The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, July 05, 1951, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
♦CIS? TWf) SI 1 ±J1 CH UR CH I I SaiiS_' KT £i» , I ' * :M.; j IS % •» . j •. \ ■ -s j a . , • 1 °NE Alt. AT CONNER S • I E—The Rev. W. W. Vvln head whose first year of pastor- rig at Con tier's Temple Baptist church will be celebrated begin¬ ning tonight (Thursday i and ending Sunday afternoon. The observance will be par- licip.ited in by several ns follows and bids fair to be very largely attended: Thurs- day night, July 5, Union Bapt. church, Rev. c. E. Young, tor; Friday night, Garvin Temple Baptist church, Rev. L. B Free, pastor; Sunday. 3 Baptist p h First Metropolitan pastor, church, Rev. L. G. Gibbs, The committee in charge of the celebration is composed of Dea. L. Washington, Dea. A. Austin, Beijinger, V. Murry, Dea. C. Brantley, Dea. E. Butler. L. Mosley, Dea. H. Jones, D. C. Brantley, Mrs. E. Reddick, Mrs. B. Drayton, Dea. E. ler, Mrs. J. Ross, Mrs. C. Allen, Dea. Freeman, Mrs. L. Tilson, Mrs. E. Lee, Dea. L. Gordon. St. Philip AME Church Dr. I. J. Johnson, D. D., pre¬ siding elder of the West Savan¬ nah district, held the I hird quarterly meeting at St. AME church Friday June 15. Devotional services were led by Pastor John S. KSt ^uXTSSm made time various charges and iv emarks. Moses Brown David Johnson were elected marshals and Mrs. Lillie G. Mason reporter for the papers The passing of five members for this quarter reported. Ms. I. J Johnson, wife of the presiding church- brought greetings from : s on the district. Sunday school was held at t. m. June 17 with the presid- ing elder reviewing the lesson, At 11:30 preceding the morning message Mrs. Lillie G Mason presented five small boys in recitations. Jackson Joyce cred a vocal solo in honor of Father’s dav. The presiding el¬ der delivered he sermon. service was closed with a orial selection led by Dr. honoring the memory of James F. Butler, trustee emeritus. congregation stood facing •window where his Mrs. Mary A. Brockington, his name inscribed and had placed a large basket of gladioli At night the presiding eider delivered another inspir¬ ing sermon. Amount raised by stewards and trustees for quar¬ ter, $3,567 88 Collected for sick and needy, $138.62; paid pastor, gl,6ft0 8f. SEE PAUL and ANDY For Ignition, Starters, Generators and Phone 2-022! Carburetors THERE IS A P EACE There is a peace which every soul may find The moment troubled thoughts are left behind. There is a peace that battles cannot take, There is a peace which only Love can make. This peace is ours—no matter where we roam, Through foreign lands or paths that lead us home. The Shepherd’s tender hands would bless each sheep And give that peace which only Love may keep. Sidney A. Jones Fu neral Home 511 West Waldburg Street 1 , Savannah, Georgia J PHONE 4-7226 RES. PHONE 2-3006 Evarnri lical Minis¬ ters Un ion ir ^*tf? ! The rri ?u!ar order of business was ca ” bed forward at the meeting c f the Evangelical Min- mers Union Tuesday by Pres, and Vice President A D. Pow¬ ell and I. T Johnson. . - The Rev. S. C. Thornton, pas- tor of St. James AME church gave echoes from his visit last week to Mu sissipoi where he and family ..spent a few days with relatives;. The usual reports by were made and a committee nan ted to appear at the Baptist Bimtherhood as a Committee on Civic affairs to j work jointly, i The program for next ( day noon