The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, April 30, 1960, Image 6

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PAGE SIX SCHOOL NLWS Fast Bread School'! Teacher of The Year” Mrs. Pauline Edwina Hagins, a native Savannahian, has been Retorted as teacher of the year at Eart Broad St- School. She completed her elemen¬ tary education at East Brad and ed high Cuyler school .schools. and She normal finish- at j Atlanta University and received j the B. S. degree from Savannah j State College. She is a certi-J fied, supervising teacher. Mrs. Hagins has taught first] and , second , grades , at . _ East , „ Broad ., school. She is servinif on he Student Council, Music and' Newspaper committees, and Is »»j treasurer of East Broad School. ’She also serves on the Arith- metic and Liason Committees for Chatham County Schools. * Mrs. Hagins Is the basileus 10 / Sfegma Gamma Rho Sorori- ity ©hd president of Bertha Richards Guild of St. Matthew’s Episcopal church. She Is cor¬ respondin'! secretary of the Links, Irtc. She is also, a mem- 1 her of the national, state and local educational associations. as well as several pinochle clubs, * Much of her traveling has ! been in Georgia, Florida. Smith 1 Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, apid New York. ' Her husband. William A. Ha- . jjns, and brother. Lawrence D. Perry, reside in Savannah with lUpj. _ j Paulsen School j The “Extravaganza of Tal- ; eht” which was presented at t^e YMGA on April 20 by Paul- s^n School was attended by an ( nrujeeiative audience 1 Sixteen variety acts were in- tond-s, eluded consisting dances, of creative rhythm j square dances, skits etc. The Mellow Tones, Miss Julia Johnson, and M;: . Thomas iBoyd were guest artists. ! Willie Mae Greene and Paul deorge representatives of Paul sbn school. Tri-Gra Y and Gra- y Glubs, attended the South- eastt.Georgia Trl and Hl-y Three Wa$ conference in State boro The? conference was held at the Wiliam James High sch >oI on {Saturday, April 20. Mrs. E. E, Nevels also attended the con¬ ference. • The speaker at the opening assembly program was Rev. R. N. Reeves, youth leader and pasfcr of Brannon Chapel Me¬ thodist church. He selected as •hi.s subject “Remember Now Thy Creator in the days of Thy Youth.” Frank W. Spencer School The adage, “Busy a- a Beaver,” coum certainly apply to the facul¬ ty and pupils of Frank W. Spen¬ cer school. 1 X Every one is busily engaged in igst minute preparations for the .; Mav Day program that will be held ffofday. shlSdjjl grounds. May 6, A at variety 5 o’clock on the of group dnhoes and specialties will lie pre- jsjented, ^ ■fllfumford Walter (Spencer’s Reddick and students) Daniel are toeing congratulaUal for winning I.Crfct. prize in the Elementary di- r^. ■'"Vi.<4iS}i of the Y.M.C.A.'s talent T^e Beautification Committee YHIrau Edith Jones, advisor, is plant ing piany beautiful flowers on the 7school grounds. Eke Story Hour, sponsored by the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority on Sat- urdJO', April 23rd, at the school wajs. enjoyed by many children. Over 600 prospective first grad¬ ers were examined by Dr. C. R. Gosha on last Friday evening. Many were turned away. Mrs. PTA” is Crowned At Haven Home School USSSli' At the regular March jng of the Haven Home Mrs Maxwell Sandfly was crowned “Mrs. A.” of Haven Home 1959-60. A program was presented h , )nor includinj? tcach er , ul pup ji s Hrs. Helen 7th grade, won the j iav j n g the largest parents present. Seated, left to right violet Harris, ____ Fair Held A» Tompkins High Under the direction of the of the Science B Jones, a Science Fair s»l Sonjironia Tompkins on Mondav. The Fair opnxistod of models and the students. Among the wore Sandra Barnett’s bowing the elemental composition f the human body, Carolyn Sand- ” s ;,r "l Ruth Gregory’s joint “ s »f the human teeth from ivory ,;i P. electrical motors from a of scionre