The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, October 06, 1949, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, OCTOBER fi, 1949
Out of Town News
By Mrs. Agnes Collins
Mr. and Mrs. hamar Edwards
are the proud par nts of a g rl„
Mrs. M. V. Sharp attended
the association at Claxton.
Mrs. Janie Bell Miller left on
Tuesday for Washington, D. C.,
to visit her sisters.
The Re dsv'lle Jr. High is
making rapid progress. Malcolm
G. Thomas i; principal and
Mrs. J. B. Z ssoxns, Jeanes su¬
The PTA had its regular
meeting Tuesday n ght.
The friend; of Willie Cars¬
well are glad to see him out
agoin after being ill a few days.
The friends of Mrs. Minnie
Snarp are wishing her a speedy
recovery after undergoing an
operation at Jelks hospital on
Mrs. Lillian Griff n and her
daughter were out of town vis¬
itor.; here Sunday.
By Reatha M. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Days of Sa¬
vannah were the week end
guests of Mr. and Mrs- Bryan.
Services at the Method'st
church were excellent. Rev.
Sherwood preached an excel¬
lent sermon.
M : ss Euella Simmons was the
week end guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Simmons.
The Effingham County Tr.
School is improving.
The Jolly Four quartet of
Statesboro will at Mace¬
donia Baptist church Monday
night, Oct. 1C.
Rev. Dunn was the Sunday
evening guest of Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Mallory and
family have mov.d to Pmeora
Mr. Goethe was the winner of
60 pounds of sugar Saturday.
Bv Thomas Williams
Several members of
chprches attended the Mt. Cal¬
vary Association Saturday
Sunday. Mrs. Anna
could not attmd on account of
Tthe school faculty was enter-
ta nod at Mrs. Sessom’s
dence Monday afternoon
Retdsville with a party for her
sister, Mrs- Georgia Mae Brown
of Brooklyn. Mrs. Brown,
mother and Mrs. Sessoms’
Kenneth, of Atlanta, were
r>f town guests.
Mrs. Mary Holland and
R lib rush, teacher of
sclibol, were Monday guests
Miss Fraulein Balentinc.
By Mackie Blair
The local school opened
Sep*. 5 with a much
attendance than was expected
Thie exited enrollment Is expected
3C0 in the next
Principal Joseph B.
arid his teachers anticipate
very successful school year.
Wss Dorothy Scott left
\ M^uUiv fqt; Georgia State
lege to enter as a
By Eugene Johnson, Jr.
Eerv.ces were well
at St. Peters AME church
Sunday, Rev. M. L
preaching. A camp
will be held Octob r
October 16-19 at the
and at Compton Octo
Rev. Lester, accompanied
seme of the members filled
appo ntmen-t with Rev.
Richards Tuesday night at
Bethel AME church,
Mrs. Ella Mangram of
broke, who was visiting
Brunswick, on returning
Mr;J stopped over Wednesday
Elizabeth Carter.
Jgss Laura Bell- Williams
Evalctte, Mass., who was
ing nome folks, returned
Mr. and Mr.;. Buster Cox
Mr. anti Mrs. Enious Moody
PHONE 8413
Savannah Saw Works
Lawn Mows Service
R M. Tomlin 135—137 Barnard Street
Savannah, Ga
Sunday .n Savannah.
Beacon and Mrs. J. S. Bacon
and Mrs. I. H Haynes, Mr. and
**>s. Leroy Hines, Deacon and
Mrs. J. S. Bacon, Mrs. C ! o
aes, Mr;. Elen and Mrs
Alice Porter, I. H. Haynes and
Cl-nton Porter and Jean Har¬
ris attended the association at
Mrs. ------ Blanch -------- Hydge of -- .
spent Thursday night with Mi
and Mrs. J'm Jones.
By Yvoiine Bunch
Beautiful Z on did not
services Sunday op account
their pastor being the modera¬
tor of the association at Clax¬
James Turner and Mrs. Hel¬
en Turner of Arkansas are re¬
turning home Thursday,
Mrs. Ethel Mae Russell of Perry.
They came to attend the fu¬
neral of the r
Mrs. Canylous Patterson.
George Johnson of Pembroke
is in Charity hospital, Savan¬
nah, with a broken leg.
1 Miss Hortens e Edenfield
spent the week end
brother in Savannah.
