The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, May 21, 1960, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PACE SIX The above photo shows th band and chorus of the Sol Johnson High school. The rectors are Robert Dilworth teach Junior Hih PTA The Final PTA meeting Beach Junior High school held on Tuesday nihgt. May in the auditorium at 7:00 P. Mrs .Dorothy Wilcox, chairman. was in charge of devotional ’ period. An,, interesting . program catlonal pmentedjay Department, i ■«' PhvsKil under 1 ! supervision of Mrs. Eloise tain, R. Washington, W. and J. Stephens, student er. The program marching, execrises, stunts tumbling, trampoline and dance with eighth grade and boys participating Bryant served as narrator. Mrs. Mary Matthews, I president, was in charge of PTA business. Acting for secretary was Mrs. C. G. Mrs. Matthews thanked the P. officers, parents and for the wonderful and services rendered during past two years. She also pressed appreciation to Mrs. II. North who has served r.s reporter for two years and grets due to her leaving the tern In June to join her ^wertbunr. L* . land. No . The new officers for the 61 school year, were by the chairman of the nating committee and as follows: President, Mrs. Wright; vice president,Mrs. Walker; secretary. Mrs. G. L Bass; Asst, secretary. Mrs. Y. Mathis; treasurer, Mrs D. Wilcox; reporter, Mrs. T. D. zier; program chairman, W. Mobley. Rev. WE Gwyn stalled the officers. Remarks were made by principal. A. Dwight. The tendance banner was won Mrs. L. H. Collier’s class, 8-9 21 parents present. St. Phillip Mon. AME Rev. F. D. Jaudon. pastor St. Phillip Monumental A. M. church, is expected to from the general conference T f ^f?, . ele , S C a If tdl wppk He will be ( in ’ charge . ’ of the f vices at the church next day. During his absence Sunday the services were cipated in by Rev. J. Rev. M. Mitchell of Guyton Rev. H. Jaudon, brother of pastor. • ‘ 3 f FOR IOVKU1* HAIR ^i/ ‘ /7 •U I RAO C N A RK PRESSING OIL Softens - • Pit - condition s Heir lor Pressing ■ 83 Lanolin-rich "HG-Formula” with more protection to make pressing easier. Excellent for styling and setting hair. Gives High Gloss, longer Lasting . . . Delightfully Fragrant. I50& When This Purchasing Coupon a is $1.50 Worthy Jar of 50< LANTH0L PRESSING OIL Redeem coupon at your favorite Druggist. | If he is out of stock send $1 and this i coupon to P.O.Box 3457' “ST" Savannah, Ga We will send you $1.50 jar Postpaid^_ Offer Expires July 1, 1960 .■mm Mrs. A. C. Wright, The first fine arts festival h ol was held recently ' drim Auditorium of Toirnkins New Farmers Win S'ate Awards Member of the Tompkins S( . horl] Npw p :nmors 0 f chapter won top honors nt .fate convention of the New er .s of America Convention held Camp John Hope, Ft. Valley, May 0-8. p , r ] Saunders, senior tlnl ] student at Tompkins, awarded first place in the public speaking contest. spoke on the “Effects of Integration on the American tem of Farming.” The Tompkins High NFA tctt • won second place in competition. The quartette is p..-cd of flirt tenor, Elliott mens; second tenor, Vernon olds: baritone, James an( | |, a j 0 shua Walker. r phomns also competed in'the 1]ui7 con test. Earl Saunders will represent .tote <>f Georgia in sectional no tition in Nashville, Tenn., 15. Other participating states he Florida, Alabama, and Tennessee. M. C. Blount adviser to the Tompkins te» and .Tames E. Luten, Jr., principal, Tompkins Hi?h Coram< , ncC ment Plans Tompkins High plans are as follows: May 19-20, final for all senior students; May 8 p.m., class play entitled, thy, Wealthy and Dumb”; May class day, awards will be given this time; May 29. 