The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, August 27, 1960, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1%9 Youthful ‘Kneel-Ins’ (Continued from Page One. cheeks. Miss Theresa Smart and Wil¬ lie Mungin stated that they were directed to “reserved seats” in the balcony at Independent cepted Presbyter,an these Church. seats and They remain-. ac-j ed throughout the service. Miss Kathleen Lewis and Samuel Lewis said that they were treated courteously at the Luthern Church of the Ascen¬ sion. They were informed that all downstairs pews had been reserved for generations and they were invited to sit in the' balcony. They refused. I Miss Patricia Quarterman and: Leroy Douglas said that they were not welcome at the First Baptist Church. As they start¬ ed to leave a policeman ap¬ peared and hastened their de¬ parture. Me-! At Wesley Monumental thodist Church, Miss Quarter- mgn and Mr. Douglas said that! they were told by Judge Geo. 1 E. Oliver that they “would not' enjoy the services” and they were directed to “an excellent Negro church .three or four blocks down the street.” “j j ; An usher turned Mfss- Bar- bara Jackson and Roosevelt Johnson from Asbury Memorial Methodist Church. I When Nathaniel Wright and Govan McCoy King visited St ; Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church they were told: “There ts no need for you to come here.” They asked why and the churchmen asked: “Did you come here to worship or cause' a disturbance?” The youthsj answered that they had come to worship. The churchmen directed them to a Negro church’ arid “pushed” them in front of the door. W. W. Law, president of the; Savannah chapter of bhe , NAACPi i said after the repdrf'tMt the; “Sabbath became a day of shame for the tliat' closed their doors to the Ne¬ groes.” He further ^auf, thatjl ‘Christ’s ministry ne^r cqn-j, veyed the impression that to| copie to worship Christ is.. to create a disturbance. There were tot) many instances where the extended hand of Christ was abruptly withdrawn! 12 Brothers Club The Twelve Brothers club met op August 19 at the home of Mrs. Berdia Burke, 2309 Bur¬ roughs Street. Games were | played. All the ladies received a lovely prize. A tasty repast was served by the hostess. Mrs. | Carolyn Fews from Montgom-1 ery, Ala., was a guest, Nex t i meeting h home o f M Mr. will and be d M Mrs. hed E E. at Sh Shu-, hR ! er on Kline street. I BeHi Eden Church | Plans are being made by the| pastor, Rev. Harold Baker, and members of Beth Eden Baptist church for evangelistic services to begin in September. Mrs. Mildred Belser outlined a pro¬ gram which was accepted by the church. Rev. Baker’s subject last Sun¬ day morning. “Drawing Near To God,” pointed to the neces¬ sity for self examination in order to help render best ser¬ vice to God. Sunday morning services be- gin at 11:15 o’clock; Sunday: School at 10:15 a. m.; and the evening service at 6:30 o’clock. Tremorct Temple Regular services were held at Tremont Temple last Sunday. “The Joy That Comes from The House of The Lord” was the subject of Rev. J. M. Ben¬ ton’s morning message. MvVUUl HU./.vv/. SAVANNAH 17 WEST McDONOUGH ST. DIAL ADams 2-2113 SEE YOUR FRIENDS EDGAR C. BLACKSHFAR — L B TtMlAltli ACME INSURANCE AGENCY FOR PROTECTION ' ________ Funeral Directors Close Constructive Session The National Funeral Direc¬ tors Association closed its 23rd annual session at Pittsburgh, Pa., last