The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, January 11, 1951, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 11* 1951 The Butterfly’s Trail By Albert Mary Thweatt THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “Majesty is in personality and not in position.” —Anonymous WARRICK—TOOMER NUPTIALS Solemn beauty permeated the atmosphere as nuptial rites were held for Jean Elizabeth Warrick and Clarence Douglas Toomer on December 27th at 6:30 in historic Beth-Eden Bap¬ tist Church with the pastor, the Rev. Levi M. Moore offici¬ ating. The Gothic Beauty of the church was enhanced by garlands of Christmas greenery draped about the gallery and entwined around the columns. White mums and a sprig of holly tied with huge white satin bows marked the reserved section. The rostrum was banked with palms and branched candelabras held gleaming tapers. Marie Antionette baskets of white chrysanthemums and gladioli flanked either side of the platform at the base of the pulpit where the vows were repeated. Mrs. C. M. Wells, organist, with Miss Rosemary Johnson, Mr. Robert C. Long and Mrs. Frank Simpson presented a program of wedding music. “The Lord’s Prayer” by Malotte was sung by Miss Johnson, “Because” by D’Hardelot was ren¬ dered by Mr. Long and Mrs. Simpson sang “I Love You Truly” by Carrie Jacobs Bond, the same selection she had sung at her aunt’s wedding which took place years ago. The bride was escorted by her cousin Mr. Frank Simpson to Albany, N. Y., who served in place of her brother, John War¬ rick, Jr., who was delayed because of plane difficulties. She' was a picture of loveliness in, her wedding gown of duchess satin with a deep yoke of Chantilly lace that extended into a broad panel to the hemline in front and a similar panel in the back through the center of the long flowing train. Sat¬ in covered buttons fastened the long pointed sleeves at the wrist. The tight fitting bodice joined the full skirt with a narrow row of corded satin. Her finger tip veil of three tiers of illusion was held in place with a tiara of orange blossoms and pearls. Her only ornament was a rhinestone pendant with matching earrings, a gift of her late father to her mother on the occasion, of their 25th Anniversary. She carried a satin covered Bible on which was a white orchid with a bridal cir¬ cle of stephanotis. bride, maid of Miss Alma L. Simpson, cousin of the was honor while Mrs. John Warrick, Jr., served as matron of hon¬ or. Samuel Toomer was his brother’s best man. The brides¬ maids were Miss Helen Howard of Washington, D. C-, Miss Net¬ tie Toomer, of Fayetteville, N. C. (sister of the groom i. Miss¬ es Janette Wilson, Myrtis James, Betty Rose Smith and Jua¬ nita Lavender. Little Sarah Patricia Bass and Beverly Ann Wallace were flower girls. Serving as usher-groomsmen were' King Johnson, Sterling Sarvin and Gordon Madison of Wash¬ ington, D. C„ William Alston. Jr., William Seabrook and Sam¬ uel Lester, Jr. gowned in floor length satin The bride’s attendants were back and dresses made with boat shaped necklines in a sweetheart design in front. The bouffant skirts fell in graceful folds over hoop skirts. They wore halos of match- in"- tulle. The maid and matron of honor wore moss green and carried bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums. The flower girls wore miniature designs of pink taffeta and carried pink nosegays of roses. of „„ roval oV Mrs. Warrick, mother of the bride, wore a gown blue crepe with a shoulder corsage of pink carnations. Mrs. Ada Cherry of Washington, D\ C., mother by proxy, of the groom, wore black crepe with a corsage of