Newspaper Page Text
ir.E TWC
a a ri j
Church of Holiness
Assembly Oct. 12
Th»s Church of Christ
ness Ujito the Lord’s 22nd
nual assembly will convene
Wednesday, October 2nd, at
a. m. at 572 W. Oglethorpe
The public is invited to
the service and brihg the
and the lame and the Lord
heal all that believe.
J. F. Wilcox of Ludowici is
pastor; Bishop M. S.
presidiag bishop.; Bishop B.
Colty, Junior Bishop of
fort, S. C.; Sis. Dorothy
ham, assistant secretary
Sis. Ida Roberts, general
retary, Ludowici.
Evangelical ? misters
The regular weekly session
the Evangelical M.nisters
iori was held at the n?en
ion was held at the noon hour
Tuesday with Rev. F. W. Bagby,
president, presiding.
The members were
with a refreshing closing dis¬
cussion on th esubject, ‘'Is the
Church Gaining or
Ground?” led by Rev. J. W.
The union received the sad
nqws of the death of Mrs. S.
Grant, wife of Rev. S. W.
Grant, at Douglas, Tuesday
this week. Funeral service will
be” held Sunday at
where sCie lived several years
Th? following commttees
ported: Current events. Rev. W.
Ol P. Sherman; hospitals,
C. P. Hobbs; program. Rev H
W. Murph; penal
ReV. W. W. Stevens;
Rev. D T. Babcock
Rev. D. L Gorham
tie South Georgia CME
ference at Moultrie this week
Members in attendance
Revs. Bagby, Gorham,
Morph, £V evens,
Maxwell, Johnson, Hobbs
Butler Presbyterian
At Butler Memorial church, Sunday
were well attended,
with the Junior chi run.
28-28, the church was
sented in the annal
of the Knox Presbyterian
ety by Rev. P. A.
Dan Davis and Mrs.
Aikeij*, Rev Patterson
elected moderator of the
bytery. Communion service
Sunday morning. Oct. 23
be rally day for the
club; Monday, Oct. 17,
Missionary Society w’ll meet
the home of Mrs. Maude
son, 421 East Anderson
The Synod w.ll convene
Butjer Oct. 26-27-28. Rev.
A.‘(Patterson is pastor of
ii John G. Butler
Congress and Whitaker Streets
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Second Arnold Baptist
Arnold street, will celebrate
thirty-fourth anniversary
the tenth anniversary of
Rev. George Dingle as
This epochal event will
Monday night, October 10
endFrlday night,October 14.
Churches that will
pate in this five night
tion, will be as follows:
daynight, OcL 1,0-
night, New Moon Baptist
church in charge, sermon
Rev. J. E, Bailey;
night, October 11.
night, Happy Home
church in charge, sermon
Rev. L. L. Small, pastor;
nesday night, October 12
ior choir night First
ship Baptist Church in
sermon by Rev. G. R.
Sr., pastor; Thursday
October 13. Auxiliary
Trustees, Senior Mission,
ers, BTU- Junior Mission
Pulpit Aid in charge of
gram; Friday night,
14; Sunday School night,
niversary sermon by Rev. E.
Capers, pastor of First
green Baptist! Church.
Paien Methodist Church
Palen Methodist church
the scene of a very
queen of autum contest
day night, 8 ept. 25,
Annie Mae Lawton
crowned queen. Miss
represented the choir
contestants were Miss
W iliams, runner-up, who
resented th? WSCS;
Amy Reddick, Delores
and Constance Knight
senting the Senior
Board, M Y. F and
school, respectively. Miss
i ton, a senior at Beach
school, was crowned Queen
Autumn by Pastor John
Spears. The affair was
sored by Mrs. John E.
Anniversary and Pew
All People's New
Baptist church, Harmon
Joe streets, Rev. E. N. Bunn
Ph. D., pastor, will present
Sidney A. Jones Funeral
chor in a program of songs
Sunday nigut at 8 o'clock as
I feature of the pew rally
fortieth anniversary of
church. The principal address
will be made by Sldn y A
Jones, well known
The public is cordially invited
Union Baptist Church
Berrien and Purse streets.
Rev. L. C. Sapp, pastor. Sun¬
day was a high day. At 10
oclock Sunday school, £upt
Jones In charge, li o’clock ser¬
vice the Junior choir sing¬
ing, and 3:30, communion ser¬
vices, Pastor Sapp pr aching an
inspiring sermon. At 8 o’clock
Pastor Sapp again del.vered
the sermon. Our revival began
Monday night and w.ll
i tinue until Friday night, O?to-
ber 14, with the Rev. F. H. Hall
of Augusta preaching.