week and Sidney A. Jones, local mortician, reports that it was one of the most constructive meetings held many The years. principal speaker j guest president! , was j> r Ban]. E. Mays, Morehouse College The convention passed reso- lutions endorsing the “Sit-Ins” and also commended both po- litical organizations for the strong Civil Rights planks in the party platforms. The convention also subserib- p d to a double life member- shin in the NAACP- the first, having been taken out some time ago. and the second renew¬ ed at this session. Mr. Jones was chairman of the commit¬ tee on NAACP membership. More than five hundred mnr- ticiarp were present from all sections of the nation and R H. Haile, Jr., of Camden, S. C. was re-elected president. The next convention will be beli in Washington, D. C„ August, 1961. ---•- —;—— Firs! Tabernacle Holy communion services will bepln this Sunday afternoon at a-30 o’clock at First Tabernacle., TPe isermon will he delivered! by Pastor Lane with the choral' grouos of the church in charge 0 f the music. ) The first Sunday in Septem- ^er is designated as Horn? coming Day. The church has been renovated and the public invited to a special service, j of thanksgiving. Supt. Mvers presided over the Sunday School hour when nine natal days were recognized and refreshments were served. Rfev.j h. Nelson of Philadelphia was guest speaker in" the' morhing wors hip. Mrs. Nelson and many i oca i ' visit of & were welcomed. qloberl; Riley' accepted Christ, Music was rendered by the ’ V puth choir, and the, Irpperial choir with Mrs. A. L. Jenkins t t,he .piano. I The. annual Mission program was delightful with Mrs. Car- olyn •' Washington bringing highlights'Of'her daughter's and her visit to Oahu, Hawaii where Mrs. Washington's husband was stationed. Misses Juanita Bruce, Barbara Lane, Ruby Griffip /~i —: f f! and n J Ruby TO .,Lff Lane T n VI render-, MAVarl/M* cd selections. Other part,ci- Pants were Mesdames Rosa! Johnson, A. L. Graves, Belle N. Lillian Wilson, Lillie T. Lewis and Mrs. W. Russell who s ' ave a reading. Mrs. L l e d * n reports, Mrs. Graves was second. I ! Deaconess and Pastor’s Aid club will meet Thursday and Friday ‘ : -- Central Bantist Church j The Sunday School wa.s large- ! ]y attended at Central Baptist churph Sunday, Many teach- prs wbl0 ba ve been attending summ e r school In South Caro- lina and New York delivered were pres- the J ent. Rev. Daniels morning message. ! Friday night is the Young Adult Talent Night. A lovely program is planned. Sunday at i p. m. the Senior Mission will meet. i C - M CLEANERS 1318 W. Gwinnett St. Announces New Pick-Up and Delivery Service DIAL ADams 4-9112 Exoerl Drv Cleaning Shirt Laundry Service Open Six Davs Weekly 4-Hour Service James Kennedy, Prop. •SSP&iB Jjgi&a . 1 mmm . I :. Edward C. Mazique of Washington, n. C., the retiring pr»si¬ rs t of t National Medical Association, shown above with Senator ).c V. lie, edy, strongly urged Negro doctors to press tor passage I'ei i irratlc sp. o rre.I meiUervl care for the aged bill In a spiecii li e annuel i. : ring of the NMA in Pittsburgh last week. Senator i n.civ is !. : " ; tiie fight to enact such legislation, based on the , -al pi liiCnU- ns in the Uorand bill, which will bring benefit* uV.ii. » of AinivLoats, especially the lower Income group*. _ Ga. A. M. E.’s End Successful Congress By Bernita Darby Keynoting the 52nd annual