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Begins Ebenezer
Pabtorate Oct. 23
1111111 ZM
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Sunday was a high day at
Ebenrzer Baptist church, be¬
ginning with Sunday school,
directed by Supt- Deacon Sni¬
der. The 3 30 serv.ce was con¬
ducted by Rev. E. R. Roper,
who was called as pastor pf
said church. He will begin his
work as pastor of the church
on October 23. R v. Roper de¬
livered two insp sermons
during the day, which were
listened to by large audiences
Two members were added to
the church. On Tuesday night,
the pastor and members went
to' the Peaceful Zion Baptist
cWiirch to participate in the
service there.
Tremont Temple
Sunday service was very in¬
spiring. Sunday school was in
charge of Supt. Deacon Clif¬
ford Ryals. mornin
ford Ryals. At the morning
service, Rev. J. L. Dudl< y he
founder of the church, p ' li¬
ed a soul stirring sermon, i he
IBTU met at the usual hour
with President T. C. Perkins In
chhrge, and at 8 p. m. Rev
Dudley deliver! another burn¬
ing sermon.
Pilgrim Baptist Church
Pilgrim Baptist church ,528-
30 West Huntingdon street,
Rev. J. J. Dinkins, pastor. Sun¬
day school mat at the usual
hour with Deacon C. H. Jen¬
kins/ Supt. Tlie pastor
engaged in service at Black-
shear, Rev. L. H. Bright was
guest Speaker for the day, ac¬
companied by Rev Hagans. Tile
Junior choir was in charge of
the song service at 11 a. m.
and the Senior chbir at 8 p.
m. A special program is plan¬
ned for the benef.t of the sick
and aged mcmb rs of the
church Wednesday, October
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Union Baptist Church
Good attendance was record¬
ed at all services Sunday at
Un on Baptist church, Berrien
, and Purse streets, Rev. L. C
Sapp, pastor. The pastor de- the sermons at both the
1 morning and night rervices.
, At 3:20 in the afternoon Ar-
thur Avent preached 'Ills trial
Sermon. The coming Sunday
w.ll be commun on day.
Bryan Baptist Church
The combine morning won-
ship and communion
were held at F rst Bryan Bap¬
tist churc.i last fourth Sunday.
The service was largely attjnd-
ed. Visitors included a group
of ushers from St. John Bap¬
tist church assisting in the pro¬
cedures- The vis. tom were
grac lully welcomed by Mrs.
Lula Allen. The combined cho¬
rus of the church, directed by
To a r on Stevens with Mrs. Ju¬
lia L. Brown, mug clan, ren¬
dered a beaut.fnl musical pro¬
gram during the worsh p hour
that featured a special se-
'ectlon arranged by Mr. Stev¬
ens. The pastor, Rev, Richard
M. Williams, delivered a timely
sermon on “Christ an Unity.”
The pastor was assisted In ad-
m.nls ring the Lord’s Supper
by Rev. Willie Williams and
Rev. Dxon.
Central Baptist Church
This week mark; the 48th an-
n.versary of the choir. Monday
night a portion of the choir
met, rendering beautiful se¬
lections. Ttte remainder of
.re program will be held Fri¬
day n ght. Sunday morn ng our
guest speaker was Rev. Wil¬
liams. The Lord's supper will
be administered Sunday at 4
o’clock. Messages for the day
will be delivered by Pastor
Women’s Auxiliary
Sunday evening the woman’s
aux.l ary held its meeting at
Peaceful Zion Baptist church,
opening ceremonies led by
Chaplain Peggie Houston.
President Frances Woods was
in charge of the meeting which
was very Interesting. Mrs Ba¬
ker and Miss E- Jackson were
speakers on the program. A
solo was rendered by Miss
Houston. Miss Cornelia Brown
is seerfetary of Use mlss.on.
Bethlehem Usher Board
Bethlehem Usher Board No.
