The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, May 15, 1952, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1952 The Butterfly’s Trail By Albert Mary Ttaweatt ♦♦ ■ > ♦ < • • H "K"M* < H^"H , ^ , H-fr •fr-fr'H***'! THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting get understanding.” Prov. 4:7. SALUTE TO MOTHERS This column is dedicated this week to mothers all over the world. Sermons, radio programs, addresses were all diiected to mothers. Roses by the dozens were received from daughters, sons, husbands and friends. Many by telegram. Cards with sweet and endearing sentiments were read and these mothers naturally begah to ponder through the years in sweet memories of their former tots who are now moth¬ ers and even grandmothers now. Flowers were placed on al¬ tars and on graves for those who have passed on. So. . a salute to all mothers . . and God bless *hem every . one. PAN HELLENIC ALT EXHIBIT A SUCCESS Congratulations to the members of the Pan Hellenic Council for affording the citizens of Savannah such a rare opportunity on last Sunday afternoon. The very special de¬ cs sion was their presentation of Mrs. Margaret Davis Bowen, ti e wife of Bishop J. W. Bowen of Atlanta during their annu¬ al Art Exhibit. « Mrs. Bowen’s African Crafts Art Exhibit occupied the en¬ tire main flcor of the library and was viewed by hundreds. All were amazed that such artistic work could be done by the natives. Several white citizens viewed them and were thrilled beyond measure. I was especially thrilled with vhe wondeiful ivory carvings, rough diamonds leopard skins, rugs, basketry and the very colorful costumes. The visitors enjoyed a film that Mi’s. Bowen had taken while in Liberia. Her pleasing personality, tone quality and easy flow of words made her narration most enjoyable as we all watched the film. Wish that every school child could see it for it is most educational. Mrs. Bowen’s exhibit was supplemented by lovely art work done by many of our local people. This was arranged down- s.airs and made a beautiful display. Crochet work was pre¬ dominant. Mrs. Anita Stripling was chairman of the affair and was assisted by all of the members of the council serving in va¬ rious capacities. Miss Celeste Hatcher and Mesdames Helen Lotson and Beatrice Johnson, librarians, all cooperated in helping to make the affair a success. Mr. T. J. Hopkins, chairman of the Library Board was beaming at the fine results of the affair and is hoping that all of the citizens will isit our library more often. It has| takeh on a new look. Serving at the punch bowl were Mesdames Mamie Haynes, Eunice Clay and Miss Bernita Darby. Beautiful baskets of flowers were sent to the library by all of the Greek organiza¬ tions. Mrs. Bowen and her assistant Mrs. Dorothy Welch who were the house guests of Dr. Mary Williams left for Atlanta on Sunday night. The Carnegie Library Board along with the citizens of this city wishes to express sincere appreciation to the city of¬ ficials for their cooperation in the remarkable renovation pro¬ gram and especially to Mr. Morris Sherry, the city engineer, . . who has given invaluable assistance to the entire program. Pupils and teachers have been invited during the week to see a film "Know Your Library.” The public is also invit¬ ed to hear the musical and literary records by the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Deltas will be at the library every day this week from 5 to 7 p. m. in celebration of their annual May Week. SYMPATHY This column's sincere sympathy to the family of the late Mr. Wiley who died recently. He is the father of James Wiley, popular Em Cee and dance instructor. Sympathy also to the family of the late Dea. Beckett of Second Baptist Church who was buried recently. Was so sorry to learn of the passing of Mrs. Ellen Bernbry Gilbert who was buried in New York last month. She was the daughter of Mrs. Ellen