Newspaper Page Text
Indicted in Mass of Convicts
Mateo Hounie of Brook's high school, Quitman, welcoming President Colston at Geor-
gia State college for the fresh men. Photo by
Convict Freed of
Frank Williams, 38 year-old
convict, last week -was freed on
charges of criminally assaulting
a &8-year-old white housewife
In her home near heie March
X7, 1946. Judge Marvin M
Mann of the St. Matthews first
circuit, acting upon the recom
mendation of Solicitor T Pou
i Taylor, directed the jury to re-
turn a verdit of not guilty af¬
ter the trial had gone on fo:
^o hours.
In commentin. upc” th" case
Judge Mann said "This ol<
lady has been unmentionablj
abused and the guilty persor.
ought to sulfer the limit of the
lw, but Deputy Sheriff Wade
H. Rawlinson’s testimony alone
wcyuld satisfy me, beyond a
doubt that this good old soul
did not make an identification!
oi the man sufficient to send
the case to a jury. Since the
officers with all diligence have
Continued on Page Two
* #
I<apSS** fv SSm
TION SUNDAY — Top picture (left) mammoth crowd gather¬
ed around the baptismal pool at Graceland, Arrow shows the
Bishop in his robe and cap.
Teacher Exonerated in Fatal
Shooting » of Persistent
Mrs. Arie W. Ball, 26-year-old
Cuyier high school home eco-
.omics teacher, who was charg-
d with fatally shooting Clark
,’yree, a moving picture machine
iperator, Wednesday morning ot
ast week, morning was dismissed Police Court Satur-j by 1
lay in j
udge Emanuel Lewis.
It was brought out at the
rial that the shotgun slaying
hich took place at the young
roman’s home in Yamacraw
fillage, followed a visit of Ty-
ee to her home on the morning
f the slaying at which time he!
attempted 1 to force entrance in-
^ ^ USP , J ,
by her when he pushed upon the
At the trial Mrs. Ball, a di
Continued on Page Two
Bapts. Donate
$800 To The
-w j^j -v a a /"A 1.
^ «
KANSAS CITY, Mo - x’he Na-
tional Baptist convention meet-
j n g ] as; vveek here'for its 67th
annua j session, approved a co-
na y on ot - $ 5 qq the NAACP
w hich was accepted by Kever-
end VVa it er P. Offutf, NAACP
cdurch secretary. ‘
Mrs. i vi i -s Eunice r.n i i uu Williams vv i i i m 11 i .> of i u Tam- i am-
Fla., was called 7 to States-
q the illness of
her sister, Mrs- Alma Hester,
Mrs. Williams left for her
last week.
savannah tribune THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1947
Local NAACP Branch To Begin i
Because of the storm which
took place Tuesday of last week,
| the meeting scheduled by the
NAACP was cancelled. The ex¬
ecutive board has therefore
called a meeting for this com¬
ing Tuesday evening, October
I d, to be held at the First Af¬
rican Baptist church. The spe¬
cial feature of the meeting will
te an address to be delivered by
Mrs. E.oria S. Gilbert, who re¬
cently toured Georgia, speak¬
ing for the various branches ot
the NAACP in this state. Mrs
Gilbert, is now on a nationwide
jpeakir.g tour that will take her
all over the country, but she will
return to Savannah for this en¬
Plans for the successful pror
secution of the membership
drive will be launched at this
meeting, which will begin at
A. B. C, Men
The representatives of 3 -9 J
publishers, advertisers and
vertising agencies, members
the Audit Bureatu of Circula
continued on Page Two
Thousands View Brace
lites from his religious empire
which dots the Atlantic sea-
board from Massachusetts tc
Florida, b shop Charles Emami-
Left (bottom) — Bishop Grace riding atop his amphibious
jeer ip the parade with his Grace soldiers walking beside
Center—The colorful Bisbtp in his light-blue gray
ed by his newly elected vice-
presidents is Dr. D. V. Jemison
of Selma, Ala., president oi the
Leslie Cogdell
! Heads Bryan
r U) T 1 eacners ,
The Bryan County Teachers’
i institute which was recently
marked the beginning o.
school work lor the year. Mrs
| Elizabeth Brogdon has resign
e d and Mrs. Leslie Long is the
Continued on Page Two
el Grace led the Savannah area i
communicants of the House oi
Prayer for All People in a spec-
tacie Sunday afternoon that at-
traded thousands of onlookers j
trimmed in black velvet His ons gray hair and ultra-long
are easily disccrn.b.c in the picture.
lop right—A portion of the crowds gathered on Wes
Broad street, in the neighborhood of Gaston, watching the
National Baptist Convention [
Inc Left to right is shown
Rev. J. H. Jackson of Chicago,
newly elected first regional vice
president; Dr. Jemison
Files I etition Against
Oklahoma University
NEW YORK. On September
22, 1947, National
for the Advancement of
ed People attorneys, Amos T
.Hall of Tulsa, Okla., and Thur-
d MarshttH and Robert L
carter Cartel ct of the the national natioiu
staif, filed a petition Joi a writ
in the Supreme Court of
United States in the case ol
It was the most spectacular
parade staged in Savannah
luring the twelve years this re-1
demonstrations igious cult has here. held its annual j
Photo by Wnlian'S
Bottom, right—The Bishop Grace Pullman diner, which
attracted greatest attention from the crowds viewing the pa-
ra<)p Thf > (Hner f ollnws t he Bishop throughout h*s tours
.his religious empire.
Rev. E. W. Perry of Oklahoma
who . was named , vice , Pres- !
ident at large, at the recent!
convention in Kansas City.
National Association for the
Advancement of Colored Peo¬
ple was notified by the War De¬
partment this week that one
more Negro 31, sentenced to be
Executed by an army courts-
martial, would be spared his
date with the hangman as a
d 1 ,, uU lt intervention hv by
a * soCl & tlon ’ s legal depart
ment. The condemned J soldier,
p ,.,. . 7 „,, llf ,„ rsnn h „ fl h _
iContinued on Page Two)
Sipuel v. the University of Ok-
jahoma. In this case, Lois|
sipuel is attempting to secure I
admission to the law school of
,, university ^ "2 of Oklahoma bv
ul m andamai mus ' There There “ is nd no
other , State-Supported i , law school
ju Oklahoma except that at the j
continued on page twot
The street demonstration
lowed a baptismal ceremony at
Graceland on West Victory,
Drive, where some 200 candi-!
were made members ut
H. G. Worthy, prison camp
warden, and four guards were
yesterday by the Unit¬
ed States grand jury for the
mass slaying of eight convicts
at a prison camp near Bruns¬
wick on July 11.
“Rights, privileges and im¬
munities” guaranteed the dead
men under the Fourteenth
amendment to the constitution
of the United States, was the
basis under which the indict¬
ments were returned.
The other four men indicted
besides Warden Worthy, were
Guards Gus McNabb, Remer
H L. Holmes and W
Locoler. They will probably
tried' during this month’s
of the U. S. District court
The' slaying of the convicts,
five na.vli-.g ocen billed out-
right and three dying of their
was one of the most re¬
cases of murder ever
in the annals of
killings and had reper¬
throughout the eoun*
The massacre took place at
prison „amp at Anquilla,
Bru ick ; ^ the day oi
killings, the prisoners stag-
Continued ou Page Three
improvised .
church in the
which was surrounded by
hundreds of communicants of
: ,
Continued on Page Three