The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, January 03, 1952, Image 2

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AME’s To Hold District M The Sava the I AME churc Jls-' trict Counc the | ministers at the ’ ril trict in a n at Rt Jamas A mold ' St Rev S C. Thornton, host i pastor, Wednesday Jan. 9, at < 10:30 a. m. j P."Sherman, ________ Rev. W. O. the | elder ot the district ; presiding ’ will be associated by other pre¬ siding ciders of the Georgia conference and visitors from the other district The progra e new con¬ ference year • announced by Elder She he council sermon will t .ched at 11 a. m. by Rev. Israel Lessenger, pastor at St. James AME church, Meldrim, assisted by Rev. L. T. Howell of the Middle- branch mission, Millhaven. The pastor and his committee will serve dinner at 2 p m. The council will adjourn at 3:30 p. m. Ta 1 'hurch rr ■ r th h JUS "") 1 and finally yvne peoples’ exercises TsV-rarJe Baptist church Santa visited them in the unit on Wednesday night. young folk were under the pervision of Mesdames Butler, L. Wilson, A. Graves E. Blue for this program. gratulation'' are in order for and Mrs. Jerome Hamlett. blessed cent occurred weeks ago. Last rites were for Sis. Ella Gibson on She was one of our oldest bers. An appreciation will be tendered the by Rev. and Mrs. Wilburn their residence on Friday Emancipation services are held lwth our church this The City-Wide Ushers were guests on Sunday when splendid program was SCIENCE and HEALTH MENINGITIS VHOS PNEUMONIA ,-| pinwohms krw---- Jsalth for Children Scientists all over the world I j are conducting clinical work with terramyciij, newest wide-range antibiotic, to test the effect of the earth-mold drug on the dis¬ eases of childhood. Here are some of the results to date: Meningitis—Terramycin brought about complete -ecovery in 14 consecutive < •* ro-spinal men¬ ingitis path < ys a Chicago medical rept nay prove to be the ideal tor this grave epidemic disease _tting the u$ual sulfa treatment by three days. Virus Pneumonia — U.S. Amy elect —* !n Germany treated 160 ■—100*1 Titymts with Bapt. Ushers Union The Baptist Ushers Union was highly entertained on Sunday at their flflh Sunday gathering al flrst Tabernacle Baptist church. An enjoyable program was rendered by the ushers, The main address was made by Rev wi lburn, pastor, who spoke on the subject, ‘ Efficiency.” The union will give an oyster roast on Feb. 15 at the in nr of Mr. and Mrs. DeV > 1511 Grove St. The regula wll lbe Monday, Ja> Bethlehem church. A are aEked t0 be P re CENTRAL BAPTIST Hull and McAlister Wm. Daniels, pastor, vices during the we*, highlighted by beautifu carols. At 11 o’clock the Jr choir rendered one of the best programs of the year, and at 8 o’clock the Gospel chorus rend¬ ered the program. Both were for the benefit of the Sr. Mis¬ sion. Sunday will be our 1st communion. Mrs. Anna Ben¬ nett has been added to our sick list. Among our visitors was Cpl. Warren Brown who was home for the holidays. COLLINS By Thomas Williams Dea. and Mrs. D. J. Norward Den. S. J. Johnson, Mrs. Lule M. Jackson and others attend ed the Union meeting at the Green Cypress Baptist church, Claxton. Miss Lena Baker and daugh¬ ter, Melzina, have returned af¬ ter spending Xmas with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Al¬ bert Baker, of Brunswick. She joined her sister and accom¬ panied her back home where she spent a few days with her in Savannah, , . Mrs. Penolia _ Hun- „ ter. I want to thank the many friends of Collins for their kindness and sympathy during my hour of sadness. D. L. Sur- rency who was killed in Ger¬ many, Nov. 5, 1951. Nettie Washington. Quite a few attended the New three antibiotics, conch: : 1 ter ramycin is ‘‘the drug.....a for infants and childre Whooping Cough — Seattle and Provide that whooping cough disease responsible to; deaths in the first six life, responds to terran apy. The antibiotic sh whoop stage by 60 per Finworms—An Amerii ical