The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, November 24, 1949, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MOS TWC <¥ -4j .—i' ffi CH UR C j First Congregational Church The Sunday morning wor¬ ship hour at the First Congre¬ gational Church was celebrat¬ ed in the spirit of Thanksgiv¬ ing singing, ‘Come Ye Thank¬ ful People Come', and other familiar hymns of the season. The offertory selection played by Miss Willa Mae Ayers, or¬ ganist was Andante Pastorale by Alexis. Rev. A C. Curt right used as the text for his sermon Isaiah 00:1 “Arise, shine for thy light is eome and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” The pastor told his audience that, mankind is blind in a world of light. The light that makes for peace and goodwill is de¬ rived from the teachings and practice of religion. He used as an example the fact that Jesus Christ took men from ordinary life, fishermen, a,nd illumined them with his light to spread his gospel throughout the world. Nothing succeeds like excess; go to the limit In extending the gospel. At the 6 p. m. Sunday even¬ ing hour the missionary sock** sponsored a pantomine depiet- ing the history of the Congre- gational churches in America. Miss M. R. Shivery directed the program. On Wednesday night at 7:30 p. m. the Prayer and Study group held its regular meeting Thanksgiving worship services are being held jointly with the members of Butler Presbyteri¬ an church this morning (Thurs¬ day. Tremont Temnle Baptist Church Services were well atteded Sunday at Tremont. Temple Baptist, church beginning with Sunday school with Deacon Rvals in charge. At 11 a. m. Pastor Benton delivered an im¬ pressive sermon, and again at night. BTU met at the usual hour with president I. c. Per¬ kins in charge. On Thanks giving day at 4:30 p. m. then will be a joint service with the sermon being delivered by Rev Wilburn, pastor of Tabernacle Baptist church. Filarrim Baptist Church 526-30 West Huntingdon Street Rev. J. J. Dinkins. Pastor The Sunday School met at th< muni hour with Dea. C. H. Jenkim $upt„ the Pastor and Rev. Cun ningham as lesson interpreters. The latter delivered the morning see mon from the subject: “WHAT SHALL I DO WITH MY LIFE.” Sunday being Holy Communion the attendance was good, Tli, pastor spoke from the subject: “A WOUNDED SAVIOR.” Six mem¬ bers were added. The 16th Anniversary of the Sen ior Choir was quite successful. The pastor, officers and members will worship with the Mt. Bethel Bap¬ tist Chimhj Friday, November 26 ...........—............ TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS l : i,2 1 NEW LOCATION 121 WEST BROAD ST, We Are Now Ready! With a Full Line of Clothing For The Whole Family On Easy Credit Terms We Will Be Looking For You At BEE’S 424 WEST BROAI) Rev. Sibley New Pastor at St. Paul In the Georgia Conference which convened in Atlanta, Ga. week before last, the Rev. T. E. Sibley was sent to St. Paul M. E. Church of this city. Rev. Sibley comes to SaSnt Paul with seventeen years of experience. His former church oeing Butler Street, Atlanta which post he held for three years. 1 He is a graduate of ler Smith. Little Rock, Ark and Gammon Theological inary of Atlanta. He pastured in Little Rock for four years before coming to Butler Street. He will leave Tuesday morn¬ ing for Atlanta to move his wife. Mrs. Ellen C. Sibley to Savannah. They will arrive Friday night. Plans are being made for the year and the pastor is ask¬ ing all of the members to please attend all of the church meetings and services. A turkey dinner will be servs ‘d by the Stewardess Board No. 1 at the home of Mrs. N. L. Gorilbert, 526 W. Duffy street, Novembpr 24th . all day. The members are asked to please cooperate with Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Anna S. Spaulding Missionary in this affair. The Society will meet Monday at 5:36 p. m., Mrs. Curtis its able president asking all members to please be present, business of importance, Our former pastor, Rev. D. ; Gorham was called to Pastor Holsoy , Temple CME church Macon. Ga. We hope for him and Mrs. Gorham much success. Evergreen Bapt. Church Al First Evergreen Baptist services Sunday were weJl at¬ tended. Sunday school was di reeted by Deacon George Hay¬ es. Pastor A E Capers made a splendid report of the Baptist convention, which he attended On Monday night the Mayflow¬ er Gospel