The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, December 02, 1948, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1948 The Uutterfly’s Trail By Albert Mary Thweatt THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: ‘Ihe vorst class oi sum worked in the every day world, is cyphered by the diseased arithmeticians who are always in the rule ol Subtraction as to the merits and succor of o ner c and in * ever Addition as to their own.” Little Dorrit The be:a Pni -amuua o.iap-er of the Alpha ten l Aipna Fretevnitv ropned Oil !h'> Hol^sv i^efSMvUie.'- with t>°tr Annual Presentation Ball on Thanksgiving Eve in the Crystal Lh~i:iuuiU ui uie Uueo,.uc Giovc. -t pioVtu to be pe« 4 iaus tue most excising and oest enjoyed of previous bails. Tne young ladies were introduced by three attractive and charring ma- ness- Guests on entering the ballroom ascended several stairs corted t0 a h jy au ^\ truly u ,‘ Jy congenial ae lpo;ated hosts platlorm, to the were announced then es¬ ladies were in .induced oy fhree receiving line where tho trorxs wln^h. included attractive ana charming ma- Mis. James A. Colston, Mrs. P. D. Davis and Mis. conn is. Clemmons. Mrs. Colston w’ore a becoming green crepe featuring a round high neck, waist and sleeves Gummed wun sequins, a lilted bodice and full skirt. Mrs. Clemmons cause a cerise brocaded crepe with a low cut neck¬ line. Pointed codice with an extended plum. Soft folds fell i,in the istiine. on > itner side. n.atoning gloves anu a gor¬ geous necklace ot rhinestones. Mrs. Davis featured a blue tis- loim -itted bodice °i iti snoulaer accented with with a casual throw ol Iris back panel. A f® e f f ear is ied lnt0 sof Wy a spray seauins and to tnt h snii i . i . a manipulated cascade which fell t. nose present were Miss Delores Hardwick loc.k- mg very dam„y in a white net over white taffeta off the fhehDht ^ho aWered . ' vith se( i uin s. A ruffle extended from Jr? sbouluei iK across the waist to the left side then whiS to enim° -o-Vs 1 III skir *\ She wore a hou P eti slip and e eSW>rt WaS Benjaimn blnith who is Jun- Rr at Hmnpton. a Miss Fedora Bagby chose a white moire with a peplum and flowing sr.irt showered with sequins. The scalloped neck and sleeves were quite striking. Her escort was Eugene Johnson Lms a.eune;t wore very becomingly a beautiful white . . net mer taffeta featuring a low round neck line. Clarence ^ es ok. 01 Miss °U Helen ldans Dilworth “d a sophomore very sweet at in Ga. State creation was fea- her . . a S ft g “If »nH lace r ilowmg yo "’ taffeta net scirt. body Her scalloped escort at the Jessie waist and w Oileans and Ga. State was Conorad a Sophomore. . Miss Miriam ■TflmnnJu in a wblte cmb roidered taffeta and net- . Wllh featured sequms arranged in the form of T ! : WaS her escort - • All of the escorts avJri hm i 1 h bemums l dles ‘ carried Miss hu Phoebe -" e bouquets Robinson, of gladioli escort- ' • ed hv wiiuo wore “" ete with iow * Congratulations to Mr. Felix Alexis one of the hosts who was supti visor of decorations this year for the beautiful and unique if '- nous, lie Las for years been tremendously in¬ terested in both exterior and interior decorations In the cen¬ ter of the ballroom was a colossal torch carrying out the theme oi the decorations. Tnis torch (their symbol) represented li:e Lt/ht of The World.. From the top radiated scores of streamers representing rays of light beaming froom the torch Light torches were on either side of the ntranc Mr Alexis was assisted by a committee of volunteer male students of Ga- k-tate along v.nth the social committee of the local chapter. Theie wcie so many glamorous and attractively gowned female guests enjoying this grand affair that I hesitate to mention any unless 1 could describe every one and of course, space will not permit. The gentlemen in their Tails or Tux¬ edoes made it very pleasant lor them. A variety of favors gaou niuSK, a beautiiul background and a warm congeniality combined to make a perfect evening. Orchids to the Alphas- Mesdames Anne Givens, Eldora Greene, Miss Camilla Weems and Yours Truiy returned Sunday after having at¬ tended tnt Southern Regional Comerence of Delta sigma Theta So only in Charleston. S. G. Soror Ciemrrne vVeoer is the newly elected Regional