Newspaper Page Text
Beth-Eden Baptist Church
Wednesday evening of last
week the choir and congrega¬
tion of the Eden Baptist
Church participated in the in¬
stallation ceremonies of the
Rev. R. M. Williams at Bryan
Baptidt Church. On Satur¬
day evening the beautiful home
t>f Mr. and ‘Mrs. Frank Butler
In-the suburban section of the
feity the Westside Group spon¬
sored a Harvest Supper and
motorcade. On Friday even¬
ing- the lecture room of Beth-'
Eden will be the scene for a
unique fashion review; pro¬
moted by the Eastside group
with Miss Bertha Lee, direc¬
ted November 6 has been set
aside as Homecoming Day for
tke entire congregation. At
the morning service the East-
side and Westside groups will
worship In a body. A special
homecoming sermon will be de -1
livered by a selected speak¬
er. Communion will
place at the evening service.
Homecoming will be observed
in the Sunday School also. !
Miss Patricia Clifford who it
rendering an invaluable ser¬
vice in the school is pn\.>irai
high school. The regular sche-j
tlule of services is. Sunday;
School 10:15 A. M.„ Morning
Worship 11:15 and evening
worship 8 :00.
I j
Zion Hill Holds |
Special Services !
Zion Hill Baptist Church
observed Women’s Day Sunday
morning with Mrs. Mattie B.!
Payne t'.ie guest speaker. She !
used for her subject “Faith the
Cornerstone of Life.” Presi-
dwit Payne of Georgia State I
college made some v ry timely
remarks. Sunday night was
fnen’s night thr with address. B. F. Crawford The j
closing remarks were made by
the pastor, Rev. J. B. Bates.
Chatham County Baptist
To Meet Next Week
The Georgia Baptist Mission¬
ary and Educational Conven¬
tion of Chatham County will
meet next week at Little Bry¬
an Baptist Church, East Gwin¬
nett street, beginning Sunday, I
October 16 and running through
October 21. l
On Monday night preaching ■
will be done by Rev. M, Thom-!
as; Tuesday night. Rev. F. W. *
Washington; Wednesday night,
program by Sunset Gospel choir’
Singers; Thursday night,
contest, and Friday night, ad¬ i
dresses by State President, Mrs. !
H. Borders and Prc-'idm j
Crawford of Georgia Baptist
College, Macon. |
Gypsies, a race of wandering
tribes, are scattered over a11
"parts of th# world.
John G. Butler Company
Congress end Whitaker Streets
Paints, Glass, Building Materials
Mill work and Hardware
STORE 2-1161 PLANT 2-1164
4-mm nets***
19 EAST RAY ST. DIAL 2-2114
“Substantial Olridenils to all Policyholders”
Monroe Funeral Directors
PHONE 8-4166 — 8-325*
Savannah, Georgia
Celebrates 95!h
Wilmington ............. Baptist Church ........
Is in the midst of its ninty-
I’lird anniversary. The
servance began Monday night
i,nd vil1 end Sunday morning,
! 0< r 1,! with ,he Rpv Fred-
fJ1 '' K 1 > >n d preaching )ue u hing the tlie an-
niversary ^ sermon. - ? - — -
Churches which have
charge of the first four nights
services have been College
Park Baptist Church, FAB
LUUltli, Church, East X.JCVO v Savannah, waveumau, and clllt*
Baptist Church. Rev.
J. H. Ponder, preaching
day night; Rev. W. C.
ham, Wednesday night, and
Rev. L. L. Small- tonight, Pas-
tor E. A. Capers was in charge
of Tuesday night’s services,
On tomorrow (Friday) night,
Litway Baptist Church will be
in charge of the services with
Rev. B. F. Daughtry preaching,
and on Sunday at 11 a. b. Rev.
John Jackson will deliver the
sermon. The anniversary ser-
vices Sunday at noon with
Rev. Freddie Bonds preaching
will conclude the week’s obser¬
Revival To Start
At Abyssinia
Revival services w:;l oegin
October 23 at Abyssinia Baptist
church, Rev. O. W. Carter, pas-
tor. Preaching during th 10
services will be done by
Rev. A. E. Copria of Baltimore
Iremont , _ temple Bapt.
Tremont Temple No. l Ush-
cr Board held Its regular moet-
leg at the church Oct 5th with
ihr president in charge. Two
new members joined. Sis. Van
cey Lee Counsel and Charlie
Hill. Next me ting will be at
the church, Oet. 19th. Dea.
