The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, September 16, 1948, Image 5

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The Butterfly’s Trail Ry Albert Mary Thweatt ♦ Regisl* ation Day on Tuesday last found thousands of par¬ ents and children entering school buildings and giving teach- ei s the necessary information required at the beginning of the term. Several new teachers have been added to the lo¬ cal school system. . . Miss Lottie Cromartie who formerly taught at Haven Home and West Broad will now teach math¬ ematics at Beach-Cuyler. Miss Viola DeVilliars. 7th grade, . . Mrs. Gwendolyn Handy Hallman, French, Mr. Leroy Bolden, J2th grade, Mr. James Dixon, Physical Education and Science, Mrs. Roberta Colley, secretary. Miss Lillian Shanks Scott, 7th grade. Mrs. Margaret Perry O'Brien, 7th : Mrs. Nellie M Mc¬ Kinney, 9th grade; Miss Catherine Mathis, 7th grade and as¬ sistant Librarian. Mesdames Albertha Moore Smith and Sarah Hodge will be at Montieth. Mrs. Elsie Hooks, lirst . . grade at East Broad (relieving a double session). Leaving for Howard University are William Payne, Jr., and sister, Rosalyn Williatfn now in his senior year has been . taking a pre-medical course and hopes eventually to be a surgeon he will visit friends in Atlanta on his wa y. Ros¬ alyn who . . enters her sophomore year with zoology as a major is looking forward to becoming a Pediatrician . . . She will this year be a “Campus Pal” for Freshmen and will be leaving ear¬ lier than the others (Sunday) Gloria Alston will begin her . . . sophomore year with Social Science as her major (she plans to do Social Work) . Gloria Walker (majoring in Journalism), . Janet Wilson (Chemistry), Cleo Cade (Home Economics), Jean Warrick and John Smalls (pre-lawi will enter their Junior year . Mildred Perry (School of Pharmacy), Romeo Smith (engineering) their senior years . . . Horatio Harris (chemis¬ try) his Junior year . . Leomia Mitchell hopes to enter her Freshman year. Off to Talladega College are Theodosia Mar¬ tin. Lois Wilson, Ralph Brown and James Miller, all Juniors; Alice Freeman, a mighty senior; Ellen Welcome, a Sophomore, and Kathleen Boyd, a Freshman. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE. . . .Corrie Capers (Library Science), Jewell Colley. (Library Science), and Gloria Stokes (Business) all Juniors, Helen Stokes, Senior, (Business). Go¬ ing to Hampton are Lester Jdnnson. a Senior in Architectural Engineering . . . Clifford Kippy Solomon (mechanics), and William Hayes. Palmer Memorial students are Ella Marie Law. Richard Brown, Doris Rickenbacker. Myrtis and Aneta James. Betty Stokes. . . Paula Robeson will enter Oberlin for post graduate work in Music . . . Nancy Thompson will enter the Harlem School of Nursing .Miss Alma Stegall at Indi¬ . . ana $2,009 University in Bloomington, Indiana after having received o Rosenwald fellowship At the completion of her work she will return to Georgia State College as Associate Profes- bf 'Education. . Mrs. Catherine Mack Cooper left Atlanta on Saturday for Albany State College where she has accepted a position in the home economics department. Mr. Samuel Spencer of New York is spending his vaca¬ tion at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Johnson. Sr. . Mrs. Edna Ashton is visiting Mr. and Mrs Clarence Reese in New York City, (Mrs. Reese the former Miss Rosa Price, sister of Mrs. Ashton), Mrs. Lucille Blackshear is visiting friends in Washington, D. C. The Or- sots. (Marie and Tony) had a grand time in Detroit, Canada, and other points- Mr. and Mrs. John Maloy left Sunday for Baltimore, Maryland where Mr. Maloy will undergo an examination at John Hopkins Hospital. From there they will go to New York as guests of Mrs. Sarah Shannon (Mrs. Shannon the former Mrs. Sarah Champen of Savannah). Miss Lillian Miller and her brother George, children of Mrs. Ineitha Miller and grandchildren of Mrs. Lillian Dykes, after spending a pleasant summer with their aunt, Mrs. Lottie Aikens. retcrned to the city last week. Mrs. Pearl Ward and nher daughter. Mrs. Isabelle Clarke (a teacher in the public i schools of Georgetown, S. C.) after spending several days as guests of Mesdames Anna Monroe and Lillian Randolph have returned home. Mrs. Eloise Harper and Miss Cassie Holmes u have returned from New York where they were