The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, June 01, 1957, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT MADAME E. B. The Myers School of Beauty Culture Announces With Pleasure The FORMATION OF A NFW CLASS IN BF.AUTY CULTURE Which be% ns June 1st Thin class is now being organized and is designed especially for those who are completing regular •chool cour ses and will therefore have < m-> to begin Professional Study. Everyone interested mav gel in touch by writing MADAME E. H. MYERS ’■>, MYERS SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE lSOfi West Broad Street Savannah, Georgia or Telephone A Dams 1-‘)R)2 At The Ringside By Charles J. Livingston fur ANP A RINGSIDE VIEW OF THE l.B.C. I For the past eight years, sports fans throughout the world have been reading and hearing about James Dugan Norris and his In-: ternational Boxing Club, the sprawling promotional combinoy whieh according to its critics, mo- j nopolize the first fight industry by singlehandedly serving the needs of a fight-crazed public. I | Yet it is doubted if many know the true nature of the organiza- tion, its actual position in boxing, and the type of men who run it. Except, for the fighters, managers, co-operating promoters, writers a art others closely allied to box- ipg. the fight public gets only an occasional glimpse into the opera- tlon of the l.B.C. Yet from a public standpoint, fuller knowledge of the 1. B. C. is essential particularly in the light of recent developments. For this is written, the 1. B. C. faces federal action for “attempting to monopolize championship bouts in Violation of anti-trust laws.” Such Was the finding of Judge Syl vester J. Ryan, who is presently Conducting a bearing to determine What to do about the I. B. C. , The government is claiming that the I. B. C., through its ownership and control of the major boxing arenas in the nation, control over tiie top fighters, and television and radio contracts, prevents free com¬ petition in the promotion of box¬ ing bouts und tints is guilty of violation of the anti-trust law. This law says broadly, “live and let live.” However, in itij evalua¬ tion, the government seemingly overlooked one factor: Boxing, by Its very nature attracted a lively field of investors. There is too much risk involved, and small in¬ dependent promoters and others unskilled in the intricacies of fight-making usually want no part of it. Even Jack Dempsey, the former heavyweight champion, re¬ fused to promote, saying that only a man like Jim Norris with plenty of dough to spread out can succeed at it. Dempsey is right. ITomoting boxing is very risky and expensive business. In fact the I. 15. C. came into being because it took the calculated risk and had the money to spread out. This coupled with plenty ol knowhow, helped the I. B. C. to IF YOU WANT FRESH FISH CALL ADams 2-9181 McCook’s Fish Market 2415 WEST BROAD ST WE THANK YOU Open On Sundays V '1J rr D ‘>r If -n/“ t- -—j , J>, ''^nrfrrj- r &jj fL % ft* w *> ! ■ % 3 \ \ T ; ; •< t-r‘ rv'‘ fai . gfj£ U T \ 4.% X 'Sat -4 \ x\ f£r*> NEW TECHNICAL BUILDING— Architect’s drawing of th-crccted on the campus of Savannah State College, Construction one-million dollar technical which will be Is to start soon. REDLEGS RETURN HOME MONDAY FOR TEN GAMES Tiie Savannah Rcdlegs will : urn home , Monday ,, , ' from , a oad trip to Macon and Colum- - us - Next week’s schedule is brim- ull of games, ten to be played n seven days. Macon will be ere Monday to start the series t the Stadium to be followed i I hursday by Jacksonville. Three !-ub!e-hoadcrs are on tap dur- ng the seven days play. j -Shirts Available The Savannah Baseball Club n; ounced today that the T- hirts will be available to all hildren who have joined the icd-lcgger program. The chil- Iren should take their ticket tubs to Adler’s Department ’.tore where they will get their I'-shirts. This will be in effect iucecv,sfully fill the void created by the retirement of Mike Jacobs in 1049. Even now the I. B. C. is the only promotional until cap- able of meeting the demands of j television sponsors for weekly box- ing shows. The sponsors have long rejected the occasional promoter who can give no assurance of de- livcring such bouts, Television financing is today the best way. of subsidizing boxing, which