi r<-i; and friends. She will n ■ • in September in time for school opening. Mr. and Mrs. David Sio-mn , and little Samuel Slocum New York city, were gm > o . their aunt, Mrs. Josephine i i ders of 2009 Harden s!reel ter leaving Savannah they >. i visit Mrs. Slocum’s mother i. Lynchburg, Va.. and then turn to their home in N vv Yu , city. Mr. Slocum is the . <>,. Mr. - and Mrs. Joseph Slocum IT’S wm CODE AT TID [ PITM Celebrate Thc 4th July With Us Special Prot*ram i Lawrence Tierney iu U SAN QUENTIN” k Added Serial - Con.e Saturday Only, July fiih Double Program HIT NO. 1 Bob Steele “Riding Lone Tral | HIT NO. 2 James Dunn in u Hold That Wom r ! Added Serial Comedy Sunday, Monday, IT sdhy. 1 July 6, 7, 8 1 Added Special American Legion Convention At Macon, Ga. ALSO nitHi p ‘DICK TRACY CUEBALL” Added Serial -Conn Wednesday. BIG FE ATURES-2 Jul> Ml, I 2— HIT NO. 1 “Wild Beast At Ba HIT NO. 2 “Rockin In Thc Rockies’ ADDED COMEDY Thursday, July ! A triumphant Kitu, Joan Fontaine “RE BE C C Added Serial, (.01 N* York city. ‘ '> ''Lee Janie;. daugii- - ■ B J Janie; ; *•' ■ fctati College, left i ov i 1 Atlanta to be the u< . o, n<. ro munaie. • ■' • < £:>■>;» i Me.;,, J-;: • Co'v-t tire students ! M> u.oriul Institute, > .o i., oiaves, Jr., wnu is 5 1:1 iV Haven, Conn., ' 11 iur 11 lrW 1 ‘ *’• ,-k in:. / liis fa- tin r J. u c.iravi . Sc, is spend- > a; ,, nth Mrs. ive, uml iheir children at Alu. I lit in R. Lei' of Trenton, N-J., son of Mrs. s. M. Lee and the late Rev. S. M, Lee, is in the cit. vi Ting his mother at 63j West 3(lth“ m street. He will leave Frida'; n..* or his i,.i,r,, home. ; 1 N V,’ 1 ‘ ar '-ory returnr j ,, in .ay . morn ng fioni the ru ‘ '! , ViM i, i's 1 on- j home after a ro¬ pitai. ll at Charity lios- Dav it v.' Brooklyn, the efiy this week i noiii e from Brunswick,' visi ted his sister, Miss \ j h Royall of New : ie city visiting her i C. or-,, Royall. HI If I rnlows !il) I mr: CALL ' 1 YU IY WINDOW ; CLEANING CO. I 70k w. BROAD ST. PHONE 3-4149 i i p AST h SIDE ii-6092 | THEATRE ■ Conditioned Tor Health’s Sake I i/n DAY ONLY, FRIDAY JIjLy 4TH '■ I’R bl ngcsl Wat) of Them All I Itiuidojph Scott Ann Dvorak “ABILENE TOWN” E \TURDAY ONLY, JULY 5TH I H BIG FEATURE HITS—2 Hit No. 1 Hit No. 2 C: Sunset Carson “OUT OF ‘bandits of Badland” THE DEPTHS” ; , Monday, ’I'uesday, July (i, 7, 8 SPECIAL r doway m m Moreland ud Dozens IN * h ock Sforring LARAINE DAY BRIAN AHERNE ROBERT MITCHUM GENE RAYMOND LI wltl) SIIASYN M0FHTT • RICAROO C0RTU • MtHRY STEPH1HS0K f»odot*d by G*A.NH • D<f*t*«d by JOHN RWam** WliIlM If SM»tlt AM O’lNiV (S. JULY 9—10 I IM DAYS ADM. 10c—20c 1 Li E FEATURE PROGRAM Hit No. 2 HOl'Jir Tex Ritter AYE AND “CHEROKEE 1 H W: t NOT” TRAIL" 1 —EVERY \Y NIGHT - WIN-0 —iwmrr Alumni Ask Georgia State College Be Improved very deep interest of the. people of Georgia and all those whom the college serves. We also have the confidence to believe | that you, the Board of Regents, will do what is in your power j to improve the status of the college where such improve¬ ments are needed. We are,; therefore, asking your consid- oration of the following rec- (iinmendations which will give lo the State of Georgia the finest land-grand college pus- iJble; ' J 1. That the curriculum of I he Georgia State College be so that it will be com- parable to the curriculum of a standard A rated l # nd grant | college. I 2, That an adequate sci-1 encc department and a library' be Provided, 3 I hat 'hc^physical plant be | improved as follows: a Adequate men and worn- 1 j-.n dormitorv rrinury facilities jauuues- IJ A gymnasium to meet the dtmandj of !, ie school. c. An academic building | d. General beautification of grounds including the paving of roads and walks, e- An athletic field. 