2 held Its meeting at the usual
time. Much business was
transacted. The board is plan¬
ning great th ngs In the near
future. Next meeting will be at
the church Hardy Bennett is
pres.dent; Sister Rosa Holmes,
secretary, and Sister Mary Kil-
NEW YORK, Sept. 23.—The
first child weuare conference
of major Protestant denomlna-
tions will seek tb develop tho
church's role as a
and curative agency, it will
i!> ^ in C ° lum ' 3US ’
The gather ng is sponsored
by the Federal Council
Churches of CSirist in
and the International Council
of Religious Education. The
two groups embrace-40 Protest¬
ant denominations-
The primary purpose of the
gathering is to develop a dis¬
tinctive and unified Protestant
view on child welfare problem
as means to assist Protestant
Readers to play a more vital
role in the White House con-
New York city, senior
tnt of the Child Welfare Lea-
lue of America, and chairman
the conference
;ald the conference w.ll afford
ehurch leaders a chance to ex-
change views on basic welfhre
Fssups, and work out methods
to help the church take a more
effective part in both national
and local child welfare activi-j
Commenting on the need for j
such a gathering, Dr. Hopkirk
observed that “ev;n though
philosophies and creeds may
long continue to separate our
people, it is obvious that they
have much in common, when
they seek for all American
children the basic rights which
will make them good citizens.' I
Hghligtits of the ffrst day’s!
session will be an address by |
Katherine Len;qot of Washing-!
t01 ^’ °' the Child-
Last Rites Held Saturday
For Mr, Lundy
I Funeral services were held on
i Saturday night at St. James
; AME church for Mrs. L zz.e
Lundy who died Thur-day
night of last week at a local
hospital, after an illness of
only two days. The eulogy was
delivered by the Rev. Walter
Stephens, pastor. The body
was carried to Statesboro Sun-
day where burial services were
h id. Monroe Funeral Direc-
tor; was in charge of the fu¬
neral. Mrs. Lundy, who was a of Jefferson county, had
re sided in this city since 1923.
j s survived by a son, Her-
man Lundy, Detroit; four sis-
ters, Mrs- John W.ll.ams, Jes-
up; Mrs. Tommie Tremble,
Wright Fall; Mrs. , Alice Battle
Savannah, and Mrs. Della Saw¬
yer, Statesboro; three brothers.
Hozie Jordan, Sonny Lowery
and Lindsay Jordan; two nep¬
hews, Luther Battle and Hen¬
ry Stapleton, and three nieces,
Miss Ethel Vaughn, Miss Sadie
M. Coates and Idella
Special Services At
Zion Hill
Mrs. Mattie B. Payne, wife of
the president of Georgia State
college, w.ll be the main
speaker at, Zicn <H 11 Baptist
church at the women’s day
program Sunday, Oct. 9. Others
who wili participate on the
program will be Mrs. Alma
Stokes, Mrs. Grac; Butler, Mrs.
Ernestine Manigo, Mrs. Fran¬
ces Johnson, Mrs. Ruth Den¬
mark, Mrs. El za Huff, Mrs.
Minnie Mitchell, Mrs. V. Stone,
and Mrs. Elease Field. Mrss.
Helen Ha"es will be in charge
of the music.
The men will be In charge of
the services at night. B. F.
Crawford will be the main
speaker. Others who will be
on the program are Oliver
Sanders. Richard Patite, James
Raymond, John Wesley, E M.
•JenkiVts Ed Manigo,
James and the Golden Love
quartet. Rev. J. B. Bates is
pastor of the church.
Conner’s Temple
Services at Connor Temple
Bautist church were largely at¬
tended, beriming with Sun¬
day school under the direction
of Supt. Steve Harris. Thej
morning worship was conduct-1
ed preached by Rev. L. G. the Gibbs subject,! who J
“W.ngs and Rest.” He also
was the speaker at the night i
service- BTU met a tth'e usual*
hour. Deacon L. Washington*
Miss is chairman King of is the board and|
A. V. reporter.
Rev. Williams To Be
Installed Pastor
installations ervices of
the Rev. R. M. Willliams as
pastor of First Iiryan
church w.ll beg.n Monday
night ;jnd .continue thrudfU -
out the week, concluding Sun¬
day, Oct. 9, at 3 p m. with the
Rev. Levi M. Terrill of Allan’a, j
a former pa.stor, deliving the
.nstallat.on srnmon.
Evangelical Ministers j
The Evangehcal Ministers'
union held a short session
Tuesday nocn with President
F. W. Bayby in charge'.
Echoes were g ven by the
AME pres.ding elders who at¬
tended the 'executi ve Ifmrd
\nneetin|; la> t wpek Morris
thrown colllege in Atlanta
when it was announced that
the first conference will be
h -id at St. Paul church, Val¬
dosta Oct. 5-9,
The CME conference will
meet in Macon Oct. 25 and
the M. E. conference will.m et
Oct. 13 in this city at Asbury
churc.i, Rev. J. H Taggard,
The Rev. A. M. Threat of
Thompson, who was here at¬
tending a Masonic grand lodge
meeting, was a v sitor at the
The union will meet with
the Emancipation Association
Wednesday at True Love Bap¬
tist church to arrange for the
Emianicipal". on day eelelf attion
at Tabernacle Baptist church
when the speaker will be B s-
up R R. Wright o fthe AME
Next Tuesday Dr. J. W. Max¬
well will conclude the discus¬
sion of “Is the Church Gaining
oi” as the topic of the
Members present at the
mnrttiiTg were Revs. jBagtoy,
Goiham, Taggart Murph, Ste¬
vens, Lestter, Richards, John¬
son, Fobbs, Maxwhll, ThU.'aitt
and Sherman.
