The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, March 15, 1958, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 195S <-J~Cerc \Jl\ tcrc i I $ II x hi t ? i i •:• f | | ? 11 v * 11 t a | 1 t r*\' % <$*r !i r :•=! *.... ■ XK ;%1 ifc-*.-™____..... By W ilia SUCCESS must be earned, it must be earned every day tne year—Edward T. OMC, Buick Gen. Mgr. * * * * NO MAN is good enough govern another man the other’s consent.—Lincoln. * * * * Congraiuiations to RUTH P. SIMMS, a “ - ™ ladega wno has the distinct honor maintaining a straight “A’ The The Tr Tribune iune statf t £ is proud of Ruth as she served as typist and file at the Tribune for several jners during her high and college career. She was ways dependable and was a “clock watcher.” Best for continued success, Ruth! * * * * MISS LULA B. WOODSON ». New York city is m the because v.....,v,„ of the serious .....< illness 1 her mother who is a patient Georgia Infirmary. * * * * MRS. SADIE Met LOUD of Augustine, Florida, is her son-in-law and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mid granddaughter, cf 1007 West 36 Street. MRS. ZELLA M. DES ..has been ill at the heme of daughter, Mrs. Louise D. ford, in New York city Lie sudden death of her Edward E. Des Verney, a weeks ago. Her many friends share her sorrow. 'Crawford is a regular J, ;ijcriber of the Tribune. r ' Des Verneys are native nahians. * * * * 5IISS GEORGIA MAE teenage daughter of Mrs. J, Horne of 1014 East 37 was seen recently at the Fcst” at the city W’e had a chat with her intermission. It was that her cousin, Miss Berry, who is a talented is playing at the Country Club in Atlanta. news was too good to keep there are many of our who used to enjoy summer visits to Savannah her piano playing at parties where the piano the only instrument for cing. Those were good days so long ago but unknown the ‘juke box” teenagers today. Cornelia was always life of our parties. Best at the Piedmont, Cornelia! * * * * HAVE YOU renewed your tomobile driver’s license? Do today! Don’t ask why! PEC. MOSES WHITE, est son of Mrs. Edna White 346 Price Street, is home on thirty day furlough. He returned from overseas he spent twd years in He will be stationed in after his furlough. * * * * THE baby” CONTEST of St. Philip Mon. M E church will close on 30 Rev W L Brown is Mrs. L. B. Lampkin, and J. W. Williams, treasurer * * * * REV. & MRS. GEORGE DINGLE are driving a ful new green 1958 Congratulations! * * * * APRIL 7 is the date of Easter Dance to be given by Anglett Social Club at supper Snnnrr club APRIL 4 is the date of Pre-Easter Dance being bv Les Mesdames-at Inn MARCH BIRTHDAYS CON- TINUED: Mrs. Isabel Embry, March 6 ; Mrs. Beatrice M. Colvin, March 1U. Mrs. Maggie Morrell, March 11; Mrs. Marie Best, March 18 ! Maurice Strider, March 18 Mrs. Perla G. Steele, March 24 Frank Best, Jr., March 25. congratulations to all! : * » » * | MRS- ESTHER GARVIN REED of Wukeficld , Rhode Island is in the city visiting her niece> ' Mrs; Eugene <>"■ West 51st i s* ree ^ i I J ' SAVANNAH SYMPHONY 1 , j evening at the city auditorium \ in a thrilling performance. Thomas Brockman, young pian¬ ist. from Greenville, S. C., was featured in Tschaikowslty’s Con¬ certo No. 1 in B Minor for L-,, Piano and Orchestra, ' opus H 23. ! Chauncey Kelley, T - ,, conductor of \ the orchestra, was at his usual best. * * * * THE WINSTON-SALEM TEA. CliEKS COLLEGE Choir sur¬ passed all expectations, Tues¬ day when it sang at the First Congregational Church. Music is a business as well as an art with this group. The singers never turned their eyes away Hem the conductor during the | w h oU program. The music | baautiluli thrilling! and uplift- h , g , Pecple came from Sylvania> j M , dl>vayi M , cIn tosh. Thunderbolt and savannah' to 'hear 'them j MrS- . Alice Creccy Wr;ght di _ • rector pf . the Fim Congrega . ticna! church wafe 1 instrumental in getting the group to appear here while on their annual tour. Mr. Dillard brought greetings