The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, May 25, 1957, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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FAGS TVrG i CHURCHES ' SUS3saj33=3=tefc“d^3S^53SSl— To Speak at St. Thomas KeXJAMIN F. u WiS who will ' 1 liver the main addro for .^he Family Day celebration to held at St. Thomas A. M. E . . .urch on Sunday at 11:00 a m Mr. Lewis is very active in -vie. Christian and veterans ganiaatoins. He is a native of ivannah and a product of the >oal schools, and received the ’ chelor of science degree from avannah State College. He h member of St. John Baptist , v.urch, past commander of /meriean Legion Pest No. 500, d holds membership in the >ha Phi Aloha Fraternity, ;e board of directors of the unk Oallen Boys Club. Ru- -ka Lodge, < Masons i, and the cal committee of the United gro College Fund. Rev. Wm. eene is pastor of the church d Mrs. Evelyn Jackson, chair- in. 1st Evergreen Bapt. I At First Evergreen Baptist .urch, Rev. E. A. Capers, min¬ er, the Sunday school enjoyed attendance mf 104. The alt department retained tire Section banner and the be- r.iners breaking the tie with e primary department, won e attendance banner. The 11 clock sermon was delivered by .e pastor on “The First and ;e Second." BTU met at 8:30 mily Night was th the Dock Carrs getting a all token, presented by the rector, Mrs. Sadie N Norris, r having the largest family esenit. The Union will cele¬ ste their social hour on May , st at 7 00 o’clock. byssinian Bapt. Church Abyssinian Baptist church rvees were excellent Sunday ginning with Sunday school !recited by Supt. Deacon Jack¬ in. Pastor R. L Byrd preached n inspiring sermon both morn- f and pi-lit. Ht w.v i of " n ohi°V f Per T S n , JL, X y to j the' .eetfng for equ^l rights id St. John Bant. The Second St. John Baptist, lurch, Golden street, West ivannah. is beginning a 10- vght revival. May 20. The Jr. holr will be in charge Monday ight; Tuesday night, the Sr. hoir; Wednesday night thru rlday night. R“v. H c Boyd f Waycross will be the speaker. n Sunday church school will *e held at the usual hour: B f. U. at 7 p. m.. and a program •at 8 p. m. Rev. T J, Wright ustor of the church. ---- Flipoer Chanel The 2nd quarterly meeting of Flipper Chapel AME church jegan on Friday night, with Rev. J. P. Lampkin, presiding elder, in charge. Two impress- ive sermons were preached by 4 he presiding elder. The rhurch will give a motorcade to Hen- dersonville. S. C.. May 26. where we will be the guests of Zion Stripling is pastor of A M. E. church. Rev. St. Julian Heyward. pastr. Rev. C. S ~hurch __ Prophecv Church On The Rock There will be a series meetings at the Church on the Rock. 511 street, beginning on May 28 which missionaries and preach¬ ers from various churches take part. Elder Tom Brown pastor and E. M. Brown, prophetess. :I Dr. Brooks To Speak At Congregational Church Dr. T - E Brooks of Savannah rotate College will preach Sun- da> during the" the morning servi- ce.s of First Congregational j Church. Taylor and Habersham Street* Rev. A. C. Curtright, the pastor, extends a cordial welcome to the public to attend the services. i Bunn Memorial To Hold Installation On Sunday afternoon at 3:30 Rev. L W. Stevens will be in¬ stalled as pastor of Bunn’s Memorial Baptist church. He has servad in the capacity of supply pastor of this church for about 18 months. Rev. Stevens comes to the 'hureh with a rich background if pastoral experience, having served as pastor of Macedonia Baptist. church for sixteen v -ar.s as well as pastor of Skid- away Union Baptist church and Sweel B’ield of,Eden Bapt. church. Tiie installation service will take place during the commun¬ ion hour which has been set for 3 30 p. m. Sunday. At this time. Rev. L. S. Stell, pastor of g^jjiehem g a ptj S t church, will deliver the installation sermon nd ch 5 ge Uie f hurcJl wlth hW .di»ti£*s-v , ' -y. •v* Music will be rendered j the choir of the church. Bethel AME Church Sunday was a high day at p Pt hel AMS church. Pastor F. jnudon delivered two inspir- j r op messages. At the close of ■ the morning service baptism an q fellowship took place. Rev p t. Bussy was guest minis- * Pr a t the