The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, March 22, 1958, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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**AGE r wu 5=ai=jj=SEa&>=>r£Ese pliei MEWS - * Bethlehem Honoring Rev. L. S. Stell Bethlehem Baptist church Park Avenue and Cuyler street, is observing this week the 6 th anniversary of the Rev. L. S. Stell, Jr„ as its paster. One elaborate program is being car- ried out during the six nihgt celebration which will ••’lose Sunday afternoon. Monday night's program was in charge of the deacons and i deaconesses with Rev. R. M. i Williams of First Bryan Rip tist church delivering the srr- j mon. Tuesday night the pro-! gram was rendered by Thank- ful Baptist church, Rev. H. F j.Grant delivering the sermon ■and on Wednesday night Rev. L. Kelley was the speaker with the program rendered by Col lege Park and Second Baptist ■ churches. Tonight, Thursday, the pro¬ gram will be in charge of First Brownsville Baptist church, sermon by Rev. w. Gwvn: Fri¬ day night, Tabernacle and Me¬ tropolitan Tsermon Baptist churches in tchargK by Rev. E. G. Lane. The Observance will close on Sunday with regular services; at 11 a. m and the anniver- i sary sermon at 3 30 p. m. by j Rev. J. m. Benton, pastor of; Tremont Baptist church. j The officers of the church j are: 1 vice chairman ; Dea. David Nichoks, treasurer; Dea Jackson, Dea. w. L. Douglas, Dea. John Mines. Dea. C. W. Weaver, Dea. Wm. Kenon. Dea J. H. Smith, Dea Dan Single- tary. Dea. Scott A. Griffin. Dea. I E. L. Heyward, Dea. James Bol- den; honorary deacons. Dea. R. B. Scott, Dea. John H. Smith. Trustee board—O. Shumake. chairman: J. Thomas, vice chairman; J L. Walthour, sec- retaryf David Nichols, J. H Bennett, Douglas, J. A H. Jackson. Oliver, W I.awb L j Da-1 | M r ilder. John Douse. Coley vis, Herman Collier. .1 H Smith, E L. Heyward. Will Green, Joe Scott. MLss Rosa Lee Boles, office, secretary, and Rev. L. Scott Stell, Jr., minister. ---—---- Mt. Pleasant Bant. Chiwch The First Mt. Pleasant Bap- tist of White Bluff was well attended Sunday with the pas- tor. Rev. Freddie Bonds, deliv- ering an impressive sermon. Rev. Gardne and other vis¬ itors were present. Music was rendered by No. 1 and No 2 choirs. T i remont it Usher l n Roaro j Tremont Temple No. 1 Ush- ! iers Board held their regular meeting at the church March 32 with the vice president, Joe Burton, in charge. The regu¬ lar order of business was car¬ __ ried out, _______ and __ remarks werp made by Rev. R. L. Bvrd The ,Baptist Ushers monthly pro¬ gram will be held at Tremont :Temple Monday night, March |24. Leo. Davidson is the pres¬ ident and Sis. Gertrude Black- ; shear, reporter. /____ r - ' ICU Society The Independent Christian Upion Society held its regular monthly meeting Sunday after¬ noon at its hall. 1416 w Gv>in. i-nett street. We are sponsoring a program on the 5th Sunday in this month at 2 p. m at our hall, and havino- guests the Golden Trumpet Singers from Thankful Baptist church. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness — Matthew 0:33. Rev I ' on 3 Year* At Montgomery Church The par.oral ;.f thf Rov. 5. Tilsan of ? ip rioniery Baptist will r, . in Sunday March car end Monday r.i;ht. 14. V/SCS Meets V/. nr.n’s Society C .. Van Sr: vice held its i..r meeting at the home .V .. Della Grant on Sunday .'.■j, at 4.00 o’clc k. Mrs. i Kcm. r presided due to limes:; cf our president, Mrs. ! iiid Ke ®P- ■ were di.,us.-.ed !