The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, March 22, 1956, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1956 PRESS WORKSHOP k[ore than 75 students attended Ihe sixth annual Florida A. and k|. University interscholastie Ivorkshop held recently. Some •he scenes from the event Above. Top right, two |how their certificates of attend- l nf0 to workshop consultant li. Simpson (right), editor-pub- kishei* of The Florida Star in Lnvillc. F’ mvnic At the «.«, right ......... a group ft- —,- -- K. .. ___ Bay- udents surround James Fla. Maps Ians For (Continued from Page One) graduate schools of southern col¬ leges must admit Negro applicants Without delay. Citing the Rweatt, Sipuel and Mcl.aurin eases, the court dcclar- p.ii that since “tliis case involve-- the aiimission of a Negro to a graduate professional school, then ■s no reason for delay. He is en- Ititled to prompt .admission undoi ■the rules and regulations applic- |alile to other qualified candidates.’ The was issued in the ease lof Viigii -l). Hawkins, -IX, of Day Itona Iioael), Tiie Florida Suprenu Court iiad permitted a delay it I he admission of Hawkins while study was being made. The court appointed a commis¬ sion to inquire whether the Negro 'tudeht could lie enrolled at the ill-white university without creat- |ng “public mischief.” University officials had said that admitting Negroes to enroll ... in .vhite ... institutions ... „ “presents ' grave problems ,, affecting ... .. the welfare ot ill .. students , . . and , the institutions . nemselves and . 1 • wi require numer- his adjustments and changes . at . he insDtutions Inis point 1 of view was upheld 7 tbe Supre mC 0lUt ’ , bu hc U S. Supreme f t ourt accepted no plea of Hawkins attorneys. vh.> said: whe removal of racial barriers 1 wiAj Miriior respect to admission to state colleges, colleges, graduate schools, or professional schools in- itives no such administrative l>rohlems as occur in ‘•'T immediately 1 *'”. , after f announcement <f the court decision, a cross wa ' airned in front of the university >i Florida Law School. Next day Gov. Collins announc- ’d that he would do all in his lower to defy the ruling, and call- ?d a meeting of the state cabinet map the course of defiance The cabinet authorized Florida ittorney General Richard Ervin 0 seek a re-hearing in the case. in a public statement, Collins aid lie has the backing of state ficials despite attacks on his TRY US - WE KNOW HOW We’ve been at il for years, working on all makes of cars, installing new parts, repairing and adjusting. Our knowledge is the kind that can’l he gotten from hooks, hilt only from long experience and plenty of hard work. Try ns on your nexl job. anything from a small Adjustment to a complete overhauling. Charges are reasonable and we Guarantee Satisfaction. RUNELL’S GARAGE COR. 52nd & RCRROUGHS PHONE 4-4880 lor, instructor in pre.-swork in the ( department of printing, as he op- mates the university printing pres which the foui page workshop newspaper, “The Workshoper” was printed. Bottom photo shows the consultants with President and Mrs. George W. Gore, .Jr., with I "’horn they had lunch on Friday at their home, Sunshine Manor. Left to right, C. J. Smith, HI, workshop director; Wesle; W. South, pub- 1 1 be 1 relations . 1.*;^,.,.. director^ 41»An4-A>i John T/iVincmn son ■rograrn of what has lieen de- cribed as “calm gradualism.” Collins said he will call a spe- ial session of the Florida legis- atu're “if necessary to deal with he problem, and stated his wili- ngness to appear liefore the Su¬ preme Court to defend the state’s uosition. Horace IliJI, Hawkins’ attorney, told newsmen that he would seek dmittancc for his client as soon s possible. Under university reg- ilations Hawkins could not be ad- ,1 it ted liefore September. He quoted Hawkins, who is a uolitieal science teacher at Beth- iiie Cookmnn College, as saying that lie was “very proud to attend > reputable school of law.’ Vfar^an StaJeut AdmiUed To U. o( Me! School of Medicine tContiniien from Pace Onet where he has been working under Dr. Ivan Bennett who is doing; | i- --carcli on fevers. Mr. Saunders , is a graduate , . of e Douglass , High ,^ School , , , here and . has held , n Trustee _ , Scholarship hiring .... his four years at , ,, Morgan, ...... president, of the colleges ,. lie is ' Pre-Medical Club, president of . „ vice I rhap(er of Reta p Kappa Chi National Scientific Hon- I Society, ' . national • , council mem- a , iher ;*f• of Beta Kappa Chi, andamem- , ()f ()l(l Mw .,. an Chemistry Club. II,. is (he son of Mrs T.illie 1 Saunders of Baltimore and ihe ' nephetv of the Rev. Monroe R. Saunders, assistant pastor of the 1 Rehohoth Church of God (A pos¬ ! (oiie) here. TO SING AT COLLEGE [ (Contlml efl {rent Page One) j featured with the Chicago and , j NBC Symphonies. She recently 1 loured France as soloist with the Cecilia Choral Society of Boston in an extraordinary series of bene¬ fit performance which began with an audience of 9,001) in the Ca¬ thedral of Notre Dame. Still in her twenties, Miss Ad¬ dison lias been styled “Gracious Lady” of the concert stage because j of her warm sincerity and poise. Publishing Company; President Gore; Marion E. Jackson, sports editor. The Atlanta Daily World; Eric O. Simpson, editor-publisher, The Florida Star, Jacksonville; Mrs. Gore; A. K. Knight, radio Station WHRE, Jacksonville; Sam- uel Iv. Russell, co-ordinator, Trade of FnglSiSg Ratchffe’ A a. & M .vi., ' and ana none Robert t M -1. L Ie ' national editor. The PlttR . news - burgh Courier. (A. and M. staff photo h y James Walden). ‘As she lives and thinks,” wrote 1 columnist of the Boston Herald, ‘so she works and sings—with in intensity that transfers to an audience. She has sung us Break Bread Together,’ such contagious need of that not a hand stirred. And within the twinkle of the Adelp can switch into a number, act it out with voice eyes, and present a gem of try that invariably calls for cores.” After a recent appearance Town Hall, the New York Tri brine’s critic .common! od> “Abo eital of Adoic Addison was i rate in every way. Her voice j lovely, sensitivity her diction in interpretative, perfect, and ■ | tors makes her an important cert singer.” During the season Miss Addison is in opera and an extensive of recitals. r-: PROTECT YOUR ROOF A NO YOU SAVE THE ENTIRE HOUSE FOR ROOF MATERIALS NO ASPHALT - NO TAR Cottonseed Oil Gun HARMON, Inc. Charlton and West Broad Streets Phone 4-88 83 jiBi iiiHMiifi u j§sm • 21s FRIDAY ANI) SATURDAY, MARCH 21-24 Rock Hudson in 'GUN FURY" and - - - "TARZAN ESCAPES" SI NDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY TWO FIRST RUN HITS JACK AI SO — THIS GREAT ACTION PALANCE HIT ! ! THE HOTTEST HUNK OF PILW HOLLYWOOtt EVER SHOT1 VICTOR MATURE GUY MADISON ROBERT PRESTON 4 itiAsseciwUs i-i gpmcH The Big Knipe «««.