guests of PkMiss attended Holmes’ Columbia sister, Mrs. Mary Ellen Howard. Miss Holmes cluded Childhood University and reports that her work in¬ Education for older children. Mrs. Harper was also the guest of the Middleton Varners for several days. Miss Veronica Taylor after having spent a very enjoyable va¬ cation with her aunt Mrs. Vivian Bowman in New York has returned to the city. Mrs. Josephine Hill and her niece, Miss Albertha Walker returned to the city on Sunday last after a ; pleasant stay in New York. Mrs. MargaFet Oliver returned on Friday after spending her vacatios in Chattanooga (as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hardwick) and Atlanta (as a g-uest of the Edward Maxwells). Mrs. Altornese Dowse spent an enjoyable vacation in New York City and at “Happy Bluff” the year round home of the Jimmie Tippins at Oak Bluff, Mass, (a summer resort. While in New York she was the house guest of the George Ormsbys. Mesdames Ophelia Hu¬ bert Taylor and Beautine Hubert DeCosta and daughter were week-end guests of the Wilson Huberts- Mr. and Mrs. Ben¬ jamin Singleton have been “doing.” Georgia and Alabama by motor for the past week. Mrs. Mariah Jackson after a three months visit in Washington, D. C. with her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones (and of course her precious eleven pound grand-daughter Janet Frances) has returned to the city. Edith’s many friends will be anxious¬ ly looking forward to her arrival in the city in October with the baby. Janet’s god-parents are Mrs. Margaret Caution Mrs. C.i and Gwendolyn Derrick (a school teacher in Washington d’ Dr. Thomas Wilkerson. Mrs. Jamie Graham left the city last week to join her husband in Charleston, W. Va. Mr. Graham who was former¬ ly Executive for the Boy Scouts -of the Coastal Empire is fill¬ ing that same position there. Mrs. Graham hopes during the latter part if the month to enter the Atlanta University’s School of Library Science. She made many friends during the past several years that she has been in Savannah and will be greatly missed. Miss Ethel Boone is spending her vacation in New Orleans as guest of Miss Georgetta Greene- CONGRATULATIONS. . . The J. H. Warrirks celebrated their 26th Wedding Anni¬ versary on Sundav, September 12th. They received many gifts, messages and cards of coneratulatio-ns. . Their adorable daugh¬ ter Jean really did everything that she could to make them feel like Kin " and Queen for a day Manv hapDv returns of the day for Mrs. B J. James who celebrated hpr “natal dav” on Sunday. She also received many beautiful gifts and mes¬ sages of congratulations. .Shocked and so sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Eliza Ann Caution. Fhe passed away In Philadelphia. Pa., last week. ) In spite of the heavy downpour on Labor Day the Frogs had their picnic . not on the beautiful campus of Georgia State as formerly nlanned. but in Wilcox Gymnasium. Among those who braved the weather for a grand time were the Boles Fords, the Bill Jamersons. the Leon Grants, the Edward Laws, the Leonard Laws, the Wilson Huberts, the Charlie Johnsons, the Eugene Gadsdens. the Vernon Rhaneys. the C. Vernon Clays, the William Lovetts. Dr. J. W. Wilsons. Mrs. Genevieve Clark and children, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Collier and guests, the Sollie Hardens. Mrs. Lucille Thomas hostess to the Entre Nous Bridge C’" ; ' last week. Prizes were won by Miss Augusta Pettie (club prize). Mrs. Meta Smith, (guest prize) and Mrs. Bessie Adams, .consolation). Mr. annd Mrs. James White entertained in honor of Mrs. William Tobin of New York City a few weeks ago. Among 4those enjoying live evening were Mrs Laurie Parker Mrs. •vJilliam Rivers, Miss Lula Harris of Pittsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Laws. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne Smith. . Mrs. Tobin, by the way, has a very interesting hobby She has complet¬ ed a course in Arts and Crafts and has made costume jeweirv. glass etching and similar work .. Saw some gifts she gave Mrs. Eloise Harper and Miss Cassie Holmes. I was pleasantly sur¬ prised on Monday to receive a package from her containing that she made. • a of rhinestone earrings SOCIETY AWARDED M. A. DEGREE This yekr Miss Earline Mar¬ jorie Simmons was awarded the M- A. degree in fine arts and fine arts education ..from Columbia university, New York city- She graduated from West, Virginia State college in 194ft LOCALS Mr. aAi Mrs. Connie Wim¬ berly will leave this week b> motor for Asheville, N. c., fo: a stay of two weeks. Miss Josephine Nelson,, form¬ erly of Savannah, but now liv¬ ing in Peekskill, N. L„ is in the city on her vacation. Mrs. Nel¬ son operates a business in Peekskill known as Josie’s Kit¬ chen- She is stopping with Mrs. Rosa Johnson, 530 E. Gor¬ don,- street. Mrs. Iola Jones of Florence, S. C., is in the city spending the week end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Rosa Johnson, 530 East Gordon street. Mrs. Jones is a social worker l’or the Department of Public Wel¬ fare in Florence. She was ac¬ companied by her son, Peter Williams. Mrs. Lena Baker of Savannah has returned from visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Evelyn Smati and her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ray, of New York city. After a seven weeks vacation in the city, Miss Elsie Mae Wil¬ liams, formerly of Savannah, but now living in New York, left Friday for her home. Those who entertained and made her stay a plea.<>pnt one were Mr anfl Mrs. George Harrell, Mr- and Mrs. Mack Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John Maloy, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Chisholm, Mr. and Mrs- L. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, Mrs. Isabel Manzo, Mrs. Gertrude Anderson, Mrs. Jennie Wright, Miss Mamie Williams, Miss Maude Foster insist on the genuine _ x v$f! ■ Also in Giant Size—25cf Economy Size 1 lb. oQc mmmmmmummmmm j wiih the B. S. degree in home economics. Miss Simmons is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs- A. H. Simmons, 523 E- Henry streeet, and returned home Tuesday- Edgar Lewis and J. H. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs- Lemuel T. Wal¬ ker of Haws, Pa., are visiting Mrs. Walker’s brother, Georg? Allen, of Newport, R. I., and their friend, Mrs. Marguerite Baker. They will also visit Mrs. Walker’s sister in Boston, Mass-, before returning home. After spending a grand time at Bluffton at the Sycamore Inn with her brother and sis¬ ter, Mrs. Bessie L. Perkins, Miss Helen Andrrson, Mr. ai|d Mrs. Johnnie Miller, James Miller, Mrs. Louise Thomas and son, Linton, and the Riley boys, Johnny and Mike, with their mother and father have- returned by motor to 200 West 142nd street, and 350 Manhat¬ tan. avenue, New York city. J. Carroll Stithe returned to the city this week after a very pleasant two-weeks vacation in the East. Mr. Stithe was the house guest of his brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs- Clarence Scott, in Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs- Herman H Washington and Cynthia, their little dughter, in New York city. Mrs. Charlotte Butts and Miss Eloise Wilson left Tues¬ day for Philadelphia to visit relatives. Arthur Rahn and Mike Tid¬ well left Monday by motor for Detroit. Mrs. Willie Perry is spending a week in Waycross with her sister at 2161 Krenson street. Mrs Lucile Pierce and her daughter, Mrs- Cassie Pierce Hall, left September 8 for New York, Chicago and San Fran¬ cisco to visit relatives and friends. Robert L. Pierce, Sr., will- join his family September 26 in California to ccompany them home. Friends of Christopher F. Brown, Jr , son of Christopher Brown, Sr, of this city, will to learn of Mr Brown, being confined to a hos¬ pital in New York city. Young Brown is attending Co« university and is em¬ part time in the ‘‘Dia¬ Center” in the metropo¬ Miss Scelebell Hall of 926 W. lane, returned home after a week with her aunt, Bell Peterson, of Jackson¬ Fla- Reba and Erma Jenie Roberts 924 W., 35th lane returned after spending some with their e ra «d parents and Mrs. M. Roberts, at Fla. Mrs. Alf relcl M. Perry return¬ ed to New York city Friday af¬ ter spending three weeks culating here among her friends, who made her stay very pleasant one- Mrs. Minnie Lee Bowman 1021 East 38th street, has returned from Augusta, she attended the wedding o. her niece, the form r Roobbie L. Boyd, assistant pro¬ fessor of home economics at Georgia State college. Bishop and Mrs. R R. Wright, Jr., and their daugh ■ r, Mrs. Grace Wright, and their nep¬ hew, Richard Wright, were the guests of Rev. and Mrs- W. C