The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, September 05, 1959, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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BAGS TWO CHURCH HEWS Men’ Day Will Be Observed At Israelite Baptist Church JESSE SHERMAN rrr _ , Sunday wUl be Mens r L Day nt at Israelite Baptist church, Rev Charfes Williams, pastor. arranged programs have been including selections hy the Men’s chorus and other local musical talent. Jesse Sherman, a member of the Longshoremen’s Union, will speak at the 1 p. m. program. St. James AME Church HinesviUe, Ga.—On August 23 at St. James A. M. Church the ‘'women held annual Women’s Day tion. The Men’s Day was held on Sunday, August The women chose as theme, “Move With ance.” The speaker was Annie B. Givens of Mrs. Givens is a graduate JIftTwnfcon CJOV)P ‘■''or **■ - public school teacher of folk, Va„ and Savannah. t junior women Selected as ‘sneaker, Mrs. Laura Belle Por- i tpr, an 8 th grade student Walker High school, MY.s. Minnie Lee Williams program chairman. The men chose as their sneaker. Dr. B. B. Swinson, Pre¬ siding Elder of the Brunswick District, Douglas. Their topic was “The lower and The High¬ er Life of Man.” Robert Port¬ er, a student of Savannah State College, was sneaker for the jun¬ ior men. The young men’s theme was “Youth In Christian Work.” Finance for Women’s Day was *443.49, and for Men’s Day $242.75. Rpv. S. I,. Green is pastor the church. __ _____ _ I ’Kertv Coimlv Union Tho r ihcrtv Conntv Conripc- tinrial TJrinn held at the C-rp?)W M*. Moriah A. M F. church, Jesuu, August 27-30. Pev. E. A. Donegal, vice prosl- (fout, presided. Services Snn- d«v mor n i n(Y were conducted bv t’eihel AME chureh Hinesviiie, Pev. R. Montcnmerv. sneaker Dinner was served at 2'30 n w. The afternoon services were enodnetpd bv pipo^ant Ovove A M P. ebnrch Allenbur^t with tbo Rev E A Deneval. snnak°r Both sendees were largely n t- fended. Total raised $293 42. 1 Rev H r Nelson is Poy 1? A Denecal. chairman: P°v R Mbntaomerv vice m-es- ideYit,; end Mrs. Louise Staf¬ ford, secretary. Re«I the Tribune every week. HIDE GRAY HA Get- DOUBLE ACTION /COLORS GRAY HAKBUtt 2 DRESSES KA1R IK PLACE AT ALL DRUG STORES CUFF °“ D F " F, '"'' K K ' Evening „ Speaker Clifford E . Hardwick, IU, local teacher , be ^ v the 8 p. m. pro- :1 a ^ ■ Isaiah Gibbs is chairman and Jonathan Walker is co-chair¬ man of the activities. Other committee chairmen are Frank Johnson, Johnson, badge; badge; and Marsh Parker, finance. True Love Bapt. Church Sunday, September 6 , Rev. Freddie Bonds will be in charge of the services at True Love Baptist church after a month’s vacation. Communion sfrvlces j will begin at 2:30 p. m. j Last Sunday following the Sunday School hour, F. A. Campbell, superintendent, mem¬ bers of the church went to Ma- church to at- • .... riH^v TTnion *he T ndependent '"anne TTninn. Rev. A. B. Brown, presided. First Evergreen Bapt. The BTU of Evergreen Bap¬ tist church was host to the City-Wide BTU last Sunday and won the attendance banner. The pastor, Rev. E. A. Capers delivered the message. W. V. Coleman addressed the members during the morning worship last Sunday. G. H Hayes superintendent was in charge of the Sunday School. It was announced that Mrs. Carrie Trueli is seriously ill in Memorial Hospital. Pilvrim Ban!. Church Men’s Dav at Pilgrim Baptist oTinroTi netted $1,0/0 05 after a j partial report from the various I contains. Sunday, September 6 . the dpacons and deaconnesses will meet at 5 n. m. and complete r’ans for their anniversary on September 14. The Willing Workers vl'll meet at 130 p. m. Sunday. Regular services will also be held. Rev. D, D. Henderson is pastor of the rhurch. C epfral Rani. Church Tbo bnmecnrninv nvopram 0 * Pe-ntra] Bantjat ebnrcb Snndav lebool was enioved bv tbe va- vinos snhoots that nartielnatpd Tbe main address was deliver- ed bv A T, Samnson of Saint . Tames AMP church. Sunday. September 6 will be regular communion day. The message will be delivered by the pastor. Rev. W. Daniels. A musical program will be render- ed at 8 p. m by Mrs. Reddick, DSC Tvv CHOIR & PULPIT GOWNS AH Colors end Color Combinotien* es