roses, illness of a grandchild, Mrs. Toomer was not able to come, Mrs Frank Simpson wore emerald green crepe with a corsa,ei cf red roses. Mrs. Birdie, paternal aunt of the bnd ~T w< ? r taffeta with a corsage of white roses. Mrs. Charlel * rose blue With corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Jenkins 1 a! McTver wore military a of of Atlanta chose black crepe with a corsage Whi beautiful reception was held in the After the ceremony, a later to lecture room of the church, the bridal party retiring Imm the home dkfmour. of the bride’s mother to witness the traditional Soon afterwards the happy couple boarded the Orange Blossom Special for their wedding l° uri ^- Warrick Jr did arrive in time to take them to the tram. Tnhn J wSSes inc uded Misses Julia Jewel Hunter, Colley Bertha Connie Lee Bogan Ida in S parker Rosalyn 3O. Payne. .Hiram McGheeEI J. Clarke James, L Mrs. Frank an* Miss tom D.°C., Mr^ ACMclver6fAtlanta. and Mrs. SamuelToon^ %' I'i Ga„ MesdameS Ada Cher- i r ahd J Howard EclWards, of Washimgton, King JohnsQm D. C Gordon Madison and Miss Helen t h at SEi°n P A°wWt“ gloves S.* S'cT engaged in government work. MRS ’ r S ’ L^charke ^Sss at a lovely affair ^ honor¬ £ ing Miss Claudia Zachary^who has been t e SffiwS making her home M i in SS NewYo7k New York a ™ now Clarke was made ^ lt e c h ^ U ; Y %e the lovely home of Mrs. placed bout b ea u t as s attrac- gladioli that weie i tempting as- tively ^orated table laden ^™ ^ olives, d’- sandwiches hot pea uts tuffed C elery, hor sorted cl8? topped wit h ice cream- 0U T- S ,,in ar by to honor Mrss Zachary were Mes- and iello. Those Those ca;mig ng Marie / , Ha^el, „ , Rosa Mae Perrin, Eloise dames Harper, Veronica Fiorence Arn^ Robmson N . Greene, Esther Warrick, way” dinf Glover Luci^ Mchnda’ Jc^^n^or^^^ Campbell, ^ Ida Smith> and Bertha Mad _ Shivery Smith. Josie Lee. ^fat Lucy W Wooten S°vlnnIh and y ° ur ^ i 1 f jJi e ^i th a ma jor 'with in Home Clarke, State College and lives Mrs. responsible for preparing the tasty menu. was DELTAS ENTERTAIN at the Marine. The local Christ p P ar ty ty (one of the local projects Hospital with a n s refreshments were' 5in detail in a separate am tide. THE LATE Tate MAR d "Son™ !himl?*honoring ^’b^giwn' the mem¬ ory of The Martil l ^o^^hurch^A 1 cT a lil? b^p^aced plaque In “She by 14th his at -,f •^ r® r ^d C t^ ^e c^ur Beach and Cuyler High organ School, o Mu-, sic will be fnrnkhed 5» n js b6d ®y bv the Peter Smalls and Mrs. y h . t i pn 0 f Prof. address. m Prof O L. Douglas will deliver the j parker r ( vv PRINCIPAL VISITS SCHOOLS HERE ,, *-"• „ Broad school ' ]'nf 1 the local white schools and East S6 n mss Bernice Freeman who is principal of the were visited m by High.Schod Miss «e «^Georg Georgia ^ State College for Demonstratlon Milledm Qeorgia Coun . Women at Sing Her visit was in connection with a^tudJd Xt is accomplished in the teaching of English. HERE AND THERE K Tobin w ho says that hubby’s' ship 6 lias ^recently N Sta* su?pri2d me with rSlMSeSSne necklace _ * d ”‘"* the hohday season . ^ r _o„ „, llv havinz a grant I time vis- M r in, New York and neighboring cities. ... r n ri friends surprised with “Stork Shower on last i\Trc: Mrs. Lev, i pvi Moore Moore su p a hen Her sister ^ Richard Moore, took Thursday. had &atheieQ ■i • a. me 3,-u J_ -------- • * ENGAGED — Mi s Constance Margurite Moseley whose en¬ gagement to Lester B. Johnson is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mr . Herman I.. Mosley. Count Social Club The Count Sodal Club met on January 7 at 'he home pf f he pre'ided.. 218 Fellwood homes. The following officers were