The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, June 01, 1957, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1957 THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: If you wish success in life, make perseverence your bosom friend, experience your 'wise counsellor, caution your elder brother and hope your guardian genius.—Addi¬ son. VIRGINIA DUNLAP SCORES HIGH IN DAYTtfN TEST Virginia Dunlap, the very at¬ tractive and talented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe L. Dunlap made her parents proud of her this past week. She received news that of all the pupils in the eighth grades in the Catholic schools in the diocese of Savannah-Atlanta who took the Dayton Test, she j scored second in the city and tenth M fin the state. Her score was 99- 1 | ■ T Not on , is . , r lrgima . . . an exce , y lent pupil scholastically but also in music (Mrs. Camilla Wells is her music teacher). She is also interested in sewing. One of her hobbies is reading. She gets a big thrill browsing through encyclo- perias. She also is interested in travel and is looking forward to doing some extensively some time in the future. Congratulations to Virginia and may she keep up the good work ami make her parents equally as proud, if not more so, as the years roll by. Both Mother and Dad are teachers. MRS. DINGLE HONORED DURING \NNIVERSARY Mrs. Ola B. Dingle, who for the past nine years has served as su¬ perintendent of Second Arnold Baptist Church, was honored two¬ fold on last Wednesday during the celebration of the 38th Anitivcr-' sar.v of the Sunday School. The j honor was because of her faith- ] ful service as superintendent having for j : that period and also for been selected by the members of the faculty of' Springfield Ter- 1 race as “Teacher of the Year.”, I She received as a gift for the latter a beautiful china dresser j set on a large minor tray. From : the Sunday School she received a j | j )Urse Mrs. Alma Jones, who has serv- ed as assistant superintendent for nine vears, was also honored with ; cl j)Itl oL. Manv other Sunday , oit Schools par- ,. ticipated , in . the celebration. , , .. Mes- ,, , * ' dames Florence Parker „ , and , Mar¬ j, .. garet Colclough were responsible , j for the affair, the former serving chairman , . of „ ,, the program and ,, as the latter ......f of iu Ihe ......,ioi social hour. K„„>. Congratulations to Mis. Dingle. MRS. ALTOMESE DOWSE HOME AND FINE Prayers of friends were certain- ly answered. Altomcse (Mrs. James) is back home from New York after having undergone an operation. Had a long visit with her Sunday and she is doing fine and oh so very cheerful. She at- tributes her successful operation and recovery to God, of course, iand, next, to her many frien s '■whose words of prayer, cheer. I lovely cards, , flowers ,, and , other 4U ... courtesies helped. R will taU Altomese a long time _ to get all of those hundreds and hundreds of cards answered. She wants to , answer each one personally. (So like Altomese). Altomese’* sister, Mrs. Nancy T. Collier, has been like a Plor- ence Nightingale to her. She is | at her every beck and call and sparing nothing that will add to her comfort. GUESTS AT OCEAN ...x- trEW i Enjoying the charming hospital- ity of the B. J. James at their swanky Ocean View Beach home were Mesdames 11 wn, Catherine Jackson Jones ami Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Parker, Jr. The faculty of West Savannah enjoyed a beach party there last week-end. Incidentally. , ui case you’re interested, meals will he prepared upon request should you ]ilan to go there in groups. Lots of fun will lie in store for many who take advantage of such de¬ sirable facilities. THE JOSEPH GREENES SPEND DELIGHTFUL \VEEK-END It was a glorious week-end for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Greene and their son, “Jodie.” They left Savannah on last Friday for Co¬ lumbia, South Carolina, where they were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs Elbert Rogers and their two sons. Elbert. Jr., who is 14, and 5. ! Jimmy, age The occasion for the visit was an invitation extended to them for a family picnic given by the Co¬ lumbia chapter of the Links. Guests from several other places were invited. A unique feature of the picnic was that each family brought a lunch and spread it on a huge table. All were free to partake of whatever they saw on the'table that answered a crave for his or her particular appetite. Card play¬ ing and chatting were the main features of the affair besides the service. On their return the Greenes st ,°PP ed for a hnef visil with th <? Algernon Belchers and the Web- Jor f ln Orangeburg. S. C. 1 m Webbers i have a darling