The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, November 11, 1948, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO “HOUR OF SACRED MUSIC” AT FIRST CONG’L CHURCH Several local choirs been invited to participate an “Hour of Secred Music” Sunday afternoon, 21, at the First church, beginning at o’clock. The program will open a fifteen minutes organ by Georgia H. If. Hamilton, college at State former organist of the gat'onai churah in Austin, as. The program has been ned by the organ committee cider to give the various and the public an to hear the recently Kilgen Pipe 6 rgan, as well to enjoy the fellowship music. Rev. A. C. Curtrlght is tor of the church. p rogram Monday ight At Mt, Zion Monday night, Nov. 15, d be a queen contest at Mt. Zion Baptist sponsored by six of the aries of the church, a program rendered. All and friends are Rev J. Q Adams is pastor. REV. WILLIAMS INSTALLED Last Sunday at Pooler, Rev. Richard M. Williams, was officially installed as tor of the South valley church. Rev. N. E. Holsey livered an inspiring which was the highlight of occasion. The choir was under the direction of Mrs. lia T.. Brown. Practically churches of Savannah represented at the which was largely attended Baptist I shers Uuion The regular meeth-g of Ushers’ Union will be held Monday night at 8 o clock Bethlehem Baptist Members are asked to be ent. Dea. Albert Jackson president and Sadie Brown, porter. Central Baptist Church earner Hull and streets. Rev. Wm. Daniels, tor. Services throughout week were very Tuesday night the meeting of the church was Sunday morning the school wa* largely and at 11 o'clock Rev. delivered the message on subject. “Ood’s Knowledge Power.” The Lord’s was served at 4 o'clock, and eieht o’cloc k the choir ed a program We regret much to learn of the passing of Sis. Daniel's er in Philadelphia, Pa. H icttutvc fww *K« vJ'rnstimfa XXtifctdi'fFit tarrhllat ind AndIhc 4 AlOHTf-AMPTHE UGHT CftLLEP ier r th£Rb 5MALL DAV itr kt.. * ©£ AK»D ) MI6HT llt*Yzn‘Aiid CONTINUITY tsrlh \ . The beep" BY WONT WUJLFORD - AF?T NNGRK. BY DON CAMERON And &00 saa tue uc-ut ©DC MADE The me AVENS @N the fOUPTH E1FTM AND ©N THE SIXTH DAY ALSO 600 MADE AAAN IN ANT Tu* fcAOTM OM THfc sixth days GOD CPEated HIS OWN IMAGE. AND BREATHED INTO HIS “SECOND AND nw DAYS. The SUN ArtOON ANP STABS NOSTPILS the breath OF LIFE - THEN 600, AND TMEN . AND AWE THE flSH BIRDS PLACED HIM IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN WHIClf AND BEASTS’ MEANS PLEASANTNESS Ti’HE first MAN IN THE WORt D CALLED AND ON THE aDAM. had to Give naaae s to all the SEVENTH OAV LIVINC- CREATURES GOD ENOED r|*T H\S WORK ANO RESTED - AIHO GOD BLESSED THE SEVENTH DAT — AND MADE IT HOly- BECAUSE ON THAT DAY DC RESTED FROM ALL HIS WORK — NCXT~WQ> THE SERPENT TEMPTS CVCf | Second c J baptist D i' 1 /'L Lhoil •„ The regular meeting of the choir of Second Baptist church was held Wednesday November 3, at the home of Mrs. Marie Quurterman, It Paulsen street. The dioir is planning a Christmas party. The newly elected of Leers are: Mrs. Alice A. Ebbs, president; ! rs Gladys Bennett, vice pres- der.t; Mrs. Marie Quartermar/. secretary; Mrs. Matilda Wash¬ ington. treasurer; Mrs. Jose- P^e Chaney, chaplain; Mrs. Evelyn Strain, sick committee; Mrs. Irene Verdiere, entertain- ment; Mrs. Evelyn May re- porter, and Mrs Veronica Campbell, organist. bethel A. M . E. Church Sunday. November 7th a high day at Bethel •hurch Rev. F. W. Bagby. Sunday School was well at¬ tended. Joseph Adkins, su¬ pervisor,* reviewing the lunior Church began at 11 ,n. with Miss Shirley in charge. pastor delivered a nessage after which C° mmun ion was given and at 6 p. he AGE League was in ■vening services the 4 ave another inspiring )i Mrs. Mary Folds. At md served communion. The Senior Choir and Gospel rus rendered music for day. Sunday, November 14 I. w. L. Ciub of Bethel •ponsor a program with Gordon from Ga. State College as the speaker and on ier 21st the Men of Bethel tbserve Men’s Day Tudge D. S. Atkinson as the .praker for the morning. \. Jones and others will on program. 