has proved the answer to the fan who stays at home to watch the fight. The sponsor, meanwhile, will foot the bill for the TV ringside tickets, because he knows he can get his sales message across to a nationwide audience. But he must be guaran- teed in advance that the shows will be presented on schedule, So when the I. B. C. stepped into the fistic picture, it had to fjnd S0H1C vvay of meet i n g this demand. Exclusive contracts with fiffhU!Mf an(1 control uf the major am ,as provided the answer. The. , [{ c jn u „ fainiCM DID NOT attempt to prec i u de competition beyond these points. Two things cun be said in praise of the l.B.C. Regardless of its method, it has provided steady employment for hosts of pugili: t.x, and it has distributed the cham- , pionship spoils equally among the ' mejor cities. Each of the cities got a chance to share in the boost¬ ed financial revenue which such j Discover the great change in Gin Slowly... slowly ... slowly Nature creates perfection M)L jJili , WJ ■ * m NOW! NEW GOLDEN DRYNESS...created by Calvert's unique SlowMctliod drink, If Method, you ask want no for gin a Calvert crisp, has ever clean Dry been Gin. dryness drier Made in ... your by none a favorite unique smoother Slow gin ! Calvert CALVERT 90 PROOF DISTILLERS . DISTILLED CO., N. FROM Y. C. • AMERICAN DISTILLED DRY GRAIN GIN Ikf Cin as of June 3rd and only for the week , of , June , „ 3rd j will .,,, these .. shirts be available. As an added attraction, the management also announced that they will have a ball play- cr available each day at Adler’s to support the program and to talk with the young children as they come in for their T-shirts from 3:00 to 5:00 ing week and from lUOO 4:00 on Saturday. All children must wear their and bring their mrm- cards to the ball park starting June ftth for future games if they plan to use this program, —---——‘—-—*- usually attract. There is another important By and large, the, I. K. C. benesl with tan fighters. the past when Negro fight- were freezed out of title fights, I. R. C. on several occasions stepped in and, by holding lucrative offer*, hare persuad- ! the reluctant champions to do OWN YOUR HOME NOW!! TWO PEI) ROOMS. OAK FLOORS CLOSETS IN EACH BED ROOM ONLY $299 «!9GO DOWN Balance in Low Monthly Payments of $57.77 Call LEE KUKR ADams 3-2727 HOME BUILDERS 1009 Wheaton Street MONEY TO LOAN On your home or other property at low interest rates No Commission or Bonus Charged. GUARANTY LIFE INSURANCE CO. 4fi0 West Broad Street Telephone ADams 2-2(M2 THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE j battle with them. Under the I. B. C.’s first pro- 'motion, two tan battlers---Ezzard j Charles and Jersey Joe Walcott— ! fought for the heavyweight cham- 1 pionship of the world. And after I them have come several others, such as Sugar Kay Robinson, Floyd Patterson, Archie Moore, 'J 0h ’ 1 > Saxton, Sandy S.uldler and Joe Brown. Under fire the I. B. C. each . fought r . , for r and . won a . boxing championship. Tan managers, too, came into their own under the or- ganizntion. Formerly relegated to the position of trainers and sce- onds, Negroes such as George Gainsford and Harold ‘ Killer" -Johnson now get a chance to share in J-* 16 managerial melon. p ron) t h c very outset the I. II. C. showed its fairness in that respect by appointing a man of color to what is perhaps the most pivotal post in the organization. It install¬ ed Truman Kolia Gibson, Jr., Chi¬ cago attorney and former assistant to the Secretary of War, as secre¬ tary. That move proved a wise one. Thereafter, Gibson, Norris, and his partner, Arthur Wirtz, pooled their business talents to form the cleverest triumvirate the boxing game has ever known. It iS common talk that “Norris” money (he and Wirtz are million- a j xe s) and Gibson’s brains make ^ j jj tick.” Yes, monopoly or not, the l.B.C. has made a profound impression on boxing and if it is dissolved, it is easy to visualize boxing going through a difficult cycle until another big name emerges. Anoth- er boxing baron? Yes, there will always be a top banner in box- ing. What do you think? Boy Refusing To Wash Oishes, Shot by Dad TOLF.DO, Ohio. (ANP).