1 4. That the college admin¬ istrative head and teaching personnel be the best fitted and qualified individuals to carry forward the college program, 5. That the home economics ’ " d , ‘^culture , departments be maintained 111 1 , 11 , I ‘l 1 nn /4 and n nfl improved 4 ,v-a 6- We further further recommend reeonn , [ lmt th ® Board B ‘ >ard of 01 Regents Regcn ts ap- ap ' P.ovo the departments , ol . phy- .1 education and music, pro- a aiU These p recommendations were olemniy made by the Joint and we dedicate ourselves 0 thc biterests of the educa- Hon of our people throughout the State. Respectfully suubmitted, Resolution Committee: H. T. Edwards, Chairman Jonathan Horne Rev. J. T. McMillan Mrs. E- R. Gay Acting' Secretary Miss Frankie N. Golden Ex-Oflielo. Oil East Henry Street Savannah, Georgia May 3, 1947. Dr Raymond Patty, Chancellor Board ol Regents, University System of Georgia Atlanta, Georgia, Dear Dr. Patty: hi light ol tlie information received lroiti newspapers and radios announcing the resigna¬ tion of the president of 'the Georgia State College, Indus- lml ^ lhc Alumnl Asso . ci;iUoil hcId its first and only official meeting since June 1, 1946, at the Spencer high school, Columbus, Georgia, dur¬ ing the Georgia Teachers -and Education Association meeting, April 11, 1947, with the duly elected president, Miss Frankie N , Golden, presiding. , file r . following .. .. communlca-j , U on Wil , .sent by the Alumni Association of Die Georgia State ( -' olk ~ 1 ' to Hie Board of Regents ul the University System of Georgia It asks that condi¬ bo improved at the Thun- derbolt college: Nurses Name Mrs. Bailey ATLANTA (ANP>—The Na- tional Association of Colored graduat( , nurses last ori Mrs Elida V. Bailey of New Yurk ( . j|y |() hcad fchfi orRanl . , ali , m for lhe next tw0 years . Al the same time Mrs. A. V. Kcrcc ol Atlailta bficartie the lonc N0 „Uierner elected to a ljRh po , t in Ulc ual ional or- ^nization. The new president replaced Mrs. Frances I*'. Gaines, Chica¬ go, who did not seek the post in the recent national election, Mrs Bailey has had wide ex- pcrience in both nursing and affairs and has been ac¬ tive in the organization lor a number of years. 'i he entire slate was as fol¬ lows: Mrs. Elida C. Bailey, R. N. of New York city, president; Mrs. (lassie A Morris, R. N., Detroit, first vice president; Mi.; Amanda V. Recce, R. N., second vice president;' Mrs. Uvamae Do Ramus, R. N., Cincinnati, recording secretary; Mi Jane Beit, r. n Chicago, , national secretary; Mrs. Mar- quette C. Jarkson, R. N., New York city, 1 tieasurtir; Mis- Mtir- dis Ragland ' David, New York city, assistant treasurer. The delegates selected Louis¬ ville tor the biennial meeting in 1919. They journeyed to Tus- la 1 ee institute and toured thc campus and medical facilities! of the Alabama school follow¬ ing the close of the Atlanta meeting. PI MISSAL OF HOUSING ADVISORS PROTESTED New York, June 12.