The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, October 14, 1948, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Pilgrim Baptist Church 528-30 W Huntngdon street, Rev. J. J. Dinkins, pastor. Sun- day school was largely attend¬ ed Rev. Harden Was the guest speaker for the morning service, delivering an inspiring mes¬ sage. The evening sermon was delivered by the pastor, at which time a large number of visitors as well as members was present. The service, rendered by the Sunday school, was met with great interest. Deacon O. Chaplin delivered an excellent sermon. All members and -friends are Invited to attend service Sunday, at which time communion will be served On Wednesday, Oct 20, there will be a biblical all-talking picture preserved, sponsored by the Deaconesses. Monday, Oc>. 25, senior choir will oelebratc its 15th anniversary. 1st Union Branch Baptist Church Services Sunday at the Union Branch Baptist church, West Boundary and Walker streets, were well attended and were conducted by Rev. L. L. Wil¬ liams, due to the absence of Pastor C E. Young, who is in Mississippi conducting a revival for Rev. Lidsey. All auxiliaries of the church are doing fine, ur.jler Sister Lula Robinson; the Gospel Chorus, under the leadership of Sister Idelia Wil¬ son; the Usher oard, Frank Pollard, leader, and the Mission under Sister Mattie Grubbs. Our annual revival services will be¬ gin Monday night with the Rev. Coleman of Waynesboro conducting the meeting. The Gospel Chorus will be featured at the revival. MT. ZION BAPT. CHURCH Rev. John Q Adams, pastor. All the regular services were conducted last Sunday. The pastor brought an inspiring message at each service and the senior choir rendered spe¬ cial music. The fallowing ser¬ vices will be coWducted on Sun¬ day; At 11:30 a. m„ public worship and sermon by the pastor. The Lord’s supper will “The Famous Simmons Singers” ANNUAL RECITAL -At- ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH, (Hartridge St.) BENEFIT “REDECORATING OF MAIN AUDITORIUM OF CHURCH” Monday Night, Oct. 18 8:30 O’CLOCK SOcADVANCE TICKETS 60c AT DOOR Oea. Richard Middleton, Musical Director .Mr. Janies S. Bignon, Pianist Mr. S. A- Jones, to present Awards Mrs. Eunice L. Simmons, Mistress of Ceremony E. J. Simmons. Manager $100.00 Worth of Prises to be given by the SIMMONS SINGERS, advertisers for the Savannnh-Simmons Mattress Co. 1st prize, $59.50 Quiltbilt Innerspring Mattress, to person selling; largest number of tickets over 100. 2nd prize, $22.50 Cotton Mattress to person selling next highest number over 100. 3rd prize. $18.00 cotton mattress to 3rd highest over 100. (1st prizes now on display at St- John Baptist and at 1st Mt. Bethel Baptist Church). (TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT) mont Baptist Church, Bethle|iem Baptist. 1st Mt. Bethel Baptist. St. Philip Mon. AME; 1st Bryan Baptist, Butler Presbyterian, 1st Tabernacle Baptist, 2nd Arnold Baptist, Bolton St. .Baptist, 1st Friendship Baptist, 1st African Bap¬ tist, Second Alriean Fiaptist, Boyce Beauty School, Tena’s Beauty Parioif, Cargo’s Beauty School, Rose and Willie’s Beauty ShopPf, Harden Bros- Shoe Shop, Maxine’s Snack Shoppe. Ma WkifiBliyrion’s m tMT Co., The Yamacraw Simmons Singers. Market, Savannah-Sini- mons (For Further information call Savannah-Simmons Mattress Co., 2-1235 or 75«C Chicken Supper In Basement of Church immediately After Concert Sis. VandeHa Wilson, Chairlady Please make reports for tickets not Iter than Saturday, October 18. I I be served. At 7:30 p. m., mon by the pastor and the Lord’s supper- There will be .service in the afternoon. The S.sterhood will sponsor a wom¬ an’s day on the 5th Sunday in this month. 