T remont Temple
The combined morning wor¬
ship and communion
was in a high spirit, throughout
the day. The
largely attended- The
preached at 11 a. m.. subject,
• Make a Record With God.” At
4 p. m. Pastor Benton again
delivered a timely sermon He
was assisted in
communion by Rev. Wroten and
Hagan, sons of the church.
Pilgrim Baptist
528-30 W. Huntingdon
Rev. J. J. Dinkins, pastor.
weekly services w re
as usual. Sunday School met
10 :15 a- m., Supt. C. H.
kins in charge. , „ The ,
sermon was delivered by
pastor, subject. -The
?r is at the Door. Rev. Wm.
Cunningham was guest
er for the night. He spoke
‘‘In Place For & Purpose.”
Evstts Gospel Singers will
der a program for the
of the sick and poor
Deacon Nathaniel
Dea. Nathan Frazier,
Wednssday, Oct. 19
St. Luke Baptist Church
512 Berrien street.
Oct. 2, Sunday school met
the usual hour Supt. E. D
Lowe in charge. Noonday
vice began at 12:30 p m.
our son, the Rev. J. Parker,
charge. Rev. Parker
from the subject, ”It is
For us to b? Here.”
service began at 8:30 p.
Rev. Parker preached
excellent sermon from the
ject, ‘‘How Long Halt Ye
There w.ll be a fish
at the home of Miss G. L
6C4 Walker street, on
8 , given by the Junior
board. Grade L. Long is
ident; Savstte Lovette,
tary, and E. G. Lowe,
First Congregational
I World Communion Day
j 'obsarved last Sunday at
First Congregational
1 Rev. A C. Curtright, pastor.
Through the recent
of Evangelism, which
one week, fourte:n new
i bers were added to the
They are Mr. and Mrs.
McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. L. H
Johnson and their
Juliette, John L Lyons,
Mr. and Mrs. H nry Ward, Ar¬
thur Brown, Thomas
Arthur Woodard. Mrs. E. E
Perry, Mrs. Marian
and Herman Moseley, Jr.
Three of these new members
were baptised last Sunday
all were given a hearty
come into the fellowship of the
Tire choir sang the anthem,
“O, Divine Redeemer,” by Gou-
nod- The organist used Han¬
del's “Largo” for th? prelude,
and “Cavalliera Rusticanna"
for the offertory. The minis¬
ter’s text was “These, are they
which have continued, with me
in my temptations.”
Visitors are always welcome
at this church and unchurch-
] e d citizens are invited to join
J-m—l .77 Villi Wc/."! 3
Grandmother'it Day
At St. Philip Mon.
Grandmother’s day at St.
Phil.p Monumental AME chure
Phlip Monumental A M. E.
church Sunday school was cel-
ebrated Sunday, September 18,
and was a great success. The
idea was suggested by .Mrs. Ag¬
nes Carmichael, whose picture
is shown. The day will be c.l-
ebrated every year at St. Ph 1-
ip Monumental AME church
from now on.
Mrs. Fannie B. W Ison open¬
ed Sunday school with the usu¬
al outline, and in turn present¬
ed th? mistress of ceremony,
Mrs. Zenobia Fletcher. M ss
Rosa Polite sang a solo Two
grandmothers were the princi¬
pal speakers, Mrs. Henrietta
Babcock making the main talk
on ‘‘Time Moves on,” and Mo¬
ther Mary Hammonds, the old¬
est mother and grandmother of
the church, on behalf
of the grandmothers. Those
in charge of the day’s affairs
were Mrs. A. L. Stevens, Mrs
( L A Alford , Mrs. Donnie Lo¬
max and Mrs. B. W. Harmon
R;v. D. T. Babcock is pastor
of the church and E. Shuler,
St. John Babx Contest
Big Success
Sunday before last, during
the Church School hour at
John Baptist Church In the
school’s auditorium bedecked
with beautiful flowers, the
L p ar tmental baby contest
successful climax.
0ctavia McNattf ch airla dy
• g,p ec i a i Day’s committee, con
ducted an inte restlng
• after which reports from de-
partmt > lta and their
baby contestants were
Cradle Roll and
departments. Sis. Theresa Por
ter, superintendent
test ant, donated, interested
the cause) $6.25; Primary de
partment. a. Emma
(Sponsored Lttle Miss
Marie Woodard) 25.50;
department. Sis. Marion
supernOandent supemOandent (Sponsored (Sponsored
ter Jonathan Alexader) $20.35;
intermediate department,
Octavia McNatt,
ent, Sponsored Master
Charles Smith) $47.56;
People’s Department. No re¬
port. Donation later;
department. Sis. Ellen
Master John Bryant) $18.00;
Home Extension Dept.,
Henurietta Frazier, gupt.
contestant, donated, interest
cause) $3 12 .
