The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, May 13, 1954, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX Out-of-Town Tews dANUfL/ t lout Jenkins I uncial services were held ideauay *rom the Sidney chapel with Rev. die Bonus officiating. interment was in cemetery. The Wl S. C. S. of Methodist church will b r iay, "The Twelve, of Israel.’ on the fifth day. Mrs. Lula Kemp president. At the communion to be held at Isle of Baptist Church Sunday, Golden, ,Sr„ will be as senior deacon and Eliiott will be added to deacon board. Rev. c. is acting pastor. Jack 'Jenkins twill his sixth birthday Friday, 14. ELEMiNUI UN By Mrs. Carlene Cummings Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mrs. Alzader Cummings little Nathaniel motored t Jacksonville Sunday Mrs. Cummings is spending while with her daughters, Sarah Anderson and Mrs. tie Simmons. The Boyd children their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Boyd, Sunday. If you wish your child to tend kindergarten contact Barbara Mae Boyd, Rt. 1, ville. PEMBROKE | By Thelma Fields Sunday was pastoral day Mt. Moriah Baptist church be¬ ginning with Sunday School, The morning sermon delivered by Rev. Will Smoke. At 2:30 the Sunday school rendered a Mothers’ Day pro¬ gram. The afternoon was delivered uy the Rev. A Q. Hagins. Total mon¬ ey raised $71.87. Ml .and Mrs. Alex Owens and little Yvonne were guests of Mrs. Ella and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Gorham. Sunday School at St. John A M. E. church presented ai program at 7:30 p. m., Mrs. Ella Mangram, superintendent. SAND HILL By Wayman Wilcox Mrs. Geraldine Henry has roturned home /ifter fpendy lng an enjoyable vacation in Philadelphia and other part-a of the north. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wilcox and family of Glennville mo¬ tored to Savannah to attend a meeting Sunday. COLLINS By Thomas Williams Lvm.ajl .services were held at St. Boykin A M. F, church. Rev. H. C. Wicker, pastor, preaching.. The members of the ^ igh school department of Collins High school appeared at Sa¬ vannah State College on ssas T* SIDNEY A. JONES FUNERAL HOME Oilers Most Modern Motor Equipment And High Class Careful and Courteous AMBULANCE SERVICE Anytime — Anywhere “TURNING POINT” “Whatever fate befalls you, do not give way to great rejoicing, or great lamentation— All things are full of change, and your fortunes may turn at any moment.” OUR MOTTO Sympathetic — Scientific — Satisfactory SERVICE At Lowest Cost SIDNEY A. JONES FUNERAL HOME 511 West Waldburg St. Phone* 4*7226—4-7227 school Monday night, , j 17, entitled “Leave it lo ma. ( Sunday services will bei tat Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Rev. J. L. Henley, pastor. ---------- j STATESBORO By Mrs, Lula Lockwood R,ev. and Mrs. W. C. Mesdames Amanda Smith P.-arl Bellinger attended annual meeting of the W. C. S. in Atlanta last week. Sympathy goes out to Susie Rinelander who •alled to Hartford, Conn., attend the funeral of her brothw. Those present at the meet- ing of the Ministers Wives Al- liance last week were Mies* dames L. M. Channel, F. Bates, A. B. Warren, . B. Rozier, E. Rawls, J. Brooks, W. J. John¬ son and L. Lockwood Sunday was pastoral day at, Ei annen Methodist church j p as tor *W. C. Cato preached j a ^ noth services, ReV . w . M. Lockwood offi- elated at the funeral of Jas. Kearse piursday in Gavan- nah. Mis, Clara Belle Parrish vis¬ ited her mother and daughter in Savannah Saturday. she was accompanied by Miss Margaret A. McNeil. H1NESVILLE By Ann Cause Sunday was communion day at Bethel AME church with Rev. R, Montgomery preaching throughout the day. Rev. Singleton Mfti ,pulpit gut .it. The Stars of Harmony quar* tet o Savannah rendered a program at Bethel church