singers and the Tri¬ umph Gospel singers will give a concert at the church. At ’he concert given at the church Friday night by the Angeli- Gospel singers, the Mayflower fingers were judged the best in the city. Deacons’ Union The Deacons Christian Union. Deacon George White. President held its last meeting at the Bvyan Neck Baptist Church of Richmond Hill. Arrangements were made to do more for the nnder-privileg. >d members o ft he Union. The next meeting will lie held at the Mt. Tabor Baptist Church, Henry and E. Broad Street, Wednesday, Nov. 10. Deacon Wiliam Donegal who was burned beyond recognition is doing fine, and has been dischar¬ ged from the hospital. —Sisters Hulda Bell and Rebecca Jenkins, Reporters. Surday’r Family Day At 2nd S. John i i j ! | Mrs. Sophronia Tompkins Sunday will be observed as Family Day at the Second St. John Baptist church, Rev. J. J. Dinkins, pastor. Surmay .-.choc: will be held at the usual hour and a special woman’s program at 11 15 a. m. ** men s program at 8 p. m. The women’s program will as f o’lows Devotions i et * Sister Cornelia 11 ™ 1 Sister Maggie CMitty; in- traduction of the mistress of j ceremonies, Sister Ernestine J Manigault; remarks, mistress ceremonies Sister Clara vry; selection, senior j paper, E ster Annie L. Ross: solo, Sister Curley Johnson; selection, senior choir; i ducticn of speaker, Sister j do Glasker; address, Mrs. S. M j Tompklns; collection, an- I nounceme nts, benediction. At 3 ,, m „ a children’s poga wlll b( , rendered as follows: De¬ votions led by Miss Doetha Wil liams and Miss Lillie Chandler; introduction of mistress of ceremonies, George Miller; re¬ marks, mistress of ccremosies. Alexander Spade; selection, junior choirs; welcome address Miss Rose M. Manigault; solo, Miss Lillian Jones; paper, Miss Dorothy Philpot; duet. Misses Mary and Ruth McGee; read¬ ing. Miss Betty Williams; se¬ lection, Pilgrm Junor choir; address, Curtis Cooper; selec¬ tion, Zion I-fin Junior i.joir: collection, announcements, ben¬ ediction. The men’s program at 8 p m. will be as follows: Devo¬ tions, lcjl by Deacon Henry Brown; remarks, master of cere monies. Deacon L. E. Wade; welcome address. G. L. Bown; solo, Deacon s. Bacon; remarks. Deacon Perris; pape , W. S. Ross; selection, Sunset quartet; address. Deacon E. Williams; announcements, collection, ben ediction. On Monday, November 28. at 8 1>. M. sharp, the St. John Bap¬ tist Sunday School will celebrate its 55th Anniversary. An inter¬ esting program local talent has been arranged. Wesley Law. veteran and civic worker, will 1«> principal speaker. Our sister schools will have rep¬ resentatives on the program. The public is invited. Central Baptist Church Rev. Daniels, Pastor, delivered inspiring messages Sunday. Sun¬ day School was well attended. The Junior Mission held their meeting after service. U. T. U. with President Brown held a very interesting topic dis¬ cussion. This coming Sunday the Senior Mission will hold their regu¬ lar meeting of the year. Ladies' and Mens HUTS Cleaned and Blocked By Approved Factory Methods Lamas Bros. Broughton A Drayton WIDESPREAD INTEREST IN NEW GILBERT PLAY Widedpieatl interest is fce*ng manife ted in Lie approaching production of Dr. Ralph Mar.t Gilbert's new religious drama I entitled, "The Pardon”, will be presented from the stag, j ' h< ' Mun i( ;ipa 1 Audit, nun four nights, i t f from Monday December 12, through Tours- December 15, a full protiuc- tion eac.l night. As usual with these produc- tlons staged by this dramatis:, caravans of people will come to Savannah from points in Geor¬ gia, Florida and South Caroli¬ na. A lanje local audience has greeted thee Gilbert plays the past eleven years. Some of Dr. Gilbert's previouc produc- tions seen here have been si0:l anrt Triumph’’, the Negro Passion Play; ‘The Peasant of Galilee”, “The Guiding ‘Judas Iscar.ot”, “Which Man Was Right?”. "The Ascension” ■The visitant", “Tim’s Easter” and “Beautiful Star” ,an East- era star production. All of Ruffner, and already is show- audiences at both the original and repeat performances. The massed chorus which which will support the drama is being trained by Prof. Rajah Ruffnei and alre cly is show- finish and great enthusi- a>sm The director of the cast, Dr. Gilbert, expresses himself as being highly pleased at tue prograss of his end of the re- . hearsa’s and feels that he has selected cast for this produc- #n vet -y aptly fitted to portray roles. j j Tickets may be secured at A i n utt’s Music store, 240 Broughton street, west, and al t the he Savannah Savannah Pharmacy, Pharmacy, 719 West Broad street. St. Mary s PTA The P.