—A 16- boy, who reportedly re¬ fused to wash dishes, was wourtded his father after a quarrel in home, sheriff’s deputies re¬ ported. Shot in the leg, James Jackson, >f nearby Swanton, was admitted Manmoc Valley Hospital. His father, Walter, 45, shot him as he out of the house, Mrs. and another son, Walter, told deputies. The father, charged with shoot¬ with intent to kill, was held $5,000 bond for grand jury Georg* Norford docs publicity for NJ’C’s top televi¬ ‘‘Frill* and fancy si off don’t mean a sion dramas. He also writes plays of hi* own —and one thing to me,” lie savs. “With Luckies, of his short stories made the “best-of-the-year” list. you get the only thing that counts in a When it comes to smoking, lie’s a Lucky man. cigarette: better taste.” 'Taste makes all the difference ... and LUCKIES TASTE BETTER Georgs need* a ladder to reach some of his huge book collection—but his Luckies are as near as his coat pocket. The key to Luckies’ better taste is their fine tobacco - mild, good-tasting tobacco that’s TOASTED to taste even bctLcr. Thi* model *tag« *et was de¬ signed for George 'splay, “1 lead of the Family.” lie’s tried all kinds of writ ing—and all kinds of cigarettes. “I.uckics,” lie says, “arc the best-tastipg cigarette 1 ever smoked.” "IT’S TOASTED” to taste better! LUCKIES TASTE BETTER Cleaner, Fresher, Smoother! Co. PitiJucI < / <J/it ijJnunctiK 'Jo6ojC& ny — Jv{liX£0 is SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1957 BIG AL PINKSTON BURNING ’EM UP IN TEXAS LEAGUE Recently many local ball fans have been asking the question ( What’s become of big A1 “Pinkie” Pinkston, who as a member of) the Savannah Indians team three years ago copped practically all j the slugging laurels in the Sally League. Don’t worry about him, he’s doing great for himself in the , Western (A) League as a member of the Amarilla team, and is | still hogging the lime-light at hat. ! As a verification of the statement that the 6-foot-5 220 poun¬ der is continuing his spectacular hitting we quote the following which appeared last week in The Sporting News, recognized- a c authority in baseball matters: Perfect Park for Pinkston AMARILLO, Tex.—Amarillo Gold Sox Outfielder A1 Piuk- slc'n loves his new home, Potter Countv Stadium. In the first ten games played in the new stadium, Pinkston had 21 hits in 40 at-bats for a sizzling .525 average and he had driven in 14 runs. He had hit three homers, three triples and three doubles here. Pinkston socked the first home run in the park, May 5, to win a game and he also smashed the first home run over the right field wall, May 13. The big fi-foot, 5-inch outfielder has been hitting the ball very well for the Sox in the first 15 games, boasting a .4C4 season average un through May 13. An amazing thing about Pinkston, who is a power-hitter and a free swinger, he hadn't struck out in his first 56 official times at bat. And in case you want to know about Elio Chacon, shortstop, ind Dan Morejon, outfielder, who played with the Savannah Rcd- legs last Reason, Sporting News reports the manager of the Ha¬ vana Cubans, of the International (AAi league with whom Elio and Dan are playing this year, as saying: , “In addition to Morejon. a speedy, hard hitting outfielder, another rockie who ha ; been a pleasant surprise is Shortstop Elie '(hacon. who has sparkled both afield and at bat.” Sporting News also reports that Willie Powell, a pitcher with 'he Redlegs last year, is with Nuevo Laredo of the Mexican fAAi NATURAL GAS FAMILIES ENJOY PENNY - A - MEAL LOOKING WHILE HEATING — AND SAVING — WITH NATURAL GAS SEE TOVIt NATURAL GAS APPLIANCE DEALER omPAnY Cement Products Co. Savannah. Ga. Phone ADams 2-2971 Hull and West Houndary Sts. » ■ ■ ■ um .1 ; n TV SETS $39.95 up 30 Days Guarantee IDEAL FOR YOUR HOME Service on All T. V. Sets MANN T. V. 142 West Broad Street Dial AD 6-6358 Nights & Sundays. Al> 3-5135 1 Specializing w WEDDING ANP BIRTHDAY CAKES Pastries, Old Fashion Rye Bread Cream Puffs Doughnut* Two Bakings Daily KRAFT'S BAKERY Jefferson and Iiuliy Sts. Phone ADams 2-5244 SUE RAUL and ANDY l or Ignition, Starters, Generators and Carburetors Rhone ADams 2-0221 WHEN YOU WANT SEAFOOD Go To or Phone LOUIS C. Matthews 518 West Broad St. Phones ADams 2-1141 ADams 2-1142 mm* --—— - ----- - . OVERALLS and DUN GAR EES < NEED ENGRAVINGS HALFTONES'LINE CUTS COLOR PLATES'ART DIAL ADams 2-5508 DIXIE ENGRAVING CO. t*8 W. BAY ST. TO SELL IT...ILLUSTRATE IT!