The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, December 19, 1959, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO ifi i !&■■& tV ,,3Q>^£^<——■ — 1 —* Baptist Ministers Union The Chatham County Bap¬ tist Ministers Union me* Tm day at Bethlehem Baptist church, Rev. L. S. Sid!, host minister. Devotions were I 1 by Rev. E. G. Lane and ‘.he .Sunday School le«son disci; .-ed by Rev. L. S. Stell, president. Current news was reported by the president, Rev. E. P. Quar- terman and Rev. C. J. Jacks o. Plans were made to present a Christmas .basket next Tue - day to Rev. J. J. Dinkins. Next Tuesday the Union will worship with the Evangelical Ministers Alliance at the St. Phillip AME church. Charles and West Broad streets. An inspiring message was de¬ livered by Dr. E. Hunter, minis¬ ter of Gallilee Baptist church, Stockton, California. __ St Phillip Mon AME mental AME church, Friday, December 11 throughout Sun¬ day, December 13, with Presid¬ ing Elder J. P. Lampkin in charge. Attendance was large throughout Sunday. At 11:30 a. m. Elder Lampkin preached Mrs. J. P, Lampkin spoke. The Gospel ohoir rendered music, The evening message was de- livered by Dr. J. W. 'MUsic was rendered by the senior choir. Pastor Jaudon stresses that all gifts for the less be brought to the church by Thursday. A cordial invitation is extended to worship at the Christmas service next day. At 11.30 a. m. Pastor don will deliver a special mas message. At 7:00 .p, m a Christmas song test will bo presented under the direction of Mrs Fannie S. Joyner, featur¬ ing voices of the combined choirs. Miss Alamarie Glover iMW be narrator. ! jUpion Bapt. Church or. Usher Board j ‘Baptist The senior church ushers of Union met November |25 at the home of Mrs. Priscilla Scott, President Eanous Smith hi charge. A silver tea was given on November 22 with sev¬ eral visitors from other church- , es. At the last meeting on De¬ cember 9 new officers were elected. Jfhe Pulpit Aid Board Pulpit Aid Board of Saint I®ip Monumental A. M. E. cnirch. met on Sunday after¬ noon at the home of Mrs. Ada Dargon, 306 W. Henry Tbbse present were Mrs. Mattie H*«kett, Mrs. Matilda Fields Mrs Eunice Harris, Mrs f'ude Hall Mrs. Marie Mrs Rebecca Barnes and Mrs. Lueile Overstreet, and a guest, Mrs. Barnes. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Lueile Overstreet, 2610 Bulloch street --- Bethlehem Bapt. Church Home-Coming services at! Bethlehem Baptist church Sun- d^y morning, Dec. 13. were fol¬ lowed by a fellowship dinner in the recreation room of the church. The young people had a panel discussion at 4 p. m. on ! tile Important topic. “Who to the Are Church, The Most) the ydung men or the young wo- men?” Rev. L. S. Stell, Jr., is pastor of the church. Sermons, Sermons A More Sermons Dynamic Devotional District 4 for $1 00 10 for S2.00 National Sermon Supply 104 N. Delrymple Albion, Michigan 0* (VL CHOIR S PULPIT GOWNS All Colors end Color Combinations dges for Ushers ond Organizations CHURCH FURNITURE DEPT. Fufpits, Pews, Comm. Tobies lowost Prices Available WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG SPRINGER FASHION UNIFORMS jtajilitfton2,D.C. 7HNSt.,N.C. 77 Alabama St., S.W. Atlanta 3, Georgia ^ocpiul Haptist Church Th heir of Second will present a cert on Sunday, Decern- it 7:30 p. m. under l of Prof. E J. of music, Mrs. i will be at organ, Yu'etide cial Christmas ir lud ! on the pro"ram. st; are Frank C. s e Kear'c, and Mr. A special feature of \m will be two selec- by the S )1 C. Johnson Lit- *A dircc- L K( ' v - ■‘■’man U V -of :™aVS riean Baptist church on Sun¬ day morning, Jan. 17, and at 3:30 pm. L. Bryan is of the anniversary celebration which will be he'd January 17, 18, 19 and 20, 1960. A'l choirs of the church will r °nder music. The public is invited to hear Rev. Tobin, The Emancipation Proclama- tion celebration will be held the First African church. 23 Montgomery St., on January 1. 