The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, November 28, 1959, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAO« TWO r Miss Jewell Frances Williams j YOUTH HAY SPEAKER — Mis Jewell Frances Williams, the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Jack Williams, will be speaker on tuc Youth Day program at Palen . . . _ . Methodist church Sunday, Nov. morrow. ’ Miss Williams is a senior at Alfred E. Beaoh High School. She is president of the Excel¬ sior Clutjt and the Future Tea¬ chers of America. She is also editor of the Beacih Beacon, a member of the Dramatics Club. Tpu Beta Tri-Hi-Y, Interna¬ tional Friendship Seekers, Y- Teens, Science Club and the girls drill 'team. She is a member of Palen Methodist cthureh. During 1958- 59, she was president of the ( youth fellowship and is nov Se wing as vice president. Mis^ , Williams is also president of the Savannah South Sub-d’s- tricst of the Methodist Youth denomination. PaDtist Ministers Alliance The Savannah Baptist Minis¬ ters Alliance met, Tuesday at the First Evergreen Baptist church. Rev. E. A. Capers, pas¬ tor. Devotions were conducted by I Rev. Freddie Bonds and Rev.| 1 _, F D. Brooks ___. served , as secre- „ tary in the absence of the sec¬ retary, Rev. G. W. Carter. The Sunday School lesson was explained by Rev. E. A. Cap¬ ers. The president, Rev. J. C. McMillan, presided. Current news was brought by Rev. L. M. Moore Rev. W. B. Murry will bring the sermon next week and the Sunday School lesson by Rev. L. M. Moore. The order of the day was a sermon by Rev. John T. Taylor from the subject, “The Five Wonders of the Love of God.” Rev. Moore assisted in the pulpit services. The Alliance will hold Thanks giving services at St. James Bap- tist church. Augusta Road, Rev. E. D. Brooks, pastor. Rev. G %W. Carter will deliver the mes-! sage. Devotions will begin at 11 a. m. - __ - •— First Jerusalem Bapt The ‘Sunday School classes 'of Firsrt Jerusalem Baptist church are competing for two prizes' that! Sunday. One for the class has the largest attendance and j one collection for the class for church the larg- will j est The observe its eighth anniversary next week with the following j churches: Monday night, Smyr- j na Baptist; Tuesday, Union Bap- tist; Wednesday night, Saint James Baptis; Friday night. Goodwill Baptist; Sunday af-. temoon, fc:30 o’clock. Connor’s Temple. REMEMBER to read all the ads in the Tribune and to pat¬ ronize the advertisers. UNIFORMS Usher Board, Deaconess, Mother of Church, Nurses, Missionary* Prayer Band • Nylon, Dacron, Cotton, Poplin# Sizes 6 to 52 Long, Short and 2/4 Sleeves BADGES FOR USHERS AND ORGANIZATIONS Lowest Prices Available WBITI FOB FREE CATALOG #7 SPRINGER FASHION UNIFORMS 01HSt.,H.£. - O.e. 77 Alabama St., S.W. Atlanta 3 , Georgia, Sunday Program At Beth Eden Church Sunday evening, November 6 30 o’clock a program will presented by the choir of Baptist Church ■pa’tSetoknts. The nubl'c invited. Rev. Harold Baker raster. Mrs. 8 J. Derrick Herring will in charge of the program follows: Selection, First Tabernacle Senior choir; poem. Living Need The Flowers,” s Ernestine S. Meggett; so¬ “The Lord's Prayer,” James reading, “Oil Yourself Little,” Miss Terry Jean y; instrumental Grover Thornton; solo, Sweetly Solemn Thought,” Delores Dempsey; reading, Existence of a God,” Gro- Thornton; solo, “I Heard of City Called Heaven," Vernon dramatization, “The Re- of the Prodigal,” T oint Thanksgiving "ervice. FAB & FBB A joint Thanksgiving the First Bryan and the First African Baptist churches will held on Thursday, Novem- 26, beginning at 11:30 a. m message will be delivered by the Rev. Curtis J. Jackson, of First A. B church. will be furnished by the 'heirs of both churches. Sundav, November 29 of 1st Bryan Bap- ist church will have charge he services at F B R. church he speaker will be Rev. B. E. Music will be I bv the Brotherhood Rufus Brown chorus. Johnson and Ondra Stevens E. Lambkin is president Brotherhood. BTU * . * Suprlav !,* v The City-W’de Baptist „ .. . „ Union will meet at „ ,, , Baptist church. Rev. L. pastor on Sunday, .at 3:30 p. m. A been arranged. All ministers, leaders cf all churches are Paul Brown is dent, and Mrs. Irene First Mt. Bethel At First Mt. Bethel last Sunday. Rev. S. delivered the 1 Choir and Ushers Rev. Singleton will deliver sermon The Prayer Band will a special prograVn Sunday November 29, 3:00. Grace Barnett will be Thursday. 