for Utbort and rgoni rations mu* runtime tin. N»i, Cm w. takUi lew»it friew AvailobN Wtltt fOt ftU CATAIOS Sf^WfiEU FASmWMJHIFMlS 701 H St., N.E. 77 Alabamt St., S.W. Washington2.D.C, Atlanta 3, Ceorfia *£ it JtSt ^ in charge of the morning ser¬ vices at Beth Eden Baptist church. August 30. His subject "Christ the Eternal Rock " was insniHnir ’ p "I Rev. Baker , will . preach next Sunday at 11:15 a. m. service and the Rev. John Q. Adams will administer the Lord’s sup¬ per at 6:30 p. m. service. All members are requested to make I a special effort to attend these services. Persons holding tickets for the boat ride given September 2nd by the young people’s Pro¬ gressive Board are asked to re¬ port promptly. c * M arv’„ AME Church At St. Mary’s AME Church last Sunday’s services beeun with Sunday School at 10 a m. . At 1 ! a. m. Youth day program was rendered. Miss Ruby n. Mitchell was the sneaker. Her stlbleet was “Youth Desire To Know.” Miss Lucile Robin- ,r,ri was master of ceremonies D f hers on the prorram were Miss Emily Brown, Miss Willie Mae Outler, Beveirv Ootler. Ger- old Stevens. Donald Green and Carolvn Lockwood. Miss Wh¬ ile Mae Outler won 1st prize and Tames Mvers. Jr., won 2nd amount in their gleaners. Rpv. Charlie Fogle f* pastor of the church. Firsf Mf. Banf. Irving J snoke during the momi es last Sun- day at Ft ethel Baptist Chureh. The No. 3 choir was *n charp , e of the program with Miss Barbara Washington as hostess. Mrs. Grace Barnett delivered the evening message Visitors "’" re Mrs. F. Butler and Rev. "1 ''t-'—- — The Pa«tor*s Aid club will sponsor a "liver tea at the home Mrs. Martha Clarke Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock. BTU meets bverv Thursday at 5 n m„ Ben}. Washington, president. Mt TaW Bant. Church Mt„ Tahnr Banfist church will he observi!^| Men’s.Dav. TheJ morning Snndav. ser- Viee will Ben-in (if, n o’clock with Darien Prof.^C a.cAhe DeVillars of speaker. The sneaker for the 8 p. m. service will be J. R Jenkins, Executive Secretary of the West Broad Street YMCA. The public is invited. Rev. L. Kelley is pastor of the church; L. Tolbert, general chairman; and J. Green, pro¬ gram chairman. FRIENDLY GIRLS BEAUTY NOOK NEW LOCATION 504 WEST BRYAN ST. Phone AD 2-9370 i Mrs. Martha Charlton, Prop | I VISIT HALL’S MARKET 1104 West 40th Street I For Fruits, Tobaccos, Candies, Can Goods i j Drinks and Notions OPEN 8 A. M. ’TIL 9 P. M. Phone AD 4-9244 j j "Sure, I take »• \ sugar in mq coffee r cm 1S CALORIES TO THE SPOOSFUl rat »AtAH bam tiunm* Mt. Hermofi Bapt. Church Women’s day was observed at Ut Her mon Baptist church Sunday. Mistress of ceremony for the morning was Miss Na¬ omi Denmark, and Mrs. Emma OBrlen served for the evening program. Communion service will be held at 3 30 p. m. Next Sun¬ day baptism at 9 a m.; choir rehearsal is held every Friday at 8 p. m. Rev. J. H, Larry is pastor of the church. •St. Philip Mon. AME The Youth of St. Philip Mon¬ umental AME church were in charge of the services through¬ out the day last Sunday with Miss A1 Marie Glover serving as general chairman. At the morning service Miss Priscilla Whitaker introduced the speaker, Charles Frasier. Mr. Frazier is a mpmhpr of Midway Congregational church, a graduate of Liberty High School; sophomore of Sa¬ vannah State College; a mem- her of the Honor Society and the Savannah State Marching Band and vice president of the Sphinx club of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Music for the ser¬ vice was rendered by the j Young People’s choir. At 4 p. m. a panel discussion was featured. The topic “Youth Asks About Religion.” Pastor Jaudon served as moderator. Panelists were Miss Ida Hagins, Miss Francina McIntosh, Miss Ruth Wright and Gerald Moss. Selections were rendered bv the | Rising Stars of Bethel A. M. E | church under the suDervision of j Mrs. L. Harold f’ ™ and bv Monumen the Sun- P - tftl AME church ’ At . the climax of the Pew . a v, iss Jo Ann Patterson - received the honor of becoming j Miss Monumental” and Gerald Moss was honored as “Mr Mon- omental, Junior.” ; Bethlehem Bapt. Church Rev. L. S. Steii, Jr., pastor! was In charge of the services! at