The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, April 28, 1949, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The Butterfly^ Trail \— By Albert Mary Thweatt THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "The block ol granite that was an obstacle in the pathway of thP weak, becomes a stepping stone in the pathway of the strong.” —Thomas Car'yle Time continues to keep on it’s wing. Before one season ran actually pass into oblivion, another appears in its par¬ ticular glory. Mother’s Day. the sweetest and dearest of days will get it’s well deserved share of honors, this to be followed by Graduation Activities, then Father’s Day. Mrs. Sarah G. L. Clark. Misses Ida and Bertha Lee re¬ turned to the city on Saturday, April 23. Their brother, Mr. John Lee, passed away on April 13th in New York. He was a member of several organizations among them being the Masons He was also an active member of the Youth Coun¬ cil. and a member of Convert Baptist Church ofwhichRev Saunders is pastor. The funeral was held on Saturday. April ICth with the sermon being delivered by Rev. Saunders. Beau¬ tiful resolutions were read front the Youth Council and Va¬ rious organizations with which he was connected. Then the Ma¬ sons took over. An abundance of f lowers and floral designs showed evidence of the great esteem of friends. The funeral was the largest ever attended from the Masonic Temple. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams have returned from their honeymoon at American Beach. Mrs. Adams is the former Miss Dorothy Ury. . The names of several Atlanta people who were in the 'city to attend the wedding, were inadvertently omitted They were and a thousand pardons- Dr. W. and A. Mason. Director of Health Education for Negroes, Mr. Mrs. Bush Miss Cecil Hldk's, Mr. Benjamin Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and Miss Frances FVmvielle. Miss Fonvielle. who is the daughter of Dr and Mrs. J. E. Fonvielle of this city, Pharmacist at the Triangle Prescription Shop in Atlanta, Happened to tune in on WDAR on Sunday morning during the Wesley Hour at Wesley Monumental church of which Rev. Jack Anderson is pastor, just as Mrs. Reeves Worrell was mak¬ ing an earnest appeal for a generous loose collection for Beth¬ lehem Center on East Gordon street- She represented th Wo¬ man’s Society of Christian Service. I tuned in too late to get the speaker’s name so I decided to call the pastor’s home to find out. I was able to get the information from Mrs. An¬ derson who answered the phone. She told me that they were very anxious to see the Center get underway and hoped that through the combined efforts of all interested that this very fine project will be of great benefit to the community. The Delta’s Annual Jabberwock on last Friday seemed to have been enjoyed by ail who attended. The Auditorium was almost filled to capacity . . the costumes were colorful and appropriate, the 'skits beautifully performed and the set¬ ting very realistic. The Jabberwock provided a pleasant and restful evening of entertainment, especially for the kiddies, for the theme “An Evening in Fairyland” was naturally ap¬ pealing to them. Sweet, petite and talented Miss Evelyn Grant had the coveted honor of being Miss Jabberwock of 1949. She was lovely in a yellow net on flowing lines. The runners-up were Misses Evelyn James. Margaret Bashelor, Edith Simmons, Doris Thorpe and Lee Frances Futch. The little darlings so sweetly dressed as fairies and carrying wands were greatly applauded; some dancing on the stage to an¬ nounce the numbers and others serving as the guardian fairies of fairyland. And what a beautiful background they made with their enchanting smiles and pleasing personalities! These fairies included little Jean Colston. Jaunita Quinn. An- netta Kennedy, Carolyn Vinson, Ann Cora Williams, Yvonne McGlcckton- Lavance Freeman. Clayton Marie Copeland, Laura G Greene, Margaret