1930 at 11:30 a. m. Rev. Dr Charles F. Associate Professor of and Philosophy at Dillard iversity. New Orleans, La., he the speaker. Dr. Morton a noted scholar, teacher and nreacher, and holds the A B deg-ee fr< m Morehouse iVge: B. D.. degree from Theological Seminary, York: and Ph. D.. degree Columbia University, New The public is invited to him: he has a messsage. F. D. Jaudon is president of Emancipation Association Rev. Curtis J. Jackson, five secretary First Bryan Baptist md First African Baptist church announee their joint 172nd niversary program to be held at First Bryan on January 10. ip^o at :: 30 p m. Rev e. o S. Cleveland, pastor of St. John Baptist Church, will be the speaker. These two historic churches join in inviting mie to be with them on day when First tA B . First an and St. John will celebrate this great -.ion. Rev. Curtis J. Jackson 01 ' cf First A. B., and Rev Richard M. Williams is of First Bryan - First African Baptist church will present a program Christmas carols and co the public Tiie service will be held from the Street entrance at 6:00 p. icuv. i ubr 20 A lighted tree and evergreen wiil form tho background for the choir. This is being ar¬ ranged by J. S. Delaware, su¬ perintendent of the Sunday ■School. The concert Is under the direction of William S. er. choir director. Prof. E. Ruffner will be at the organ. In the event of rain the big will be held in the church’; main auditorium. TRY Cherokee Herhru Tonic Dr. Donald’s Herb Treatment (Tablets or Liquid) From International Drug Co. For relief of inflamed prostate glands, kidney and bladder distress, spinal arthritis, pain In feet, ankles, knees, lilps and shoulders: nervous run down condition from over drink¬ ing. loss of pep and nature’s Inability Stiff joints, cramps and swelling. Cherokee Tonic Makes Nature Work Try Dr Donald’s Digesting Powders for acid indigestion, gas pains, belch¬ ing and heart burn. For those who over indulge in eating and drinking or eating improper food. Sold by Veteran C. J- Moore (Licensed Agent) 410 East Huntingdon Lane Phone ADaras 2-5807 i , Raotist Ministers The Savannah Baptist tors Alliance will h o 1 d Christmas services on D* ember 22, at Emmanuel tist church, 510 East don, Rev. J. C. McMillan, cr and president of the j ance. The service will at 12 noon. r '• f A C o, ' rs f f the Berean As-elation rost- r of Fhst Evergreen 11 t church will deliver the mn: alternate. Rev. Borders, The nro«ram chairman, v, D. Brook extends an a *' 1 1 ■ ' i .:rl ushers to render The public is Introduction of speaker, Rev, ! T Small, Old Testament • T "h aw - la were led by Rev. N. A. nan - 7, ’ ri ' Alliance iwas presid ’ d over by Rev, L. M. Moore. The Sunday School lesson discussed by Rev. R. M. hams, from the thema Birth Of Jesus Christ.” The Alliance will meet December 29 at Williams Ogeechee Road and 37th for a round table discussion. St. Luke Bapt. Church A Christmas program will presented at St. Luke ohureh, .Monday. December at ^ 8 ^ ^ p m. Regular held Sunday, Dec. Jof> H j ang and Elijah will be ordained as deacon | Decmiber 27 by rt , he pastor. Rev ; B. C. Thomas. A capacity tendance was on hgnd for communion services last including 7 three visiting ister a n d twen t y deacons. ■ __________ __ Grove Bant. Services were well attended ^een Grove Baptist church Sunday, Dec. 13. Rev. R. L. j the pastor, used for the ,iect of his morning sermon, Have Made It Again,” and the evening sermon, “The Is Over.” j • - j 2vd St. John Baptist Regular services will be at Second St. John ; church Sunday, December 20. 8 p. m. the No. 2 choir will sent a special program. be given the aged and digent members of the T. J. Wright is pastor. - (■ - ' ifcmont I empJe Regular services will be at Tremont Temple Rev. ' Baptist Ushers Union The monthly program of Baptist Ushers Union will held Wednesday, Dec. 30 at 8 m at Fir c ‘ Tabernacle church. Albert. Jackson is ident of the Union. Miller’s Barber Shop CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ! Men’s Haircuts 75c Ladies’ and Boys’ 50c Every Tuesday : 27th and Ogeeehee Road SUGAR supplies energy QUICKIE TH9. SAVANHA A TKSmiWl Last Rites Held For Mrs. Jordan WUk yf rs Elizabeth A. Rankin Solemn Requiem Mass Mrs Elizabeth Anna . Jordan , , were held Z , morning, ^ Dec. 9, at St. dict’.s Roman Catholic Mr Jordan died Friday, Dec. 4 Rev