Georgia State Christian Lead¬ ership Educational Congress the A. M E. Church. Dr. An- drew' White advispd the youth' plan the proper course and decide new on “your landing field.” Tbe *s’te of the Congress Morris Brown College, Atlanta. however, the keynote sermon was delivered in Cosmopolitan A. M E. church, Dr. G. F. Moses, pastor, Dr. WhHe is executive secre¬ tary, Division of Christian Ed¬ ucation and resides in Nash¬ ville, Tenn. Other general officers attend¬ ing were Drs. Russell Brown, E. M. Johnson. R. W. Mane? and S. L Green, Jr. Wednesday evening, thp an¬ nual musical featured Henry Porter, tenor, who was supoort- ed bv choirs from v'>rir ? • churches in the dmomirod'o”’. Port p r c « r 5 r i of R. Harvev Porter, is a Morri: Brown graduate, Dr. R. T. Bushev, pastor. Flin- per Temple. AME church, At¬ lanta. preached at noon on Thursday. Mrs. Julia A. Fountain, wid- ow of ^-be late Bishop W. A Fountain. Sr., presided during the election of state officers for the Women’s Missionary Soci- et y. Mrs. E. C. Bennett cf Wavcross was appointed Asse¬ eiate State Supervisor bv Bishoo Wilkes. Mrs. Agnes Stephens Bargeron was elected second vice president and Mrs. G. Sherman, supervisor of the Young Peoples Depaitment. M rs. Wilkes serves as state su- pervisor of the Women's Mis¬ sionary Society, Most outstanding on the statewide talent program was a mixed octette from Macon, directed bv Mrs. M.M. Bailey. Miss Charlotte Giles ended the Program with a flawless rendi- tion of Chonin’s “Nocture in E Minor.” Miss Giles, a gradu- ate of Fisk and Indiana verities, begins work as a sic instructor in September at Florida A and M University. A dedicatory sermon was siv en on Fridav by Dean George A gewell of Turner Theological seminary stressing the theme, < Go _ Prpat .h-Teach-Make i m i TN! Dis- — ciples .. Dr . Frank Cunning- bam , president, of Morris Brown college, presided at the Friday assembly. awarded to ^ ^ cJasses Bishop Wilkes made the fol- ! °wing appointments: Rev. M the VSSJS& transfer- to Mon ticello. Ga.; Rev. B. b. Swinson, presiding elder of tbe South Savannah District, ao- D0inted t0 W ay C ross District; Rev c. S. Stripling, pastor of . pji ppPr chapel, Savannah, ap- pointed to South Savannah Dis¬ trict, and Rev. D. T. Babcock. pre . s iding elder of the Atlanta District. Dr. S. H. Giles was genera director of the Congress and Bishop W. R. Wilkes, presides over the A. M. E. Church Georgia. FOR RENT Several spacious office? available in Tribune Build¬ ing. 1009 W. Broad Street. If interested call: R. A. HARPER with D. J. HILT. REAL ESTATE AGENCY AD 2-5439 719*3 W .Broad Street- lst Christ Holiness Church Lanier, Ga. The First Christ Holiness church Sunday School was held la*t Sunday. The af- ternoon services was directed bv TTf*9con6SS L. Sfcsw&rt. Elder Jackson of Reid-ville .spoke. Visitors were Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Simmons of Reidsville: Mr. and , ^j,. s -^rjUip Holmes and Clarence Jr„ of Svlvania and Missionary Hicks of Brooklyn, N. Y. At the ! n’eht service the sneaker was Elder C. Stewart. Regular night services were held Wed- nesdav a-cl T ida". R- Stewart Is senior deacon. Mrs. S. Harris is pastor and E. Owens is presiding elder. Auxiliary Meets The Women’s Auxiliary of fhp rMCP mot Friday nivht Auffnct 1Q pt the YhJICA. The rnembf , rs a v P urging the rmh- Pc HSe s borming catalogues are located in the NAACP