The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, June 25, 1960, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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SATURDAY. .TFNF ->S, 1900 Dr. Trenholm "Under Fire" As Gov. MONTGOMERY, Ala.—(ANP) ~~ Dr. H. Councill Trenholm been called upon by the state board of education to show why he should not he dismissed as presi- den of Alabama State college which he has headed for 34 years. The educator, one of the oldest presidents from the standpoint of service in the nation, was inform¬ ed of the recommendation by Gov. John Patterson as he ..concluded writing a letter to Dr. I). Reddick informing him that he had been fired by the board. Reddick, 50, head of ,the history department and on the staff of the college for six years, had al¬ ready submitted his resignation to become effective August 31, when Patterson told Trenholm to “fire him before sundown.”..-_______ Trenholm said he was unaware of Patterson’s reComrtfWldAlfh'n re¬ garding himself as he°ha<¥*teft the meeting of the hoard to inform Reddick of his dismissal!ioHe re¬ fused to comment. ' 41 • Reddick, howevt^ t1 |yfy^jjpg Patterson’s charges thuftoe a communist said: 1 '* “Gov. Patterson kno^s .jthqt, I have never been a That I spoke from the same form as Andrei Vyshipsky me no more communist j&an having his picture made with Kennedy makes him an tiohist.” “ “ ,l! , Vyshinsky was once the Russian delegate to the * Nations. Kennedy, seeking Democratic nomination for dent, favors school which Gov. Patterson bitterly poses. Patterson called on the to “give serious consideration” replacing Trenholm as of the. college where students recent months have been in numerous anti-segregation, orM/.l I a ail moderations. : i . . , No immediate action was to replace Trenholm, but he dir^tqd board meeting 'to' appear July, in with him complete ifiie*' Alabama State ’ fAcoHy , The action on Reddick • after the governor distributed board members and members the press a volurainqu^-repo^, Reddick prepared by not'd state vestigators. .... „• n. ,, hfs In aildition 'to with known Communist - ;■ ■ , \ ’ ( t k. I—i 4 - .1 I ) ■ , NNPA 36 Awards raphy and Make-up. It was in News Reporting. Third highest scoring went to the Cleveland which was first in Editorial News Reporting. It was in Original Columns. • Individual honors were as follows: , , ... COLUMN WRITING: Chuck Stone: second, Loch; third, Richard R. Martin. NEWS REPORTING: T-- l * A1 Sweeney and Charles .Sanders; second, P. B. Young, Jr -> Jordan, Ohie McCollum and. Lin Holloway; third. Chuqk fit arte. FEATURE REPORTING: first, P. B. Young, John Signer; third, Bun WPIiams; NEWS PHOTO: First, as Washington. Nb in this category. qi EDITORIAL C A SoT-ifhO N S: First and second;.>451 third, Thomas Feaman. Other winning new were: : '»*>. San Francisco Sun - first in Public Service and in Promotion. Louisville Defender, first News Photography, third in torial, and honorable mention tions, the report showed that dick \.as convicted for tion and adultery in Atlanta 1940. Describing Reddick as a agitator," Patterson said the pro¬ fessor’s link with Communist ganizations gave credence charges that "Communists are in¬ volved” in the sit-ins and pro-integration demonstrations the Soyth. Patterson said he had been ad¬ vised that Reddick submitted his resignation '' the day after investigatbrs 'went to the schools to look at his file. The first time the investigators went to the campus, Patterson said, Dr. Trenholm refused to them Reddick’s file. “I think the board ought to ser¬ iously consider replacing him (Dr. Trenholm) as president of the col¬ lege,” Patterson said. “I’d like see someone heading up the school who is loyal to the state of Ala¬ bama.” He said further that it was excusable that Reddick was hired-. P* ‘ ,‘T woujd like to. see the board flornmenoe some action toward placing Dr. Trenholm,” the /}9Ui r, iP e ^f ed -. “B ,.y , ould be ' freshing tq haye , sqnveone here and tell us that the school has been ^i^ cleaned up^ j j'he on Reddick included photostatic ( of copy a article With a picture showing dick with Vyshinsky, at a Together With "Russia at Madison Square Garden. The file quoted records of Fulton pounty Bureau of Investigation in Atlanta, that Reddick was a speaker at 1948 meeting of Writers, a later described by the Daily er as -being made up of xists-" and other anti-Fascist qr&” lot!