The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, February 09, 1950, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1950 The Butterfly’s Trail By Albert Mary Thweatt THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK— “To expect trouble is not to borrow trouble. Borrowing trouble is apprehension; expecting trouble is comprehension. One who ex- bC SW6pt ° ff and cooperation of his committee, schools, various organizations and citizens *“ in putting over --- the March of Dimes’ drive. • “Thank ... you’’ cards were sent out last week to many who shared in this drive. Mr, Donnelly’s group so far has reported the sum of $1,129.17. SOCIALLY Mrs.. Ursahne Ingersoll was hostess to the Jubermars on last Friday night. The beautiful gladioli used as decorations and a touch of the valentine season made the evening very pleasant. Prizes were won by Mesdames Susan Waters Grethel Scott and Mattie Leftwich. •>/i Mrs. Maude Varner social investigator of New York was the dinner guest of the Edward Laws on last Sunday. Mrs. Ruth Bell was hostess to the Pleasant Hour Social oM last Friday. After the business part of the meeting the evening was spent playing freeman,'second Po-ke-no. Prize for the highest score was won by Mrs. Mamie highest by Mrs. E. L. Gadsden and third by Mrs. Etta Brown. Consolation was drawn by Mrs. E. Riley. The hostess, with ••• the " assistance • • of ...... little Miss Elizabeth • - Gadsden, « • ■ served a delicious repast. The club has contributed to the Green- briar Children’s Center and has adopted a patient at the Tuberculosis Sanatorium. The officers of the Club include: Mrs. M. Freeman, President; Mrs. Etta Brown, Vice-President; Mrs. Elizabeth Gads¬ den, Secretary; Mrs. Alzata Scott, Assistant Secretary; Mrs. Ruth BelL, Cjiaiipan Treasurer; Mrs. E. Riley, Reporter; Mrs. Frederica Seabrooks, of Birthday gifts; Mrs. Emma Snype, Sinking Funds. 1.Members "add include Mesdames E. Smith, Ruth Vvhite, Cora Williams E. H. Ponder. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Tobin entertained with a Cocktail Partly at their attractive apartment in New York honoring Mrs. Mamie Cox of this city. Among those invited were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willis, Mrs. Darzie Hooge, Mesdames Millard Smallwood, Edward Des Varney, Sr.. Louise Crawford, Gertie Martin, John H. Gk»ver, Sr., and A. P. Ingliss. Mrs. Cox arrived in Savannah on last Monday after a seven weeks’ visit in New York. One outstand- inn ing nvnvif event of Vlflt* her lncif visit uroc was n a kin" big kolofn/1 belated lill-tVl/lotr birthday party no ft V rriuon given in in ' ! h6r Mrs"'- Margaret Rhodes was hostess to the Iota Phi Lambda' Sorority last Friday. Members included ..... Mrs. Helen — ■ Weathers, on present Gertrude Greene, the newly elected President, Mesdames Gadsdn, Irene Wil- j Mahtie George Williams, Marian Starr, Elizabeth liams, Claudia Jefferson and Melissa Lewis Miller. T&RILLED The Beach High pupils are all set now to enjoy the comforts of their new spacious library that has a seating capacity of 72. The old library only accommodated around 30. A number of the pupils have been busy during the past week assisting their librarian, Miss Mary Wright, arranging the stocks of books on the shelves. Miss Wright now enjoys the convenience of a private office, work room and a storage room. candlelight service The Candelight Service held at St. Matthews Church on last Sunday was quite a beautiful and impressive affair. Manv members and visitors attended. ZAG/.ES CLUE A program of gospel hymns and spirituals will be given by the Gospel Bells, sponsored by the Eagles Club at Second Baptist Church on Sunday, February 19. StCIi LIST riding with hubby last week and Mrs. Ruth Scott Lyons was seen enjoying the invigorating sunshine. She is much improved after a long illness at Charity Hospital. Mr. Antonio Orsot of Savannah Sorry to learn of the illness of State