R L. Byrd, president and Ger¬
trude Fi ack near, reporter.
Beginning Friday, October 14
and continuing for six nights
the forty-ninth anniversary of
Central Baptist Church and
the eighth anniversary of Rev.
William Daniels as its pastor
! will be celebrated. This will
' be an epochal event in the his-
Itory ! of this well known church
and will be participated in by.
many sister churches. j
The opening night’s services
Friday, October 14th will be n
i charge of St. Paul Baptist
Church with Rev. A. E. Ilagins,
pastor- delivering the sermon.
The remainder of the program
will be as follows:
Monday night, October 1,7th.
Board night, will be in
charge of Thankful Baptist ^
Church, Rev. U. G. Campbell,
pastor. preaching; Tuesday J
f 1 ^' Ebenezer Wm. Baptlst Miller, Church, pas-
in charge, Rev.
t()r preaching;
night. Union Baptist church in
charge, sermon 'by Rev. L. C. J '
g a pp ( , pastor; Thursday night,
^oon « oon Baptist Baptist church church in in
charge, sermon by Rev. James
E First BaUey Friendship ’ * )asior: Baptist Fr *, y t ‘ llg urc ’
by _
in c h ar S e > sermon •
- Connor and greetings byRev
R M. Gilbert of FAB Church;
regular .
Sunday 11:30 a. m.,
servlces; services n
charge of S’t. S't. J/>hn Baptist
Church- anniversary sermon
by Rev. E. O. S. Cleveland, pas¬
The committee in charge of
the week’s program is compos¬
ed of Mrs. Beatrice Curtis, Mrs.
Sadie Tobias, Mrs. Rosa Mid¬
dleton, Mrs. Grace Daniels,
Mrs. Bessie Reddtck and Mrs.
Sadie M. Brown.
Sunday’s Woman’s Day
At St. Philip’s
Sunday will he Women’s Day!
at St. Philip AME Church at !
which time the services through -1
out the day will be in charge'
of the women of the church,
The day’s program will be as
Morning service, Mrs. S. A.
Jones, mistress of ceremonies;
selection, Women’s Chorus;
Call to Worship, Announcing of
Hyimn, Mlrs. Anna BaSnes; In¬
vocation, Mrs. Carrie Grayson;
Selection at Console, Mrs. Lil¬
lian Liverpool; Scripture, Mrs.
H. W. Murph; Decalogue, Mrs.
Mattie IT. Branch; Offering
(Penny*. Consecration Prayer.
Mrs. Bessie Funny; Selection,
Mrs. Erma Fields; Anounce-
monks. . A, Mrs. Mary .. Brocklngton D¥iwMni.*an • *
Announcement IntmnnnurMn* of nf Hvmn Hymn Mrs , (
Josephine ofspeaker, Brinson; Margret Introduction; Wil-
son; Speaker. Mrs. Countess
Cox; Selection, Sidney Jones
Choir; Invitation, Rev. H. W.
Murph; Visitors welcome’ Miss
Margret Thomas; Offering. Fi¬
nance Committee; Benediction.
Night service, Mrs. Mary Mc-
Dew, Mistress of Ceremonies;
Selection. Women’s Chorus;
Announcing of Hymn, Mrs.
Lillie Mason; Invocsation. Mrs.
L. R. Berrien; Selection, Wo¬
men’s Chorus; Scripture, Mrs.
Minnie DeVaivihn; Offering
(Penny). Consecration Prayer.
Mrs. Hattie WJ.llianu; Selec¬
tion. Women’s Chorus; Intro-
ductio* of Speaker, . Mrs.
Eunice Clay; Speaker, Mrs. A.
B. Hamle't; Selection. Women’s
Chorus; Visitors Welcome. Mrs.
Mary Stone; Offering, Finance
committee; Benediction.
Bethlehem Bapt. Church
Regular service will be held at
Bctulehem Baptist Church
Funday. Rev Edward J. Dyson,
Jr. Pastor Shilo Baptist Church
tbrun. \f,ck, Gaorgia wilt tf in
t%e city and have charge of the
service all day. at which time
he will deliver three sermons.
Service will be at the regular
Savannah Tribune
1C 09 West Broad Street
Telephone 5338
First Congregational
"Two Rules for Successful
Living,” was the subject ef
Rev. A. C. Curtrlght’s sermon
Sunday at the First Con¬
gregational Church. His text
was based on the first two
The choir added inspiration
to the service with the rendi-
tion of the anthem “The Lord
Is Exalted” by West (Mueller),
The organist selected for tha
prelude, Wiegenlied by Carl
Bohm, and for the offertory,
theme, from “Finlandia” by
Sibelius which also added
richness to the services.