Bernbry and the late Thomas Bernbry. Surviving Mrs. Gilbert are her husband, three sons and a daughter. This column’s sympathy to the members of the family. INTERESTING HIGHLIGHTS Just got a chance to interview MR. REUBEN N. VAUGHN on llast Sunday. He was the very entertaining announcer that Kept the records spinning aboard the ‘ Visitor” on its maiden’ fcruise. I inadvertently mentioned that he represented south Pabst leer Correction, please! He is the first Negro in the m, be hired as a state representative for Blatz Brewing Com- -Pany of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Vaughn hails from Los Angeles,. Calif., and the University of Southern California is his alma mater. Prior to World WY.r II, he attended Tufts Cental School, Boston, Mass Every one enjoyed the company of this representative and those who indulged in drinking the Blatz; may be interested to know that he furnished the 10 or more- cases that were aboard .at least it was through the company . he represented. with the radio staff of Mr. Vaughn has been affiliated KFWD in Los Angeles and also WERD in Atlanta from whe:e he sent to Milwaukee. He was guest speaker for Robert was . held at Savan¬ Long during his “Job-Clinic Forum” that, was nah St^te "and enlightened the potential graduates Promotion. in the School of Business in Job Opportunities and Sales He will be in Augusta after Sunday at 1,316 12th street. His homo office is 1322 Mitchell St., S. W., Atlanta. MISS BETTYE KATHRYN STOKES is appearing at tho Opera House in Washington, D,. C., on May 17. While she was the stage recently she was praised very highly by a New on York Company that was there. MR AND MRS. S. A. JONES, SR., flew to Chicago where Mr. Jones is one of the delegates to the Bishop’s Conference. They are also visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Atty. and Mrs. S. A. Jones, Jr., and their grand daughters and grand son, Roma, Eunice and Sidney III. MRS ALMA SIMPSON of Brooklyn. N. Y spent Mother's Day here with her mother, Mrs. Wilhelmina Simpson who nas been here for some time visiting her aunt, Mrs. Esther Wairick. Mr. Simpson surprised both his wife and Mrs. Warrick with one dozen each of American Beauty Roses. MRS. VIOLA HORTON, sister of MRS. MAMIE COX, was confirmed on May 4 at St. Thomas’ Roman Catholic Church, in New York. In the class also was Mrs, Wilhelmina Brown, sister of Miss Olise Campbell, supervisor of Charity Hospital There were 137 in the class. After the confirmation a turkey dinner enjoyedw at the home of Mrs. Horton, 1893 7th Ave. as snapdragons and ferns. The home was decorated with gladioli, friends Many beautiful gifts were received. Many of Mrs. Coxs soc THEY WILL HEAD FLOWER SHOW— Above are the leaders who head the first annual Flower Show of the Variety Garden Cluo which will be given Saturday and Sunday, May 24, 25, ^t. the Recreation Center, 37th and Ogeechee Road. (Topi Mrs. Benjamin S. Adams, general chairman; (bottom) 'eft Mrs. Henry Perrin, schedule chairman, and (right) Mrs. chairman. Star Social Club The Star social club he Id its , last three meetings at the home j | of Mrs. Mary Washington, Mrs. Annie West and Mrs. Martha Daniels. At all meetings much business was transacted and tasty repasts served. Cur fir t party will be given May 17 at the home of Mr. Minnie Rand¬ | olph, 125 McIntyre street. Wt are glad to have Mrs. Marie Wilson with us again. Our next meeting will be at the heme of Mrs. Willie Whitfield, 1237 Love i street. Golden Art Social Club Thu regular meeting of th Golden Art social club wa ; he! May 8 at the home of Mrs Eleanor Mitchell. .After the regular discussion of business o dainty repast wa ; served by th- hostess. Games were played those winning prizes being Mr Rubye • Maynor, Mrs. Pm s l r Curry and Mrs. Beatrice Rivers Gther members present v. n Mrs. Geneva Law, Mrs. G •- trude Johnson, Mrs. Rc a Pinck ¬ ney, Mrs. Carrie