The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, May 13, 1948, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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115 ^ The Paulsen Live Oaks jump¬ ed to top place In the men’s league this week with Crawford closely trailing in second place. Cann Park Quakers, the only other first placers up to now this season, took a back slide in a two game lost last w~ek. Pau'sen defeated the Quakers, 3-0. and the Block Busters oi West Savannah licked ’em, 10- 8 Enthusiasm is running high with the men and top place will be hard to hold during the remainder of the league sched¬ ule. J. Carroll stithe announces mat all of the leagues sched¬ ules are being played in two halves; and, that in each case the winners of the first half and, that in each case, the winners of the first half will play the winners of the second half in a seven-game series foi the best four games. The first this halt and cf the next schedule week Ttwith will all end of j the leagues. But the winners of a half can not be determin¬ ed until all of the back games in that league have been caught up. ■ \ - ^ m In the Junior League, Cann Park and Fellwood are tied lor first place. All of the teams in this league are keeping a liciose watch on Florence and the Westside Dukes. They started late hi the league, but ate catching up fast with their schedule. East Broad and PAulsen are “Off-side ’ in con- duct toward their schedule ob- ligation. Any team, which does not live up to league rules, for- frits its membership; and will be replaced without further notied; according to Asst. Supt. J. Carroll stithe. Cann Park-i is at the top of the midgets league Paulsen-1 in second place and Fellwood bringing up third place. There are fourteen teams in this league,.and com¬ petition is keen for leadership. Many new teams are making application for membership, but consideration cannot be given them until after the first half; Mr. Stithe reports. At that time, they will be consid¬ ered as new members or re¬ placements. All groups, that would like to play softball on Wednesday afternooli are invited to rig-up their team and use the athletic fields. Mr. stithe will be glad to arrange the hour for your team upon request. Call 9112. The leagues standing through last week are as follows: Won Lo t Pet Paulsen Live Oak Fellwood ...... Crawfoi d ........4 Jann Park ........4 Fellwood ........3 W. Savannah ......2 East Broad ......2 .Florence? ........1 Collegiates ........0 Post Office ......0 ilolin Blue Caps . .0 Junto.’ League Cann Park ......5 715 Fellwood ........5 | West.side Dukes . .2 007 1 Paulsen .... ««'>| b- , ) .... ' Springfield 500 I Ourrytown .... 500 Yamacraw .... Crawford .... 250 East Broad 1671 Southern Midgets Cann Park-1 7 0 1000 Florence-1 3 4 429 Cann Park-2 ......3 4 429 Florence-2 ........1 6 132 Western Midgets ^ Fellwood-2 *........5 0 1000 | wood -1 4 1 800 Springfield ......2 3 400 YMCA ..........2 4 333 Yamacraw -2 ...... 1 3 250 Yamacraw-l ...... 1 4 200 Eastern Midgets Paulsen -1 ........4 0 1000 Crawford ........ 2 3 400 East Broad ........2 3 400 Pauisen-2 ........ 1 3 250 THE (i. S. T. CLUB The Good Samaritan Thrift club met Monday May 3 , at the home of Mrs. Josephine Green, East Gordon street- Much busi- ness was transacted and a de¬ iR'iou.s repast was served. Next meeting will be at tiie home of Mrs. E. F. Aikens, May 24. 1 Those present were Mesdames j Hattie Shellman, Ethel Har- grove, Edna Benefield, Ida Jen- kins, Henrietta Frazier, Matil- yievei * s > Olivia Robinson, ilalie McKiver, Lillian Ran- 0 l Ph. E. F. Aikens, Ophelia Aikens anci RoV - J - Johnson. ^ e arc praying for a speedy recovery for Mrs. Julia McMas- ’ers. one of our faithful mem¬ bers. I VM1LY SOCIAL CLUB The Family Social club met at the home of Mrs. Hattie | Sullivan, 417 Yamahraw Vil- iuge, at which time a Mother's i day program was rendered. | dale Mrs. Addie Lewis of Halcyon- j was a visitor. A delicious repast was served. Those pres- j j ent were Mesdames Mabel Copeland Hattie Sullivan, Ka- i t’e aynor Ruth