Bethlehem Baptist church last Sunday. This waa appre- elation Day for the pastor. At 7:30 p .m. two candidates were baptized. M?rs. Lula Mae Da- vis and Mrs. Bernita Johnson who have been away attending school, have returned. Visitors were Mrs. Susie Green — ----------------------- FREE! —of Extra Cast According to Plan — ' ~ MAKE BIG | . ’ Don't MONEY IOI wmlt NOWl •Bother r 1800.00 minute. Earning! up to r r ble. Beour to $600.00 postil 7A . moSffiVIZ; Make Quick Velmor Money Deelnr. in Full V taking >ay order* tor Quality and ad Sweat Sweat Halrl) -----wn lin* of MjDreaaing, Facerow- ler. drown Magic Pink and Magic Vanish Injj Cream. Teach Cream, True Love ’erfume. Soap*. Food Fla- Sales and Jewelry. made on eight. No experience (how needed. Wi f you how. Send name PIE Aaddrexsfor FREE SAM- o r o —iiiiiii of Hair Dressing and I I valmqr Products co.. DEPT D-212 <*451 S. Michigan Are.. Chicago 16, HI. TEAMSTERS’ ATTORNEY-Au- gUstus G. Parker, prominent at- ,orrle y Cleveland, Ohio, upholds the labor policy of Jimmy Hoff*, president of the Teamsters’ Un- ion. Parker, first Negro lawyer to be retained by the union, points out that a National Bar Association resolution recently Praised the union for its non- discriminatorv activities, espe¬ cially in the South.—iANP Pho¬ to) Bethel AME Church Sunday at Bethel AME church Sunday School was presided ov¬ er by the superintendent, J. S. Adkins. Tn the morning wor¬ ship the pastor. Rev. A. B. Wil¬ son, delivered the message us¬ ing the sublect, “Come Let Us Reason Together.” Instead of the regular (service in the evening a program was present¬ ed bv the men of the church with J. B. Frazier as chairman. The objective of the program was to raise $300.00. The men raised $287. The third Sunday in August marked the first anniversary of Rev. A. B Wilson as pastor at Bethel church. Among the youth of Bethel! J who attended the Youth Lead ership Conference at Morris Brown College in Atlanta last month were Miss Narvis Free¬ man, Mtiss Gertrude Richardson, Miss Patricia Bryan, Sharon Cleveland. Aiphene Jones, Law¬ rence Hutchins, Jr., and Atlon Wilson. Cnnnor’s Temple At, Connors Temple, 509 West Owinnet.t, street, E. Hunter, su- "erint.endent. was in charee of j the Sunday School last Sunday., Thq, morning and night services, messages were well being attended delivered with bv the the j nastor. Rev. W. W. and the music bv the Chorus and the Junior choir. Next Sunday communion ser¬ vices wiill be held at 3 p. m. Rev. Whitehead will be in charge. A recording choir will be present. Memorials Ezra Johnson 925 W. 37th Street Phone AD 2-7573 1 i A i I HEADS NATION’S DENTISTS— Dr. H. Medley Proffitt of Hele¬ na, Ark., widely known dentist and civic leader and scion of a prominent Arkansas family, was elected president of the Nation¬ al Dental association at its re¬ cent 46 th annual convention in ] Cincinnati. Pd for upholding Dr. Proffitt the finest is not- tra- j ditions sVom—ANP pnri tenets of his profes- Photo) J j Ingram Family Begins fDontlnneO from Page one* farm tools to help defend her. The cai°e made world-wide headlines. A;rmeal after appeal for their freedom failed, how¬ ever, and when they became eligible for parole in 1955 the struggle was renewed. Numer¬ ous requests here also failed, but the battle was continued, mainly by an Atlanta Negro drugstore chain operator, Clay¬ ton R. Yates. Finally, on Wed¬ nesday, Aug. 26, the parole board announced that the aging mother and her two sons would be released into the custody of jyr r Yates, who had previously assured the board that they “would stay in Georgia at this time” and would be gainfully employed. He has plans to em¬ ploy the mother and one son in his drug stores and the other son expects to work at the YM CA. Mrs. Ingram is the mother of twelve children, two of whom live in Savannah. They are Jackson Ingram, 34, and his young sister, Frankie Mlae 13, both of 706 West Park, and her daughter, Alfreda and Mrs. Viola Fleming. WASH&DRY (One Dav ServVe) $ 1.00 (Max. 25 Lbs.) GOOD ADVICE TO NEWLYWEDS Vo you, the newlyweds in this community, we extent best wishes and congratulations on your marriage. Anc W th these