Oliver ana Mrs. Minnie Jones. Th; next meeting will be May 22nd at the home of Mrs. Carrie- Oliver. Mrs. Sallie Freeman is president and Mr;. Eleanor Mitchel, re¬ remembered her sister with cards and gifts . . for which she is so aoptecn.bive. Mrs. vox will retv n soon.' BONN A BELLA SUNSHINE UNIT MRS. ANNA E. GRANT, R. N., chairman of the Nursing Staff, and the patients of the T. D. Sanitarium are fuii of ap¬ preciation to Arnette Waters’ Service Station, Dr. Ebernarot end others for the cigarettes given to the male patients. Eas¬ ter eggs and oranges were also given the patients. hs 6. Madison, R. N„ donated eggs and coloring. Mrs. Frances' Wyche gave oranges, eggs and her time. Mrs. A. E. Grant and Miss J. L. Grant boiled r.nd dyed 90 eggs for the patients. Among the visitors were Miss Marie Blue of Sea Island Hospi¬ tal at Staten Island, N. Y.; ana Mrs. Margaret Walker who held a short service in each ward. SOCIALLY Tne L. .O. P’s held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Janie Dais on May 10. Mrs. Alma Wade was presented gifts on the occasion of her birthday. Members enjoying the evening were Mesdames Carrie Roberts, Sadie Cartledge, i Eunice Burton, Isabelle Waters, Martha Cole, Mary Council, Alma Wad°, Matilda Rivers and Miss Colleen Edwards. Guests included Mesdames Alzata Chisholm and Lillian Flynn. Club prizes were won by Alma and Mary. Alzata received guests prize. MRS. ELDORA GREENE was hostess to the Jubemars at her home on Friday night. Prizes were won by Mesdames Mary McDew and Ursulihe Ingerwl!. CONGRATULATIONS. . to Mrs. Mildred Hutchins on being elected State Parlimentarian for the State P. T. A. SAVANNAH TRIBUNE 1 ' Gay Joilies The Gay Jol'ies social club ml.! it regular meeting eight May 7, at the'home of Mrs. Agnes Willis. Much busi¬ ness was transacted. The club will spon or a motorcade to Fernandina Beach June 22. The next meeting will be at the home of Miss Eva Jones, 540 E. Gwinnett St. A delicious re¬ past was served by the host- e s. Miss Eva Jones is presi- dent. Mrs. Ogretta Davis, Chr, and Mrs. LuEilen Castle, re¬ porter. Stone Ledge Tlr Independent Crder of and Sisters of ca held its regular day night. May 8, at the 31k • Rc-t. After th" regular preliminaries business was out, T-vo cow members taken in the Lodge. The excursion .tktat was given on 4 to A 'gv.Va van a great Mills Lodge, foo. 5, it - 1st anniversary at ! etbl°i"-‘m B-pitist church with -v’elightful program. Rev, n de'were:! a brie' and then dinner wa- Charlie Stone is presi¬ and Sir,. Mattie Lee, re¬ The Hi Diars On Tuesday, May 6, a group of young men organized them- s-elve as a club which will be uicwn is The 11! Diar’ . The >•.i > ■ -o of the club is to help , vo tl at type of a suit, d for the The officer; are William : : :n i. Pres.; Edward Larie, Sec t Phillip Boyd, Treat; , v a Goshen, chairman; Ar¬ hip B: ker, reporter and busi- ■ . manager. The club colors navy blue and white and ho motto, "Peace;" song, "Al- ey . ' The club's adviser i am os Wiley. — I 4 '.t si is Social Club, Inc, ' - '.Stoss club met Friday. ..•h i much busine s was ; • ■! and plans were made ’or a bingo party to be given U’ r . May 74, at the home of • 1 airman, Marion Pitts, 10J2 Burroughs St. Cash prizes were given. Roland Denegall is president, James Merriman, Asst. Chr., and Mrs. Denegall, Rec. Sec. and reporter. The Chitier Chatters Mrs Evelyn Johnson was the hostes; for the Chitters Chat¬ ters Bridge club on last Friday night with President Ivory Tefferscn, presiding. The meet- 'ng w as cabled out in its u lial ’orm. After the busness was Osmosed, bridge was played during the social hour. A delici¬ ous repast was served by the hoste s. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Juanita Mulino, 726 E. 38. Those en¬ joying the evening were Mrs. j Ivory Jefferson, Mrs. Mildred' Guinn. Mrs. Mary Freeman, Mrs. Virginia Striptland, Mrs. Evelyn Johnson, Mrs. Juanita vXumtio, Mrs. May _ Roberts and , Mrs. Henri Mae Hudson, re- porter. Merry Boys 'Tho,. Merry Boys social met at ’ the home of Walter Gordon, 119 Scarboro St, Sun¬ day Much business was trans¬ acted. Next meeting will be Sunday at the home of Charles Huff, 115 Scarboro St. The club is giving its first bus ride to Ferhandina, Fla, June 8. Tick- ets are $5.03. W. E. Jenkins is president and John F. Thomas, reporter. Rosary Social Club i Mrs. Vandella Wilson was {hostess to the Rosary , club at the regular meeting on I May 9th ... ’.meeting .. , being . called „ . to order by the vice president, Mrs L. Johnson. After business games were played and prizes won by Mrs. Maggie Graham, Marguerite Thomas and Ada Williams. Other members pres- ent were Alfreida Simmons, Lucile Bryant, Vera Smith, a guest. Mabel Norwood. A deli - cious repast was served. The members were glad to see Mrs. I, John on back after a short jhnrss. The next meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. Vera Smith, 635 Yamacraw Village, on May 21. Mrs. Faustine Big- non is president and Mrs. Vera Smith, reported. PVT ANNA BUTLER HOME ON LEAVE Pvt. Anna L. Butler, the niece r ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tanksley, 270 Scarborough ,St, was home on furlough. Stationed at St o; Mo., and working in the Finance Center there. Pvt. But¬ ler received her basic training >t Fort Lee, Virginia. She is a graduate of Woodvilie high school and also attended Sa¬ vannah State college. House Wanning A house warming party was given by Rouble Grant of 1812 West Broad St., Monday night from 9 ’till 12. A lovely v as served by the host. Those pro ent were Mrs. Loraine Pressley, Miss Almeta Odum; Mrs. Laura Jefferson, Miss Metella Maree, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lowe, Dr. and Mrs. James Sykes, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver (Buggyi Smith, Mr. and Mrs. IjOU j S (Fats) Thomas, Charlie .Johnson, Garfield Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Harper and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cogswell- the meeting at the home of and Mrs. Jenkins this Sunday THE INSIDE DOPE By The Hawkcyes Jonnie Rip Saw Devil’s son-in law HI, everyone! This is old friend, the "Dope.” You know evt ’ r .v week 1 carry a new- name - therefore, no one Is to bl;Uiie y ou do it, I ee it, tiiey wri ' a ‘ **■ we print it. it take.-, all f that to make a world. You know 1 almost forgot the pur- ^°f e 1,1 Hie column. I bet you did. too. I’m ready to gossip, What about you? I heard about Fields, George' and Hall receiving Mother’s Day greetings. Were there any ; meanings behind them be Ides being funny? . . . Bertha Law- Inn and 0 J you all are cute - these late days |! . Jonnie . . p a inu>r i ltl) . v ■ s °tne one is nita beating Hollingsworth your time with Jua- j . . Frances Monroe, we all know you are; wearing Charles McDaniel's; ring. Go, kid ... I G , t don’t heai from you and J. II. more (Come out of your hiding places) . Ezekiel Jenkins, you and Rebecca S. looked very charming together, Sunday. Our daughter school, Cuyler, had a right gone picnic, Saturday. Eudora Moore and Florence 1 Ellebee had Oleve Cullens well' i In hand. Clove was really on- ’ ioying himself He Is 1 smiling and talking about if, . . j | Minnie Mumford and George Ward were seen enjoying either 1 the picnic or each other .. .j j Theodore Martin, Jame Porter j carried on perfect in your ab- . . . Edna Rhodes said the-1 j picnic able because was made of Stephen more enjoy Riggs -1 1 ’ ‘ ‘ C- Harvey, is it, true that, ■ your What new happened lover is R. Sneed? J to pro Lon- on? , Henrietta Collier has ,ero\ Wise all by herself with no strings attached . . Eudora , Moore, we realize this is a dem-| acratio world, but one is uffi-j cient, here. Make up your little | mind, dear? . , . Leona feign- ion seemed to miss “stump”! very much. Don't let one monk-, ey stop the show. There :UR | other; . . . Malvin Powell, who iccupied you) time? j The A Model 'doesn’t care who rides in it since Barbara’s gone . . . Armentha Harvev, what’s holding it up? . . . Mt’- dred Sheffield, who did you sav wrote the letter saying I would have sent you GO, but T have done sealed it? . . . J. L. Palmer, if you want J. H., keep her by your -lde; because if she flags K. Smith’s train she’s bound to ride Juanita H., my, you are getting very pop¬ ular these late days <huh?