College . . Mr. Benjamin Greene is also very ill. Here’s . hoping for all the shut-ins a speedy recovery. DISTRICT MEETING Most of the teachers in Chatham County along with many the teachers in neighboring counties attended the district held in Brunswick on last Friday. The kiddies of course enjoyed holiday. The high school chorus (Rislcy) under the direction Miss 1’aula Robeson ol Savannah was exceptionally good. After school’s morning session a very enjoyable dinner was enjoyed in the cafeteria. HERE and THERE ' Many old Savannahians wilt perhaps remember Mr. Rulus Fennell (son of the late Mrs. Hattie Fennell who once resided on E. Waldburg St.) Mrs. J. H. Patterson was the recipient of a very . . . has interesting letter from him last week. He informed her that he been in England since 1915. He under-studied Paul Robeson in two plays, and also in various films, among them “Jerico,” playing the part of Sgt. Gammey. He aLso worked in pictures with the late George Ariiss. 1 ai'AMi Since 1937 he has been growing mushrooms and has made a great success of it. His eldest daughter was in the military service during the war and is now in Canada. A son (the eldest) is a Chef . . . distinguished hotels.) Another in the Savoy (one of England’s most the Chinese Legation in Lon¬ daughter worked as a stenographer at there. Another will don at present she is with a film firm son ... non-commission officers in a few weeks complete his course. ST Ac ^Savannah COLLEGE Chapter" ALUMNI Alumni ’ of the St. Augustine’s College Association met at the home of Mr. Archie Wiley on Friday night. At present, members of the association are bringing articles for a box to be presented to Greenbriar Children’s Center. The group has also adopted a patient at the T. B. Sanatorium. Several members visited him last week and carried him a large basket ol truit. Miss Ada Louise Simpkins from Charleston, S. C., who is an Alumnus of St. Augustine College was present at the meeting, also her friend, Mrs. Rhodes A delicious repast was enjoyed by all. The mem¬ ... Campbell, President; Mrs. bers of the chapter include: Miss Olise Imega R. Ryals, Secretary; Miss Adarienne Speight, Treasurer; Jr* Helen Goodwin, Chaplain; Mr. John D. Gadsden, Reporter; Miss Charlotte Williams, Mesdames Margaret Pnester, Eldora Greene, Hattie I*. Brown, Rebecca Alexander, Marie Orsot, Maxine Stevens and Miss Ada Louise Simpkins. NEW PASTOR AT BETH EDEN Iiev. Levi M. Moore (brother of Dr. Richard M. Moore of this citv) has been called to the pastorate of Beth Eden Church. He is native of Darien, Ga., and a graduate of Lincoln University. The a re-organized and wil lbe held Sundays from 6.45 B T.U. has been on to 7:45. Mr. Hiram L. McGee is President. All are invited to attend. CONGRATULATIONS Annette James second place in . a Declamation Contest Miss won held at Palmer Memorial institute. Her sister Myrtis (contralto) has been on tour with tue Sedalia Singers since Christmas. Anrietta is a sophomore and Myrtis a senior at Talmer. Both are the daugh- of Mr, and Mrs. B. J. James of Savannah State College. of Trinity Methodist Church. I his is Race Relations day at the church and the public is invited to attend. At 6 P M., Sunday a special program will be rendeied by the St Marv’s Guild of St. Matthews Episcopal Church in the parish hall Music will be rendered by Prof. Peter Smalls’ chorus. A short talk' wil! be made by Miss Henrietta White and the address will be gfven by Mrs. W. K. Payne. Mrs. Marie Watts is Chairman. Every¬ • Rosary Social Club Mrs. Alfre da Simmons ol 1414 Price street was hostess to the Rosary Social club Wed¬ nesday of last week. The pres- dent, Mrs. Bignon, was in charge of the meeting. Each member recited a bible verse beginning with the letter “C”. After the transaction of busi¬ ness, games were piayed, t'-te first group of prizes being won by Mrs. Carrie Blount, Lucille! Bryant and Bignon. ___ The second group