re-elected: Beniamin fo- I Hte. Pres.: J. P. Culhpert, vice (Pres.; A. C. Smith, financial Secty.; Nathaniel Bmddv. treas¬ urer; Charles Washington, chairman: and Alonza Ellis, vice chairman. The newly elected officers are Vernoi Truell, recording bc- retary; J. C. Harris, Asst. Se"t: Come Sanders, chanlain; Wm. Lunnon and Mr. Baker are members. The next meeting will be held Jan. It at 6 p. m. at the hntne of J. P. Cuthoert. All members are requested to be present. Hep*- Hunting Climaxed At Mary’s Place Ossie Tavinr, president, ef the De°r Hunting Club of ten south eastern counties, stated recently the the dub eeripu a successful hunt at Harrv’- niaue. McTntosh. On . on Jan. 5. During this season f h° 23 members killed 15 deer. Tbe members of the drh Jolin- "te Willie Pdlard and Har-y son of Llbertvv Count v ' S. M Graham, 'William Graham and r»zeU Pare of Telfair County. O sie Taylor. Joe Taylor, David Tpvkn-} C B. Joyner. Archie Graham, Fenrv Graham. T L Fowler of B°nhill Countv; Eider J. W. Graham, and Archie W'i- rnx of Trwin Couhtv: T. R Riley of Coffee County; T. C William and P. Fluker of Ware County: Rev. T. J. Isom. Rev. A Easier, and Ralph Easier of Jeff Davis County: Wm. Bell and John Woodson of Appling Couniv; and G. W. Davis of Montgomery County. -! Liberty County citizens were fine hosts, providing fun and frolic that was enjoyed by the group. Each year we look for¬ ward to this season’s activity. Ozell Pace is treasurer and Joe Taylor is secretary of the club. Y Holds Board Meeting The election of the members of the Board of Directors oi the We t Broad Street YMCA was held yesterday, January. 10. Balloting was conducted in the lobby of the Y from 5:00 to 9:00 p. m. Donald Thomas is chair¬ man of the nominating com¬ mittee. You can’t judge a country by Wjhati itys opposing politicians say about each other. with gifts. Tune in WDAR at 5 o’clock this coming Sunday afternoon, f j- the Delta’s Founder’s Day Program duriing the Holsumi Hoiy. Appeal For March of Dimes Support Laura ^eleVac^anG^ P^iden^AK wlppa Alpha Sorority; Dr *Ar£ HJI Walk- sti'tute^Va.!*National^Pr^ident^Zeta^hl* Beta ^Sorority,^ Mr. with dollars Januarj 15-31. Presi-* dent National Bar Association. Join the March of Dimes Calling the 1951 March of Dimes an important aspect of America’s fight against disease, outstanding national leaders have issued an appeal for sup¬ port of the annual fund-raising campaign of the National Foun¬ dation for Infantile Paralysis. Among the endorsees for the March of Dimes, January 1.5-31 are; Attorney Raymond Pace Alexander, Philadelphia, Pa,; Attorney J. R. Booker, Little Rock, Arkansas, president, Na¬ tional Bar Association; Dr. Jesse M. Burnett, Forth Worth, Texas, president, Homer G. Phillips Internes Rlumni Asso¬ ciation; Dr. Felton G. Clark, Baton Rouge, La., president, Southern University, Rev. Tollie Caution, D. D., New York City, Secretary for Negro Work, Na- tional Council Protestant Enis- copal Church; Dr. Lawrence Davis, Little Rock, Ark., presi¬ dent, A. M. and N. College. Dr. Robert P. Daniel, Peters¬ burg, Va., president, Virginia State College; James C. Evans, Washington, D. C., civilian as¬ sistant to the Secretary of De¬ fense; Miss Althea Gibson, Tallahassee, Florida, national tennis star; Mrs. Ida Nance Givens, Baton Rouge, La., pres¬ ident, National Jeanes Super¬ visors Association R. A. Hester. Dallas, Texas. Supreme Chan¬ cellor of the Knights of Pythi- as; J. Martin Jacquet, For* I Worth, Texas, president, Texas HANDY^WILEY Mr. and Mrs. Jack Handy announce the marriage of their daughter, Hortense Annette, to Petty Officer Wendell