team in Haiti repor. tients found terramycin - —and “considerably more .... able’’—than the usual p violet treatment. Pinworm in. tion is found throe "he”*, the v Thomas Usher Board ’ St. Thomas Sr. tfeher Board] hold its first meeting of | year at the home of Pres. E Johnson, Wed, Jan 9. officers and memebrs are to be present. Pres., K. Johnson; Secretary, L. Dent-gall. 7 rim Bapt. Church weekly activities at Pil- ipt. church, Rev. J. J. pastor, were carried pre-arranged, including •ly morning services con- i by the pastor with j by the senior choir. The •h school was largely at- ed under the supervision of Cassle Kelly. The service (■ the day was in the hands of Rev. Oscar Chaplin who de¬ livered two inspiirng sermons. Among the visitors was Sis. Jannie Frazier of Burton, S. C. The Deacons and Deaconessess boards will meet Sunday, Jan. 6, at the church at 5 p. m. Year’s tree sponsored by the Women’s Benefit Society of Collins at St. Boykin AME church, Mrs. Maggie Dunston, deputy, Mrs. Lula M. Jackson, president. Mrs. Maggie Dunston is im¬ proving after being sick for quite a few days. MARQUES HAYNES GETS DRAFT CALL SAND SPRINGS', Okla.-fAN- P)—Marques Haynes was called to report to the local draft board, No. 75, for a physical ex¬ amination this week. Results of the examination were not obtained. Haynes has Just begun his first year as captain of the WQrld famous H arlem Globe- trotters Basketball team. DfiiAES i id fhe TRIBUNE To Your Friends for a NEW Y EAR’S GIFT Yr. $3.00 - 6 Mot. $2.00 ,wv i.xSftri IhloUm 1WO PAIRS A ' j/ J \r gar. Tlfri Frank and Larry (left and far right) and Tommy and Joan (center), St. Louis, Missouri, are brother and brother, and brothc and sister. All were stricken by polio. March of Dimes mono provided for their care and treatment. Join the March of Don with doll ars, January 2-31. _ _____ BOYS AT FARM ENJOY MRS. HODGE’S XMAS PARTY By Joseph Welcome, Sr. For 18 years Mrs. Henry W. Hodge has sponsored and con¬ tributed enormously to the boys’ farm for the Christmas tree and party were presented. 1933, when the first tree and party was The sum of $j5o was Carols were sung and a Christ¬ mas play was presented by boys. Each boy received a ent, fruit and candy. This Christmas the hearts were very sad they received a message that Mrs. Hodge was very in the hospital at Mass. Although she yas to ge present this year, she $p8.5o to Superintendent penter to be used as follows: $80.50 to be used for oranges, candy, chewing gum i peanuts and individual gifts; > $6.00 for ice cream and cash gifts of $1.00 to 6 cooks and assistants, also for the matron and $5 00 for instructor. Mrs. Hodge was missed much because it was her time absent in 18 years. only does Mrs. Hodge the boys on Christmas, every year during the summer she sends magazine, papers and comic clippings each week. Daniel Williams, the proba¬ tion officer, was present at the party. He gave the boys a won¬ derful message, and made his annual gift of $5.00 which was used for a set of horse shoes. We also thank Sol C. Johnson and his staff of the Savannah Tribune for 3 copies of the Sa¬ vannah Tribune which we have been receiving for many years. lidi i For Farm and Home Here’s Utility Room Workbench IJVEN basementles* though the utility room in a home serves many pur¬ poses, it has space enough for a sturdy workbench if it is compact and legless like the one shown. It’s easy to keep the floor underneath clean. Two-by-four’s notched out to fit a two- by-four boiled to the wall will sene as the slanting legs. Two planks, each 10 inches wide, are laid over three more iwo-by-four's, as illustrated, to form the base for the top. For a tough working surface, nail over the planks a piece of Masonite quarter-inch tempered hard- board, the material widely used for bench tops in factories because it “has what it takes.” By nailing a couple of 1 by 2-inch pieces of lumber across the slanting legs, you create a handy place for short pieces of lumber and hardboard. The drawer mav be made or pur¬ chased. For a smooth, hard bottom that won’t splinter, use a piece qf Masonite hardboard. VERY LARGE SELECTION OF NEW STYLE Ear Rings L. L1NDAUER Jeweler 423 Broughton St. W. MEMORY YOUNG—In loving memory of MRS. JANIE YOUNG who passed away six years ago, Dec. 31, 1945. