The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, September 22, 1949, Page PAGE TOW, Image 2

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$4GE TWO CHURCHES To Preach Installation Sermon The Rev. L. M. Terrll of At¬ lanta will be the gu st speak er on October 9 at 3 p m. lot thfc installation servlces-for th' Rev R. M. Williams, Jr., at the First Bryan Baptist church. Tne ptiblic will have a warm wel¬ come at all of the service wlilch will begin October 2nd and close on Sunday afternoon, October 9. Central Bapt. Church Corner Huil and McAllistei streets, Rev. Wm. Daniels, pas¬ tor. Services were largely at¬ tended throughout Sunday. T.i Sunday school with Dea. Gads¬ den conducting was very in- ip rng. Rev. Daniels delivered sermons at 11:30 and 8:30, At 7 o’clock the BTU topics were discussed. Next Sunday the president asks that you come out a little earlier. Monday Sqpt. 26, and Friday night September 30, the Senior choir w.ll celebrate its anniversary when a fine program will be rendered. The Mission ^ club will meet Sunday at 11 St. John Choir To Sponsor Program 3'oe Senior Cho r of St. John Baptist church will sponsor a concert Sunday afternoon, at 3 o’clock, at the church, with Uh- R M. Gilbert, Mrs. Sadie i/wis Cartledge and Mrs. E Fsmstine Bignon as pr.nclpal speakers. “It’s The Service That Counts” EASLEY & CARLSON, INC. Sales RADIO Service Congress & Jefferson Sts. Phone 3-1681 legardless of Price your Ra- ( jo is no belter than the ervice department respons¬ es for Its performance- John G. Futler Company Congress arJ Whitaker Streets I’aints, Glass, Building Materials Millwork and Hardware STORE 2-1161 PLANT 2-1164 90 YEARS OF SERVICE -«- ,< T -t - r ,* r ,V t f -V 4 , ff , A A . J, .fl, , % ■SflAJi ,% ,Vf. ,r. 19 EAST BAY ST. DIAL 2-2114 “Substantial Dividends to all Policyholders” FIRE— WINDSTORM— EXTENDED COVERAGE „ PLATE GLASS 4 ; Monroe Funeral Directors I 611 WEST BROAD S3 PHONE 8-4106 — 2-3258 Savannah, Georgia MONROE ON DUTY—NIGHT and DAY ESSIE MONROE EDWARDS, Prop. f « ■ * * 4 ■ H - fr ' S -i-* * -a- < ■ ■!■ 4 I' M , X lo rreach n . X I rial • rc--- Sermon Jeff C. Glasker, son ol Rev. IHosio Q. Glasker, pastor o! F.rst Mt. Bethel Baptist church, will preach his trial sermon Sunday at 8 p. m. at his la- ther’s churda, Mt. Bethel, on Fahm street- Rev. Glasker real zed his son’s animation years ago and since th n lias worked jo ntly along with his son’s ment. Young Mr, Glaker was 14 years a member of the 2nd St. John Baptist church. Zion Hill Ushers The Z.o H.11 Usher Board celebrated its 17t'h anniversary S pt. 12 and raised S62.00. off.cers were Installed by Dea¬ con E. Jenkins. They will meet Sept 28. Deacon James Rey¬ nolds is president and Sion Bedford, reporter. Baptist Ushers Union The Baptist Ushers Union was well attended Monday night at Bethlehem church, President Jackson pres ding. We were especially glad to have join with us Zion Fair Baptist church U .tier Board of Rossig- ioI Hill. Palen M. E. Church District Supt. L. W. Strick¬ land of the Savannah district of the Methodist church Se¬ rvered a soul stirring sermon last Sunday evening for file fourth quarter at Palen M. E church. The superintendent expressed the progress of the church as being good under it; recently appointed pastor, Rev J. E. Spears. The final feature j (){ the year wU1 be downing n f the "Queen of Autumn" on Sunday evening at 7:30. The public Is Invited to attend all services as follows: Sunday school, 9:45; morning services 11:00;; evening services, 7:30; mid-week prajvr meeting, Tuesday evening, 8 o’clock. Townsley Ushers Sunday, Pent. 11, the Towns- ley Chapel Usher Board held; its regular meeting at thel f.iome .of Sister Daniels, with the vice president presiding. The vice president gave some very encouraging remarks. Our -hoe rally was a great success. We had a visitor in the person of Sister Warren from Allen Temple AME church of Atlan¬ ta, and the mother of Sister Reynolds. The next meeting will be at the home of James Edwards. George M tchell Is vice pr sident; little Sara Ann, acting secretary; Sister V. Rey¬ nolds. reporter. Rev. J. P. Lampkin is pastor. 