students, illustrated notions of the frog and a skeletal breakdown chemical models of vari- common compounds, charts on tricltv, rockets and atomic etc. B«’ ides \Tr. Jones, Julius Stev- n ■ Samuel Sthes, Ralph A. Bailey Charles Hall, other teachers 1 Science at Tompkins, assisted ! ’’. in the special science The Tompkins High Chorus un- the supervision of Mrs. Janie Alexander rendered a program with the Sol C. Johnson i igh School chorus at Bethel Church on Sunday. The track teams won first place a three way track meet last Sat¬ at Savannah State College :th 70':: points. Beach rated sec¬ and Sol C. Johnson third. Out- biml'i g member* of the team in- Eugene McGill, Solomon Henry Sullivan, Franklin Leroy West, James Ger¬ Albert Mack, Eugene Rivers, Campbell, Henry Bryant, h Crafton, Wilbert Walker, Bennett, Leon Golden, Marion Henry Robinson, and Wesley. Tompkins High PTA The nominating committee of PTA submitted a slate candidates who will serve as of¬ of the PTA for the 1960-61 year. The new officers will named and installed at the next mooting which will be held on third Wednesday night in May. The parents took complete of the meeting and render¬ a special program which was Teachers Appreciation Night. Mattie Ansfield, Tompkins’ PTA President, gave an ad¬ Several parents sang dedi- solos of appreciation to the Tompkins’ parent of the Mrs. Butler Golden, was pre- Mrs. Golden is very active that she guards the traffic-circle helps children to get to school and has been an active offi- er of the PTA for several years. Mis. Mozelle Ciemmons, teacher the year at Tompkins, received attendance banner for having largest attendance. Mrs. Ad- Byers, who had the largest of parents present at all the previous PTA received a special citation her class mother, Mrs. Annie Mis. Elsie Freeman has served PI A Chairman during the term, _ Johnson, (runner-up), Polnt; Viola Reynolds, ville; Edith Maxwell, (Mrs. T. A.) Sandfly; Annie Feiler Park; Sylvia Ball, Bluff; and Ola Mae Ogeechee road. Standing, left to right Joseph M. Greene, principal the school; Mrs. Sarah Sandfly; and Cyrus Pin Point, PTA president, ing Mrs. PTA. The meeting was Pearl L. Smith School Many interesting activities conducted at Pearl Lee School during the past two The Georgia Association Garden Clubs accepted the as one of their projects in : ng out the proper landscaping the grounds. They are closely with Chatham Board of Education with C. tion East, director of the ance Department. Mrs. Flournoy serves as the of the Georgia Association of den Clubs. Mrs. Flournoy and Mr. have arranged a corner garden the playground. They spent day of this week setting out and other shrubbery. Mrs. Naomi Major, P.T.A. dent, and Mrs. Annie Lou shared an interesting delegate’s port at the last P.T.A. They attended the recent P.T.A. Convention in Athens. The Girl Scouts of Pearl Smith presented the program the last P.T.A. meeting. At end of the program the group sented a donation for the beautification project to the cipal, Mrs. Sadie L. Mrs. Eleanor Williams and Richardine Mingo serve as ers for the group. The Junior Jonquil Garden presented its first flower show month. The display was by many parents and friends Editta Gill, Mrs. Richardine Miss Julia Johnson and Emma Lue Jordan are the visers. Miss Marguerite Wright’s fourth grade class surprised her with a party and special program last Thursday. The class was assist¬ ed in their planning by Mrs. Brad¬ shaw. Mrs. Polite’s Hurd grade class held their summary program on “Transportation.” Mrs. M. Leftwteh gave her class a birthday party Ffciday. Her hus¬ band, Walter Leftwich, served as the photographer. The dramatics club presented a special T.V. program on Wednes¬ day over station WTOC at 1:15 Real Estate Loam Consult us befont making your Real Estate Loans. We have handled real estate for 40 years. Loans made on various plans to suit your income It will be to your advantage to