Sauney Wiley. The ceremony took pljce Saturday evening, December 30, at 6 o’clock. Officer Wiley is the son of Mrs. Molcie Wiley of Meridian, Georgia. The bride is a graduate and of Savannah State College is now a teacher at Huieshnw iunior high school, Hine vide, Georgia. The groom, a graduate of Beacli-Cuyler high sd o is mw an aviation machini t mate in the United Slates Navy and Is stationed at Norfolk, Virgihia. Mrs. Richardson Entertained The Ladio.s Aid of Bolton St Church entertained evernl "nests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jones (Beatrice! in honor of Mrs. C. E. Richarison s birth- dav on Wednesday evening, Jan. 3 Owing to the illness of Mrs. Richardson, the party carried. A delightful time was enjoved and delightful refresh¬ ment"! were served. Many beautiful and useful nresents were received bv Mrs. Richard¬ son on Sundnv nfternoon at, her home many friends and members called and the part.v wn- continued who r e mere wore presented. Refreshments were se-ved bv Mesdames Sea- Vnnk. Webb, and Jones. present on Wednesu av w«ro Mesdames F,. H. Perrv, M. M. S’eabronk, Tnez Young, To--dan. Inez Webb, t. C. Hunt- Tones, B. Jones, M. E Jacl Cantv Tngram A. Broughton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Burke and Dea Jordan. Variety Flower Club The Variety Flower OavUon Rlub met at the home of fyfpq v iif copier, Sr., on East 37 street where the home was bpa-'tifuUv decorated with the holiday tree and seasonal flow¬ ers. The majority of the mem¬ bers answered roll call, after ‘he regualr buisiness. were oomph:ted for ,the first snniver arv in February which nromises to be one of the hi"h- liffhts of the season, featui*'" some things just, a little different. The club colors carried out on match lets which were presented each guest. The napkins monogramed also with club’s name. A very hour was spent, and felt the spirit of the renso j and the fellowship which binds together. Mrs. Mary is p e ident of the club Mrs. Ruth G. Scott, reporter. Gay Jollies Social Club The Goy Jollies Social held its meeting on Jan. 3. the home of the president. Mrs Md-y Warner, 514 West istreej. Much business we.s transacted and the were elected as follows: Mrs. Mary Warner; vice Mrs. Rose Martin; Sect., Annie Lee Smalls: A st. Mrs. Mattie Bell Collins: ancial Sect., Mrs. Capers; Treas., MLs Strain; chaplain, Miss Belty Primus:, clerk of order, Inez Jones; chairman, Frances Green; Reporter, Eva Jones. The club is a variety supper on Jan. 27 at 514 We t Wavne St. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Rose Martin, 602 West 38 street, on Jan. 10. NEWLY WED—Mr. and Airs. Clarence Douglas Toomer cutting their wedding cake after impressive church ceremony on De¬ cember 27th. See story in Buttcrflyte Trail. Photo by Frank S. S. On Monday afternoon. Jan. 1. M s. D. M. Williams of 639 West 36 street entertained for the S. S. club. The evening was spent very delightfully playing game and chatting. Afterward th«y were ushered into the din¬ ing room where a delicious past was served by Mi s. WjU- iams. Those who Mrs. enjoyed M. Lewis. the evening 'pre Caul W Mrs,'A. Hay-er, Miss. M. A L Rucker, Mrs. Ci Man- er, Mrs. L. Richardson, Mrs. C. 'Williams, Mrs R. Mancr. Mrs. E. Walthour. Membership Drive of Jordan Auxiliary The Auxiliary of Wm P. Jor¬ dan Post, No. 500, ended Its vear’s work by spon~oring a sea food supper at the home of its president, Mrs. Eugenia Gavn- or. The unit is now 11 gin" a member hip drive and urges all members cf the post to en¬ courage female members of their respective families to become members this year. ADplication blanks may be se¬ cured M.'l. by calling the secretary, Mrs. Williams. 