frem Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wilson (Friar and Marian), native Sa. vannahians and former mem. j ders b0 st church who now reside in Winston-Salem Seen in the audience were Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Curtright and Ar-hur, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. VV. K. Payne, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Braithwaite, Dr. and Mrs. J. w. | wiison, Miss Zelia Owens, Mr. & j Mrs. Randolph Fisher, Edward 3 Law> Mr and Mrs 0scar ( Grecne> Rev & Mrs A j Har _ gWU , f Mr„ and Mrs. H. M. Jason and Edith> Miss Me ii nda Smith, Mrs. Veronica Arnold, Miss M. R. Shivery, Mrs. Sophroma Tompkins, Miss Cecile Walker, Mrs Lillian B;ake) Miss A L Pettie, Mrs. H. M. Brentson, Miss Celeste Hatcher, Mrs. Lucile Thomas, Mrs. M. V. Hannar, Mrs. Gussie Slater, Miss Edrina Slater, Mr. and Samuel A. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. f E. C. Biacksliear, Clarence Per. kins, Jr., George E. Charles A. Simmons, S. J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs.^ George C. Singfleld, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bisard, Mrs. Mamie Haynes, Mrs. Lucille B. Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. E. H. Gadsden and Jeff¬ rey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gill, Mr - and Mrs - John McIntosh, Miss Ira Pinckney, Mrs. George Pressley, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Johnson, Miss Juliette Johnson, j R - w - Gadsden, Mrs. Evanel 1 Terrell, Mr. and Mrs. ! w - Spencer, John E. Spaulding, 1 Miss Anice McKinney, Miss Greer Gadsden, Mr. and Mrs. I Ezra Johnson and many others, incluctog 4 h e out-of-town 1 g^sts. Thanks to all who made this . P rciect a su ^ ! . THE “CHOIR FEST” presen- | ted at the city auditorium last Friday was inspirational and entertaining. Nine full choirs | wearing choir r0 bes sang selections each. (Anthems and spirituals.) They came in a down.pour of ram which ’tinued through the OC ■ I : f * V * ? • » ?.*! IMf GIRL SCOUTS CtLtBKAlING 461H ANNIVERSARY The o:n Scouts are ins their birthday this week, March 9-15. ’‘You Can Count on Her” is the theme for the week. During the week many birth¬ day celebrations will be observ¬ ed in Savannah and through¬ out the nation. This is the 40th birthday of Girl Scouting in the United States. In the Mamie Williams District there are 24 registered troops in the following neighborhoods with volunteer chairmen: Dogwood, Mrs. Viola Reynolds; Hickory, Mrs. Sadie Norris; Magnolia, Mrs. Leana Wilcox. The cele¬ bration of these three neighbor¬ hoods will be held at the Robt. W. Gadsden school, Magnolia and Waldburg streets, Satur¬ day, March 15th from 10:30 a. m. to 12:45 p. m. Parents and friends are invited to attend. Tfskcpeans Making Plans For Coming of Graham Jackson At the monthly meeting of the Savannah-Statesboro chap¬ ter, Tuskegee Alumni Associa¬ tion held Saturday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bivens, Savannah State College, twenty Tuskegeeans represent¬ ing Chatham, Bulloch, and Lib¬ erty County Areas were pres¬ ent. R. L. Dunlap, chairman of the program It "progr7s7made committee, gave a report on the Graham W. Jackson Musical which the organization is pre- Renting Easter Monday night, Aside from the regular busi- ness .plans were discussed t establish a mutually relationship between our Alma Mater and the Alumni in this section of the state. iC. R. Holbert, of Statesboro, was appointed Chaplain of the local Alumni Association. A delicious repast was serv- ed by the hostess after the bus¬ iness session. The program was sponsored by the Bu.lcr Presbyterian Church School of which J. A. Singleton is superintendent. The loyal members of the sponsoring church and several visitors were present. It was a revealing \ lesson in “loyalty and eoopera- tion” that shall long be remem. bered. Rev. P. A. Patterson is pastor of the host church. Mrs. S. F. F’razier served as master of ceremonies. Thanks to all for giving