--..... , Reddick- was,-identified by a letter froth the-New ( M‘AWw D w a ttm. nt »* » ,ec tu\-gr„4tt a,.- sc b 00 l, The-Hdiie’ votJe dash‘bgainst lin of. Mobile. LaqkUn said , did not oppose the dismissal; v teacher without a hearing. NWitfrif wc' aten’t a' 'daiigerous IpreCeilelit,” said. *»-» % > » tl ) H f}-r k - ---- -- ' Typography and Make-Up. , Michigan Ctaonicle, second in Prortiotton'and third in phy and Make-Up. Louisiana,Weekly W a vyew tied - for first , in Typography and Make-Up and second in General Excellence. Los Angeles • Sentinel, third in ^rl^MerAwards was judged by a panel of journalism' professors representing -hree schools of journalism, namely (Vyortrtftgi * Houston and Lincoln pSTtieipated in the judging for the first time. In their 10-year tor ? , ^Igrit, Awards have |,lpeen-judged by ^he University of ! | Pennsylvania, Northwestern vprsj West Virginia ; University o'f 'illjnois, and Kan sas University. ., -The basic comment of this of judges has been for the past decatle . It is: j I wee t<ly newspaper has nimnrtllnitv opportunity to to present nres ent to to the er, the world, the regional and cal news in summary the reader the whole picture . . There seems to be a improvement in the quality of lications fiom year to year.” June 20, 1858 Charles Chestnut, npted author and er , bopn in Ohio. June 23, 1831 — Nat Turner famous stave insurrection in ginia. SlodJ Yea J&wp A ?.. OWE. LI ...Born ON JUNE I6,I85TJ / IN VIRGINIA 'OF A SLAVE MOTHER / HE BECAME A FAMED POLITICIAN AND THE EDITOR AND PUBLISHER OF THE NEW >0R K AGP Wev r Black and Rev ier were recent guest .1 speakers at FAB church. Rev. G. R. Conner will -deliver the sage for the communion service on June 26. Ben Baker is chair- man. Richard Smith has returned after visiting Julius, Jr., Barba- ra and Venessa, his grand- children in Melbourne, Fla. Ots Heyward is home from Hampton Institute. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hayward of East Wald- burg street. F. A. B. Sunday School is sponsoring a chicken supper, June 25 in the church annex. Ben Moultrie, Jr., is leaving this week for St. Bernardino, Calif. His family will join him later to make it their home. Arthur Lee Edmond has re- turned to Waycross r ^ o affpp after vU1t visit ing his aunt Mrs. Irene Wig- ginS ’ and ° ther relatiVeS ' j CUYTON By Ossie M. Roberts The senior class of Central High School went on a trip to Silver Springs and other beaches in Florida for the week end recently. Miss Beola Postell left on ljune j 4 to spond t h. e summer ^ New Jefsey visitin g her aunts | ^ ^ ncle ^ She will also visit Mr. ,and Mrs. Daughtry in Mass. Mrs. Daugh y is the former Miss Sara M. ' Prstell. j t/'s Mary Gray had as e. 'J St. Emma Military Academy Powhatan, Virginia Founded - 1895 Fully Accredited High School National Defense Cadet Corps School U. S. Army ROTC Honor School Under direction of THE HOLY GHOST FATHERS Academic - Trade Agriculture - ROTC Athletics - Band For Information and Catalogue — Write: Reverend Director St. Emma Military Academy Powhatan, Virginia NEW 3-BED room bungalows 4 BED ROOM BUNGALOW on Lot 50’xl900’ 3 BED ROOM BUNGALOW, East Waldburg on Lot 60’ x 113’ best prices paid for vacant lots Loans - To Repair or Build New House* Ezra Johnson 1009 West Broad Street PHONE ADams 4-3432 Res ADams 2-7573 THE SAVANNAH TRIBUNE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA week end guest, Miss Thelma j Taylor of Victoria Rincon. Wallace Is a| j Mrs. patient patient at at Memorial Memorial Hospital' nospiuu where she underwent surgeiy.j Union Baptist Church cele-| brated its 39th anniversary., Rpv - D - M. Rellerford preached. | i Misses Barbara Ann and Len-j n y Roberson have gone to Au-i gusta to spend the .summer. Sgt. and Mrs. Waldo Jack- 1 “re^J'Sr^nd parents Mr. an^ 6 ^-s Mi^W Wesley e^ley, Jo ^ nson > and Harry Reese, Sr. Miss Mary with' Reese returned home | them on the 14 for the sum- nier. She will return in Sep- (tember. | Miss Ossie M. Roberts is on the sick list. Ga, Masons, Continued from » «ge One* Accountant Mrs. L. G. Hale show 1 ed total Grand Lodge Afis^ls »f nearly half a million dollars for the 15,060-member Georgia’ PHuoa Hall Masonic group. More than $14,000 in student scholarship grants during the past 12 months spurred the Masons to support the ever increasing pro¬ ject. The 8,000-Member