3-6327. Tile next meeting this month will be on Tuesday, Jan. 16, at 2404 Harden St. Little Golden Dream Club This is the Little Golden Dream Club bringing you their news for the first time. We have our meetings every Monday, members. at the home of different We elected officers for the year 1951 as follows: President, Doris Smith; Sect., Delores Allen;; Treas., Louise Rivers; Reporter, Earlene Gadsden. We plan to have a dance and a yard party soon. The club is divided into 1 _ two groups for this activity. State Teachers Association; Mrs Laura Lovelace, Cincinnati, O. national president, Alpha Kap¬ pa Alpha Sorority; Mrs. Le- Count Matthews, Washington, D. C., president Women’s Aux¬ iliary to the National Medical Association; Dr. T. C. McFall, Charleston, S. C., member South Carolina Hospital Commission. Mrs. Harry Thomas, Seneca, S. C., president Women's Auxil¬ iary to the National Dental Association, Dr. M. L. Walton, Thoma:jville, Ga v , president, national Dental Association; Miss Ethel Waters, actress, and I Dr. Nancy Wooldridge, HamP- ton, Va., national president, Zeta Phi Beta sorority. Exclusive Art Club held its installation of officers Wedae - day night, Jan. 3. at the home of Mrs, J. B. McKenny. the af¬ fair being largely atlenr’<'d. The following officers were in¬ stalled by Rev. George Dingle: Mr-. J. B. McKenny, preside it; Mrs. B. Funny, vice president; Mrs. V. Gaynor, 2nd vice presi¬ dent; Mrs. R. L. Burrough, fi¬ nancial secretary; Mr . L. Freeman, recording secretary; Mrs. M. Harris, treasurer: Mrs. L. L Green, chaplain, and Airs. F. Bro'2c reporter After r'- 1 " ' >- Collation delicious refresh¬ ments w«’c served. Delias To Broadcast Founders Day Program Delta Siama Theta Sorority will celebrate its Founder) Day jvith a. radio program over Sta ¬ tion WDAR on Sunday after¬ noon, Jan. 14. at 5:00 p. m. An interesting mop-ram has been arranged with Miss Jaun ita Sellers, Instructor at Sa- vannah State College, delivering tend deepest regret to Mcs. the address. f'ONTIUBUTE TO CATHOLIC HOSPITAL CAMDEN, N. J.—Members of Phi Delta Kappa, National Sorority, have presented a cheek for $75 to Rev. Mother Paracleta, superintendent hospital, o' G>ur Lady of Lourde; as a contribution to the new instiution. The hospital is conducted un¬ der Catholic auspices. Florance School Everyone is happy to be b-p-k in school to continue working after enjoying the holidays We are going to work hard to make this a successful school vear. We miss our principal, Mrs. Willie G. Edwards, who is in the hospital recuperating from her illnes?. The faculty and students cx- Thompfion who e husband is reported missing in action in Korea. Junior Our school bank of America is selling savings stamps which we think is a vpry fine gesture. thank Mr, „ Hol¬ , We want to brooks and the health commit¬ tee for trying very hard to keep our building and grounds clean and attractive, and we feel that it is the duty of each class to help also. of . Lava Green, chairman public relations: Mrs. Jewel Freeman, advisor. SAYS MANY ARTISTS ARE DOPE ADDICTS CHICAGO, 111—If all Of the most gifted musicians who have been armfred, conviOed and imprisioned for being found with dope were assembled in one place, one of the greatest all-stair orchestras in the his¬ tory of the band business could be organized. band leader So says famous ei, Cab Calloway, in a signed article in the current issue of Ebony, Negro picture magazine, in which he blasts the use of dope among musicians being the most serious menace to the band business today. Calloway