■ r set- • ■ ’ a prejram within the i-mnization for the youth who ” rf members of the WSCS. The planning of the Sunshine was discussed with n rjresent pledging support in - eider 1 ° make it function, lesson for the evening waK followed by an inspiring " f Tam. A “ cr adjournment the mem- ; ®ts visited the heme of mem- fcers of thp church and com munity who are namely, Mrs. Lula Kemp, Mrs. Idell Jones, and Hunter Members present wore dames R Grant, E Bivens, I men. M. Henderson, R. ins. I. Quarterman, V. Kemp, K. Eaten, D. Grant and D Jackson. Youth members were O. Grant and Mary Hutchinson Mrs Eilie Bivins will tain the next, meeting. Tadic Luton, reporter. - Gaines Chapel Gaines chapel A . M . c ii urc ji services were throughout the day on 11:30 ... a. m. an ’’ ' a f n, ‘°_“ r ° ' mn ’ ' 1 ’ K n 11 s< ! 'u^d ouarierW conference be ho,d with Gr T TI Ed ” p i,rpsidlnR ! ldcr ’ of thp ,<?avannah District, in He will deliver the message on nrxt Sunda y morning. WSCS of Asbiiry Tlie M'SCS of Asbury held their regular meeting March 2nd. Mrs. Minnie was In charge of the service. The theme, was March of Missions in The program w r as beautifully arranged with several taking part, also Rev. The business side of the j ng wa s presided over by president. Mrs. J L. Who had been absent on count of illness in the family was also present at the Sick members are. Mrs. C. E Lewis and Mrs. Georgia King Mrs. Clema Butler Is president Tremont Ushers No. 2 Usher Board of Temple Baptist church held rF - ular meeting at the March in, president Ben presiding. Much business transacted Ushers Union The Ushers Union hpld lts re S ular meting fh ° home 0f Mrs ‘ B Tnckson. 909 rrnsbv President Annie Bin ■ r A delicious repast was by Mlrs. Jackson. Next will be at the home of Johnnie B. Tyson, 905 street. April 17. EASTER CARDS FAMILY (AH Members) pMj-ions. Pastor. Minister, Priest. Sister Children. In Service. Across The Miles, Easter Birthtun. Neighbor. Sympathy at Easter Bi Wes—X est amenta SILVAS 115 WH1TAKEK IHJIJh STREET SHOP , , 1 j * j 2L | I V ANGELIS’l j L.dei E. E. Cleveland, Bible lecturer, who has just ( pleted 27,000 mile j tout for the j ventist Church. A fighter j human rights, he visited Formosa and Indonesia. Photo). Tremont Gospel Chorus r I’he Tremont Temple chorus held its regular at the church Mar. 4 with ldent Bcn Wright i Much business was | ° nt> n{kW member joined chorus. Next meeting will April 13 at the church. Music On Parade Sunday, Mar. 23, at 4 P m. the Baptist Training of St. John Baptist church feature the Seventh j program of • Music on Parade This affair wiu pregent some j the city’s best talent. It ises to be a treat long to ! remembered. Miss Judith | inson, chairman; , . . Mrs. E. j fine Bignon, director; Dr. E. | S. Cleveland, minister « 'Beth-Eden Baptist church | Sunday at the 11:15 seryice A speciai will be delivered by the Rev. B. E. Black. Women’s Day Sunday At Bryan Neck The first Woman’s Day bration of Bryan Neck Church, Richmond Hill, W. N. Robinson, minister, be sponsored tSunday at If p. m. sponsore dby the I sbulktI <uy (society. vvd * ^I The be rs - Viola Rob iixson, wife of the pastor. j New Zion Bapt. Church ‘‘Will Thou Be Made was the subject of the message delivered by Rev. D. Henderson at New Baptist Church, Fair Sunday School met at the a! hour and the mission met • 2 P- m - and elected the officers for the year. Mrs. Harden, president. The was a success, $400.00 was ed. The visiting guest