> . . . ^tarrv Powell’s heart belongs to Dorothy Heith . . . G. Single¬ ton. is your heart for C. J ? . . . R. Campbell, who does your heart belong to? Anyone? . • • THU NIGHTIIAWKS The Night hawks social club held its regular meeting at the home of R. Jones, 1207 Carr St., all members being present. The, club discussed plans for their I bus ride to Fernandina Beach,; Fla., June 1: fare, round trip, j $5.00. Our motorcade to Saul’s j place on May 2 was a success. Royal Society The Royal Society of Lodge No. 2 held its regular last week and was largely tended. Much business was cus ed and the report from the Board meeting was read by Eunice Welton, delegate to the Augusta meeting. All members and friends are asked to be at at 5 p. m. Miss Lula Mosley is president and Mrs. Delia Bar- low, reporter. Blue Rose Social Club The Blue Rose social club met at the home of the presi¬ dent, Deacon Gilbert Jordon. Much business was transacted. The club is 8 ivln « a bu: ride to remanding Beach, Fla , Sun- day - Ma - V 25 * * are * 5 / oa A11 ol our friends friends are are invited invited to go with us. j* •*« **• •*« •*« *** »’• ** t * *1* ♦!« *i i or a ls • *|* *1* *1* **• *5* *5* y »*< **♦ »J« »** •£• V T* Mr. and Mrs. Spencer E. White of 1703 Reynolds St., motored to Greensboro, N. C.. last Saturday to spend Moth- •r’s Day with their son, Spencer E. White, Jr., who Is a it A NT. college, and to hear he Mother's Day address livered by Dr. Mordecai on, president .of Howard versity. Master White, Jr„ has just been initiated into the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. ias been elected treasurer for the next year of the tio n ’ Ahreo A „ Mason ana , Henry t Car- ter left Tuesday by motor New Orleans where they will vi it the latter’s father. Henry Greene, retired New York City post office clerk, is in the city for two weeks. Mr. Green, a former Savannahian, hag bppn spendlng thp winter in Florida. SHOPPING WISE An advertising ea hmn of Rapping f CAN SINGLE GIRLS U S F TAMPONS? and and Indeed dol thousands ihey Tlloufcndj can... of I them use MEDS, ti the tampon for single girls, ever) month. And by changing to MEDS, these gills and married women have found new comfort and ce ol mind. MEDS tampons, the 'modern form of sanitary protection,are used internally. MEDS tampons ore made | of amazingly absorbent, surgical cotton. Each has an individual ap¬ \ plicator for easier, quieter use. Do you want a FREE sample package of MEDS tampons? Then just write me, Susan Carter, 550 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N. Y. You'll receive a sample package of MEDS in a plain wrapper. Then you can see for | yourself and be how comfortable easy it is to use the MEDS I at same time. So write to me today for your FREE sample. Sorry, only one pack- oge to a tomily and U.S. only. HERE'S A TIP if you want lighter, 1 smoother, softer looking skin . . . Try the famous Block & White Bleaching Cream . . . now 3 times stronger than be¬ fore. Its direct bleaching action goes right into the layer in your skin where skin color is regulated. Yes, Black & White Bleaching Cream's amazing action—a result of regular dressing table use as di¬ rected—will help you have shades lighter, smoother, softer looking skin beginning in just 7 days. Mod¬ ern science knows no faster method of lightening skin . . . and it costs so little too . . . why not