The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, December 26, 1959, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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page two - tiME^ra3E=R - ^tatnE3a<E=tt=iESESRaz3e*5iE*3estt«rf»BSt3»“ , *9» A fi Second Bapt. Church to Celebrate 157 th Anniversary Second Baptist church, Hous¬ ton and President streets will celebrate its 157th anniversary Sunday, December 27 at 4:30 p m. The public is invited. The Rev. (William Frame ! pastor of Central Baptist ehuren rnd vice moderator of the B°- roan Missionary Baptist Asso¬ ciation, will deliver the Baptist Ministers Union The Chatham County Bap-vt Ministers Union met Tuesday. m. at Bethlehem Bapti st clrurch and suspended all rule- The members later assembled in a joint pre-Christmas servr • with the Evangelical Ministers Union at St. Philip A. M. E. church, Charles and We f Broad streets. President L. S. Stell appoint-, ed Dr. C. J. Jackson to speak 4 n the joint session as repre- sentative of the union. Dr. Douglas delivered the message. i The regular weekly meeting will be held next Tuesday 12' noon at the Bethlehem Baptist church. I - S Litway Bantist Church ;On Sunday, Dec. 13 the Lit- mill's w(j$ Baptist church had its day program. The mu- sie was rendered by the Men’s rdinrus with Clarence Perkins at. the piano. | 1 Tim morning address was made by Alvin Collins a 1959. graduate of Savannah State Coilege. The evening speak- er was Raleigh Bryant, a mem- ber of FAB church. Both ad¬ dresses were inspirational. St. Paul Bapt. Church At St. Paul Bapt, church, Wat- era Ave., Sunday services were! inspiring and largely attended,) | beginning with the Sunday School. Pastor A. E. Hagins delivered the Christmas ser- noons, morning and night. j On December 23 the Sunday Sahool will give a Christmas pifcy. Snuday being the last; clferminion day of the year the nSpitoers and public are urged to attend the services. -- . w ! Connor’s Temple j A Christmas (Sunrise service will be held Christmas morning i at 4 o’clock at Connor's Temple | Baptist church. The Sunday .school will present a Christmas program Sunday evening, Dec.. 27 at 7 o’clock The church services on Dec. j 20 were broadcast over radio station WSOK. Rev. w. W. Whitehead, the pastor, spoke from the subject, ‘God Wrap ped Up Christmas Gifts. St. Phillip Mon. AME Christmas services were held at St. Phillip Monumental A M. E. church, Sunday, Dec. 20. Rev. F. D. Jaudon, choir pastor. The the! j Progressive sang at morning worship. A special program was pre¬ di-1 sented at 7 pm. under the rection of Mrs. Fannye S. Joy¬ ner featuring selections by the combined choirs. The kinder- garten students sang under the , direction of Mrs. Ruth G. Lad- son. Miss Almarie Glover was narrator. The altar decorations included a scene of the Christ Child lying in a manger and a lighted cross. the Pfc. Vivian Stokes of WiAC of Fort Knox, Ky ., among the visitors. n ft m n O /'"'A fi M S*“‘v* HALL’S DRY CLEANERS A1 Green Kleens Klose Kleen fa Phone AD 2-2454 2325 Ogeeehee Road fa - rsary message. The deacons of Central Bap- 'is* church will conduct the de- voticnal service. Music will be furnished by the choirs and •h 1 rirs ■{ the Central Bap- j Church. ' M's. Ida M. Walker is chair-! 1 f the anniversary and tJ E P. Quarterman. minister Central Bant. Church The candlelight services pre¬ sented by the Senior Choir of Central Baptist church last vSunday night were verv im- pr( .. siVe unt j Cr the direction of Rirhard Middleton, chorister, and Mrs. Bessie Reddick at the eon.