Louise Solomon and Emily Snipe More concerning the Jabberwock will appear in the Tribune, Herald. Atlanta World and Pittsburgh Courier. I must tell you, how¬ ever. who the nrize winners were. First prize was won by Omega Psi Phi Fraternity’s Dancing Dolls . . . Zeline Bazemore and Georgia Gill. Second prize was won by Haven Home School’s “The Awakening of a Rose.” Third nrize was won by The Savannah Boys’ Club who presented “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.” Wish there could have been more prizes, for some of the other skits gave close competition. Mrs. Anna Monroe on being invited to SDend the day on last Sunday hadn’t the slightest idea of the big surprise that was to. ereet, her after she returned home around eight o’clock Mrs. Lilia Randolph had very carefully planned everything. When Mrs. Monroe returned from Mrs. Ellen Huger’s home where she had been spending the day and opened her door she received the surprise of her life when the invited guests burst forth with “Happy Birthday.” She could only utter the word. “Well!” The table was tastefully decorated with a birthdav cover and having as a centerpiece a large vase con¬ taining gladioli of various hues and sweetpeas. A birthday cake was given her by Mrs. Lizzie Jackson. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received and a delightful repast was enjoyed by all. Those -who helped to make Mrs Monroe s birthdav haooy wpre Mesdames Janie Larry, M. M. Young, Josephine Hill. E. F. Athens, Ellen Huger Agnes Sexton Susie Johnson. Justine Patterson, Matilda Pearson. Marv Robinson. Virginia Morney, Annie Jackson. Julia Johnson, Lizzie Jack- son. Sarah Monroe and Lilia Randolph. Alter the affair many of the quests went to iBeth-Eden Church to witness the Easte Pageant. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Caffey of New York who have been having a wonderful time here in Savannah visiting rel- nlives and friends will leave on Friday for Asheville N C. ana Washington, D C„ where they will also visit relatives Mrs. Caffey is the former Ethel Durden Young. She is still the lively! jnllv lovable person she has always been. Mr. and Mrs Caffev have been the recipients of many courtesies which included. fishing trips, dinners, sightseeing, visits and so on Thf>y prp sto^ninsr the home or Mrs, Caffev on East PaiK Ave., where Mr and Mrs. Edgar Blackshear are now residing. Sorrv I could not hear Capt Frank Spencer at the Firstj n^t«v,o- a t,jonal Church last Sunday. His address was mfor- and mspirational as usual, my friends sav. He stress- ed^ffe Jeffersonian (pattern also of uleaded life which for is more the social real demo¬ p u,i- cratic wav of living. He M- £ jf neers; such as Mrs. Henry W Hodge. Dr. R. j1 r Martha Wilson D' - J. W. Tamerson. Jr- Rev. A C. Curtrlght Dr Clarv. Miss Frankie Golden, and Senator ^Humnhrev of Minnesota whom lie predicted may be president of the U. S. some day. On last Mondav night Frances Habersham Sharpe (Mrs. Augustus! was hostess to the Junior League at her attrac¬ tive home on East Park Ave. After the regular business th members were invited into the dining room where an elaboi- atelv decorated table was heavilv laden with edibles of all de¬ scriptions. There were stuffed eggs, olives, potato salad m'nts. miscellaneous beverages, hot rolls, sliced tomatoes, and cakes that carried out the Easter Season. They were topped with either rests containing candy eggs or a hen on, the nest. Mrs J. W Fbcrhart assisted Mrs. Sharpe in nreparing the menu that was so much enjoyed bv all in a pleasant atmos- phere of congeniality and a background of gladioli. Irises, snapdragons and ferns. Pauline Hagins (Mrs. William) entertained her Pinochle Cluh with a nretty party on Tuesday last. Easter nines and riadioli served as decorations. Pauline’s table was a beauti¬ ful sight indeed And mv! Everyone really enjoyed that gol¬ den brown southern fried