Winning contestant, 1st
and crowned kind of the
slon Master Stanley
Smith. Winning
Intermediate. Second prize
Little Miss Evelyn Marie
ard, Primary department.
prize, Master Jonathan
ander- Junior department.
Fourth prize, Master John
ant, Adult department.
Sunday’s Choir Day I
At First Tabernacle
Sunday has been
“Imperial Choir Day at First
Tabernacle Baptist church.
spicy program has been arrang¬
ed lor 4 p. m The public
inv.ted to attend.
FOR S.YLE—Mantels, lav¬
atories. sinks, tank, wash-
tub. REASONABLE. 118
E. Anderson St.
Easy Way Ends
Lightens skin, helps clear
pimples and blemishes
caused externally.
Delights _
or money back. ^
Dr.FHEP Palmer’s 1
Double Strength
Widows Mite Club
The Widows’ Mi';e club
at the home of Rev. Mrs.
Tdsen, 1020 W. 38th
The usual proceedings
carried out.
St. Thomas AME
Sunday was fill d with
services, beginn ng w- th
day school conducted by
Fumv‘nter.drn\ Mrs.
Weston. At 11:30, Pastor C. S
Str.pnng delivered an
message, and at 7:39 p. m.
pastor again preached an
spir rg ■ ermon, at the
sion of which communion
serv d* On the coming
a mammoth class rally
come off in connection
the rais : ng of funds for
ference claims.
Flipper Chapel AME
1 Church
j gund school was held
lhe USU£ll hour with Buot .
L Taylor in charge Tle morn _
ing and even ng sermons
delivered by Pastor J. L.
bert. The Mayflower
S ngers will render a
, at Flipper Chapel Sunday
4 p- m.
Bethel AME Church
Hymns on Display as
sented by the B.thel ACE lea¬
gue w 11 be held at the church
Friday night, Oct. 14, at 8
m. The public is invited to
tend, adm ssion free.
Central Bantist
Services at Central
church during th ■ week
well attended. The Senior
closed its e 8 th ann.ver ary
Friday night with a very
joyable program rendered
the various choirs.
was administered at 4
Rev. Wm. Daniels,
speaking at both services-
Senior Mission will have
oyster roast Monday, Oct.
at 17 Bouhan avenue.
Special Services Sunday
At Zion Hill
Special services will be
Sunday at Zisn Hill
church, Rev. J. B. Bates,
. Al A , the
mormn e
th? women will have charge
the services Mrs.
~ B. Payne of Georgia State ...... ---
le ^ a * the pmunpal speaker
and at ni " ht the mcn
have (.'.large of , th ■ serv.ces,
j F. Crawford, principal of
Sand Ridge School, will be
s ' )eu 1 1
First Evergreen ”
Ch urch
617 Last Gwinnett
~ 1,1 ~ E A Capers, pastor.
', v -
clay ua ' ) ' " ‘‘Chool cir,ul under U11UCI ® u P l - (
j Uay.s was lamely a.tended.
was promotion day from
r mary department
the adult department. A li
service Rev. Capers
an inspiring message,
"Despise Not the Day
• Small Ph ngs. On Monday
contest will be given,
^ ss Alma Jean Ferguson.
Calendar Clubs
Lnd r , n Drive .
The twelve Calendar clubs
Butler Presbyterian church
Fed across the vontinant
California in May, 1949,.
1 order to return to
each club w T ill have to pay
to cross the various states
each airport. The
date for each memb r to
cure a return ticket is
October 16, at 11:30 a. m.
the churc i. All members
friends are invited to
and watch the plan?s
their flights from California.
. A special program has
arranged for this
event. The guest speaker
be Pastor P A. Patterson.
fo'r ^ 5 Tjears
PHONE 5506 • I28W.BAYST.
GRANT—In sad but loving
memory of our darling husband,
stepfather and brother,
who departed this life, two
years ago, October 6 . 1947.
Long days and nights you bore
in pain,
To wait for cure that was all
in vain.
We saw you suffer, we saw you
It crushed our hearts, we loved
you so,
But God who .knoweth all things
Eased your pato and gave you
Sadly missed by
Mrs. Mamie Grant, Wife
Savannah, Ga.
Mrs. Catherine Tixdell. Step¬
Savannah, Ga.
Mrs. Henrietta Rivers, Sister,
Ridgeland, S. C.
CARTER—In memory
of our mother,
w'.io departed this life one year
ago, October 7, 1948.
Every day s nee you departed,
We have all been broken heart¬
Heaven is a lucky place,
To hear your voice and see
your face.
Sadly missed by your child¬
Mrs. Lucille Carter
Mrs. Isabelle Gross
New York city.
And grandch.ldren.
