The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, April 30, 1960, Image 5

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SATURDAY, APRIL 30, I960 ^rtr^rAnrynrrTrcnr-.rirartt <Socktl 3t cms <J~Cere a terc H MtejMdfl By W'Ua Ayers Johnson DEMOCRACY is based the conviction that there ex-taaofldinary possibilities ordinary people—Harry son Fosdick. * * * A GREAT many comparatively small men —if put. in the right would be Luthers and es—E. H. Chapin. DR. MARGARET REID of Suffolk, Va., was the city last week visiting father, Dr. I. D. Williams. MRS. MARIE J. REID of Augusta Ave., celebrated * birthday on April 23. ‘%>ations! MRS. WILBERT S. specialist specialist with witn retarded retaraea in New York City, spertt ■ vacation ,. . the city ., . spring in lting ... Mr. and Mrs. Joseph rence, 918 Cubbedge St., Hr. and Mrs. Ralph- 521 W. Duffy street. , » * * ATTY'. SIDNEY A. .TOtfES, and his son, Sidney III, of cago, 111., are in the city iting Mr. Jones’ parents, and Mrs. S. A. Jones of Henry street They motored Silver Springs, Fla., during week. Attorney Jones is alderman in Chicago. ’ ‘ * • ERNllST PB ,, rw SIMMONS s of. , 1Q West 60th street, Liberty celebrated his birthday, on 28. Congratulations! ,. j* • , “LES ‘ tithe' GRVNDMERES” had good at the hothe “Grand-Mere” Priester on urday evening April 23. — - jB* rangements made of mock ange blassoms and white ioli v t Bridge and,.Canasta played. “Grand-Mere son- won the prize for and “Grand-Mere” Frazier the bridge prize. The solation was won by Mere” McIntosh. were delig'htful. t t *tti-■ /i * 1,1 > it; 1 ,17 Dn,e celebrate , her birthday on, 2. Congratulations. - Mr. Retires (Continued from Page one) Certificate and Matthew H. aid, x<< ‘ 1 e ’ 1 Branch . 5v8 of the Nationa'l t ciation of Letter Carriers t ed the gift. Remarks were V>y Raymond _ , T Lam, • president ., , of . branch, :• . and jut. by Marvin Stewart, c . retired carrier. John master of .. . was ceremonies, Charles W. Jenkins, Jr., j was , man of the gift committee. Mr. Stripling is a World War veteran, and a member of Phillip A.M.E. Church. He that he plans to make his hobby. Good Used Brick Solid Used Lumber Phone AD 2-9546 NEW 3-BED ROOM BUNGALOWS 4 BED ROOM BUNGALOW on Lot 50’xl900’ 3 BED ROOM BUNG ALOW, East Waldburg on Lot 60’ x 113’ BEST PRICES PAID FOR VACANT LOTS Loans - To Repair or Build New Houses Ezra Johnson 1009 West Broad Street PHONE ADams 4-3432 Res ADams 2-7573 ARTHUR H. ANDERSON, Funeral Director of New Bruns¬ wick, N. J., and Carnie P. Bragg, Funeral Director of Passaic and Patterson, N. J., were ithe house guests last week of Mrs. N. M. Clarke, After a pleasant visit with friends and relatives they left by plane to attend the Nation- al Funeral Directors’ meeting in Miami, Fla. From there they planned a short stay in Nassau. j^ r Anderson, the son of Mr. and M rs# Arthur H. Anderson who are also Funeral Direc¬ tors of Trenton, N. J„ is the ne- phew of Msr. N. M. Clarke, Miss Ida N Lee ,! Mss Bertha Leej and Robert Lee . miss Angela jenkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Je (y celebr a»ted • ■ • , her second birthday, oq, Aprjl , 22 , Congjatulntions >• >, . . MI-S MARGIN BRl’ANT Qf «$Q2, Carter street, celebrated her birthday on April 26. Congrat- uLations! j • * * * MISS BETTY JEAN wtLSON, daughter of Mf. and Mrs. Wal- lace Wilson of 922 W. 47 stree1t celebrated her birth- da y ; on April 2%. Congratula- (tiorxs! MR. & MRS-. DAVID WRIGHT New Jersey Jersev soterit spent the the Easter Easter Wee en i, parent^, Mr- l.lj5 and Mrs. S. street, i lianas of, 1 West 4J.^t , a and their aunt, and grandnooth- ^ of 709 avenue. With ^ bhetr children, David, Alfreda and Marvin ' ■ ' “ “ , ir ' ... ‘ ’ ___ * , Q *> •■•••• . hl8)1 , 4po1 . N J . sey sc ' "^. w ’ . , Loms E MARJIN, publisher of the Mlchl S an C7ironi ^ , le and v ^ ce P reK '^ c f en l- 0 e uaian ty Llfe Insurance Co -- was ln the city this week on buslness - He has recently returned from Western Nigeria, Africa. Mr. Martin waS the house guest 1 of his father-in-law, Walter S. Scott, ^ president'of the Guar- ^ ,„ surance co * * * R. W. GADSDEN, retired pub- < lie school .principal v will cele- I brate his eighty-sixth birthday ■ on May 1. Congratulations! NAACPStates | fContlnued from l aze One) j the same accorded us. May we impress upon all people the I clear fact that we are dedicated to freedom for all mankind as our forefathers wiere in ... those fateful . . - , . . ye “Jf ” e pBS ' , i With a capacity to suffer and will Christ, .. we daily , a in ’ renew our efforts for freedom , to , , be accord- , ed all people. Respectfully Submitted, Statement Committee, Sa¬ vannah Branch, NAACP Dr. Carl R, Jordan, Chairman Rev. P. A. Patterson S. J. Brown Rev. Curtis J. Jackson Hosea L. Williams J. S. Delaware W. W. Law, President V —— TEACHERS OF THE YEAR — Seated from left to right: Mrs. Bessie S. Hannah, Mrs. Zelma Owens, Carl C. Logan, Mrs. Julia Skrine, Mrs. Margurite K. Law Teachers of the Year” Honored By Daniel IV. Wright Loral teachers assembled at fred E.v Beach High School Tuesday v evening, April 19, paid tribute to their Colleagues \ylio were chosen as “Teachers the Year.” With the singing of “How Thy Art” by Miss Mary Ann Har¬ ris, the 1960 “Teacher of the Year” and all teachers were prais¬ ed for their high ideals of pro- Jabberwock Delights Large Audience i continued from Page One» ! that the most disagreeable and re- calcit,ar,t characters in the book had to respond. These participants extended from frisky, merry bun- nies to a mean old witch. At least four of the skits re¬ flected the impact of the Space Age, while one of the most strik- in * Performances was “Rose Ma- ,ie ” by the Senio-rettes of Tomp- H%h S( . hoo , Gcwbed in full _ i en gth evening dresses, the charm- j ng stniorettes composed the cho- ) ruSj j n a garden setting, for a j handsome coupler Following the j int roduction of the skif beautifully Friml’s was rendered.; program , , * The complete wak as follows with James Wiley and his < trio^furnishing the music: The Star-Spangled Banner; In¬ troduction of 1960 Jabberwock, Sol C. ............. Johnson Elementary -........... School; The Weird World of Alice j n wonderland, Biibby Soxers; , Arabian Nights, Watson’s Modern Dance Group; Snow White Goes Beatnik, East Broad Street School; “Coronation of Miss Jab- berwock”; A Floor of Heaven, Recreation Department; Rose Ma- ™. S.r,iorett.„ Red Ridi„ s H (Be.laik Style), La Circle Fran- raise Dance Club; A Rendezvous „ Acme insurance Agency GENERAL INSURANCE 815 W. 39th STREET SAVANNAH, GA. AD 3-5370 B. C. FORD Licensed Agent Secretary, Guaranty Life Insurance Co. MAKE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS OUR PROBLEMS AUTOMOBILE DWELLING and CONTENTS Liability, Medical Coverage Fire, Windstorm Deductible Collision Extended Coverage Fire and Theft Other Perils COMMERCIAL LIFE INSURANCE # Life Plans Churches - Business - Stores Endowments Fire, Theft, Burglary Educational Extended Coverage Retirement Vandalism, Malicious Mischief Hospitalization A Representative Will Call At Your Request Our companies, all of which are highly rated, provide this agency with adequate coverage for any risk that might be incurred. THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Law, Mrs. Mozelle Clemmons, Mrs. Ola B. Dingle, CCTA Mrs. Pauline Hagins, Mrs. Nancyj H. Walker, Regional Teacher of I the Year; Mrs. Mable Hanshaw,' fessionalism, their guidance of dents in exploring of teaching a career and their efforts in Pursuit of Excellence. The dedicatory program was ranged by members of the Teachers Association ing chapters and advisers Beach, Tompkins and Sol C. son High Schools. prominently were Mrs. Sadie with Cinderella, The Fabs; logue, Sol C. Johnson School; Awarding of Prizes. Lovely Hycinthia Becton crowned Miss Jabberwock by Jabberwock of last year, Miss ilyn Cole. Attendants to Jabberwock were: Misses bara Ann Wilhite, Barbara man> G ] oria Goldwire, and Jo Ann Jones. The judges, Mis. Alma Mrs. Kathleen Thomas and Eloney Josey, awarded first place to “Arabi^n flights,” Watson’s Mod- ern Dance Group; second place to “Rose Marie,” Seniorettes cif Tompkins High School; and third place to East Broad School^ “Snow White Goes Beatnik.” If the Story Book had had ’k foreword, it would have read, .vannah Alumnae Chapter presses sincere gratitude to it person who made the 1960 Jab¬ On The Magic Corner • THEATRE • DUNBAR SON., MON., TUBS. “ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW” With Harry Belafonte And Robert Ryan APo “NEW ORLEANS AFTER DARK” Mrs. Viola Holbrooks, Mrs. Eve- lyn S. May. Standing: Mrs. Sarah Herring, Mrs. Isabell D. Waters, Mrs. Editta Gill and Mrs. Anita M. Steele, 1959 State Teacher of the Year and Miss Cynthia Rhodes, Savdnnah State College student and State President of the Future Teachers