By L.' C. Todd
Sunday was pastoral day
the Church of God in Christ
Pastor M. M. Kellem
the morning and evening
Mrs. Mazie Little has
ed home after visit ng
and friends in Connecticut,
Yor kand New Jersey.
Sunday was pastoral day
Mt. Olive. Rev. I. H.
prhtor, delivered dhe morn
r an devening messages.
munion was served.
Joel Lodge Masons held
instruction meeting on
n ght. Past Master L. C.
Religious Articles—Occult &
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- Free Gifts!
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Worcester, Mass.
Ask The Man
to Oakland Farm and take
of the Park. One who is
ing to raise chickens and is
ested in garden. Park
G miles out Ogeechee
For information stop by 518
Henry St., or Dial 2-3055
John Mines,
Ludowicl spent Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Johnson
and Mr. and Mrs. John Wil¬
By Mrs. M. F. Bailey
Sunday, Sept. 25, Mesdames
Mamie Brewton, Bessi.- Baker
and Lessie Daughtry attended
Vhe funeral of Rancey McNeal
it Register.
After spending sev.ral weeks
in Ph ladelphia visiting rela¬
tives, Mrs. Leah Belle Martin
has returned.
The health consultant of the
utate dcfpaiti.^ nt, Mrs. Doro-
tuy Adams, and Dr. Powell
(white) spoke last
night to a large crowd at Ev-
rfrns County high school.
Chapel exercises Sept. 26
were in charge of the n nth
grade, Miss E Hols y, teacher;
Friday, Sept. 30, the 8 th grade,
Principal Macon in charge.
Mt, Calvary Missionary Bap
t : st Association convened at
FAB church from Friday thru
Sunday, Rev. J. L. Henley of
Vidalia, moderator; money
ra.sed. $631 00.
After 29 years, Mrs. Lula Da¬
vis of Pittsburgh was the Sun¬
day breakfast guest of the Bai¬
leys. She is visiting her bro¬
ther, Oscar Hendr.x, near here.
/ Mrs. Maggie Wright left re¬
cently for New York city to visit
her son.
Mrs. Sallie Johnson and Mrs.
Mary Hale arc still conf.ned,
but Mrs. Dora Kirby is recov¬
Sunday was pastoral day at
Thomas Grove AME church,
Rev. I. H. Middleton, pastor.
Revs. T. J. Lynch, T. S- Douse
and L. P. Perkins filled t’-ie
out of town appointments over
the week end.
Supervisor Mary Lee Hall
spent the week end with rela¬
tives in Savannah.
By Mrs. C- MuU'ce
Sunday Ebenezer Presbyteri¬
an church celebrated its 6 h-i
anniversary, when the sermon
was delivered by Pastor W.
St. James AME church held
its fourth quarterly conference
Sunday, Rev. C. P. 'Hobbs, P.
E. preaching. Rev Montgomery
is pastor.
The usher board of Ebenezer
church will have a silver tea
at the home of Samuel Mullice,
Jr., Sunday evening.
Mr;. B. A. Frazier returned
home after visiting
and friends in New York city
New Jersey and Philadelph’a
Mrs. Maggie Williams and F.
S. Frazier attended the
bytery at Cordele last week.
Deacon Joe Cunnigan,
underwent an operation at
Central of Georgia hospital,
Savannah, is at home and
proving nicely.
Mrs. Magg.e Lucas and Mrs
Shirley Barrett of Bathayres
j | Pa., returned home
after spending a week
Mrs. Lucas’ parents, Mr.
Mrs. F. S. Frazier.
Mrs. Freddie Bacon,
and friend were Sunday guests
of Mrs. Sarah J. Bacon.
The W. H.
of Mrs. Pearl West. Miss
club met Monday at the
this, home demonstration
ent, was present. Next
will be at the home of Mrs. C
By Mrs. Elizabeth Haynes
Deacon and Mrs. J. D.
attended the funeral of theii
aunt, Mrs. Cornelia B.
son, last Thursday at the
Creek Baptst church, also at¬
tending were Mr. and Mrs.
roy H nes, Mrs. Lillie Brewton
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hines, Mr
and Mrs- D. H. Lavant, Mrs
W. L. Bacon, and Mrs. I. H
Mr. and Mrs- ornar Foxworth
Mrs. Eliza Harr s and Mrs. An¬
nie Ruth Stephens
services at the Holiness church
was ni charge.