5 p.m., | f ,„ r ,.,. l(P *r>rmon delivered by Edgar P. Qum termnn, pastor Second Baptist Church; May 5 p.m., commencement --tudents will conduct all of this program. Tompkins High School The band and chorus at kins are presenting a j concert at the school on I afternoon. May 22 • at 5 p. The public is invited. Olivia Alexander, choir and Edward Pemberton, director promise good me nt for everyone. °" Monday night ' at 7:30 p : m. the graduating class present the class play. *> Wealthy and Dun in high school cafetorium. The graduating class, members and student body sad because of the passing Miss Elinor Brown, a member the graduating class. Brown was buried on Monday. nah State College. In to the musical groups and lloists English Department May Olympics at lohnson High School On Friday. May 13, Sol Johnson Elementary school sented its first ‘May on the play area at the of Wing 3. The Olympic opened with j parade of classes consisting Grades 1st through 7th. j entrance of the King and and their court of honor delightful. The king was frey Gadsden and queen, Paige. The court of consisted of Georgetta sey, Cleveland Brundage, da Garcia and George Penda, The parade of colors ‘hown bv the honor guards 1 roop 262 led by Clark. The torch was b.v Edward G. Hayes of high school track team dedicated the first annual Olyrn- pie day at Sol C. Johnson ementary school. The judges for the Olympic were representatives from Health Education with music under the direct lion lof Robert Dilworth the Johnson High band. The committee was c0mD0s . cd of Mrs. S. Steele, chairman- i Mrs. E. Marks, co-chairman: and Coach John Myles. P. E, depart ment. Alflorence Cheatham is principal of the school. SPRlvr.FiFi.n By Aliss Lillie M. Bryant The Choir Union presented I Program at the St. • baptist church with the presi- dent, Mrs. Cora B. Thomas, in | charge. Several choirs parti- ~ -------------,— | PUBLIC NOTICE We arc prepared to do anv Musreocraph Work for vour organization. 0>ir New Gestetner Machine has been installed. We can Produce from one hundred (100) to ten thousand (10,000) conrs j in one day. Letters — Notices — Programs —- Legal Forms, Etc. REASONAI5LE R \TES ! PUBLIC SERVICE CO. 458 u. WEST ER0AD STREET Edward 11. Law, Owner Phone AD 1-5070 Real Estate Loans Consult us before making your Real Estate Loans. We haye handled real estate for 40 years. Loans made on various plans to suit your income It will be to your advantage lo see us first Southern Savings & Loan Company 17 WEST McDONOUGH ST. DIAL A Dams 2-2im Assets Over $2,000,000 WE PAY 3% CERTIFICATES 3% SAVINGS DEPOSITS THE SAVANNAH TRIBFNF SAVANNAH, GEORGIA i two ore-act plays directed by Mrs p Brooks and Mrs E Y Monteith School Everyone at Monteith School has been husy for the past six weeks, The reading program, science end mathematics have held the highest place in. each classroom. Much time is being spent on evaluation in each area of the school pro¬ gram. Parents end friends h.u”e been invited to attend “The Summary Program” on Friday, May 20, at 10 n.m. The Jonquil Junior Garden Club under the direction of Mrs. J. Bowers had a “Workshop” on last Tuesday with Mrs. Priester .as consultant. The group will have their Flower Show in connection with the school’s summary pro¬ gram. The 4-H Club members arc planting gardens, beautifying their homes and learning to sew. At j their April meeting there was an exhi it which ...... showed of , thetr activities. Besides some Mrs. | . Dvyes, the Homo • Demonstration Agent, and Mr. Hammond, the I farm agent, the following visitors I j j were present: Mrs Carrie Powell and Lltt,e - state 411 work - | er!,; Augustus llill, the state agent, ( work: r ' ' letcher, the visiting teacher, and Mr. Honni- ^en, a reprosentativo of the Teach-| ; ® B. rs Dingle ***! wy . ot advisor Gw>, ' Kia of ' the Wrs club. - °-, is , _ cipatcd. The community was shock- ed by the death of Henry Cur- tis of Oliver, Ga. G. Thomas, L. V. Thomas. Marcus Thomas and Garfield ; Thomas have returned to New York after attending the fun¬ eral of their step-mother, Mrs Mattie Thomas, in Halcyondale, Ga. on May 11. MRS. Ii’"BY