eighr- months-old baby girl who has | jr0U gj 1 ^. new happiness t 0 them now that the other children are much older. Mrs. Webber was former Regional Director for the Southeastern Region of Delta Sig¬ ma Theta Sorority. INTERESTING HIGHLIGHTS Mrs. Alma Davis was hostess at a silver tea that v, is sponsoi ;:1 by Beth Eden Baptist Church’s Deaconnegs Board. Mrs. C. M. Wells was in charge of the pro¬ gram with Mrs. Alice Hayward ^ of cerenMmies . Participants on the program weiv M 2 Hern, Knight, Weeks, and others. ^ Stanley “Street” Whittley will arrive in the city by plane from Detroit, Michigan. Returning with him by motor on Saturday will be his wife, Mrs. Alma Whittley, who already has a contract to teach in Detroit. Alma and Street will b" greatly missed by their many fr : end* here. Good luck and^ hap pi- ness to them both, in tncir now assignments. Several affairs have been planned for them, including a reception on Wednesday, May -9, at Bethlehem Center, and a party given by the Moles. Mrs. Pauline E. Hagins was hostess to the Jubemars on last Friday night. Mrs. Josephine Hu- bert won first prize and Mrs. Eunice J. Brown, consolation. Mrs. Frances Sharpe who filled in for Mrs. Hagins received a guest P 1 <xe. William “Bill” Tobin who had been confined to the hospital lor live months haw now returned to Ins home, he , had , been , on the critical list twice. His wife, affectionately known by her many friends as “Mrs. Tillie,” is so happy to have Bill at horn,' agau;. His friend of many years, Carl Oliver, received a long letter from him rerently. Father Bishop of St. Matthew’. Episcopal Church (of which t'r Tobins are members) is retiring on June 1. The church i : ci : . dinner in his honor at the Wald f Astoria on Saturday. The Tobins have a table reserved for ten, some of the guests being from Sa\an- nah and Philadel; bin. The plate are $10 per person, Our Fourth Graders receiving the paper published by the Sre- ^ ^ 1)cK ,,, , t ; Barbara , ;an thrillcd . Mrs . Nancy Walker . g fjICK’LIST So sorry that Jerry Cox is on fj, e Fek jj s t. Just had a chat with jjrs. Cox, who wa d that he is confined to bed again a a result 0 f j,j s injuries, received wh a i [,i a ,. e 0 f bo new-.. Coconut Or.we, was robbed. Here’s hoping that he will sonn be up and around again. Mr , KK ,, cnfu.H ^ ^ home as a result of a re . ^ ^ g<) S()n . y ^ haye ,, ;;rncd * ^ thjg and hope that she> too> w iU ^ 0 n the road to recovery again. Mrs. Mazella Shellman who has been employed by Mr. Donald Thomas for years at his business jg ^ y thg pi]grim Life In _ . ui . ant . e Company . Th p came a, a ris , e tH her for she had lir , t antid ted , uch i ack s0 „„n. Mr. Thomas recently retired after many years as a most successful anil efficient glazier. Smiling Social Clvb Mrs. Pearl Williams of 2409 Florence street was the hostess of the Smiling social club on Monday night. May 20. the president, Mrs. Madie Howell, * charge. After the usual business a prize was won by Mrs. Gussie McMurry. A dainty ^ st was served b * the host ’ CARGO BEAUTY SCHOOL GRADUATES—Top row, left to right: Cora L. Wynn, operator of Cargo Beauty Shop; Beola Lanier, Nettle Bell Evans, Ruth Smith, Lillie Williams, Lillie Carter, Frances Dixon, Willie Maud McNair, Mary Lee Bellinger, Louise Alb riant, Ethel Morrell. Mrs. Ella D. Bell, operator of Cargo Beauty Shop. BOTTOM ROW, seated left to right: Bernice Parker, 22 Receve Diplomas Church. Rev. P. A. Patterson, the Graduating exercises for the 'For. seien’ed few his. subject, Cargo Beauty School were held "The Three Talents.” Sunday at Butler Presbyterian | Mrs. Carrie Cargo, owner of ess. CTrer members present were M fames Madie Howell, | Ctis Herrington, Alice Hartwell, | Ethel Laten, Hattie Williams,! German, j Dera Burns, Maxine Josephine Myers, G-ussie Me-! Murry, Susie Williams, Susie, Miller Clema Butler The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Susie Williams, S32 West 44th street. Lzcc y r c:‘a ( hb The la t semi-monthly meet- .iig of the Rjsary social club , was'held at the home of Mrs id. S. Hail, Pres. Faustine Big- usn, presiding. The grocery .acket raffle was won by Mrs. M. Darling, 7,,3 West 45th St. |.During the social hour, games were played, prizes being won ~y Rosarys M. Graham. L. Wil- on and our p-esident. The icctcss served a delicious bar- ccue sv-pper. We are planning 1 beat rid.; in July. Members •'resent were A. Williams, M. Thomas, S. Stephens, B. Wil¬ liams, V. Wilson, L. Wilson, A. Johnson and B. Demery. Next certh g at the heme cf L. WilliamWest Duffy street. Fall I l Men’s Club Saturday night, May 25, was ■. bVif.