buy a jar of triple strength Block 4 White Bleaching Cream today ond see if you are not thrilled with the results . . . I'm sure you will be. ONE OF THE MOST USEFUL COOK BOOKS I've ever seen has been written by my friend Mary Blake of the Carnation Company."The Cook's Handbook", as it is called, is more than a recipe | book. Sure it contains recipes — grand new ones. But its 96 pages 1 are also packed with "how-to-do-it" j how ideas and select illustrations useful . . . such kitchen as to meat, | tips and much, much more. Mary j says you can have "The Cook's, Handbook" at cost, for 35c. Believe J me, that is a bargain. And she'll I refund your money if you're not { delighted. So don't miss this book. Send your name and address, plus ! 35c in coin, to. Carnation Co., Dept. I NN-52, los Angeles 36, Calif. Cancer took a toll of 214,000 American death during year, says the American Cancer society. PAGE FIV1 Warnell, that didn't look like Gerald’s name you had down as your prom guest . . . C. Red- dick is saying to L. Mosely, “I love you more each day” Mary White, Albertha Brown’ Lubertha Dickerson, you all are young ladies. So be careful. A hint to the “wi e” is sufficient. The "George Williams’ Firm” has a lot of applications with the following persons. I wonder one will be filled among B A . c. S., J. B ? William . . Fields, is it love between you and Shirley Keith or have you tried to creep back to your old flame, Lorrine Brown? Beach high is being well rep- at ‘Derrick’s.” Seen the crowds were Alma Reynolds and friend. Bertha and her friend, Rose and Les- ter, Joan and George, Fannie and Earnest, Armentha, Jim- mle Barnes, James Hall, Jean Wesley Phillip: and others, George Johnson, I saw you too You thought I would forget oh? . . . Albert Woodberry you arc getting handsome these late days. I saw the fine '50 Rockett 88 you were driving. Go, kid . . Marvin Davis and Doris William please stop making "monkeys ” out of your- (You’re young Stewart' ladies noW l Lillian Ogretta and Gertie Burke p i ea , c stop trying to raise Rebecca Murry Sammy Lee ' Golden, does your heart ,-till throb for Juanita Hollings- worth? Mildred Cook thpreV no room for David Gambl-’s life Alber tha Brown, we know some one p!sp who is waiti „ K for James Hamilton’s return . . . Bettye Dully> wc know ome one who bus PyPS f or William Henry was seen going to the dances with Frankie oanaway. Wonclor where " Was ” Shirley? ^athan "Bobbie" Simmons, is it real j y j ave between you ard Agncs wmian * . ,-. Joe Mllle r, I see you have captured Shirley Laurie’s heart Mary Grace , you can > t wip the fellow (named above) Mk6 that Connie Hartwell, can’t you take a hint? Harry has said every one but it’s needless. What more do you need ... Gordon Hall, what did Irene ay in’ the letters? I heard you tried to call her. Don’t cry over spilt milk . . T. J., you are plain sickening . . The Clowns of the week are the two Laura’s. The imartest of the week are Toola and Hat- tin Butler. You know I was thinking the article was a ring. I forgot 1 had to end. Keep in tune and always buy the “Trib¬ une.” Bye now. Avon Social Club The Avon cocal club held its regular meeting Monday night at the home of Msr. Mildred wi lliams, 546 E. Anderson lane, business was transacted, Wc U re giving a motorcade to erna n.dina, Fla., on June 1. $5.00 round trip. Ida B. MarUn pres., Mrs. Mildred Wil- , _____ S P E CIA L AIR’CORP SUN CLASSES $1.00 In redeemed Men’s and Ladies Wrist Watches Kuxton, iluluvas. Klgins and Other Makes $8.95 Up K IN G ’S PAWN SHOP .*’21 West Hroughton Street IleaS Estate Loans Consult us before mating your Heal Kstate Loans. We have ! moled rial estate loans for 50 years. Loans made on various plans to suit your income It v,i’.i be to your advantage to see us first Southern Savings & Loan Company Eas k Street Phone 2-2114 Assets Over $2,000,000 WE PAY 3% Certificates 2% Savings deposits