The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, November 16, 1950, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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THURSDAY, NOV. 16. 1950 WJIV RADIO SCHEDULE Monday Through Friday 6:30 News 6:45 Break O' Day 7 :00 Fraternity Row 8:15 Break O' Day 8:30 Glory Road 8:45 Coffee Club S :00 Town Topics 9:15 Glory RoaJ 9:30 Gospel tjaartet Time 10:30 Trading Post 11:00 I.unchtlme Hillbilly Parade 11:15 Anniversary Serenade 12:15 Lunchtime Hillbilly Parade 12:30 Harmoneters Quartet 12:45 Church In The Wildwood AFTERNOON 1 :00 Everyday Forum 1:15 At Your Service 1:30 In The Garden 2:00 Pantry Shelf 2:15 In The Garden 2:25 Negro In The News 2:30 Jack The Bellboy 3:00 Ebony Bandstand 3:15 Harlem Hit Parade 3:30 Town Topics 3:45 Jack The Bellboy 3:45 Jack The Bellboy 4:00 In the Groove 4:15 Jack The Bellboy 4:30 Roll Jordan 5:00 Gospel Favorites 5:15 Dr. J. C Milligan 5:30 Georgia Ramblers 5:45 News Final 6:00 Silent Saturday Schedule 6:30 News 6:45 Break O’ Day 8:00 Fraternity Row 8:15 Break O’ Day 8:30 Glory Road 8:45 Coffee Club 9:00 Town Topics 9:15 Glory Road 9:30 Gospel Quartet Time m-™ Pat. Hilfh^lv Rmmdup 11:00 At Your Service 1|£ :(KI Gospel Favorites i AFTERNOON (wftO lf:30 Everyday Forum In The Garden 1|:45 In the Garden 2J:15 2j:00 Negro Pantry In Shelf The News 2:30 Jack The BtHboy 3:00 Ebony Bandstand 3:15 Harlem Hit Parade 3:30 Town Topics 3:45 Jack The Bellboy 4:15 Gospel Favorites 4:30 Rev. David Speight 5:00 Gospel Favorites 5:30 Georgia Ramblers 5:45 News Final 6:00 Silent Sunday Schedule 6:30 News 6:45 Morning Melodies 7:30 Gospel Favorites 8:15 Rev. H. G. Hewatt 8:30 Music For Sunday 9:00 Mayflower "Spiritual Group 9:15 Tyson Gospel Singers 9:30 Melrose Singers 5:45 Savannah Travelers 10:00 Great Choir Contest * 10:30 Rev. W. H. Solomon 11:00 Starnes Gospel Singers 11:15 Gospel Favorites 11:30 Church Services 19 *ftO 12:15 Southland Sings AFTERNOON 1:00 Hlllybilly Hits 2:00 Old Fashioned Gospel Hour 3:00 Sunday Driver 4:00 Gospel Favorites 4:30 Rev. E L. Green 5:00 Rot. P. H. Hammond 5:30 Your Bible Today 5:45 News Final .6:00 Silent Stop Dining Continued from Page One with men, young peoople young people, elderly with elderly persons, white sons with white persons Negroes with Negroes.” He said the order also HERE ’TIS—THE DANCE TREAT OF THE SEASON! Ivory Joe Hunter AND His Nationally Known Orchestra CITY AUDITORIUM ™ H D r AY NCVEMEEE* 24 ADVANCE TICKETS, $1.50; AT DOOR, $1.85 (Tax Included) Tickets on Sale at Bop City Tavern. Melver’s Barber Shop, Duke’s Record Shop, Parrett’s Shoe Shine Parlor, Gwinnett and East Broad Streets, 'stewards to “bear in mind iqc cupled space permittingi. passengers should be seated from the buffet or kitchen end of the dining car and Negroes from the opposite end ” Lawson said this was “more vicious than ever before.” I “It is flagrant contempt of the Supreme Court,” he said . . . it is designed to get at Negroes.” Lawson added that seating | the two races from opposite ends of the car was "obviously" designed to provide segregation. Sarsdflv Youth Killed continued from Page I I curve on LaRoache avenue in I front of Judge Cooper’s estate. Failing to complete the curve, the driver lost control and the 'car crashed into a tree and I turned over several times, shear¬ ing off its right side and throw- | ! ing out its passengers. ditch Cole’s j body was found in a near the road. Duncan, owner of the death car. is being held without bond in County jail. Funeral services for young Colo were held yesterday (Wed¬ nesday i afternoon. Interment. No need to care about ' " ’ ” with LARIEUSE BEWILDERED?... OR BEWITCflINC? If fun and romance are passing you by be¬ cause of gray hair—don’t