headquarters on West Broad street. The office is open 9 a. m. to 5 n. m. daily. Mrs. Ethel Luten is president of the Women’s Auxiliary; Mrs. A j s secretary; and Mrs D JoneSi reporter. _____-- PKillln Mop. AMF Sunday marked the second anniversary of Rev. F. D. don as past"*- at St. , Monumental AME church., Among the visitors were am i n i> a niels and his grand f , hi]dren> Earlinp and Gamma DanipP; Ro(rPr Daniels and htpr Mrs Lpstpr D 0zier Mr Danipls , s a {ormPr offic er an(J mpmbpr of st Phillip and th , " s , s b , s {jrst return homp fo a riod of 37 years He now resides in the Bronx, N. Y., and is a member of Bethel A. M , chureh . New York city. Stewardess Board No. 2. Ma ™ ia Grant - President, made a presentation of a large beau- tiful anniversary cake to the pastor immediately following the close of the evening ship. The Senior choir announces that Mrs. Mayola Reynolds of 635 Kline street is the winner of the trip to Washington, D. BE SURE — GET SEMINOLE HERB TONIC FOR Rheumatic Arthritis Dr. Donah ' 5 a H°rh modclm* and tab- >ts nr* LIQUID Treatment for spina Arthritis, Lunhago, Low ba r k pale Gout, Arthritis Piling In the fcot ankle, kn^es. Mus. arms and shoulders congestion from muscular soreness, stiff Joints, enmns and swelling. For Inflamed prostate glands, nephritis kidney ard bla^d^r distress. It will stimulate Iiv°r flexibility and relieve acid indigestion For run-down nerv- ons condition and loss of pep from nature’s Inability due from over indulgence 4 o drink. ir eating lmn’*or>or foods. Treatment for thos" Riiffetlnsr. from Bugar Dia- betes. Melitus. Trv Seminole Tonic! It makes nature work. Extract Inyredienrs: Oulncelieht herbs, wild cherry and Iron Bold Onlv Be VETERAN V. * MOORE Licensed A "ent for International Drug Company of Massachusetts 410 Ea t Huntingdon Lane Savannah. Georgia Phone AD 3-6180 NEW 3-BED room bungalows 1 BED ROOM BUNGALOW on Lot 50’xl900’ 3 BED ROOM BUNGALOW, East Waldburg on Lot GO’x 113’ best trices paid for vacant lots Loans - To Repair or Build New Houses Ezra Johnson 1009 West Broad Street PHONE ADams 4-343? Res ADams 2-7573 -j------ TTTF SAVANNAH TRIPUNT SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Pilgrim Bapt. Church Sunday, August 14, the of the church held their al program. The wore Mrs. [Farc-Vne Bignon and Mrs. Mildred J. amoun t ra i S cd was $ r On communion Sunday pastor, Rev. D. D. delivered two sermons to a pac jty audience. Two added. Thursday, August Rev. H. Clark, pastor of Grove will preach the Aid club’s first anniversary ser¬ mon, 8 p. m. Monday, 29, the Rev. Larry of Hermon will be guest ' ^ Tuesday, August 30 the Gospel I Chorus will have rehearsal; Sat- 1 urday, September 3 there will a motorcade to Hilton Beach sponsored by the Sun- day school. ii ; Hid * . Si V ; J'i. 11 .-,') I PLAN. One sure way • It. LlAfl ' -1 • ‘.i . / y ) 1 id | to keep Bud on hand I .U /] y, H (M refrigerator ■ 'oii i, is to check your h •»'.« > | fJ/A (nti to buy t U“* { \ HuRt j Low? Make a note I . f •* t » at 13uclwei8Cl* ( i n more * •. 'i;.W l? in i 1 i > buy the case. ibi u >c, : I | | i | | i | j , j j | | Where there’s Life... there s Bud. — NEWARK NEWARK • • 10S 10S ANGELES ANGI TAMPA ISAAC I). HIRSCH CO. DAVID H. HIRSCH. PRES. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS | St,word... BjjrJ of St. JURIES 4ME ( HutCn | During the absence of the | president. Mrs. Alice Simmons, ! the vice president. Mrs Pearl | Boston, was in chare# of the recent meeting of the Stewar¬ dess Board No. 1 of Sf James AME church. Song “I i t II m tip.” was led by Mrs. Fo-'sio Oojnhin: nrayet bv Mr: ii.illie Garvin followed by 'Jnghvt “I Prayed and I Prayed.” led by Mrs. Iciania Williams. Mrs. Hallie Garvin was hos¬ tess to the group at the home of Mrs. Mnry Tv.son, HI 5 Vine st reet with who n she resides. Mrs. Tvr >n raw an Jnspi-t- tlonal talk. A delicious r'”i t was served bv the host^s:. Members present were Mrs. I Hallie Garvin. Mrs. Be do On|- phln, Mrs. pearl Bo inn, Mrs. ! Tdonia Williams, treasurer: and j j Mirs. Annie B Eason, secretary, Rev. B. C. Carswell j.s pastor 1 of the St. James AME church, _______ . . Shilnh BahK Chi’rrh Sunday. August 28 will lie oh-, served ns llomeenpiina Dnv ;■' , gntioh Bvipii t c.havch. Rev. G. W. Carter, pn.rtoft will preach a snccial sermon at 3 n. m. jgext week the pastor will goj f 0 jTemnstend. N. Y.. to p 'ik ,, t . the Union Hanlj.cliur-h. JTe will attend the National | Baptist Convcnt'on before re- to city. . turning the | Papist Ushers Uuiuu : The Ushers Union met Mon¬ day night with President Jack son in , barge. The monthly program of the union will be held on Wednesday night. Aug 124 at 8 o’clock at Bolton St. i Baptist Church. Rev. W. N. i Robinson, pastor. W. Day at Mt. labor -hi rch Simdgy A Men’s Dav program will be at Mt Tabor Baptist Sunday. August 29. The guest speaker for the 11:30 a. m. services will he Prof. L. Lacy, principal o! Central School, Sylvania, Ga. Tiie 8 p rn. services will fea¬ ture Prof. C, A. Devillars, prin- e r 1 of 'Todd-Grant High Darien, Ga, j. Green is enavrman of the urn mi and L. Tolbert i- co- ! . hi i 1 . Rev. Lunar Kelley , , | or Ccmor , Temow <? The quarterly conference held at Connor’s Temple on las' Tin day night. The me. vex for last Sunday were delivered bv Rev. W. W. Whit and a 13 year old boy of Florida, Rolley Flow- The Oloverton Gospel cf Washington, D. c render an all dav mu deal at. the church next Aug. 28. ',v ? sts To Meet f 'e *r Orleans NEW Of.M.M \NS, ( ANP1 Ti e i iv’ ' ('- inn of No-| H ;» p t i - f Convention of j iyv ' ir \ 'P VrlV ’ 7-11. j *( SI. .fn' n fn-Ct*i!'orml Hipti I | Unreh. Rev. \V. E. Hnus.wy is I t pnsfor. I According to Hr. Ifatissey, who • the (hneral ehninnan of the: SMART PKOI’I/K (iKT THAT IJFTTKR KKKL1NG > !■■) AT , i-th ClilROfRACTIC HEALTH CENTLR nut. .1-09I9 tah. Hill H. si FIHOAI) Al) n IA (Next to Savannah Tribune) PACE S*VE* ™’~JZSTtfK ielegation in the history of the convention. p, v p p fvttaway, of Little- u,« k, Arkansas president of the national body, has issued a cifij/to the entire constituency. ., '( Hr. IVtUivu.v will be assisted '•y his vice presidents in presiding tiie e ions. They Include Dr. J. ( Sam , Jacksonville, Fla. l t d, viei l.o president, An ■el"', and 2nd vine Dr. B. presi- p. !• dent. , mb* , I The auiilbny I*.,lie* thgtuwill " " i at the same tfcne are in* S- 'dor Women’.' 1 Auxiliary, Hr. (. A. H. Fuller, Austin, T«.xp,«, >>r< idi t.; Junior Women’* fiUV- : i , , . m uaui* i.. k. wmiaps, Alexandria, ).a. president; T^e iliothoihood ilniun, Ira C^rk, Ilou Hu* Y,.utU ton, Texas, '’onveution, president, Key. «j*d ri t L. Cltew, (i.ikhiud, Calif., pres- 0 dint. o I ii VI lij Haighbors l id, aid ; • m m* F I * “ is a Ma-lt-your* bit If fan in everything pir’iing up a checkl" hV ----.... ----- 4 ».*