5. S. CONVENTION AT SECOND MT. ZION A Sunday school convention will be held Oct- 25-31 at Sec- on d Mt. Zion Baptist church, Rev. F. Wright, pastor Wed¬ nesday night, Oct. 27, a program Will be sponsored by Sis. Charlie Mae Dillard, the proceeds from which will go toward the build¬ ing fund of the church. Deacon Wright is treasurer of the af¬ fair and Charlie M- Dillard is superintendent of the Sunday school. The church is located on 34th ,treet' near the House of Pray- Baptist Usher Union The Baptist Ushers Union met Monday night at Bethle¬ hem church. Regular business was transacted and Dea- Geo Hayes made the principal talk. The regular fifth Sunday meet¬ ing will be held at Evergreen Baptist church, Rev. E. A. Ca- pers delivering the message Deacon Albert Jackson is pres¬ ident and Miss Sadie Brown, re¬ porter- SILVER TEA Under the auspices of the erdior choir of flt. James AME church, Mrs. Mary H. Jones Held a silver tea Sutiday after¬ at her home on East Bol¬ ton street, with Mrs. Editta H 0111 as mistress of ceremonies. A pleasing program was rend¬ ered with A- L. Sampson, prin¬ cipal speaker. The sponsors are deeply grateful to each and every one who helped to make the occasion pleasant and suc¬ cessful. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TRIBUNE Central Baptist Church Corner HUH .n„ j streets, Rev. Wm. Daniels, tor. The weekly services well attended. Thursday Rev. Bowels was guest Sunday school, with the assist ;ant superintendent was largely attended. BTU carried out as usual. Rev. iels delivered the message at o’clock. Sunday will mark 48th church and 7th anniversary, to which the lic is cordially invited- 1st Metropolitan Church Walker street and lane, Rev L. G. Gibbs, Sunday services were very spiring. Sunday school was by Deacon Jordan. At night Sunday school rendered a program, Sisters L. G. and Lewis in charge. The test between Classes 1, 2 and r suited in a sum of $32.75 ing raised. Little Inels won first prize of $3 00, Mitchell, second, $2 00; Pauler Jordan, third, si.00. Friday night of this week revival being conducted by Hardwick of Florida will On the fourth Sunday the tor and members will go to St. Mark AME church, S. C Tickets are on sale, $2 round trip. St. John Sr. Mission The Senior Missions of John Baptist church met day of last week, the Sister Ellen Beckett, in After a discussion of the and an enjoyable evening, meeting was adjourned 18 at the church the club will serve chicken and barbecue after the of the Simmons singers. ST. PAUL CHURCH Woman’s Day was at St. Paul CME church on Sunday. Mrs. Thelma Stevens was the guest for the morning service. address was on “The Youth the Post-War World,” an<d very informative to, and parents. The Sidney A. Jones rendered one number and nated three dollars at morning services. At 4 p. the services were in charge the youth of the church. Miss J. L. Lester, dean of men and associate professor English at Georgia .State lege was the evening Her address was on women their influence in the t was educational, ned and well delivered. Before the closing of both morning and evening a pot plant was given to of the guest speakers, by chairman of the day, Mrs. O L. Woodruff. Mrs. Grant, a faithful mem¬ ber of St. Paul for over years, and who had her 75th birthday, was given corsage of roses as the lady the month. Money raised for the day was $151.25. Next Sunday will be the last Sunday before the an¬ nual conference, at which time the pastor will deliver his last message for the fiscal year. All members and friends are asked to be present. Mrs. Harris Buried Monday Mrs. Zipporah M. Harris, a native Savannahian, died in New York city last Thursday after a long illness. The body arrived in Savannah Sunday evening and remained at the home of Mrs Carrie Tolbert, sister of the deceased, until the hour of the funeral service on Monday morning at St. Mary’s Catholic church. ■High mass was conducted by the Reverend Father Kochane with thl children of St. Mary’s school rendering the music. Interment was in Laurel Grove cemetery. Monroe Funeral Di¬ rectors was in charge. The deceased is survived by a daughter. Miss Juanita Matt¬ hews. of New York city; sister. Tolbert; an aunt, Mrs- Ag¬ Sexton, and several cousins Out of town cousins attending the funeral were Mrs. Loretta Jackson and Mrs. Minnie Blanchard of New York city: Mrs. Emma Walker of Waynesboro. WANTED Young Man with High School Education. 