be unhappy one more day! Get Larieuse, the hair coloring that gives your hair new color, new beauty —you’ll look younger, feel younger! Larieuse colors hair quickly, easily—it’s the dependable hair coloring used and ap¬ proved for more than 65 years. Ask at your cosmetic counter for Godefroy’s Larieuse Hair Coloring—in the red box—today! . Caution: Use only as directed on the label. GOSEFROY MFG. CO. • 3SIO OLIVE ST. • ST. LOUIS 3, MO. was in Eugenia cemetery, Rev. J Scott bificiating. Williams and Williams Funeral Home was : in charge of arrangements, ----- xIlSIvo A cl^C ill A t*ir»V III \ TYl “ Drop Race Continued from Page One issued from Headquarters East¬ ern Pennsylvania Schuykill Ar¬ senal, Philadelphia. In these irders two colored officers. First Lieutenant James K. Baker and First Lieutenant James L. Sat¬ chel!, are designated as white. Yvonne De Carlo turns on most provocative look, demon- strating how she “took west” in tional’s “The Gal Who Took • the West.” The technicolor j comedy adventure also stars , paries and John Coburn, Russell, Scott playing Brady Sun¬ day, Monday, Tuesday at the Star Theatre. Ivory Joe Hunter And Orchestra Here Nov. 24 it HP1 111 it ivory Joe Humer and hi orchestra will be the attraction extraordinary at the Municipal Auditorium Friday night, Nov- 1 ember 24. I This aggregation of nationally known musicians will, no doubt | be greeted by a record crowd | of dance lovers as their appear- I ance here will be one of the ; brightest o"ferings to be pre sented local audiences during winter entertainment ‘ra¬ I s0 ?- Ivory Joe is without a doub 1 lone of the world's greatest ex iponents of versatile piano play- ■ ing and singing and he and hi? orchestra have been playing I to record crowds during theii present swing throughout the South. ! As a maker of records, he ano his orchestra occupy a top notch place in waxing as is seen from such high selling records' as ■Gazing,” "ivory Joe Boogie,’ “Don’t Leave Me,” "Blues a Sunrise,” Landlord Blues," Boogin’ in the Basement,” and “It’s You, Just You.” Admission price to this dance extravangaza will be, advance tickets, $1.50; at door, $1.85. NAACP Ready Defend Negro GIs (Continue from Page 1) victims of racial discrimina¬ I tion." The NAACP attorney emphasized the fact that the I Association can act only in cases ! soldier where requested or a close to relative. do so by the j In the November 4 issue of The Afro-American, James L. i Hicks reported from Tokyo tha he had seen on a train in Japan 11 members of the 24th Infan- try who had been convicted by (general courts martial of “mis- conduct before the enemy” and , had been sentenced to long -terms of imprisonment at hard (labor. Mr. Hicks said he was ' not permitted to talk to the men, who Wore under heavy guarti " Frank Whisonant, reporting from i aejon, Korea, in the Courier of November 11, that ‘ ninety-nine and nine- tenths percent of the men tried” before court martial boards were Negro troops from the 24th Infantry. One man, he said, had been convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment after a three-hour trial. He ob served “two long lines of Ne¬ groes* going through the two military courts of ‘justice’ set up in Taejon.” “Coming on the heels of the conviction of Lt. Leon Gilbert and Hanson W. Baldwin’s sneer at Negro troops in the New York Times of November 3, reports of these eases seem -fit into a pattern designed to discredit the heoric performance . of Negro soldiers in Korea, Mr. , Marshall said. “It should not be forgotten, ; he continued that out the early phases of the war American troops, white as well ivs Negro, were retreating pre- C ?T J Z l onslaught l of the North Koreans. Yet I, have seen no reports indicating