chirtken. potato salad, rolls, crac c- ers. olives, nickles. beverages, ice cream and the best pound cake made by her mother Prizes were won bv Mrs. Mary McDew. (And wasn’t she delighted with her prize. A beauti¬ ful pair of earrines that were her sorority colors), and Mrs. Doris Belcher Robinson. Consolations were drawn by Mes- rlame'.s Grethei Scott and Albert Thweatt. The winning! con¬ solation words “Happv Easter” were written on the inside of the wrapping paper of candy Easter eggs. Mesdames Florence Este and Susan Johnstor^ assisted in serving- Mr. and Mrs Culin Parks of Philadelphia had the pleasure of meeting the .guests at both of these affairs. Alva Smith enjoyed two bie days in his life, recently. On Palm Sunday he motored to Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Sanders and their son. James, to witness the ball game that save him the opportunity to see Jackie Robinson. On April 16 th he was the happy recipient of a beautiful Philharmonic Combi¬ nation Radio, a gift from his father. Alva's brother, whose birthday occurred on the same date lives in Washington, D. '*■ Many Happy Returns! Wedding Reception An interesting event of Tues¬ day evening of last week was the informal wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. My¬ ers, Jr., wnose marr.age was recently announced. Tne par¬ ty was held at the home of the bGde’s parents on East Bolton street. Roses and gladioiai were used in the decorations- Mrs. Mazie Hughes poured me punch. Those assisting . 1 . serving were .Mesdames Ruby Matthews and Eunice Smith. Tue and groom are grad¬ uates of Beach high school and students of Georgia State col¬ lege. Mr. Myers is employed by Goll teas bakery. Mrs. My¬ ers will be remembered as the former Orlean Sims, daughter of Mrs- Mayme E. Smith and the late Robert A. Smith, Sr. Independent B. and S. The independent Order of Brothers and Sslers mpt April 14 at 511. West, Park avenue. Business was transacted in the usual manner, President Char¬ lie Slonij presiding- Six new members were taken into the lodge. Next meeting will be ort April 28. The lodge will give a motorcade May 25 Mattie Lee is reporter. The Redeemers The Redeemers Sporting club met Sunday at the home of Charlie Morrell, 538 Yamacraw Village. Meeting was called to order by the president and a prayer was led by the chapla.n. Our Easter Monday dance was gr :at. The club is giving' .its Erst motorcade to Daddy’s place May 2. After meeting a repast was served by Mrs- Mor¬ rell. Next meeting will be at the home of James H. Miller, 520 W Anderson street. Well, well, everybody, white eye is around and it stops everywhere you don’t want it to stop. The Jabberwock was really on. and all who attended real¬ ly enjoyed it. Congratulations to Miss Evelyn Grant for win¬ ning the title “Miss Jabber¬ wock,” for the year 1949, and a hearty congratulation to all other participants for a real¬ ly fine showing. Well- now. let’s gossip. At the Saturday night canteen, I saw many strange faces never; seen ibefore. Some of them , were the Hi and Tri-H-Y del- egates here for the Christian Life Conference. Others were Jewel “Dream” girl Cutter and Willie Be-Bop Williams. Wal¬ ter Wilcox and Gladys Dyer, Jimmie Ware and Ellen Glover, Clarence Williams and ???, Robert Lee Harrell, Ben Jones, Vivian Clarke, and by the way Vivian, where was Felix? i and Dot Robinson. Evelyn | Burnette, we saw the stars light in when 1 up your eyes Clarence Williams danced with you. Margaret Reridiok and ' Delores Hardwick were really looking fine. Miriam Thomas and Harold Burns are as cool t as ever. Bernita Sanders, who is it now? “Bobby” Turner, j you are sharp- but don’t let | it go to your head. Clarence i “Playboy” Thompson, cool down fellow, your gas is leak-: ing. Kharn Collier, what is this I hear about you and Harriet Google? Watch your step, be¬ cause Evelyn has daggers eyes. Did you know that Walter Wil¬ cox goes with