Director. . . Mrs. Greene and I en¬ joyed a tasty midnight snack ao the beautiiul ana spacious n. .ire ol the Arthur Clements after the dance given by the Pan- Hellenic Council of Charleston honoring the Deltas The Sa¬ vannah . delegation enjoyed eggnog and other tasties at the lovely home ol Mr. and Mrs. a. sanlord. Because of the full sessions we couldn’t keep the appointment with Mr and Mrs Mazeek. The Charleston Deltas were perfect hostesses. We also went on a most enjoyable tour of Charleston in the beautiiul new blue Ford of the Clements. M:s. O. M. Rodolph of Charleston is a sweet, charming, and -most hospitable lady. Mrs. Greene and Yours Truly were fortunate in enjoying her luxurious home during our stay i.irs. Givens Miss Weems . ana ^topped with the Fraziers. Mesdames Rubye Gadsom Gertude Thomas, Ronald Gad- son and Edwina Gimmons motored to Atlanta to spend fhe Thanksgiving Holidays. . Miss Virginia Boxx accompanied by little Georgia Ann Gill spent a delightful Thanksgiving in Fort Valley as house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugie Walker. Sr. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Grier of Griffin. . Georgia Ann v as thrilled over seeing u'e Albany and Fort Valley wo tbaii game. . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cooper spent vhe holidays home with us- Oh Friday they were accompanied to Darien by Mrs. Cooper’s ioster mother, Mrs. J. H. Patterson as guest of Mr. anct Mrs. Chester Deviliars. Mrs. Sophie Moulaen and Mrs. Zelia Des Verney were the dinner guests of Mrs. Patter¬ son on Tuesday last. It’s a gul lor Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Alexis She will answer to the name of Glea Deans. Her official entry into this world was November 15. 1948. Congratulations. Kan into Marie Orsot (Mrs. Tony) uptown doing last min¬ ute snoppmg oeiore leaving lor ••Plumacres,” her lather s Re¬ sort- she planned horseoack riding, fishing and of course, “Tony” must get in a bit oi hunting. she also planned spending some ame with her sister, Mrs. Owen Cook of Durham, j N. C. and her mother. Messrs. Leua Martin. Leroy Banks and Raleigh Bryant were in the city lor the holidays and to attend the Alpha’s dance. Dr. Griffin ol Brunswick* also was in the city to attend the dance. .Eorry I coaid not get chance to contact all visitors. Would always like to oc informed of any visitors or any kind of affair. . Ring 3-7157 or mail the inlormation to me. The Penny Group of Second Baptist Church has as it4 final report the amount of $125.00 collected for its Tenth An¬ niversary. . Congratulations. This added to that collected daring its nine prevvious years make a total of $1517.90. Those penmts truly amounted to dollars. The Group is most sin¬ cerely grateful to its members and friends who made this pos¬ sible. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Palmer (Mrs- Palmer the former Mercedes Hardwick) spent the Thanksgiving season with rel¬ atives here- Ghe received quite a thrill seeing her baby sis¬ ter being presented to society. Mr. Palmer is an account¬ ant at Hampton- Mrs. Palmer works in one of the offices) there. Wasn’t here to witness the Merchant’s parade but heard that the Floats were beautiful. Congratulations to Woodville fc;r winning the prize. The school is really receiving numerous! h mors. Several days ago their principal, Mrs. Sophronia Tnompkins had scores ol honors showered on her and now more honors for the school. Congratulations. Keep up the good work. East Broad School’s Primary teachers are sponsoring a mammoth Christmas Carnival oh Dec. 17th- Watch the pa¬ pers lor more about this. You may pick up many Christmas gifts. Mrs. Jane Parker Starr two big Thanksgiving thrills in¬ cluded her husband’s meeting nor in Washington, D. C- and witnessing the Howard-Lincoln Football game. Messrs. W. D. Donnelly and J. T. Elleroy have returned from Atlanta alter attending the Kappa’s Convention there. Mattiwilda Dobbs was charming at her recital last week. She w'Ore a beautiful green velvet gown trimmed in peach net with gold sequins which was designed and made by the petit artist, herself. Her voice thrilled her listeners- Here’s wish¬ ing her future success. GYSTER ROAST An oyster roast will be given the Laymen’s