on Sunday evening. The community regrets the death of Mr. Woodrow Kirby. Sr., whose funeral was largely attended Tuesday at First Cal¬ vary Baptist Church. The community regret the Electric Fans $2.98 “P American Pawn Shop (COUSIN HARRY) 438 W. BROAD ST. given by the members of the, Usbqr Board of Bethel church. Bethel’s Senior choir motored to McIntosh Sunday to at- tend the choirs anniversary at the 1 Wilderness Baptist ! Church. MOTHER OF YEAR (Continued from Page One) | graduate of Savannah State college and the Atlanta Univer- sity School of Social Work. Eula Armstrong, senior, intro- duced the “Mother of the year,” Mrs. Nettie Merritt. Mrs. Merritt lives at Savannah State | college, having come to Savan- nah recently from Balnbridge She has always been a staunch patron and supporter of the college. She has had seven children to attend Savannah State college, two of whom graduated, and three enrolled i at the present time. A ban- i quet preceded the observance of the 9th Annual Charm Week which began on Sunday, May 9. Mrs. Evanel Terrell, director of the Division of Home Eco¬ nomics at the coljfge, delivered the Mother’s Day ; address dur¬ ing the vesper hour. FAM U. FINAL SPEAKERS iconlh.ued from Page One) 1 1 linc * ^ university. Bishop Gibbs, I chancellor of Edward Waters college, Jacksonville, and pre¬ siding bishop over the llth district of the African Episco¬ pal Church in Flordla will speak on Sunday afternoon, May 20, at 2 30. Dr. Bunche, prin<|pal director of the departme: nelJL of Trusteeship for the United Nations Secretariat, New York, will speak Monday morning, May 31, at nine. thk savannah to r hunts Y ORGANIZES A SOFT ISA RAII LI. r LtAUUt F AriTC A league 'va orsai zed at the West Broao Branch Y’MCA this w <;k. Syqare Indians, Claude lin and Robert Kennedy, es; West Bolton Street Chuck Grant, coach; Braves, John McKinney, Yankees, Carl Logan and Chapman, coaches; Royal Hornets Irvin and J. Middleton, coaches: Urn Boys Club Redbirds Smith and Walter coaches. The teams are composed boys 14 to 16 years of. aye 6 Wednesdays. Fridays and urays. Regular .. . season play , begin Saturday. Joseph vice principal and coach Alfred E. Beach high was unanimously elected missianer of the league. The league board of is composed of John Q son, chairman; C. O. Ryals. J. Mclver, J. R. Jenkins. W. Bellinger, B. Calmer, Smith, Jesse Porter, Ed hell, Raymond Washington 8. L. White. Many boys and girls under years of age are becoming bers of the Knothole sponsored by the West Street Branch YMCA. John McKinney, Boys Work is busy selling the idea of boys and girls. The fee of $1.00 will entitle boys girls to all reguar season of the Savannah Now! 1 Du Pont fONTINE washable window shades in Sky Colors- custom-tailored H$fc$ 0 u . -/c • Shadow- proof “Tontine” shades— • Available in enchanting Sky Colors— if you want complete privacy color-keyed to 1954 decorator colors • Translucent “Tontine” shades —if • Easy to keep clean you want soft, diffused light —no dusting problem • And they're washable, too! Let us help, you with your window decorating problems. One of our experts will, gladly come to your home without obligation. Call us today! EASY TERMS OF COURSE! LINDSAY S MORGAN E IUU & YORK STS. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA Straighten your hair/in 10 minutes! YOU GIT A WATERPROOF JOB AND YOUR HAIR STAYS STRAIGHT FOR 20 DAYS OR MORI KONGOIENF IS THt ORIGINAl HAIR STRAIGHT!NCR AND STIU UADING AFTER 40 CONSECUTIVE YEARS For straightening shorter strands up to Ion, 40 tf&vuf { Witl . * - t -—— KONGOIENE STRAIGHTENER BE SURE TO USE . .. KONGOIENE PRE-CRIME 354 KONGOIENE BIACK RINSE 454 j If your druggist cannot supply you [ order direct f rom ^ KONGO CHEMICAL CO., INC.