was won by Carrie Blount, Maggie Graham and Lettie John'-'on. Guest of the meeting was Mrs. Anna Williams. A delectable repast was served by the hostess. Those present were Mrs. Big¬ non, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Wilson, M. Thomas, M. Washington, Ada W.lliams, C. Fisher, Ducille Bryant, Lettie Johnson. Writing is bad anytime; when it is against time, it is worst. SOCIETY The Delmoroccos The seafood . upper given re- cently by the Detmorocco Social club at the home of Mrs. Anna Raymond was qui.e a success. The next meeting of the club at'the' home 5*3? Brack, 512. W. Waldburg St. --i- , VlVBcioUS SoCldl Club The Vivacious Social club wasi organized January 12, 195), at the home of Mrs. Maggie Ham- ! hton, ' 28 ““ J Fourth ' “ street. f oUo wi g ffic e were elected: Mrs. Edna Vinson, president, Mrs. Carrie Roberts, f nancial | secretary; J Mrs. Maggie B Hami.- ton, treasurer, , Mrs. Elouise Frazier, recording secretary; m,. s Cora Brown. ’ Chaplain T'.te _ next , meeting ,. w.ll be , at . the .. home of Mn. Vinson, 1223 East Waldburg street. First Aid Club No. 1 The regular meeting of First) Aid Club No. 1 was held at the home of Mrs. Lula Mosley with President S-. D. Bisard in; rhnrep ^7^85 After the ^ regular “resist rnu- e 11 “ p e 1 | asked _ £ijt. Benjamin F. Miller, > our mm rlliTintm- director, 4-/-* to f take n Irn charge nVii-mfrn of rtf , 01 ^ officers officers ™ eeting was was and conducted the , by Director B. F. Miller, who had , just ---^ —*------> returned *---- from a *■-=- trip j- in I . California. All officers were re¬ elected for the year, and a new office created, that of report¬ er to which Mrs. Gussie Pinck¬ ney was elected. A very high repast was served by Mrs. Mose- ly. The club was favored with illustrative remarks of souve¬ nirs secured while visiting Los Angeles, Sacramento, and other points of interest. His collection was wide and varied. Our attention was attracted to the View Master, with its varied scenes. The next meet- ing will be at the home of Mrs. .I Beatrice Tootle, Tuesday, Fcb 14th at which time the mem¬ bers will indulge in exchang¬ ing Valentine greetings. S. D. Bisard, president; Mrs. Gus¬ sie Pinckney, reporter. SSC Seniors Wed The long time romance of Willie Gv/yn and Miss Wilmo- tine Brown, both seniors at Sa¬ vannah State college reached its) climax Sunday when they wer joined in holy matrimony by Rev. William Dan el pastor cf Central Baptist church. Tne groom is a prospective June graduate, majoring in so¬ cial science, and the will graduate in August. She is al¬ so majoring in the same field. Walter J. Leonard was the! best man and Miss Odessa Gwyn, sister of the groom, was maid of honor. The wedd ng took place at the home of the bride. The bride was attired in a I beautiful w'nite gown and black suede shoes. She carried: a bouquet of honor of white lil white es. The^ and! maid wore her flowers were white roses. The bride was given away by her father, Esau Brown. Tie house was beautiful ly decorated for the occas on. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held. The couple is to reside at 129 Fell- wood Homes. Exclusive Art Club The iFxclus ve Art club held its last meeting at the home of Mrs. Harrell, 694 West 33rd St., at which time much business was transacted and one new member was received, Mrs. Brock. A delicious repast was *erved. Those present were Mrs. McKinney, Mrs. Harris Mrs. C lapl n, Mrs. Burroughs and Mrs. Green. The next meeting will be £t the home of Mrs Tilton, West 38th street. Our Friends Are Invited To The GRAND OPENING This Friday Feb. 10th REBECCA BEVERAGE NIGHT CLUB 2252 Hall St. in East Savannah FREE OYSTER ROAST Jim Roberson, Prop. THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE Plato Club The P ato ciub met evening at the home of Mrs. Bessie Curry, 708 West I Drive. Games were played af- ter which routine business was i Mrs. Curry served o delicious