see us first Southern Savings & Loan Company 17 west McDonough st. dial a nams 2-2113 Assets Over $2,000,000 WE PAY 5% CERTIFICATES 3% SAVINGS DEPOSITS THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE MVAXNaH, GEORGIA with a delightful repast. Of- ficers for 1960-61 will be elect- :ed at t e May meeting. PAULSEN PTA A “Tribute to Teachers” was the theme of the April PTA meeting at Paulsen school. Mrs. Carrie Johnson is PTA presi¬ dent. A spicy spring program which featured selections from the second and third grades was presented. Mrs. Guy Hodge, representa¬ P.M. The program was in the area of health with special empha¬ sis on combating the dreadful dis- pase > tuberculosis. DeRenne School DeRenne’s PTa met Tues¬ day, April 5 in t.he school’s au¬ ditorium. A program was ren¬ dered by the Girls Qstmts, Troop 122, T*-oop 123 and Brownies 69. The program was under the guidance oltfjtfrs. ■ N. H. Walker. 5 Mrs. Blta Mob]di® and M, S. Brown, president the PTA I ,imde reports frfrm ' the “For tioth Annual Congrfgs of Par- ents that was and held Teachers^oonvention in Athens. Thei school’s procedure -*took jwasj rated in the ’superior class.). After the business session the SLAGS rendered a song and a choral reading entitled “Book land.” The program was spon¬ sored in cbservasce of Nation¬ al Library Week. Mrs. Daisy B. Gadson, librarian gave an ] overview of the elementary ] program, Mrs. Esther S. Warrick con¬ gratulated Mr. Brown on his achievement as “State Parent of the year.” He w r as the re¬ cipient of a lovely leather brief case, a gift from the PTA and a leather pouch as a token cf esteem from the faculty. Both gifts grammed were and beautifully accompanied mono-1 congratulatory cards. The pre- sensations were made by Mrs. | Flla Mobley and Mrs. Grace Jenkins, respectively. Major T. J. Hopkins present¬ ed to the school a Boy Scout charter and Pack charter for 1960. He also presented to the Boy Scout Troop 250 a ban¬ ner for 100% subscription to BOYS LIFE, official Boy Scout Magazine. The attendance banner urns won by Mrs. L. L. Scandrick’s class. They will enjoy an ice cream party later in the week. A dainty repast was served at the close of the meeting by tive to the State Convention in Athens gave a detailed re¬ port of the meeting. The theme of the convention was “Qual¬ ity Learning, Quality Teach¬ ing.” Mrs. Julia Skrine “Teacher the Year” was presented to the PTA. Points on instruction and the school’s program were brought out by the principal, Miss Me- tella W. Maree. the social committee in honor of the president, Mr. Brown. The fifth grade classes pre¬ sented an assembly program on Thursday. The classes pre¬ sented a skit entitled “The Treasure Hunt,” A student presented an accordian sola; America. Karon White and Kay Alston did a creative dance. Welcome Sweet Springtime ” >^ d The Bunny Hop” were presented by a group. Mrs Either S. Warrick, principal, welcomed parents and * During the Tn-Scrvice ing on Wednesday. April 20, the faculty honored Mrs. Nan¬ cy II. Walker, teacher of De- R P nue. “Chatham County Teacher of the Year,” and also Be g 1(>ha i, wit;h , an PnKrave d sil- ver dish. The In-Service meeting was a continuation of “Problem Solving” in Arithmetic. The Participants were Mrs. Leila Butler, Mrs. Bertie Coleman, Mjrs. Dorothy Johnson —(a sup¬ ply teacher), and Mrs. Marie Ingram. May 4 will be pre-registration and physical examination day at DeRenne school. All per¬ rons who have children who will enter school in September are asked to please be present. Did you know Col. Charles Young, highest ranking Negro; n u s . Army died in Apri i 7> 192 2? — -------------- SPECIAL NOTICE! LET’S KEEP THE RECORDS STRAIGHT ANY PROPAGANDA BEING CIRCULATED /GAINST HAGAN S MARKET, 40th STREET AT MONTGOMERY ST., IN THE CITY OF SA¬ VANNAH IS UNWARRANTED AND UNFOUND¬ ED. I HAVE MADE NO SPEECHES OR REMARKS OF ANY NATURE REGARDING THE RACIAL SIT¬ UATION. I