-ole of the organ. Christ¬ mas carols, anthems and hymns were sung. Many presentations were made to Rev. and Mrs. Daniels anrt other officers of the church The pastor will deliver the 257th anniversary sermon a* Second Baptist church on Suri- day a t 4 p.m Membe-s are ask- ec j t 0 attend the last business meeting on Tuesday night, De¬ rember 29, and the watch night j services Thursday night, 31. Tremont Temple Members of the Tremont Trmnle Baptist church preselt- cd Christmas gifts on Sunday, Dec ember 20 to the pastor. Rev. J. M. ’ Benton, and the super- n of the Sunday School. Johnnie , Powell. Services CiTO ,„ 00 will! ,„m yI X.rislmls , u thp ohurch eari morning. Brutal Attack By Rapists • Continued from Pa*rr Orel ed the police. I After crashing into another automobile at a traffic light the two abandoned the car, but Tippins was seized when he re- turned to get his topcoat. City police picked up Walker on the street nearby. Walker did not molest either girl However, because he re- oortedly acted in concert by being present, the like Tippins, n>ls with granh kidnaping, j rnp(> ' nssau ‘ ’ larceny.. ' rob ^ anc , ,,, „, r ' ! I- s r possession of a weapon. In his denounciatdon of the , „ ,, ,, ... P air ’ Maglstra.e av a recommended swift justice for them. He said. “ We can soon r,r 0 ^ av a “ ps ,ike thIs if we Rivp hrrT ' swift and speedy ius'ke ant send them to the place where tfhey belong.” He demanded that a jury be convened as qiuckly as; possible. j Tippins was previously ae- Quitted of rape in Brooklyn 1 ast Aprirl. He also had a previous record in Atlanta. Walker was found guilty of larceny last February.. UNIFORMS Ushtr Board, D«acon<rts, Mothor of Church, Nurses, Missionary, Prayer Band Nylon, Dacron, Cotton, Poplin, Sizos 5 to 52 Long, Short ond % SIovo* BADGES FOB USHERS AND ORGANIZATIONS lowest PHcet Available tins sot sits autos SPRINGER FASHION UNIFORMS IS! 701 Washington7,D.C. H St., N.E. Atlanta 77 Alabama 3, taorgi St., S.W. SJ Coirmunion Services At F. B. B, Sunday The last communion service of the First Bryan Baptist church will be held Sunday. De¬ cember 27 at 3 p m. All the choirs of the church will ren- der music. A special message will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. Richard M. Williams. The public is invited to attend. -—— Ministers Wives Alliance The Interdenominational Mi- listers Wives Alliance h’eid its 'ast meeting of the year at the home of Rev. and Mrs, V Douglas, McIntosh, Ga„ the president, Mrs C. P. Hobbs, pre¬ siding. Devotions were conducted by Mrs, A. n. Wilson, using sev¬ eral Christmas carols and Bible verses by th. member- A duet, 1 O Holy Night,” was rendered by Mrs. Mary Ellis and Mrs Helen Clayton. “Silent Night” was sung by Mrs. Helene Doug¬ las, Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Clay¬ ton. Expressions were by Mrs, J, P. Green, Mrs. J. C. Miller and Mrs. w. N. M-'Ciean .all of Me- Intosh, who were rereived as members of the alliance. Mrs. E. O. S. Cleveland explained the purpose of the organiza- j tion. Dr. and Mr.s E. J Smith were guests. It was announced that the alliance anniversary will be ob¬ served at the home of Rev and Mr.s. J. M. Benton, 722 West 47 street, Wednesday, Jan. 6 c - s Stripling and M-s. E. ^ S. Cleveland weve ‘ anu will win be in charge of the preparation; Mrs. F. D. Jaudon, Mrs. A. B. Wil¬ son and Mrs. J. E, Bailey in charge of the menu; program committee: Mrs. A. B. Wilson, Mrs, A. Scott and Mrs. A. C. Curtright. The following officers were elected to serve in 1960: Mrs. C. P. Hobbs, president; Mrs. Agnes Scott, vice president; Mrs. C, S. Stripling, secretary; Mrs. J. E. Bailey, assistant 4V If Pj W Scaeons ( 3 reetiitQ 8 r? B ft First African Baptist^ S W Family and Friends 8 SICK AND SHUT-INS f h/ 4 tJ _. bj? p & *?, ehL fjf u tvj S i.Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! y “Children understand it best, with fullness of a hit feeling and an implicitness of faith they lose in after years; but still to us older ones etuh Christmas w freshens and recaptures something of our childish feelings — in hymn and carol, in family and neigh- hf bor greetings in fireside merriment and kindliness, w I we feel again the tender softening emotion which was our childish tribute to the day. With shep¬ herds, angels, kings, we once more go unto Bethle¬ hem, content if only after failures and disappoint¬ w ments, shortcomings past, chances missed, friends lost, aims unperformed, and sickness we may win ?