Hodge. Qunnie Hendrix, Lufcile Gardner and Leola Foster and Messrs Jacob Sullivan, Hubard Quinn and Talmadge Lewis. G OLDEN DKAGON CLUB Tiie Golden Dragon Sporting ^club met at the home ol Sec¬ retary Janies Merriman Thurs¬ day, May 5. Meeting was held In the usual manner. Next meeting will be held at tue [home of President Charles But¬ ler, Jr., May 20. LOCAL TEACHERS PRAISED The efforts the Chatham | county teachers have put forth m carrying on their program 1 of intercultural education In I the schools for the past three years have been recognized by many educators in Georgia and j elsw'here. Last week Dr. Ina C. Brown, p.p ? cAsor ol' social anthropology at Scarritt colleie, Peabody college and Fisk uni¬ versity, returned her honorari¬ um from the Georgia Teachers and Educational Association to be used as a scholarship for a teacher in Georgia to attend the 1 V’k university workshop in intercultural education this summer. In doing this, Dr. Brown said: “There was one thing that impressed me great- iy, namely, the very fine work in intercultural education initi- in Savannah by the teach¬ ers who have attended the Fisa ! workshops. Their work prompts I ihi., letter and the request that II be permitted to return the honorarium as a partial schol- l arship to be used in assisting some Georgia teacher to attend Fisk summer school this sum¬ mer. . . Mrs. Nancy H. Walker ana Miss Frankie Golden (have been among the leaders in the work of the local school council ad¬ visers. BIRTHS Births registered In tiie fiee of Vital Statistics, Health Department, tins week, name ol tamer, address, name o-f daie of birth. . .Josh Rivets, 549 E. Perr . . . Josh Rivers, 549 East Perry, Ca hleen, April 28. Clarence Dudley, 1306 Love St., Rena Yonne, May i. William Edward Wallace, 215 La ..nop avenue, Eddie Lee, May 1 . James B. T. Knowles, 3 west 36th court, Jimmy, April 28. Allen Smalls, 530 E- Gaston, Elliott Reed, May 1. 'ineodora Massey, 1241 Love, James Edward, April 30 . Robert Lee Murphy, 631 April C| atievtne 16’. avenue, Mary Eva, ' ' 'Eugene Johnson, 243 Ferrell, Edward Devoun, April 28. John Houston, Thunderbolt, Johnnie Mae, May 4. Caesar Smith, 704 Rockefel- ler, Farnk Phillip, Marcli 6 . Melvin (Hamilton, 213 West 17th, Deloris, March 13. Joseph Matthews, 513 East- ,ones > Ruby Lce > March 18. Earnest Tilson, 514 w. 40tli' lane, Rosa Lee Eugenia, Marcli I Tommie Anderson, 715 Jack son, Rodney, March 20 John Green, 571 W. President. Elizabeth .Veronica, March 26. Joseph H. Williams, 644 Yamacraw, Joseph Henry, Jr, Marcli 27. James E. Bing, 609 Maple lane, Bender Jean, March 28. Ernest Williams, 553 E. An¬ derson lane, Mary Evelyn, Mar. 31. Don’t Pay Rent Own Your Own Home In €M\m\ VILLAGE Savannah’s Finest Colored Settlement — W. Gwinnett and Allen Sts. $100.00 Down Moves You In $29.88 Per. Month To Own Your Own Home WHY NOW t. AND MOVE IN BY JUNE 1 OPEN DAILY AND SIM)AY FOR INSPECTION EXCLUSIVE Falk Realty Co C ARVER OFFICE VILLAGE AGENTS 2-4636 Bennie Ward, 722 E. Bolton, Bennie, April 3. Elbert Travis, 523 E. Gwin¬ nett lane, Elbert, Jr., April 4. Allen Morris, 2407 Stevens, Sherman Eugene, April 6 . Albert Williams, 1901 W. Bay, Cherrill, April 9. William Kennedy, 205 East Boundary, Elizabeth, April 12. Kay Capers, 917 Paulsen, Ruthie Mae, April 13. Sam Castle, Jr-, 521 W. Duf¬ fy lane, Sam Carl, III, April 14. Robert iDfShay, 610 Yuma- craw vi-iage, R/.rrt Andrew, April 20. Arthur Gadcon, 526 Nicol St. Deonie, April 22. Emanuel Willis, Jr„ 416 West 48th, Linda Nora, April 21. Willie Joseph McCoy, 523 W Henry, Cheryl Elaine, April 14. Grren Gresham, 508 W. Hunt¬ ingdon, Vivian, April 24. Akx Watson, 153 W Hunt- ingdon, Alexander, Jr., April 22. dames Col. man Holley, &u4 Walker, Delaney Edward, J. James Murry Graham, 1108 Burroui/.is, Laurence Sylvester, i4 ’ William rl nry McNeely, 1116 Augusta lead, James Pliilip, j liay 5 - I DT. ELKS STATE CONVENTION GROWS During the past year the Georgia Slate Association association of oi, Daughter Elks has grown by leaps and bounds- This was |hoWn by tip three-day ses¬ sion of the association held at Columbus April 18-20, which was a big success. Mrs. ChcTlie L. Green was relained as president and ail the other old officers were re¬ elected. 