The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, January 09, 1960, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO ' Rev. Tobin to Speak At FAB Church, Jan. 17 REV. L. M. TOBIN The First African Baptis f church will celebrate its 172nd anniversary Sunday, January noted J 17. Rev. L. Ivf. Tobin, | pastor, preacher and professor j of Religion at Morehouse lrge, will be the guest speaker at the 11 a. m. and 3:30 p, m m rvices. Louis Bryan, -chairman and Rev. Curtis J. Jackson is pas¬ tor. 1st Mt. Bethel Baptist church was largely attended Sun; dav January 3rd. the pastor Rov Roosevelt Scott, deliveredi the morning message. No. 3 choir and ushers served. Miss Helen Polite gave the welcome, address. All parents are asked to send their children to BTU every j Thursday evening at 5 o’clock. Sunday, January 10, at 2:39 p. m. communion services will begin. Six deacons will be or¬ dained. They arc: John Smith, Bennie Washington, Clifford Jinks, Benjamin Stroman, James Mitchell and B- O’Connor. Bethlehem Bapt. Church Services were well Sunday at Bethlehem church. The message was de- livered by the pastor, Rev. L. S Stell, Jr., from the subject. “A 1 Probated Sentence.” At 7:30 p. m. the installation of all officers was held The sermon was by Rev. E. Hunter of ton, Calif. His subject was “Are You Willing to Pay The Price to Follow Christ?” On Sunday, January 10 at 7:30 p. on. a special program will be presented in honor of all dea¬ cons. Rev. C. H. Williams, a traveling missionary of Flor ence, S. C. will apeak. Pilgrim Bapt. Church Services at Pilgrim Baptist Church were carried on in the usual manner. Sunday School was under the supervision of the superintendent, C. H. Jen¬ kins. Sermons wore delivered by Rev. A A. Lewis and Rev. D. D. Henderson in the morning and evening, respectively. The following services will held next week: Sunday, Jan. 10. registration for all classes In Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. members are invited to the or- dination service at Mt. and at 5 p. m. Usher Board meeting; Tuesday, Jan. 12. No 2 choir will sponsor a supper at 512 W. Duffy street. TRY Cherokee • Herhru Tonic Dr. Donald's Herb Treatment (Tablets or Liquid) From Internationa) Drug Co. For relief of inflamed prostate glands, kidney and bladder distress, spinal arthritis, and lower back pains, pain in leet, ankles, knees, hips and shoulders; nervous run down condi¬ tion from over drinking, loss of pep and nature’s inability. Stiff joints, tramps and swelling. Cherokee Tonie Makes Nature Work, nitre it s trial and feel good again. Your Health Ls Wealth. Sold by Veteran C. J- Moore (Licensed Agent) 410 East Huntingdon Lane Phone ADanis 2-5807 Central Baptist Church, Thunderbolt, to Celebrate COth Anniversary | Befirinninc Monday ni/rbl, Jan. through Sunday, Jan. 17, Con- 1 ml Baptist Church, Thunderbolt, ("h bratf* its sixtieth unniver- irv. Rev. J. K. Bailey, pastor. Urograms will h<» held each eve¬ ning at 8 p m. with the following and pastors participat¬ ing: Jan. 11, Second Arnold, Rev. George Dingle: Jan. 12, Washing¬ ton Baptist. Rev. E. A. Capers; 17, Lit'vay Baptist, Rev. K. II. Scott; Jan. 14, College Park Baptist, Rev, W. Cwyn; Jan. 15, F. A. B., East Savannah; Jan. 17, regular order of services in the and at 2 p.m. the anniver¬ sermon will be delivered by Rev. William Daniels, of Central Church, Savannah. The celebration will close on Jan. with communion at -4 p.m. and services at 8 p.m. The deacon board consists of C. Lewis, chairman; Henry Young. St. Phillip AME At St. Philip AME church, Rev. John S. Bryan, pastor, the Sunday School was largely at- tended on January 3 with in the Pastor, Rev. J. S. Bryan deliv ered the sermon from the sub- iect, “Bast, Present and Future Two members were added, 497 took the holy communion. Pray- er was offered for two sick multi¬ bers, Mrs ' Ruth pleasant - and Mrs. Johnson. Among the many visitors were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Robinson of Cleveland, Ohio. At 7:30 p. m. the pastor de¬ livered the sermon on the sub¬ ject, “God’s Promise.” The pastor announced the death of Arthur Ferrell, the brother of Mrs. Anna Johnson. g, p h ;| ip Mo „ AME The first communion for 1960 were held Sunday, 3 at St. Philip Monumental A. M. E. Church beginning Youth Communion