18 to 24 years as an apprentice Elcetrician. T. J. Hopkins, 1002 Mont- gomery St. REV C. O DAVIS, secretary of the Baptist Foreign Mission Board, whose organization! is waging a strong battle in Afri¬ ca and the Caribbeans with a self-help program designed to help the natives forge ahead. The board has been functioning for 70 years and depends pri¬ marily on financial help from American Negroes-—(ANP). Ministers Union The Evangelical Ministers Union! met in its regular ses¬ sion Tuesday with Rev. F. W. Bagby presiding. Rev. M. L. Lester, pastor of Hutcherson Station at McIn¬ tosh, invited the Union to at¬ tend the camp meeting at his work that starts next week witn a special program. Rev. L. W Walker of Portal AME church, extended greetings. A round table discussion fol¬ lowed on the South Georgia AME conference held last week Quitman by Bishop R. R. Wright, Jr. Highlights of the next meet¬ ing will be sermonic reports. Members present at the meet¬ ing were Revs. Bagby, Knight, Johnson, Maxwell, Butler, Les¬ ter, Dinkins, Murph, Davis, Swinson, Stokes, Stripling, Wal¬ ker and Sherman. DEATH Last Rites For Mrs. Lavinia Williams After an illness of about a month’s duration, Mrs. Lavinia Williams died Tuesday morning early at her residence, 533 Rob¬ ert street. Mrs. Williams was a native of Savannah, one of seven daughters born to the late Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm Brown, four of her sis¬ ters having preceded her in death. She was a former member ot the First African Baptist church where she was baptised by the late Rev. Campbell. Later she became one of the first mem¬ bers of the Bolton Street Bap¬ tist church where she served in almost every department and where she will be buried from this (Thursday) afternoon, the Rev. C. E. Richardson, pas¬ tor, officiating. Monroe Funer¬ al Directors was in charge of the funeral. The deceased was married to Joseph Williams when quite a young woman. He preceded her in death many years ago. She is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Harriet Clark of New York city; Mrs. Rebecca Smalls and Mrs. Maggie Marshall; an adopted brother, Robert E Lawson; two nieces, Miss Lil¬ lian Johnson of New York city and Miss Catherine Flagg, and other relatives. Interment will be in Laurel Grove cemetery. Mrs. Better Gordon Mrs. Retter Gordon, a resident Dooley avenue, died Tuesday, October 5. at 5 a. m. at a local hospital after a short illness. Gordon was born in Hamp¬ ton county, S. C She was a of the Missionary Bap¬ tist church there for a number years and later joined the Holiness church The funeral held Thursday afternoon from the Church of God In West Boundary street, elder officiating. She is sur¬ by one daughter, Mrs. Gordon Blake, five sons, Clarence, Robert, Benja- and Kebler Gordon, Jr„ 5 In law, 13 grandchll- and one great-grand child. was in Lincoln Me¬ cemetery. l THU 9AVAVNAH TRIBUNE JUgJVlOKY ROBINSON—A tribute of love to the memory of RUTH ROBINSON, ' who one i October 17, 1947. I Do not ask us if we miss her, There is such a vacant place, Oft we think we hear her foot¬ steps, And see her smiling face. Days of sadness still coihe o’er us, Tears in silence often flow; Memory keeps her ever near us, Though she left us one year ago. Her loving mother, Mrs. Ella Robinson Sisters: Mrs. Elizabeth Tucker Mrs. Esther Davis / Mrs. Maggie Allen Mrs. Salome Swindell MS3 Phoebe Robinson Brothers; Mr. James Skeeter Mr. Samuel Robinson Mr. Lemuel Robinson . JACKSON—In everlasting and : swee t reverence of our dear j mother MRR JOSEPHINE JACKSON | who entere d the Green Pas- ^ ures 0 f eternal life October 17, 1943. •* « f The months have passed into a year, mother « Aft Since heaven