1 UnJon Ba PC Church j | Rev. l c Sapp, p >< sun- j day school met at 10 a. m , Supt. a. B. Jones .n charge At 11 o’clock, preaching by th pastor. One candidate was re ceived for bapt sm. At 6 p. m ETU m t and at 8 o'clock th- pastor delivered another im¬ pressive sermon- The church regrets very much the ill;ie oi t'.ie chairman of the D .aeon Board, who is now .n Charity hospital. Pilgrim Bapt. Church 528-30 W Huntingdon street, Rev. J. J. Dinkins, pastor. Tire w’cekiy activ.t es included the lifta anniversary of the Junior choir in which various groups partic.patcd. The Church school met at 10 a. m. Deacon C. 'II. Jenkins, superintendent Sunday being communion day. Pastor Dinkins delivered two insp ring sermons. Among th J visitors were Sister Mary Alex¬ ander and Sister E. Porter of Atlant aand Sister Evelyn Pal¬ mer of Columbus. Sunday Is Women’s Day At St. James Surtday morning at 11:30, the wornm of St. James AME church will be in charge of the service. Mrs. Henry Young Tooks of Jacksonville, Fla. wife of tae late B shop Took will be the main speaker. Lo¬ cal talent who w.ll appear on program will be Mrs. Emma Bennett, Sidney A Jones Fu¬ neral chorus, Mrs. Marguerite Willis and Mrs. Jul a Hall. The public is invited to worship with us. Mrs. A. Porter Bryant is chairman and Rev. W. W Stephens, pastor. Musical Program The M Y. F. of Asbury M .*- thodist church is .presenting a musical Sunday. Sept. 25, at 6 p. m. Everyone is invited. St. Thomas AME ! and Bnrro ughs sir ets j Rev. C. S. Stripling, pastor.' Services spiring beginning Sunday were with very Sunday in-| j school, _with the superintendent. Mrs - A K nes Weston, in charge A t ":30 a - ni the Junior choir rendered music with W.llie Jones, Jr., at the piano. Pastor Stripling delivered an inspiring message. At 7:30, the senior choir sang with Mrs. Ruth Stripling at the piano and director and Rev, Stripling delivered anoth¬ er message. The fourth quarterly conference held by Presiding Elder C. P. Hobbs w.ll close Sunday. ■ j / #auamta t tribune for 4 5 Vf. DIXIE ENGRAVING CO. PHONE 5508 ♦ I28W.BAYVT. I IT’S EASY TO PAY THE ? I ? A. B. C. WAY { 1 | ? A. B. C. Furniture Stores t t 4 125 yc J West west Broad Droaa Street oireei •!; I We maintain an active sales force for selling houses, baa. raJows, business property, lots and Investment property. We are ready to serve yon whether you wish to buy or eell Insurance written at a 25% saving to you. We collect rents—u»et 20 year* experience. SQNJ MNTINO REALTonSj *UYING-SfU.I*4 LOANS ibSuRANCI - - *- Savannah ccokoia • York St. East. Phones 6291 S-5021 "ATA^TTAH TUrBTTTSS Men’s Day Speakers At St. Paul CME Church 1 ■ it I A. L. SAMPSON Sunday will be men’s day at St. Paul CME church at which t me the men of the church will have c'.iargj of the serv¬ ices, both morning and night. Interest, ng programs have been planned for both services, the main speaker at 11:30 a. m being A. L. Sampson and at night. 