T lie OES held an inspiring
meeting, Mrs. Ida Ashley,
tny matron.
The WMBS neld their
t.on of officers: Mrs- Mary
!3rown, pH s.dent; Mrs. Rnsa
Todd, vice president; Mrs. Lois
j Gardner, financial secretary;
Mr;. Madie Harper, assessment
The Mi Z.on Association and
the second Mt. Olive Associa¬
tion were merged in 1927 to
make the Oconee Zion Associa¬
tion Rev. F. B Rober ,on
as moderator.
Rev. H. A. McLeod will con-
. VPne the association in its
22nd annual session and del v-
er his jg th annua i address at
file FAB church, Lyons, Octo¬
ber 7-9. It is composed of 23
churches with auxiliaries. The
object of the assoc.ation is the
Georgia Baptist college, Ma¬
con- The association make;
large contributions to scholar-
sb n fund; each year.
A joyous affair was given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ros.
Jones bv the Mt. Zion choir in
honor of the pianist, Mrs. Ber¬
tha Jones. It was a b rthday
party. attended
Services were well
at Lovely Hill church, R v. P.
T. Phillips, pastor, preaching
the morning and evening ser-
mons .
Mrs. L Ilian S. Smith, director
of the junior department,
be the representative at the
Oconee Zion association.
Friends of Mrs. Mary Fuqua
regret to learn of her illness
and wish for her a speedy re-
By G. IV. Benjamin
The funeral of Mrs. C. Pat-
termon was largely attended at
Mill Creek last Thursday.
S. B. Steward officiated. Sidn:y
A Jones Funeral Home of Sa¬
vannah was in charge
Mrs. Irene Thomas and fam-
i y of Hinesville and
Ruby Benjamin motored
Brooklet Sunday to visit
and Mrs. Charles Monroe
Master Eddie Joe Mack Coch¬
ran was the Saturday
guest of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Ryles-
Mrs. Ruby Benjamin
the week end in Guyton
ing her aunt, Mrs. Rena
There will be an
ment at the Mill Creek
Oct. 8 Please come orA
help us. It is for the
of the school
By Ribert L. Walker
Sunday was clas; day at
Bethel AME church, Rev.
Mancney, pastor.
As the association is
sion, there was no meeting
Oak Grove Bapt’st
Rev. R. Johnson, pastor.
Mrs. Ursula Stephens, Mrs
Mary W.lliams and T. L.
ram visit"d Mrs. Lula
Sunday. She is still HI.
Jack Hickman and Mrs.
.tie M ller are still ill.
Millions of bottles are.bought by men who like that
No one has ever been able to put
into words the taste of prime roast
beef or cantaloupe or a drink of
fine whiskey . . . but this picture
of Bill Honeybee at bis morning
nectar comes mighty close to ex¬
plaining PM’s “clear, clean taste”.
Order PM this p.m.
PM •Pin
National Distillers Products Corp., N.Y., N.Y. Blended Whiskey. *6 Proof Grain Neutral Spirits
ShrVier; Eastern Ladies of the Order
■of Star and Daugh-
ters of Isis who medt in a grand
j Mrs. week Margaret end guest Stephens of her mo- was
ther, Mrs. Ursula Stephens.
j Mrs. C. M. Walk r was the
week end guest of her mother,
Mrs. Mary M. J. Williams-
Rev. J. M. Dingle was the
runday evening guesV; of Jesse
a. Lonon and Mr;. Dina and
Mrs. Mary Florence London
were Sunday evening guests of
Mrs. Jack H xon.
Mrs. Florence Young was the
guest of her niece, Mrs. H. E.
Butler, Sunday, at Clyo.
Mrs. Emma Wallace was the
week end guest of her son,
llvans /Hilo Wallace. VY ww-c.
Mr and Mr;. Maggb Young, I
Mrs. Bertha Kent and friends
of Sylvania were the Sunday
evening guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Alma Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Wallace
and family of Springfield and
Ernest Young v'sited Mr. and
Mrs. Maryetta Wallace Sunday.
By Thomas Williams
Sunday was pastoral day at
Mt. Olive Baptist church. The
morning services werg con¬
ducted by Rev. John E. Clark.