Betty Baldwin? and Fannie Gordon in addition to Gladys Dyer, Mildred Bowers. Floreal Bacon. Willie Lee Ri¬ ley and one more would make a full weok? Go kid, you're ! tops. Donnie Reed, why keep i us in suspense, or is the lucky guy Joseph Garter? Carolyn Lewis and Ralph Washington were made for each other. James Ware, what were those sweet words you were telling Lillie Mae Myers? Mary Catherine, is it Teddy Brown? Let us know- Say? what is this I hear about Mil- ton Copeland and Gussie Smith? Elsie Colvin, why don’t you the truth, if you know what I Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Sam at. Roberts entertained Wednesday. Apr.l 20, in honor of the second birthday of their daughter Chrol Ann. Beautiful flowers were placed throughout the house. The birthday cake A’as in the center of the table and helped to carry out a color scheme of pink and white. The ch ldren were served ice cream, •ake, cookies, and nuts Those who helped to make the party a joyous one w^re little Misses Juanita Marie Jackson, Patricia Ann, Coiley, Elaine Mitchell, Carrie Robinson, Carol Ann Roberts, Carol Stewart, Carolyn Ham lton, Mary Lou¬ se Hamilton, Deloris Hardy, Earbara iay Winters, Thelma and Brenda Truedell, Lauretta Bob, Juanita Gordon, Janet Walker, Catherine Mumphries, Juanita Jackson, Masters Wil¬ liam Humphries, Harvey Walk¬ er, Benny Walker, Ernest and Clifford Gibbons, James and Leroy Greene and 1 tile Jan.ce. Fiveryone had a most enjoyable afternoon. The Swan Club Tiv Swan cluh met March 28 at the home of Miss Susie Maynard- Business of impor¬ tance was discussed. Miss May¬ nard had as her guest Mrs. Lil¬ lian McNichols, Mrs. Daisy Moody and Alfred Maynard- She served a delicious repast asssted by her sister, Mss Edith Maynard. Members pres¬ ent were Mesdames Mary New¬ ton, Rosa L- Roberts, Ora Smith, Sarah Rogers, Pearl Ed- gerton, Sarah Hagan, Pearl Lo¬ gan, Annie Nails, Georgia Wil¬ liams, Jessie Mack, and Miss Sus e Maynard. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Sarah Rogers, 520 W. 31st St , April 29. Mrs. Mary Newton is president and Mrs. Jessie Mack, reporter. Hunter headed for the altar? The white eyes are really on you this week. Nice couple. Beulah Ware ana Johnnie Polite have given each other their hearts. What does it mean? Dorothy Robinson are you going to let Alexis Grant go just like that, or you just can’t help yourself. Margaret Paige, why not let the boys tell you that you’re cute in¬ stead of your telling them? Nathaniel Johnson, what hi this I hear about you and Lil- ian Ware? What about the real guy Johnnie? Mickey Smalls, was all alone at thd Jabberwock. but this is most interesting, so was David Jones. Where was Mary Ann? Why is William “Sugar” Johnson so sweet. He reminds sever¬ al girls about the Beach cam- pus of syrup. They swarm to him like bees. Somehow, he wiggles out of it and leaves by the back door of the school. Saw him jump out of a win- dow last week trying to keep from passing several dames it! the hall. Dot Bell and Walter Paige, what was the quarrell about? Delores Hardwick, I hear you are singing “Are You Faith- ful.” James Wells. I saw you and Leonie Mitchell leaving the Jabberwock and I also saw something else, you are a sharp fellow, .so don’t let it sweat you. Nettie Williams, they tell me your gas is leaking. Why not slow down before it gives out- Margaret Bachelor, who is the fellow I saw you talking with Monday night in Jbe’s Foda Shop? Betty Rose Smith, Matthew is singing, “Don’t ask me why". Jean Miller, do you have a heart? By the way Jean. I saw a guy the oth¬ er day and he said he was your uncle? He told me that you had a heart of gold and that he loves you. This same guy plays uncle to several • other girls. He is hard. The Christian Life Confer¬ ence was a fine gathering. I was really impressed. Every¬ thing went off swell, and the social events were nice too. By the way, a Savannah boy. Wil- Batey