the Christyreth club, and out of town guests, Jackson and Samuel Bolden. Centra! Bapt. Church Last Sunday night at 8 p. our guests were the | tional Longshoremen of 1414 who cel ebrated their j j anniversary. The message deilvered by Pastor j Daniel and the prayer by jaudon of Bethel A. M. church. Sunday the will be delivered by the Griffen and the mission have their regular meeting. rut SAVANNAH TKIBCN* Connor’s Temple Worship service at Temple Baptist church on Junday was vary Inspiring Tuning with Sunday \t the morning worship W. W. Whitehead delivered sou! stirring piessage from subject '^fhe 'The Fourth Fourth Looked Like The Son of Music was rendered by Junior and Young People Following the morning baptism was held. The day School observed its anniversary Sunday Many churches At 7:30 p. m. Rev. again delivered a soul message. Music was ed by Choir No. 1. f . . Bryan D Baptist i- Mltie °hurch Sunday School was held at the usual time and at 11 a. m. Pastor W. C. Robinson de¬ livered the sermon. Commun¬ ion was served at 3:30 p. m. the pastor again delivering a very forceful message. message. One week of prayer meeting will precede our week’s revival ser- vices which starts March 24. Preaching begins Monday. Mar. 31. Rev. Robinson will run the revival services. New Moon Bapt. Church Sunday School at New Moon Baptist church, 414 W. 41st street, Rev. J. E. Bailey, pastor met at the usual hour. At the evening worship Rev. A. G. Johnson delivered and inspir- mg message. The baby con¬ test was a great success, a grand total of $133.75 being raised. There will be regular services each Thursday night at 8 p. m. 2nd St. John Bapt. Church Services as follows at Second St. John Baptist church, W. Savannah: 10 a. m. Sunday School, morning and night, B. T. U. at 7 p. m.; Sunday night Know Your Bible, a quiz. Rev . j T j Wright is pastor. Evergreen Bapt. Church At First Evergreen Baptist church, 622 E- Bolton street, Rev. E. Aiken Capers, minister; Dea. Geo. Hayes, ent, was in charge of the day School. At morning ser- vices Pastor Capers delivered thc sermon on ‘‘At His Feet.” Pulpit guest was Rev. Stevens, At BYPU at 6 o’clock Directress Mrs. Sadie Norris, instructor, in teresting sessino. At the even¬ ing services the Rev. H. Ste¬ vens of Statesboro delivered the sermon entitled ‘‘The Lord's Prayer.” Tuesday will be Young People’s worship night. Muloh CL*l i d Bapt. l CL Church l | ghjjojj Baptist Church, E -1 Broughtou and Randolph t streets> Rcv G w carter, pas- . I tor. The members and friends j are looking forward to the 3 I communion this coming day with great Rev. Carter will speak Sunday afternoon at 3:30 on the sub¬ ject. ‘‘The Spiritual Life.” He will also preach at night. Hear the Brandley Singers from South Carolina at 8:30 p .m. on the first Sunday night in April, SEE PAUL and ANDY For Ignition, Starters, Generators and Carburetors Phone ADams 2-0221 BAPTIST BOOK STORE 152 Barnard St. Bibles, Church and Sunday School Supplies, Books ADams 4-7881 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! j and ice the cake with POWDERED SUGAR, l it tiieiidship To Celebrate First , F _ lenasiup . , . . _ Ca P tlst .. , * -hurcn, 825 Wheaton street. )s celc'jrr.tir.g its 42nd ar.niversa- ry and the 12th pastoral anni- yprsary - of the Rev. G. R. Con nor. The observance which :egan Monday night will end Friday night. The following churches are on the five night program: Monday night, March 7, St. Paul Baptist church