5 p. m., the Training Union met, Washington, president. T n)e L cve gaotist Will Urdam „ , . _ I Deacons WO Samuel King and Barnes will be ordained as rons True Love church on Sunday. December ^ 2:30 p. m. Rev. Bends is pastor. Choir No. 2 will give an ^cr roast on Friday. 27, at 777 East Gwinnett Beggar services wiii be held Die church on Sunday, Nov. Onlyl^caJoiies to the spoonful Svnjqr m | Tien Baptist Association Pentecostal Union ? 1*29 | M «lt j 31ATTIIEW BONNURM AN. President . The Zion Baptist Association thew Bonnerman is the presi¬ dent. (Mrs. Ethel Vaney and Mrs. Lucile Hall will serve as mas¬ ters of ceremonies at the pro- grams . The following minis- j tprs wi n participate: Rev. J. F. j ivfann, Rev. L. Kelley, Rev. and E. D . Brooks, Rev. C. Johnson Rev. J. S. Murry. Music will be rendered by a chorus directed by Prof. Peter ;8malls and the 6 h o 1 r s of the follcwiug Baptist church¬ es: Second Bryan, Fairmount j j nappy Home, Peaceful Zion, Eb- ( , n czer, Zion Hope, and Mt, Ta- 30 r. At tho losing program Sun- ■ ^ November 29 at 3 p. m., Mn .Gwendolyn Roberts Will de- j ]j ver an address with , the re- j sponse bv Mrs L smith. K s woods is corresponding secretary of the organization and Leroy Tolbert is financial secretary. CravTside Rites Held For Mrs. Barnes r ! j Durham, N. C Final rites Mrs. Isabella King Barnes, ■ imple ceremonies, were held graveside, Beechwood etery here Thursday, 12, 1 p. m. She succumbed to ed illness tit her home, Fayettvilie street, Tuesday. was her desire that a service J?e held and there be mournihg or sad farewell. j R. L Speaks and George rington were in charge, She was the wife of E. Same?, well known contractor, and the mother Alexander Barnes, veteran fwpmnan. There are five 'er surviving sons; Frank, mi savarrah nrurenw TO SPEAK SUNDAY—Mrs. Fred Owens, assistant professor languages and literature, Sa¬ vannah State College, who will speak on “The Witnessing Community” at the Butler Presbyterian Church, Sunday, November 29, at 11:30 a.m. Joint Thanksgiving Service At Congregational The annual joint Ing service of the Butler Pres byiterlan church, the Baptist church the First Con- I gregational church .and the Sec- f 0 nd Baptist church will be held 26 at 11 a. m. The rSHT ler presnytenran enurem mm c will be furnished by First Congregational church choir. The pubi c is invited attend this service. The of- ficers of the churches will the gifts for the needy and J shut-m members illness at his home, 622 W. 40th and other relatives. TOP MASONS were present when the Prince Hall Masons met during the annual vention of their Supreme Council 33rd degree, in ington, Oct. 16-20. those present were (left to Lenzie and Andrew', a ll of ^ 1 ley of Greensboro. There is 1 SIDNEY A. JONES FUNERAL HOME Provides Highest Class Service — At Lowest Cost j I Quick and Careful Ambulance Service | We now offer choice burial lots in beautiful j EVERGREEN MEMORIAL PARK : (Formerly old Wright cemetery)^ j Conveniently located—high and dry $5.00 down and small monthly payments. Gem Thoughts for Meditation “For who upon the hearth can start a fire, And never warm the stone? Or who can cheer another’s heart, And not his own? I stilled a hungry infant’s prv, With kindness filled a stranger’s cup, And lifting others, Found that 1 was lifted up.” ^Sidney ticy ones ^jj~uncral <Jfc onto SAVANNAH, GA. PHONE ADams 4-7226 ' *w'wv. sr>•*** *\ * Last Rites Held Tor Mr, Burson COLUMBUS B. BURSON Funeral services for I ,us Brainerd Burson were ,asfcro ’ Rev - Curtis J. Jackson, p fk ' iatm S- R !, V ' J ' Adam s a " d T L - S Ste! * asslstec , * wUh i services. Music was oy tfte chu chcir ^ the b!d . » . i Morgan , „ P Bedgood, deaoQn interment was in Grove cemetery with the n ey A. Jones Funeral Home | charge of arrangements. Mr. Burson died Sunday , irig, November 15, .after a eight): Amos Hall, I dent, grand masters confer Leland French. Lt. I commander, northern tion; Willard M. Allen John W. Lewis, Jr., ; grand commanders, one surviving daughter, resides street. He attended services at the FAB church «? “ Bltrson had served as er of FAB church for more years. He was also member of the deacon board . j ing „ or( j aine d during the [rate of Rev. T. J, Goodall. Mrs. Amos Burson. He to Savannah the same wher e they resided ever since | Besides his widow, Mrs. Burson, the deceased is ! ed. by two sisters, Mrs. ‘ Burson of 'Atlanta ar.d Mary Burson of jurisdiction; Thurgood shall, active member, I jurisdiction; John Dobbs, active' member, jurisdiction;, Broker T. der, imperial pots .state, shrine.