Prince Hall Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, reported similar stability and progress under the leadership of Grand Worthy Patron George W. Smith, of Brunswick, and Grand Matron Mrs. Merie B. Cooper, of Macon. In the absence of Thurgood Marshall, fraternal and NAACP. Legal and Educational Fund eoun- sel, Grand Master Dobbs extend- «<• his remarks for the Occasion. jj e ca ]| e( j on Negroes to never stop see gt n g the ballot and edu-, ca ti oni to own property and ve ] op business and enterprise and t() i mc k those “who have the to spea k ou t f or a chance to mea- up” in all ways with other I Americana. I “If you haven’t got the ^! nerve, ^ month ^ tu * d t * ie cheering public asgembl a!re ' Ide P ointed out the wide disparity in educational facilities ami funds for Negro education. ill XTRA. It’s always a good ide: to keep Bud in good supply. •-..hiUP ‘M ; 4 -A f * Jil’tOW *:} Hi. | udwei HW'NtJ » v o f 6-paks of 3 8 er. toda j f , i ( 4 >//i 1 iii(i ’ . Where there’s Life... there’s Bud® , KINS OF BEERS • ANHEUSU - BUSCH. INC. . ST. EOUIS - NEWARK • US ANGELES . MIAMI • TAMPA ISAAC D. HIRSCH CO. DAVID II. HIRSCII, PRES. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS TATEltiVILLE By Robert Richards 8t. Peter’s A. M. E. Sunday School was Sunday, by Asst. ent Joseph Meachutn, Sr. Rev. Q. Orant preached Jerusalem Baptist church Cpl. Leroy Richards home Thursday night, June after completing three years duty in the U. S. Army. The Georgia Hi-Steppers cial club Is giving a Bus to Fernandina, Fla., this day, June 26. Alfonzo (Moohn motored from New York ♦p visit relatives and friend EAST SAVANNAH M. E. Morrell The Officers and members Bethlehem Church with FAB last Sunday Pastor Stell read the scriptu lesson and Rev. w. J. brought the message, What You Know about God. ministers Included Revs, and Singletary, sons of lehem church. Rev. G. R. nor will be the speaker at communion service this 3 p. m. ' ’ d onn Ihble scho-o. , , w m c ], oso Friday evening 7 p m. Mr^. Janie Bower g. ateful fbr the Volunteers it'very interesting to all. Mrs. Hattie Young was buried as t Sunday from Sweet Field B a ,pti s t church, Rev. I, M ste- venS( officiating. Rakestraw Funeral Home In charge. terment was in Pin ce metery. Mrs. Irene Wiggins entertain¬ ed friends at her home Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Rosa L. Palmer’s birth- SANDFLY Mrs. BUIe Bivens Isle of Hope Baptist church observed its 87th anniversary last week which was climaxed on last Sunday with commun¬ ion service. Rev . C. Tilson is pastor. Mrs. Annie Lee Maxwell re¬ turned to New York last Thurs¬ day evening after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Maxwell of Thcmas Ave. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Grant oto- i served their 28th wedding an- i niversary Thursday, June 23. Mrs. Deloris G. Hnll and Gus- (avis Grant motored to New (York Mb'day for an indefi- nite stay. The First Sandfly Union Bap¬ tist church will begin its 55th anniversary services on Mon- day, June 27. Rev. N. Keitt is j pastor. i Mrs. Marie Orant _ , TI Henderson, , mother of Mrs. Gomuue Luten and Alexander Grant of New York City observed her £5th day. FAR Sunday School is spon- oring a chicken supper this Saturday at the church. v i ( 17 WEST McDONOlIGH ST. DIAL ADams 2-2113 SEE YOUR FRIENDS EDGAR C. HLACKSHKAR — L. It. TOOMER ACME INSURANCE AGENCY FOR PROTECTION PAGE SEVEN birthday Thursday, June 23. She is the oldest member of (Speedwell Methodist church senior choir. She is inactive now but cheerful. The Building budget of Speedwell church is full of ac¬ tivities for the young people. The group under Walter Brown Is having a motorcade Friday, July 1st to Hilton Head. The group under Sylvester Kemp and Mrs. Viola Kemp Is giving a chicken supper Friday, June 2,4. The group under Chairman Nr than Kemp and Mrs, Rosalie Jenkins is giving a barbecue on Monday, July 4, at the chairman's home. The Community Vacation Bi¬ ble School which was held last week at Speedwell Methodist church had a good attendance and was conducted by Mr$. Mar- tha B. Luten ossisted by Mrs. Mabel Berksteiner. Mrs. Vivian A. Broughton and her fou children of New York city are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Andrews. Isle of Hope Sunday"Sohool is carrying its annual picnic to Singleton’s Beach, Hilton Head, ,S. C., Monday, June 27.