says the numbeT of performers who have' turned dope of one kind or another LOCALS Mrs. Mamie Campbell left i Saturday night for New York City after spending two weeks here visiting her sister and tVother-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Gray of 1813 Cuyler St. Mrs. Ella Maddox, sister-in- law of the late Mm. Fannie Holloway, is visiting in the city, the house guest of Mrs. A. E. Manes, on W. 47 street. Mrs. Henrietta Davenport has returned home after spending ; the holidays visiting relative, i and friends in Miami and Stu¬ art, Florida. j f s. Minnie G. Noble and i little Miss Ro lyn Ryals after ; returned to the city i spending the hoidays with rel¬ atives and friends in Miami : id Sturart, Florida. While in Mi¬ ami, Mr;. Noble was royally uY />/ HOMS' MOKE THAN HALE OF TVhS LUMBf R CAMf FROM StCCMV < 5 KOWTB FOSfF«TC m m UPk' V-' • FIRST AMFPiCAM COllFSE- DIE FLIP OF- A COIN IKAIMFP FORt'MEfeS WFRt. PETERMU4EP THE WAMlUG (nRAL'UAIED IM |QOO. OY POKTIAMQ, OFrt'GOhl * \WHFf4 EARLY SETTLERS y*** ONE OF 1 *IF HA-TtC'N'fi COULD MOT AOttFE 04 F ASK SI OKOILHH6 IWVS<>ic>i 45 . yMEIHER TO CALL TMEI^ AT iFA*->r 3 100 roxKrrfi-. #ke new cny “0 o5To»4'ok CMPl Oyf’P W CF ‘'PORTLAND* MQUtTRIfU T iMBfklAHP? 1 Ml 11/If 4 V / out % / PH OH ' € W INUtibl HlfM is “increasing at an alarming rate and now constitute; a v;ry sizeable minority. Many of these musicians are hopeles ly enslaved to the heavy dru"'; - morphine, heroin and opium. A; for marijuaVa, while per¬ haps not as serious as the other drugs, Calloway eo'vhes the popular belief that this drug, known as the ',reefer,” improves music ability. “I have lo ig known that marijuana injures rather than aids musictanshj.’T,” says the !Hi-De-Ho maestro. M Mv observmions proved to me that marijuana, or any other drug, weaken 3 a players per¬ formance because it slows down his reactions, muddles his thinking and distorts hi) tope.” Many lyoung musicians are rejecting the “reeffcrs” as not lend me a hand Real Estate Loans Consult us before making your Heal Estate Loans. We have h nulled real estate loans for 50 years. Loans made on various plans to suit your income it will be to your advantage tu see us first Southern Savings & Loan Company 19 East Hay Street Phone 2-2114 Assets Over $2,000,000 WE PAY 3% Certificates .. . 2% SAVINGS DEPOSITS ratn rm by all. She had the pleasure of going to Key West a fishing trip In the Gulf of Miss Janet Beadle, fashion igner of New York and New Jersey, returned to heir nome in Newark, N J., last Thursday after spending the Xmas holi¬ days here with her family. She i; the daughter of M s. Emma Moffett and sister of Mrs. Ruth White, Mrs. Marie Fuller, Mrs. Mozele Simmons, and Mrs. Sadie Ryles and also of Joe and Guy Hodge. Mrs. Beadle was royally entertained whjle here. Mrs. Mae Robin on of Battev State Hospital in Rome spent the holidays at home, 527 East Henry street. She will return to Rome next week. | of sufficient stimulant and taking on the far more danger¬ ous drug of “heroin,” say: Cal¬ loway. “Tills is not only dam- agiig the (reputation of the musician, bu„ 1; hampering him from getting a job,” he adds. Calloway pleads for an im¬ mediate check of the spread of the use of dope among musi¬ cians or face the possibility of “the jazz busine s destroying itself In a poisonous cloud of t marijuana smoke to the • inister | accompaniment podermic needle of ’pops,”; hec oiu hy¬ her ■ urges musicians on the rif-me 1 habit to take advantage of the (modern medical cure, lor swutS rehabilitation, and appeals to the the drug press to habit help of In it; stripping false ■' glamour.