in the Sun¬ day School. At the 11:30 a. m worship. Pastor F. D. from the ‘Reaching Out Into The known.” Five youth joined church. Regular evening vices were held and the ed chorus rendered music. Central Bapt. Church The first comunion for was attended by a large ber on last Sunday. The ject of Rev. Daniels’ was “All Things Created in Christ.” One member restored to the church. A gram was rendered at 8 p. m. the choir. Mrs. Roxie is ill. The BTU will meet Sunday at 7 p m. Beth-Eden Bapt. Church Services were Sunday Jan 3 at Beth T Bap ;j s t church. The Py (.he members to the 4 ro j] (call was gratifying the communion service, j s t ered by the pastor, Harold Baker, was impressive. Rev. Baker’s subject for 11:15 a.m. service was Upward Look,” Psalms At the 4 p.m. service Baker's plans for the year 1 accepted by the church. It was announced that Mrs. Sallie Kruter along with her husband. Kruter, was returning from a visit with her and son-in-law of became suddenly ill in the tion at Atlanta and was ed to a hospital there. MAIDS (150) NEEDED AT Guaranteed jobs, $30-$50 ly, best homes, glamorous town. Tickets advanced. forms, room & board free. A-I Agency 100A Main St. Hempstead, Long Island. N. : i ' | | i chairman; J. A. Baker, | Jr., clerk; J. Williams, G. Harris, J. Washington, and W. Green. —-—---“*■ 1 2nd St. Jo n Bapt. At Second St. John Baptist; chlirf ,jj t) ie services Sunday, j an j were well attended. The p as ^ or > s theme was “What Kind of Mjnd should We Have?” The senior choir and No. 2 choir rendered music. Pul- pit guests were Rev. Archie Fields, Rev. Shaver and Rev. R. Mims. The following services w*1 be held Sunday, January 10: 10 a m. Sunday School with Supt V/. C. Ross, presiding; 6 p. m.. Mission, 7 p. m„ BTU; 8 p. m„ preaching by the pastor Rev. T J. Wright. The Junior choir will render the music. Senior Usher Board Union Baptist Church The Senior ushers of Union Baptist church were entertain¬ ed with a supper party on Sat¬ urday, January 2, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Peoples. 1110 W. 49t.h street. Several visitors were present. Eanous ' president and Rev. L. Smith is C. Sapp, pastor. Baptist Ministers Union The Chatham County Baptist Ministers Union met Tuesday, j an , 5 , a t Bethlehem Baptist Church, Rev. L. S. Stell, host minister. Devotions were cdhducted bv the president. Rev. L. S. Stell, Jr., and the Sunday School les¬ I son was discussed by Rev. C. J. Jackson. An inspiring message was de- j livered by Rev. R L. Smith, mini ter cf St. Matthews Bap- church. Jacksonville Fla. .Rev. Smith is the guest evan- gelist of Rev. W. W. White¬ head and the Connor Temple | Baptist church. Next week devotions will be j conducted by Rev. H. F. Grant and the Sunday lesson by Rev. R. V. Scott. Echoes will be heard from the two Baptist conventions of Georgia. Visitors consisted of Ezra Johnson of the Savannah Tri¬ bune; Rev. E. Hunter of Stock- ston, California; Rev. R. L. Smith of Jacksonville, Fla.; Rev. C H. Williams of Florence. S. C . and Mrs. Joshire Curtis of Hose- lv Chapel AME church, delphia. Members present were Rev¬ erends J. M. Benton. E. P. Quar- terman, L. S. Stell. J. B. Bates, R. V. Scott, W. W. R. L Byrd. C. J. Jackson, G. R. Connor, E. G. Lane. H. F. E. R. Roper, and J. C. McMillan. Tnr SAVANNAH TRIBUNT SAVANNAH, CEORCTA FBI) - FAB Churches to 'Continued f om Page One! of a joint- celebration was tarted with services being held at, the chu ches, alternately, A large crowd is expected to j attend this program as Savan- iah Baptists look forward to j his joint celebration which is j a symbol of “burying the hat- ]' chet." • Music will be furnished by the combined choirs of the two chu.ches undpr the direction o' William S. Oicver. Rev. Richard M. Williams is | pastor of the First Bryan Bap- list church and Rev. Curtis J is pastor of the First African Baptist church. Baptist Ministers Alliance The Savannah Baptist Minist¬ Alliance met Tuesday, Jan. 5. the Fiist Evergreen Baptist Rev. E. A. Capers, pastor. meditation period was conduct¬ by Rev. E. A. Capers with pray¬ er by Rev. W. B. Murray. The Sunday School lesson was discuss¬ ed by Rev. R. B. Firown, subject “Strengthening on Churches.” Rev. 1,. .