Rev. A. E. Hagins. pas¬ tor; Tuesday night, Happy Home Baptist church. Rev. L. L. Small, pastor; Wednesday mSfrU Central Baptist church RsvJ - Wm - Daniels, pastor; Thursday night, St. James A. M. E. church. Rev. R. C. Cars- well, pastor, Friday night, Ev- ergreen Baptist church, Rev. E. A. Capers, pastor. Officers of the church are: Deacon board, Dea. I. A. Sim- I mops, Dea. James Gray, Dea. Dan Bolton, Dea. W. C. Graham, Dea. Isaac Goodwin, Dea. John j Greene, Dea. Charles Brown. Dea. Jpe Whyne, Dea. Edward i Aiken ’ Dea ’ Johnnie Wlse ’ Mrs ' Marie D Greene ’ Usurer; Mrs ' Irene C ' Greene - actin S clerk ’ and Rev ' G ' R ' Conner ’ Sr., pastor. pi|grim Bap , Chln . ch The Pilgrim. Baptist church j 528-30 W. Huntingdon street. Rev ' D - D Henderson, pastor, The week] y activities were ob- served with great interest. The Sunday School met at 10 a. m. under supervision of Dea. C. H. Jenkins. The lesson was in¬ terpreted by the pastor and Rev. Brown who was guest speaker at the morning worship, i Sunday being communion day, Pastor Henderson delivered a soul stirring sermon to a capac¬ ity audience. Another member | was a dded to the church. The : ^°' * c h°i r will m eet at 5 p. m. ! Sunday. March 23. The pas | tor ’ s Aid club a ^ 1 P- m The | 1 No niversary - 1 choir of will the attend No. 1 choir the an- of j Mt. Bethel Baptist church on | Wednesday, March 26. The j Young Zion Baptist church., | pastor, officers and members; j jn join in service here Thurs- ! W j j day, Miarch Singers 27. of The Charleston, Rolling istones s. Sunday, c. will March render a 30th program here j 1 at 7:30 p . I m All our friends are cordial- . ]y invited to join in these ser-! vices. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many I npishbors and friends for their I kind words of sympathy shown | Ufi dui i n S H 16 illness and death our deceased daughter, *Miss Rachel Lucille Anderson, who , died Fe . b . 13 _ 1958> and also {or | their donation of flowers given us. Many thanks to all, from Mr. j and Mrs i4 - Lewis II Grove Anderson St. WASH&DRY (One Day Service) | §1.00 (Max. 25 Lbs.) i . -rr*~' --- M e m o r i a 1 s EASON—In loving memory of A 2-C FRANK EASC :T who passed in duty for his country March 6 , 1056 Because he reckoned liberty A gem of richest price; Because he scorned to bend the knee, Cr count the sacrifice: Because he glorified the aim Of those who fear no prey, And proudly died in honor’s name, His memory lives today. Sadly missed by Parents, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Eason, Sr. Grandmother, Mrs. Lena E. Mclver Sister, Mrs. Juanita E. Perkins Brothers, Eugene Eason, Jr. Leroy Eason Jerome McKay Eason Fred A. Eason Johnnie W. Eason Airman William H. Eason several relatives and friends WASHINGTON — In sad but i loving memory of DEACON ROBERT WASHNGTON who departed this life eleven j years ago March 24, 1947 Treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a silent tear. Thoughts return to scenes long; past Time rolls on. but memory lasts. silent thought, a secret tear ! your memory ever near, j say time heals an aching heart But, no, it isn’t true. For eleven years have passed, dear Robert, And our hearts still ache for you. Sadly missed by a devoted wife, Mrs. Stella Washington an adopted daughter. Miss Stella Mae Wash¬ ington Savannah, Georgia one brother Mr. Willie Washington Jacksonboro, S. C. and a host of relatives and friends. —Patronize our Advertisers SIDNEY A. JONES FUNERAL HOME OFFERS Five Outstanding Feu Fires 1. Most sympathetic ar:i understanding attention (o all dot ails. 2. Most prompt and exclusive ambnuince servici .’i. Most courteous an efficient assistants. 