Association of St. Mary’s Catholic church, 902 w - 36th street, Friday evening, December 3, from 8 to 12 o’clock. William H. Seabrook, is chaiiman. Birthday Dinner Party A most delight:ul party on Thanksgiving day was a birth- US Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brooks 'If of 744 Trinity avenue, avenue, New York, in honor of Mrs. Eliza¬ beth Dixon Ayers. The house was beautifully decorated- A delicious buffet style dl'nnter table consisted of turkey and dressing, cran/berries, green vegetable salad, turnip greens, pumpkin pie, hot rolls and cof¬ fee. A variety of refreshments was served. After the guests sang “Happy Birthday to You’ Mrs- Ayers cut a delicious cake necorated with a turkey, an a- of Rren corn, a purnok , with candles in the center. I ■ ui.: uecuiations were symbol of Mrs. Ayers’ birthday ■ V thanksgiving uuy, also | Guests included Mr. and Mrs ; Charlie Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. ! Stafford Penn, Mesdames Dora Carter, Sadye Williams, Mickey Ward, Misses Edna Trombough, Ina Penn, little Misses Margie and Katherine Penn and Frank “FUN IN THE TOY SHOP” Children and adults who at ter,d the Zeta Phi Beta Sorori- ty’s annual Christmas project = 1 BCt . a t1 ^ 1U ... f thClr . next Friday night when they see “Fun In The Toy Shop’’ at the Colored Recreation Center at 8 o’clock. | Besides the program which | ■"'"\sists of real dancing dolls, there will be an auction of some of the most beautiful dolls ever Well, this - cool weather is just about to catch up with us. It has been a long time get- tm-g here. Most of us would say, “Slowly, but Surely.’’ The football season, is over and some of us are sorry. The boys are glad in some ways and sorry in others. They can hold those late hours once more. It ! is time for the basketball play- ers to suffer. The football sea- v;as great and the basket- jball | season the will be likewise. We wish best of luck to them in the ensuing year. GGO’s game was really on Thursday. The game didn’t get exciting until the last quarter. The score was 6-0 in favor of G£C\ Retha Shanks, Vivian Andrews, Dorothy Bell, Delores Jones, Christine Wright, what was the idea cn the pants at the game? The game was a special occasion. Beach’s game came on also. In the beginning all thought it would end in a scoreless tie. After the half things began to bloom. These Eulldogs played like mad. The score was 26-0. You can always depend on former Beach students. They wih always be with you. Christine Williams is still canying a torch for Amos. How long will it last? A marriage license has been FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Use the Tribune Photographic Service M. Edward Tolbert Tribune Staff P’notog. For Pictures Of Church Gatherings Club Affairs Weddings and Celebrations of All Kinds CALL 5338 after 5 p. m. 2-0048 THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE Birthday Party Little Jacquelyn Mack of 51(3 E ast Anderson street celebrated »r,ihW birthday with a e „a pary glvcn in her honor by her grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Mack on Thursday, November 23rd. Many games were enjoyed by he children especially by Jua- nita Kelly who won the prize for pinning on the Donkey's Tail- ' Little Miss Jacquelyn Mack received many gifts. birthday cake iced in white and holding three pink candles was in the center of the table. The guests were Juanita and Edgar Kelly B,^ Joseph Harriet NeSL and Tom- MwaM Ja sejii Green, B.:rry Bellinger, Butler, G. Yvonne Ebbs, Herman Mack. Jr., Eiiza- beth E vins, Mi rule Pearl Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Bias, Mrs. Johnie Mac Mack, Mrs. White, Miss Mary Bevins, Mr. and Mrs Ctiarles Ebbs, Mr. Herman Mack, Mr. John Mack, Jr.. uamr-1 Bevins, Mr. John Mack, Sr. and Miss Pheon Sin- seen on display at one time. dolls are contributions of |0U1 bus iness firms and profes- organizations. *11 sorors are working unusu- a ii y on perfecting the dance acts of the real dolls and Old Santa Claus will be or hand to carry on activities of the toy shop. Don’t miss this wonderful | treat. Admission for children is 25 cents and adults 40 cents. issued to Sinclair Campbell, Jr., and Frances Lewis. Con¬ gratulations to you two love birds. Gecrge Dingle