wholesale arrests and ions of white troops.” WE CATER TO YOU PER- \ OI R EXAMINATION OF YOUR EYES AND FECT FITTED FRAMES ASSURE Y(HI SATISFAC-| f TORY RESULTS. THE SAME COURTESY AND ATTENTION IS EXTENDED TO ALL. I TO SEE WELL | CONSULT I DR. M. SCHWAB’S SON t OPTOMETRIST i'\ i| 118 BULL STREET i/j DUNBAR BIG TURKEY DAY THRILLER ixOtiHuR the "House by the River," current attraction at the Dunbar Thursday onlv, November 23. Jane Wyatt and Louis Hayward are shown here in a scene from the thrill- ng Republic melodrama Blind Man i Rewarded for Saving Child (Continued from Page One) the Lord’s prayer. Then he went into the bathroom to wash his hands preparatory to getting lunch for her mother was awav. When he heard the little girl scream in the next room, he ran to her. Realizing that there was a fire, Mack thought the whole upstairs was in flame. When he grabbed Joyce he dis¬ covered that her clothing were on fire, so he fell to his knees and ripped the flaming cloth¬ ing from her body. He then seized blankets from the bed nearby and rolled her in them. Then realizing that only the little girl’s clothes were on fire, he carried them into the bath¬ room where he ran water over them n the tub to prevent iur- ther danger. It was later learned that the I child’s clothing was set on fire I while she was playing ’ with I matches. The blind man escaped with ( only burned hands for which he j refused treatment. Upon re -1 ceiving award, he declared the Times-Herald that it j | wa.. ■ “faith in God that gave me courage.” j The 46-year-old hero Iosl his sight three years ago, and that time has been unable to J w° m He stated that he I use the $1.00 award "VtoiT to the'sight help for j, to n Qne \ ' as as (ho the other n(hf „. is le be- . y 11 lca e _____ SHOW O/V NETWORK /uni/ -- j Continued from Page One ' i instrumental including George Wettl , druiTls . ’ Lee | f . ,, ’ . i . , U , Her orig nal composi u on8 1 Walltin . By Xhe River - and . j See A Mlllion People> .. pop _ ular song hits which both made thc „ hi , parade -. arc highligllt _ (>d aj so featured are songs which Una Mae recent i y re _ corded on Columbia and Victor records—“Mad About Love,” “I Bought Myself a Boo.r” and ' Frenzy.” The program is paced beau¬ tifully, Una Mae furnishing a wide assortment of vocals and piano instrumentals which dis¬ play the great versatility of her artistry. The ABC believes that they have discovered the out¬ standing voice of radio and are inaugurating an all-out nation- al campaign to bring Una Mae j recognl(ion propcr i y duc a grea t artist . of her calibre lt is p , anned pxpand thcse pro- ms lhal wm heard three tjmes we(>kly and at least a half hour or more for each pro _ gram and shc wU1 be in a to invite guest artists to » ^, arUcipate arid share the lim with her Hef hft tu „ e .., See a Mil]ion p , hag been revived wjth rocordm b Benny Goodman, Le Cab Cull()Wa lladda Brook bcing re ,eased by I thc major recording eom- panies. ____ DIAL 2-2946 FUL—SAT. NOV. 17 18 — BIG Ui:lH Kl.S -- 2 Will (Bill) Elliott in ‘HANDS ACROSS ROCKIES’ 2________ Buster Crabbe “BICEY THE KID WANTED” Added Serial -Comedy Sunday, Mo relay, Tuesday Nov. 10, 20, 21 Walt Disneu’s PRESENTATION OF Robot Louis Stmnson' pewure^ fsland^ I "ftP* Outiiliiiiri In MO Ml Prims. Inc. New First Run Hit! ”P0DY HGLD“ SERIAL — COMEDY VVID. ONI 4 NOV 22 S ON STAGE !) P. M. $ $ 2—EIC. EE ATT 'I?US-'— 0 ‘BEONDIE'S RIG DEAL’ __o _ _ “IN CHEYNNE" Added Short Subjects units only nov. ?: RIG TURKEY DAY FIRST RUN SPECIAL! ONE BIG DAI ONLY LOUIS HAYWARD LEE BOWMAN • JANE WYATT House ^ the River Added Serial and Comedy Dr. Bovd Sneak Here (Continued from page One) of the branch, said that ,|fl hopes a a large number of peonle y """ will