us an opportunity to serve the community in a i musical capacity as well as from a business angle (printing pro- grams, etc.). i * * * * THE MARCH edition of "The Echo,,”. a student publication the Tompkins High School, is off the press. It looks good and is “good reading.” Be sure to get your copy before the “sold out” sign is given. Congratula¬ tions to the staff! • **** MR. \ 5IRS. ANTONIO OR- SOT of Virginia State College, ! Petersburg Va., send greetings 1o ail their Savannah friends. i There is an article in this week’s issue of the Tribune about tlie fine work Mr Orsot is doing in the architectural .field. » » , * OF INTEREST to a wide circle of friends is the announcement this week of the engagement of Miss Laura Geneva Solomon to First Lieutenant Adolphus D. Carter. Congratulations and best wishes to this lovely couple! It would take a lot of \ space to tell of the many nice things we know about these young people and their families ! They are "Savannah’s own.” * * * * MRS. SARAH BENTON BAKER is convalescing at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and _____ Mrs. ______ Fred _____________ Thomas of „ i 3205 Stevens street, after being a patient in a local hospital, Mrs. Baker’s son, Marion Ben¬ ton, her daughter, Mrs Etta Benton Tucker, and their friend. Burk Basso, all of New York city, visited her recently. FRIDAY, MARCH 14, is the date of the Delta Jabberwock to be presented at the city ditorium. Be sure to go early i to get a choice seat. THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE ENGAGED ! ;V-VV V MISS LAURA GENEVA SOLOMON ENGAGED—Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Solomon announce the en¬ gagement of their daughter, Laura Geneva, to Adolphus D. Car- Lieutenant, U. S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Miss Solomon is a graduate of A. E. Beach High School and Talladega College, She is employed by Schools. the Board of Education j as clerk at East Bread and Harris St. Lieutenant carter is a graduate of Savannah State College and is at present stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga. A June wedding is being planned. CARNEGIE LIBRARY TO OBSERVE (Cuntinuerr from Page One) us in this celebration, “In the fabric of a nation the pi die Library is an thiead. This week .when ica celcbiates National Library Week for the finjUUme, remem- ber to keep that thread taut with use: browse, borrow, read Libraries are not made, they grow.”—Augustine Birrell PTA CCNF y--, *Al MFPT AT AL AI 0 RAWV AIN 1 'Continued iron, Page one) at the opening session, Ihe program has been pian- ned around the theme Impera- lives for Growth in School and Community. Mrs. E. R. Gay, president of the Con- fress, states that not only will child welfare and development cf youth receive special atten. tion, but the effect ParentA’e^er of conso- Ration Association on t&e and its fungus will also be studied. The program will include a discussion of The Salk Vaccine, by Charles Bynum of the Na- tional Foundation of Infantile Paralysis, and of the role oi The Parent-Teacher Association - n the Fight Against Cancer by John W. Emanuel of the American Cancer Society. Rep- resentatives from the Mental Health Association and the Georgia Teachers and Educa- l ' tn Association will also play kf y 10ies in tlie three day meet- ii-g ' A full afternoon will be de- voted to a workshop session wi th four groups studying the scope of the Parent Teacher Association as follows: Group L The Structure of the P. T. A. Group 2. Policies and Guiding Principles. Group 3. Policies as They Affect Fund Raising (Pro- per use of PTA funds), and Group ,4. The 100 '/, P.T.A. (Georgia’s Star Program). 