Davis over the we k ena. Mrs- Mary L. Ayers of West 37th street, returned home Wednesday after attending Grand O. E. S., convention in St- Lou¬ is and spending a two vacation at Hot Springs Notion¬ al Park, Arkansas. She this w ek to make regular to OES chapters in Georgia, which she is grand matron. S. R Brookins, retired tractor of Jacksonville, Flori¬ da, spent the week end in the city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGlockton ol West 36th street. He made annual visit Sunday to his na¬ tive home chu.rch, the Jeru¬ salem Baptist church, land. He has bo .n in Washington, D. C. Rev and Mrs. A. D Pinckney of Louisville, Ky., (formerly ol Savannah) were ir, the city last Sunday. Rev. Pinckney preached at th? First Congre¬ gational church. They were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs- Ed. Simmons of ,W. 44th street- George L. Bailey of Chicago passed through the city last Monday en route to New city after vacationing in Hot Springs, Memphis and his home town. Mr. Bailey Is a graduate of Talladega college and pleasantly spent a f hours between trains chatting with Talladegans.. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Maloy of 524 East Gordon street, are tor the present in Baltimore, Md., whore Mrs. Maloy took her husband to Johns Hopkins hos¬ pital for medical Mrs. Maloy will be gone about a week or more, depending up¬ on the condition) of her hus¬ band- Before r turning to vannah, Mrs Maloy will go to New York for a few days, visit¬ ing friends and shopping. BIG EXCURSION $2.50 Round Trip $2.50 TO AUGUSTA SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 SPECIAL TRAIN GOING: Leave Savannah___ _____ _. 7:00 A. M. RETURN: Leave Augusta - 9:00 P. M. Join the House of Prayer to attend “Daddy Grace" Baptismal Service AMPLE COACHES FOR ALL PURCHASE TICKETS NOW Ticket Office at West Broad and Liberty Phone 3-5307 or 5517 CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY AtK. V£T£KAA/ w/h'c 6 were you? A SURGICAL TECHNICIAN! If you held any of these spe¬ TECHNICIAN? cialties for six or more months A MEDICAL In the Army, Navy, Air Force, A COOK? Marines or Coast Guard, and A BAKER? can otherwise qualify, you may enlist in the U. S. Army now for A CONSTRUCTION 3 years as a non-commissioned TECHNICIAN? officer. The exact grade you will A CONSTRUCTION receive will depend on your pre¬ EQUIPMENT MECHANIC? vious experience and training, as covered in W.D. pamphlet A HEAVY AUTOMOTIVE 12-16. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR? With the high take-home pay A MEDICAL ADMINIS¬ of an Army job, and the splendid TRATIVE SPECIALIST? career opportunities which are open to Army men, this is a priv¬ ilege you’ll want to take advan¬ CAREERS WITH A FUTURE tage of, if you can meet the specifications. , To find out if U. S. Army you measure up, stop in at your nearest U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Station. U S. ARMY AND U S. AIR FORCE RECRUITING SERVICE ROOM 220 P. O. BUILDING, SAVANNAH, GA. ATTENDS CONVENTION BENJAMIN BAKER, who is attending the sixth biennial in¬ ternational convention of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters being held in Detroit, Mich., Sept. 12-17. Mr. Baker j is assistant of the secretary Savannah and treas- and urer i Charleston division, also chair- 1 man of the organizing com¬ mittee. GEO . 5. PATTON POST Tile George S. Patton Post, No. 513, held its regular, month - ty meeting Friday night at the i'MCA. The members of the post vere honored to have in their presence Area ‘‘A” Commander T. J. Hopkins, who gave an in¬ teresting talk on the activities of the Legion in the state, and the progress that it is making. He also discussed what t,h v Le¬ gion can. do and mean to the community. After all business had been transacted Commander Joseph S Rivers entertained the mem¬ bers at the Legion home, where an enjoyable evening was had by all- ASTHMA Don’t let coughing, wheezing, recurring at¬ tacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy without trying MENDACO. which works thru the blood to reach bronchial tubes and lungs. Usually helps nature alleviates quickly remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus roughing and aids freer breathing and better sleep. Get MENDACO from druggist. Satis¬ faction or money back guaranteed For Thrifty Shaves That Really Rate y> r '"* . , No Other Low-Priced *4 lOt Blade It So Kaon, f0 « So long- JO 25 tj lotting THE SHADOW By Curley Top Well, well, those sweet school bells are ringing again for „o us. Some are glad so that th.y can see more of their loved ones, ard others are afraid they might lose theirs. To tell you th? truth, it doesn’t matter with me, because I know where 1 stand with mine- A lot of kids got murdered (married) and changed their names during the summer. 