is in town. Ethel Terrell must be a happy person- Moses Blount has make his home on the west of town. IIow nice. Betty K!,itg ieally pulled a good one her friei/ls. ' By the way, cn Bettye, who is your lover? Prince Jackson and Robert Zlccum really have the twins jam up. By the way, Prince and Robert favor a little. Wu- lie Mae Hall, what happened to you Thursday night? YBu teemed a little confused. Danny Wilson, you had bet- „er watch cut because someone Kelsey away from you. De- lores Hardw-ck, Waiter Paige was a sport Friday ltile. Sambo and Anna Bell Jaudon were seen at GSC’s game on Thursday- Is it still love there. Doris Holsey, you and John Wright should come to some understanding. You know you two can’t live without each other. George Lofton, will you plezie make up your mind? Nita P'aley, we Heard you have a ior Blown. Is tin, Bettye Holloway, you and P ue seem to be on. Buck Wilks, will you please give some girl a chance? You are some fine thing. Mildred Truell, you sounded like Savannah Churchill Saturday night over the radio. Wc know Robbie Lewis is proud of you- Clarence and Louise Hender¬ son looked very cute at the dance Thursday night. Doro¬ thy Stevens, why pull on Peack so hard at the game? Robert “Bobby’’ Turner, we saw you and Fannie Mae Henderson at the game. Frank Prince, you are the track hero of the world. Everyone is talking about the five basketball players from Chicago. They are Edward Connor, Alfred Jackson, Macco Edward Pearson and McDaniels. They are really gone- Well, the time has “Came’’ we must “Go.’’ Curley Top Fourth Precinct Meeting The Fourth Precinct of the , First District of the Citizens 1 Democratic club will hold a special meeting Monday night at the Recreation Center, 37th street and the Ogeechee road, at 7:30 J. M. Gaynor is pre¬ cinct chairman. SORORITIES SPONSOR SEAL SALE The sororities of Savannah iave organized themselves into a greater sisteriicou lor the yuletide season. Phis sister- hood is manifesting itself in a bigger and broader Tuberculo- _. . , „ . _ , _ . oronty wall sponsor a booth at a strategic point of the city. Booths will be placed on the and on the westside in order to make seals and bangles available to everyone. ’he spirit of giving is the spir- of Christmas. Save life aiicl ? 1Ve hea 1 1 by Purcnasni, ..... lrom one ° f the sorority booths. When you buy seals, you give to the community and to your if that piuceless gift— Health. I I II A I n W Mrs Georgia McDonla of W. Savannah and Mrs. Maggie Robertson of 821 Elliott avenue, spent a pleasant trip visiting tatives and friends in Chica- go. Otis Bryant of New York ity is spending his vacation with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hamlet of West 41st St. Mr - Bryant is a dlerk for the board of transportation of New York city. He will also visit other relatives and renew old acquaintances while here. i. anu mit-miuca lu wards entertained relatives and friends with a turkey din- ner on Thanksgiving day, that day being their 51st wedding anniversary. Guests were Rev. ■md Mrs. E. O. S- Cleveland, Rev. M. Shavers, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roberts, Mrs. Mary Mocre, Miss Ella Baldwin, Mrs. Rosa L. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Braxton. Mr. and Mrs. E P. Allen, Aliphonso Edwards, Master Fred Edwards, little Roslyn Edwards, little Cathe- rir,? Moore and Master Vincent Edwards. FLATMAN VILLAGE Brand New Homes -54 To Be Built Under Supervision Of The United States Government F. H. A. Opportunity of a life¬ Lots Average time to own your horns 50 by UO for about $35 9*1 monthly which in¬ 3 bedroom homes fir cludes principal, in¬ those who require, terest, taxes, once. Only $250.51 beautiful hardwood cash, but terms may be arranged on the floors; cabinet sink; $250M many electric outlets,, (These homes would attic, 2 bedrooms, rent for $65.09 in a living room,, kitchen, white section). bath. SALESMAN ON GROUNDS SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 3 TO 5:30 Flatman Village is reached by Gwinnett Street to Carver Village; then south to Blun Avenue, then west to the first such homes for Negroes in Savannah. Further Information Cheerfully Given At Office of A. F. King & Son 9 EAST YOR K STREET a . Mrs. Mattie