Kather Oeorge A Mac cormick was celebrant of mass asslsted by Rcv B j Koe h a ne, deacon, and Father A Rarnstein> sufb . dea con vjsiting clemymen , J “ Tuesday evpnine interment was in the 0 jj c ceme tery with Steele ra j Home in charge of I ments Honorary pallbearers members of St. Mary’s Aid ciety. the Laymen’s League St. Benedicts church, the olic Women’s Club, the Atlantic Medical Society, the Charity Hospital staff. Active pallbearers were N. King, A. L. Davis, Sam Williams Boston Williams, Isaac James Allen, Lawrence Pherson and Edward Mrs j orda n, a native naliian, was bom on May jggg Her parents were the Frank and Annie Rankin. graduating from Beach tute she taught at St. ny’s Parish School for years. She was a of St. Benedict’s church for 52 years where was a charter member of St. Mary’s Aid Society, as its secretary for ■ years Survivors are three sons, Carl R. Jordan, Emory J. and Charles F. three grandchildren, Harold Jordan, Miss Carmen A. and Miss Karen T. Jordan; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. K. Jordan. St. Mary’s AME The first communion for the conference year conducted at St. Mary’s A. M. church Sunday, Dec. 13. by oastor. Rev. Charlie Fogle. ular services will be held the church on Sunday., 20 . 1 sf Mt. Sinai Baptist A Christmas program will nresented at First Mt. Baptist church Sunday, Dec. at 7 pm. Regular services be held during the day. A. A. Lewis was in charge the services on Dec. 13. WASH & DRY (One Dav Service) $ 1.00 (Max. 25 Lbs.) Sisterhood of Beth-Eden | The regular meeting of Sisterhood of Beth Eden tist church will be held morning, December 20, diately following the 11:15 m. service at which time cial plans will be made for ing activities. We were glad have the president, Mrs. j Davis, w'ho had been out of j cltv due to illness, back with us. j I The pastor, Rev. Harold er, filled the pulpit both morn¬ ing and night Sunday, Dec. 13. His subject for the 11:15 a. m. service was “The For The Coming of Christ In¬ to The World.” This was much needed pre-Christmas ap¬ peal for the true celebration , of the Christ child’s birthday. An elaborate program for the | Sunday School is being prepar- ed by Mrs. C. M. Wells for Sun- ■ December . day, , _ 27 at 5 p. m. We ’ invite . our fnends to be with us. _______ _ Palen . m* Methodist L J* » CL Church L | The Sunday School of Palen M. (Church is presenting a Christmas program of music words on Sunday night, Decern- her 20 at 7 o’clock. This pro gram will feature a play entitl¬ ed “The Night of His Birth.’’ Gifts will be presented to each member of the Sunday School. This program is der the direction of the i of Education of the church. The public is invited to attend. Central Bapt. Church “The Title and Life of The Messiah” was the subject of the morning’s message at Centra] Baptist church. Christmas carols were sung by the young adult choir. The Pew rally sponsored by the B. T. U. was successful. A candle light service will be held Sunday, Dec. 20 at 8 p. m. CARDS OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my pastor, neighbors, friends, co-workers and the staff and nurses of the Charity Hospital for their kind¬ ness shown me while a patient; also for cards and flowers. Rosa Joyner Inion BaDtist Sr. Choir Thanks Helpers The Union Baptist Senior Choir met Friday night, Dec. 11. for their last meeting of the year. New officers for I960 were elected unanimously. The choir held its last silver tea for 1959 at the home of Mrs. Mary Hen¬ drix, 609 West 38th street, which was successful. The choir thanks the members of Thank¬ ful Baptist and other churches for participating. The first silver tea for 1960 will be held at the president’s home, Thomas Washington, 706 West Bolton street, January 10. The Lord was truly good to us in the year 1959. Let us keep praying and trusting in God and he will bless us ever more in 1960. We thank the Lord for the many blessings he shower¬ ed upon us in 1959. The Union Baptist church and the senior choir wish every one a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Mrs. T. L. Dabney, reporter; Mrs. T. Guyton, secretary; Mrs. N. Shaw, treasurer; T. Wash¬ ington, president; Rev. L. C. Sapp, pastor.