WILLIAMS, a senior at : tvr.nnah State College, was '----•-----------------—-----— Bead Jr. High Entertains of‘The Yew” The principal and faculty of Beach Junior High school tert,lined in honor of Carl Lo- can, “teacher of the year,’ Fri- day nlPht. May 13 at 8 o’clock. The affair was held at the home of-Mr. and Mrs. L D. Sr., on West 63rd Street. C. G. Mathis was in charge of entertainment. Mrs. Nellie Coppaee presented Mr. Logan a beautiful leather brief case with gold initials on behalf of 1110 ^ roup Mrs. Nellie H. North, home economics instructor, was also given a surprise shower by the women faculty members. Mrs. North Is resign- Ing from the system to join her husband .this summer in Wcst- bury, Long Island, N. Y. A delicious turkey supper with all the trimmings was served buffet style. Mrs. E. L. Wash- j ton and Mrs s F Bivins were in charce " o{ the reQast ^ ' p b*H*n A aric 1 ! ’. Lhurch pi l . At St. Phillip AME church, Rev - John s Bryan, pastor, Clif- ford .Hardwick extended tty? to worship last Sunday, Rev. L. L. Scott, the pastor of St. James Baptist church. Dub- j lin, was the speaker. His sub- j ject was “Who Is My Neigh- 1 YOU BE THE J u I) G E For News That’s R E LI A B L E . For Coverage That’s W 0 R L i) W IDE... For Advertising That GETS RESULTS... And For All Your Printing Needs, Your Best Bargain Is TUB SAVANNAH TRIBUNE 10ft!l WEST BROAD STREET Phones A Da ms 4-3432 A Dams 4-3433 the main speaker at vesper, Sun- day, May ’ 9. -----_--- bor? Mrs - Rosetta Bryan gave ' o clock, ’ st U ’ R ° ar 3 was in " j ' ° P service. The fi- nanclal effor t was a success. RcV ’ Brya " wlU return „ the gen ? ral ^nference , th.s „ and wlU „ bP in charge of lhe services Sunday corning. rilonteitu „ . _ PTA A large group of parents at- 1 tended the last Monteith I’.-T.A. meeting for the year on Wednes- day, May 11, at ; 30, Tlit3 de- vot; ™ al P eriod wa * le(i b v Mrs - j Mrs ' * ) - pl0wn ’ the vice ' pre ! ident ’ P rps ided in the ab ' sence of the president, , J. Brown. Evaluation” was the subject for discussion. It was reported by Mrs. Bow¬ er*, the first-grade teacher, that the Pre-School Clinic was attend- «d 100 per cent, The group agreed to help with j | the summary program activities which will he held on Friday at iOa.m.' A donation was made to help with beautification and entertain- mc , nt . M rs. Brown reported a success- f u j “Stay at Home Tea” which she gave in the interest of the P.-T.A. Mrs. Dingle, principal, thanked the group for the fine support given the school’s program this year. SATURDAY, MAY, 21, I960 1st Christ Holiness Church Lanier, Ga —A financial was started this week bv members of the First Christ Hoi- raise funds fur building. .Next week nightly programs will be render- with various churches par¬ ticipating. Elder Owen is pastor 11 V Y FOR YOUR s* :: tt v v PLEASURE tt V .* ft t-f ff r x tt Y y V .* . May 20—Spring Around the World, (Alusic and v ti x Dramatics) at DeRenne Eilementary School. Dona¬ tion: Ailults 35c; Children 20 c. !' t ny 20—Atildreil Pegties Dance Reeilnl at Alfred I E. Beach High School. Adults 75c; Children 50“. May 20—-22—District Conference of. the R. M. IT. F. tf Y Y rt Central R. AT. F. E. Church, ALU and West Runn¬ j/C el ary streets. - May 22 Motorcade to Hilton Head S. C. by Spring- t •• field Social Glut). Round trip $2 00 . May 22—Scott Singers at St. Alurk Rantist church. if f? V- tc f-r (lie Scott Baby and the Riley Baby. Admis¬ U sion Free. Mav 23—29—Program of the Progressive Church 11* f Y Building Aid Union of Savannah, Ga., at Bethel a a Baptist Church, 11 Aliles, Ogeeehee Road. T j Mav 23—“Healthy, Wealthy and Dumb.” three t tt a n ll if play at TonrpMns lligt* School presented by the Senior Class. Donation 50c. ti¬ May 27—Airs. Eula M. Bignon, in a vocal at ff T£ First Bryan Baptist church presented bv the Savan¬ Y X i. nah Branch Women’s Auxiliary to the National \l!i- XI U nocp Children 0 f Postal 50c. Employees. Donation: Adults SI.03; 5:| ft ATav 27—Alotoreade to Hilton Dead, S. C., u || the Lucky Heart Social Club. Fare $2.50 || MftV 27—Tramp Dance at Ruby’s 2 Spot bv Hie It ll Inches Sportsman’s Club. Advance $1.00. At Door, f*:* * J 1.25. Y Y It 4 ATay 28-—.Alotoreade to Singleton's XX Beach, Hilton ❖❖ Dead, S. C., bv the Sunshine 8 Social Club. Fare: 11 •!