revival which was we p attended. On Sunday af- the Young Woman’s Auxiliary presented the Centra! High School Choral Club Sylvania and the attendance was good and the program outstanding. The group is di- ; rected by Mrs. Alice Creeoy Wright. Mrs. Susie Floyd is president of the group. The Sunday school is working hard an the contest for Children's Day. From the beginners de- oartment George Harrell. Jr.. and Derrie Lee Walthour have been elected as contestants and in the intermediate department Clinton Robinson and Yvonne Blake were selected. Vacation Bible school will begin June 3. - VISIT Hall's Confectionery COLD DRINKS — CIGARS — CIGARETTES ICE CREAM & PACKAGED MEATS 1104 West 40th Street Unitn Bapt. To Hold Revival Rev. .1. E. Bailey At First Union Bapt,. I »5 Berrien street. th(1 s P rin i revival will be held May Preaching each night by Rev E. Baiiey, guest minister. L. C. Sapp is pastor of rh urch. Pilgrim Bapt. Church Pilgrim Baptist church. D D. Henderson, pastor, cently brought to a close of its most, .successful meetings, it was conducted Revs. F. H. and D. D. son Fifteen were added to church. Sunday being munion day Pastor delivered two sermons to pacity audiences. No. 2 will attend the anniversary the Campbell A M E. choir Sunday and No. i will broadcast over WSGA Sunday at 5 p. m„ Henderson delivering the sage. The Rolling Stone ers of Charleston, S. C„ render a program here night for the benefit of school. We will participate the 12th anniversspy of Deacons Christian Union at Tabor Bap 4 church. We also appear in the ceremony of the Garvin Bapt church next week. Ladies Dept, will sponsor motorcade to Beaufort, S. May ?0th. Bethlehem Bapt. Church Services were excellent t * lp wep ^ s °f revival bold Bethlehem church Tvith Rev. c. D. is evangelist. Eight were tized on Sunday night. school met at the usual with a large attendance. the morning worship Pastor S. Stell delivered a sermon Communion was ' ierv£ ’d ' n the afternoon an appreciative audience <>nt ‘ RPV - Jerry DrayU>n ' a ,0r «r .sou of the church lives in Winstdh-Salerri, N. delivered a spirited from the theme “Cords of Cross." Another member ! added to the fold. Miss Mae Meyers. The pew sponsored bv the B T. U. : last Sunday night was quite success. Bantist Ministers The Savannah Baptist 1 ters Alliance held a ; feast Tuesday at the Baptist, church. Rev. H. i pastor. Devotions were In of Rev. Wm. Daniels. The ident. Rev. J. C McMillan sided. The Snuday school lesson explained by Rev. G. W. Carter Rev. T J. Wright was to the body, The order of the day was inspiring sermon by Rev. J. B Bates from the subject. teetion in Appointed Rev. H C. Boyd and Rev T. J Wright assisted in the services. Rev. R. L. Byrd bring the sermon on next day. Benediction was by Rev. J B Bates. 2T To B* Baptized At First Bryan Twenty members have been accepted at First Bryan Baptist church for bap:ism on Friday night at 7 30 o’clock, ethers are expected to join in the race before that time. Special mes¬ sages through Friday will be delivered by Rev. A. M. Reeves of Oriffln and music will be furnished by the choirs. Com- nunion will be held Sunday with services beginning with Suday school at 10:00 a. m. Morning worship will be at 11:30 and BTU at 8:00 p. m. Tire morning message will be deliv¬ ered by Pastor Richard M. Williams. Central Baptist Church Sunday will be Men’s Day at Central Baptist church, spon¬ sored by the senior choir. At the 11:30 services Caleb Bias, a member cf First A. B. church, part master of Prince Hall Lodge No. 28 and a Shriner, will be the speaker and at 8:00 p.m. the speaker will be Ben¬ jamin Lewis, a member of St John Baptist church, a gradu¬ ate of Savannah State College, past commander of American Logon Post No. 500, member of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, member of the board of direc¬ tors of the Frank Callen Boys’ Club, local committee member of the United Negro College Fund and Eureka Lodge, Mas¬ ons. The chairman of the day’s program is Deacon Richard Middleton, and Rev. William Daniels is pastor of t h e church. Deacons Christian Union To Hold Anniversary The Deacons Christian Union with George White, president, will celebrate its twelfth