Visitors present included Mrs.
M. N. Breaux of Detroit- Mrs.
E. Harris of Atlanta, Mrs. A.
L. Weems (daughter of Mr.
Tom Holley, a late trustee of
thp church) of Chattanooga,
Tojin.; Mrs. Marian M. Hous-
ton of New York cityj Mlss Jo _
ggphine Browning of G. S. C..
W. S. Scott, Sr., and Dr. J. W.
Jamerson, Jr.
Mrs. Martha J. Brown, a
former religious instructor of
fihaw University _______ will be the
pr i nc jp a ] speaker for the Wo-
en>s Day p ro g ramw jh C h will
be hpkl October 23 at 11:15 A.
M The pubUc te cordially in-
v it, e d
Deacon’s Christian Union
The Deacons Christian Union
Dea Dea- George White, President
held 'MM regular meeting at
Mt. Tabor Baptist Church
Wed. Sept. 28 when much im¬
portant business was carried
out. The Union will meet at the
Mt. Tabor Bapt. Churd.i for
School Friday October 14, but
the regular meeting for Oct.
will be at the Bryan Neck
IJapt. Church, Richmond Hill,
Wed. Oct. 26, Sis. Rebecca F.
Jenkins and Hulda Bell are
1st Evergreen
Bapt. Church
617 E. Gwinnett street. Rev.
E. A. Capers, pastor. At 10 AM
Sunday School, Dea. George
Hayes in charge. Two members,
were added to the school. At
11,: 30 service Pastor Capers de¬
livered an impressive message,
subject “Gospel for the poor”
communion was held at 3:30,
the pastor again delivered a
timely sermon, he was assisted
in administering communion by
Rev. Walker, a son of the,
church BTU was at 6:15.
St. Paul CME Church
The members and friends of
St. Paul CME church were
honored last Sunday In having;
morning as its guests service, speaker (Rev. at Mr.] thefj
Talbert of Atlanta, who hasj
been weeks. in the Mr. city Talbert for about four}
is a form- j
er teacher of Gammon Theo-i
logical Seminary and is cdM
oected with the Atlanta Life
j company. “ J The agents “ 6 “
along , & ssL**Manager with Manager Ed. Law
a nd A were pres-i
ent at this service. The group
was .introduced by Mr. Chis¬
holm who Is a member of St.
Paul and also a representative
of the firm. The Missionary,
Society meets every second
and fourth Mondays of the
months at the church at 5:30
p. m. Mrs. Curtis is president.
The pastor, members and friends
are In charge of services at
St. James AME Church Tuesw
day night at 8 p. m. Class
meeting will be elimihated that
night. The church is taking
its two choirs. Rev. D. L.
Gorham is pastor. |
The Second precinct of the
1st District Citizens Democrat¬
ic Club will hold its regular
monthly me:tng Monday night
8 o’clock at 907 West Broad
street at which time important
mattrs will be discussed, es¬
pecially th? subject of registra¬
tion of voters. Plans will b?
laid by which it is hoped to
get 3.000 voters in the Second
precinct. All citizens are in-
hied to attend the meeting. J
H .Oliver is chairman of the
West Coast conferences of the
AME church, the
Puget Sound, California aid
Southern California d stricts
I outdid themselves and set a
record for the denomination
by raising $3,000 in a public
j | for Christian
tlon and foreign mission work
hare last Sunday. More than
6,500 delegates attended the
conference, presided over by
Bishop D. O. Walker, :n Bovard
auditorium on the campus of
the Un.versity of South rn
! Emphasis of the meeting wa'
Tabernacle Bapt.
B ginning Monday night the
First Tabernacle Bapt. Church
along with many other sister
churches of the city will
celebrate the fiftieth anniver¬
sary of their Church and 'he
fourth anniversary of t.ieir
Pastor R c'v. Hubert W.
Wilburn. The public is cordially
invited to join them in tins
Golden celebration. Servces
begin each night promptly at
at eight- Several leading Min¬
isters and their congr Rations
will be present and the Anni¬
versary sermon will be deliver¬
ed by Rev. K. G .Ola ker pastor j
of First Mt. Bethel Baptist
On Sunday afternoon, Rev.