<§ 38 el- and make our own the Christmas prize which the $1 !/ W angels glorified and the infant the Jesus steadfast taught dominating anchor- P,i ing our souls at last upon || peace which waits on gentle will.” % § MERRY CHRISTMAS! h y Rev. Curtis J. Jackson J ■ THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA S. S. Christmas Program At Beth-Eden Sunday Sunday afternoon, December 27, promptly at 5 o’clock the Sunday "School of Beth Eden 0 aptist church, James J. Ed¬ vards, superintendent, will pre- ent the annual Christmas pro¬ gram. The children of all de- lartments and euest partici- ■>an?s will tell the impressive; frry cf the Holy birth i nverse or,? and dramatization. A ordial invitation is extended o the public. Mrs. Laura D. Webb, assistant superintendent s ill be in charge of the pro¬ gram. Rev. Harold Baker 4s oastor. secretary: Mrs. W. N. Robin¬ son, treasurer: Chaplain, Mrs. R Wright; Mrs. G. H. Stokes, reporter: Mrs. J. C. McMillan floral (treasurer; Mrs. A. B. Wilson. The hostess, Mrs. Douglas served a variety dinner anc explained the activities at Dor Chester Center. Members present were Mes dames F. D. Jaudon, J. M Benton, L. Blake, W. N. Rob¬ inson, R Wright, G. W. Carter J. C. McMillan, C. S. Stripling E. O. S. Cleveland, A. Scott J E. Bailey, A. B. Wilson and A C. Curtright. Also present were Rev. A. C. Curtright- and Rev I. M. Benton. True Love Bapt. Church At True Love Baptist church, 177 E. Gwinnett street, Rev. Freddie Bonds, pastor. Sun- day services were well attend- ed beginning with Sunday School with Supt. F. A. Camip- bell presiding. At 11 a. m. the spoke from Isaiah 96 BTU was largely attended at I 6 p. m. The pastor’s evening subject was "No Room in The Inn.” Christmas services will be held on Christmas morning from 11 o'clock to 12 o'clock noon. Everyone is welcome. WASH & DRY i (One Day Service) $ 1.00 i (Max. 25 Lbs.) Funeral Service* for Miss Florida Johnson Miss Florida Johnson, a na¬ tive Savannahian. died Wed¬ nesday, December 16, in a loca' hospital where she had beer confined two weeks prior to he- demise. Funeral services were held from Beth Eden Baptist church Friday afternoon. December at three o clock. Rev. Harold Baker officiating. Interment was in Laurel Grove cemetery. Miss Johnson will be remem¬ bered for her very cheerful disposition, deepite the fact she had been in failing health and confined to a wheel chair for several years. She did not let that deter her from working for, nor attending her church of which she was an arden* member. She was always plan ning and putting on effort' that brought financial success to help her church. Prior to her ill health, Miss Tohnson was in the employment of Dr. Charles Usher, Sr., for ? lumber of years. She so en- ieared herself to that family ’.hat they held her in affection¬ ate esteem and were in close and constant contact with he: ill during the years of her ill¬ ness. This was manifested by the presence of the entire fa- nily at her funeral. They were there to the end when the last floral piece was placed on her grave. Survivors are an only sister. Mrs. Georgia J. Knight; and two cousins, Mrs. Ruth Baitoo- Sermons, Sermons & More Sermons Dynamic Devotional District 4 for $1.00 10 for $2.00 National Sermon Supply 104 N. Delrymple Albion, Michigan I m # & b i? May your Christmas be as warm m i as an old friend’s greetingsf ’to t* AL JOHNSON’S STANDARD OIL SERVICE % STATION M i'-i M Qgeechee Road and .‘{7th Street AD 2-9261 ML Dear Customers: n , Sk i tiic A|MAit %; ft 1 CHRISTiraiS LiL. ft | you || ! % I 1 58 < ■ is B I ft fa fa. (I & Among the blessings cf the parsing M 1 ear our most value.1 one is the i I friendship end good v. 1 cf tv e v. ? t rrve. It is a privilege at this happy s a- son to express our appreciation and ta wish you a Merry Christinas. Atlantic Savings I I And Trust Co. M ftf 5^* 27 Bull Street ’ Phone AD 2-2188 fa 9 MEMBER. F. D. I. C. it. 