100') certificates will be awarded to units having successfully com- pleted the five points in this Star Program by the designa¬ ted time. The Albany District is mak- ing elaborate preparations to entertain the delegates. The Congress is organized into eleven districts with al- most five hundred active Pa- rent-Teacher Associations. The goal for this year is 50,000 members. Jolly Social Club Tire Jolly Social club met at the home of Mrs. Henrietta Harley, the vice president, Mrs, Mariah Jones in charge. Much business was carried out. A chicken supper will be given March 29 at the home of Mrs. corine Hill, 1202 McCarthy St. rp| 1£ , ncx ^ mee ti ng be a t the noqiq of Mrs. Mariah Jones, 1 , 5^5 Ei-Joweaustreeii'Vi Members are j^ R . g piiyins Jenkins, Mrs. Corlne HJ11 Mrs . Henrietta Harley, Mrs. Mariah Jones, Mrs. Bertha Jenkins, Mrs. Jessie M. 1 Wilson, Isaac Williams. Jolly 14 Social Club The Joliy 14 Social club met at the home of . Mrs. Ada Her- bert, 1815 W. Broad street. Mrs. Francis Mtteholl is'on the sick list. Next meetji)fg'.^vill be at 1107 W. 40th' street. A deli¬ cious repast was served by the hostess. Mrs. Eleana Bing gmith,i,. president; Miss Irene Tilson, reporter. j Canri Socialites j The Capri Socialites met at j the home of Mrs. Susie Smith, wfnR * street. The officers were elected: Mrs Rvd Jacks()n ___' president; J Mrs. Elizabeth , ,, Anthony, . chair- . j man; Mrs . Ann Mills, recording | secretary I Mrs, Charlie Mae Al- Nelson, Fin. secretary; Mrs. ma Samples, treasurer; Mrs. J Susie Smith, chaplain; Mrs. Mabel Groovpr, reporter; Mrs. i Eonzela ' Davis, chairman of birthday &nd, sick committee. Much (business was transacted toy the hostess. The next | meeting will be at the home of ^. Bonoto Davis TM W 36th j j J _ ' ' ___ noiMriPAI * KINv.Ii AL uLAi QI \pc i GIRL. GIRL’S |?ATHFR SI APS 3 (Continued from Page One) __________________ half the pupils Negro. j The principal, slapped Joseph the Hortz- girl field. sa‘d he on the arm after she had curs- cd her teacher. He was knocked to the floor and struck several times by Ht,rman Galloway, 32, who had t0 tlP hC 00 a ‘ r>r 1S daughter, Theima, 15. an eighth grade pupil, reported the slap¬ ping incident. Galloway later surrendered to! the sheriff's office and was charged with assault and bat- j ^ ery on a complaint signed by principal, g i rk meanwhile, aecord- j ng to the principal, faces sus- - pension for the rest of the school year, Mrs. Stell Installed President BMW A Mrs. L. S. Stell The Baptist Ministers Wives observed its fourth Monday night at' First Brownsville Baptist Rev. W. Gwyn, minis 1 - The following program was. with Mrs. W. Gwyn, Theme ’ ' “Higher 'It'.’ song, led by the choir of Baptist church, who service for the occasi invocation, Rev. W. Gwyn; address, Mis. Effie duet, Mrs. R. L. Byrd krs. J. C. McMillan; his¬ of the organization, Mrs. Daniels; solo, Mrs. Elise introduction of speakei;, ad¬ E. P. Quarterfnan; Mrs. W. N. Robinson, president of the Alli¬ installation of officers by Rev. E. 1*. Quqr- 1 prayer, Rev. W. "tf. f i Mrs. L. S. Stell, the wife 'of L. S. Stell, was installed president of the Alliance. Stell is a member of the Baptist church and I | an eloquent speaker. Others elected were Mrs. A t t i ,,, „ 11 , V L L ByTd^Tinindal^ee' re etai,. ary Mrs. E L. P f Quar Qua-terman, c man rre!pond "’ i! “><■ ■ Mrs. II. Hagan, treasurer. treasurer. Smiling Social Life Mrs. Pearl Williams of 2409 street was hostess of Smiling Social club Monday March 3. The meeting called to order by the pres- Mrs. Madie Howell. Much .was transacted, buffet gfter a delicious ki/ir- was s served server! hv by /linttffcK 4«f fejss. Hartwell. present Ethel were M^aiyes Be- Luteri, Burns, Otis Herrington, Brown, Hattie German, Williams, Clem a Butler. next meeting will be at the of Mrs. clerna Butler,, 609 39th street. ; i Camellia Social Clu!) The Camellia Social club held! j |) s weekly meeting at the of Mrs. Gertrude Cone, 1027 McKelvey Avenue. The j served a lovely repast. Next meeting will be at Jtoe of Mrs. Harry Ml'Nichols, W. Henry street. The club ; giving a seafood supper at j home of Mrs. Mamie Jack- 1825 Ogoeehee Road, Sat¬ March 15. Mrs. Ger¬ Cone, president; Mrs. Zeigler, reporter. It is estimated that the rail¬ in the United States issue distribute approximately hundred million passeftger annually. A great straight! V *•£ $TAC.