1 plans were made at the convention to enlarge the ac¬ tivities .of the association, such as tiie initiation several P urlmen J' s > namely, education, arts ana crafts > civil liberties, , Clo,s antl others. Grand Dt. Ruler Hattie Q. James of Jacksonville, Fla . was an inspiration to. attend¬ ants at tiie meeting by giving valuable information as to the wcik.ngs of the organization. In addition to Dt- Ruier James, obiter Florida officers were present, Dt. Register, Dt. Jones and Dc. Morrell. State President Dr. Green presided over the sessions. State commissions were awarded as follows; Education, Mb's. Oc/\»,a Beales, Atlanta; art and craft, Mrs. Lillie Man¬ uel, Atlanta; reserve, Mrs. Lau¬ ra Bailey, Brunswick; purple cross, Mrs. Mariah Batey, Au- KUsta; birthday, Mrs. Louise Macon; civil liberties, ' ' Beasley, Columbus; emergency relief, Mrs. Mary McLeod, Lyons; ways and means, Mrs. Rosa Moore, Dub¬ lin; baby contest, Mrs. Zame Williams; sin ini Mis. Lula n!! ^ Vi and s *' * * corres-i pondence, o u (mw p Mrs. m M. v. Harring ton, Brunswick- Past Grand Dt. Ruler James presided and the following of ficers were* elected and in- SiiuH'd- State president, (Mrs. Charlie L. Green, Columbus; first vice president, Mrs. Clarise Howard, Maaoni; second vice president, Mrs. Elmore Casson, ©run*wick: ohaplain, Mrs. S. W Credell, Atlanta; financial secretary, Mins Naomi Single- ton, Macon; recording secre- tary, Miss Catherine M. Shef- ton, Macon; treasurer, Mrs. L- E. Glrier, Atlanta; conductor, Mrs. Mary L. Davis, Columbus; IQQAL SUPERVISORS ENTERTAINED The annual party of the school supervisors of this dis¬ trict was foremost among the affairs of the social calendar last week. The party was giv¬ en in the beautiful ballroom of Solomon’s place on Wilmington Tsland last Friday night. Chat- ham county supervisors were hostesses to the party. One-half of the ballroom was decorated with two long white tables set for tne party dinner, cut flowers, salted peanuts, and- after dinner candies, etc., and a side table with assorted re- freshments with the appropri- ate trimmnigs, where drinks- - as you- like them were served in self-service style. The other half cf the ballroom was reserv¬ ed for dancing. At midnight, a delicious re- past potato salad, sweet peas, deviled crabs and hot rolls with butter was served, ihe local supervisors intro- duced all visiting supervisors and other guests at the outset; and after dinner, dancing was engaged in and enjoyed by the until the early hours of morning Those enjoying this lovely affair were Mrs. Genevie¬ ve Parks, Wheeler county; Mrs- Mary L. Hall, Bryan and Evans counties; Miss Mildred Turner, Liberty county; Miss Bessye McLendon> Appling county; n> , Theqdhra Thornau, Bul- ; 0 ch county; Miss Lillian Prive Toombs county; Mrs. Pearl F Jcwers, Coffee county; Mrs. J. B. Horne, Chatham county; Miss Frankie Golden, Chatham county] JVl-s Mfd,' d Burch, Georgia State College; Miss Alma Stegall, Ga. state College; Mr. Jowers, W. D. Donnelly, Wm. B. Brooks, Dave Watson, Mr. Woodruff, James Holloway, W. B. Brown, James Gillis of Valdosta, Albert Dingle, A. Scurdy, Raymond Washington, J. Carroll Stithe, Sonny Wash¬ ington and Richard Jackson. assistant conductor, Mrs. Rosa Moore, Dublin; inner guard, TY'd*'., Mat t E ©flown, Augusta; outer guard, Mrs. Evelyn Smith, Dublin; organist, M’ss Dorothy Stuobs, Macon; trustees, chair- j-man, Mrs. Lottie P. Floyd Sa- vannah; second trustee, Mrs. Beatrice Williamson, Dublin; third trustee, Mrs. Almeta Wa¬ ver, Savannah; fourth trustee, Mrs. Mattie Brozett, Lyons; fifth trustee, Mrs. Virginia Dubignon, Brunswick. chair- man, education. Miss S. Grace Biadley, Atlanta; assistant di- rectress of education, Mrs. Odessa Scales, Atlanta; chair- man, art and craft, Mrs. Ar-; metia Robinson, Macon. SPECIAL NOTICE The first ‘half of the play¬ ground softball schedule will he played off next week; and (i ie layj; R aif will start imme d i a t e iy AR groups that would come a member of the city lea- like to play softball and be- gue, are urged to contact J. Carroll Stithe at the recreation center, phone 0112 . Mr. stithe is especially anx¬ ious to add more junior boys (age 14 to 18 years old) teams to the junior league, and in getting a female league. All •interested young women and tenage girls are urged to or¬ ganize teams and get started playing at once, IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TRIBUNE * WYOMING' I j j ■ JOHN CARRO LL in a scene from ..Wyoming” starring Bill Elliott at East Side Theatre, ■Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Hay 16, 17, 18. Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses were issu¬ ed to the following couples from the Ordinary’s office dur¬ ing the past week, all being from Savannah unless other¬ wise indicated; May 1, Robert Lee Plummer and Miss Charleste Wright, Henry Johnson and Miss Asa- lee Bryant. May 3, Habersham Warren of Burroughs and Miss Bessie Baker, Henry Mahamany of High Springs, Florida, and Miss Zonease Warren, Salome Ching and Miss Rosa Baker, Richard Taylor and Miss Daisy Siders- May 4, Willie E. Griggin and Miss Evelyn Bashley, Phillip Jackson., Jr., and Miss Johnnie Mae McGee. May 6 , Edward Wright and Miss Aleathia Cannan. May 8 , Walter I. Bradley, Jr., and Miss Marian Reynolds, Thoma^: jGoia^mj th oi Simp ■ sonville, S. C-, and Miss Cleo Chisholm, Johnnie Morrison and Misa Lucile Green, Dennis Johnson, Jr., and Miss Carrie Mae Jones, Waltri Nesbitt and Miss Josie Mae Bryant, Harry Mars, Jr., and Miss Goldie Be¬ atrice Riley, John Willie Ander¬ son and Miss Annie Martin. May 10, Benjamin Holmes and Miss Ursuline Dempsey, Julius Cohen and Miss Fannie Grant. i ___ I LOCAL DEMOCRATS ” ItULU visii U LLLL1 VI ETTIfiKl lUN * T ^ e Citizens Democratic club hold its annual meeting Wednesday night, May 19 , a i and West Broad streets, 8 p m. j At this meeting, officers of tne ' club leaders will be elected. Precinct | are resuested to urge | aR persons living in their re- spertive precincts secure membership cards. Only bona participate fide members in will be eligible to | this election. See 1 your precnct leader and get I your Ulysses membership Elleby card, or see j at the Harlem j Cleaners, 907 1-2 West Broad ! street, and qualify. You must | be a qualified member to vote i in this election. The public is i invited. J. W. McGlocklon is president and J. M. Chtynorv/ secretary. RUG CLEANING? REPAIRING- STORING DAVIS RUG AND CARPET CLEANERS Phone 3-5218 The Safely Cab Co. Now In Their New Location Wayne and West Broad Sts. I 1 ir. A ■ 1718 FOR SAFE, PROMPT AND COURTEOUS TRANSPORTATION A NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM INSTALLED TO GIVE SERVICE THAT WE WERE UNABLE TO GIVE DURING THE WAR. The Safety Cab Company Has Been Serving The Public Since 1937 NORMAN DASH , Manager THURSDAY, MAT 13, 1948 MILBOB’S VETERAN OWNED VETERAN OPERATED FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE, 5 lbs. 68c FRESH PORK ! LIVER, lb. 29c | FANCY NO. 2 PEARS, can 10c 1 MEDIUM FACTORY PACK GRITS, 5 lbs- 43c ..... PHILLIPS SOUPS, can 9c SOFT TISSUE, roll 8-c COUNTRY CURED BACON, lb 39c DIXIE CRYSTAL SUGAR, 5 lbs 39c MILBOB’S THE BIG STORE THAT HAS EVERYTHING IF YOU CAN’T “TOTE” IT WE’LL DELIVER FREE PHONE 8-778K WEST BROAD AT WALDBURG ........-..... — - ' ’ * ' -T Sunny Says favor. : /sM ccf* SCHENLEY imakesTyour favorite drinks smoother, better tasting! f ° Blended Whiskey 86 proof. 65% grain neutral spirits.©1948, Schenley Distillers Corp., N.Y.C. f John G. Butler Company | t Congress anad whitaker Streets Paints, Glass, Building Materials Miilwork and Hardware STORE 2-1161 PLANT 2-1164 * t 4 90 YEARS OF SERVICE t $ Abie Futch’s Food Store 1201 WEST BROAD STREET LARD, 1 lb Cartoon 21c NECK BONES, lb. 14,c OX TAILS, lb. 29c ALL BRAND CIGARETTES, Cartoon $1.67 WHOLE RICE, 516s. 69c NO. 2 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE can 8 EGGS, Dozen 49c Pfi ICE AND COAL 6 Savannah Ice Delivery Co. Dial 8158