-,«»JAMES WHITMORE - ANNE BANCR0FI i-j witt RUSSELL COLUNS SAt W'NAfl /RlBUNE Mid-Town Chamber of Commerce iContinm-d from Paso fins' bona fide Chamber if Commerce, I natterneil after the Chambers of i Commerce '’ais- % a »•/* a oomatihg a A m* rid in rr in in all vi 11 the t nC nt'A- pro- gressive cities of the nation and i has identical objectives, in this • stance, the promotion of the eco¬ nomic, ci ,f ic no i poneval welfare ( f S-ivamiah and vi in it y. t The CKnrnHe* v- also interested in, an ! shall mblross itself to the promotion of I be commercial in- lust rial and cultural advancement of the city and surrounding; j ritory. Cue of the big tasks itn- I mediately before It is that rd' ing the census of all Negro busi¬ nesses, firms #gd corporations, with Iho view of mobilizing those varied interests into a corp.orate body, in order io insure first, a econoiuy. This definitely 1 most, important, item in the program, ns all the other are geared to it. Membership in the new is not confined to business professions; other persons of will are eligible and are asked enlist in the movement and the responsibility of making community a hotter place in to live. In the course of time, tees will he appointed, upon recommendations, after j . study of every phase of the f 0 ,, jitter business and living diti ° ,,S in Savannah Savannah, * wiU 1,0 1,a8is U,, °" wh,ch ,h “ ( '- hamber wi 1 ] act to - remedy whatever ; tj, at i, r0 ught about such 1 Morgan P. Bedgood, chairman u ddieity committee. I $J033 REPORTED IN BAND DRIVE (Continued from Pape Onei j *---------- Stella Reeves, for raising | largest amounts. The were: $207.29 from Mrs. I ers: $122.00 from Mrs. xCO.21 from Mrs. Lloyd, $81.00 from Mrs. Reeves. A tremendous round of j plause filled the auditorium Walter, president, and 4!£ ri ascntS of I Ruaran'y Lite Insurance pgpy, made a $100.09 for this worthy cause. It is type of cooperation that propel this c'-ive above beyond the second and plateaus of success. Mrs, Daisy Tyson, PTA ident, was well pleased Hour of Prayer Sends 'Continued from Page fine' the 9.2 accused leaders. Contributions were also received i from the Holton Street Baptist Church, Rev. C. K. Richardson, 1 asto ! hW ± , | i ” Rev. j I,. : S. Stoll, pastor; Abyssinia j . lunch, Rev. Byrd, ! Baptist t R. pas¬ tor; and from the Revs. J. C. Me¬ Allister, Ward Washington, al'd .1. A. ( oilier. All contributions, (otaiing $(!!).- .10, were sent to the National Of¬ fice to help with the defense of | th<> M «“‘W»iw.-y boycott leaders fORD FELLOW STUDYING 'N CHICAGO j 1 c— -irmaer! from onr> j view in juvenile the courts, rec¬ ruation centers, social agencies I an 1 correctional and child guid- ; anco set-ups arc New York, fin- j ,-iimnt.i, Indianapolis and Dclroit, ; ) Miss Smith will also make stud- 1 j ies in Los Angeles, Mexico, New Orleans, Miami, Cuba, Puerto j Rico and Brazil, At the end of the | tour, for which she receives an annual salary stipend anti travel- ting expense:', Miss Smith will re¬ port on her findings to the foun- datum. Eminently qualified by aeadeni- : ie background and achievements, | the comely Ford Foundation fd- low received her bachelor of sci- j cnee degree from Bennett college; > r M ' £ f m " New Yor k . u ”!‘ | . . . ,,CP °! . n 1 '* " rao ™ ' .sigma Theta sorority and Delta Pi Epsilon 'honorary business frn- : ternity. Chicago Daily Defender. the .splendid cooperation shown by the teachers, parents, stu¬ dents. and ioeal organizations. j * 1 I n welcome G nests ? M IE SO CALL ME Duke Topper - 6-3470 EAGLE EXTERMINATING CO. & DUKE TOPPER, REPRESENTATIVE Can Rid Your Home of All ROACHES, RATS & TERMITES Eiec Inspection anil Estimates Phone 6-3470 or 4 3031 Evenings 2-0506 Mrs. MeGinley 3-0519 Barnes’ Beer Garden 437 1 « West Broad Street —SPECIAI__ I SOI EE I) SHRIMP — HOT DOGS ROM ,ED EGGS WATCH TV FIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT thcatae: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARI II 23-21 Gregory Peck in "GUNFIGHTER" Buster Crabbe in "CAGED FURY" SI NI>AY, MONDAY, TI I SDAY JAMES DEAN “REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE" —Also— JIM