an¬ niversary Monday and Tuesday at Mt. Tabor Baptist church Impressive programs have been arranged for the two night observance. The anniversary sermon will be delivered by Rev. Lamar Kelly. Jerusalem Bapt. Church At First Jerusalem Baptist church, Rev. W. Brown, pastor, Sunday services were very in- ■piring beginning with Sunday school. At the morning worshLp he pastor delivered a touching sermon after which the dea¬ conesses held their monthly meeting. B.T.U. met at 6:30 and at 8 the pastor again preached B. C. E. Holds Meeting The Board of Christian Edu¬ cation of St. Paul CME church held its regular meeting Sun¬ day at the church. Mrs. Mary B. Jones was hostess. Members present were Mr. and Mrs Thomas Favors, Mrs. Mattie Jackson, Mrs. Janie Williams. Mrs. Rosalie May. Mrs. Martha Simpaons. Mrs. Mary B. Jones, and W. J. Dixon. Special guest was D. W. Boyd. Plans were made for the Tompkins high school band to appear in a concert at the ahureh on May 19 which was an enjoyable affair. Next meet¬ ing will be at the home of Mrs.. Martha Simmons, 511 W. 31st street, May 24. Mrs. Rosalie May, Pres.; Mrs. Mary B. Jones, Sec.; Mrs. Janie Williams. Treas.; Mrs. Martha Simmons, reporter. President Milton King Curry, Jr., of Bishop College, Marshall, Tex., will appear at Albany State College as Baccalaureate speaker. The Myers School of Beauty Culture Announces With Pleasure The FORMATION OF A NEW CLASS IN BEAUTY CULTURE Which begins June 1st This class is now being organized and is designed especially for those who are completing regular school courses and will therefore have time to begin Profess¬ ional Study. Everyone interested may get in touch by writing MADAME E. B. MYERS MYERS SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE 1806 West Broad Street Savannah. Georgia or Telephone ADams 4-9492 Rites Held For Arthur T. Riley Arthur Thomas Riley died at his home, 1022 E. 38th street. Sunday, May 12, after a brief illness. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Riley of Bluffton, S. C., where he was born, but came to this city when only iwo years old. Mr. Riley was employed by the Georgia State Savings Bank for fifteen years and was retired only a year ago this month. His tuneal, held Thurs- day from Mt. Zion Bapt. church of which he was a member and was vice president of the usher board, was largely attended, and the flowers were many. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ella Riley: daughter. Mrs. Thelma Riley Hall, Newark, N. J.; 6 grandchildren, two of whom were reared here, Arthur Hughes of Hoboken, N. J., and Mrs. Hattie Bell Miller of Mi¬ ami, Fla.; one great-grand¬ daughter; one brother, Michael C. Riley of Bluffton, S. C., and two cousins. James Duncan and Mrs. Elmira Haywood Hatha- way of New York City. Rites Held For Edward G. Robinson Funeral services for Edward G. Robinson, who died after a long illness at a local hospital, were held Wednesday afternoon, May 14, from ASbury Methodist rhurch. He had resided in Sa¬ vannah since 1918 and was 'amiliarly called Butch" or •Ed”, having worked at Shore’s- Market for many years and at the Farmer’s Exchange of Bennie Warsaw's Market. The esteem in which he was held was manifested by the argely attended funeral, the nany telegrams, cards, and reautiful floral designs. Fune- -al services were conducted by the Rev. George D. Walker, castor, and Rev. P. A.. Patter- on of Butler Presbyterian Church. Monroe Funeral Direc¬ tors was in charge. Interment was at Laurel Grove cemetery. Survivors are Mrs. Freda G. Robinson. Mrs. Clifford Gray, rmotheri; Mrs. Virginia Rob¬ inson Blalock; Mrs. Mildred R. Romanski. Gary. Ind.. and Mrs. Edwfna, R, Austin, Tallahassee, Florid; $ SHOES & HAfe? DYED ANY COLOR LUGti&k&r & ZIPPERS FRANK’S SHOE SHOP 418 West Broughton Street Phone ADams 2-9594 Memorials JENKINS- In loving memory of our son PFC. JOSEPH N. JENKINS who departed this life two years ago. May 25. 1955 Quick and sudden was your call. Your sudden death surprised us all. The blow was hard, the shock j severe; Wc little thought your death so near. j What would we -give to hear your voice, M .. Your patient face to see; To hold your hand and see i your smile, As in the days that used to be. May brings sad ,mepiories Of a loved one.