7 30 p. m., J. S. Adkins. Th • speakers will be introduced by L. I). Bissett and C. H. BiUs. Music will be furnished by a men’s chorus under the direc¬ tion oi Raiford Whitfield- Alford Melton is serving as chairman of the day’s activities and Tnomas Favors as secre- tary. R v. D. L. Gorham is of the church. Flipper Chapel AME Sunday was a wonderful day a t Flipper Chapel AME church. Sunday School was well attend¬ ed, Supt, J. L. Taylor in charge. ,r h ■ Sunday sermon was delivered by Rev. D- Walk er and at 8:15 the Mills Bros, rendered a program. On Oct. 5 a fashion show will be held at the church, sponsored by the trustees. Two Negroes On Lonck County Jury LONOKE, Ark. (ANPi—Two Negroes were summoned for service on the Lonoke county petit jury panel for the first t.ine in tne history of the county here last week. The two, Roosevelt Anderson of England and Charlie B. Watson of Cab- 0 t. will serve during the Sep- tember term of circuit court. CALL US UP DON’T FORGET Phone 2-0221 Paul & Andy Starters—Magnetos—Gen¬ erators — Carburetors Batteries—Fuel Pump- ON THE CORNER OF THE SQUARE 309-13 W. OGLETHORPE Methodist Youth Fellowship Retreat By Carolyn Scott On Wednesday morning, Sep¬ tember 7, boxes of lunch, the Methodist Youth Fellow- which included young people from Mt. Zion M.thodlst, en and Asbury, arr ved at Sportsman’s Park for a period of retreat, First tne group had the wor- ship period, then a minute rest period.* after which th .y retired for an hour of study. The text of the study was "What I Should Know About the Methodist Youth Feltow- sh p." T.'.is was followed by lunch and a recreation per od. The afternoon study courses included worship and evang - lism, world friendship, cor.& munity service and and then began the on "Do You Think the Needs Recreation, and Why?” and oth r topics including the question of dancing. Timely remarks were made by Rev- J. P. Stripl ng. tne “father” of the church. In¬ structors were Rev. and Mrs. Spear of Palen, R v. and Mrs Taggart and Mrs. Chance, the Church school superintendent, teachers and friends were also prerent. Electoral officers of the com¬ bined MYF are: Wesley Bush, president; Billy Butler, vice president; Mary Royal, secre¬ tary; Carolyn Scott, Evelyn Royal, chapla n. Butler Presbyterian Church Sunday services were enjoy¬ ed by all. Rev. Patterson family have returned from Inis vacation. The Sunday school sending a delegate to the an- mial Sunday School Conference at, Jacksonville, Fla., Thursday. The annual Presbytery will meet in Cordelc Wednesday and Thursday of next week. The Synod will meet here the first Wednesday and Thursday in October. The Society meets Monday at p. m. at the home of Mrs. Julia 1 Simmons, Patterson 17 Sixth is pastor street. of Rev. the j P. A. church. Nathaniel Singleton Laid To Rest Funeral service was held to¬ day (Thursday) for Nathaniel Singleton, Sr., of 1157 Yama- craw V llage, who died on Mon- >day morning after a tew months’ illness "Sanders,” as he was commonly called by his many friends, had a pleasing personality and nor mtlc was generally ffOUPM V liked by both whita and ed. He wa.s the youngest of five children, born to the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Singleton, Sr„ who preceded him in death years ago. He attended t'he local public schools and at the time of h s death was employed by Friedman Jewelers. Mr. Sin¬ gleton joined St. John Bapt s* church in 1932 and took active part in ^he activ.ties of the church. H) was aTo a mem¬ ber of the Simmons Singers. The funeral was largely attend¬ ed and the flowers were many and beaut.ful. He is survived by 'his wife, Mrs. Elamae S ngleton; four children, Nathalie, Barbara Futh and Nathaniel, Jr.; three brothers, Henry (Son Jo> Sin¬ gleton, Jr, W.lliam (Butter) Singleton, and Richard tDick> S ngleton, and oth.r relatives The funeral program was as follows: Processional; St. John Choir; prayer; solo. Mrs. Marie S ngleton; remarks Deacon Peter Brown;, Ulysses Bryant; selection. Sid¬ ney A. Jones Funeral Home; obituary, Mrs. Sadie Brown; eulogy, Rev. E. O. S. Cleveland: .selection (reviewing remains). St. John .Choir; recessional Interment was in Laurel Grove cemetery. Sidney A. Jones Fu¬ neral Home was in charge. WANT COUPLE lo live out to Oakl.