Ushers Board To
Celebrate Anniversary
Connor’s Temple Baptist
Church usher Board No. 3 will
observe Its first anniversary
Monday night at which time
the young folks w.ll present an
interesting program which the
public Is Invited to listen to
William P. MeLemore is presi¬
dent of the board and the ad¬
visers are Deacon Albert Aus¬
tin and Deacon Bulls Bacon.
To Discuss Child
at Conference
| ren’s Bureau of the Federal
Security Agency, on “Begin-
i nin * of a G rand Strategy for
other spea kers include Dr
j j Leonard W Mayo of Cleveland,
Ohio, dean of the school of ap¬
plied sciences, Western Re-
serve university, w'ho will speak
on “The Contribution of Pro-
testantlsm to Ch id Welfare,”
and Dr. Paul Limbert, Spring-
field. Ohio, whose topic will
“Toward a Protestant Philoso¬
phy of Child Welfare.”
The more than 400 church
leaders, child care spec.alists
educators and government of¬
ficials expected to attend will
be assigned to one of six dis-
“" ,® r 3'follow
v ng
Physical and -d mental mental health
? conoi " lc conditions
[ ? nd e f institutioaal uc .^ ti °f’ faml aild 'y living
care "
Results of the discussion
sections will be presented to
the gathering by a panel and
are exnected to be used as the
basis for developing a Protest-
ant policy on child welfare
Dr. Beverly Boyd, executive
secretary of the Federal Coun-
cil’s Department of Christ an
Social Relations, emphasized
that Christianity's interest in.
child welfare was reflected In
the more than 500 child place;
agencies, protective societies!
and institutions under church;
In addition, , he said, .. „ thous-
ands of Protestant clergy and
laymen and women served on
boards of similar agencies
across the country.
enr gavawhah TOrum?*
f ..... .... ......
BRYAN—In loving
who d parted this life 4 years
ago, September 30, 1945.
There is a golden gate beyond,
Through which our loved ones
To find that perfect love and
Which earth can never know.
And sometime, too, the clouds
shall lift,
For us to watch and wait,'
When loved ones meet to ptirt
no more,
In. ide that golden gate.
Maggie Bryan, wife
Clarenc Bryan, brother
Maggie Smalls, sister,
• Beaufort, S. C-
Mam e S ! mmons, cousin
Henry Brown, oousin,
Newark, N. J.
MITCHELL In lov ng re-
membrance of our loving ino-
iher and grandmother,
who passed to the great b>
yond Sept. 27, 1944.
Jesus, tho nur hearts are still
O’er our mother that death has
Wc still believe and it giv's us
Know ng that “Thy Will Be
Devoted ch ldren,
Mr. F. L. Mitchell
Mr. Nathaniel Mitchell
Mrs. Mercedes A. Sharbor
Mrs. Reta Hall.
Leomia and Mercedes Mit¬
FORD—In loving memory of
our dear mother,
who passed away Septmber
28. 1947.
When memory is the only
That grief can call its own.
More and more each day we
miss you,
Friends may th nk the wound
has healed,
But they little know the sor¬
That lies within our hearts
The Children
SC John Baptist Church
St. John Baptist Church
Beginning, Sunday, Oct. 2nd Ending, Sunday
Oct. 16, 1949
Dear Dr. E. O. S. Cleveland In Revival At Saint John
Many Old Revival Subjects Like “Dry Bones,’ : ‘The Eagle Stirring Her Nest,” “The Hand Writing
On The Wall,' ‘The Scarlet Cord,” “The Prodigal Son,” “The Seccrd Coming Of Christ,”
“Heaven,” and Many Others Will Be Preached in This Revival, With Power, In The Old Way.
| Come And Join In This Gospel Feast
Don’t Miss This Revival, It May Be Your Last
Service Begins Each Night At 8:00 o’clock Sharp. Be on TIME For Your SEAT.
Gil. BERT—In sad but loving
memory of cur mother,
who departed this life 2 years
ago, Sept. 30, 1947.