^pe to rest; You will neyer, ,pe forgotten In the hearts of Mother. Father Sisters and Son,-,, i , ! Mr. Whitrq^p Jenkins. Father Mrs. Alma Jenkins. Mother , Mrs. Janie Parker, Sister Mrs. Evelyn Mincey Sister Mrs. Margurite Kieth, Sister, Master Wayne Jenkins. Son j RHANEY — In memory of our mother MRS. CLARA E. RHANEY - vho passed on May 25, 1947 How beauteous are the dead Who lived as saints below, And leave their mission nobly filled lire heavenward they go. How blessed is their memory To those who loved them here, What inspirattion we find now What hope our hearts to cheer! The Family RUPTURE-EASER Brae* Tru»»> T M Re* U S. Pat. Off. (A Pluer Pat No. 2606551 A strong. form-fittLng washable sup port port for for reducible rei inguinal hernia,. rnia. Ba Bac lacing 1 acing adjustable.!*,Bli^ns adji up in fe'D'tc Adjustable leg strap. Bo’Tt fl &l iW’; pad No steel nr. iffcther. band; nos Fn men, women, children. >fal! ordel ,ers f r' 5 ■- measi Vtate-vShf ■acn, DUKES rfffffty 'STORE 36 W. BROaDfST. -’ga.VANNAH, GA. SIDNEY A. JONES FUNERAL NOME ■ • V! •/■>! I. .1 J 5* v, . OFFERS Highest Class Service LA*..-_ f At - Lowest Cost An Institution With Twenty Years Of p. ■ Human Helpfulness. % >:■ Quick and Courteous 'k i. Ambulance Service % THOUGHTS FOR DAILY MEDITATION- “I want to do one kindly deed each day To help someone to find a better way. I want to lend a hand to one in need Or find some lonely stray that I may feed. I want to sing for someone a lovely song To give them courage when the road is long. If just one smile of mine can lighten pain Then I shall feel I have not lived in vain.” SIDNEY A. JONES FUNERAL HOME 511 West Waldburg Street Phone AD 4-7226 cA'-tPHEU -In If 'dhr aien ory of our dear husband ant*, fattier MR LAWRENCE CAMPBELL- who passed away one year age today, May 20. 1957 ! Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break but all in vain To have, to love and then to part of Is the greatest sorrow our hearts. | The years may wipe out many things, | But this they wipe out never; The memory of those happy j days together. when we were all Sadly missed, by Wife, Mrs. Janme Campbell sons, sistei and brotner YOUNG — In loving memory at oui brothers HORACE G. YOUNG May 22, 1944 EDWARD G. YOUNG May 21, 1933 WILLIAM D. YOUNG May 27, 1947 We will remember you and love you on and on. young’s family Mrs. Mayfield Dies In New York Mrs. Julia Sneed Mayfield, the daug-bter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sneed, Sr., of White Bluff, died at her residence, 1443 Washington Ave., the Bronx, N. Y., on April 26. Funeral services were held at the Thessolonian Baptist church. She leaves two daugh¬ ters, one son-in-law. one sister- in-law, two nieces, one nephew and several cousins She was the god-mother of John F. Sneed. Sr. GOODEN—In memory of our mother MRS. MAMIE GOODEN who passed away on May 16, 1949 jf-ars have gone, we can't forget, words of love wt hear them yet. we think of you, Mother, dear, feel your ungel spirit near. voice i omes floating on the air u* of you Mother, dear. Daughtei Mrs. Helen Gertrude Melrose Foster Daugnter, Miss Margurite (bolli Myers Grands. Mr. \ Mrs. Nathaniel E. Melrose Great-grandson, Master Arnold E. Melrose Great-granddaugnter, Baby Valerie LaVern Melrose all of New Ybrk City CARD OF THANKS The family or the late Orr. Sr., wish to express thanks for the kindness sympathy extended them their bereavement, and thank them for the tele¬ cards and floral designs, The orr family A.M.E. Laymen To Meet Sunday The monthly meeting of the Laymen’s League will held Sunday at 4 p. m. at Thomas A.M.E. church. T. will speak on "Stew¬ J. T. Green, is presi¬ and Sis. H. Edwards, re¬ ' - - ; Wwm i w / Have you tried i i TEN-X i Dixie Crystals Powdered? \ Fifty percent finer ' \ to blend more quickly "Fluffy Clcfud. as a iw^5**5^»*5**^ej**5*^*5«*5**5*^«5 , ^^*{**{ M 5**? , *W*5*^^*5*+** 4 ****>^****J*^ , J**5 ,, 5* , 5*<**5*^*5**5**5 r ^^{ M ^ To See Better See Us Optometric Service 1)2 Wiltaker St. — Plume ADams 3-3476 i\ P-iMSssjifc* HrtUfcvSk EYES EXAMINED glasses fitted^ ' .s- “Vision Is Your Most Precious Possession” ^liKMl *•■•** 43 4Si