'S h u def^ DR. WM. A. WEXLER SCHWAB OPTICAL 141 Bull Street Phone ADams 6-0348 complete optical SERVICE Scientific Eye Examination Oculist Prescriptions Filled Lenses or Frames Replaced Contact Lenses Weekly or Monthly Budget Payments za Miss Sadie /amaica, New York. CARDS OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS The relatives of the late Mr Julius C. Stafford, Sr., 519 Charles Street, wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends for their many courtes¬ ies during his illness and death on December 4. A special thanks to the personnel of the Memorial Hospital and the Synes-Rovall Father Funeral Home Caution. and j to Rev. G. H. Mr. Stafford was one of the oldest licensed embalmers in I the State of Georgia and was i employed by the Monroe Fune- I ral Directors — «_— from ,no, 1931 unti ]| shortly before his demise. Wife, Mrs. Vivian E. Stafford Son, , J. C. Stafford, Jr. Daughter, Mrs. Billye D. Austin FRY Cherokee Herhru Tonic Dr. Donald’s Herb Treatment (Tablets or Liquid 1 From International Drug Co. Por relief of ir/flamed prostate glands, kidney and bladder distress spinal arthritis, pain in feet, ankles. knees, nips and shoulders: nervous ,un down condition from over drink¬ ing, loss of pep and nature’s inability -Stiff Joints, cramps and swelling, 'herokoe Tonic Makes Nature Work Try Dr. Donald's Digesting Powders ror acid Indigestion, gas pains, belch¬ ing and mart burn. For those who over Indulge In eating and drinking or eating improper food. Sold by Veteran C. .1- Moore (Licensed Agent) 410 East Huntingdon l.ane Phone ADams 2-5807 %-/."r \ SATURDAY, DEC. 26, 195S Memorials WILLIAMS — In loving mem¬ ory of MRS. JULIA W. WILLIAMS who departed this life Dec. 23, 1C58 Sadly mssed by relatives and loved ones BENTON—In sad but loving memory of our uncle GEORGE BENTON who passed away Dec. 18, 1944 and our aunt JULIA BENTON who departed this life Dec. 25, 1958 We miss you, oh we miss yoi How could we help but cry? But if v;e live as you lived. We will meet you by and by. Sadly missed by nieces and nephews Mrs. Julia Williams Mrs. Mamie L. Johnson Mrs. Irene Dillion Mrs. Mary J. McGee Mr. Lester Jackson Mr. Booker T. Jackson Mr. George Riley Deacons Christian Union The Deacons Christian Union held its November meeting at the Little Bryan Baptist church Price and Gwinnett streets. The last meeting for 1959 was held at the same location Friday, Dec. 18. Deacons John Greene, Robert Bradley, and Jacob Brown are on tlhe sick list. William C. Graham is presi¬ dent, Ceasar H. Jenkins, secre¬ tary, and Mrs. H. Bell and R F. Jenkins, reporters. Record Players $8.95 American Pawn Shop 138 West Broad St. m 9 B ISHES & FOR A U 4 /^errV (Jiristmas u w ' f : w Asher’s t- 22 West Broughton Street Mates bated hams so much better - sugar , vj)ixie Crystals - - OtD FASHIONS O W BARK BROWM SUGAR - jjVfasa.. ’ W V ■ MACK—In loving memory of our husband and father . MR. CRAWFORD D. MACK \ who departed this life *. Dec. 26, 1958 One year has passed, “Dyar One” 'Y V -V Since God has called you home To be wih him in heaven - Around the snow-white throne. No one knows the sadness J Only those who have lost can tell •: ’■ Of the grief that’s borne m silence, > For the one we love so well. - We miss you, oh, we miss you. How could we heLp but cry? » But if we live as you lived, We’ll meet again by and by. Sadly missed by wife, Mrs. Mary E. Mack daughters and sons, Miss Lucile Mack Mrs. Inez M^Neal Mrs. Elvena Johnson Miss Beatrice Y. Mack Orin C. Mack Causlee D. Mack Savannah, Ga. William C. Mack Texas Mrs. Veronia Williams Miami, Fla. ' Mrs. Edotha Black Bronx, N. Y. : Cleo Ivey ; Mrs. Mrs. Corine Crosby ' > Philadelphia, Pa. Miller’s Barber Shop CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ! Men’s Haircuts 75c Ladies’ and Boys’ 50 c Every Tuesday 37th and Ogeechee Road