—(ANP Photo g rand children and two grand children also survive. Memorials HART—In loving mem¬ ory of our loving mother MRS. JANIE HART vlho passed away November 23, 1937 and our brother HR. JCHN HART who passed away ■ lit comber 3, 1923 Only God knows how we miss them, V. r sw much to them we ewe. el: love and memories We shall always cherish T ;;*-;ugh life with thought¬ ful gratitude. Sailv missed by. Margaret Hart Rhaney Carl R. Hart CARDS OF THANKS CARD or THANKS The family' wishes to tfcank hem Baptist church, George DeRenne School faculty and student body, Hodge faculty and students. Liberty city Community Association, Sidney Jones Undertakers, and ; especially my neighbors and ew, Master Henry (Lucky) Mc- Graw; also for cards, telegrams, florals, cars and other courte¬ sies shown. Mrs. Esteila Konon and Family CARD OF THANKS . The family .. -of the late Mr. John Thomas Green wishes to thank everyone for the kind expressions of sympathy shown j during dear the illness'and to death of one so us. Mrs. Mary S. Bain- and family 1203 East Broad Street CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr Thomas Godfrey wishes to ex¬ press deep gratitude to their many friends for their sympa¬ thy, numerous cards, telegrams, 'lowers and other means cf condolences. Mrs, Evelina Godfrey I and daughter CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Braulah Henderson, 623 West 44 St., wishes to extend nany thanks to her friends for the beautiful cards and flow¬ ers during her illness. WASH&DRY (One Day Serv ; ce) j 81.00 I (Max. 25 Lbs.) m R E A I)! Ihr favatmah Mntnr 10 CENTS A COPY On The Following News Stands Every Thursday CCA CONFECTIONERY DUFFY & EAST BROAD CHICK’S SHOE PARLOR 803 WEST BROAD RT. CROSBY BROS. DRUG STORE 1202 MONTGOMERY RT. CROWN’S^ CONFECTIONERY 1?1 WERT BROAD RT. FOREMAN’S CONFECTIONERY KUNE RT. HARRY’S CUT RATE DRUG STORE SATURDAY, NOV. 28, 1959 HALL—In memory of our husband, father and brother DEACON ERNEST HAIL who departed this life November 27 1057 The month of November is here, The saddest month of the year. For it was on the twenty- seventh day My darling husband passed away. strens . .. . „„ I God gave mc "“ v0 ’ i to bear the blow. 1 And courage But what it meant to lose you No one will ever know Sadly missed by a loving wife, Mrs. Silvia Hall children grandchildren brothers nieces and nephews a host of friends Centra! Bant. Church I Rev. William Daniels will de- u _ thP message on Thanks- RiV i n g day 11 a. m. at Central ( Bap , tist church, i Sunday, November 29, the "r. Mission will sponsor programs at 11:30 a. m. and at 8 p. m. The Baptist Ushers Union will pre¬ sent their program at 3 p. m. Monday night, November ^9 'he Simmons Singers will pre¬ sent a concert at the church. Rev. W. Wilson delivered the message last Sunday morning. Mrs. iR. Reddick discussed ttt'e BTU topic. The Gospel Cho¬ rus rendered music. BAPTIST BOOK STORE 152 Barnard St. Ribles, Church and Sunday School Supplies, Books Choir Itobcs ADams 4-7881 fRV Cherokee Herhru Tonic Dr. Donald’s Herb Treatment (Tablets or Liquid) From International Drug Co. For relief of inflamed prostate 'lands, kidney and bladder distress, spinal arthritis, pain in feet, ankles, knees, hips and should rs: nervous, run down condition from over drink¬ ing, loss of pep and nature’s Inability. Stiff joints, cramps and swelling. Cherokee Tonic Makes Nature Work. Sold by Veteran C. J. Moore (Licensed Agent) 410 East Hiinlimtoon Lane Phone ADams 2-5807 J&C CONFECTIONERY GWINNETT & ATE ANTIC KNIGHT’S SUNDRIES HENRY & WEST BROAD LEE’S DRUG STORE 317 WEST BROAD RT. ALLEN’S SNACK BAR CONFECTIONERY MAPLE & WEST BROAD ~ ROBERT SAM’S CONFECTIONERY 730 WATERS AVE. FUTCH’S CONFECTIONERY