It was on this day two years
Mother left us here below
V/here she is in Heaven above,
We pray she feels our constant
Sadly missed by children:
Mr. Sammie Gilb-rt
Darien, Ga.
Mr. Dan Gilbert
Sapeloe, Ga.
Mrs. Lucile Young
Savannah, Ga.
0 HARPER --In memory of our
dear daughter and sister
j emma Johnson harder
i who departed this life Sept. 27,
j 1942.
, Every sine 3 you departed,
We have been broken hearted.
Days of sadness still come to
Secret tears do often flow,
But memory keeps you ever
j near us
Though you died seven years
| ag0> ,
we do not need a special day,
to bring you t oour minds,
| The day we do not think of
j j yo u, hard to find.
is very
Mrs. Mamie Harper
Savannah, Ga.
Mr. Henry Harper, Sr.
Oakland, calif.
Brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Har¬
per, Jr.
Chicago, HI.
Marion Harper
Savannah, Ga.
DOVE—In loving memory of
our mother,
who passed away Sept. 28, 1939.
Ten years (have peussed since
that sad day,
God, with His angels, called
our darling mother away.
From th s land of grief and
To the land of peace and rest.
God has taken you, dear mo¬
Where you find everlasting rest
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we do the same.
, we often sit and th.nk of you
I And wish you were here again
No e y es can see ug weep
But many a s.lent tear
When others are fast asleep.
Your voice we loved is still.
Which never can be filled.
Your place is vacant in our
But we pray to meet you In a
better land
Children and Grandch ldren.
DICKSON—In memory of the
passing of our mother, grand
mother and great grand mother
who passed in Augusta, Ga., on
the 4th Sunday in Sept. 7 year.;
Many days and nights we've
been without you. yet in our
minds you are ever with us n
the cross that Jesus Christ
bore. We will meet you on
the other shore.
Mrs. Amanda D. Jerry
Rev. D. D. Dickson
Mr. Richard Dickson
Mr. Jo; B. Dickson
Grands and great-grands.
Signed: Rev. D. D. Dickson
The family of the late Na-
thaniel S ngleton wish, to
press the r deep and sincere
appr-ciation to ineir many
friends and neighbors for the
many kindnesses shown them
during h s illness and their
bereavement. Spec al thanks
to the L Cha^itr'hospUalT" Georgia Infirmary Sih^- and
hood of St. John Baptis
church and the Golden
club- , , .. Many thanks to. the
J and^for ... 8 . , . w
cars cards and
grams of . condolence, , , also , .
the , . beautiful floral designs.
... We al . c o thank .. , t'.ie Sidn:v „.. A. .
Jones Funeral Home for the r
most courteous service render¬
Mrs. Eala Mae Singleton
and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Single-
ton. 'Jr.
( Mr William Singleton
j Mr and Mrs. R.ehard Single-
The immed ate family ana
relatives of the late Mrs. Vir¬
ginia Washington wish to ac¬
knowledge their deep s.ncera
appreciat.on of the many ex--
pressions of helpfulness and
sympathy shown t'nem during
the reent illness and death of
Mrs. Virginia Wash ngton. The
kind words of encouragement
made the darkest hour br.ght.
We wish to thank and to
show our appreciation to our
many, many friends for their
letters and cards of sympathy
and consolat on r-ceived darl¬
ing the hour of our gr.ef and
mourn of the death of out'
mother, Maggie Wr.g'ht. w
Tho Family, Wrights A Boyds
Mr. and Mrs. C. B Williams
| are thanking our many friends
and especially our neighbors
j for ! .he lov.ely Yoral d-signs
' for mother, Mrs;
Carrie Beckett Fergerson, who
depart d this life Sept. 17.
; Wc wish to express our ap-
j predation and thanks to out 1
many friends, for ail the acts
of kindness, the beautiful
flower; sent, words of sympa-
thy spoken during the illnesN
iand death of our husband and
j father, Mr. John Jenl\ns, c*
west Park avenue.
Mrs. Marietta J.nkins
Miss Anabell Jenkins
Master Willie Jenk ns-
St. Paul CME Church ,
The men of St. Paul CMS
are verv appreciative of
e help g;ven them b t
mends m last Sundays men
. dav J program J which was a great
, success. Some _ of ... the visitors ...
appeared on the program
were Will e W.lliams, Jr., Dan-
i iel ...... Wright, ’ Lonnie _ Roberts, M
i L. _ Lewis . and .. Mr. Joyce. T
Nicely furnished 2-Room
nartment: private kitchen- fri<
gidaire and other modern con*
veniences, reasonable.
Phone 2-2775