The night services were beau-
t L i fully U11V carried CclillcU out UUL by Rev. Ivor. x* A
H. McCloud and Rev. L. Lewis,
bot'n of Vidalia.
Many attended the associa¬
tion at Claxton Friday thru
Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Porter
of Washington, D. C , were the
Fr day guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Sammie Johnson. Mr. Porter i
the nephew of Sammie John¬
Dea. D. J Norwood and oth¬
ers attended the singing con¬
• vention at Great Zachariah on
| Sunday. Mrs. Marie W lliams of Day-
I tona Beach, Fla., Is here visit-
i ing her step-father, wife and
session in Detroit recently.
or Eugene Van Antwerp.
are, left to right: J. E.
helraer (not facing the
We are sorry to l.arn of
illness of Mrs. A. L
By M. E. Morrell
Rev. Jacob Shellman
th- message at m dday
at FAB church Sunday,
the William; Singers
an excellent program
night. The mission sisters
at 7 p. m. Th.s Sunday
pledge day. Pastor
will bring the message
1n 8 and night.
Dea. anu Mrs. Andrew
nix’s daughter, Margaret,
enjoy the children s
"Happy Birthday to You”
her fifth birthday at
home, oct. 6 .
Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett’s
band, peter Bennett, was
en to the Marine
aain, where he is critically
He is the brother of Mrs.
mie T. Jones.
A youth and age rally is
ing planned at FAB church.
Mrs. Rebecca Holmes,
pHv nf Savannah but now
ln & ln New York cit, y' is vislt
ing her sister and .mother,
and Mrs. Ben Moultrl eand Mrs
Hettie Black, here.
The Community club
versary will be held at the
church Friday night. Also
stallation of officers, Rev.
ningham .n charge. The
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President Cashier
era; grand standard bearer,
puty grand commander;
Fitzpatrick, grand
er; Mayor Van Antwer p,,Georg
cuoir will sing and refresh¬
ments will be served. Mrs.
L. Palmer is secretary and A
Morrell, pr sident-
Geo. L. Smith spent
even ng with the Morrells.
Springfield Terrace
By Mrs. E. H. Perry
The many friends of
craw Village and
Terrace were grhved at
death of Mrs. Sad e Reid
ens of 640 Yamacraw Village
gj ie j s surv ived by her
and olher relaUve s.
A pleasant visit was
at Belmont Baptist church
Tatemville, Rev Bowen, pastor
Communion was
A large crowd was
Mrs. Perry represented
D'aconess department of
Continued from Page J
tices That Help or Hurt
sonality.” ■
Mr;. Dorothy U. Adams
the state health
and a guest of the
spoke on health and
informative material to
Miss Mary Lee Hall,
v sor, led the group in
"The T achers Creed.”
A delicious repast was
pared and served by the
committee, Misses E.
and E. iHolsev and Mrs.
Raleigh Macon is pres
of th i association.
Lounge, commander
Louisiana Supreme Council, l%i|
dependent Jurisdiction;, and
the Rev. H. B. Womack, lieuten- if
anti grand chancellor. (ANP> ,i
Continued from Page One JIW
ne \ $18 CP; Mrs. L. Scott,
Desverney, *
i:5X3; Mrs. S.
$4.00; Mr;. J. Hearnes, $2.35;
Mrs. R Miller, $39.53; Mrs. <3.
K ng, $9 09; Mrs. V. Arnold,
*34.CC; Mrs. J. L. Bryant, $39 54;
Miss C. E. Lewis. $67.25.
With this coll ction and an
amount in our treasury, we
were able to purchase a Hel-
bring anaithet.c machine for
$555 which was greatly needed
in the hospital-
We hope to supply other in¬
struments that are necessary
for its successful operatton
and solicit the support of th®
citizens of Savannah.
Mrs. J. L. Bryant is president ,
and Miss C. E. Lewis, secretary;
forget Monday even- ”
B n’t
ing, October 10, at Jerusaletti
Baptist church, the Tom
Thumb wedding will be carried'
out by Mrs. Perry’s mualfc^
SChoOl. a A
Pageboy , blends
This rriost useful hair piece
in with your own hail" and keeps '
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This back of the head cluster can
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THE HALF GLAMOUR. the Half When Gut- at! I *
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Send sample of your hair or
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