words we’d like to offer what we think is som« good, sound advice. In the budget you will undoubted!? set up, earmark a part of it for a savings account. Small deposits made regularly will soon grow to a substantia amount. Save to buy a home or a car .... save tor a vacation . . . save for a future security. Anywaj you look at it, saving is smart. Come in and open an ac¬ count today. Interest on Savings 3% Interest On Time Certificates 3% All Accounts Guaranteed up io $16,000 00 by tho Federal Deposit Insurance Oorp. Mall Accounts Solicited National City Bank of New York Travelers Checks For Sale THE CARVER SAVINGS RANK 810 Montgomery Street SAVANNAH. GEORGIA MEMBER OF FED ERA*. DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION L. B. TOOWER L. B PERRT Monroe Funeral Directors 611 WEST BROAD STREET PHONE ADams 2-4106 — ADams 2-915 Savannah, Georgia MONROE ON DUTY — NIGHT and DAY ESSIE MONROE EDWARDS. Prop. SATURDAY, SUPT. 5, 1959 CAROS OF THANKS ______ CARD OF THANKS The family of the tate Tho¬ mas Heyward wishes to thank their many friends for their kindness shown them during his illftess and death. Special thanks to those who donated cars, beautiful florals, cards and telegrams; also to Rev. C. Jackson of the First African Baptist church Mrs. Thomas Heyward and family CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Wilson J. Mlack wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness shown them during their recent bereavement. Wife, Mrs. Annie Mack CARD OF THANKS The Ten Carnation Social Club wishes to extend thanks to the Georgia Hi-Steppers Social Club and their many friends who helped make their motorcade to Femandina a great success. CARD OF THANKS In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Virginia Armour, who passed away Mon¬ day, Aug. 24, 1959. We thank each and everyone for their many cards and flow¬ ers received du’irg our deepest sorrow. Sadly missed by Family and many, many friends CARD OF THANKS With grateful appreciation and thanks, the family of the late Mrs. Ghannie E. Goldwire wishes to acknowledge the many expressions of kindness and sympathy during her recent illness and demise. “Delinquency Lessened by So¬ cial Investment.” Become a Member of Greenbriar Child¬ ren’s Center, Inc., the week of September 14. SEE PAUL and ANDY For Ignition, Starters, Generators and Carburetors Phone ADame 2-0221 WHEN WILL YOU RETIRE? BUILD YOUR HOME NOW! GOOD FISHING AND HUNTING — 24 MILES TO THE BEST BEACH IN THE U. S. A. JEKYLL ISLAND LOT 50x100: Home Complete — 4 Rooms and Bath $5,000.00 Small Down Payment. Easy Terms Write E. A. Andrews, P. O. Box 46, Everett, Ga. Or Call Eve<rett No. 1 JUST NERVES? But, serious none-the-less. CHIROPRACTIC Has Been the Answer For Others. Why not you? DR. R. A. MILNER CHIROPRACTOR 402 W. 38th Street, Savannah, Ga. Phone AD 3-0949 For Appointment - READ! ®hr faumutah (EHIumr 10 CENTS A COPY On The Following News Stands Every Thursday CCA CONFECTIONERY J&C DUFFY & EAST BROAD CONFECTIONERY uWINNETT & ATLANTIC CHICK’S SHOE PARLOR 803 WEST BROAD ST. KNIGHT’S SUNDRIES HENRY & WEST BROAD CROSBY BROS. DRUG STORE LEE’S DRUG STORE 1202 MONTGOMERY ST. 347 WEST BROAD ST. CROWN’S RYALS CONFECTIONERY CONFECTIONERY 434 WEST BROAD ST. MAPLE & WEST BROAD FOREMAN’S ROBERT SAM’S CONFECTIONERY CONFECTIONERY 649 KLINE ST. 730 WATERS AVE. HARRY’S CUT RATE ITBELE’S DRUG STORE CONFECTIONERY 709 WEST 37th ST. 2611 WEST BROAD ST. Memorials WILLIAMS—In loving mem¬ ory of our son and grandson LEOTIS WILLIAMS, JR. who died 11 years ago Aug. 3, 1C48 in New York City Tis sweet to remember that Once you were here, Though you are absent you are just as dear. God gave us strength to face it And courage to bear the blow; What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. We smile with the world, Yet we never forget. Sadly missed Mother, Mrs. Jeannette Williams New York City Grandmother, Mrs. Mary Gatson Savannah, Ga. and a host of relatives and friends. IDARiBY—In memory of WILLIAM W. DARBY who passed August 31, 1951 Mrs. Idonia J. Darby Miss Bernita Darby BAPTIST BOOK STORE 152 Barnard St. Bibles, Church and Sunday School Supplies, Books Choir Robes ADams 4-7881