'ail ibt MEN'S DAY SPEAKERS ^ Paalor H , w . Murph and Gen- eral chalrman T Sampson and mee annou nce their 1 1 for Men’s Day cel- Nov. 14, at ■ -■ St. ebration Sunday, Philip AME church, as follows: Rrv. Ernest Armstrong, A B., Dillard college; A. M and B D„ Howard university, morning speaker. of Prof. P. D. Davis, treasurer Georgia State college, evenmg speaker. Eagle A. and S. Club I The regular meeting of J Eagle held Aid Wednesday and Social night club Nov 1 be 57 a t Manhattan club, 35th ogeechee road. The books are now open for ; ber: hip. Officers are Rudolph, president; Carl V. President; J. C. Treasurer; Marion chairman. Read your weekly. . JK. in Wit rrlLLinU l lAlf WflDYPQg rfUKIicno The Junior Willing Workers of Thunderbolt held their reg¬ ular weekly meeting on Monday afternoon at the home of Sis. Marie Williams, 342 Thunder¬ bolt shell road, with the pres¬ ident in charge. Business was transacted. The club is mak- ing plans toward celebrating, their year of successful work in aiding the sick and the iicapped and those who are less fortunate. After the meet- Ing a delicious repast was serv¬ ed by the hostess, Sis. Williams; The next meeting will be held’ a( ’ tRe borne of S 1 -s. Sarah Green Members present were Sisters Mary Lowe, Verneda Wilson j f.arah Green. Marie Williams.' Gloria Moultrie, Bros. J. Crimj and B. Lowe. Mrs. Gloria Moul- trie is secretary and reporter; Mrs. Verneda Wilson is pres- ident. ST. JOHN SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBRATES 28?h thp U ETC kohls' Baptist , 0 Sun¬ day School celebrated its 54th Golden Jubilee Anniversary. Mrs. Maxine Moon was chait- man of thls , ove]y affair Mr Wm H Hamilton is super j n _ tendent of the school j_____ I „ , ... . tVCngellCal Ministers Union Rev W illlam Green was pres- ent at the union after spend . j ng several weeks in Florida- Rev L j j ohnsorij presiding elder of the Waycross dsitrict reported that the Waycross was ready for the meeting of the conference in December, Rev. J. w. Maxwell of the south Savannah District was back from Hazelhurst where the late Rev. J. E. Grant pass¬ ed away a few weeks ago. He was one of the old members of the Evangelical Union. Rev. P. L. Bellinger was re¬ ported still sick and a neat sum was sent him. All Com¬ mittee reports were deferred until next meeting. Members present were Revs. Bagby Knight. Swinson, Murph, Hobbs, Maxwell, Johnson, Dinkins, Da¬ vis, Stripling, Green. Stokes, and Sherman. WOMEN’S LEAGUE ORGANIZED The Women’s League of the fourth district was the name given to an organization form¬ ed Monday night, November 1. The league is affiliated with the Georgia Voters League (Eastside branch), headed by Walter J. Bogan. The follow¬ ing officers were elected: Chair- man, Miss Elizabeth Pete; Co- Chairman, Mrs. Florence Nich- Recording Secretary, Mrs. Mayme Walker; Financial Sec- retary, Mrs. Theresa Ware: Treasurer, Mrs. Janie Ladson; Reporter, Mrs. Rebecca THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE son. The Women s League ity but the specific aim of . The Eastside branch of the Georgia Voters League and its affiliate, The Women’s League n{ Fourth District plan to maintain a school for voters. The purpose of the school will be to acquaint new and old voters with the proceedings of marking and casting a ballot, j Those interested in either the Georgia Voters League, the Womn’s League of the Fourth District or the school for voters will be given any information stopping at headquarters located at 613 East Broad St. | .-- PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH 528 W. Huntingdon street, Rev. J. J. Dinkins, pastor. The w ,eekly activities were carried ou t as usual. The Sunday School met at the usual hour with Dea. C. H. Jenkins, super- intendent. Wednesday, Nov. 10 marked the second anniversa- ry of the new church when the members and friends met in a special service to this effect- ing. The laying of the corner - 1 stone of the church was post¬ poned to 2 p. m. Thursday, November 25, (Thanksgivivng Day). r r*/. It th 1 Sunday c 1 Union wi • Meeting j The Zion Fifth Sunday Union held its regular session at the Little Bryan Baptist Church with