-cM-ntl meeting cf the Faithful Men’s Club at the heme cf Pres. W. J. Duffin. They planned a special affair 'hich will end June 22 at 8 Phillip1253 •■’clock at the .home Comer cf Dance street, j j ”*ext meeting is with W. II. Hendrix, 1950 West 63th street, j faturday night, June 8. Der.r' cians f orrrity Merit In f.pito of the down pour of j rein Bund >.y at 7 o'clock the A. ha Mu Tau chapter ofl Alpha Chi PI Omega sorority mot at the home of Mrs. ElouBe | lenders. Flans were completed ; for the outing at Collier beach | in June with the Alpha Rho j ! hap ter cf Charleston, S. C., ns gee A. There will be no meet lug' during the months of I June, July and August. Birth- ' day igfts were received by j --v-erai members with natal j | coys in May. Scror Bland en- •■red tire hospital on Thursday, j All hope fer her a speedy re- ; ■ every. A lovely repast was carved by the hostess. Les Sccia'et'es 1 1 i S .:L\:.l;‘tes club met with Miry H. Bailey cn Saturday evening, May 25. Card games were enjoyed by all present. Carolyn Kirkland received a gift from the club in behalf of her recent birthday. Members present included Carolyn Kirk¬ land, Johnnie Moye, Catherine Hunt, Carolyn Gladden and Lillian Battiste, A delicious re¬ past was enjoyed by all. Fvt. Jones Completes Pasic Training FORT DiX, N J. (AHTNC ' — Pvt. Luther A Jones, son of Mr. j and Mrs. Luther A. Jones, Sr., 429 Lincoln Ave., Albany, Ga., j recently was graduated from > the basic Army administration course at Fort Dix. N. J. The course included training in typing, Army clerical proce¬ dures and record keeping. Jones entered the Army last January. He is a 1956 graduate ol Florida A.xM. University and a member of Gmega Psi Phi fraternity. THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE Nightingale Club Mrs. Rosella Hills’was hostess for the ixfghingale social club on Monday night. After the •egiBar business a delectable iLOAD SMM ■ 62IERAL % ELECTRIC TELEVISION ULL MOST BE SOLD BY SATURDAY NIGHT! !i 4 PRICES ARE WAY DOWN! TERMS TO SUIT YOUR POCKETBOOK V. E. LOVE & SONS “THE FRIENDLIEST STORE IN TOWN” East Broad and Libert/ Streets Phone ADams 4-1790 STORE OPEN ’TIL 9 P. M. T H U R S .. F R !. AND SATURDAY. Lee Carter, Murgarct Joyner, Bernice Bailey, Morris Ropei of New York City, Madam Carrie Cargo, Mrs. Sarah VanEUtson, Donald F.r cks of New York City Mary Patter.nn, Mary Moore, M d,He .n and .e Major. Graduates not shown on picture are Frankie Mae Pelote. Maggie E. Black, Elizabeth Bivins, Bernice Johnson, Robbie Lee Woodruff and Catherine Potter. the well known school, preen- -Photo by Freeman ed diplomas to twenty-two students as la led above. Monday at Coconut Grove. The annual piom was held ■ repast was served by the host- ' ess’ daughter, Mrs. Mayola 1 Jones. Those present were Mrs. I Ootavia McNutt, Mrs. Willie Mao Devoe. Mrs. Victoria San- ! dors. Mrs. Eliza Fluff, Mbs. Edna one, Mrs. Sarah Brannen 1 Mr.; Marian ■'L. Spaulding. .3 were Mrs. Ayler Mae reF. and her son, Bill Lovett. next' meeting will be at Hu^'b^e. j REELECTED —Joseph H. Oliver, 'business agent and treasurer for Local Union No. 1463, Paint¬ ers and Decorators, and also j vice president of the Georgia 1 Mate Painters Conference, who was reelected by unanimous ballot as vice president of the Georgia StatcPainters Confer¬ ence, at their spring session in Brunswick, May 14. He also a delegate to the Georgia Fed¬ eration of Labor Convention, and the Georgia State A.F.L.- ! C.I.O. merger convention, all of i which were held in Brunswick, ! May 15-16-17. These organiza- ! tlcns arc all affiliated with the American Federation of Labor 1 and the Congress of Industrial Organizations. Oliver has been business: agent and treasurer of Local Union 1463 for twelve year,* and served on the board of trustees for the Savannah Building Trades Council for : : five years, the only colored delegate to hold a position In that capac¬ ity. Local Union M63 just recent¬ ly signed a contract with the P.D.C.A., Savannah chapter, and Independent contractors for one year, at a mintmur rag** rate ol $2.50 per hour, over the Fort Stewart, pienn- ville, claxton, Pembroke, States¬ boro and Springfield areas. Cherokee Rose Social Club The Cherokee Rose social club with Mrs. Bernetha Dray- ton, 715 West 35th street, on Wednesday night, May 22. Pres. Hagan presided. Plans were completed for the motorcade which was given Friday night, 24. It was quite a success. our next meeting plans will made for an outing on a oeach. Those present werie Mrs. Mary Hagan, Mrs. Marji Rob¬ erts, Mrs. Annie Sutton) Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Pansy brown and Mrs. Bernetha Drayton. The next meeting will be at home Of Mrs. Annie Button, W. 55 street, Friday night, 14. r page ’/rr*