—The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People! today protested the announced dnini; aJ of the Regional Ra¬ cial' Relations adviser in hous-' big The Association’s protests' against the dismissals, which utc to become effective June 30, were directed to the atten- ' Do not President Harry S. Tru- I man, Raymond M. Foley, Ad- ministrator of the National Housing Agency, and Gael Sullivan, chairman of the Dem- j ocratic National Committee. Roy Wikins, NAACP assist-1 ant secretary, expressed ^he deepest concern over the pro¬ posed cuts in the agency, stat- ' in" “This Association feels' that if the racial advisers are dropped, the whole program aimed at evolving a housing program in which minority group.-, will receive fair treat-! iia of, will be seriously damaged, ^ 1 ! not destroyed.” Mr. Wilkins continued, "Negro Americans 1 have had a heart-breaking struggle through the years to secure .decent housing. They have been victimized - on all -‘ides They have had to pay .premium rents, even in so- called normal times, In reeent years many have had adVicie- ttttti ttht r a-Tsisia’n'ce 7ixm( the federal gpvgaime^t.m . **ofking . ’ nygffp. i- .. ;>/«►,!«m assure them. oe*i_t 140 04..^, *r. ^u assistance apparently Is tc be abandoned.” In a letter to Gael Sullivan Mr. Wilkins pointed out tin political repercussion the planned dismissals an carried through. The order, i carried through, would affect twenty-three professional and workers, twenty oi are Negroes. THOMAS CAU¬ TIONED FOLLOWING LYNCH NEWS CAST NEW YROK, jun 12. -NAACP Waiter White today cau¬ veteran radio commen¬ Lowell Th&mas -over what considered the dangerous of a news item deal¬ with the June 9th attempt¬ lynching of a Hurtabor0. Ala. Mr. White, in a talc¬ “National Association for to the commentator, stat- Advancement ol Colored has received several one from as far as Pa-, protesting they describe as your ex¬ treatment of mob action a Negro in Hurlsboro, in youc broadcast of 10. Our Pittsburgh cor¬ asserts that no oili¬ national commentator gave this event treatment you did know from your long repu¬ tation for ■ careful reporting that you would do nothing to intensify racial tensions or* build up an atmosphere in whieh lynching coilld flourish and we earnestly urge your most careful treatment of items of this nature in view shameful acquittal of 28 self-confessed lynchers in Greenville, s. C-, on May 12.” LINCOLN'S ALBERT MIT¬ CHELL, of Magpolia, New Jersey, leads Howard’s Huugh over the tall timbers to help dedicate Lincoln’s new $22,000 track. Howard won the meet, however. If It’s Electrical Call 2-1906 T. . 1 . Hopkins Electrical Engineer Contractor WIRING — FIXTURES APPLIANCES 1002 Montgomery St. at Waldburg Savanna*, ffa. Dial 2-1906 THEATRE DIAL 3-4720 Comfortably Cool CALLING ALL KIDS! CALLING ALL KIDS! Free Cone Frozen Cuslard To Every Kid Attending The Show From 12 TO 3 P. M. FRIDAY OR SATURDAY BIG DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM FRI__SAT. JULY 4—5 SPECIAL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION! Feature No. 1 Feature No. 2 4 RIDERS OL j Preston Foster THE SANTA FE’ “LAST MILE’ ADDED FUN ; .W8 i) “A WOMAN IS A FOOL” with All Star AH Colored f ast . Plus 5- "Lost - of ......................................... ■ Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, July fi, 7, 8 earthly love GENE TIERNEY vy JOHN PAYNE, Anne BAXTER Clifton WEBB Herbert MARSHAL! Darryl F Zanuek’t pi eduction ot W.'SOMERSET MAUGHAM'S* & The Produced by DARRYL F. ZANUCK ,.. a Directed by EDMUND LAMAR GOULDING TROTTI . | J 2o ^.Screen Ploy by From the Novel by W. Somerset Mouflhomj ro^i CfMTUtY - Added Serial Latest News WEI).—THURS. —JULY 9—10 2-BIG HITS- 2 HIT 340. 1 HIT NO. 2 - —’'(Joyce 1 'Rey-Hblds- Willar d Fa eke 1 ’ ZzZy^jANlE-’: : RENEOADtS