DAVIS AND JAMES ( RAID LAST OF THE DESPERADOES' WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 28-29 EDWARD (I. ROBINSON in "ILLEGAL" it's Tough —Plus— 'FRANCIS JOINS THE WACS" T Times j , (Oontin.ied from Page One' the newspaper said. Time reporters found that where ratio or Negro population to is low integration is pro- where it is high there is uvistanoo. Soul hern Negroes likewise were to be troubled and some - resentful. ■ In the main,” Times said, “they the eights vouchsafed to them tile highest court, in the land. some cases hesitantly, in others they arc demanding the of their children (o mix¬ schools.” The survey catalogued the south¬ nr. as as follows: Integrating District of Colum¬ Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, and West Virginia. Divided or delaying Arkansas. I Florida, Louisian, North ' Tennessee and Texas, Resisting Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Court 'Continued from Page One' refused to remand the case grounds that such action would Virginia rules and pvo- Following tin's Naim , move, | the Supreme direct Court the to Ports- re- j the case to GREASELESS * NON ALCOHOLIC! held for * WM. M. RQYD Atlanta, (la. (ANP). - Final were conducted here lust week ! Dr. William M. Boyd. .99, head the political science department j Atlanta University, who died of March 10 following an * of “ U The nntt ‘ d educator joined th it, staff in lots, hftei | a similar post at Fori Va! (in.. Slate College. Hr. Boyd was a native of More City. X. (’.. and a Bib; ..•rad of Talladega Col! V e. He oh a maslei's degree from Ih- of Michigan in B»:t!l and l'h.l>. degree from the imo i; I il lit ion in IP 11. As a Rosenwald Fellow in Bit court or take jurisdiction self whether the Virg inia law < onslitiitional. In a L'rii f opinion Monday. Ill • S. justices denied the motion. said the decision of the Yn emm “leaves the case de- hf a properly presented fed- question.’’ s ! #• * ! ! To See Better Sec Us ()ptomctric Service 112 Whitaker St. — Phone 3-3476 EVES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED “Vision Is Vour Most Precious Possession” • 1 ' THEATRE TIIIIRS , ERL, SAT., MARCH 22-2,1-24 2 — Big Smash Hits — 2 First Showing in Savannah 4 Desperate men...and a love-haunted lonely girl! OUR GUNSto STARRING RORY CALHOUN-COILEIN MILLER-GEORGE NADER ^ WALTER BRENNAN-NINA FOCHJOHN MeINTIRE ..CUMISWUE l« SI1K1HKIS NtSIOR PAIVA A UrmmjMnlemjMal Pttare HIT NO. 2 AIAN LADD in } !, 8 "DRUM BEAT" IN COLOR AND CINEMAS' OPF SUN., MON., THUS., MARCH 2,»-2(i-27 2 — Big Smash Hits . 2 Country! HIT NO. 2 Paul Henried - Pat Medina "SIREN OF BAGDAD" ADDED COLOR CARTOON WED., Till It., MARCH *8-29 2 — Grand Features- 2 Fred Astaire - Ginger Rogers "TOP HAT" * * AND "MARRY ME AGAIN" ADDED COLOR CARTOON PAfJE SEVEIf he studied social and ntoiiomic con¬ ditions in England, -France, Hol¬ land, Dot .. .uk, Sweden and Po¬ land under a Carnegie grant. Dr. Boyd was active in the pro¬ gram of the Georgia State reach¬ Conference and the NAACP. Krom 1950 until he became ill dur¬ ing the summer of 1954, he* served as news analyst for radio station WERD in Atlanta. METHODISTS VOTE IN FAVOR r |Ijf AUO (ANP) Aina- MU . ju ,, f „„ . !)( . „ f th( , Method- ' it . t , ,. lm . h ,. ve j„ favor of racial ......ding to results „ r „ ,,. m |ucted by the Uhri- tian Advocate, official newspaper of the church. • Some 50> per ecu) of Methodists favor a proposal calling on local churches to accept as members all persona, regal'd! ss of lace or economic status. Nr 1 'png ilmv — :! bed looms liili Deep Well (,’cplle Tank. Near 1ms line, I-rt", 11 son Ave. at : Skidav".’v Road. EZRA MUNSON Phone 5.12-8