I repast,. Tire next meeting will pe home of iVUo. la Ford. Members present were Mrs. Evelyn Walker, Mrs. Sarah Brannan, Mrs. Mazie Mrs. Al-j j en Mrs. Nancy Bryant, ^ Hughes, el0 *' ah .. Mrs. For< |: Evelyn *f rS ’ Jackson,! Mrs. Bridie F. Robinson, Mrs. jertie Suencer Mrs Bessie Cur- ry and Mrs. M. B. Young. ‘ ~7~ ~ Omega Cabaret Ball ! Interest is still running excep-1 t * onall v high fo ‘‘ ^ ^ ™ al , - Omega caberet hall scheduled to-1 morrow night at 10 o’clock for j Lincoln Inn. • Raymond Washington, and W. W. Leftwich, “co-promoters” f o r the affair, have promised a top- ni ^ ht floor show. The hull is un¬ der tlle auspices of Mu Phi chap¬ ter, local graduate unit for the or¬ ganization. Meantime ticket sales have been cood ’ ami ‘ ‘ i 1 ,. PIIWI | nvnert- clllCnO • Graduates From N. Y. f-)iprFl ® Schnnl M.iss Meritan Taylor daugh¬ ter of Mrs. W. S. Taylor of New York city and the god-daug'a- ter of the T. A. Miiledges • of West Victory Drive graduated on January 24th from Central High School of Needle Trade in New York city. M ss Meri¬ tan was selected to give the ad¬ dress of welcome and was also honored by receiving the “bank for saving award”. This award was given for outstanding co¬ operation in school govern¬ ment Miss Taylor visited Savannah terta'ned ^ summer and , was the widely ., younger , en- group. Sencraf. Social Club The S'enoras held their regu¬ lar meeting Wednesday n ght at the home of Senora Glennie Mae Burney. Sandras E - gles, Casen. Estell Brown and Thelma Guiton are new members members and the officers areJuanita Frazier, president; E. Casen, vice Pres. Ethia Hendr x, recording secretary; Brown, financial secre¬ Molly H. Riley, treasurer; Green, chairman; Thel¬ Hinton, chaplain; Dennis and Dortny Colley, The club will g ve a fry February 18 at the of Evangeles Casen, 925 46th street. SORORITY OFFICERS CONGRATULATED ar '" ,| l ! lF} Miss Leons G Davis Jeft. of Phi Delta Kappa sororty's chapter in Washington, D. C., The Swans Club The Swan Social club held its first meeting of the new year the home of Mrs. Mary New- ton, 127 Yamacraw Village Alter the business session, a del clous repast was served by the hostess. Many interest, 1 . plans were made for the year’s work, among them a Valentine dance on February 14 for which .inv'i allo ts have already beei issued. Mrs. Mary Newton i.- president of the club and Mr pearl Logan, reporter. Jolly Fourteen The Jolly Fourteen Socia club met at the home of Mrs Gertrude Blackshear, 819 Wes street, the meeting bein attended by all the officers am members as follows: Mrs. Eino ra B ng, president;, Mrs. Eul; Mae W Uiams vice president, Mrs. Gertrude Wright, linancia secretary; Mrs. Gertrude Blackshear, recording secretary; Miss Phoebe Wright, treasurer: Miss Lilly King sinking fund treasurer; Miss Hattie Maynor. chapla n; Miss Ozelene Taylor, clerk of order. The next meeting will be held at lh< home of Mrs. Gertrude Wright 812 West 38th street. Choice Social Club The annual party of the C'.ro ce Social club was held a' the home of the president, Mrs. Butler, 728 West 37th street* Wednesday nigh;, Jan The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion and an interesting program was, rendered. Mrs. Pearl Steele presented the club trophy beautiful silver loving cup having raised the h.ghest of money in the club’s A number of games played and prizes were won Madam Carrie Cargo Mc- E. Shuler, Mrs. Riv¬ Mrs. Jessie Mack and Mrs. Black. A delic ous turkey dinner served by Chief Henry assisted by Miss Al- Dixon. Those enjoying evening were Rev. and Mrs. M. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. E Mr. and Mrs. W. E Mr. and Mrs. E. E Mr. and Mrs. S. Stokes McLeatha Pugh, Al¬ Harmon Vio!a Brown Beckett, Ruth Wh te Beetle, Rosa Lee Mvles Mack Irene Williams, Ma¬ Davis, Matilda Washington, Edot'ha Black and P. J. A small classified advert'se- in The Savannah Tribune cost you a quarter and you a profit of dollars. have done more for oth¬ people. is shown receiving congratula- tions from the sorority’s su- preme basileus, Mrs. Olivia S Henry, on her recent election to the national office o’ f *!