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Dearest Darling, thou hast left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel; But Us God that has bereft us. He can all our sorrows heal. Yet again we hope to meet thee When the days of life are past. Then in heaven we ll join to greet thee Where no farewell tears are shed. Peaceful be thy silent slumber, Peaceful in thy grave so low, Thou no more will join our number, And no more our sorrows know. A devoted sister, Mrs. Minnie Gillison Savannah 5 nieces, Mrs. Marie Best Savannah Mrs. Lila Bell Laws Brooklyn, New York Mrs. Josephine Nelson Peekskill, New York Miss Oreda E. Turner Brooklyn, New York Mrs. Sarah E. Wright Ann Arbor, Mich, 1 nephew, Mr. Albert Williams Ossining, New York ELMORE—In loving memory MRS. REBECCA ELMORE who died January 1, 1949. Do you think we have Just because we try to smile? Do not say that we are heart¬ less, Else we’d shed tears all the while. Love like that we bore our loved one, Now at rest and peace on high, Will outlive earth’s deepest sor¬ row, And will never, never die. Sadly missed by Children, Mrs. Eva M. Robinson Mrs. Geraldine Reynolds Mr. Norman B. Elmore Savannah, Ga. Mrs. Wilhelmina E. Rob¬ erts Mr. Freddie Elmore New York City MATTHEWS—In sad but lov¬ ing memory of my husband and dad, ROBERT B. MATTHEWS who passed away December 31, 1950, a year ago today. No „ one knows how , much , we miss VOU y ’ No one , knows the ,, .... bitter , I have suffered since I lost you: Life*has never been the same. The world may change from year to year, Our lives from day to day; But love and memory of you, dear, Shall never fade away. A loving wife, Mrs. Isabelle Matthews and Sandra ber of St. Philip’s Mon. AME church. Mr Rivers is a mem¬ ber of the same church and former principal-teacher at S'wainsboro and Dorchester academy. It Pays To Advertise In The Savannah Tribune LOCALS Alford Morrison and James King left Tuesday for Miami, Fla. James Tolson who spent Christmas in Nashville, Tenn., with his father, is now visiting his sister in Toledo, Ohio. Marian Mixon of Charleston, S. C„ is visiting her sister, Mrs. Anna Maxwell of East Jones St. Charles and Harry Johnson are in Columbus, Ohio, where they are visiting their sister. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O’harra and children spent Christmas with their daughter, Miss Onei¬ j da Riley, in Dayton, Ohio. Miss Julia Myers of Atlanta is visiting he rmother, Mrs. Anna Myers of West Henry street. Mrs. Viola Johnson of Cleve¬ land, Ohio, and Mrs. Lucy Wil¬ iams Greene of Baltimore, Md„ sisters and former residents of this city, are visiting here for the first time in sixteen years. The house guests of their bro¬ ther, Benjamin McKeever of 929 ! I W. 39 street, they are being highly entertained by Mrs. O. B. Murphy of 834 W. 39 St., and i others, including Mrs. J. M. Butler of W. 39 St.; Mrs. Corrle Dempsey of W. 42 St., Mrs. Annie Mae Moody of West Sa¬ vannah and Mesdames Effif Green and Arizona Palmer at Thunderbolt. Miss Gertia Robinson of 5 King street, Woodville, left on an extensive trip. She will visit Rev. Edsel Robinson, Morris Brown college, Atlata, then go to Philadelphia to visit Jeff Robinson and then west to Chi¬ cago. She spent Christmas with her brotrer, Hardwick Robinson. ] HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS VISITING RELATIVES Mrs. Willie Nita Clarke of New Yqrk City and Adam K. Rivers of Asheville, N. C., were home for the holidays visiting sister and mother, Mrs. J. Riv¬ ers Jordan of 260 Eagle Street. ! Accompanying Mr. Rivers to the ! city for the holidays was his fiance, Miss R. Constance Rice, j N. noted C„ who hair