called our dear; * f. The Holy Dove descended and carried her up on high, Whose beauty transcended The radiance of the sky. We strive to be light-hearted, As mother would have us be, But all the happiness in life, Is filled with her memory. It’s not the same old house - hold, Since mother went away, She, who could share each mo¬ ment, In all our work and play. But though she’s not beside us, From noon to eventide, Her spirit hovers near us, And it is our gentle guide. Rest on, oh precious mother dear, 'so You walked through life nobly, Yes, the very angels paused in their flight to hear, Your songs, your prayers so holy- And as the years started out ahead, y y we wW 1 ed ’ To make our lives so true and brave, That we may match the one you gave. 'I Husband, Mr. Edward Jackson Children: Mr.....athaniel Jackson . Mrs. Rosa Newton Mrs. Helen Jones Mr. Robert Jackson Miss Evelyns Jackson Mr. Leroy Jackson Miss Lucile Jackson Mr. Peter Jackson Sisters and brothers, Mr, Joseph Boles Mrs. Aletha Showell 16 grandchildren, 8 great- Grandchildren GREENE—In sad but loving- memory of our mother, MRS. ANNA L. GREE3NE, who died five years ago, Oct. 12, 1943. Mother dear, you are not for¬ gotten, By the ones who loved you best, Our love for you will linger, Uhtil we, too, are laid to rest. We saw you suffer, we saw you It crushed our hearts, we loved you so, But it was God who loved you best, And took you home with Him to rest. Daughters: • Mrs. Lettie Johnpon Mrs. Clara Reid Son, Son, Mr. Vincent Lindsey Of New York city. Grandson and grand-daugh- ter-in-law. Granddaughter, Mrs. Albertha Lindsey. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Johnson Niece, Mrs. Elizabeth Scott Cousin. Mrs. Anna Bacon Nephew, Mr. Wesley Griffin, Waycross, Ga. TISDELL—In loving memory of our dear mother. MRS. MATILDA TIEDELL who departed this life 4 years ago, October 19, 1944. From thus world of grief and sorrow, To the land of peace and rest. God took our dear mother, To her everlasting itst. '3Z h °" rS ' h " ^ Her weary nights are past, Her ever patient worn out frame, Has found sweet peace at last. God saw the road was getting rough, The hills were hard to climb, He gently closed her loving eyes, And whispered peace be thine. Sadly missed by children, grands and great-grands. ROBINSON- In memory of my husband, MARION W. ROBINSON who departed this life October 19, 1945. God fills our hearts with mem¬ ories, ^ Gathered through the years, Sweet and tender memories, To comfort all our tears; And so, we, too, will find today, Our Father up above, Will help us bear the loss of one, Whom we so dearly love. Sadly missed by: Wife, Mae Robinson, Savan¬ nah, Ga. Nephew, Earl Robinson, Sa¬ vannah, Ga. Aunts: Mrs. Carolyn Robinson, Washington, D. C Mrs. Eva Williams Washington, D. C. Uncle, Mr. Amos Brown, Sa¬ vannah, Ga. Cousins and friends. DIXON—In memory of our loving mother, MRS. GEORGIE (NTNIA) DIXON who departed this life Oct. 12, 1944. Four years ago you left us, Ninia, And though we are apart, We’ll always share each day with you, Because you’re in our hearts- Oh, how patient in thy suffering, When no hand could give thee ease, God the helper of the helpless, Saw the pain and gave thee peace. + * i»ti The years may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never, The memory of those hap¬ py years, When we were all togeth- e *j «glT* - | TTTTW You have taken your long journey, In a beautiful ship call¬ ed Rest, ' Away from this world of sorrow, To the home of eternal rest. Four years are passed, but , still we miss you, Never shall your memory fade, Loving thoughts will al¬ ways linger, ’Round the grave where you are laid. Sadly missed by children: Mrs. Daisy Harvey Mr. Wm. Dixon Philadelphia, Pa. Mr- and Mrs. Freddie Dixon Mrs. Georgie Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Williams Mr. ar|d Mrs. Theodore R. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gor¬ don One sister, Mrs. Venis Walker. 