«s»d Farm anil take care of the Park. One who is will- # ing to raise chickens and is inter ested in garden. Park located 6 milrtv out Ogeechee Road. For information stop by 518 W. Henry St., or Dial 2-3055 John Mines, Proprietor FOR RENT Nicely furnished 2-Room pavtmenf: private kitchen fri< gidairc and other modern con¬ veniences, reasonable. . Phone 2-2775 main, To walk the road alone, I’ll liv; in memory’s garden, dear, Wit'll happy days well known. nl walt for red 1 Jn roses , fade the mlies blue, 1 J when brown leaves ™"“ ^ call, | ca p - e of you S'nce you went first and I ma i n> ’ One thing I’d have you do. Walk slowly down the path of death, ror soon I’ll follow you. I’ll want to know each step you take, That I may take the same, For some day soon down lonely road, You’ll hear me call your name. Eternal rest grant unto aim, O Lord, and let perpetual light sh ne on him, may his soul and the souls of all the faithful de¬ parted through the mercy of God rest in peace. Gone, but not forgotten. Sadly m ssed by wife. Mrs. Evelina Dortch Relatives and many friends. SAMPSON In mem¬ ory of our dear brother, HOWARD SAMPSON who died Sept. 6, 1947. You are not forgotten, By the ones who loved you best, Our love for you will linger, Until we too are laid to rest. We saw you sufier, we saw you go, It crushed our hearts, we love you so, But it was God who loved you best. He took you home with Him • to rest. Family: Mr. and Mrs. J. G Sampson Savannah, Ga. Mrs L ilian S Timmons Mr. and Mrs. C. Sampson Mr. and Mrs A Sampson Jacksonville, Fla, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Sampson Tampa, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Samp¬ son, Vera Beach. Fla. Mrs- S. E. Noble and family Fernandina, Fla. IN MEMORY LYONS—In memory our fath r. 1 t ! j . i J j m ^ -.- TA * ' r** 5. MR. WILEY LYONS who departed this l.fe 3 years ago, Sept. 25, 1946. Wnen we think of father, How he spent all h s days, Loving, serving, giving, Sweet in all 'his ways. Never a Dad so lov ly Never a man so rare, That we may follow hLs foot¬ steps. Daily we make our prayer. Children and Grandchildren. ■ | |g| Kjgi ( DORTCH—In loving qj m y beloved husband, REV. GRANDERPON DORTCH, who departed this life one year ago, Sept. 20, 1948. S.nce you went first and I re¬ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, l»4f SMITH—Is loving memory my husband, WILLIE SMITH who passed away one year ago, Sept. 21, 1948. | jic gave and counted not cost, He spent an? knew that he lost Was for another’s ga n. He loved and measured not his love. iun ais love, Knowing all things come heaven above, It’s sweet to remember once you were here, And though you’re absent you’re just as dear, I smile with the world, vet I never forget, , In my garden of memory, you live there yet. W.fe, Children and Sisters. JACKSON—In loving memory of my devoted sister, MRS. FLORENCE JACKSON who departed this life Septem¬ ber 20, 1946. Friends may think I leave for¬ gotten, When at times they s:e me smile, Little do they know the heart¬ ache, That one smile hides all the while. No one knows the silent heart¬ ache Only Vleose who have lost can tell, Of the grief that is borne in silence, For the one I love so well. Days of still com' over me, Secret tears do often flow, But memory keeps you ever near me, Though you died three years j ago. A face that is st ll before me, A voice I cannot forget, A smile that will last forever. In memory I see her yet. A sister, Mrs. Christine Lovett. One brother, nieces, nephew and otfaer relatives. DICKSON—In memory of the passing of our mother, grand- mother and great grand mother MRS MARI AH DICKSCN who passed in Augusta, Ga, on the 4th Sunday in Sept. 7 year; ago- „ Many days and nights weve been without you. yet in our minds you are ever with