was elected vice president of the conference. CCT’s SPRING SOIREE MONDAY AT GROVE The Chatham county Teach¬ ers Association is having its annual spring soiree at the Co¬ conut Grove tomorrow tFrl- day i evening, April 29. This affair has been an enjoyable social event sponsored by the association for several years- It was originated by the asso- c atlon’s past president, W. D Donnelly. Mrs. Catherine this and her committee have made elaborate plans lor thi; year's event. They are in hopes that all teachers and their friends will go out to the Grove, dance to the music of James Drayton and h s band and have a jolly good time- Duketena Social Club The Duketena Focal clu! met at the home of Mrs. Oss*e Cooper, 015 W. Bolton street, Apnl 20, with the president, 'Mrs- Rosa Durant, presiding Routine business was transact¬ ed and a delicious repast was served by the hostess. Games were played, the pr.zes being won by Mrs. Elizabeth Wi¬ liams. Others present were Mesdames Rosa Durant, John¬ nie B Tyson, Nora Thomas, Nina Rodgers, Marie Lyons, Emma Cooper, Delia Barlow, Elizabeth Williams, Ossie Coop¬ er, E-:sie Hall. We had a visit¬ or, Mrs. Ed th Jones. The next meeting will be at the home of Essie Ball, 61U W Bolton St., May 3. Mrs. Viola Donalson is teporter. Gay Jollies Social Club i The Gay Jollies met at the home of Mrs. Doyal, 515 West 33rd street. Business was trans- acted in the usual manner. Our f sh fry was a success- Next meeting will be at the horn" of Mrs. Hurst, 818 Yamacraw Vil- lage. Mrs. Annie Hull is ideiat: Miss B. Jones, secretary, and Mrs. Rosa Spicer, reporter. TL I he Zeniths 7 •*!, Mrs. Mabel Taylor was hos- te s to the Zenith club Thurs- day evening, April 7. A very pleasant evening of gam.s a delectable repast was joyed by these present. We have two new members, Mrs Ruby Lewis and Mrs. Ruby j Byrd. Guest for the evening was Mrs. Pearl Coxan. First and second prizes were won by Mrs. Edna Hopkins and Mrh. Ethel Reddick, and the booby pr.ze went to Mrs. R Byrd. Guest prizes were won by Mrs. Ciwn Coxan, va Mr ^Javutoll Maxwell n«rl and Mr. Williams. We are -holding a waist tournament on April 28 at the Yamacraw Village com¬ munity building. The club met again on April 21 at the home of ; Mrs. Theresa Maxwell, 557 Yamacraw Village Mrs. J. Ho- gan is president and Mrs. T Maxwell, reporter. Chicago Attorney In The City Attorney Sidney A Jones of Chicago is in the city visiting his parents, Mr. anxl Mrs. S. A Jones, Sr. He is accompanied of his dauhter, Roma. Congratulations. There several cool looking dames f<rom out-of-town, but the ones that impressed me most were Ernestine Register Mildred Yearby. Several of the boys who went to 'these Quitman conference looked for girls and saw to it they had a fine time. The opening was swell. David Jones sang into our heartn when he sang “Duna” and sponded with an encore. A fine guy with a glorious voice John Felder, Vivian Gamble and Shirley Thomas were in the best in expressing their welcome to the delegates Our principal was there 'too- Afek him to tell you how he made us laugh in his welcome after we had begun to get sore at 1 him Well, until I see what is going on again, I. beg to re¬ main, your faithful but care¬ ful correspondent. The White Eye Mrs. Donnie Lomax of West. Waldburg street returned to the city after a short trip vis¬ iting relatives and friends. l‘ For cut ; J. Carroll Sttthe left Wed¬ nesday for New York city. Wm. L. Mitchell and Harry Johnson and the latter's two daughters left Monday on a motor trip to Chicago. Mrs Alice Wright of Balti¬ more is in the city visiting her mother, Mrs- Jennie Scott, of We^t Waldburg street, Alfred M.ller and George Scott of Atlanta are in the city visiting their parents- Charles Adkins and his little a r, left Tuesday for Newark, N. f. rtl te r a stay of two weeks in Miami. Fla., Miss Ethel Murray and Miss Helen Williams have returned home. j Mrs Mamie