will t»e the of the dis mission of the independence message nd bv table Rev s c Thornton a round , k ]( , d by Rev , fr w Stephens, Church Administration. Rev. J. S. Bryan reported that 400 boys and gltl is are in at- tendance at the Bible school hP j ne , conducted at St. Philip AME church Rev. w w Ste- p bens invited tin? members out < b[ Rjshop y/ r. Wilkes at I , ar St. PhiliD Monumental AME j church, Sunday, July 15, 11:30 | a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Members reporting on the f, n v» Feast Issue are Revs R j Richards, Hoace Nelson and M * J ‘ ^ es ^ er ' ( Members answering the rob i call were Revs. A. n Powell, t I J Johnson. C. P. Hobb*. W. w Rtpnhens, a. c. Thornton, R. | n, « bards, Horace Nelson and M r»rn r an, ,T <3 Middleton. S Vt '"’rr-'t. ,t w. Maxwell and W. O. I P. Sherman. j ’ B. H. C. Workers r>i'Her Tn-irria Christian Work¬ er- Monday of, the Vonntr AdetnbfR hall ^focb hii c inp‘m was transacted The next, mpet- Inc will h» O’- Tnlv 1 c Rntipr, Pres.; Marv Evpns. fin¬ ancial Sep • Ha f Hp RpHedop recording Sec Feme! Olascn Treas.. and Edna Roberson, reporter. __ S'- -'"»>■> Cturch Tli e r°"olar 8 er v, o*«! were b-H q,y , OT1f1 church with the pastor in champ. a>r V |, r at, a arm an m TbpreHav r.««vht ■ mpptlwr a* 7 ?n Pinr* for th« Sunrlov school nicnic hav» boon I rnmnideri. U will ho ,Tn1v?i: admission. cents. The truck- will leave the church aunriw | 10 no ” m. Stindav nieht, TW I the Succession sino-pra win nonear. Rev, J J. Dinkins is I p as t or j . - 4.__ bllliwrer* u; ; . Wives whe T-iprdenomlnntional Min- i-to-a wivps AUiauco met i n t- r-ni-Ohlv fOsHon at *hp rPaldpnea Mr- W O P Sherman 625 Wp't 4 , * 1 d stree*'. Fridav after¬ noon. The usual business and fpllmvshin wpre enioved The meeting was presided over bv Mrs. T E. Rlblev ore'-ldent T 6 <- alliance arranged to 0-0 to Frnnswlrk at a^ ear'v date on their annual outing A highlight, was also to give five hoys as .«!.stance to help them in their Bovs’ dub. Several of the members were reported still on their summer vacation trips. A renast was sprved at the close of the meeting. Among the number in attandance were Mesdames T. E. Siblev, M. Gibbs Lottie M Blake, M L. Hobbs, 1 Relalia Wright. Annie M. Mill- I en, Bertie Cleveland, Grace I Daniels, P Stephen, M. Sjears, H. B Stokes, ; J. C. L. Johnson, • Bessie Burke, Ella Mae Steph¬ ens and Edith C. Sherman. Central Bapt. Church Wm. Danielr pastor. The week’s activities were well attended, beeinning on Wednesday nieht with the ushers’ annversary when the historv was read by Mrs Laura Phillips. Saturday night a seafood sunner was I given bv the church. The family \ and friends of Mrs. Grace Will¬ iams whose funeral was held from the church on Tuesday j have our deepest symoathy. At the communion services the menage wes “The Accomplish¬ Jerusalem”! ment of Christ at Rev. Streater was with us all dav and Rev. I.adson. Mrs. 1 R heat ha Roberts Is home to her friends and members at 76dV, E. Bolton fit., after an operation at Charity hospital. | Baptist Ushers Union 1 On July j 9 , jo, and 11 the Baptist Ushers Union will cele¬ brate its 19th anniversary at Tremont, Baptist church. Regu¬ lar meeting and election * of oi fleers will be on Monday night and installation and anniversary sermon will be delivered by Rev. Benton. Ail friends are invited to attend a fine program for vour enjov- ment. Deacon Jackson is presi¬ dent. Vacation Bible