♦ 'I* *5* %♦ v v * 1 ** 1 * *!* *2* *1* * 1 * * 1 * \* •!* v v v v v LOCALS .'V v V'l c..».c.c. Tiie many friends of •osa L, Jackson oi 232 ungs si root w 11 be gqid know she is improving from llness of seven weeks at ne will be remem icred as t wife of M. J. Jackson of avannah While returning heme iay night from a Irin ‘ tn gusta, Mr. and Mrs. Albert were painfully injured heir car was side .w ped by •ruck near Rincon. Mis. Albeitlia Wise and two children left Monday or Clove and where they •°in Mr. Wise to proceed to Francisco, Calif., where Vise . ,s accepted work, Alfred Mitchell and James Sanders returned from a motor trip to New Or eans, where they visited formers sister and brother. Mrs. ivleli O good of ville entertained at her Sunday, Jan. 22, with a tinner that was enjoyed Mrs. Hemmie Williams, Lila Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Diles, Minnie and nia Martin, Miss Lila Martin of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Jonnie Riles and Mr. and Mrs. Bub Thomas. Eugene Washington, held public relations rep¬ resentative from Tuskegce in¬ stitute, was the guest of Savan¬ nah State college during as- emb'y Tuesday. Mrs. Emma Smalls and Mrs. Ediih Wood left yesterday for Atlanta where they will visit the latter's father. John C. Mcnroe and Edward Johnson were badly cut about ne face Monday n ght when Iheir car left the road near BrunswFk while they were en- route home from St. Augustine. CDC To Meet Friday rrec.nct One of the Ci'izens’ Democrat c Club will hold its regular meeting Friday night,, Feb. 10, at the W. S. Communi¬ ty hall Millen lane and Church street, from 8 to 9 o’clock. At are Invited to attend. Busi¬ ness of importance w 11 be dis¬ patched. M. J. Jackson is chairman of the precinct and Mrs. L. Hill, secretary. Holsey Reading Circle The Holsey Reading circle will present .ts annual Lincoln- Douglas program Sunday eve¬ ning at St. Paul CME church to which the public is invited. Olivia Stewart is acting president and Mrs. Thelma R. Humes, secretary. anti-basileus of Zeia chapter. Her new positon as regional director will include work in the states from New York to Virginia.—LANP; WHO CARES? By Punch and Judy Hello, there everybody! Here are a few news items received In the mail during the week. Most of it came from Pembroke, Georgia which we will save for the last part of this column. There seems to be a link be¬ tid ! the following names i now • Shirley uarvin and Sam- m - v Golden, and Edmonia Wash- I ington and Lonnie Sheffield. ^ ow O’* 301 ** 1 h, kids? Sor.ieone is >,4 mdering why Margaret Russell always sings Part 2 of “ ru get alon S some ' ! how.” hnur 11 V. Brown Urntim doesn’t seem onnm I to know what to do about other girls’ boy-friends. Try j being natural, friend. Minnie 1 Lou Moore and ‘ her friends nius t watch their step in the future Bernice Washington, have y 0U i os t him? Well, don't let it bother you for there are others, j you know. Helen Pippin, the boys in your class don’t like some of the things you do to attract attention, Carolyn Wright why con- tinue to be the baby type. T^ko lessons from your friend Oliv- Simmons, you must take it easy. Be yourself. Cora Williams seems to be doing with Tolbert. What about ^ Edna T.? J° e Carter seems to be a popular guy. We don’t know whether he likes Measelee Jen¬ kins, or Janet Pusha, or Mar¬ garet Russell. Some say the latter is his choice. Joretha S'mith, we heard that you are president of the Lone¬ ly Hearts club. Don't be like that. Clarence (Eg|gy> Williams seems to be all for Marie Pe- lote. Jeanette Wright and AI- MANY BABIES SUF¬ FOCATE NEEDLESSLY Of the forty-one babies under one year old who met accidental death the last half of 1949, 29 f ' suffocation! rom Most of t ' lese in hed,”! I averred Mr. L. M. Lacy, Vital Statistician of the Georgia De¬ partment of Public Health, “through the thoughtlessness of the parents. Eleven suffocated while sleeping with the parents; 8 smothered under the lied covers a.nd 2 got their heads caught dnd were strangled.” Eight others died from such mis- collaneous euuses ns eh oiling on pecans or strangling on milk. “it came as a surprise to me," Mr. Lacy said, “when the death ; reports came in to find so ninny little children had died from causes which might have been prevented had the parents been aware that babies are active even while sleep¬ ing.” Public Health officials recom¬ mend that babies be bedded sep¬ arately from adults, that baby beds have sides to prevent falling out of bed and that small objects out which of might reach. choke them, he kept | bert Ford are now coupled off. Well, our new high school is really the last word in every¬ thing We hope all of our schoolmates will help to keep It the best In the south. Now for the Pembroke news: Arnetha Garrison, we heard you are in love with shorty. Pearl Moody, is it still Clar¬ ence Patterson Jaunita Geig-; er, who is your all and all since Lockett Brown left? Edna Mae Bulloch, you better watch Marie Cochran. Booker T. Hill has bought her a watch/ Ethel Reese, keep playing cool .. you and < m Sam Hines. Banksie Lee Ware, who is the lucky fellow you have ini mind. Willie Oliver, Lena Bacon is the right girl for you. Robert Cross, tell us who your love is. We give up. Buster Bunch, you have cooled down with Hortense Edenfield. Daniel Cross you have been “Inying all the girls at Pembroke school, but we are about to find out where your true love lies. We will tell you later. Missouri Mae Jones, you sure looked swell getting married to Willie Lee Black. Elnora Simmons, don’t run after Landus Levant. Rachel Bulloch, why not get your same old boy friend back? Areola **1118 do you want Linton Bul¬ loch or Rogers Houston or would you rather have Dan Cross too. Mary Lou Boatright you’re hard. Evelyn Bulloch, Charles Richardson must love you to buy a necklace for $12.00. Thanks for all the news. Keep reading the Tribune. It’s the oldest colored newspaper in! the country, you know. So long, Punch and Judy Effingham Blood Bank Drive A Success The chairman of the Effing¬ ham Colored Blood Bank, C. Al¬ len Wiggins announces that E/f ngnam county went over Its Quota last Tuesday when the h.oodmoblie came to this sec- lion. The many patriotic citizens from Clyo and Guyton were on hand to donate a pint of blood to save the life of a fellow bro- ther who may be in need of a blood transfus on The b oodmobile will return to this county in July and it is hoped Chat Effingham will riou- ble Its quota with the aid of Springfield Marlow, Egypt and Rincon. The chairman and co-chair¬ man, Samuel Smith, wish to thank the donors for their rit of cooperation. Mr. Wiggins Is principal of tiigh school and Mr. Smith princ pal of Effingham Coun ty Training School, Guyton. Getting somebody else to do your work is the recipe for success. “Say It With Flowers” WEEK-END SPECIALS CASH AND CARRY ' GLADIOLI. Doz. _________79c __________________________ DAFFODILS, Doz. ........................ .........50c '"NAP-DRAGONS, Doz...................... _______$2.90 CARNATIONS, Doz. ___________________... _______$2.00 PORTER’S FLOWER BOX 506 Maple Street Phone 3-9705 John G, Butler Company Congress and Whitaker Streets Faints, Glass, Building Materials Millwork and Hardware STORE 2-1161 PLANT 2-1164 90 YEARS OF SERVICE OPTICAL n d t i r a i SERVICE cr p 1/ i r 2? The best examination—the finest lenses—the most be- X coming frames. Our prices are always less than nthers * charge. Oculist prescription at a discount, Consult the old reliable. DR. M. SCHWAB’S SON OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN »J* t % 118 Bali Street SATISFACTION GUARANTEED J. facie rm