J. M Benton will administer the
Holy Communion, being ac-
compani d by his congregation
{Torn Tremont Temple Bap 1 ..
St. Luke Baptist Church
On Sunday the church school
was* held at the usual hour
with Supt. E. G. Lowe in
charge. Rev. B. T. Williams
preached at the morning com¬
munion and ev<(iing services.
The Southern Jubilairs will
render a program at the church
Sunday in the interest of the
Senior Mission, admission free.
Butler Presbyterian
Rev. Moore, a former class¬
mate of the pastor, preached
the communion sermon Sun¬
day. Sunday the calander
club rally will come off. A
special program has been ar-f
ranged for this affair to which! I
the public is invited. The
synod meets here October 26, j
27. 28. Rev. P A. Patterson ij
pastor of church -
‘ ~
Union Bapt, Church
Berrien street and Purse Sts.,
Rev. L. C. Sapp, pastor. Sun-
day school met at the usual
hour with Supt. B. S. Jones in
o.iarge. Rev. Robinson preaih-
ed an inspiring sermon at the
11 oclock service in the absence
of tue pastor, and at 4:20 ju¬
nior church was he'd with Sis¬
ter S. J. Little in charge. Rev.
Robinson preached again at
the night service. Our revi¬
val services will close October
13 with the Rev. F. H. Hall
Rev. Walker Conducting
Einanuel Revival
R/ v. A. W. Walker of Harri-
son, Ga., known as “Sin Killer
Walker,” is conducting the re¬
vival meeting at Amnunuet
Baptst churc.i, East Hunting¬
don street. Rev. James McMil¬
lan, pastor, line 10 -night ,) r-
ivd s which are being largely
attended begnn Monday night.
MENT—Dr. W. C. Curtis, dean
of the Tu c k:gee Institute
School „ . , of ,, ts . shown ,
at left discussing some equip-
ment to be used in a $3,500 re-
search project sponsored by the
I placed on church expansion,
education and home mission
Sixteen ministers were relieved
of th.:ir pastorates by the bi..
shop and sent to Wilberforce
university to prepare themseL
ve.s for modern church lead-
Another activity of the con-
ference was the of $400
which was given to Bishop
W. R. Wilkes to further the ed-
ucatlonal program and devcio-
pmeii of the West Indian
church work. Bishop W lkeshnd
Bishop R.R. Wr ght Jr., were
at the conference session.
Friendship Choir
On Thursday night, Sept. 29,
the choir of Friendship Baptist
church entertained in honor of
Mrs. Mary E. Elackrhear, a
form r choir member who was
in the city visiting relatives
and friends, and Mrs. Davis W.
Riley, organist, who left Sept.
30 to do social service work in
Charlotte, N. C.Games were
played, 'th? top prize being
won by Mrs. Riley and the
consolatioij being awarded to
Mrs. Blackshear. A delicious
four-course dinner was served
by the hostess. Tnose cmjo>-
ing the evening were Mesdamei
Biac ituvar Riiey, Ruoam,
Webb, Blue, Cave, Blane, Wil¬
liams, Lewis, English and Mays.
Ebenezer Bapt. Church
Frogmore, S. C.—Ebenezer Bap
(tin: church held its rvguiar
services Sunday featured by
the ordination of ten deacons
as follows: H. Washington, e.
B. Smalls, Sam Brown, John
Owens, Howard Chaplin, Na¬
than IfJbinson, Allen ‘,Parker,
Tobie Rhodan, M. T. Warren
and E. A ston. luey uvre in- !
stalled by Pastor A. J. Flewel-1 Me-)
len assisted by Rev. R. H.
Donald who is a member of the i
executive board of the Ashley i
association. The service was
largely attended.
New York (ANP)—A young
man, Ronnie MacK 25, injured
while working on a Rockefeller
e nter building here received
$2,700 through a court judge¬
ment last week and immed-
'.Ute.’y 'm.ade plans to return
to his home in Soui'.'.i Carolina
Mack came to New York four
years ago. Last November,
while employed by the Knicker¬
bocker Concrete Company sub¬
contractors, he plunged three
tfarough an opened
to the cellar of the
jTsso building and fractured
He sued the principal con¬
tractors for $30,000 with Paul
Ewyer, serving as his lawyer.
jury returned its verdict
Mack plans to use part of
$2700 he received to buy a
and mov? his famliy to it.