us .n the cross that Jesus Car is t bore. We will meet you on the ot'her shore. ELKINS—In sad but loving memory of our sister, MRS. .EMMA mfUft ELKINS ITT who departed this life Sept. 23, 1£’I8. It was on this day a veai ag v S ster left us here below, Where she is in Heaven above We pray she feels our constant, love. Sadly missed by: Sisters, Mrs. Ida Jenkins Mrs. Julia McMasters Niece, M ss Julia McMaster Nephew, Mr. Thomas McMaster Brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas Jenkins. Ladies* and Men's HATS Cleaned and Blocked By Approved Factory Methods Lamas < Bros. Broughton & Drayton FOR SALE Second-hand toilet-, lava¬ tory, bath tub, sink, two 30 gallon water tanks one gas coil heater with vent complete and two mantels.’ REASONABLE 118 E. Anderson Street Daughter, Mrs. Amanda D. Jerry Sons: Rev. D D. Dickson Mr. R chard Dickscn Mr. Joe B. Dickson Grands and great-grands Signed: Rev. D. D. Dickson CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS W ■ wj u to show our appre¬ ciation and thank our friends l_r tne many letters and cards oi sympathy and consolat.on received since the death of our beloved sister, Mrs. Minnie El¬ lis Steele. Alice M. Ellis W Helen M. Eilis. NAACP Staff Corference Scheduled NEW YCRK, Sept. 15.—A •er es of state conferences of NAACP branches is scheduled; for this fall, Gioster B. Current, director of branlhes. announsf 7 ea today. The setson will open with the Texas conference ip Waco, September 16-18. The Oeio meeting will be held in Trenton Youngstown, will be September the site of 23-2|j| th^P New Jersey conference Sept* 24. The Pennsylvanians will meet in Media, October 7-9, and the South Carolina con,- ference will be held in Flor¬ ence, October 15-17. TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR INSIDES NOSE WOUTH cladderXJJ’o' cail v / 7 ri_ liver SMALL V V INTESTINE Study the above drawing for a few minutes. Notice particu¬ larly how the bile flows from the liver into and out of the gall-bladder and thence whe’re iiifo the small intestine it mixes with the partly digested food just below the stomaeh. Bile is a necessary adjunct tp proper digestion. Its absence from the intestines inevitably causes putrefaction and fer* mentation. NATURE’S DANGER SIGNALS When your stomach, liver, and gall bladder have been upset by improper eating or drinking, or when they are not working well because retained and putrefying food matter in your intestines is poisoning your entire body, your bile stops flowing freely and you, sooner or later, begin to feel some of the following symp¬ toms : Your breath may become unpleasant (halitosis), your tongue coated, a bad taste in your mouth, your coffee (and tobacco) lose their natural flavor, your food does not agree with you; you may have head¬ ache, heartburn, gas and dizzy spells, you may be troubled with belching; at night the gas in your bowels may press upon your bladder making you get up frequently, thus break¬ ing into your sleep. , In the morning you are tired instead of refreshed. Gradually your health is impaired: you | faction constipation, gas, putre¬ and self - poisoning ("intestinal toxaemia” or ‘acute gastritis” as many doc- | tors call it). HOW TO GET RELIEF 1 You can relieve this condi¬ . usually tion, overnight, by taking Calotabs at bedtime and drinking water freely next day. Calotabs are a thoroughly lependable laxative designed to effectively relieve symp¬ toms of biliousness and acute gastritis due to constipation ? r faulty digestion, and t£> ■remote the flow of bile .hrough the intestines. Calotabs are pleasant to take (sugar coated), prompt and ef¬ fective. Try them and see. Fol- ow label directions. At your druggists’. Demand the original Calo¬ tabs in the( distinctivei checker-board box. Accept no substitute.