School 4f Tremont Tremont Temple Baptist church vacation Bible school will be held Julv 9-20. Special oreparation has been made for this project with a well trained staff of instructors. Rev. J. M. Benton Is pastor of the church and Angela Weaver, re¬ porter. Laymen's Bible Class The Laymen’s Bible Class, West Savannah, closed a suc¬ cessful quarter at the home of Mrs. Frances Johnson, 224 Eagle street. Friday night, June 29. The lessons based on the In¬ ternational Sunday school out¬ lines, Droved interesting, and several new members have joined the class. The class will meet during month of July, beginning Fri¬ day night, July 6 , at the home of John Lester, 205 Mclntvre street. All interested in the study of the Bible rfe invited to meet with the class. lernsalem Baptist Church 45 St. W, Rev E. B. Bovd, nastor. The “church conven¬ tion,” sponsored by the Miss¬ ionary Club Thursday night, Tune 21, captivated an audience of members and friends. Mrs. Leola King, president of the convention, and her staff of officers carried out every detail of the meeting like a real con¬ vention. The various commit¬ tees made splendid reports, es¬ pecially the badge and enroll¬ ment committees. Mrs. Marv R Matthew made the Introduction, “God’s Prom¬ ises,” and Mrs. M. S. Willis made the closing address, “God Wants Service.” Both subjects were well delivered. Mrs. Iona Griffin, president, of the Miss¬ ionary Club, made remarks with words of appreciation for the cooperation given, after which the pastor closed out with words of encouragement. Sunday services were well attended. The pastor delivered both messages. His morning subject was “Jesus, a True Friend.” and the evening sub ject. “Lord, Deliver us from Sin.” Rev. Brown was among the many visitors present. mr savannaij TiucrNr: Evangelist Cleveland To Lecture Evangelist H. L. Cleveland. B. A., of Chattanooga, will Dresent a series of stirring prophetic lectures in the audi¬ torium of Ramah school, 41 and Burroughs Sts., beginning Mor„- dav night, July 9, at 8 o’clock. Vital prophecies pertaining to present day events will be un¬ folded nightly except Saturday through July 22 by this brilliant voung preacher. The first of these subjects, to be presented Monday night, is "Red Russia in Bible Propheev—Can Stalin Succeed Where Hitler Failed?’’ Preceding the lecture each night an inspirational song ser¬ vice will begin at 7 45 featur¬ ing both the old and new in favorite hyms. All seats are free. City-Wide Talent * fj Program A city-wide talent program will be presented Sundav even¬ ing, Julv 8 , at 7:45 o’clock in the auditorium of Ramah Da- rochial school, 41 and Bur¬ roughs Sts. Musical selections, both instrumental and vocal, recitations and other presenta¬ tions will be heard. An un¬ usual treat will be the rendering of beautiful music on an ordin¬ ary carpenter’s saw. This program, under the di¬ rection of Mrs. L. C. Cook, is being sponsored by the Miss¬ ionary Volunteer Society, a vouth organization. Admission is free but proceeds from the offering will be used to finance a major project of the society. The public is invited. Bethel AME Church Sunday school was at Bethel AME church by Mildred Hutchins, acting Supt. At 11:30 a m Pastor A. D. Powell preached on the “Lost Opportunities,” followed by communion. At night the pastor spoke on “The Way.’ Many visitors were pres¬ ent. The babv contest snnnsorpri bv the Gosenl chorus will off in August and the bus trip to Fernandina snonsored bv the Rose of Sharon club, will take place on Julv 25 The Sr. choir anniversary will be held at the church on Mon¬ day ni<*ht. Julv 30. Thp Sr. choir business meeting will be held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Cora Roberts, 915 East 38 street. Bant. Ministers Alliance The Baptist Ministers Alliance of S'aannah met on Tuesday at Tabnrnaele Baptist church, Dr. H W. Wilburn, president, nre- slding. Devotions were conduct¬ ed bv Rev. p Roberts and in¬ vocation bv Rev. L. L. Small ‘ fol lowed by the various coro- mittee reports. Rev J. H. Ellison announced that the institute would open in Atlanta at Morehouse col¬ lege. Dr. Sandv Ray of New York and Dr. Vernon Johnson and others constitute the fac¬ ulty. Rev. D. Walker reported that he is leaving the city to live in New Jersey. The order of the dav was to have been an address on juve¬ nile delinauency from a repre¬ sentative from the court, but he was called out of the city unexpectedly. for Brethren, the programs the vear’s work are out. You are renuest. 8 to secure vour indi vldual books from the secre¬ tary, Dr. E. N Bunn. The following were present at the meeting: Drs. H. W. Wil¬ burn, E. N Bunn, R. Brown. J H. Ellison, R Roberts. F. Bonds, W. M K Miller, D. Walker. L. L. Small, C. E Young, J H. Mar¬ tin, Ward Washington, E. J. Ovson, G. iV Carter" and L M. Moore, cenference reporter. Beth-Eden Bapt. Church At Beth Eden Baptist church, Gordon and Lincoln streets, l^ev. Levi M. Moore, minister, the church school was held at the regular hour. Deacon Jas. T. Edwards, superintendent. The morning services were conduct- ”d bv the pastor who sDoke on :*he subject “The Four Horses.” The Lord’s supper was observed in the evening by a large con¬ gregation. The pastor spoke briefly. Many of our dear ones rre going i;wav f or vacation There will be a special Men's day program Sunday, July 15. at 1 11:15 a. m. and at 8 n. m. Dr i E. J. Smith will speak in the morning and at night J. S 1 Jenkins, executive secretary of j the YMCA, will be the speaker “KID FROM TEXAS” Gale Storm is a real storm cen- ter in Universal-International’s Technicolor "The Kil From Texas”. Audie Murphy, Amer¬ ica’s most decorated hero of World War II, plays Billy the Kid, and Dorothy Harf IS* also co-starred. Playing Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, July 8, 9, 10. i ! IN MEMORY ' BEATTY - In memory of MISS MOZELLE H. BEATTY j who departed this life one year j God saw tiie road was getting rough, The hills were ard to climb; He gently closed your eyes and AT d Whispered, “Peace be thine.” Our thoughts drift far away Since God has called you home. Deap in our hearts lies a picture Worth more than silver or gold. It’s a picture of you, rpy darling, Whose memory will never grow old. Sadly missed by A devote dmother, Mrs, Emma Beatty Savannah, Ga. Sisters, Mrs. Viola Boggs Allenhurst, Ga. Mrs. Mary Wright Orlando, Fla. Miss Anna Beatty Miss Beatrice Beatty Savannah, Ga. Mrs. Juanita Henderson Ft. Lauderdale. Fla. Mrs. Willie Pearl Geiger •nocT ‘a fmp ‘ OanO'l Philadelphia, Pa. Brothers, wir. .niDnnie Beatty Mr. Cleveland Beatty Mr. Noah Beatty, Jr. Pembroke, Ga. Rev. J,. H. Beatty Mr Rufus Beatty Philadelphia, Pa. JOHNSON—In loving memory/ of our beloved mother and grandmother, MRS. CHARLOTTE JACOBS ! JOHNSON who departed this life July 7, l 1949. j When we think of Mother | How she spent her