Rev. J. H. Martin, presid- ing. The session opened on Friday night. October 29 and lasted throughout October 31st., The introductory sermon was delivered by Rev. Rev. E. E. Johnson. On Sunday morni Rev ’ 11 ’ D. Cooper delivered the ser -1 mon and the closing services for the afternoon were conduct- ed by the Rev. L. Larry who made an inspiring address. A program was rendered by the young people of the church. The total amount collected for the day was $111.70. The chairman and vice chairiman have been under the care for quite some time but both are improving nicely. Rev. J. H. Martin is vice chair- man and Sis. E. W. Mac-k, Re- corder. __i Tuberculosis kills nearly 50,- 000 Americans a year kills at the rate of 137 persons a day, one person every 10 minutes- I- S * N -y-i-.y *;*-:* ♦;**;* -:* *:*.:* •;**:. *:* *:*•:•*:*-;* •:* *:**:**:* *:**:**:**.**:* $ Monroe Funeral Directors 611 WEST BROAD S' PnONE 2-4106 — 2-3252 Savannah, Georgia MORROE ON DUTY-NIGHT and DAY ESSIE MONROE EDWARDS, Prop. ' _ P-t— 5 —t—t—i-.r— 1 JQ APPEAR IN in avcvsta j^ adam 5 , Faustine Bignon a " d her ,MmU - Wl “ lea,f Friday for Augusta where they will be featured in rec.tal Fri- day at Macedonia Bap- list church. Monday night, November 15, they will be in a recital here at Mt. Bapt'st church. Rev. J. H. Jones, pastor. ---- ....... GAUD § The family of the late Mrs- Martha Mack Brinson takes this method of expressing ttyeir sincere appreciation to their neighbors, friends, pastor and congregation of Tremont Tern- pig Baptist church for all kind Besses shown them during her jn ne ss l:| 1 death, and also thank the Monroe Funeral Di- rec tors for their splendid ser- v j C es. Deacon Lawrence Brinson. ______ CARD OF THANKS , ^lend^r IlS kiidnS my TJSZL w* ______.___ SCHOOL DEBATES JIM CROW ISSUE INDIANAPOLIS (ANP)—The Indianapolis Board of Educa- tkm remained undecided on the jim crow school situation last week as it debated the question of whether to issue a statement on segregation or not. Henry j Richardson, Jr., and thp NAACP W ho are fighting jim crow in the clt y’ S schools, prom . se d to file suit against thf> board when it ma de no statement 0 n its policy, Jn t , he mea ntime a petition, suppcsedly signed by 172 east side residents «,-><i was given to ~ he bQari by Robert L B i a ke- ^" Thi petition favored egation . <<We w - sh to g0 on reC ord as ting the school board in the policy toward segregation in the Indianapolis public schools. We are for segrega¬ tion in the public schools. ”—' , , ,, r . !J“” Trust In uc now tb wondering, stop worrying and get facts according to and send me vour date of birth one $ 1 . 00 . I will send you personal Astro Numerology the magic Time Clock Free. Chapel 169 East 115 Street New York 29, N. Y. __________________ ln memory «• + {■ ■ H '»r< DUNCAN In sad but loving .memory of MRS. EVA L. DUNCAN who departed this life one year ago, Nov. 11 , 1947. Every day since you departed, have been broken-hutarted, j Those days we once eajoyed, jWheq we were here together, 'But, oh how changed It all is 1 now, Since you have gone forever. | The blow was hard, the shock severe, We little thought your death so near, Only those who have lost can tell, She didn’t have time to bid us a farewell. Mr. Geo. Wi Duncan, Hus- Mrs. Estelle F. Haynes, Sister Mr. Theodore Haynes, brotn- | er-in-law. GILI/.NS—In loving memory of our mother and grand¬ mother, | MRS. ISABELLE GILLINS who departed this life Nov. 13, 1945. Life ^ ber was like a chal A p~. * And towards the goal of hea¬ ven, She moved with noble zest. Death to her was but the finis, | When life’s work was done, |How splendid we can think of her, With earth’s battle won. Sadly missed by: Devoted daughter: Lenora G. Wright And grandchildren. GREEN—In sad but lov¬ ing memory of MRS. FLORENCE E. GRiEflN who departed this life four years ago, Nov. 9, 1944. Florence, dear, you are not forgotten, By the one who loved you best, My love for you will lin¬ ger, Until I, too, am laid to rest. I saw you suffer, I saw you go, It crushed my heart, I loved you so. But it was God who loved you best, He took you home with Him