stylist the of house Asheville, guest I was of his aunt, Mrs. Francis Wyche. j j The usual small at the family home of Xmas his dinner was ] mother, Mrs. Jordan, with Mrs, Clarke acting as hostess and who wil Remain in the city throughout the month of Jan¬ uary. Mrs. Clarke will be remem¬ bered as active in civic, work and hair dresser and grocery store merchant. She is a mem- ❖ We maintain an active sales force for selling houses, bun- £ galows, business property, lots and investment property, • We are ready to serve you whether you wish to buy or sell. Insurance written at a 25% saving to you. We collect rents—Over 20 years experience. ' RealtuhS) h • I nTisjO |jf ‘N&-s®LL»n4 x "* MuSUftAKCt Savannah GCOft&i* 9 York St.* East I’hone 2-6292 3-5025 SAVANNAH 19 EAST BAY ST. DIAL 2-2114 “Subvlanti&i Dividends to all Policyholders” FIRE—WINDSTORM—EXTENDED COVERAGE PLATE GLASS THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1952 WHERE TO WORSHIP l ' l~t 1 1 1T M H ' * ' '*~ ' ' ' BAPTIST ABYSSINIA BAPTIST CHURCH 34 th and Ogeechre Road Rev. O. W Carter, Pastor Phone 3-51 Id AU, PEOPLES NEW CENTURY 620 Harmon Street R»v. E N Bunn. Pastor Phone 6847 ..... BAY ST BAPTIST CHURCH President and Popular Street* Rev L B Free, Pastor Phono 3-49*74 BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH Lincoln and Cordon Street* Rev. Levi Moore, Pastor Phone 2-4601 BETHLEHEM BAPTIST CHURCH 702 -Wist Park Avenue Rev E. J Dyson, pastor Phone 3-9040 BOLTON ST. BAPTIST CHURCH Bolton and West Broad Street* Rev C, F. Richardson. Pastor Phone 3-7954 BROWNSVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Harden Ne R r 39th Street Rev J M Butler, Pastor Phone 5576 CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH Hull and McAllister Streets Rev W M Daniels, Pastor Phone 2-2834 CONNOR'S TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH 509 West Gwinnett Street Rev W W Whitehead, Pastor Phone 4-2022 EMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 510 East Huntingdon Street Rev. J C. McMillan, Pastor Phone 3-7353 FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH Phone 3-6597 Montgomery and St. Julian Street* Rev R M Gilbert. Pastor FIRST TABERNACLE BAPT. CHURCH 310 West Alloa Street Rev H W. Wilburn, Pastor Phone 580E FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH F,ast Savannah Rev. W C Cunningham. Pastor Phone 3-8168 FIRST BRYAN BAPTIST CHURCH 575 West Bryan Street Rev. R M Williams, Pastor Phone 5911 FIRST EVEROREEN BAPT. CHURCH Rev E A Capers, Pastor Phone 2-0417 Gwinnett Near East Broad Street FIRST FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH Thunderbolt Wheaton Near Hannon Street Rev. O R Conner Pastor Phone 3-8076 FIRST JERUSALEM BAPTI8T church 221 W 45 Street Rev E Boyd, Pastor Phone 5918 FIRST MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH Reynolds and 31st Street Rev I, W Stevens, Pastor Phone 3-8563 FIRST METROPOLITAN BAPTIST CHURCH Walker Street and Lumber Lane Rev. L. O. Gibbs, PaBtor Phone 3-2895 FIRST MT. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Fahm Street Rev R J CllfflD Phone 4-6766 FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH Hudson Hill Rev. A J Flewellen, Pastor Phone 3-2642 HAPPY HOME BAPTIST CHURCH Ott Street Rev. L. L. Smalls, Pastor Phone 7808 BRAMPTON BAPTIST CHURCH Hall Street, Woodville Rev. W. 8 Scott, Pastor Phone 3-3193 JERUSALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Richard and Baker Street/ Rev 8. L. Archer Pastor Phone 3-7848 LITWAE BAPTIST CHURCH MACEDONIA BAPTIST OHITRC Randolph and Jackson Street* Rev. w B Murray, Pastor Phone 3-4072 % T* MT TABOR BAPTIST CHURCH Henry and East Broad Street* Rev. J II Martin, Pastor Phone 2-3963 \ MT H f,rmon baptist church* I Rev. J. H. Ford. Pastor 545 West York Street MT Z j 0 n baptist church West Broad and Waldburg Rev. J. Q Adams, Pastor Phone 2-0928 NEW MOON BAPTIST l HURCH Randolph 8treet, Rev. Janies Balloy. Pastor Phone 3-3089 PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH 528 West Huntingdon Street Rev. j .1 iiinktns. Pastor Phone 3-4312 .... ST. LUKE BAPTIST CHURCH >12 Berrien Street i Rev. W C. Cunningham, Pastor | Phone 3-8169 I ST. PAUL BAPTIST CHURCH 1 Waters Avenue and Culver St. ■ P-P 4 [. A E. Haglns, PaBtor Phone 3-4808 SECOND ARNOLD BAPT CHURCH Arnold near Broughton Street Rev. George Dingle Pastor Phone 2-0850 SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH 124 Houston Street Rev E O,. Quarterm&n, Pastor Phone 3-6163 SECOND EBENEZER BAPT CHURCH Rev. w M K. Miller. Pastor Phone 2-5065 ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH Hartrldge Street Rev. E O. 8. Cleveland, Pastor Phone 2-1060 SECOND MT. ZION BAPT. CHURCH 34 Blsmark Court Rev. Frank L. Wnght. Pastor Phone 9996 Res 1606 Randolph St. THANKFUL BAPTIST CHURCH West Broad and Bolton Streets Re>* H F Grant. Paotor BAPTrST CHURCH W. Bordous, Pastor 4-6293 TEMPIE BAPT CHURCH Avenue and West Broad St. J. M. Benton, Pastor 2-4509 LOVE BAPTIST CHURCH Near Price Street Freddie Bonds. Pastor 2-4051 BAPTIST CHURCH Street I. C Sapp. Pastor 4-2944 BAPTIST CHURCH E A Capers Pastor 2-0417 • BAPTIST CHURCH Rev J B Bates. Pastor Ferrlil St. Phone 3-6948 CATHOLIC ANTHONY’S MISSION 112 Fell Street John Galvin, Rector Phone 5258 ST BENEDICT'S CATHOLIO CHURCH Street* East Broad and Gaston Father J. Feeley, Rector Phone 7251 ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 906 West 36th Street Father B H Kohane, Rector Phone 2-4751 CONGREGATIONAL FIRST CONGREGATION AL CHURCH Taylor and Habersham Streets A ° Curtrlght, Pastor Phore 3-5917 EPISCOPAL ST. MATTHEW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Streets Anderson and West Broad Father G. H. Caution, Rector Phone 3-2636 METHODIST ASBUPY METHODIST CHURCH Duffy and Abercorn Streets Rev. J. H Taggart, Pastor Phone 3-6019 BETHEL AME CHURCH East Broad and Bolton Lan* Rev A D Powell Pastor Phone 9981 DAVIS MEMORIAL AME CHURCH 34th and Randolph Streets Rev T Thomas. Pastor FLIPPER CHAPEL AME CHURCH Cohen Near Berrien Street Rev J. L Slbert, Pastor Phone 3-6898 CHURCH GAINES CHAPEL AME 630 Magnolia St. Rev S. W Grant, Pastor Phone 3-3468 HANNAH CHAPEL AME CHURCH Waterworks Rev Horace Nelson, Pastor Phone 2-0539 MT ZION JERUSALEM AME CHUROu .4 ugusts Road Rev. Joseph R. Campbell, Pastor 1009 Battery St.. Phone 3-806C PALEN METHODIST CHURCH 35th and Burroughs Streets Rev J. E Spears. Paavo* ST JAMES AME CHURCH 236 Arnold Street Rev. S. C Thornton. Pastor Phone 2-2423 ST. LUKE AME CHURCH Joe end Ott Streets Rev. Q H Stokes, Pastor Phone 3-6357 ST. MARY'S AME CHURCH East Savannah Rev W H Malone, Pastor 812 East Hall Lane ST. PAUL CME CHURCH West Broad and Maple Street* Rev. T. E. Sibley Pastor Phone 3-3849 ST. PETER'S AME CHURCH Tatemvllle Rev William Green, Pastor ST. PHU.IP AME CHURCH Charles and Went Broej Stree> Rev J. S Bryan, Pa»v*“ Phone 3-268S ST PHILIP MOUNMENTAL AM. CHURCH 560 Hull Street, West Rev W W Stevens, Pastof Phone 3-2854 ST. THOMAS AME (HURT 4»th and Bunoughs : Teeta Kev. O. S. Stripling, ,-asto. Phone J-5031 TOWNSLEY CHAPEL ME CHURCH Eagle and Church Streets Hi v J. P Laiopkln, Pastor Phone 6693 PRESBYTERIAN BUTLER MEMORIAL PRESBYTBRIA* CHURCH 230 East Broad Street Kev P A Patterson, Pastor Phone 6605 BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Jones and Lumber St*. Rev J. P. Stevens, Pastor Phone 4-8087 SANCTIFIED HOUSE OP PRAYER 643 Blsmark Street Rev. Lawson Elder Phone 9137 BIBLE WAY CHURCH ?60 East Bolton Street HOLINESS FIRST BORN CHURCH OF TUB LIVING GOD Hopkins and 39th Streets Rev. G. R. Richardson. Pastor FIRST BORN CHURCH OF THB LIVING GOD 1010 East Gwinnett St. Rev. John Roberts, Pastor Phone 2-2728 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 41st and Burroughs Streets Eld. D. E. Davis. Pastor Phone' 3-9114 ICE AND COAL - w. Savannah Ice Delivery Co Dial 8158 Monroe Funeral Directors 611 WEST BROAD STREET PHONE 2-4100 — 2-3252 Savannah, Georgia MONROE ON DUTY-NIGHT and DAY ESSIE MONROE EDWARDS, Prop.