\1. Moore presided and gave current news. The president. Rev. .1. C. McMillan, spoke encourag¬ ingly on activities for the New Year. Guests were Mr. Scarboro of Fl a . who represents the YMCA and mid-town Chamber of Com- merce, and co-workers, Miss Brad- and Miss f-ampkin. Mrs. Jose- phine Curtis and Mrs. Clara T.ig- non were also present. Rev. R. B. Brown invited the Alliance to the anniversary pro¬ gram of Brown’s Temple Baptist Church, Jan. 8 , at the YMCA. Rev. J. M. Benton delivered an inspiring sermon from the sub- ject, “Per Ye have Not Passed this Way Before,” Joshua 3:4. St. Mary’s AME At St. Mary’s AME church, the Sunday School lesson sub- ect was “Pioneers For Christ.” At the morning service, the pas¬ tor’s text was from Psalms 27:1-7. On Sunday, January 10 com¬ munion will be administered at 3 p. m. Rev. Charlie Fogle is pastor. Trerticnt Temple i At Tremont Tormple Baptist church, Rev. J. M. Benton, pas- tor, delivered two impressive sermons on Sunday, January 3.| Communion services were also held. Conner’s Temple Sunday was the first com¬ munion services for 1960 at Connor’s Temple. Sunday School was held at its usual hour. The morning and communion mes¬ sage was delivered by Rev. W. W. Whitehead, pastor, Baptism was also held. The consecration service is bring held this week at Connor Temple. Rev. R. L. Smith of Jacksonville, Fla., is guest evan- gelist. The services begin night- ly at 8 p. m. The installation service of all officers will be held Friday night, January 8 . following the service. y n]|e k ove Church I At True Love Baptist church, j Rev. F. Bonds, pastor, services j ! during last week were inspir¬ ing beginning with the New i Year’s eve services. On Sun- day morn i n! r Sunday School was presided over by Supt. F. A Campbell. At 11 a. m the pas¬ tor’s subject was “Missions.’ At 2:30 p. m. Holy communion was observed. Pulpit guests were Rev. W. M. Allen and Rev R. Ward. Officers for the New Year were installed. On Saturday night. January 16 a chicken supper will be given by the No. 2 choir at 10 Sterling street. Mrs. S. McTeer and Mrs. V. Sumpter are ill. DR. WM. A. WEXLER SCHWAB OPTICAL 141 Bull Street Phone ADanis 6-0748 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Scientific Eye Examination Oculist Prescriptions Filled Lenses or Frames Replaced Contact Lenses Weekly or Monthly Budget Payments Last Rites Held for Lee, Tuesday Funera! services for Mrs. Millie Lee were held at First Bry¬ Baptist Church, Tuesday after¬ Jan. 5, with the pastor, Rev. M. Williams, officiating. Mrs. died at a local hospital on Dec. 31. Rev. J. Q. Adams and Rev. Dingle assisted with the Remarks were made by Young and acknowledg¬ of condolences was made by ] Rubye L. King. Hymns were by the church choir and the & Williams choir. Interment was in Laurel Grove with the Williams & Wil¬ Funeral Home in charge of Honorary pallbearers were Mor¬ Bedgood, J. O. Mover, Millard Coy Futch, Jim Wright and George Fuller. Active pallbearers were Anthony Berry, James Holmes, Edward Hey wood, Clifford O. Ryals, Debro Williams and William H. Blake. Mrs. Lee, a native Savannahi- ■m, was the daughter of the late Abram and Rose Mc^eal Irvin. At an early age, she was married to the late Thomas B. Lee. She was a devout member of the First Bry¬ Baptist Church where she was organizer of the Martha Pren¬ Revving Circle, the Young and Men’s Christian Club the Missionary Society. She also a member of the deaconess Mrs. Lee was a well known Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. T. Lee; two nephews H. Rerivehs and Alphonse Irvin; several grand nieces and ■ousins. State Rallv On Sunday, Jan. 19 at 7 : 7 “ p m a stain rallv will be he’d . a t the Snventh-dav Adventist chur-h, 41st and West B-on ' 1 streets, with Mrs. Georgia Brady in charge. The public is invited. CARDS OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Rev W. S. Scott expresses sincere thanks to their many friends who rendered deeds of kindness dur ., n? his Alness and our bereavement. We extend thanks also to the ministers and Rakestraw’s Funeral Home for the kindness and tender care shown us. May God bless each of you. Wife and Children CARD OF THANKS Mrs> Ge0 w . (Pearl) Smith thanks friends for their kind words of sympathy in the pass- ing of her brother. Mr. Thomp- son of Detroit, Mich. ■ ^ - | WASH&OR y (One Day Serv’ce) 81.0C (Max. 25 Lbs.) The