to rest Husband, Benjamin D. Green BUTLER—In loving memory of our dear husband, father and brother, MR. ROSS BUTLER who departed this life two years ago, November 6 , 1946- Gently the stars are shining, Down on the silent grave, Where lies our loved one sleep¬ ing, The one we loved but could not save. We often sit and thipk of him, When we are all alone, For memory is the only thing. That grief can call its own. More and more each day we miss him, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the sor¬ row. That lies within our hearts concealed. Sadly missed by: Wife, Mrs. Mabel Butler Children: Mr. and Mrs- William Os¬ bourne Granddaughter, Mrs. Essie Mae White. Sister, Mrs. Anna Butler Clyo, Ga. WASHINGTON—In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother, MRS. ALICE WASHINGTON who departed this life Nov. 12, 1946. We never can forget the voice, | That always made our hearts rejoice, jTwo years can’t forget, have gone, but we Those words of love, we hear them yet. Sadly missed by: Daughter, Mrs. Celia Sea- brooks Son, Mr. Gus Washington^ Sister, Mrs- Rebecca Daye Daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lucile Washington Other relatives and a host of friends. ANDERSON—In sad but lov¬ ing memory of my husband, FRED ANDERSON who left us so suddenly one THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1948 year ago, Nov. 9, 1947 Fred, dear, you are not for- • gotten. By fhe one who loves you best. Darling, I saw you suffer, I saw you go, It crushed my heart, I loved you so, Now I am all alone, In my heart comes a longing, If only you were back home- But thoughts shall al¬ ways wander, To the spot where you were laid. And we shall remember you, no matter how long, For it was God who loved you best, He took you home and gave you rest. Saeny missed by: Wife, Irma Brooks Anderson Children; Fredriea Andersor^ Claude Anderson Fred Anderson, Jr. Mother, Sarah Anderson Sister, Charles Mae Greene JACKSON—In loving memory of our darling mother, MRS. SARAH JACKSON who departed this life on,e year ago' today, Nov. 11, 1947 and our loving sister, ARDELLA MATTHEW who departed this life 6 years ago, Nov. 7, 1942. We often sit and think of you all, When we are all alone, For memory is the only thing, That grief can call its own. More and mere each day we miss you both. Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the sor¬ row, That lies within our hearts concealed. Sadly missed by your child¬ 1 ren and sisters and brothers: Mrs. Mabel Black, Savannah. Ga. ! Mr. Wesley Jackson, New York, N. Y. I Mrs. Eva Mae Jackson, Sa¬ j vannah, Ga. Mr. Marion Jackson, New York, N. Y. Mr. Liriwood Black, grand¬ son, N. Y. C. THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHVRCH Rev. A- C. Curtright, Pastor * PRESENTS Miss Mattiwilda Dobbs (Daughter of Grand Master John Wesley Dobbs) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 194S, S:3C P. M. IN MAIN AUDITORIUM FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH PATRONS $1.50 — GENERAL ADM. $1.00 STUDENTS 50 CENTS THE PUBLIC IS INVITED Layaway For Xmas NOW BICYCLES, WHLZZERS, RADIOS Expert Repairs and Painting FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE LIBERTY BICYCLE STORE 308 W. LIBERTY ST. PHONE 2-3525 THCMAS—In loving of our mother, MRS ANNA THOMAS who departed this life 5 ago, November 11, 1943. In a thousand little ways, As we pass our dreary days, We miss you, mother For the loving, tender care, We no never anywhere, Will we find another. Daughter, Mrs. Thelma of New York city Niece, Mrs. Eiise Braxton And family and friends. LEWIS—In memory of MME. KATHARINE A. who departed this life six years ago, November 5, 1942. November brings sad memories, Of a loved one gene to rest, But you will never be forgotten, By the ones who loved you best. We remember, oh, so fondly, The years when yeu were here, And the days moved on so swiftly, For <you were always near. greatest trial we can know Is losing someone dear, Only God knows how much we miss ycu, At the end of six long years- Usher Board No. 2 of First Bryan Baptist church. Mrs. G. Polite, Pres Mrs. E. H Anderson, Sect.