-T. A. of St. Mary’s Cath¬ olic School, West 36th Street, are planning for a Snow Carnival EXHIBITING APPAREL OF RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES — Children dressed as Catholic nuns, entering St. Patrick’s Ca- j thedfal in New York for the an- Sunday ' nual Mission vespers FOR RENT 2 Fumshed Rooms in a pri¬ vate home with all conven¬ iences. Phone 3-7G29. Savanna (Eributte Tor 4 5 ‘Ijear 5 DIXIE ENGRAVING CO. &>nqfiavtAA PHONE 5506 ♦ 128-W.BAYST. ^WESKSASPP c SHOPPW0 moffusmssfus which will take place at the Can¬ teen on Friday night, December *.»th from 7:00 to 0:00 o'clock. This is a project to aid the school’s renovation program. All parents, their children ami friends are in- vited to attend this Carnival. _____ ConnorTempIe Baptist D . Church Gwinnett and West Broad Streets Sunday School was conducted at Rb00 A. M. with the Superlnten- dent, Steve Harris, presiding. The morning worship was conducted at 11:20 A. M. Sermon by the Rev W, M. Miller, subject:—“Making a Contract with God,” taken from the Book of Judges 11: 25. B. T. U, was held at 6:00 P. M. Night service was held at 8:00 P. M. with Rev. Miller, conducting the services.—Sister Annie \ King, Reporter; Dea. L. Washing- ton, Chairman. ----:- SL r>, Mar ** > Church i i Y * ■ Th< ‘ AUt ' r Soc,et y of St - Ma ry’» Cht<rch ’ West :u;th stieet - he!d 8 Very interesting meeting on Mon¬ day evening at th;- Canteen with Mrs. Seabi’ooks, President, presid¬ ing. The members surprised Ft. Aoehiin • by presenting him $10.06 is a Thanksgiving gift. The so¬ ciety is sponsoring a party at the Canteen on Monday evening, Dec¬ ember 5th. Hours 5:00 P. M. for the smaller children and 7:00 P. M, to 10:00 P. M. for the older children. Admission 10 cents. Memorial Service Deacon Brinson Rev. James Lee Dudley will be (ho memorial preacher for the late Wil.on Brinson, deacon of l Tremont Temple Baptist church, who died on 26, 1949. These services Will be ! I held at Deacon Brinson’s child- \ hood church, Macedonia Bap-! tist church, Ellabell, Ga., at 2 o'clock p. m. Sunday, Novem- ber 27. Members and friends are invited to attend. Exhibiting the apparel of religious communities, 300 chil - 1 dren participated. Second in line, wearing light grey clothing of Hand- maids of the Holy Child of Je-1 Subscribe Today FOR The Savannah Tribune 1009 West Broad Street Savannah, Georgia Subscriptions Fa table in Advance Make Money Order and Checks Payable To The Savannah Tribune ONE YEAR - $3.00 SIX MONTHS - $2.00 THREE MONTHS - - $150 SINGLE COPY ... .07 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION TELEPHONE 5.138 V ’ OF -- SAVANNAH 19 EAST BAY ST. DIAL 2-2114 “Substantial Dividends to all Policyholders" FIRE—WINDSTORM—EXTENDED COVERAGE PLATE GLASS NEW LAW INCREASES PAYMENTS TO INJURED WORKERS A 77-year-old disabled man, blinded from a work Injury in 1944, is the first among thousands of Federal employees who will benefit under the liberalized work¬ men’s compensation provisions in¬ cluded in Public Law 357 signei by President Truman, October 14, according to Oscar R. Ewing. Fed¬ eral Security Administrator. The injured man, ho said, suffered coin plete loss of his right eye from a flying nail while working as r carpenter for the Columbus (Ohio < General Depot. Under the amende law, his present compensatio. check will be doubled for the next 160 weeks, and he will continu >n the compensation roll as ion; as he has a loss of earning capacitj Jue to his injury. Mr. Ewing staid that with thi pew law in effect, additional cash benefits for injured Federal em¬ ployees are expected to amount to nearly nine million dollars per year under the compensation pro¬ gram which is administered in the Federal Security Agency by the Bureau of Employees’ Compensa- tion, a constituent unit of the Agency’s Office of Special Serv ices. Mr. Ewing further explained that Till Federal workers, ‘whether doing routine clerical work or performing extra-hazardous indus¬ trial operations for the Govern¬ ment, are covered by the provisions of the new act, “Most significant nf the new provisions is changing the maxium •ompensation rate from $116.66 per month to $525 per month. Another new provision gives increased bene¬ fits to injured employees with de pendants. They will receive ability compensation of 75 percent of the monthly salary rate instead of the 66-2/3 percent basic pensation. The basic rate now ap- (dies to salaries as high as per annum, as against the old maximum of $2,100 per annum.” IN MEMORY PHILLIPS—In memory of our dear mother. MRS. ESSIE PHILLIPS whose task on earth ceas¬ ed ten years ago. Nov. 22nd, 1939. Sadly mised by Mrs. Exterltne Prescod (Daughter! Frank Phillips (Som New York City Alphonso E. Fields. Jr. (Grandson) Savannah, Ga. HART—In loving memory of our dear mother and brother, MRS. JANIE HART And JOHN HART November and December bring sad memories Of our loved ones gone to rest. But they will never be forgot¬ ten By the ones who loved them best Our hearts still ache with sad¬ ness. 1 Our eyes still fill with tears Only God knows how much we miss you After these long and years. Sadly missed by Margaret H. Rhaney Carl Hart WALLACE—In loving memory of our dear father, MR HENRY WAI T.ACE who passed away November 22. 1948 . One year ago he* left us For the home land over there, Our hearts with grief are bur- dened, ■* For he to us was dear. 1 him We fancy iiow we see j ! Around the family board, Telling the grand old story That never will grow old. We miss him, oh, we miss him But God does what is best, He gave the weary traveler A home of perfect rest. Sadly missed by Son and Daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wal¬ lace, Jr. Daughter rind Son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Edwards Son and Daughter-in-law. Monroe Funeral Directors 611 WEST BROAD SI PHONE 2-4106 — 2-3252 Savannah, Georgia MONROE ON DUTY—NIGHT and DAY ESSIE MONROE EDWARDS, Prop. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME ABOARD NANCY HANKS II LUXURY STREAMLINER TO MACON — ATLANTA Lv. Savannah 8:00 AM Ar. Macon 11:30 AM Ar. Atlanta 1:40 PM Lv. Atlanta 6:00 PM Lv. Macon 8:10 PM Ar. Savannah 11:40 PM Round-Trip 5-Day Limit Fares Only $5.87 to Macon $8.51 to Atlanta (Including Tax) For Schedules and Fares to intermediate Points Inquire of Any Agent or Representative CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY " l l»—!!■— 1 Real Estate Loans Consult us before making your Real Estate Loans. We have handled real estate loans for 5ft years. ' Loans made on various plans to Suit voltr income It will he to your advantage to see us first Southern Savings & Loan Company 19 East Bay Street Phone 2-2114 Assets Over $2,000,000 WE PAY 3% Certificates 2% SAVINGS DEPOSITS teachers in Nigeria. British vVest A f r =ca, are Caroline Cow- aTi 7 anc j Brenda Herbert, 8 , of Lourdes sch0 ol New Yor____ _ .. ph .. ° THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 1949 Mr. and Mrs. RoberC%al- lace Son- -A . • Charlie 1 Wallace Two Grands, Rosalyn and Vincent and other relatives. MALONE—In sad memory of my daughter and our mother, MRS. FRAZIER LEE MALONE who departed triis life Nov 23, 1932. Gone, but hot forgotten Sadly missed by your mol ior, Lula B. McIntosh Three sons and three daugh¬ ters, Robert Lee, William Na¬ thaniel and Lewis Frazier Malone. Louise Harvey Price Henri¬ etta White, Lula ’Kate Malone and many friends. CARD OF TllANKSd Mrs. Rebecca T. Glove^Vof 630 W. 39th street extends Tier* heartfelt appreciation (so her many friends for their unlimit¬ ed thoughts during the time she was a patient at the River- Sanitarium, Nashville, Tenn and during her recent) illness at Charity hospital.. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. Edward Williams wish to ex- press their sincere thanks and appreciation for the kindness shown during his illness and death. We thank you for the beautiful floral designs and those who donated cars ,. wish to especially thank the -------„ Bethlehem Baptist church and oil departments, also the Steelo Funeral Home and Rev. Wm. C. Cunningham for the splendid services rendered. Rev J. M. Williams Mrs. Mattie Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Willie Greene Silver Tea The Gospel Chorus of F. A. B. church invites you and your friends to their Annual Silver Tea, to he given on Sunday, November 27th at 4:00 P. M. in the lower I auditorium of the church. An in- j teresting program has been ar- j ranged. —Mrs. Leola Edwards, Prgs.