Tremont Temple
Baptist Church
Although the pastor was ab¬
Sunday, services weri in-
sp ring and Largely attended
Sunday school met at the usual
morning hour with Supt. Clif¬
ford Ryals in charge. The
morning sermon was preach.d
Rev. Hagins, a son of the
He also delivered the
message. BTU m t
the usual hour with adult
leader Byrd in charge.
Electronics Branch of Naval
Research. Myran R. Ross, Jr..
who wi!1 Rssist Dpan Curtis on
the project, looks on. The re-
. ect ^ jn electronlcs
j W jjl be based Upon the
“Gflow Df I hrjrge Tutor.”—
■ I
ROBINSON- -In memory
my husband-
who departed this life
19, 1945.
In God’s own time the stars
came out
To guide us through the night.
By His own plan, the darkest
Are changed to morning
And with His tender, loving
Our Father claims His own.
lie will comfort all our tears.
A loving God knows best.
Sadly missed toy:
Wife, Mae Robinson.
Savannah, Ga.
Nephew, Earl Robinson
Savannah, Ga.
Aunts, Miss Carolyn Robinson
Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Eva Williams
Washington, D. C.
Uncle. Mr. Amos Brown
Savannah, Ga.
Cousins and Friends
GRANT—In memory of our
precious husband, father and
who passed one year today, Oc-
tober 13- 1948.
Although life’s skies are daik
And sorrow fills our hearts,
And it is hard to understand
Why loved ones ha<r- to part.
But it comforts us today
And eases the grief we bear,
To know our loved one waits
for us,
And there is no parting there.
Sadly missed by
Mrs. Lula D. Grant (wife)
(Miss) Phreddye May Grant»
Rev. S. W. Grant
ELMORE—In sad but
remembrance of our dear fa¬
who departed this life three
years ago today, October to.
brings sad memories
Of a loved one gone to rest
you will never be forgotten
By the ones who loved you best
hearts still ache with sad¬
Our eyes still fill with tears;
God knows how much we
missed you
At the end of three long years.
Mrs. Eva M. Robinson;
Mr. Norman B. Elmore,
Mrs. Geraline Reynolds
of Savannah, Ga.
Mrs. Wilhelmina Roberts
Mr. Freddie Elmore,
New York City
New York City —
GREENE—In sad and lov ng
of our darling
departed this life October
12. 1943.
Mother dearest you have left us
Here no more on earth you
And there’ll never be another,
Who will talk with us at home.
You were always true and faith¬
And were really loved by all,
For you trusted in the Saviour
And was ready when he called.
We shall meet you some glad
When our lives,are called away
We shall talk the story over,
When we meet some blessed day.
Sadly missed by your children j
Mrs. Lettie Johnson
Mrs. Clara Reid
Savannah, Ga.
Mr. Vincent Lindsay.
New York City
Grandson and Daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Mrs. Beatrice Scott
Cousin, *'
Mrs. Anna L. Bacon
All of Ga.
RUFF—In loving memory of
my darling mother,
who departed this life, October
13. 1945. ,
Four years have passed
Since that sad day. *
When one I loved.
Wall called away,
Peaceful be your sleep dear
’Tis sweet to breathe your name
I loved you very dear in life,
In death I do the same.
Sadly missed by your
Mrs. Belle Shellman
Dea. J. B. Cooper <-
Mrs. Sarah Brown of 1424
Augusta Ave., Mrs. Estella
Frampton, relatives and friends
wish to thank their friends for
their .sympathy in the death
of Mr. Henry Brown, who died
September 23.
Mrs. Frances Sadie Harris of
420 W. Duffy street who has re¬
turned home after undergoing
an operation at the Central of
Georgia Hospital wishes to
thank all of her friends and
relatives for their kindness and
flowers shown to her during
her illness.
The family of Mrs. Sadie
Stev.fna wish to extend our
heartfelt thanks and appreci¬
ation for the acts of kindness,
messages of sympathy, and
beautiful floral offerings re¬
ceived from our friends, and
neighbors during our recent
Mr. Ondra Stevens
Store on StephrHs Street. Gro¬
cery or Confectionery, Near
New High School.
James H. DeLorme
830 W. 45th St., Ph< fie 2-5S19
FOR SALE — Wilson’s Confec¬
tionery, 1403 Price St. Reason¬
able Price. Good Location.
Cash or Terms.
Go To or Phone
| Matthews
518 West Broad St.
Phones 2-1141
Ladies’ and Mens
cleaned and Blocked
Approved Factory
Broughton & Drayton
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