Sweetest *E z* i Sugar Ever Sold” IN M.EMORIAM BELLINGER--In sad but lov¬ MR. WILLIAM J. BELLINGER who departed this life a year ago, January 7, 1P59 How do I love thee? Let me! love count thee the to the ways. depth, breadth - j I and height, My soul can reach when feel- ing out of sight. For the end of being an grace, I love thee to the level of every day’s most quiet needs, By sun and candlelight. I love thee freely, As men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. I love thee with the passion put to you, In my old grief, And with my childhood’s faith, I love thee with the love I seemed to lose, With my lost faith,— T love thee with the breath,! smile, tears, I Of -all my life! 1 And, if God choose, I shall -but love thee better after! death. " Sadly missed by Mrs. Inez Bellinger, Wife and family JACKSON- In loving memory cf MRS. ANNIE JACKSON who passed one year ago . Jan. 7, 1959 ' Those who knew her will know How much we lost one year ago. .V'hat would we give to see her smile. And sit and talk with us a while. We little thought your death so near The blow was ha:d, the shock severe To part with one we love so dear. mly those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. Sadly missed by son and daughter, Mr. Arthur Jackson, Jr. New Yo:k City Mrs. Pearl Young Plainfield, N. J. grandchildren 'brother and sister PALMER In memory of my mother MRS. ROSA LEE PALMER who departed this life Jan. 5, 1956 four years ago The cause for which she bravely died. The faith she ever glorified; Shall be her spirit’s guide, And win her immorality. Sadly missed by daughter, Mrs. Elise Palmer Miller SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1900 brother-in-law MR. WILLIAM J. BELLINGER who passed away one year ago January 7, 1959 My Buddy Nights are Jong since you went away, I think about you all through the day, My Buddy; My Buddy, no buddy quite so true. Miss your voice, the touch of your hand; Just long to know that you understand, Miy buddy, my buddy, your buddy misses you. Sadly missed by Willie Lee and Elton Brooklyn, New York 1 ROMAS—In loving memory of my husband EDGAR SIMS THOMAS whom. God called home to rest five years ago today January 8, 1955 It’s sweet to remember that once you were here And though you are absent, You're just as dear, I smile with the world yet I never forget In my garden of memory you i live there yet. Mrs. Lucile Thomas Wife READ! ®hf‘ gmimmali irihunr * 10 CENTS A COPY On The Following News Stands Every Thursday CCA CONFECTIONERY J&C DUFFY & EAST BROAD CONFECTIONERY IWINNETT & ATLANTIC CHICK’S SHOE PARLOR KNIGHT’S SUNDRIES 803 WEST BROAD ST. HENRY & WEST BROAD CROSBY BROS. DRUG LEE’S DRUG STORE STORE 347 WEST BROAD ST. 1202 MONTGOMERY ST. ALLENS SNACK BAR CONFECTIONERY CROWN’S MAPLE & WEST BROAD CONFECTIONERY 434 WEST BROAD ST. ROBERT SAM’S CONFECTIONERY FOREMAN’S 730 WATERS AYE. CONFECTIONERY FUTCH’S 049 KLINE ST. CONFECTIONERY 2011 WEST BROAD ST. HARRY’S CUT RATE QUALITY MEDICINE DRUG STORE SHOP 709 WEST 37th ST. 2321 Bright memories of the past which cannot be destroyed as being President of the Dea¬ con’s Christian Union, Presi¬ dent of the Pentecostal Union, Supt. of the Mt. Tabor Bapt. Church Sunday School, and other activities DEACON GEORGE WHITE who departed this life f one Jan. year 8 , 1959 ago t which renews in my heart the grief and sorrow for my most dear departed husband. Long will the loving memories remain in our hearts like a vase filled with flowers and long after they die the odor and scents of the same will remain long afterward. Sadly missed by a devoted wife, Mrs. Eldora White a son, Mr. George White Jenkins two sisters, Mrs. Julia McKenny Mrs. Sarah Mathews Philadelphia, Pa. a number of nieces, neph¬ ews and other relatives and friends TAYLOR—In loving memory of MRS. LOTTIE G. TAYLOR who departed this life December 31, 1953 No eye hath seen in any clime such beauties as await The saints of God when they arrive At Eden’s opened gate. There waits for us, with golden streets And mansions fair to see, The city of our God and King Beside the tideless sea. Sadly missed by ■husband, Mr. Daniel Taylor daughter, Mrs. Lillie Berrien sisters, Mrs. Rebecca Hargraves Mrs. Phyllis Goodwire brothers, Mr. Robert Grant Mr. Benjamin Grant host of nieces, nephews and other relatives