days, ORlD °f pOpB> DUK ViO HAUZH MM 50 et-K Caspsk, rW* yyyo ©NlONS 60 RED AND GREEN POR PARTIES. COLORED AU_ MtPlEVAL PAY'S ONLY THE WAY THROUGH, THEY CAN _ PRIVILEGED %£ SLICED OR SkEWFEED MOBILITY WAS C»4 TO EAT LETTUCE-. TOOTHPICKS. JU IACNSP Kutiand su he. sum* a?e. ST pi $5fcAkE ALL VOUR SUMMER MOLDED SALADS PARTY PRETT/ BY DECORAT¬ -tfhE FIRST ENGLISH INM, ESTABLISHED OF WHICH ING THROUGH WITH REAL PASTKV MAYONNAISE,FORCED TUBE. THERE IS A RECORD,WAS A TO SERVE MEALS TO SEAFARING OUTLINE LOAF WITH RIBBONS OP A'V.N WHO WERE IN LONDON WITH REAL MAYONNAISE OR CRISSCROS4 NO TIME TO EAT HOME. IT TO MAKE INTERESTING CYSI6NS _ 17 W!U PAY tS.OC FOP PACH STRANGS FOOD FACT SUBMITTED AND USED. I'B-r.r /\ y'O”** *a.- o“ v '■”>-"i 104 F-Kt /io*L c. rr a» vriwen’' « * j “Red Russia In Bible Prophecy” *; CAN STALIN SUCCEED WHERE HITLER FAILED? H EAR , f EVANGELIST H. L. CLEVELAND EXPLAIN THIS VITAL PROPHECY MONDAY, JULY 9, 1951, 7:45 P. M, RAMAH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 41st and Burroughs Streets INTERESTING SUBJECTS NIGHTLY 8:00 O’clock TUESDAY, JULY 10—“The Three Heavens! To Which Are You Headed?” WEDNESDAY. JULY 11—“The Man Who Was Buried Alive And Lived To Tell About It.” THURSDAY. JULY 12—“The Devil Behind The Church Door” FRIDAY. JULY 13—“The Battle For Bread When Monev Will Be Thrown In The Streets And No One Will Pick It Up.” SOUL STIRRING SONG SERVICE 7:45 P. M. » ALL SEATS FREE Loving, serving, giving, Sweet in all her ways; Never a mother so lovely, Vo ver a woman so rare! That we may follow her foot¬ steps Dailv we tnke our prayer. Sadly missed by Devoted son Mr. Theodore E. Johnson, Sr. Daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mamie L. Johnson Grandson, Pvt,. Theodore E. Johnson, Jr. Fort Dix. N. J. Granddaughter, Mrs. Mary J. McGee Niece, Mrs. Mabel Hutchinson JOHNSON—In loving memory of CPL. HERMAN NORMAN JOHNSON, SR. wh odeparted this life two years ago today, July 3, 1949. He bade no one a last farewell Before we knew he was gone, His loving heart just ceased to beat He said goodby to none. Our hearts are filled with sad ness, Our eyes shed many a tear. God alone knows how we miss him At the end of two long years. Sadly missed by A devoted mother and fath- er Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lovett A loving wife, Mrs. Klvena Johnson Two daughters, Two daughters, one son, two aunts, one uncle, Sisters and brothers CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Liiiie Jones wishes to thank signs, cards and cars donated, her many friends, Rev. J. S Bryan, Dr. M. P. Sessoms, Sid ¬ ney A. Jones Funeral Home ancl especially her neighbors for their many acts of kindness during her illness and passing, and for the beautiful floral de- CARD OF THANKS ^ rs - Jennie Williams, th& widow of the late Rev. G. W.. Williams of Sylvania to thank her many friends; for the cards, telegrams, flow- and other expressions sympathy during her recent bereavement <* * TO WORSHIP BAPTIST ABYSSINIA BAPTIST CHURCH 34th and Ogeechee Road Rev. G W Carter. Pastor Phone 3-5U6 ALL PEOPLES NEW CENTURX W0 Harmon Street Rt-T. E N Bunn, Pastor Phone 0847 ........ BAY ST BAPTIST CHURCH President and Popular Streets Rev L. u Free, Pastor Phone n-4974 BSriR EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH Lincoln and Oordnn Streets Rev Levi Moore, Pastor Phone 2-4801 BETHLEHEM BAPTIST CHURCH 702 West Park Avenue Rev. E J Dyson r-astor Phone 3-9040 BOLTON ST BAPTIST CHURCH Bolton and West Broad Streets Rev C. E Richardson, Pastor Phone 3-7954 BROWNSVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Harden Near 39th Street Rev J. M Butler, Pastor Phone 5570 CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH Hull and McAllister Streets Rev. W M Daniels. Pastor Phone 2-2834 CONNOR’S TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH 509 West Gwinnett Street Rev. W W Whitehead, Pastor Phone 4-2022 EMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 510 East Hunttnsrdon Street Rev. J C McMillan, Pastor Phone 3-7353 FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH Phone 8-6597 Montgomery and St Julian Streets Rev R. M Gilbert Pastor FIRST TABERNACLE BAPT. CHURCH 310 West Alice Street Rev. H. W Wilburn, Pastor Phone 5885 FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH East Savannah Rev w C Cunningham, Pastor Phone 3-8169 F T RST BRYAN BAPTIST CHURCH 575 West Bryan Street Rev. R M. Williams, Pastor Phone 5911 FIRST EVERGREEN BAPT. CHURCH Rev. E A. Capers, Pastor Phone 2-0417 Gwinnett Near East Broad Street FTRST FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH Wheaton Near Harmon Street Rev. O R Conner Pastor Phone 3-8076 FTRST JERUSALEM BAPTIST CHURCH .. . 221 W 45 Street Rev E. Boyd, Pastor Phone 5918 FIRST MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH Reynolds and 31st 8tree4; Rev L. W. Stevens, Pastor Phone 3-8563 FIRST METROPOLITAN BAPTIST GHT7RCH Walker Street and Lumber Lane Rev. L. G Gibbs, Pastor Phone 3-2895 FTRST MT BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Fahm Street Rev R J Ollffln Phone 4-6766 FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH Hudson HU! Rev A J Flewellen, Pastor Phone 3-2642 HAPPY HOME BAPTIST CHURCH Ott Street Rev. L. L. Smalls. Pastor Rhone 7808 BRAMPTON BAPTIST CHURCH Hall Street, Woodvllle Rev W S. Scott, Pastor Phone 3-3193 JERUSALEM BAPTIST CHURCF Richard and Baker Street.' Rev. S. L Archer Pastor Phone 3-7848 I.ITWA f BAPTIST CHURCH Thunderbolt MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHITRC Randolph and Jackson Streets Rpv w B Murray, Pastor Phone 3-4072 MT TABOR BAPTIST CHURCH Henry and East, Broad Street/ Rev. J. H. Martin, Pastor Phone 2-3963 MT HERMON BAPTIST CHURCH 545 West York Street MT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH West Broad and Waldburg LaEs* Rev J. Q Adams, Pastor Phone 2-0928 NEW MOON BAPTIST CHURCH Randolph Street Rev. James Ballty, Pastor Phone 3-3089 PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH 528 West Huntingdon Street Rev. J. J Dinkins, Pastor Phone 3-4312 .... ST LUKE BAPTIST CHURCH 512 Berrien Street Rev W C. Cunningham Pastor Phone 3-8169 ST PAUL BAPTIST CHURCH Waters Avenue and Culver St. Pev A E Haglns, Pastor Phone 3-4808 SECOND ARNOLD BAPT CHURCH Arnold near Broughton Street Rev. Qeoree Dingle Pastor Phone 2-0850 SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH 124 Houston Street Rev. E. G. Quarterman, Pastor Phone 3-6163 SECOND EBENEZER BAPT. CHURCH Rev. w M K. Miller, Pastor Phone 2-5065 ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH Hertrldge Rev. Street E O. S. Cleveland. Pastor Phone 2-1060 SECOND MT ZION BAPT. CHURCH 34 Blsmairk Court Rev. Frank L. Wright. Pastor Phone 9996. Res 1606 Randolph St THANKFUL BAPTIST CHURCH West Broad and Bolton Streets Rev. H P. Grant, Pastor ICE AND COAL Savannah Ice Delivery Co Dial 8158 >■ Monroe Funeral Directors 611 WEST BROAD STREET PHONE 2-4106 — 2-3252 Savannah, Georgia MONROE ON DUTY-NIGHT and DAY ESSIE MONROE EDWARDS, Prop. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1951 TELFAIR BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W Bordous. Pastor Phone 4-6298 TREMONT TEMPLE BAPT. CHURCH Park Avenue and West Broad St. Rev J. M Benton, Pastor Phone 2-4509 TRUE LOVE BAPTIST CHURCH Gwinnett Near Prlre at.reet Rev Fred'il" Bonds. Pastor Phone 2-4051 .M3 UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Berrien Street Rev L. c Sapp, Pastor Phone 4-2944 WILMINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH Thunderbolt Rev. E. A Capers Pastor Phone 2-0417 ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J B. Bates Pastor 262 Perrlll St. Phone 3-6948 CATHOLIC ST. ANTHONY’S MISSION 112 Fell Street Father John Galvin, Rector Phone 5258 ! ST BENEDICT’S CATHOLIC CHURCH East Broad and Gaston Streets Father J. Feeley, Rector Phone 7251 * ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 906 West 36th Street Father B. H. Kohane, Rector Phone 2-4751 CONGREGATIONAL FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHUROF Taylor and Habersham Streets Rev. A. C. Curtrlght, Pastor Phone 3-5917 EPISCOPAL ST. MATTHEW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Anderson and West Broad 8treets Father G H. Caution, Rector Phone 3-2636 METHODIST ASBURY METHODIST CHURCH Duffy and Abercom Streets Rev. J, H Taggart, Pastor Phone 3-6019 BETHEL AME CHURCH Fast Broad and Bolton Lane Rev. A D Powell Pastor Phone 9981 DAVIS MEMORIAL AME CHURCH 34th and Randolph Streets Rev. T. Thomas, Pastor FLIPPER CHAPEL AME CHURCH Cohen Near Berrien Street Rev. J. L Slbert, Pastor Phone 3-6898 i GATNES CHAPEL AME CHURCH 630 Ma'-nolla St. Rev. S. W Orant, Pastor Phone 3-3468 HANNAH CHAPEL AME CHURCH Waterworks Rev. Horace Nelson, Pastor Phone 2-0539 MT. ZION JERUSALEM AME CHURCH Augusta Road R.i.v Joseph R Campbell, Pastor 1009 Battery St., Phone 3-8060 PALEN METHODIST CHURCH 35tli and Burroughs Streets Rev. J. E. Spears, Paswr ST. JAMES AME CHURCH 236 Arnold Street Rev. S. C. Thornton, Pastor Phone 2-2423 ST. LUKE AME CHURCH Joe and Ott Streets Rev. O. H. Stokes, Pastor Phone 3-6357 ST. MARY’S AME CHURCH East Savannah Rev W. H Malone. Pastor 812 East Hall Lane ST. PAUL CME CHURCH West Eroad and Maple Street* Rev. T. N Sibley Pastor Phone 3-2849 ST PETER’S AME CHURCH Tatemvllle Rev. William Green. Pastor ST. PHILIP AME CHURCH Charles and West Broad Street Rev. J. S. Bryan, Pastor Phone 3-2083 ST. PHILIP MOUNMENTAL AWL 560 Hull Street. West Rev. W. W. Stevens, Pastor Phone 3-2854 ST. THOMAS AME CHURCH 49th and Burroughs Street* Rt v. C. S. Stripling, Pasto. Phone 3*5031 TOWNSLEY CHAPEL .ME CHURCH Eagle and Church Streets Rev. J. P Lampkln, Pastor Phone 669J PRESBYTERIAN BUTLER MEMORIAL PRESBYTERUH CHURCH 230 East Broad Street Rev. P A. PatterBon, Pastor Phone 6005 BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Jones and Lumber Sts. Rev. J. P Stevens, Pastor Phone 4-8087 SANCTIFIED HOUSE OF PRAYER 643 Blsmark Street Rev. Lawson Elder Phone 9137 BIBLE WAY CHURCH 760 East Bolton Street holiness FIRSTBORN CHURCH OF TH» LIVING GOD Hopkins and 39th Streets Rev. O. R Richardson, Pastor FIRST BORN CIrURCH OF TH* LIVING GOD 1010 East Gwinnett St. Rev. John Roberts, PasSor Phone 2-2728 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 41st and Burroughs Streets Eld D E. Davis, PasfCr 3-9114