Johnson and Miss Susan Wright left Monday for Philadelphia. Mrs. Emma Morrell of New York city left for home Satur¬ day after spending a few days here visiting friends- She was ilie house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Polite of 3205 Bur¬ roughs street. The pleasure of Mrs Morrell’s stay was add¬ ed to by Mesdames Lula Allen and E H. Perry, her fitends of many years. Mrs. Laura Parks of New York city, with her little grand son, George (Clipper) Henry J. is in the city visiting Mrs. Carrie Gaston. "Clipper” will also visit his grandfather, Earl A. Parks and other relatives. Impromptu Dinner Party Tuesday evening a very jolly paity gathered at the cozy home of Mrs. Isabell Embry to do honor to Thelma Faison of 23rd street, West ’Palm Beach, Fla., with a d n- ’ | ner party. Among those present Qcre ^jr. and Mrs. Ted Roberts, Mr and Mrs. Freddie Young, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Watson, J. J grown, Harry Johnson, Mr and M rs edeo Pryor, Mrs. Mildred Siahrookr. They were charm- ed the guest, and anxious c } 0 everything for 'ner pleas¬ ure. Mrs. Falson left last Thurs- day eveili ng on the Atlantic Coast Line for New Yo rk where she will spend the summer, g Pe Pas a pre tty summer home ' at West Pa im Beam, where Aie d:d much to maks it pieas- ant for Mrs. Embry who spent several months down there last wear- Washington Critics Praise Miss Dobbs Miss Mattiwilda Dobbs, So- prano, made her debut in a re cital in the Phillips Gallery WneVtm/i’f Washing to it, Ft D. C , f\ on n Easter H.P.QI PT Sunday afternoon before a ca- parity audience. Richard Keith, in h s com- meats in the Washington Post, stir-ted, H is young rising singers like Miss Dobbs, with thrir unusual programs, who, bring reliof to the concert- weary reviewer. Miss Dobbs’ voice is unusually pleasant to listen to. It is seldom harsh and yet is remarkably clear,, especially when soft.” Glenn Dillard Gunn, reporter for the Washington Times- Herald, said that "This girl has a phenomenal voice. Its range rivals that of, the boy soprano. She is a natural col¬ oratura, but is endowed with a warmer ancl more sympathetic I Q ualit y tlian colaraturas com- .monly possess, | Alice Eversman stated In the as ^ n £*- on Evening Star, that /'She has one of those fine na- ul,al voiC0s . somew*iat rare h ear today, and the impulse for usin S l t to expressive ends, is of lyric quality with a | oratura s,ron 8 tendency and at th toward moment a col- in ; s , ier development it could be concentrated in cither direc- su c ces ^ Miss Dobbs was presented in recital in Savannah last No¬ vember by the First Congrega¬ tional church. She is the daughter of John W, Dobbs of Atlanta, the grandmaster of] the Masons of Georgia. 2 Lovely Furnished two-room apartment equipped with hot bath, gas, range, Frjgidaire, Electrlct lights; very exclusive neighborhood. Telephone 2-2775 , After leaving Cann, Park taking the long way home on Monday, Which is Ogeechee road side, I decided to come -home and goss.p abou you good people First I wou.c .ke to say that what is print¬ ed in this column is merely printed for fun. If I havv said something about auy cj /ou all I hope you will accep- my deepest apology. The Jabberwock was a gait, Hair I am sure it was enjoy- d by all who attended Mar- ha Ervin and Rhaney Old ooked very nice togetner. Har riet Google was cute, also. Bet- ye Daily looked about coo ■nough. Some of the ushers .vere Ida Bradswell, Catherine fohnsoh, Dorotty Hobbs, Eve yn Maxey, Willie Mae Baldwin E'autine and ChJstine Wil¬ liams. There were others, bu I cannot recall them now T.iese girls were really some to look at- William Hill is home. Delore„ Jefferson doesn’t seem to be paying very much attention him. Would like to know who .s occupying he(r time. Djro- thy Bell really keeps behind Walter Paige. He and Delores still talk around school a lot That flame Is st.ll burning. Willie