of America. Symbolic’ of her reign as Teach¬ er of the Year for Chatham County and Region II, Mrs. Nancy Hous¬ ton Walker was presented an en¬ graved plaque by Mrs. Ola B. Dingle, president of the Chatham berwock a success.” Mrs. Vivian Walker was general chairman of the Jabberwock. Mrs. Sadie D. Steele is president of the ! | sponsoring local chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Willing Workers Club Mrs. Carrie Robertson of 516 Yamacraw Village was hostess to the Willing Workers Social l club, Aprirl 16. Epnriam Shu- j i eG president, presided. Mem- ‘ bers present were Mrs. Annie ! M. WilRamp, Mrs. Alma Ben- inett, Mrs. i^, Scott, Mrs. Lillie ■Shuler, Mita. .Odessa Murphy Mrs. Cdrrife Robertson, Mrs. Rosa Casenj-Mrs. Lillie Ladson, and Mrs. Jessie Rice. The pext home ruwditj#’ Tdfe. will Elizabeth be at Scott, the on 1267 Yarns w Village. West Bnoad & Gaston • pikE foods • DAVE’S SODA SHOP MILK ICE SHAKES CREAM 30c SUNDAES ICE CREAM SODAS L.S./M.F.T. — Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco TOBACCO AND TASTE TOO FINE TO FILTER Prndurt nf <//t> ■ "dmiMea'n — </itfaero u f/u> imddl Hitch Village Celebrates Nearly 150 of the .‘137 homes in I Robert M. Hitch Village were re¬ presented on Wednesday evening, April 20th, at the regular Neigh¬ borhood Club meeting which was given over to u celebration of the ! project’s first anniversary. Hitch Village was opened of- fieally on April 9, 1959 at which time Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Young j of 2-12-A David Court were in- stalled as the first family. With- in four months the village was filled with Urban Renewal fami- j lies, former site occupants and other persons from sub-standard dwellings. The anniversary program, pre¬ sided over by Mrs. Juanita Sibert of 706-B Hull Drive, featured the singing of the Mt. Zion Choral Club. The group sang "Bless This House” as a rededicntion number. Appearing also on the program were F. C. McMoore, Vernon Truell, the Chime Tones with James Fraser of 811-B Hull Drive and Willie Burton of 920-8 Olga, Court. Dr. JWary Williams appear- ed us guest speaker. Musical ac¬ companists werq E. It. Ruffner and Mesdames Bernita Green and Thelma Wright, the latter being featured during the program in a special piano rendition. L. It. Bol¬ den, project manager, made clos¬ ing remarks which he concluded with a readjng of Johnson’s “The Creation.” A social hour followed the pro¬ gram and the basic refreshment item was a donation from the poul¬ try farm of Jack Stiles, with whom many of the villagers were closely j associated during the March of Stripling. Not shown on picture: Miss Bar¬ bara L. Burke, Mrs. Neilie Free¬ man and Mrs, Willie Mae Samp¬ son. County Teachers Association. The incumbent administration CCTA will close its official at the end of the current year. The general and bodies will convene in May to mulate plans for the annual vention of the National Association scheduled for Angeles, California, June 4. Harmony Club The Harmony Social club ™ __ et , ° n * . pril “ at the home 66 °f street. ^ The club will meet w on May 19 at the home of Mrs, PAGE FUTS affair were donated by Mrs. Mar¬ garet Sneed of 711 Bethel Court and Mrs. Murrel Boney of 705-A Hull Drive. Flowers were through the courtesy of David Stafford, 203-A Adam Ct. Hostesses were the following members of the Neighborhood Club: Mesdames Thelma Mitchell, Gertrude Prince, Gladys Robinson, Betty Williams, Mildred Hugee, Janie Gadson, Earline Simmons and Rosa Ching, Neighborhood Club Chairman, EASTER IN HITCH VILLAGE The tiny tots of Hitch Village Kindergarten sponsored a pro¬ gram on Easter Monday under the direction of Mesdames Alethia James and Dandy Taylor, Kinder¬ garten teachers. Following the songs and dances the children were treated to an Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Neighborhood Club. John O. Price and Walter L. K, ‘ lii,hnn «re co-chairmen of the Neighborhood Club’s planning committee which drew the plans for this affair. In addition, Mr. Kelliehan is Scoutmaster of Troop No. 268 which presented a musical number on the program. JoS'y 14 Social Club The Jolly Fourteen Social club met at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, 1823 West Broad street. Plans are being made for a variety supper in May, k oKt meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Eula Wil¬ liams, 710 West 38th str.eet. Mrs. Leila Mae Hart, report-