AM CONNECTED WITH NO PO¬ LITICAL FACTION. I HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY HAVING MANY FRIENDS OF BOTH RACES. LET’S KEEP IT THAT WAY Respectfully, W. R. Hagan Owner and Operator of HAGAN’S MARKET 11 Florance School To Present Operetta The members of the music dramatics clubs of Florance School will present the entitled "Bleeping Beauty” in School's Cafetorium on May 6, 8:00 o’clock. The public is invited to this children’s operetta based the ancient fairy tale with words and music. J"*** Jackson School On Tuesday, April 12, ohone Patterson, Jerri Ann ington and Earline ITankerson resented Jackson School at the nual Talent Show sponsored by World Service Committee of Y.M.C.A. They did a creative entitled “Song of India.” Lee Grant accompanied the and assisted with the music. group received the second award in the elementary Mrs. J. B. Hayes, principal the school, was guest consultant Tompkins Elementary School's ular in-service meeting on , day> April 13> at Tompkins She demonstrated the Seven that should be used in teaching reading lesson. Tompkins’ faculty participated in this onstration. The Health Council, under leadership, of Mrs. Mabel P. shaw, presented an assembly gram on April 14, in the torium. A movie entitled other Fellow’s Feelings” was ed by all. Certificates were ed to all classes who 100% in the school’s health gram. The discussion on Language was continued at Jackson’s lar in-service meeting on day, April 20. Topics and demonstrated were for Written Work, Mrs. Braithwaite; Improving Oral lish, Mrs. Susie Floyd; and veloping Good Listeners, Milledge. On Friday, April 22, Mrs. shear's sixth grade class ed an assembly program. program was developed as a of tile class’ study of Egypt. program included: Song by C^ass, Go Down Moses, How Started, Janie, Tyson, What Wanted To Find Out, Frtjd son; Our, Activities, (jar*ie Dixon; Poem, Adventure Blanche Oliver; Song by the Class, On Camel’s Back; Size *>f Egypt, Chqryl McCoy; r Principal' t Crops, Arthur Wadlgy; Chief Manufac- tures, Essie Washington; Clothing, Lois Anderson; Exports and Im- ports, Ruth Holmes; ( Song, Night Journey, Phyllis* Mac^; Carol Simmons; Sfc/ Food, fhe Barnes: Barnes; Government Government, NntVihrnpl Nathaniel Carswell; Song by the The Bells Doth Toll; Egypt’s Contribution to Our Civilization, Veola Simmons; and Egyptian Cha, Cha, Cha by a group. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Skipper of St. Albans, New York, son and daughter-in-law of Mrs. J. B. Omega Hi-Y Club Sponsors Seven Projects The Omega Hi-Y Club of the Al¬ fred E. Beach Senior High School is sponsoring seven projects this week. There will be three Teen Talks given in various classes of the school. These topics will center around Clean Speech, Clean Liv¬ ing and £lean Scholarship. A pro¬ gram will be rendered at Green- briar Children’s Center along with the donation of comic books and other interesting magazines. A visit will be made to the Mills Me¬ morial Home to render a program and to donate reading materials. A visit will also be made to the Chatham County Youth Center to render a program. Various comic books and other reading material will be donated. _ '' , Broad j Y.M.C.A., J 4 ,IIKlt on the at t Savannah ^ ie West Touchdown Club program, the Omega H.-Club will participate by reading a musical number. Miss Sandra Simon will sing, “I Believe” accompanied at the piano by Har¬ old Rosser. All of these projects are ip charge of James Gordon, corpmunr ity project chairman, assisted by John Powell, president. A. F. Mc¬ Lean is adviser of the club. Tompkins High The Tompkins High school Track team under the direc - tion of Coach Joseph Turner has been looking good in a few trial runs recently. Among the members who are expect¬ ed to star are Solomon Bran- nen, James German, Eugene McGill, Jesse Rountree, Leon Golden, Josh Crafton, Earl Ben¬ nett, “Bunny” White, and Tim¬ othy Wilson. In the last weekly meeting of the Y-teens Mrs. Mildred New¬ ton, program director of the Y. C. A. brought Miss Mary Brose of the National YWCA office. Miss B.lose showed filmstrips of Chile, Uganda, and 1 Korea, These filmstrips showed YWCA work in those countries. Mrs. L. J. Ladson advises the club. ’K”d, under the direction ^'he Ba ndmaster Peir- berton participated In the state wide band clinic which was held at Ft. Valley recently. Gadsden School The members of the Safety Pa- tr >l look verv trim in their white shirts with the blue and white safe¬ ty insignia on the slevees. These boys and girls and their adviser, James Jackson enjoyed the field- trip to Fort Stewart with Lt. Funk and Safety Patrol members from the other schools in the city. The Gra-Y Clubs gave a pro¬ gram for Religious Emphasis Week. Miss L. Cohen and Mrs. I. McNeal are the advisers. School will be closing in about six weeks, and all the classes are working hard to complete various projects. The annual Art Show will in¬ clude the seasonal and other class room art activities which will be display in the halls and in the library in the near future, --— ......................... YOU BE THE j ri ^ a# •' u I) G E f * r w. For News That's RELIABLE.. itSSi For Coverage That’s WORLDWIDE... For Advertising That GETS RESULTS... m And For All Your Printing Needs, Your Best Bargain Is THE SAVANNAH TRIIUJNE 1009 WEST BROAD STREET Ptonee A Da ms 4-3432 ADams 4-3433 SATURDAY, APRIL 30, I960 J H*yesj visited the school on Tuegj^ •day, April 19. Mrs. Skipper was {particularly interested in the low- I! er grades as she is employed as ' kindergarten teacher in the New 1 ( York City school system, 1 j embf0ke i „ DT 1 A A I Elects r Officers / . Pembroke High School, held its "ogular monthly meeting with Mrs. Elbertha Smokes, president, pre- •iding. Preceding the business ses- ien, Mr. Ray, scout director talk- d with the group concerning or¬ ganizing a Boy Scout troop in the community. Many questions were isked and answered with the group leciding to meet at the school on Thursday night, April'21, at 7>30 P.M. Parents with boys from 8 years of age to 18 years of age were present. The nominating committee pre- ■ented the following names as of¬ ficers for 1900-61: President, Mrs. Kibe i tha Smokes; vice-president, Mrs. Thelma Fields; secretary,, Mrs. Louise Bunch; treasurer, Mrs, Alberta Manzo. The remaining officers were elected by the group as follows: Recreation C o m m i 11 e e, Miss Laura Densler, Chairman, and Mrs. Thelma Fields; study group, Leon Dingle, chairman, and Mrs. El- bertha Smokes; procedure book committee, Frank Bladkshear t chairman, Mrs. Thelma Field) _ j Mrs. Alberta Manzo; Founder'” j Da y committee, Mrs. Jane Dingle.' | chairman, and Marion Mesdames Gorham; Estelle membership Orrm I committee, Mrs. Susie Cross, chair¬ man, Mesdames Hattie Fox worth and Clara Garrison; budget and finance committee, Leon Dingle, chairman, Mrs. Gertrude Johnson; historian, Mrs. Lucinda Brown; hospitality committee, Mesdambs Eula M. Rogers, Mary Williams Summer Round-up, Mrs. Leona Henly, chairman; Mesdames Mari¬ on Gorham and Annie R. Stevens; parliamentarian, Leon Dingle; rex porters, Mrs. Dorothy Gethr and Miss Ella Rrunson. . .lartvitmio Zetas’ Sfory Hour The annual Story hour sponr-v sored by the Alpha TbetA ZptnM chapter of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority was conducted in t“'e public elementary Schools Sat¬ urday, April 23. Two jhours were filled with stories told, and . read 'by the pupils, slides shown ( and refreshments served. ! A | good time was had by every;- one. This year thete * lementary schools participate —*” Yamacraw Cdltof. , This P ri >je°t is one Of the Zeta PW Beta sorority’s many ! ways of trying to combat th4 juvenile delinquency problems in the community. It is their objective that in some way some of our children have ben- efited by this endeavor.