Williams says he always love Jewel Cutter. Take notice, -Nettie Williams- Mic¬ key Smalls, what Happened to you and Mary Ann? I heara you like Dorothy. Which Dor¬ othy is this? Rosa Polite can truly say that George Morrell is hers and hers alone. Sambo, Ben Jones and Albert Fl.nkney are not satisfied at a dai^e unless their dancing partners, Dot Boston, Brown and Georgia Google are Here. Spring is here and the love birds are beginning to come out of their hiding places. A lot of dances will be given now, I know. Girls, you must not be so selfish at a dance. Check on these things, please Speaking of danein#, I HEADS AKAs I Gamma Sigma Omega chap -1 ter of the Alpfia Kappa Alpha j sorority met Saturday evening j at the home of M ss Earline Simmons, 523 East Henry St. After a discussion of current business the following officers were elected for the coming| year: Mrs. W. K. Payne, basi-i lefts; Mrs S. M. ‘McDew, Jr. anti-bas lews; Miss Catherine Bogan, grammateus; Mrs. John FLarr, episloleus; D: - . Mary: Williams, tamiochus; Mrs. J. w Jamerson, Jr., dean Of pledgees; -> w - w,is “- er The hostess served a delic- repast which carr:ed out a mol;f j n p ink und green, tue colors of lhe sorority . The announcement was made that (he May meeting wouid be heid afc Uje home of Mrs s M Mc _ D j r>> May at which time the above officers will be Installed DON’T TRUST LUCK- KNOW THE TRUTH Stop worrying and wondering, get facts according to numbers; send me your date of birth and $1.00. I will send you your personal Astro Numerology and the Magic Time Clock free. CHAPEL 169 East 115th Street New York 29, N. Y. .•!"H , 44W.'H - +l"H - +4W , +4++W"! , 44'H"H , M4 , B , 4'H-4 , t - 44444+44 - v The Royall Undertaking! ♦ j T Y Y Company t I t I Funeral Directors and Embalmer J Over 60 Yearn Serving This Vicinity ? t Y Y Y SOI West Broad Street ? " Savannah, (la. Phone 3-2175 I I AMBULANCE SERVICE I f • Y a special notice that was sent to me through t'ne mail. “Ali of my friends and yours will meet at the Recreatiofi Center at 8 p m., Thursday, May 8, when James Drayton's Band and James W.ley will ap¬ pear at the first May hop, sponsored by the 10A1 class at Beach. Put on those 'comlys imd let’s jump, swing and sing. L Will be there to give you all if the latest dope. Clementine Gatrell r* ceived a loveiy orchid from Melvin Walwyn for Easter. What does Raymond have to say about this? Jake Green k I heard your, lame connected a girl the other day and it was not B.t- ye Ferrebee. Enjoying the movie Monday night was Ethel Brown and her loving John Jarby- Evelyn, Maxey, Gloria Glover and Bunky are a fine, sharp, cool threesome. Bunky has ev¬ eryone walking around in cir- . cles- James Wells is included in a threesome also. I believe is walking around in cir- . cles himself. I saw Margaret Batchelor and John Felder at the dance Saturday night. "Little Red” j Howell is trying to play careful, the j field these days. B'e kid, because a hard ball might come your way. Roosevelt Hardwick, wlio is the chick you always ask about. William Mixon was home for the week end. Sarah Moore’s heart played a rhumba the whole l me he was here. What are John Scott and Johnnie Long doing now Chat they are. out of the service? William Hosey is really miss- also his sisters, Mary and j Dors. I hope they their ! new home. George Dingle, j what pic is kind that of superiority have? corn- That ^ x you is not like you. I have talked enough about you good people, so I will stop for this w*eek. Anyway, the t me has came and I must went. “cood” says Godfrey—tk« American Cancer Society’* fund- merchant, who turns serious for the moment to broadcast an ap* pea | for t he acs drive, "it’s • (jood cause," says he. f HAVE THAT PICTURE MADE AT i]U§ CECIL'S PHOTO STUDIO 1215 West Broad Street Hk'V mMWi Phone 4-9106 We make a specialty of com¬ mercial pictures, Banquets, Par¬ ties, Schools. Develop Roll Films—and Paint Photos