L. Blanks’ who for the past 18 years was a resident of Florida, returned to Savannah to live- She is now at home at 231 W. Gaston St. Her grand daughter, Thelma, flew here Friday to spend ihe Thanksgiving week end, and flew back Sunday night. Thel- ma, an artist, is a senior at the Gorsey high school of Miami, Fla., and an art instructor for (the James L. Scott Welfare federation of that city, j A deligh tul Thanksgiving dinner was given by Mr. and „ f _ . thorpe avenue, the dinner eon- sisting of turkey and all the j trimmings. Mr. a.vd Mrs. Foss* had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hutchison, g. Brown, Mrs. Rachel Bapis, Mrs Riley. Mrs. Hayward, Mrs. Jas. Day, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pace Mr. and Mrs Louis Lockwood Mrs. Ennis Hams, Mrs. Janie Bayfield and Mr. Livingston Dinner was served by Mrs. M. i j sjiirg on. Miss Mat'iwilda Dobbs and her sister, Mrs. Irene Dobbs Jackson, of Atlanta, were house I guests of Mr. a;vl Mrs. w. J. Ayers of West 37th street last • Jc. Grand Master Johli (Wesley Dobbs, Ihe Rev. Ray- mend Jackson and Clarence iRender, all of Atlanta, joined them at dinner Tuesday even- i/. The men in the party were house guests of Mrs. Su- sie Singleton of 2006 Harden street during their short stay, I flf rs> Colston Heads College Women’s Club Faculty wives and women on Aie faculty of Georgia Elate college met recently and orga- nize( f» a club The officers elect- . . . ed w re. mis. j. n tui.umi, president; Mrs. M. G vice president; Miss LueUa Hawkins, secretary, Mrs. V. | Frazier, treasurer; Mrs. Car. iFiipP' r, chaplain, and Miss M. |G._ Harrison reporter. The members of the group express- ed varied interests as hobbies and special charitable projects iThe lirst planned activity will | be the preparation of Christ- imas packages for the children in a delinquent home whi .ft is ‘located in the college commu- nitv. Atlanta Bank Joins Federal Reserve ATLANTA, Nov. 28. — The Citizens Trust company, lead- ing Negro banking institution in Georgia, has become a mem- ber of the Federal Reserve Sys- j tern. Approval for accepting the ihstitution in the national banking system was received this week after all require- ments for membership In the Federal Reserve System been met. The bank, of which L. D Milton is president, is strictly , a Southern organization,. Nine- ty-eight per cent of the stock i s owned by Atlantians. In the college dormitory or In your own home, a common wind-up 4 to rt a a niwhflir nightly ,, “gab tra h frtai fest’’ 11 Is la olwava always In order. However, tho refresh- ments ghould not be heavy. Some- thing light to nibble on, or some thing tasty ^ ^drtnk J.^tho beforo bedtime, a rennetized milk drink makes a wonderful nightcap. It’s grand to sleep on because the rennet enzyme makes It even easier to digest than milk Itself. The rennet tuilk mix¬ ture can be made gp In a bowl or pitcher ahead of time and kept In the refrigerator until wanted, when It Is combined with cold milk and beaten until smooth. Or the mix ture la quickly made, takes 10 minutes to set, after which it can be mixed with cold milk, beaten and drunk immediately. It Is a healthful, delicious milk drink you PAGE FIB The capital of tho banking firm, whose net worth te mpts : bm SfOLCOO, is controlj'm by 31 Southern Negroes. “ Though it is owned and" li¬ crated exclusively by Negroes, many of its 10,500 accounts be- to white customers. - ;■ Of the 503,000 people in this estimated to have ac- live tuberculosis, approximately half — a nuarter of a -million people are unknown tQ.Jwaith authorities- Yet these people may be spreading the disease to others. will want to prepare time and time again. Just try It once and see what a restful night you have! Creamy Coffee Rennetized Milk Drink 2 cups milk (not canned) 2 teaspoons Instant coffee poWder 1 package vanilla rennet 1 cup cold milk Dissolve lnBtant coffee In milk. Warm slowly, stirring constantly Tost a drop on inside of wrist fre¬ quently. When COMFORTADI Y WARM, (110° F.) not hot, remove at once from heat. Add rennet powder and stir quickly until ui i- solved — not oyer one minute. Do not move until set —about 10 min¬ utes. Then chill. Just be'orb stri lng, ndd cold milk aud boat v.oii with rotary beater.