* *5* Adults $1.25; Children 75c. ff Alav 29—Motorcade to Jekvli Island by the Ten +t Carnation Social Club. Tickets, 83.50. $ May 29—Bus Ride to Burton, S. C., by Jerusalem Baptist Church. Tickets $2.00. ATav 29—Shriners Omar Temnle No. 21, Patrol, It:..* Sunday Afternoon Boat ridel. Donation: Advance $1.50; At Boat, $1.75. ATav 29—Battle of Sonrs at Little Brvnn Baptist Church between the Triunioh Gospel S neeri. the Sapn Singers, the Erho of Zion Singers and the Sil¬ ver Star Four. Admission 75c. Dav 30—Moonlight Cruise by the Waldorf Club. Subscription _1.50. ATav 31—ATotnreade to Hilton Head Reach hv the J Trip American Fare Legion $2.50. Auxiliary, Unit No. 500. Round dune 3-—Motorcade to the Breeze. Hilton Head, S. C., by New Hope Baptist church. Fare $2 00. .Tune 3—Moonlight Boat Ride by the Progressive Choir of St. Philip Monumental A. M. E. Church. Fare $1.50. .Time 2 —Motorcade to Hilton Head Beach. S. C., by the Sunset Social Club. Ticket $2.50. June 4—Bentrirle to Daufuskie Island, S. C., hv Die Zmn Hill Ranti«t ohnrrh Usher Board. Tickets: Adults and Children, $1.50. At Dock $1.75 Jnn- 9—Moonlight Beat Ride te Daufuskie Island, 8 r., by Flipper Chapel A. M. F. Church. Tickets $1.50. J"ne 5 —Mofnlieht Boat Ride to Daufuskie Island, S. C. by Benedict’s Social Chib. Fare $1.50. June 6 —AToonU<-ht Boat Ride to Daufuskie Hand hv th * 1 Ladies Aid Society of Butler Presbyterian If Church. Donation $1.50. June 8 —ATooniight Boat Rid** to Daufuskie T land If hv First Friendship Baptist Church, Senior Usher Board. Fare $1.50 S Fare: Tun** G.. bv Advance 10 the —Moonlight No. $1.50 0 rhnir At Bestride the of ATaredenio Boat to $1.75. Daufuski.'* Baptist church. Island, TT I Tt V t June 10—Alotoreade to Hilton Head, S. C., by the ii Laurettes Social Club. Fare $2.50. June 10—Motorcade to HiDor, Head, S ; ""d<>ton's P.eaeh by the Independent Society. Fare $2.50. ft .Tune 13 —Pont Ride to Dauf'isk*e I* land bv First Bryan Baptist Church Usher Board. Fare $1.50. Ii June 12—Musical Festival nt AH Zion Ba-YDt Church by Eugenia School of Alusic. Donation 50c. x% .Tu»*p 15—Motn-cHp fn S’ngleton’q Beach. TTilt-'n Head, S. C.. by the Happy 12 Social Club. Fare $2.09 Y •;* TT Tuna 19 —Motorcade to Ferne-iri'm p**a*’h Fla., by i t| the Silver Stars Social club. Ticket $5.00. Juno 19 — Alotoreade to Hilton Head Poach, S C. by Richmond Baptist Church Usher Board. Fare S2.50 n the Juno Royal 19—Motorcade Canadians Social to Fernandina Club. Fare Beach. $4.50. F;a. ii p June 2 *—Motorcade to Singleton’s Beach, nnton ii Head S. C!., hv No. 1 Usher Board of First Alt. Bethel Baptist Church. Fare $2.50. ii June 25—Alotoreade to Dorothy's Place. Biuffton, p: S C.. bv the Israelite Baptist Church No. 2 Choir. Tickets $1.50. p Tune 26—Alotoreade to Fernand'na Beach, Fla. Metropolitan Baptist Church. Fare $4.00. j| June 30—Hahv Contest at First Ebenezer Baptist Church by the Junior Choir. Votes 10c. Jitlv 4—Alotoreade to Fernandirta Beach, Fla. the Sunset Social Club. Ticket $5.00. II July 10—Baby Contest at First Friendship Baptist tt Church by the Senior Mission. Votes 10c. n Aug. 5—Alotoreade to Iliiton Head Beach, S. C. T-5* the Sunset Social Club. Ticket, $2.50. -I- V Aug. 20—Motorcade to Hilton Head Beach, S. C., by the Sunset SoekU Chib. Ticket $2.50. 4-4* ❖ •i* Stone Lodge No. 1 St0ne LodRe ..... Na 1 ‘ s spop ; f ring a pr °£ ram Supday n May 29 at Townsloy . 7 p. m. Chapel AME church, 260 Eaylo to help the Stewardess Board No. 2. Mrs. Annie Mc- White, reporter.