& ___ - •—fL jibi OLD $TAGG Kentucky's Top Bourbon 86 PROOF. SIAGC 0ISJ. CO.. FRANKFORT, KT. »iR. iV mr$, ANTONIO ORSOT were guests of President and Mrs. J.W Bpyer of Saint Angus- ^e’s i Cpjjpge, Raleigh, North C^rplln.a, over the past week- end, Mr. Orsot is Resident En- gineei; , at Virginia State Col- lege, Petersburg, Virginia. He has under Ills supervision at present the construction of a new women’s dormitory and will soon begin the supervision cf a new million dollar library. E, S. Camellai Club Tire Egsti Savannah Camelia cJub.was.or.ggnizeq at the home qf Mrs., (Eva Mae' Moultrie, last month. The following offi- cers were Maxwell; elected: President, Dorothy deni vice presi- reta'ry, Ida Ethel Mae Rob'ilison; Shcqpard; sec- trea- Surer, felaine Jenkins; saving chMrfnari,, Jeanette Oreon: re¬ creation 1 chairman .Sheila ren ' The members are: ,a Days, Jennie Davis, Veronica Walker, Walkor ' Willie Willie Mae Mae Outler, Outler, T.-e- I na Robinson, TIazel Oreen, «Ta — Robinson »»d Ethel ,Wrd ' lf anvone wishes to be- <HMnP a d ‘ al AD4 ; 5 ' 24 2223 E Gaston street, Fast Sa- *«""t portef; itTFs. E. Moultrie r Mrs. Johnson, advisors. Choice Ladies Social Club Thc choice fj Ladies Social hrld the)r r8 t meet in- of the ypar nt thp home ()f Mrs . Car¬ Yortance michael. Business of great im~ was discussed. The offers, MrI>th'a r! mere iVw. iivstailed Wi, Yhe bv ■ ■ following ,,. ....... , 0 iWslle' fneers'Wen'('fitted: Mesdames T-RpWf wy>»»rient; Ruth white, secreiary; Effie Butler, treasurer '>f mid Harriet Cox, re- porter he p, bruary meeting of thc r i ub was b nld at the home -of Mrs. AWierta Harmon. Business of much importance was transacted After the meet- ing a surprise birthday party was held for Mrs. Carmichael, The beautiful cake was baked by Mrs. Harmon. Following the short ceremony a delicious icpast was served. -Patronize our Advertisers INCOME TAX RETURNS At your home or Office or mine, also ho()kk ,, e!iing service, Phone EL 5-4327 Walter SLegmcyer Kt. .‘5, Montgomery ltd EASTSIDE STARTS SATURDAY THUNDERING OUT OF UNKNOWN SKIES- The Super-Sonic Hell Creature No Weapon Could Destroy! ROBAM!" THE FLYING MONSTER nn TECHNICOLOR Also “HULL IN KOREA” PAGE FIVE Mr, Orsot's visit to Saint Augustine's College was for the purpose of looking over the physical development of the college for the future. Mr, Orsot was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Marie Plummej - Orsot, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. O! Plummer of Raleigh. Mr. Orsot plans now to visit many of the colleges, white and colored, to study future de¬ velopments of physical plants. Pleasant Home Social Club The regular meeting of Pleas¬ ant Hour Social <*lub was held at tile home of (Mrs. Fredrica Seabrook March 5. Those at¬ tending were Mrs. Emma Snype, Mrs. Stella Ilardrick, Mrs. Eva Robeson. Mrs Mercedes Smith, Mrs. Minnie Smith Mrs. Car¬ whYte, men Singfleld, ItfrlT Mrs. Ruth Cora Williams and M „ s p rances Bazemore, (guest), Aflpr the mC eting tasty re- f froshments r osli men ts were served and onmne won* nlnvpd orvH nrizos be at the home'of Mrs."Stella Hardrtck, ,207 w. 41st street, M £t ; Fredrica reSTJi Seabrook r>r >sl- re p or ter The Papaya Club Mrs. Carrie Bellinger wa<i llostess fur the Papaya Social lub Tursday night, March 6. The meeting was called to or¬ der by the present, Mrs., OtU Herrington. All business wM transacted and plans made for erncerv raffle raffle, April Aruil 17 17. Games Game* were Piayed, and Mrs. Eaders wxs announced gs, winner. A tasty tuffet sui)pej was seryed 'V the hostess. Others, who helped to . onjoy the evening! were Mesdames Madie Howell, Udders, Clara Harvey, Minnie Heidt, Edna Hbpkins, Florence Gary. Mildred Hutchins. The oext meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Johnson, 507 W. 42nd street, .ELD STARTS SUNDAY 2 First Run Hits The Dalton Girls’ Plus Green-Eyed Blonde”