10 grand children, It) great-grandchildijen. RUFF—In loving memory of darling mother, MARY JANE RUFF who departed this life Oct. 13 , 1 / 3 - 15 . in my heart lies a THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1948 More precious than silver ana gold, It’s a picture of my dear moth¬ er, Whose memory will never grow old. My heart still aches with .sad¬ ness, My eyes shed many a tear, God orjy knows how I miss you, At the end of three long years, j Peaceful be sleep, dear your j mother. Tis sweet to breathe your name, I loved you very dear in life, ! In death I do the same I Sadly missed by your daugh¬ ter, Mrs. Bell Sheilman Gooper, Son-in-law, Deacon J. B. Cooper. 1 BUSCH—In sad but loving momory of our devoted mother MRS. LUCINDA BUSCH who passed away Oct. 7, 1944 We cannot say and we will not say, That you are dead, you’re just away, With a cheery smile, and a wave of the hand, (you have wandered into an un- ; krtown land. We miss you, dear mother, more > than words can tell; Sleep on and take your rest, We loved you, mother, but God loved you best. The Children| JAMES—In loving memory of our dear husband and fa- ther, MR. ADAM JAMES, who departed this life 4 years ago, October 17, 1944. October brings sad memory. The saddest month of the year. Some may forget you, Now that you are gone, But I shall remember, No matter how long. I shall remember when other? forget, Memories are something no one can steal, ! Death is a heartache nothing can heal. I saw you suffer, I saw you go, It crushed my heart, I loved you so, ilHtrLL WEVER PIE & Sd*« ?<** 4‘ I BORN A 5LAVE, 1858 IN CHATTANOOGA TENN. SAMUEL M c ELWEE WORKED AT FARMING- ALL THRU HiS YOUTH-STUDYING- * BOOKS BY CANDLELIGHT IN SPARE TIME • HE FINALLY > GOT TO OBERLIN COLLEGE ' & AT 25. WHILE STILL A STUDENT, TENN. TOOK A SEAT IN THE STATE LEeiSLATURE/ AS A LAWMAKER HE FOUGHT FOR S. GAINED BETTER PUBLIC INSTI¬ TUTIONS TOR TENN- ALTHOUGH HIS NOT PAS5ED- ANTI-LYNCWNG- B1LL ROUSED THE ENTIRE COUNTRY/ SAMUEL A. McELWEE- SCHOLAR ; ORATOR,PATRIOT Continental Feature* Layaway For Xmas NOW- BICYCLES, WHIZZERS, RADIOS Expert Repairs amt Painting FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE 1 LIBERTY BICYCLE STORE 108 W. LIBERTY ST. PHONE 3.3525 Monroe Funeral Directors 611 WEST BROAD 5? PHONE 2-4106 — 2-3252 Savannah, Georgia X | MONROE ON DUTY-NIGHT and DAY ESSIE MONROE EDWARDS, Prop. | PHONE 3-4785 24 Hour Ambulance Ser’/ice Cox Funeral Home, Inc MODEST—HONEST—RELIABLE James J. Cox, Manager and Funeral Director 520 West Henry Street Savannah, Ga. But it was God who loved you be st, He took you home with Him to rest. .Sadly missed by: Devoted wife. Mrs- Nellie D. James, Savannah, Ga. Daughter, Mrs. Addle L. James, Brooklyn, N. Y- Son, Mr. Ragias James, Sa¬ vannah, Ga. Son, Mr. Leroy James, lyn, N, Y. CARO OF THAIS The family of the late Robert T. Spencer wish to express ap¬ preciation to their friends and neighbors for the many kind-, nesses shown them during their recent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to my neighbors I and friends for their kin|dness| during my illness. Mrs. Rosa Scarborough, 510 Kline St., Savannah, Ga.| CARD OF THANKS wish to express our heart- f e jj; thanks and deep appreci- ation kindness, for the many of acts of j messages sympa-' thy and floral offerings re- from our friends and neighbors during the illness and loss of our daughter. We also thank Dr. S. M- McDew, Jr., and the nurses of Charity hospital; also thank the Rev. J. P. Green and the Steele Un¬ dertakers. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Green. CHURCH OF GOD The Church of God Holiness Unto the Lord’s 21st annual assembly will convene Wednes¬ Oct. 13, at 11 o’clock a. m, 572 W- Oglethorpe avenue. public is cordially invited attend the service. Elder Lee Frayer is host pas- and Bishop M. S. Bennett, presiding bishop. Bishop F. Colty, Junior bishop, of Beaufort, S. C-, will be present.