4. Most spacious funeral chapel. 5. Most reasonable and c aside rate prices. GEM THOUGHTS FOR MEDIATION ‘‘If you know you nr > groat, y.ui will do great things; Your thoughts will . Your life .ill reach it;; (io-.ahvj.l goal, Ii you know the way to set your soul.” . i ones k tonic Phone AD 4-7226 •• - 1, -~ "• ‘' WHITFIELD—In remem- cf our dear wile and mother m3. M.L.7N GOLDEN WHIT F IELD who entered into eternal res: March 21, IC53 In our hearts a memory is icpt Cf one we loved and hall never forget. Husband, Mr. Raiford Whitfield Daughter, Mrs. Rosalie W. May Foster daughter, Mrs. Nettie Ward Dantzler Son-in-law, Mr. George S. May FLOWERS — In sad but loving memory of MR. DESSIE FLOWERS who passed away four years ago March 23. 1954 and MR. IRVING ( JACK) FLOWERS who passed away eleven years ago January 26. 1947 There’s ever an ache in our hearts, And a place that can never be filled. But they’ll live on forever in memories, ’Til we meet them as God has willed. Sadly missed by Family and Friends ■qanmeaaer-... T’lSDELL — In sad and ever¬ lasting memory of HERBERT TXSDELL departed from this earth March 20, 1953 hearts still ache with sad¬ ness, eyes shed many a tear, God knows how much we miss you the end of five long years. in our hearts lies a pic- ture precious than silver and ■gold, a picture of you, Herbert,” memory will never grow old. The flowers that are placed upon your grave wither and decay. the love for you w r ho sleeps beneath never pass away. Wife, Leola Tisdell Son, Herbert Tisdell. Jr. Daughter, Margaret Williams one brother and five sisters ' For The Rest Home Cooked Food Visit SpnhtsfieJd Lunch 220 West Bryan Street Made Donuts, Ice Cream,: IJeer and ?vlrs. Clyde Robinson, Props. ADams 2-9889 ; j' _lv ' — To memory of . v:ng husband : l Lop-father ... T LI. DANCY , : .:o may 13 years ago today March 23, 1915 T r .103 change from year to year. C.r La. f’sm day to day, But love and memories of you Shall never fade -away. Sc rained by loving I .Lie Dancy civ ■ m. Smalls I _o .'.DTDDN — In memory of our mother ALL ; i, : \ ANN LANs MAN March 12, 1937 cur sister MRS. N L.ATLLDD T. ARTSON March 23, 1945 Loved in Life, Remembered in death. The Family. BURKE — In sad but loving memory of MRS. CATHERINE MUR.PHY BURKE who passed away 6 years ago March 20. 1952 Memories are something no one can steal, Death is a heartache no one can heal. Seme my have forgotten you are gone, But we remember no matter how long. Sadly missed by daughter, Mrs. Victoria Smalls son, Mr. Joseph Brcwn nieces, Mrs. Marie Gilliard Mrs. Victoria Sanders nephews, Mjv ANjf.’y.Tdim Maniac .Joseph Munigo Mr. Edward Manigo, Jr. grandniece, Mrs. Helen Greene great-grandniece, Miss Laura Greene STEVENS—In loving memory of J. T. STEVENS. SR. who passed away two years ago March 20, 1953 The worl S may -change from year to year. Our lives from clay to day, But love and memory of you Shall never fade away. Wife and children, Mrs. Maxine M. Stevens Maxwell, J. T. and Emily Mother, Sto, .Jlmily Stevens Sister, Mi’S- Eldora Greene Brother, Ahraham M. Stevens P°IY—In loving memory of MRS. ROSE I EE WILLIAMS PREY who passed this life 3 years ago today March 18, 1955 Gone but not forgotten We love her but Gcd loves her best. Sadly missed by Family and Friends