| 204 WEST U4th Street NSW YORK, i |j: '- yecl !lt ° ra ^ r ‘ Samuel A Jones John F M Kinney Willh Wlliia■, h Delorme and Mrs Juanita Jackson form the committee ehiu.'e of the club. The close for the Safety Cab Friday night. Frqf. Robert Lon :4 of Savannah State is the instructor. exercises will be held at the and certificates will be Mr. Hood, president of Yellow Cab Company, will f present. j Dances to be given for people are as follows: ^ ^nday * ou “® I,eo ' 3lf ‘ are ‘" vl,Pd l attend . these dances. There j be an admlssion {ee The Maple Street PTA sponsor a silver tea in the quet room of the Y | 4 30 p. m. Norman B. Elmore principal of the school. The Hostesses of the Y celebrate Armed Forces j Saturday with a gypsy j sponsored by Alex Super following hostesses been nominated to in the Armed Forces Anna Belle Jenkins, Collins, Nellie Holmes, Golden, Carrie Doxon, Harden. Miss Carrie Dixon I been elected Girl of the and a i so -Miss USO.” Franpls j. A she, USO staff j will p e j n charge ofall mrnts f or Armed Forces celebration at the Y. sta tes that Sgt. Carl Smith Hunter Field will represent Armed Mures al trie cetebi illim at the Y. Vance Allison Post, Veter¬ ans of Foreign Wars, presented to the Committee of Manage¬ ment a RCA Push Button Type Tape Recorder to be used for radio programs or to catch national radio programs and play them to groups assembled later. C. O. Ryals is the com¬ mander of the post and a member of the Committee of management of the Y. Dr. J. W. Wilson, chairman 1 of the Committee of Manage¬ ment, presented plaques to Wil¬ ton C. Scott, chairman of the 1954 membership campaign; Walker Stringer, manager of the New York Yankees, 1954 membership campaign, and C. 1 O. Ryals, manager of the Phil¬ adelphia Phils, 1954 membership campaign. The meeting was well attended and 25 veterans of Foreign Waft were on hand to witness the ceremony. j Beach PTA With the theme, “Honor Thy Mother,” the seniors of Alfred E. Beach high school sponsored j the May PTA meeting on May 5. Mildred Ellison played the prelude. The audience sang “I Would Be True.” Constance THANKS AGAIN FOR FIRST PLACE!! For the Past Five Years BALLANT1NE Beer and Ale has consistent¬ ly held FIRST PLACE in Sales over any other malt beverage in Savannah. In fact, BALLANTINE has kept a lead of from 25% to 64' c over any other brand. You have made this record possible because ycu know why you ‘‘Ask the Man for BALLANTINE.” J THANKS AGAIN!! UiO OGEECHEE BEER CO. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA « 2 Want the best-tasting whiskey in ages ? , : > J A h.4 * Point to SCHENLEY Enjoy Schenley quality in every drop a of every drink aT NiKDiD WHISKEY, 86 PROOF. I5& MAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS, SCHEKUT OlSTRtlffTQIS, MC, HEW TQRK, HfW YORK •.«£ • • • SeiigatucKe sang, “Tile iauUs were moot ny Fi lnrlptd ixuigla.. P rayer;” Constance Hartwell I The business meeting was read the scripture and Carolyn, presid' d over I"’ I4v president. tucker extended greetings. report ■ Ave Maria” sung by a 1 Mrs. Lillian Green gave ’a was girls’ ensemble. of the PTA Congress. Mrs. Poole was crowned the Refreshments were served, j Mother of the Year by Ruth Simms. Pearl Spaulding gave an original poem; Wallace Wil¬ "The foundation of every liams rendered an instrumental state is the education of its solo and Alice Bevens recited a youth.” tribute to mothers. Remarks -DIOGENES Real Estate Loans Consult us before making your Real Estate Loans We have handled real estate loans for 50 years. Loans made on various plans to suit your income It will be to your advantage to see us first Southern Savings & Loan Company 19 East Bay Street Phone 2-2113 Assets Over $2,0(10,000 ' WE PAY 3 Vi % Certificates r 2% SAVINGS DEPOSITS