respond 0 Ibe request for funds to ai J naJiv7s(n'riirr,mo fif J t / OT I / I ,r, ' :t, ‘^ 1 “ in his thal Re '" F J " "vson. paslor Bethlehem Baptist church will make a strong appeal for of the Ward fund. Dr ’ * s bead of the de- partment of political science Atlanta Universty and a well known news commentator Radio Station WERD. He will center hifi talk around Hoi ' a( ’'' a recent graduate of College and Atlanta University, who has has made made ap- plication for enrollment in the law school of the University of Georgia and who has refused to accept out-of-state aid on that he withdraw his Opening Date of Classes November 14 Y O II CAN DO PRACTICAL NURSING IN 2 Vi to 3 MONTHS WHILE COM¬ PLETING COURSE $120.00 FOR COMPLETE COURSE IN PRACTICAL NITRSING NO HIGH SCHOOL REQUIRED. ONLY TWO EVENINGS A WEEK Earn a liberal salary as an undergraduate within 2'/2 to .'5 months, and be a graduate in 5'/j to 6 months COURSE INCLUDES uniform, cap, notes, textbook, thermometer, diploma and use of all laboratory equipment. No age limit over 18. Day and evening classes now forming. Registration every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, 7-!) I*. M. Daily, Monday Through Friday , BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED—$10.00 DOWN, $5.00 WEEK Beaumont School of Practical Nursing 500 CHARLES ST. Phone 4-1964 SAVANNAH, GA. I EAST SIDE |THEATRE{ ____- DIAL -____ 3-6692 FRL—SAT. NOV. 17—18 ? MG DOUBLE PROGRAM t TIM HOLT in f % “STORM OVER WYOMING’ | .DAN ---2—- DUR YE A ! JOHN PAYNE “LARCENY" Serial — Comedy $$ PLAY WIN-0 .$$ FRIDAY NIGIIT Serial and Comedy SON.-MON -TT'F’S. Nov. 19, 2!). 21 2—RIG FEATURES—2 ? Touch & Terrific James Cagney’s :j: RIO NFW WARNER HIT i “KISS TOMORROW GOODBYE" _°_ . “CAPTIV G W ILD WOMAN” Added Short Subjects | VVF.r ONI I NOV 22 BARGAIN DAY j! 2—BIG HITS—2 Edward G. Robinson ' tr( Lan aster “ALL MV SONS" _____ 2 ________ FRONTIER RAHMAN” •(•Adults y, 20c Kids 05c ; _ t TIIITRF ONLY NOV 23 ... ;!;$$ •j" ON STAGE Sneeial !) Big P. M. IX TURKEY DAY PROGRAM :• Spend The Day With !X Paulette Goddard '|“ANNA | ■ LUCA ST A’ X SFRTAL COMEDY t ; :":"vvv"'.""',""'."":"v"'."vvv"t"'.""X""'.""'."vv">v J. C. School Challenges (Continued from Page One) was filed on May 17. | It is expected that testimony j by expert witnesses, such as was was introduced introduced in in the the law | school cascSi will be , at ( j ir )r j a i on on November 20. (Leaders in education, anthro- I pology and allied fields will be !)iesTnt at the lrial n>a(ly t,l 1 | j O F SAVANNAH ID EAST BAY ST. DIAL 2-2114 i “Substantial Dividends to all Policyholders’” i FIRE—WINDSTORM—EXTENDED COVERAGE ! PLATE GLASS t/Jii sevkw -—* A !<) THEATRE Dial .3-4720 FRL—SAT. NOV. 17—18 2—BIG HITS—2 Rod < ameron ‘‘Ross Of Boomtown” • AND • “Tarzan’s Desert Mystery” Serial — Cartoon Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Nov. 19, 26, 21 -FIRST RUN HITS—2 fcCWHOCOHl „¥«*(« Chalre Seott R& John i BMDY ■•4M.HAUU UfTIlM • AND » (’ora 11 Wilde “'Shockproof” News—Cartoon WED.—THURS. NOV. 22—23 SPECIAL HOLIDAY PROGRAM First Showing LT l ine and violent t search for $20,000,000 IN GOLO! * GLENN IDA « AND • Ritz Brothers “Argentine Nights’ FOOTBALL THRILLS j testify as witnesses. lawyers representing NAACP (the Negro parents and tax¬ payers of Clarendon County are j Huroid R. Boulwarc of Colum- 'bia, S. C.. and Special Counsel jThurgood Marshall and Assist. - jant Special Counsel Robert U. I Carter of the national office |.staff. I Other NAACP lawyers from Virginia and Georgia and |peeled 1 0 t her southern states are ex- to cooperate at the hear¬ ing, in view of the fact that j this will no doubt set the patt- ;ern for other cases now pending land those to be filed in the ' near futurc .I’.