—(Paid) DR. WM. A. WEXLER SCHWAB OPTICAL 141 Bull Street Phone ADams 6-0348 m complete optical SERVICE Scientific Eye Examination Oculist Prescriptions Filled Lenses or Frames Replaced Contact Lenses Weekly or Monthly Budget Payments 7 To See Better See Us Optometric Service 112 Whitaker St. — Phone ADams 3-3476 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED “Vision Is Your Most Precious Possession” ! MEMOCIAI/ a STEWART—In loving of our husband and father ■wit V , i MR. ULYSSES STEWART who departed this life December 20, 1953 Sun without rain, Joy without sorrow, Peace without pain. But God has promised Strength for* the day, ^ est ‘ or the labor Light for the way, Help from a1:ove ’ *^ n< t undying love. Sadly missed by . wife,’ Mrs. Mae Stewart daughter, Mrs. Alfreida S. Wright Brooklyn, N. Y. sister, Miss Eila Stewart ■New York City brothers, Wallace Stewart Fred Stewart Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph Stewart Boston, Mass. Melvin Stewart New Fl|rjk| Yjork ! City ReV*. i istchtj^U Knoxville, Tenn. and other - pelafives 'and ■friends ■h LEWIS — In loving brance of our dear mother MRS. MAGGIE LEWIS who passed 1 away one year DedT 13, T958 We love you Mother, as as ever And your memory will In our hearts forever, children, Frank, TommiO Howard and John C. Lewis niece, Willette D. Pennington grandchildren and great-grandchildren LUTEN — In memory of darling husband MR. ISAAC ERVI-N LUTEN, §rho departed this life December 15, 1958 The month of December is The saddest mopth of the For it was on the fifteenth My dear husband passed God gave me strength to it And courage to bear the But what it meant to lose No one will ever know. Sadly missed by Devoted Wife and Children I SIMMONS—In loving memory of our wife and mother , ■ tm 1 m MRS. MARIE SIMMONS who departed this life on earth one year ago Dec. 15, 1958 Without her precious, guiding hand We’ve sorrowed for a year, And each day though separated We feel her presence near. Sadly missed by her devoted husband, Ishmae! Simmons foster mother, Mrs. Sylvia Jenkins children, Ishmael Simmons, Jr. Elijah Simmons Ernest Simmons Mrs. Henrietta S. Grant Mrs. Anna B. Thompson Mrs. Frances Bradly Mrs. Ruth M. Fleming a host of other relatives and friends WHIPPLE—In loving memory of my husband j DEACON L. T. WHIPPLE who departed this life four years ago Dec. 18, 1955 He was so useful here below, So needed by us all. We strive to see why he should foe The one whom God should call. But we have only human minds With which to understand; Perhaps we'll see it clearly When we reach the promised land. Sadly missed by a devoted wife, Mrs. L. T. Whipple and children Seek ye the Lord while he may be found; call ye upon him while he is near.—Isaiah. PALMER—In loving memory of my brother JOHN WESLEY PALMER - who departed this life j. f [ Dec. 15, 1950 Why fear the trials fate may send, \\ Wlhy dread the burdens change may bring Or reckon time a faithless friend Or mention death in words that sting With every passing breath of air. f With every sunset’s parting nod The heart has fewer cares to bear, The soul is that much nearer God. Sadly missed by your loving sister, Mrs. Elise Miller JONES — In memory of our mother MRS. CAND IS JONES who departed this life three years ago Dec. 17. 1956 Sleep on, dear Mother, Tis God who thought best To take you from this world of sorrow '! * . To a lovely place of rest. Safe in the arms of Jesus Angels guard thy sleeping clay We are working forward to see you In the resurrection day. Loved ones, daughters, Mrs. Lula B. Greene Savannah, Ga. M s. Addie B. Edwards Melbourne, Fla. Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days.—Eccl. STEWART — In loving .memory of my father ULYSSES (JOEi STEWART who departed this life one year ago Dec. 20, 1958 a devoted daughter, Mrs. Alfreida S Wright, R. N. Brooklyn, N. Y. and family BAPTIST BOOK STORE 152 Barnard St. Bibles, Church and Sunday School Supplies, Books J Choir Robes ADams 4-7881 B i w s y? § § to you . . . E one end alt ■ w M K, | | f# V/ m SATURDAY, DEC. 19, 1959