1 couldn't afford to chang? mine, because I love to eat too much. Now for some gossip: The dance at the SSSS Friday night was on. Jimmie Drayton and his boys really came on- Danc¬ ing to his sweet music wer ? Mildred Thomas and Bobby Simms, Willie Mae Hall and Robert Deloach, Susie Kelson and Dannie Wilson, Beautine Williams and Clifford Hard¬ wick, and many more. Dorothy Boll, where are you hiding? That is not like you. Barbara Robeson, you and your friend, Gloria Alston, really fall for the same person ail of the time. Why ? ? ? John- Gary and Olga Bynes were seen a* the playground looking at the Beach boys practice Is It real¬ ly love? Vivian Andrews, you looked sick when your suppos¬ ed-to-be friend, Retha Shanks, was out of town. By the way, Retha, whose man are you claiming now? Mildred Wash¬ ington, what Is it at Clark col¬ lege that makes you look so different? Tom mi* “Dust to Dawn/’ Smalls has found out that Mary Robinson Is the only star in his blue heaven. Dor¬ othy Cool 1 ins, Bobby Sims says he Is for Mildred Thomas “Body and Soul.” Take a hint. Clementine Gartrell and Ewall Strickland seem to have been made for each other. Gloria Glover and Loretta Williams are the wander girls. They wn- der all over town. Mildred Truell and Robbie can’t do without each other. The Inn really jumps on Special BACK-TO-SCHOOL OFFER FREE Baby Photos Portrait Setting Our Specialty 4 Proofs Shown . . . Without any obligation. Visit Our Photo Studio Tomorrow . . . No Appointment Is Needed v. , '444-4'H4 l H4W4'l4 , 4' H.H , H . 't ,4H 44-i444«H4.44 , H.:' , i“:44..9W( j X ^ “ ’’MEN’S USED SHOES, good quality, dress Oxford style lj! and ready for wear, $1.80 a pair in all sizes. J ? “ ’’USED ARMY SHOjES, will wear like iron, in good con- dition. ready to wear, all sizes, $2.00 a pair. 1 .£ “ ’’MEN'S SUITS, all sizes, colors, and materials . extraordi- X nary bargains, slightly used, expertly eleand and prss- A ed, $8.00 a suit. State size, first and second choice T color. *:- T J* | T “’’MEN’S PANTS, used, celeaned, pressed and fine grade, $2.00 a pair. State size, first and second choice color. A ! “’’MAIL POSIT ORDER AND PAV STATING BALANCE SIZE, INCLLUDE HALF DE- 2 f ± COD. | T i M. NEWMAN ! 11 EAST 32ND ST., NEW YORK 16, N. Y. 2 Sunday nights- Lonnie John- and his band are great Be sure ,jjg scme 0 f the bands on Sunday rights. Alex Ellis, what will you do whan Delores comes home? Walk the straight line, eh, kid? Most of the kids are depart¬ ing for school again- Things will be a little different untd Christmas comes. Eth?l Brown and Arthur Brown seem to have something in common. Rose Gartrell, who is the lucky guy now? We heard about you ar,f John Felder. Herbert Hardwick, we heard you and Bobby Sims will soon be in this man’s army? Good luck, fel¬ lows. The “Y” really jumps on Saturday nights, with James Wiley as host. Saw Mildred Truell, Gussie Herriagton, Er¬ nestine Green, Georgia Wil¬ liams, Gladys Dyer, Alice Nich¬ olas, Sambo and Ben Jones Also saw some fine college boys arid girls If you don’t believe ne, ask Georgia .Anna. She was seen dancing with one by the name of B- J. I heard • wedding bells will soon ring for Josephine Mit¬ chell and Boy Brown. Good luck Icve birds. Rumors are flying that Juanita Simmork, is en¬ gaged to Lonnie Bacholar. Con¬ gratulations. Delores Jefferson was seen with Joseph Boston while he wwas home What is Henry “Cap” Taylor doing now that Irene Redfield has gone to Maryland? We have been trying 'to find out who is who ir, Thomas Robinson’s life. The race was between Gloria Al¬ ston, Lillian Young, Dorothy Boston, Gloria Dilworth, and Viola Stewart. We finally found out that Dorothy Boston holds that main string. Nettie Williams, are you still Sambo’s queen? “came” Well, the time has and I must “went,” so be sure to dig me next week, same time, same place. So long.