LOADHOLT—In sad but lov¬
ing memory of my s.ster,
who passed away two years
ago, October 5, 1947.
I have lost my dear^sister, earth shall
She no more on
* roam,
And there’ll never be another,
To take her place in my home.
Kelsie’s life was true and faith¬
And she had a heart of love,
Trusting Jesus as her Sav.or,
T'l she jo.ned Him up above.
Sadly missed by her loving
Miss Alice Loadholt-
MURPHY—In loving memory
who passed away two years ago
today. October 4th, 1947
Do you think we have forgotten
Ju?;t because we try to smile;
Do noC say that we are heart¬
Else we’d shed tears all the
Love like that we bore our
loved ones,
Now at rest and peace on high,
Will outlive earth’s deepest
And will never, never die.
Wife and Children
Sisters and Brothers
WILSON—In loving memory
of our daughter,
who departed this life October
1 4, 1948
I She was so useful here below,
®° neet i ec i b y 115
We striv? to see Why she should
The one whom God should
But we have only human
With which to understand,
Perhaps we’ll see it clearly
We reach the promised land.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Tremble
And Family.
SPENCER—In memory o
our brother,
w*ho departed this life one year
j ago, October 4, 1948.
j It is not given to the mortal
God’s ways to comprehend,
Why, in such anguishsd part¬
| Cur hearts He mu t so relief
1 But when our earthly path
seems hard,
And burdensome the load,
We should thank God our loved
one treads.
The happier 'heavenly road.
Sadly missed by:
The Spencer Family
We extend to our many|
friends and neighbors heart¬
felt thanks find appreciation
for the beautiful and numerous
floral designs and cards of con¬
dolence and tjhose who donated
their cars, and our utmost
thanks to Rev. A. J. Flewellen
pastor of Friendship Baptist
Church and thanks to the Sid¬
ney A. Jones Funeral Home foi
their courteous service for our
loved one.
Mr. Richard Spencer
Mrs. Nancy Spencer
Mrs. Carmiel Spencer
Mr. Davis Huston
Mrs. Eliizabeth Allen
The relatives of the late Mrs
Ruth Wise wish to express our
heart felt thanks to our manj
friends and neighbors for al
shown during the
short illness and bereavement
of our beloved one. We alsa
acknowledge with appreciation
tOie many lovely flowers and
cards of condolence. We es¬
pecially thank the pastor, Rev.
H. G. Glasker, officers and
members of the First Mt. Beth¬
el Baptist Church and the Mon¬
roe Funeral Directors for their
kind service rendered us. May
God’s richest blessing rest up¬
on your gratefully.
Mr. Joseph Wise, Jr.
Mrs. V. Brownlee
The family of the late Mr.
Ward Cook wishes to thank
their many friends and neigh¬
bors, Rev. Henry W. Murph,
pastor of St. Philip AME
church, Willing Worgkc.'s’
Board, Nurses at Georgia In¬
firmary, Knights of Columbus
(White) Young Adelphia’s club,
American Woodmen and Sid¬
ney A. Junes Funeral Home
for their many kindnesses and
expressions of sympathy during
his serious illness and for the
floral pieces at his death.
Mrs. Tressie Coow. Wife
Funeral services were held!
Monday, September 19 , for
Mrs. Nancy Spencer who died
Sept. 16 after only a day’s ill¬
ness. She had been a mem¬
ber of FriendshlD BaW'sf
church, Hudson Hill, since 1910.
She is survived by a son. Rich¬
ard Spencer; a daughter. Miss
Cornelius Spencer and a grand¬
son, David Huston.
True Love Charch
Sunday was a high day at
True Love Baptist church, be¬
ginning with Sunday school
Pastor Freddie Bonds deliver¬
ed a soul stirring message both
morning and evening.
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Have an easy, professional application at your
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Deacons Ur.ion
.; jmk
The Deacons’ Union of Sa-
-annah will cel:brate .its forty-
sixth anniversary October 11
and 12. The two nignt observ¬
ance be held at Bethlehem church.
The principal address Tues¬
day n’ght will be deliv?red by
Rev. H. G. Glasker, while the
principal speakers on Wednes¬
day n ght’s program will be
acting President W. K. Payne
of Georgia State college and
Rev. R chard Williams, pastor
of Fr;t Bryan Baptist church.
The officers of the union will
be installed by Rev. R. M. Gil¬
bert, pastor of First Afr.can
Baptist church.
Refreshments w.ll b? served
; n the basement. The master
of ceremonies Tuesday night
will be Deacon R. L. Jones of
Connor’s Tempi? Baptist churc
the Connor’s Temple Bapt st
church and on Wednesday
night,. Deacon Washington of
FAB church.
Go To or Phone
518 West Broid St.
Phones 2-1141
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